Types of search queries: long tail, low-frequency, mid-frequency and high-frequency queries. Search frequency, high-frequency and low-frequency queries

/ Date: 2014-07-30 at 22:35

Hello everyone friends. In this article I will tell you what LF, MF and HF are, how these letters are generally deciphered in the SEO environment and how frequency is generally determined.

The topic of website promotion touches on many important points that every novice webmaster should be familiar with. One of these points is keywords, which are an important component of every website.

Keywords, also called keywords by some webmasters, are words and phrases that users typically type into a search engine to find information on a given topic.

I have mentioned them several times in previous articles, introducing you to the basics of SEO, so it’s time to tell you about keywords in more detail, teaching you how to work with them.

Why is it important to optimize your articles for KS?

I also talked about how the site should be optimized for key queries. Each site has a lot of pages, this includes the main page, sections of the site, as well as articles posted in these sections, and all of them must be optimized for a certain key.

Let's stop at this point and try to understand why it is so important to optimize all content on the site for certain keywords. I'll try to explain this with a specific example.

Let's say you have a site on a construction topic, on which there is an article “How to build a house from bricks”, optimized for this key. In this article you describe in detail the process of building a house.

Will the user receive an answer to their question? Yes. And now the situation is different. The same article, optimized for the same key, but talking about some company engaged in the construction of brick houses.

Will the user receive an answer to his question in this case? No, and most likely he will immediately close your site, and the reason for this will be an incorrectly selected keyword. And then search engines, noticing that visitors have no interest in this article, will conclude that your article has no place in the TOP, lowering it in the search results.

It is for this reason that you need to wisely select keywords for each article on the site. Therefore, try to write articles for certain key queries and reveal the whole essence of this issue.

Also, you should not optimize an article for several keywords at once, as this will not achieve anything. Select 1-2 key queries, but related to the content of your article, and that will be enough.

What types of key queries exist (LF, MF, HF), how they are deciphered and how they differ from each other.

I also already said that keywords can be classified into low frequency, mid-frequency And high frequency.

High-frequency queries (HF) include the most popular queries that are searched by a large number of users. Let me give you an example. The key phrase “do-it-yourself construction” is a high-frequency search. It does not contain any specifics and is for informational purposes only on this topic.

The keyword “building a house with your own hands” can be classified as a mid-frequency (MF) query. This query is more clarifying, but far fewer people are searching for this query.

If users want to get more specific information, they enter low-frequency questions (LF), for example, the key phrase “building a brick house with your own hands.”

The differences between each of these types of keys are obvious: the lower the frequency of the request, the less competition, and the shorter the key, the higher its frequency.

As for articles, as a rule they are written for low-frequency queries, since the main goal of each article is to give the user specific information on an issue of interest to him.

Mid-frequency keys can be used to optimize sections of a site, since they clarify in more detail what issue the section is devoted to, but still do not provide specifics. Well, high-frequency keys, in turn, can be used to optimize the home page, telling search engines and visitors the topic of your site.

And to make it more clear to you, I drew the following diagram for clarity:

How to determine frequency using Wordstat yandex and Allpositions

The next thing I would like to tell you about is determining the frequency of keywords. This is necessary in order to select the most frequent queries for your site. I will tell you how to determine the frequency of keywords using the example of services such as Wordstat yandex and Allpositions.

Let's start with wordstat. I enter the keyword I'm interested in and see the following:

Many beginners believe that the number 38565 is the frequency of this key. But this is not so, and Wordstat just downloaded general statistics for all keywords in which this phrase appears. To find out the exact frequency of our request, you need to put it in quotes:

The number 112 is the real frequency of this key. At first glance, it would seem that a high-frequency request in reality turns out to be completely different. In this way, you can filter out keywords when compiling a semantic core.

It will also be possible to sample by region if you are promoting a site in a specific area or city.

Now let's move on to the service Allpositions. In fact, this service is designed to check the position of your site in the PS, but you can also find out the frequency there. First you will need to register.

