How to recover your old Skype username and password. What to do if you forgot your Skype password or login

In this article, we will look in detail at how to recover your Skype password without email, or we will recover your password if you have access to your email. It often happens that several people use one computer, each of whom can have their own account in this system. In order for everyone to be able to log in under their own name, you have to constantly exit the program and enter your password again.

Either you changed your PC, updated the program, recently changed your password, or, in the end, you just don’t like starting Skype automatically (by checking the “Automatic. Authorization when starting Skype” box). In each of the above situations, it may happen that you forget your password. What to do in this case?

Password recovery

To begin recovering your Skype password, pay attention to the inscription located just above the password entry field in the Skype login window: “Can’t sign in to Skype?” Click on it with the left mouse button.

The program will automatically open the browser with the official Skype page. You will see a field in which you will need to enter the email address with which your account is registered. After entering, click on the “Submit” button.

A message will appear indicating that an email has been sent to your email.

Then go to your mail and look for a letter from Skype.

If you click on the first link, you will be asked to enter a new password and repeat it to confirm. If you have created several Skype logins using your email, you will be prompted to first select a login for which you need to change the password.

Ready! Now you can log into Skype using new data. By the way, it may happen that the letter did not arrive. It may be in the Spam folder. If it is not there either, then wait half an hour. If it has not yet arrived, make a new request.

Further instructions for changing the password occur in the manner described above.

When you change your password, you will receive an email confirming this action. Most likely, this was done for our safety. What if you get hacked and you don’t even know about it.

Password recovery without email

Option 1. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the above steps only work for those lucky ones who remember the email address that is their Skype login. How to recover your Skype password if you forgot your email? Before writing to technical support, launch Skype. It is likely that the system remembers your data and will automatically log you into your account. Now you need to do the following procedure: in the top menu of the program, click on the “Skype” item, then “Personal data”, and then “Edit my data...”.

Information will appear on the left that contains personal information. Click “Manage” at the very top.

A page will open, go to the “Contact Information” area, where the email address will be written. Next, we do everything exactly as described above. Thus, we found out the email through which you will recover your password.

Option 2. So, if the methods described above did not help you, what should you do if you forgot your Skype password and email login? The second option is more complex and tedious. It should only be used by those who do not remember their e-mail and who did not have automatic authorization. You must write a direct request to Skype technical support. This can be done at:

However, before requesting reinstatement, you should remember any information that could in any way identify you. For example, the names of your contacts, their number, what payments you made and when, the last 4 digits of the bank card you used to make these payments, etc. If Skype employees consider the information provided sufficient to identify you as the account owner, they will send you instructions on how to restore access to your account.

I recommend reading the “” page - here you will learn in more detail how to recover your Skype password. Otherwise, you have no choice but to create a new Skype profile and be more attentive in the future. Read this information in the article: "". See you soon!

Let's say you haven't used Skype for a long time and have forgotten your password. What to do then? In reality, everything is very simple. You can reset your password and create new ones. To do this, you just need your mailbox to which you registered Skype.

  • We go to the official website
  • In the upper right corner of the page, click “Login”
  • A login method selection will appear. I registered Microsoft, so I will restore access to it. If you registered a Skype account, then select it. In fact, the recovery methods are no different for them, so the instructions will suit everyone.
  • Next we will see a login form, but since we don’t remember the password, we need to select “Can’t access your account?”
  • Microsoft will prompt us to reset our password. You just need to enter your mailbox (to which you registered your skype account) and dial .
  • A choice appears as to how we want to recover the password. Select - to the mailbox and enter it. Click Next
  • A code will be sent to your email, which we will enter in the field that appears. Go to the mailbox and copy the code.
  • This is what you get on the recovery page.
  • At the end of this entire complex procedure, we are asked to come up with a new password that will be both very secure and easy to remember. It’s better to come up with something really complicated and write it down in your notebook so that no one but you can use your Skype account. Then you don’t have to check the box “Change your password every 72 days.”
  • In the next step, simply click Next. We are not interested in two-step verification.

This is all. You have recovered your skype password, that is, you have changed it to a new one using your mailbox. Was it difficult? I doubt. If you still have questions, ask them in the comments, I will try to answer them all.

If you are interested in the question of how to restore Skype, then most likely you either forgot your password or login for your account, or, when you turned on the device, you did not find the program shortcut on your desktop. However, perhaps some technical glitch occurred and the program was automatically uninstalled. An ordinary user can easily cope with any of these problems, and we will tell you in detail how to do this. By the way, you can restore Skype both on a laptop and on a PC, tablet and smartphone completely free of charge.


How to restore Skype automatically? And what exactly is this method? In fact, this is the simplest solution to the problem. If you have forgotten your account information, you can login via the email specified when registering your account. Here's how to do it:

Read more about Skype password recovery, read our other article.

By phone number

You can restore Skype by phone number only if (which is logical) if you provided this information before registration. Not everyone does this, but in vain. You can tell us how to restore Skype on your computer step by step, using a standard form, but this will not make sense if you don’t have access to email either. But the phone number indicated in the additional data can be of great help. What to do:

By login

In addition to the above, you can restore access to Skype using a login that is already automatically saved on your computer. Few people want to enter data every time they enter the program, so when the browser displays the “Save password for this site” pop-up window, many agree. In this case, the login is open for viewing, but the password is usually hidden and is very easy to forget. The problem occurs if you need to open Skype on another device, but there is neither a mailbox nor a phone number to recover data from. How to change the secret code in this case:

Via support

You will have to request personal data through the support service if there are no other options left. Of course, Skype technical support will help you with this issue, but it may take time to resolve the problem. For this:

For different devices

You can restore access to Skype on your tablet or laptop using the same instructions that we have already provided. The program's interface, for the most part, is not very different. The same goes for restoring Skype on an Android phone.

How install Skype on your phone, find out on our website.

When uninstalling the program

How to restore Skype on a computer if a system failure occurs and it disappears? It all depends on what exactly happened - the program itself was deleted, or the icon simply disappeared from the desktop.

In the first case, you don’t need to look for complicated ways, and just say the application again, and then log in with your credentials. A computer (and other devices) can sometimes create similar problems for its owner. How install Skype on computer, you can read in another of our articles

Sometimes a second question arises, which sounds like this: why did the Skype shortcut disappear from the desktop, and how to restore it. A similar problem can arise for three reasons: system settings have gone wrong, the device has been attacked by viruses, or the icon has been deleted manually. So what to do if the Skype icon has disappeared from your desktop and how to restore it?

Virus attack

In this case, you need to connect an antivirus and check on it what kind of malware is deleting icons on the desktop. In this case, all icons will disappear, not just Skype

System settings failure

  1. Right-click on an empty space on your desktop and select “View”
  2. There should be a checkmark next to the “Display desktop icons” item. If it’s not there, install it, and all the icons will return to their places.

Manual removal

If the icon was deleted manually, you can return it this way:

And finally: if you are interested in how to restore Skype as it was before (old version of the program), the answer is - no way. After merging this messenger with Microsoft, only the new version of the program is used.

This, unfortunately, sometimes happens - I forgot my Skype password. This usually happens when you have not used Skype for a long time or have reinstalled the system and the password has not been written down. What to do in this case?

Skype itself will help you recover your lost password. To do this you need to do a few simple operations:

New Skype ===================

================ Old Skype ================== 1. Open Skype itself, i.e. Click on the program shortcut on the desktop.

2. Click on the link “Forgot your password?” In this case, you must be connected to the Internet!

3. We get to the Skype website. Here you need to indicate the email address that you indicated when registering on Skype. Next, click the “Submit” button.

If it happens that you have forgotten your email address, then click on the link “You can’t remember your email address. mail?" And then follow the instructions on the Skype website.

4. After you have indicated your email address and clicked on the “Submit” button, check your mailbox. Perhaps not immediately, but you will receive a letter from Skype with the following content:

Click on the “time code” link and you will again be taken to the Skype website. If this link does not work (in my memory this did not happen), click on the link “enter the code manually” and enter the code manually (underlined in red).

If you have several logins, select from the drop-down list the one for which you forgot the password. If you have one login, then it will be selected and you will only have to enter a new password.

6. When a login is selected, windows will appear for entering a new password.

Enter a new password in the “New Password” box and enter the new password again in the “Repeat Password” box. Now click on the “Change password and sign in to Skype” button.

If suddenly the windows for entering a new password do not appear, this means that the ability to display Java Scripts is disabled in your browser (Internet Explorer, Opera, FireFox, etc.).
In this case, either enable this feature in your browser (you can see how to do this here:) or install another browser and repeat the password recovery procedure from the beginning.

This completes the password change procedure.

The computer owner may be required to completely update the software. There is no need to lose old registration records. It is quite possible to restore Skype while saving all contacts. This may take a little time, maximum calm and a mug of tea or coffee. Well, where would we be without them? Judging by the search queries, quite often users are interested in how to restore Skype on a laptop. If you agree to devote only five minutes to this issue, then after finishing reading the article you will be able to perform all the operations yourself.

Situation one. The mail is saved, but I don’t remember my Skype username and password

Especially for such situations, Skype has a password recovery function. So, launch Skype and then perform the following steps:

  1. Click on the inscription “Can’t sign in to Skype?”. This function is now provided in all social networks. So, it will be much easier for those who had to recover data there.
  2. The program will automatically open the official Skype website. A column for entering your email address will appear. We write the one that was entered during registration on Skype, and then click send.
  3. A letter is sent to your email containing an automatic link to go to the profile editing page and restore your Skype account.
  4. The login under which you registered will appear. It is better to remember it or write it down. By the way, you will be offered to restore Skype using your login if you registered several accounts at once. Then you should select the one you need.
  5. A window will appear in which you will need to enter a new password and confirm that the entry is correct. After completing all these steps, the following message will appear.

Now launch Skype and enter new data.

Situation two. It is not possible to indicate the address of the mailbox used to register on Skype

I’ll tell you right away that it won’t be easy. Such data can only be recovered with the help of Skype technical support. Before writing to them, you should try to launch Skype. There is a possibility that it contains authorization data. If this does not happen, write a ticket to Let me clarify right away that the procedure will not be easy and you will be required to remember as much data as possible about your previous account.

  1. You will need the following:
  2. Contact names.
  3. How many names were there in the Skype account?
  4. If payments were made, when and from which bank card (it is enough to list only the last four digits).

The last word will remain with the technical support staff. If they consider the information comprehensive, they will send instructions on how to restore your account to your new email address.

Attention! Before you restore Skype without mail, you need to think about whether the old account is really needed. If it is really worth “fighting” for, tune in to several hours of intensive correspondence with the technical support service.

The third situation is critical. How to restore Skype