Tips for iPhone 6. Taking pictures without using the touch screen. View recently closed pages in the browser

Do you know what hidden functions has your iPhone? No? Then read our article and you will learn a lot of useful things.

On the Internet you can find many articles telling about hidden functions and iPhone capabilities. We have compiled a list interesting features, useful for everyone.

  • Repeat dialing. In the Phone app, click on a call and you will be shown the last number dialed.

Redial a number on iPhone

  • Clearing cache. You can make your iPhone work faster if you clear the cache in programs. In the AppStore, Podcasts, Music, iTunes or Game center Tap one of the keys at the bottom of the display ten times quickly.

Clear cache in apps

Clearing cache in the Music app on iPhone

Clearing cache in Podcasts on iPhone

Clearing cache in the AppStore on iPhone

  • Acceleration Touch works ID. Scan multiple fingerprints at once. This is especially useful if you want the scanner to work faster.

Hidden iPhone Features

  • We erase the numbers in the Calculator. If you misspelled a number, swipe to the side to delete the number.

How to erase a number in a calculator on an iPhone?

  • Cleaning RAM. Hold the power key until you see the prompt to turn off the phone, and then hold Home key. If the display turns off and you are redirected to the main screen, then you did everything right.

How to clean RAM on iPhone?

  • Serial shooting. Press and hold the photo key to take multiple photos at once.

Continuous shooting on iPhone

  • We do calculations in Spotlight. Write the text, for example, 100 pounds and you will have the same value, only in kilograms.

What iPhone features are useful?

  • Photo from the headset. Use the volume keys on your headset to take a photo of someone.

How to take a photo with an iPhone headset?

  • Turn off the flashlight. If you have not turned off the flashlight, then through the lock display, swipe to turn on the camera, and it will turn off.

How to turn off the flashlight on iPhone?

  • 3D Touch for drawing. You can use the drawing tools and erasers in Notes to create lines with varying degrees of pressure.

How to draw in notes using uD Touch?

  • Close several programs at once. Start switching between programs double click press the “Home” key and close using several fingers to turn off several programs at once.

Closing several programs at once on iPhone

  • Recent Tabs. To view them, press and hold plus in Safari.

View recent tabs on iPhone

  • Full version of the page. To open the site as for a PC, click on the address bar of the browser and hold it.

How to watch full version website on iPhone?

  • Tab preview. Use the Peek gesture to preview the tab you want.

Preview Tabs on iPhone

  • Correction of reminders. Use 3D Touch gestures to correct the location and time.

Changing reminders on iPhone

  • Read only unread messages. In the Mailboxes folder, click on the change button at the top right and mark unread. Now you will see all the open letters In one place.

  • Quick drafts. While writing a letter, write a subject and drag it down so that it is saved as drafts.

  • Quick message. If you need to answer incoming message, then pull it down upon receipt and write the answer.

  • Application Level. Swipe in right side in the Compass application so that the phone temporarily becomes a measuring tool.

  • Preview in Apple Music. To view songs by a specific artist, click on his image with a 3D Touch gesture.

  • Reactivate energy saving mode. When you receive a notification that the power saving mode has been turned off, swipe to the left to turn it back on.

Restarting power saving on iPhone

  • Search iPhone owner. If you suddenly find someone else's phone, then ask Siri “whose phone is this” and she will explain how you can find its owner.

  • Reachability. Double-tap the Home key to activate Reachability. In this mode, you can reach the distant icons of the main screen with your thumb.

Reachability for iPhone

Every day we use our iPhone for all kinds of tasks: calls, messages, mail, games, Twitter, social networks, reading, music and much, much more. But not everyone knows that the implementation of most of these tasks can not only be accelerated, but also simplified. We have collected twenty-five for you useful tips and tricks, thanks to which using iPhone It will become even simpler (how much simpler?) and more convenient.

Tip #1: Turn iBooks into Audiobooks

Few people know, but any books from iBooks can be easily turned into audiobooks and, for example, listen to them in the car on the way to work: much more interesting and useful than some boring radio program. So what do we need to do? Go to “Settings” - “General” - “ Universal access" Next, you need to go to the “VoiceOver” section and switch the toggle switch to enable this function.

