Recovering a forgotten VKontakte login and password. I forgot my email password. How to recover your login and password

The social network Odnoklassniki is extremely popular in Russia and the CIS countries. The site provides the opportunity to communicate with friends through private messages, leave posts on the wall and receive feedback on them, upload personal photos and leave comments on other people's pictures.

Anyone can register on the Odnoklassniki website absolutely free of charge. During registration, you must remember the email address to which your profile and password are registered, since this data is required for further login to your account. Otherwise, it is impossible to log into Odnoklassniki if you have forgotten your login and password. Don't despair, as this data can be recovered.

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Password recovery

In the event that the user does not remember the login and password, it is necessary

  • Launch an Internet browser.
  • Go to
  • On the right side of the screen, under the form for entering your login and password, click on the “Forgot your password?” button.
  • Enter the email address or phone number associated with the page and click on the “Continue” button.
  • Enter the code that will be received as an SMS message to your phone and click on the “Confirm” button.
  • Create a new password and click on the “Continue” button.

Separately, it should be noted that you can use a phone number or email address as a login.

Problems with recovery

If for some reason you cannot restore access to your Odnoklassniki page, you must contact support. To do this, you need to go to the official website of the social network and click on the “Forgot your password?” button, which can be found on the right side of the page. After this, you need to click on “Contact support”. On the page you need to find the “Login and Password” item, and then select the “I can’t restore access to my profile” section. In this section, you need to click on the “Support Contact Form” link. After the page opens, it is necessary to fill in all the necessary data - login on the site (if the user remembers it), the first and last name specified in the profile, date of birth, city, email address or telephone number that are linked to the page, link to the profile, email for communication and a description of the problem that has arisen. After all the data is filled in, you must click the “Send message” button.

As soon as the site administration reviews the application, you will receive detailed instructions on how to restore access by email. Problems with access may arise because the user enters incorrect data (email address or phone number) or due to hacking of a personal account. In any case, the site administration will try to solve the problem. However, if it is still not possible to restore access, the user will need to create a new page, and all data that was stored on the previous account will be lost. That is why it is strongly recommended to save passwords and logins in a separate document or write them down on a piece of paper. You should also create sufficiently complex passwords so that attackers cannot hack your personal account.

In the modern world of computer technology, there are practically no people who do not have a personal email account. Moreover, many people have several such electronic mailboxes (e-mails) that they use for work and personal purposes. There are many different services for creating mail, and you can create an unlimited number of mailboxes.

Sometimes it happens (especially if a person is registered on many different servers) that the mail login is forgotten.

Login is your name or nickname, a combination of symbols, letters or numbers that you entered when registering on a particular service. If you forget one of the login or password lines, you will not have access to your mail. Let's figure out how to restore your login and access to your email inbox.

Restoring mail

  1. During the process of registering a mailbox on a particular resource (, Google,, etc.), an additional email address is requested for security purposes. With its help, you can later recover lost data, be it a login or password. After making a request for restoration, you will receive a letter with the data you are interested in. All you have to do is go to the website of the mail (from which you forgot your login), click on the “Recover” button, then click “Forgot your login or password” or “Help” and request a letter with your data, simply following the instructions. In this case, the service can proceed in two ways:
    • send you the forgotten login and password to another email address;
    • send a letter with a link to reset your password (the login will remain the same and will be indicated in the letter).
  2. You can also ask your family and friends with whom you communicated by mail to remind you of it (for example, dictate it over the phone).
  3. It is also possible on some servers to restore access using a mobile phone. To do this, after clicking the help or recovery button, enter your mobile phone in the requested line, and you will be sent your data in a message.

To protect against intruders and unauthorized access to your mailbox, the administration of most services sends a verification code to your cell number to access the resource. But to do this, you need to have a phone number that was previously linked (and verified) to your mailbox. In some cases you may have to specify this too.

It’s clear what to do if you forgot the password for your email account. But what to do if your email login is lost? Such cases happen often and many do not know what to do. After all, there is no special button here, as in the case of a password. Let's look at how you can regain access to forgotten mail.

Unfortunately, did not provide the possibility of restoring a forgotten login. And even the fact that during registration you linked your account to a phone number will not help you regain access to your mail. Therefore, if you are faced with such a situation, then try the following.

Method 1: Contact your friends

Register a new mailbox, no matter what. Then think about who you've been texting lately. Write to these people and ask them to send you the address from which you sent the letters.