I will not dwell on this step, since registration is quite simple. After registering and logging in, you will be asked to create a project:

Enter your site's address in the URL field and click add. After this you will need to create a report:

This will not cause you any difficulties. There you will need to once again enter the site address, select the search engines and regions under which the site will be promoted and set the time at which positions will be checked. After the report is compiled, you need to add the keywords by which the site is promoted:

Enter the keys you collected and add them. After this, you will see this sign in front of you:

In fact, there is another column in which keywords are written, but since I used them from my site, I will not advertise them. Wait a while for the report to update, after which statistics for each keyword will appear in front of you:

So the frequency column displays the frequency of each key.

How to correctly use query languages ​​in Wordstat yandex

And the last thing I would like to talk about is the query languages ​​in Wordstat yandex. I already mentioned one of the query languages ​​above when talking about checking the frequency of a key query in wordstat, so I’ll start with it.

Quotes. They are needed to find out how many times a specific query was entered. Quotes help exclude other queries that contain your keyword. If you need to exclude a word and collect keywords that do not contain it, then this can be done using a minus sign. Note:

These are queries without a minus sign, but here’s how the statistics will change if you add it:

Since there is a minus request, then there is probably a plus request as well? Yes, indeed, there is such a query, and it is intended to ensure that queries with prepositions and conjunctions are taken into account in statistics:

As you can see, in the second case, only those requests that contain the phrase “for home” are displayed.

Another request is the exclamation mark “!”. It is necessary in order to select all requests that contain the key you need:

And the last of the operators in the query language is for grouping keywords. It is denoted by brackets “()” and a vertical bar “|” inside brackets between words:

That is, we made a request so that wordstat would give us keywords for the queries “home repair” and “house construction”.

So we have looked at everything that is important to know for working with keywords. I hope you find this article useful and that it will become much easier for you to select keywords for your site. Bye everyone and see you soon.

Sincerely Shkarbunenko Sergey

Promotion in competitive niches for high-frequency (HF) queries seems quite problematic, because requires a large budget and a lot of time. But there is a way out! Apply SEO promotion for low-frequency (LF) queries. This approach is especially relevant in light of the release of and. The main advantage of this method is that the results will come much earlier, and the conversion will be higher. And now about everything about this in more detail.

High and low frequency queries

To quickly feel the difference, let's look at an example. Imagine that you are the captain of a fishing boat. The waters you fish in are filled with different species of fish, from whales (high frequency queries) to other smaller fish (low frequency queries). Whale hunting is a rather dangerous and not always profitable business, but you can catch tons of small fish. Actually, your task is to expose yourself and your team to the least risk, to get the greatest catch in order to make the company profitable.

In addition, choosing a promotion strategy for LF does not mean at all that you need to abandon HF forever. Vice versa! When your site is promoted by a large number of NPs, it will automatically promote it and for more frequent requests, the main thing is to do it right linking.

What queries are low-frequency?

Usually, by typing in a long and detailed , the user is looking for something specific and such a request becomes. Here are some examples of low frequency queries:

  • buy a car honda cr-v 1999 in kaluga
  • vocal studio 3400 rubles per month Moscow
  • order Baikal omul in Irkutsk with free delivery

By defining their goal in this way, the user is more likely to complete the target action(), getting to the desired page of the site. Therefore, in this case, you need to structure the page so that it not only answers the request as accurately as possible, but also calls for a targeted action (leave a request, order now, etc.).

Promotion for low-frequency queries

This is actually the easiest part and is where it is recommended to start promoting your website. In order to advance on a low-frequency request, you do not need to purchase links or order articles. The only thing that is required from your site is a detailed and visual response with a picture (preferably a video) to an exact request from Yandex or Google. If the page gives a truly correct and detailed answer, then it will quickly appear in the TOP, which means it will receive a rating from the search engine, which can be redirected (using a link) to a site page that is promoted by HF.