Once you turn on VoiceOver, all text that appears on your screen will be read back to you. Of course, this is not a professional announcer, but the voice acting is very acceptable. But do not forget that the function is primarily intended for those who have any vision problems, so after enabling VoiceOver, the gestures and controls on your iPhone will change. Not that it’s critical, but to be honest, it won’t be very convenient. By the way, I advise you to turn off “Hints” - it will be more convenient.

Tip #2: Quick access to an unfinished letter

There are situations when you start writing a letter, but then urgent matters arise and there is no time to finish it. Of course, when time is free, we will return to and finish the letter, because it still needs to be sent and there is no choice. Having saved the letter in drafts, when you return to writing it, you will have to make many taps, especially if you have several mail accounts to get into the drafts and find this letter there. Why complicate your life when there is a much simpler way, just one touch.

To return to the last email that was sent to drafts, simply open, press and hold the Compose button (pencil in the box in the lower right corner). In one or two seconds, the last unfinished project will open in front of you.

Tip #3: Send multiple photos at once

Agree, send each photo to separate message or writing - this is, to put it mildly, a little inconvenient. It is much easier and faster to send several photos in one letter.

On the right top corner photo galleries there is a button with an arrow, by clicking on it you can select several photos at once that you want to send via e-mail, With via SMS or just print. Unfortunately, the number of photos sent by email is limited to five at a time, and via SMS even less - only two.

Tip #4: Let Siri fill out the email form for you

Every time I send another e-mail, I don’t want to fill out the entire form of the e-mail: who to send it to, the subject of the letter, and then the letter itself. Now, thanks to Siri, this entire process can be completed in less than a minute.

You simply open and the form to write a new letter. Then, press and hold the Home button and tell Siri something like, “Remind my wife about the party tonight and tell her to bring a bottle of red wine.” Done: Siri will already know who your wife is (if not, she will ask about it once and remember for the future) and will automatically add your wife’s email, taking it from contacts, to the “Subject” line, Siri will add the word “Party”, because that's what it's about we're talking about in your proposal. And the text of the letter will indicate everything that you asked your wife to say: “Grab a bottle of red wine.” That's all. Simple, isn't it?

Tip #5: Close everything unnecessary applications

Very often we encounter a problem fast discharge battery To at least slightly, but still correct this situation, do not forget to close all applications that you do not need. Moreover, many of them can greatly influence the discharge rate. This is especially true for applications that are somehow related to location and navigation.

To close all unnecessary applications, double-click the Home button to open the multitasking panel. Press and hold your press on the icon of the application that you want to close: after a second, the icons will shake and red crosses will appear next to them, by clicking on which you will finally close the applications you do not need.

Tip #6: Write tweets from almost any application

Often on various forums many iPhone users complain that they can't send a tweet from any application other than the microblogging client itself. And, as a rule, these users do not know one very banal point: in order to write tweets from other applications, they only need to register their account V iPhone settings.

To activate your account, you need to go to “Settings” and select the section called “Twitter”. If you already have your own account in this microblogging service, then simply enter your username and password. If you don’t have your own account, you can create one right there – the registration process will take just a few minutes. After these simple manipulations, you will be able to send tweets, for example, from the photo gallery, Safari, camera, maps, YouTube and so on.

Tip #7: fixing “ignoring” Bluetooth devices

Those who have ever connected any Bluetooth device to their iPhone know that the iPhone has the ability to ignore this device. But if you decide to ignore this device, for example, if you have no time to connect now or just by accident, then later your iPhone may no longer see the device when you decide to connect it again. How to fix this awkward situation? — It's easy: just restart your iPhone. When it turns back on, you will be able to connect again to the device you once ignored.

Tip #8: Use Siri for Facebook and Twitter

Everyone knows perfectly well what Apple will add to Siri opportunity writing tweets and changing Facebook statuses in the new operating system iOS 6. But wait iOS release 6 or installing the next beta is not at all necessary. Siri is capable of this already today, although, unfortunately, not in all countries (but I advise you to try; I couldn’t check it personally, since I have an iPhone 4).

So let's start with Facebook. To be able to change your statuses on this social network using Siri, you need to send an SMS with the text “hello” to the number 32665 (by the way, these numbers look like FBOOK on a traditional keyboard). After sending SMS You will receive a message in response with a link that you must follow to complete all settings. After which you will receive short number, which you need to add to your contacts list and name it “Facebook”. Now you can tell Siri “Text Facebook” and dictate the text, which will appear in your status.

