My family tariff plan. Description of the additional tariff “Everything for the Family”. Beeline Family tariff: description

A number of services included in the cellular communications company’s line are suitable for families using Beeline communications, in addition to these TPs there is “Everything for the Family” Beeline. Tariffs related to the line, whose provided minutes, messages and traffic packages can be divided between several subscribers, imply significant savings - one user pays a subscription fee, all subsequent subscribers who join use the options received.

Brief analysis of Beeline family tariffs

The set of tariff plans, under the general name “Everything”, will attract the attention of such families who are active participants cellular communication capabilities: Internet, SMS services, outgoing calls. Having assessed the volume of options that your relatives need, you can select optimal tariff Beeline provider. After purchasing a family offer, the owner of the newly purchased tariff will be able to join and divide between several people the provided package benefits. In addition to the original subscriber who made direct connection, the operator allows you to add up to 5 people to one TP.

Each representative of the family of offers has an individual price and its own package of options available to the user. Let's consider short description several of them:

  • “All for 800” contains a total of 1000 minutes that do not require payment, free SMS in the amount of 500 and high-speed access to Internet services – 7 gigabytes. Invite to sharing up to 3 people possible.
  • The “All for 1200” service allows you to select up to 4 people and has much more extensive packages - 10 gigabytes of traffic, SMS messages available on free of charge– 1000 pieces, as well as 2000 free minutes intended for division between family members.
  • 5 people can be invited by the main owner of “All for 1800” to consume common package services. The number of unbilled minutes and text messages is the same and equals 3000, network traffic reaches 15 GB.

Description of the additional tariff

Use family pricing tariff plan only those clients can operator Beeline who were invited to become co-owners, available services to the main owner. The subscription fee is not included in the terms of the tariff plan. Voice communications and sending SMS is carried out using the main packages subscriber phone. If it is blocked, the tariffication of options will be set at: 0.25 rubles/min per conversation via home region, intercity line - 3 rubles each, SMS addressed to local residents and representatives of other regions of the Russian Federation - 2 and 3.95 rubles, respectively, outside the country - 5.5.

It is important that additional subscriptions of connected communication people are not covered by funds on the balance of the main number.

How to activate and deactivate the tariff plan in question

How to connect “Everything for the Family”? Family members cannot make this transition on their own. The owner of one of the services of this line, using a smartphone application from the operator or through a personal account service, invites additional consumers of his package options. To activate the tariffs of the described “All for” line, you need to use special phones, after a call for which a certain tariff plan “All …” will be purchased:

  • “for 800” – 0674000800;
  • “for 1200” – 067410257;
  • “for 1800” – 0674001800.

Important! After sending the invitation, the recipient who received it must agree to become a user of the service, then the “Everything for the Family” add-on will be automatically activated.

How to disable Beeline's "All for Family" tariff? The provider's client does not need to set special USSD deactivation commands or search for any number. You just need to find new tariff new plan and complete the transition to it.

This tariff package is not considered independent because it must be installed for additional telephone numbers, which, in turn, are connected to the main number of the “Everything” tariff line.

Separate tariff packages from the “Everything” line also involve connecting up to five mobile numbers to the main number. Thus, additional numbers can use all the services that are provided on main number.

Tariff "Everything for the family"

This service is prepaid and does not carry any subscription fee. Cellular communication services are provided throughout Russia for a sufficiently long time. favorable conditions. Users can make calls, send messages for free text messages, and also use high speed internet thanks to the main number.

If all free services run out, then further expenses for communication will be withdrawn from the main number. The additional number is charged only in cases where the main number does not have enough funds to pay.

The cost of services in the “Everything for the Family” tariff directly depends on the area of ​​registration of the SIM card.

Connecting and disconnecting the “Everything for the Family” tariff package

You can activate a tariff only by sending an invitation. That is main user tariff must through mobile app or through Personal Area send a request to activate other subscribers. Users you add must accept the offer. The main subscriber can give permissions or, conversely, exclude numbers from the list of service provision.

Beeline tariff "Everything for the family"- this tariff plan is not considered independent, that is, it must be set clearly by default for additional numbers, which are already connected to the main number of the special family tariff “Everyone” on Beeline.

"Everything" tariff line from Beeline

Individual Beeline tariff plans from the “Everything” line with a large number of free minutes, messages, and traffic also offer an excellent opportunity to connect up to five mobile numbers in addition to the main one. Subscribers of such additional connected numbers can use packages of traffic, messages, minutes from the main number. This makes it possible not only to keep family costs for using mobile communications under control, but also to provide an excellent opportunity to save at least a little on family finances.