A huge advantage of this strategy is that NPs promote themselves by providing a relevant and accurate response to the request. Thus, the basis is created for subsequent promotion in mid- and high-frequency queries. Also, thanks to low-frequency queries, you lay a broad semantic core, which, like a snowball, will increase site traffic.

Selection of low-frequency queries

How to select low-frequency queries? Include all low-frequency queries that you find through, as well as webmaster Yandex and Google. It is not necessary to create a separate unit of content for each request, because some are similar in meaning and can be combined on one page. For example, “non-standard plastic windows for a country house” This also includes queries such as “non-standard colored plastic windows for a country house” And “plastic windows of non-standard shape for a country house”. Such requests do not need to be distributed on different pages, but it is better to describe them on one page and include them in SEO headings.

If your site does not respond to such requests, then most likely, sooner or later, this will be implemented on the site Your competitor. Therefore, after reading this article, you will receive a head start of at least 6 months, of course, if you apply everything described above.


Create unique content a site that will respond to low-frequency queries. This will always bring new site visitors! If today the frequency of the request is only 1 time per month, then in a year it can be tens of times more! In addition, a larger number of pages on a site that are indexed by a search engine will give your resource more weight. In addition, this is the easiest way to promote your website and bring clients to your company, which even a beginner can handle!

I want to warn you right away: promoting high-frequency requests is significantly different from promoting “mid-rangers” and low-frequency ones - you will have to spend significant effort and money to get into the TOP. Forget about free promotion altogether, unless, of course, you are Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia.

What queries are considered high-frequency?

As you know, the frequency of a request determines its type: low-frequency, mid-frequency or high-frequency. However, for each topic, the numbers that determine the type of request vary greatly: the more competitive the topic, the lower the bar. For example, it is usually believed that high-frequency requests include requests with a frequency of more than 10 thousand per month. However, for commercial topics (sports, medicine, real estate, tourism), high-frequency requests can be considered those whose frequency is higher than 5-6 thousand per month.

Examples of high-frequency queries:

  • Download movies
  • How to create a website
  • Torrent tracker
  • Yandex

Promoting high-frequency queries, despite the initial erroneous impression, is very often unprofitable: yes, you get a large influx of visitors, but many of them will leave your site very quickly. In other words, with HF request traffic is not targeted. This is explained by the fact that the expectations (needs) of the user entering the HF key into the search engine are extremely unclear: it is difficult to understand what exactly interests the user. This is where difficulties arise: what information to place on the site to please visitors.

The second reason why it is not always good to promote on high-frequency channels is the high cost of promotion. Many sites are trying to promote themselves using high-frequency keywords, so the competition here is simply terrible, it’s simply unrealistic to get through for free. As a result, it turns out that promoting through low-frequency queries is even more profitable: for the same amount you get the same number of visitors, but more targeted ones than those coming from high-frequency queries.

Assessing high-frequency queries

Parser programs that increase the frequency of many queries become the main reasons for the appearance of garbage keys. But they can only affect low- and mid-frequency requests. And the effect on high-frequency speakers is almost imperceptible. This means that the frequency that is shown in Google or Adwords is more or less accurate.

You should only be wary of clearly untargeted requests, which are logos and slogans of popular sites (most often these are URL keys). These include:

Users typing these queries are interested in specific sites, and they will not visit other resources. Therefore, promotion using such keywords is ineffective.

Features of the promotion of high-frequency speakers

Promoting HF requests is a painstaking task. Immediately prepare yourself for the fact that promotion will take several months - you are unlikely to be able to get to the TOP sooner. And you shouldn’t try to promote young sites based on high-frequency queries - search engines simply won’t let them into the top.

When promoting, it is necessary to create a very competent and varied anchor list. Then this anchor list will need to be used for anchor and non-anchor promotion. At the same time, it is extremely important to choose the right sites on which links will be purchased, paying attention to:

  • TCI and PR of the main site;
  • PR of the page from which the link will be purchased;
  • Age of the site and page with the link;
  • The number of links originating from the page;
  • Quantity per page.

The more “body movements” you make, the more effective the promotion will be.

Also pay attention to the page being promoted (density of keys, amount of content, presence of subheadings and lists, etc.) - the more competently it is done, the greater the chance that you will be able to move to the TOP for a high-frequency request.

It has little effect on the promotion of HF requests, but it must be done!

Continuing the topic of analyzing search queries, it is necessary to mention high-frequency queries. It’s worth saying right away that website promotion for high-frequency queries is very different from promotion for low-frequency and mid-frequency queries.

To achieve success in promoting high-frequency keywords, you need to make a significant investment of money and do a lot of work. If you are not the owner of Wikipedia, Yandex, Google, then you may not even think about achieving results for free.

What are high frequency queries?

- This…

Many people probably already know that search queries can be

  • high frequency
  • mid-frequency
  • low frequency.

These search queries are different in that they have different numbers of hits on search engines. However, the number of requests per month is a rather arbitrary indicator. The number of impressions depends on many factors, such as subject matter, seasonality and much more.

The number of requests for high-frequency keywords usually starts from 10 thousand requests per month, but in commercial topics this figure drops to 5-6 thousand.

High-frequency queries can be very easily distinguished from other types of search queries. The number of requests for such “keys” significantly exceeds low-frequency and mid-frequency requests.

High Frequency Keywords usually consist of 1-2 words.

Examples of high-frequency queries:

  • Download music – 7,454,350 requests per month
  • Google – 14,019,598 searches per month
  • Torrent – ​​51,351,859 requests per month

Many people believe that promoting a website for high-frequency queries is very profitable and you can get a lot of traffic to your website. This statement is often wrong.

High-frequency queries lack specificity and users who enter a high-frequency query may enter the site and soon leave it because they did not find the necessary information. Due to the vagueness of high-frequency queries, it is difficult for webmasters to determine what information should satisfy the user.

The second main disadvantage of website promotion for high-frequency queries is high cost of promotion. The number of sites that want to get to the TOP for high-frequency queries is very large and the competition there is simply crazy. With such competition, the cost of website promotion will also be very high.

As a result of all these shortcomings It turns out that for the money spent on promoting one high-frequency query, you can promote the site for several mid- and low-frequency queries and get more interested users.

How to evaluate high-frequency queries?

Analyze high-frequency queries It’s not that simple and it’s very difficult to give any specific advice. The inflated indicators of the number of requests by parsers are practically not felt on site traffic. Therefore, the data from Yandex Wordstat and Google Adwords are more or less true. When analyzing, you should only be wary of those queries that are aimed at searching for a specific site.

You should not add queries like:

  • Yandex,
  • YouTube,
  • Wikipedia, etc.

Website promotion for high-frequency queries– it’s a painstaking and very difficult task. It is worth understanding that website promotion for these requests will take at least 2-3 months. Promoting young sites for high-frequency queries is completely pointless. Search engines will not consider young sites as candidates for the TOP of search results.

Before promoting a website for high-frequency search queries, it is necessary to develop the most diverse and competent list of anchors.

An anchor list must be used for both anchor and non-anchor promotion.

It is worth spending a lot of time analyzing the sites where you plan to place external links to the site. The donor site must have high TIC and PR indicators (the overall PR of the site and the individual page on which the link will be placed). Also, when choosing a site, you need to take into account: the age of the site, the number of visitors, the uniqueness of the text on the page, the number of links on the page.

To achieve success in website promotion for high-frequency queries, it is necessary to use not only link promotion, but also

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Selection of low-frequency queries for the site: identification marks

Before describing the stages of low-frequency promotion, we will look at what they are. These are queries that include more than 2 words that are requested in the search engine line less frequently than high-frequency queries. It is much more difficult to promote the project using them. By “more difficult” we mean more expensive and longer in time. These are all highly specialized requests that best characterize the needs of each consumer. Optimizing for them involves promoting a fairly large number of pages, each of which is tailored to one promoted query.

Examples of low frequency words

You can determine whether an option is high-frequency, mid-frequency or low-frequency using the well-known Yandex WordStat service. After specifying the desired region, enter the required keyword combination. You will see the total amount of impressions per month for it.

For example, let’s take the word “stairs” - 556, 200 impressions per month in the Russia region, and “production of stairs” only 1,350 per month, also in Russia. If we select “production of oak stairs”, we will get an even smaller quantity (only 5 per month). The fewer impressions, the more highly specialized the request.

Advantages of low-frequency promotion

Now let's focus on the positives. This:

  • Fast and stable. You need to promote a young website using rarely encountered expressions. Since to bring it to the TOP for high- and mid-frequency options, you need to adhere to the parameters that are necessary for the general ranking algorithm of the Yandex PS. Traffic promotion of a website for low-frequency queries when reaching the TOP gives good results, as well as the trust of search engines.
  • Step-by-step investment of your funds. There is no need to invest large sums of money right away. Initially, you can limit yourself to small financial injections.
  • Long-term results. If you promoted a project using certain words, it will not lose its position for a long time.
  • By promoting your website, you fill it with unique, competent content for people. This means that potential visitors will not just visit the resource, but will also stay on it. They will be interested in learning new information on the site.
  • Targeted quality traffic. You will spend a minimum of effort and will be able to see the results of your work soon. By wisely selecting low-frequency queries and optimizing the page, you will receive fairly decent traffic, which will consist of targeted visitors.

If we talk about the disadvantages of website promotion with low-frequency queries, then:

  • Low-frequency promotion often requires changing the structure of the site: it will be necessary to create new pages and subsections on the project.
  • The process of collecting a low-frequency semantic core will take a lot of time.
  • You will need a lot of high-quality and unique content, which takes time (if it is written by a full-time content manager) and money (if it is written by a third-party freelancer). But it is worth noting that in any case, the financial costs of promoting for low-frequency queries will be much less than for high-frequency ones.

When can we expect the first results? After the first text update of search engines, that is, after about 2-3 weeks.

In what cases is it profitable to promote using this method?

For example:

  • The company has many services and products that do not overlap each other - online stores.
  • The target audience of the site is users who have decided on their needs.
  • The resource that is being promoted is already located in the first positions of search engines in the mid- and high-frequency search engines. Now we need to increase the flow of visitors.
  • You need to save your budget.

Due to the fairly large volume of text and the presence of keywords on the topic, the search engine on your page begins to generate a large number of phrases with the presence of keywords. Additional phrases are being formed. It is impossible to predict how many impressions will be shown. There are a lot of them.

How to select low-frequency queries

  1. The selection of low-frequency queries for the site begins with hints from Yandex and Google
  2. The well-known Yandex service Wordstat - wordstat.yandex
  3. Pastukhov's databases - there are words here that you will not find in Wordstat.

How to promote low-frequency queries

Consider that we have successfully completed the selection of low-frequency queries, and now all that remains is to advance to the TOP 10. Even though you won’t need a lot of money, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. After all, for each request you will need to create a separate page, write text for it, write meta tags and develop competent linking on the site.
So, how to promote low-frequency queries and what is needed for this:

  • High-quality SEO texts;
  • Internal linking;
  • Keywords in title, description, h1.
  • To increase natural link juice, it is ideal to add several high-quality inbound links to the pages you promote. This will help you reach the TOP faster.

In conclusion, I would like to say that website promotion using low-frequency impressions is an excellent opportunity to attract a large number of visitors to the resource in the shortest possible time, save money, and start earning money. This is a profitable, proven method.

If you still have any questions, you can contact SEMANTICA specialists who will help solve them. Good luck!