Method 2: Check the sites where you registered

You can also try to remember which services you registered with using this address and look in your personal account. Most likely, the form will indicate which email you used when registering.

Method 3: Saved Password in Browser

The last option is to check if you have saved your email password in your browser. Since in such a situation not only it, but also the login is always saved, you will be able to view both of them. You will find detailed instructions for viewing your password and, accordingly, login in all popular web browsers in the articles at the links below - just click on the name of the browser you use and where you save your login data to sites.

Read more: View saved passwords in.

Yandex Mail is one of the most popular modern mail services, not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries, which means it allows millions of people to stay in touch. But if after a while you forget your login or password, all valuable information (letters, contacts) will be inaccessible.

Since it is very difficult to remember the login details on your own, there is a special procedure for restoring access to the mailbox. Let's take a closer look at how to do this.

Resuming Yandex Mail: problems and solutions

Problem #1. I do not remember the password.

At first glance, it seems that restoring access to mail is almost impossible - unless you remember your data. However, here the developers, who theoretically should not provide login information to anyone, met the users halfway.

At least on your home computer, the service in the “Passport” section under the “Login or e-mail” column can display yours if you recently logged in from the same computer. In this case, you just need to use the hint, enter the captcha and click the “Next” button.

The picture below shows that Yandex remembers the user’s username.

Problem #2. I forgot my login.

If even the resource itself has forgotten the nickname, there is only one way out - contact your friends with whom you kept in contact via mail and ask for the email address from which they received letters from you. Access to a remote mailbox from someone else's computer can only be obtained in this way.

Important! You always have the opportunity to contact the technical support service of the mail service, and specialists will find your username in the system.

Problem #3. Binding to mobile.

Sometimes situations arise in which the user may enter the number incorrectly without first checking its correctness or simply forget it.

Luckily, there is a solution for this problem. Firstly, enter the phone number in the international format and nothing else: country code – operator code – mobile number. Secondly, mail should be linked to several contacts at once, including mobile and other mailboxes.

This is necessary in order to write and respond to letters at any time, use the address book, without fear of being hacked by scammers. However, you can still resume access to your account only using the main one.

Note! If your cell phone was lost along with the SIM card, it is recommended to immediately contact technical support for telephone subscribers.

Actually, it is proposed to link the Yandex account to the phone in order to always be able to easily and quickly restore input data. You will need to perform the following manipulations:

  • on the “Phone Numbers” page, indicate your number and click the “Add” button;
  • you should receive a confirmation code on your mobile phone, which you need to write in the appropriate column;
  • enter your account password;
  • click “Confirm”.

Ways to recover your password on Yandex

Have you forgotten your Yandex email password? There are three ways in which you can log into your account, provided that the link has been and has not previously been deleted:

  • answer to security question;
  • SMS message to mobile phone;
  • by sending a letter with a code to another mailbox you specify.

The easiest way is to use a verification question. It’s paradoxical, but even the simplest question, the answer to which seems obvious during the registration process, can fly out of your head, and the user will not be able to give the correct answer.

Often the cause of the error is an incorrect keyboard layout or differences in spelling. Make sure that the letters “e” and “e” are not confused - the dots are of great importance in this situation. Therefore, try different input options, change the layout if necessary.

If this does not help, linking to a cell phone will help you return the deleted password. You will need to enter your phone number and enter the received code from SMS into the form. This way you will have access to your personal account again.

The return of deleted contact information through a spare box looks similar. The principle of operation is standard - you will receive a notification to the alternative e-mail specified during registration.

The worst can happen if the owner of the box has left no escape routes for himself, and there is simply nowhere else to send the information. Then you should write to technical support. If you are an unauthorized user (you did not provide real data when registering), it is by no means a fact that the support service will be able to provide assistance. You still have to prove that you are not a fraudster. Otherwise, all that remains is to remember what has been forgotten.


You can almost always restore access to your account, although in some situations it is quite difficult. There are several ways to restore access, and if you still managed to do it yourself, it is advisable to immediately go to the “Yandex. Passport" and increase the number of reliable bindings. Also do not forget that if you previously deleted your account, then in this case you will not be able to restore it instantly.

Hello, friends! When creating your Google account, for example, registering in Gmail or the Play Market on your smartphone, you filled out the necessary form, indicating your username, login, password, phone number and much more. Even if the combination of characters used to enter was not complex and memorable, it would still be necessary to write it down somewhere: on a piece of paper, in a notepad, or in a Word file on the computer. But since you are reading this article, you didn’t do that. Perhaps you didn’t plan to log out of your account, but the situation might not have depended on you, say, you had to reset your phone to factory settings.

In general, no matter what happens, let’s now look at how to recover your Google account password in various ways. Let me note right away that if you do not have access to it on a phone with the Android operating system, these instructions will also work for you. We will do the entire recovery procedure on a computer through a browser, preferably Google Chrome, and after you come up with a new combination, you can go to any Google service on your smartphone or tablet: Drive, Play Store and others.

The main thing: do not forget to write down your username and password in a place where you can always look at it!!! You can also add the phone number specified in your profile and a backup email address there.

Note! Try to answer all the questions that will be asked to you. If you can't remember the correct answer, try to guess. The more information you provide, the faster access will be restored. Also try to complete the entire procedure in the place where you most often visit your account: at home, at the institute, at work. Use your usual device, your phone or PC.

Using old password

Open the Chrome browser (or the one you usually use) on your computer and on the main Google search page, click the “Login” button to log in to your account.

Then enter your login - this is either a phone number or email address. Click "Next".

It’s at the next step that the problem arises. Here you need to click “Forgot your password?” to reset it.

If you recently changed this combination to another, then simply enter the old set of characters in the field provided and click the “Next” button. This method is relevant if you changed it not so long ago - you haven’t remembered the new one yet, but you still remember the old one.

Now the system must verify that it is really you. A notification will be sent to your device. If you didn’t receive anything, or you clicked the wrong button, select “Send again.”

In the notification sent, click the “Yes” button.

The old password will be reset and a window will appear where you need to enter a new set of characters and confirm it. Then click “Change”. Now you can go to your profile.

Recover without password

Now let's figure out how to restore access if you don't remember your password. To do this, at the step where you are asked to enter the old character set, you need to select “Another method”.

A notification will be sent to your phone. If it is not there, then click the button below again.

For those users who indicated their number in their profile, it will be possible to recover their password using their phone number, the following window will appear. They may call you or send you an SMS with a code. Enter it in a specific field (it will appear) and you will be taken back to the page to change your password. If this doesn’t work, click “I don’t have access to my phone.”

This time, a backup email address can save you, which, again, should have been specified in your account. Click in the "Submit" window.

Go to this mailbox and open a message from Goolge in your inbox. If it's not there, check your Spam folder. There will be a confirmation code there. Remember it and enter it in the account recovery window in the provided field.

The fields for changing access characters will appear again. Come up with a combination of them, confirm it and click “Change”.

No number or email attached

If none of the above works, then you can recover your Google account without a password by answering additional questions. In the password entry window, click “Forgot...”.

Click on the button with the same name again.

In this step you will be asked: When did you create your Google account? Select the month and year, then click Next. If everything is correct, the window for changing characters will appear again.

By selecting “Other method” at this step, you will need to enter an email address to which you have access.

For example, I guessed right. I created my profile when I got my first Android phone and needed to register to access the Play Store. You may have created it when you signed up for Gmail or Google Drive.

Forgot your login and password

Well, lastly, we’ll look at what to do if you don’t remember anything at all, and whether it’s possible to recover your Google account login and password. To do this, at the very first login step, select “Forgot your email address.” mail?

Next, try entering your number, provided that you have not changed it for a long time and it was recorded in your profile as a backup. Also try to indicate all the mailbox addresses that you have (one by one, of course). Perhaps one of them is listed in your profile as a backup. Click "Next".

If you guess correctly, you will receive a message by email or phone with a code. Enter it and change the password.

Remember what first and last name were indicated. They could be real, it could be a nickname - try all possible options. Please note that every letter has a meaning here. For example, Olya and Olga are different options.

If you remember, you will gain access again; if not, a message will appear: “This Google account does not exist.”

If you tried everything and nothing worked, you can use our instructions and.

And this is where I will end. Follow the instructions strictly and answer the questions as correctly as possible and you will be able to recover your Google account password in a couple of steps. When you go to your profile, I recommend that you immediately indicate a backup phone number and email - this is so that in the next similar situation, everything will go easier and faster. Also be sure to write down your password in a safe place.