Each family can choose the most optimal “All” tariff for themselves, depending on the volume and cost of service packages that are included in the subscription fee. In different Russian regions and regions in the “Everything!” program for large and small families, various tariff plans are used - in most cases these can be the “All for 1800” program, as well as the “All for 1200” tariff, the “All for 800” tariff, as well as the “All for 500” tariff plan.

Tariff "Everything for the family" Beeline: description and prices

Another one additional program family rate from mobile operator Beeline “Everything for the Family” is on the list of prepaid ones and does not have a monthly fee. Communication services are provided on it both in the native region or region, and during travel and trips throughout the country on equally attractive and favorable terms.
Subscribers can freely make calls, send messages, use global network Internet thanks to the main number from the package services provided every month.

If free packages are spent, money for services is debited from the main account of the room. Payment for cellular communication It is customary to charge a separate additional mobile number only if the main number itself has too little Money, if the main subscriber is blocked, or when using a number that is not connected to the service packages valid for the tariff.

The cost of services for the “Everything for the Family” tariff directly depends on the region and region of registration of the SIM card. For subscribers of the Moscow region and Moscow, tariffication is carried out on clearly established conditions.

In addition, additional costs may arise during use. international communications, standard services over accepted limits and roaming services.

When on main mobile number free calls, Internet traffic or messages have not been used up within one month, they are automatically reset to zero, and a new amount will be credited for the next month.

How to connect and disconnect the Beeline "Everything for the Family" tariff?

It will not be possible to connect a tariff as an independent one; a telecom subscriber has the right to switch to it, so to speak, by invitation. The user of the main family tariff Beeline “Everyone” is obliged to send a request through his personal account/special mobile application “My Beeline” to add a subscriber to the process of using services key number all family.

And after sending separate request The user of the special added number must accept the offer and connect to the new “Everything for the Family” tariff. Meanwhile, the main subscriber can give permission or, conversely, prohibit the new number from using the package of services included in the tariff at any time of the day or night.

To turn off current tariff the subscriber must simply change it to each other, his number on the machine will come out of the accepted one Family group. For example, here you can make a choice in favor of the optimal and most favorable tariff from the Beeline operator.

The “Family” tariff from Beeline is part of the “Everything” TP line 2018, and allows subscribers to save a lot on using mobile communications. Immediately after TP activation on a number, you can connect up to 5 additional users. At the same time, all subscribers will be able to use the service packages simultaneously. Detailed description tariff plan, its advantages, as well as how to enable and disable it, you will find in our article.

Detailed description of the tariff

The family tariff “All in one” is based on a prepaid payment system. It can be used as in native network, and throughout Russia. Prices for mobile communications will remain unchanged. That is, favorable tariff will be for both homebodies and avid travelers.

All connected users send messages, use the Internet and make calls at the expense of the main subscriber. In case the limit packages are completely used up, for the provision of additional cellular options, the subscription fee will be debited from the main subscriber.

Communication fees from the linked user can only be charged if there are insufficient funds in the account on the main number, his card is blocked, or if the user is not connected to the options provided on the TP.

Family offers from Beeline include the following TPs:

You can connect two additional numbers to the TP. The cost of joining one subscriber is 150 rubles (this condition will work on the entire family line). Subscription fee per month - 900 rubles. The package includes the following set of services:

  • 1200 min. for conversations with various Russian television systems;
  • 500 SMS, with the ability to send throughout the country;
  • 20 GB internet.

In addition, after activating the product, users will have access to the following options:

  • home Internet at a speed of 50 Mbit/second;
  • digital TV (82 channels).

Up to 3 users can be connected to the TP. Monthly subscription fee is 1500 rubles. For this money, subscribers receive the following set of mobile options:

  • 2000 min. for calls throughout the country to various Russian television systems;
  • 500 SMS;
  • 30 GB mobile internet;
  • Home internet with 100 Mbit/s traffic;
  • Digital TV (139 channels). In addition, upon initial connection, the main subscriber receives a router as a gift.

You can add up to 5 to TP additional subscribers. Monthly fee - 2500 rubles/month. For this money, subscribers will be provided with the following packages:

  • 5000 min. to conversations with various destinations throughout the country;
  • 500 SMS with the ability to send within the Russian Federation;
  • 30 GB of high-speed mobile Internet;
  • digital TV (139 channels);
  • home internet with a high-speed flow of 100 Mbit/s and a Wi-Fi router.

The cost of the “Everything for the Family” tariff plan from Beeline after the limit has been exhausted will largely depend on the region of connection. For residents of Moscow and the region, communication services via TP will be provided under the following conditions:

The phone is not connected to the TP The number is connected to the TP The phone is connected to the TP, but the main number is blocked
Calls to Beeline phones in your home region1.6 rubles/min.0 rub.0.25 rubles/min.
Calls to various destinations in your home region
Calls to network numbers throughout the country3 r./min.0 rubles0.25 rubles/min.
Outgoing to various destinations throughout the country
SMS in your home region
SMS within the Russian Federation
SMS abroad Russian Federation

Important! Unused package balances are not carried over to the next paid period.