The same needs to be done for Twitter. You need to send an SMS with the word “start” to the number 40404 (USA) or 21212 (Canada), after which you will receive a short number in response. This number must also be added to your contacts list and named “Twitter”. And then everything is the same as with Facebook: tell Siri “Text Twitter” and dictate the desired tweet.

Tip #9: Choose a specific screen orientation

Don't want the screen orientation to constantly change from portrait to landscape when you rotate your iPhone? Then this advice is especially for you.

All you need to do is open the multitasking panel and swipe to the right. The leftmost icon with round arrow there will be just a function that will help you fix a specific screen orientation. In the same way, you can later cancel this blocking. As you can see, everything is very easy and fast.

Tip #10: add PDF files in iBooks

Why download unnecessary applications, especially if they pay to view PDF files? - Absolutely no need. That's what I think. If you were sent a file to PDF format, just click on its icon and hold: the iPhone itself will prompt you to open this file in iBooks. In addition, iBooks has a special section for such files so that they do not get mixed up with books.

You can go to this section by clicking on the “Books” button in the library iBooks apps.

Tip #11: Keyboard options

Agree, when you type an SMS to your friend for a couple of seconds, you spend the same amount just to go to the section special characters and to put an end to it, this is somehow ridiculous. There is a much simpler and faster way: as soon as you have finished writing the next sentence, “tap” twice on the space button - a period will be placed at the end of the sentence automatically, a space will appear after the sentence and Shift button will already be prepared so that the new proposal begins with capital letter.

Also, if you click on some of the letters presented on the keyboard, you will be able to see a list additional characters. Probably everyone is familiar with this opportunity, thanks to situations where you need to write a hard character that is not initially on the keyboard.

Tip #12: Siri is also a calculator

Siri can not only search for information for you, but also serve as a good alternative a familiar calculator. You can ask her to do a variety of math tasks, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division, or ask her to solve simple math problems, equations, or functions. Alternatively, you can ask Siri, “If there are four of us, how much should each of us give to tip 20% of a $300 bill?” - Siri will immediately respond that each of your friends should chip in $15.

Tip #13: quick removal messages

Many iPhone users spend extra time deleting unnecessary messages. Although you can delete an entire conversation in just a couple of seconds. Just swipe to the left and a “Delete” button will appear next to the conversation, clicking on which will erase the entire conversation from your phone. Much easier and faster than doing it through the “Edit” button or deleting messages one by one, isn’t it?

Tip #14: “tap” to adjust focus

Probably, those who often take photographs with their iPhone know this simple advice, but you cannot ignore it. If, while shooting with a camera, you want, for example, to focus on your friend’s face or the beautiful glass of cocktail she is holding in her hand, just “tap” on this place on the screen of your iPhone and the phone will automatically focus on the selected element. The photo will turn out beautiful and interesting.

Tip #15: Take your time deleting bad photos

Firstly, very often many users delete several photos at once that do not seem very good to them, without even looking at them. It is not right. You can not only delete a photo that is more detailed consideration turns out to be beautiful, but also accidentally deletes a photo that would not have been deleted even on purpose. Secondly, it is best to delete pictures after you look at them on the computer: this way you can understand for yourself exactly whether the photo turned out well or if there is something wrong with it. Well, thirdly, no matter how surprising it may sound, the process of deleting any files, including photos and videos, wastes a lot of energy on your iPhone. If you don’t mind taking photos, then at least save your battery charge.

Tip #16: Create folders

Be careful not to make unnecessary clutter on your desks. Using folders, you can not only quickly find the application or game you need, but also make your desktop look neat and convenient. Move the icons of the applications you use most often to the main desktop, and on all other desktops you can create folders by category.

To create a folder, simply drag the icon of one application onto the icon of another application. Folders can be renamed and placed on the desktop in a way that suits you. It's best to create folders based on app categories, such as games, social, navigation, and so on.

Tip #17: Take photos with ease

I think that I’m not the only one who doesn’t find it very convenient to take photographs using “tap” on the camera button, which is located on iPhone screen. If in portrait mode- this is probably the best option, then in landscape mode it’s the worst. But Apple thought of everything; such a company could not make such an offensive mistake. If you hold your iPhone horizontally while taking pictures, simply press the volume up button and your iPhone will instantly take a photo. This is very convenient, because the “+” button is located exactly where the shutter is located on real cameras.

Tip #18: View photos

If you swipe right in camera mode, you will instantly start viewing your latest photos. This is much faster and more convenient than opening a photo gallery by tapping on the icon in the lower left corner.

Tip #19: Listening to Music

Did you know that in standard headphones, which comes with the iPhone, there are three switch buttons? Two of them, of course, are responsible for volume control, but the third, located in the middle, between the volume controls, is quite multifunctional. By clicking on it once, you will pause the playing track or, of course, continue playing it; two presses - you will skip the next track; three - listening to the previous song will begin.

And those who have access to Siri can use it to order music from their collection. For example, saying voice assistant: “Turn on David Guetta.”

Tip #20: Add events to your calendar directly from your email

The application is convenient because it can special problems determine whether we are talking about a specific day of the week/time or not. For example, if you are in your email write: “Don’t forget, we will join your holiday on Friday afternoon” - the iPhone will highlight this day in blue and the person to whom you are sending this letter directly from the application will be able to add the specified event to their calendar.

Tip #21: Sync everything

You can synchronize any of your data and files. And we strongly advise you to do this to protect yourself from losing something important, for example, in case of accidental deletion, breakage or theft of your device. Moreover, synchronization does not require any wires, computers or connections. You can make a copy to iCloud over the air.

To create backup copy in iCloud, open “Settings” - “iCloud”, at the very bottom go to the “Storage and copies” section and click “Create a copy”. You can choose for yourself which files should be placed in storage and which not. If the 5 GB provided is not enough for you, you can always buy more extra bed V cloud storage.

Tip #22: Set limits

Everyone knows that there is a lot of content that should not be seen by anyone but you, or, for example, something that is clearly not intended for the eyes of your children. In such cases, the most the best way out will place a restriction on viewing a particular application or content.

You can enable restrictions like this: “Settings” - “General” - “Restrictions”. First, you'll need to turn on restrictions on your iPhone and enter a four-digit security passcode, which you'll have to enter every time you (or someone else) wants to view protected apps. Once the password is set, you can choose which applications should be closed from public access, and which ones can be left.

Tip #23: Remove unnecessary apps

Don't turn your iPhone into a dumping ground for apps that "I might use again someday." Starting with iOS 5, you can see in Settings how much space each app takes up on your iPhone.

If you see, for example, that the game Max Payne takes up as much as 1.3 GB, and you haven’t played it for a long time or have completely finished it, then perhaps it’s time to say: “Max, go ahead, goodbye” and delete the game from your phone.

Tip #24: Avoid unnecessary push notifications

Another way to extend your battery life is to turn off unnecessary push notifications. This is especially true for “push notifications” that come very often, for example, from Twitter or any other application for social networks. Believe me, you can also live without notifications and not miss or forget anything. Although, of course, you don’t have to refuse all notifications.

Tip #25: Enable the Emoji Keyboard

You can enable the Emoji keyboard in “Settings” - “General” - “ ” - “International keyboards”. As a rule, there are only two keyboards: the Russian keyboard is in first place, and the English keyboard is in second place. Add the Emoji keyboard in third place.

With this keyboard, you can send your interlocutor not only text and emoticons that are made using punctuation marks, but also real drawn emoticons and small pictures. Thanks to this, your communication will become even more fun and funny.

17 September Apple released the operating room iOS system 8 – let’s figure out what new functions have appeared in the new operating system from the apple corporation.

Among the main innovations announced by Apple itself is the iCloud cloud photo archive for viewing photos and videos on all devices, the Handoff function for comfortable work with multiple devices, improved keyboard, new Health app, interactive notifications.

Application activity monitoring

In iOS 8 appeared in the menu new section which collects statistics on battery consumption. In this section called “Battery Usage” you can find data about which application has used up the most battery power in the last 24 hours or in the last week. You can get to this section using the following path: “Basic -> Statistics -> Battery Usage”.

Recovering deleted photos

The Photos app and iCloud Photo Archive are designed to consolidate and make all your photos and videos accessible anytime, anywhere. Now all your Photos will be easier to find and organized the same way across all your devices. Another innovation in this area was the addition of a new album “Recently Deleted”, which is located next to the album “Recently Added”. Album “Recently Deleted” – This is a kind of “cart”; all the photos you deleted are transferred to this album, from where you can delete them permanently or restore photos you mistakenly deleted.

Mark as read in iMessage

A new feature in iOS 8 for iMessage makes it easy to mark all messages as read.

Switching to the desktop version of the site

IN Safari browser there is an option to switch from mobile version site to the desktop version.

Adding an RSS Feed in Safari

Improved private mode in Safari

In Safari you can now choose which tabs to enable private access. In other words, you can simultaneously hold open tabs both in normal and private mode and switch between them.

Black and white mode

iOS 8 added a black and white interface mode; this mode is located in the Accessibility menu (“ special abilities", for people with disabilities). Switch to this mode you can follow the path: Basic -> Accessibility -> Grayscale.

Buy songs using Siri

Now Siri will be able not only to identify the song you heard, but also to purchase it at your request in iTunes. Notably, you won't need to ask Siri, "What song is playing?" – just bring your device to the sound source, and Siri itself will begin to determine what kind of track is being played.

Organize your books in iBooks

iBooks became the default app in iOS 8, and several interesting innovations were added to the app. You can edit the order in which books are displayed in your library at your discretion, and when you click on the one that appears new button“Categories” filter books by title, author or other criteria.

Putting a FaceTime call on hold

Apple added to FaceTime new option– call hold. I think there is no need to describe this function in detail; it is already known to everyone, but if someone else calls you during a conversation, now you can use the hold mode using the corresponding button on the screen.

Fast routes in Maps

Another one new feature which will allow you to plot routes in Apple Maps, and you can also view alternative routes in other applications, for example, in Yandex.Maps or Google Maps.

Burst timer

Apple is finally adding a built-in timer option for photo shooting. True, the choice options are not very large - only 3 or 10 seconds. In this case, you can use burst shooting.

iTunes Radio on Lock Screen

The iTunes Radio service in iOS 8 has received expanded integration with the lock screen. As you listen to tracks, you can add the song to your wishlist and quickly purchase it from the iTunes Store.

Inserting bank card data using the camera

Now you don't need to manually enter your data bank card, it will be enough just to photograph it. The card details will appear in the appropriate fields, thus minimizing the chances of erroneous input.

Quick access to applications from lockscreen based on geolocation

Quickly launch applications from the lock screen. For quick launch A small icon appeared in the lower left corner of the lockscreen. For example, if you are near a Starbucks or Apple Store, the geolocation service will detect this and display the corresponding icon on the lock screen and you will not need to unlock the device - you can launch the corresponding application directly from the lock screen.

Integration of the anonymous search engine DuckDuckGo

Google is the most popular search service, but some users prefer to use alternative solutions. iOS 8 added support for anonymous search engine DuckDuckGo. It appeared both in the mobile operating system and in the Apple desktop platform.

Manage your Apple ID

IN previous versions iOS control Apple ID ID was only available through iTunes and App Store. Now in the section iCloud settings you can edit without problems personal information. You can change the password, add credit cards or Family Sharing members.

Personal health record on the lock screen

Health is another new standard app in iOS 8 that lets you add your personal health record to your lock screen. IN emergency, the doctor will be able to access the user’s necessary medical data directly from the iPhone screen, without unlocking.

1. Taking pictures without using the touch screen

Just call Siri with a long touch on the Home button and ask her to turn on the camera. To take a photo, press any volume button on your smartphone or headphones.

2. Emergency reboot

In those rare cases when the iPhone freezes or you need to free up the device’s RAM, it will help emergency reboot. Just hold down for 10 seconds Home button and a lock button.

3. Triple press the Home button

Go to the "Accessibility" item in the main iPhone settings. Scroll down to the “Keyboard Shortcuts” tab - a list of functions will open in front of you. Triple-clicking the Home button launches VoiceOver, color inversion (useful for reading), some display settings, on-screen zoom, and Switch Control or AssistiveTouch.

To turn on the magnifying glass triple click Home button, just select the appropriate item in “Universal Access”.

4. Double tap the Home button sensor

Perhaps all iPhone users know that double-clicking the mechanical Home button opens the application selection window. But not everyone knows that double tap the button sensor “lowers” ​​the screen slightly, allowing owners large smartphones easily reach the top icons.

5. Using 3D Touch

If you have an iPhone 6s or later, using 3D Touch can make your life a lot easier and save time. This technology will speed up movement between applications, make typing more convenient and...

6. Reassigning volume buttons

The iPhone has two volume settings: the first is for calls and notifications, the second is for music and applications. Turning off the “Change with buttons” toggle switch in the sound settings will fix the ringer volume in its current position and transfer control of music and applications exclusively to the side buttons.

Work with text

7. Undo last action

Just shake your smartphone and iOS will offer to cancel last action, be it typing, inserting or, conversely, deleting text.

8. Quickly enter a domain

In cases where the keyboard prompts you to quickly enter, hold your finger on this button. A list of popular domains will open in front of you, where you can quickly switch to

9. Removing the microphone icon from the keyboard

The microphone icon between the space bar and the language change button is intended for voice input text. You can remove the icon by moving the “Enable dictation” slider to the inactive position in the keyboard settings.

10. Listening to the text

iOS supports Screen Speak. To enable it, activate the slider in the speech settings: “Settings” → “General” → “Universal Access”. To have iPhone speak text on the screen, swipe down with two fingers in any app.


11. Create a letter password for unlocking

If you don't trust four- or six-digit passwords and don't like Touch technology ID, you can set long .

Go to the password code settings and select “Change password code”. The system will require you to enter the old combination first, and then the new one. On the screen for entering a new password, click on “Passcode Options” and select an acceptable option.

12. Improve Touch ID accuracy

To help iPhone recognize you more confidently and quickly, create multiple prints of the same finger.

13. Create hidden photos

If you take photos in standard application cameras, they will be saved in the media library. To protect a photo with a password, you need to resort to a trick. Turn off photo export and set a password in the Notes app settings. To take a secret photo, go to create a new note and tap on the camera icon. Once the photo is taken, click on "Export" and select "Lock Note."

14. Guided access

We often give our smartphone into the wrong hands to “pass a level in a game,” “read an article,” or “watch a video on YouTube.” If you don't trust who will be using your iPhone, turn on Guided Access in Settings: General → Accessibility → Guided Access.

When handing over an iPhone to someone, triple-click the Home button to turn on Guided Access, and the person will only be able to use the open app.


15. “Whose iPhone is this?”

If you found lost iPhone, Siri will help you contact its owner without entering a password. Ask her “Whose iPhone is this?” or “Who owns this iPhone?”, and a window will open in front of you with the name of the owner of the gadget.

To allow someone who finds your iPhone to find you using this method, go to Siri settings and in the “Data” tab, assign a contact with information about yourself.

16. Male Siri voice

Not everyone knows, but our trusty electronic assistant can talk pleasantly male voice. This option is available in Siri settings.


17. Calling the last number dialed

To repeat last call, it is not necessary to go to the “Recent” tab. Click on the green handset on the screen with keys, and the iPhone will offer to call back the last number dialed.

18. Quick access to favorite contacts

For speed dial important numbers add them to the “Favorites” tab in the standard “Phone” application. Swipe right on the desktop to go to the widget panel. Scroll down and click “Edit”, and then tap on the plus sign next to the “Favorites” widget. Now you can call your loved ones faster and even when the screen is locked.

19. Detection of an incoming call in headphones

Answering calls using headphones is sometimes much easier than reaching for your phone. To find out who is calling you without taking your iPhone out of your pocket, turn on the “Call Announcements” toggle switch in your phone settings.


20. Deleting old messages

Deleting irrelevant messages will help bring order to your correspondence and free up precious megabytes of memory. Find the “Leave messages” item in the settings and set the required time after which the messages will be deleted.

21. Saving traffic in “Messages”

To avoid wasting traffic on heavy investments, turn on the mode Low quality in message settings.

22. Time of sending messages

One of the non-obvious functions of “Messages” is viewing the exact time of sending. Just swipe from the right side of the screen.


23. Setting up a call from Apple Music

The ability to set your favorite song as an alarm is not a trick, but a basic one iPhone function, which many people don’t know about. When creating a new alarm, click on the Sound tab. Rewind the list to the very beginning, before standard ringtones Find a panel with familiar names and click on “Select Song”.

24. Snooze alarm

To reschedule the alarm to a later time, you don’t have to look for the corresponding button on the screen. Click on any side button, and the iPhone will wake you up again in nine minutes.

This interval was not chosen by chance: old mechanical alarm clocks could not count exactly 600 seconds. They did not take into account the current minute and began counting nine minutes from the next one.


25. Search by word on a page

Enter the right word V address bar. In the drop-down menu under the search engine suggestions, select “On this page.”

26. