Double click check online. Checking mouse operation online. Testing gaming mice

As they say, everything simple is brilliant, this statement can be applied to the next speed game. No, here you don’t need to think about anything, or solve any problems, or have time to answer the questions posed. The main thing is to press the mouse button, and the faster you do this, the greater your chances of getting more clicks. The developers give you ten seconds to do everything about everything, no more, no less, so you’ll have to seriously hurry up, but not to the point of cramps in your fingers. It seemed to us that the game would get boring quickly enough, because the task was monotonous and there was basically no plot as such, but this was wrong. The very idea of ​​the game is very funny, it just makes you smile and that’s all.

How to play?

Ready to get started? As soon as you start the process, start clicking very quickly, but only on the field with the cursor that appears. For each click you will be credited with one dollar, and for one hundred dollars you can unlock a new type of pointer, such as a butterfly, a blot, a sniper scope, and so on. After the ten seconds are up, your money is not burned and the next time you play, it simply accumulates. As soon as you have enough money, go to the store. By the way, during a new game the click sound will be different from the previous one, but, unfortunately, you cannot change it.

Here you can play the online game "Click Speed ​​Test" for free.

In online shooters, the most important thing depends on the sensitivity of the mouse: accuracy and speed of aiming. Thanks to the ability to fine-tune gaming mice, players can customize the mouse and start a career as a professional fighter in their favorite game.

An insurmountable obstacle that can get in the way is a lack of understanding of the terms associated with setting up a mouse and not knowing which settings will be optimal for you. There are no standard mouse sensitivity settings for online shooters, but we will try to highlight the key features and recommendations for them. This assumes you have a gaming mouse. Otherwise, you will not be able to get a real continuation of the hand. Setting up a mouse is carried out in several stages, all of which complement each other.

Install the latest version of IntelliPoint software

Anti-aliasing, a kind of “lag cursor”. Spiral painting is done correctly, but unfortunately you are only testing for the presence of a prediction, with the test being used primarily to detect the phenomenon of jitter, which is a kind of blurring of the cursor.

Raise Distance: How high the mouse can be raised and still be visible - lower values ​​are usually required. With its unusual backlit design that illuminates the entire mouse through dangerous lightning, it becomes the centerpiece of every gaming desk. Simply tap to change the resolution setting for faster speeds and greater accuracy.

1) Sensitivity and acceleration settings in Windows

We need in the mouse properties (Start -> Control Panel -> Mice) set the pointer movement speed slider to the middle (Pointer Options tab) and disable the increased accuracy of setting the indicator so that Windows does not in any way affect the movement speed and does not allow the manipulator to skip pixels. This completes the mouse setup in the operating system.

Higher strength and better control

There are also built-in forward and backward buttons, as well as an adjustable focus button to ensure you never miss a beat.

Ergonomic design for comfortable gaming

Exceptionally precise control and smooth movement.

Setup with simple software

The purpose of this test is not to determine whether the manufacturing laboratory manufactured it correctly, that is, whether it meets all standards and contains the correct location.

2) Configuring the mouse via software

It's time to move on to the most important part of setting up a mouse - adjusting sensitivity through the software that comes with the device. As an example, the author of the article uses a gaming mouse Razer DeathAdder Chroma. To configure this mouse, use the program Razer Synapse. The most important thing for us is to adjust the DPI characteristic (how many points on the screen the mouse will pass when moving an inch on the mousepad) and again disable all kinds of software acceleration (we don’t need to skip pixels when moving the mouse). Of course, everyone chooses the DPI based on personal preferences, but this can get confusing.

Using the program is very simple. We are not responsible for any damages resulting from the malfunction of the programs or their incorrect use. There is no access to other web pages than the one in which the dialer is programmed, setting the main page in which the program is programmed in the dialer, even if you change the browser settings in the lower right corner of the screen, a pop-up window appears with a large number of pop-ups, most often with adult content, default to premium number. When you make a call using an access number other than the preset dial, network resources become unavailable. It effectively protects against unauthorized phone calls as defined by the user.

For online shooters, it is recommended to use a low DPI value: in most cases it will do 800 DPI. Professional players use an even smaller value, but this may seem too inconvenient if you are not used to it. The lower the DPI value, the more you need to move the mouse to get from edge to edge of the screen. Therefore, a lower value means more accurate and accurate shooting, but more complex control. The higher the DPI, the less you need to move the mouse, but too high a value can make the game completely impossible - the crosshair will twitch, and precise aiming will cause inconvenience and even strain. There is an opinion among inexperienced players that the higher the DPI of a mouse, the better. This is a misconception if we take into account playing online shooters.

Contains many templates and wizards that allow you to work with multiple documents simultaneously

You can save in it. everything is checked, map, rating. This is a two-dimensional graphics program that includes a program for coloring ready-made images and creating drawings yourself. The entire program is controlled using the mouse. Music is fun. Maybe, among other things, check syntax, find and replace phrases, have a built-in table and frame wizard. Notepad 4 is an effective Polish replacement for Notepad. It includes much more functionality than a standard notepad.

It’s good if the mouse settings in the supplied software allow you to separately change the DPI on both the X and Y axis. We recommend trying to reduce the DPI on the Y axis relative to the X axis by 30-50 percent. In my case, I managed to find an interesting combination 800x500 and 800x600. After all, in fact, vertical mouse movement in online shooters is done less frequently and not as intensely as horizontal movement. In addition, this will prevent sudden sharp movements of the camera up or down (if the mouse was accidentally moved).

Changes any number of filenames from uppercase to lowercase, or vice versa

We have found that manufacturers often exaggerate the performance of their equipment. The specifications are very high or tricks are used in the form of interpolation. The exact parameters are rarely displayed on the packages, and when they are, they are basic ones, such as resolution and number of images recognized per second. Thanks to the research described in this article, we were able to test the actual capabilities of the equipment.

Also, if your mouse supports several DPI settings and switching between them while playing with a button, then you can safely experiment and enter different values ​​to determine the optimal one. As a result, your mouse will have settings built into it that will work the same on any computer. You can't achieve this without using a gaming mouse. This is why in eSports it is common to come to lans with your own devices.

The tool kit can be loaded from the rack. However, before we get to proper tests, we need to prepare the environment to actually display mouse movements. To do this, disable any hardware and system acceleration. We enter the mouse properties and we set the "Select Speed" slider in the center and deselect the "Increase pointer precision" option.

  • Depending on the driver, it should look something like this.
  • We will receive a message indicating that your computer requires a restart.
  • Test transmitting mouse frequency data using a mouse to the port.
You can compare the results with the results of other programs.

3) Adjusting mouse sensitivity inside the game

In almost every online shooter you can make additional adjustments to mouse sensitivity. Moreover, this can usually be done both for shooting from the hip and for shooting through the sight. You should select these values ​​after you have charged your gaming mouse with the settings from the first and second steps. A good step is to check your hotkeys for changes to mouse sensitivity while in-game. Typically these are the "[" and "]", "" or "-" and "+" keys. You should not ignore these settings. No professional player will play with standard settings, especially since most often they speed up the mouse or do anti-aliasing (you should definitely turn that off too).

The test involves scanning the cursor over the testing area of ​​the application. This involves moving the mouse horizontally with the left key held down and seeing if the mouse loses pixels. When we lose one or two pixels, it means the device has programmable interpolation.

Disable mouse acceleration

We do this in a 3D environment. We do a quick mouse move and observe that the object doesn't appear to be in a completely different direction than we expected. If so, we are dealing with accelerated acceleration. The next test is a slow move. We remember the stretch we took with the mouse and repeat the movement. When in both cases we see that the character in the game did the same thing - super, the mouse has no primary acceleration.

It is also recommended to get a large play mat. In my case, I managed to get a mat from the same Razer (Razer Goliathus Speed ​​Large). You shouldn't be skeptical about such a rug, but you can save money by purchasing a cheaper model. This will give you room for maneuver - you won’t have to huddle on a small patch, and, given that we try to lower DPI in online shooters, you will have to move the mouse intensively. In addition, such mats will last a long time.

Where to get HL

You can download the latest version of HL using the universal installer:

Setting up the game

The very first thing you need to do after installation is set up the game. The sooner you start playing with normal settings, the faster the learning will go.

Create a shortcut

  • Right-click on the hl.exe file and select "Send to -> Desktop Shortcut".

Disable mouse acceleration

  1. Shutdown in HL
    • Right-click on the created shortcut (on the desktop) and select properties.
    • In the "Object" field, add the following at the end (after the quotes, if any, and separated by a space): -noforcemparms . It should look something like this:

      "C:\Games\Half-Life\hl.exe" -noforcemparms

  2. Disable in Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server
    • Download
    • Run MouseAccelOFF.reg and agree to be added to the registry. (To return the settings back, run MouseAccelON.reg. But you won’t need it.)
    • Reboot the computer (or end the session).
  3. Mouse drivers
    • If you installed drivers for the mouse and they have a control panel, check if there is an option for mouse acceleration and disable it.

Creating a config

Read about the config device in this article: config.

Setting the video mode

Launch the game, open Options, select the Video tab and select OpenGL in the Renderer field. The vast majority of players use OpenGL.
I also recommend setting the Resolution to 640x480 (for non-widescreen monitors). Most pro players play at 640x480. Explaining “why” is more difficult than in the OpenGL version. Most likely, this dates back to when computers were weak and could not produce acceptable FPS at high resolutions. But even in our times, modern processors are not able to produce a lot of FPS in games on the HL1 engine: Dependence of FPS on the computer.

Setting up and testing the mouse

Sensitivity Setting

A small digression about mouse drivers: I would advise not to use the included drivers, because you will get used to them, and there may not be an opportunity to install them elsewhere (for example, in a gaming club).
Setting up a mouse involves selecting the sensitivity that is optimal for you. If you have a mouse with the ability to switch sensitivity (using a button or in the drivers), then set the sensitivity here to minimum.

Measuring the ratio of degrees to centimeters:

  • run HL
  • move the mouse exactly to the right until the sight returns to the same point (it is desirable that the sight moves in a horizontal plane, without strong deviations) (if you have mouse acceleration enabled, then the movement should be done slowly)
  • measure how far the mouse has traveled.

The resulting value shows how many centimeters the mouse must travel for the player’s view to turn 360 degrees.
General recommendation for setting: set the sensitivity so that a 360 rotation takes up as many centimeters as possible. The reason is that reduced sensitivity allows for better aiming at long and medium distances. As a guide, I'll say that PRO players can use 20 to 30 centimeters of 360 degrees (possibly more).

Determine the space available for the mouse to move (horizontally) - the size of the rug, the working surface of the table. For example, it will be equal to 30 centimeters. In this case, adjust the rotation to 360 degrees in 20-25 centimeters. Those. so that the rotation in the entire available space is about 450 degrees. It may be very unusual at first, but it makes sense to increase sensitivity if it doesn’t work out at all. It may take a long time (weeks) to get used to, so be patient.

Mouse sensitivity in HL is adjusted using CVARa sensitivity. Example:

Checking the Mouse's Fitness

Checking for lack of acceleration
  • run HL
  • create a server (Create Server)
  • hover your mouse over a point in the horizontal plane (in simpler terms: look straight ahead)
  • mark the place where the mouse stands (on the table, carpet)
  • move the mouse to the right fast, for example, 100-200 degrees (it is desirable that the sight moves in a horizontal plane, without strong deviations)
  • move the mouse to the left slowly, until the sight returns to the same point
  • if the mouse returns to the marked place (approximately), then there is no acceleration.

A computer mouse is one of the key peripheral devices and performs the function of entering information. You perform clicks, selections and other actions, which allows you to carry out normal control of the operating system. You can check the functionality of this equipment using special web services, which will be discussed below.

There are a large number of resources on the Internet that allow you to analyze your computer mouse for double clicks or sticking. In addition, there are other tests, for example, checking speed or hertz. Unfortunately, the format of the article does not allow us to consider them all, so we will focus on the two most popular sites.

Method 1: Zowie

The Zowie company produces gaming devices, and most users know them as one of the leading developers of gaming mice. On the company's official website there is a small application that allows you to track the speed of the device in Hertz. The analysis is carried out as follows:

In this simple way, with the help of a small program from the Zowie company, you can determine whether the mouse Hz indicated by the manufacturer corresponds to reality.

Method 2: UnixPapa

On the UnixPapa website you can perform a different kind of analysis, which is responsible for clicking mouse buttons. It will allow you to find out if there are any sticking, double clicks or random activations. Testing is carried out on this web resource as follows:

  1. Follow the link above to be taken to the testing page. Click on the link here "Click here to test" the button you want to check.
  2. LMB is designated as 1 , however the value "Button"0 . In the corresponding panel you will see a description of the actions. "Mousedown"- the button is pressed, "Mouseup"- returned to its original position, "Click"- a click was made, that is, the main action of the LMB.
  3. Regarding the parameter "Buttons", the developer does not provide any explanation for the meanings of these buttons and we were unable to determine them. It only explains that when you press several buttons, these numbers are added up and one line with a number is displayed. If you want to learn more about how this and other parameters are calculated, check out the documentation from the author by clicking on the following link:

  4. As for pressing the wheel, it has the designation 2 And "Button"- 1, but does not perform any main action, so you will only see two entries.
  5. RMB differs only in the third line "ContextMenu", that is, the main action is to call the context menu.
  6. Additional buttons, for example, side buttons or switching DPI by default also do not have any main action, which is why you will see only two lines.
  7. You can press several buttons simultaneously and information about this will be displayed immediately.
  8. Delete all rows from the table by clicking the link "Click here to clear".

As you can see, on the UnixPapa website you can quite simply and quickly check the functionality of all the buttons on a computer mouse, and even an inexperienced user can understand the principle of operation.

This brings our article to its logical conclusion. We hope that the information presented above was not only interesting, but also useful, showing you a description of the process of testing a mouse through online services.