Despite all the attractiveness of related “All in One” TPs, before activating the product you need to familiarize yourself not only with its capabilities, but also take into account the features of the provision of the service:

  • The offer is available only for prepaid tariff plans;
  • for adding a number, the fee (150 rubles) is charged only once;
  • the tariff is provided under the same conditions both in the activation region and beyond;
  • all subscribers connected to the tariff plan can use it on equal terms.

You can connect to the “Everything for the Family” tariff plan in several ways:

  1. Through the telesystem office. To do this, you need to come to a Beeline branch (with your passport) and ask a company employee with your question. The address of the nearest Beeline branch can be found on the official website of the mobile operator.
  2. Through a call to the service number. To do this, just call 0611 and ask the operator to set up the tariff on your phone. Calls for network clients are free. It is important to understand that the company manager may request the code word you created when registering in the system and your personal data. Therefore, even before making a call, we advise you to keep the necessary documentation (passport, contract) at hand.
  3. Personal Area. To activate the product, log in to your page and go to the “Tariffs” category. Next, select the required offer and click the “Enable” button.

Important! When activating the tariff, there must be enough funds in the subscriber's account to pay the monthly subscription fee.

Disabling a tariff plan

Turning off the TP, both on the linked number and on the main one, can be done in several ways:

  • via a call to service phone 0611 ;
  • through your Personal Account;
  • at the mobile operator's office.

As mentioned above, you can link from two to five people to the main family tariff number. The only TP of the line to which you cannot add a number is “All 2”. TP “All 3” is already considered common for the whole family.

So, you can link an additional number as follows:

  • log in to your personal account or the “My Beeline” application;
  • up home page press the “My tariff” button, then “Add a subscriber” and send an invitation;
  • Then a notification will be sent to the specified subscriber’s phone, which will contain a password for joining the group. After entering the code, the user will be joined to the family TP.

You can also accept an invitation to the community through your Personal Account.

How to disable an additional number on Beeline?

You can remove a user from a group through your personal account. To do this, you need to go to the tab with the current TP and click the “Delete” button next to the extra subscriber.

Choosing one tariff for the whole family allows you to significantly save costs on communication services. It is enough to connect one of the service packages from the “Everything” line to the main number and link the numbers of family members to it.


The essence of the “Everything for the Family” tariffs is that several people use one package of calls, SMS and Internet. In this case, payment for services is debited from the number that is selected as the main one.

To activate this option, you need to connect one of the “Everything” tariffs, add up to five numbers of loved ones to it through the Personal Account service, and then confirm the connection with via SMS from the main number.

To disable one of the additional numbers, you will also need to go to your Personal Account or contact the operator’s communication center.

A nice feature of this offer is that if one of your relatives was not a Beeline subscriber before, he can switch to a new tariff without changing his number. Except mobile phones You can also connect other devices to the package with installed SIM cards: modems, tablets, navigators, etc.

All numbers connected to the tariff must belong to the same region of residence.

The following charges apply to the main number:

  1. Subscription fee for using the package
  2. Payment for calls, SMS and Internet traffic spent when the package is exhausted with the main and additional numbers, in accordance with the tariff prices
  3. Payment for paid subscriptions And international roaming own number
  4. Payment additional services, which use additional numbers.

Only the costs of paid subscriptions and international roaming are charged from the balance of additional numbers within the terms of the current tariff.

If the main number's account runs out of funds, then payment for the services of additional numbers will be made from their own balance at the rates of the tariff plan.

Available tariffs for the “Everything” line

A brief overview of the service packages offered is presented in the table:

You can choose a suitable tariff and calculate the savings from connecting it on the operator’s website. To do this, you will need to indicate all the family devices that need to be connected and the amount of expenses for communication services for each device. The system will automatically offer a recommended tariff plan that best suits the subscriber, and will show the benefit of this offer as a percentage.

If you want to use only the Internet on several devices, connect the Beeline service “ “

Savings for using a single family tariff can be up to 50%.


The “Everything for the Family” service package has some features:

  • The offer is valid only for the prepaid payment system;
  • Connecting an additional number is free;
  • If, when charging the subscription fee, there are insufficient funds in the account of the main number, financial block numbers. During this period, additional number services are charged at the rates of the tariff plan when the service package is exhausted. After replenishing the balance, the service package becomes available again;
  • Each of the connected numbers has equal rights to the Internet traffic package. When the package traffic is used up, the Internet is provided at a minimum speed to all subscribers of the tariff. If necessary, you can activate the “Extend speed” or “Auto-renew speed” options;
  • The tariff continues to apply even when family members are roaming in Russia.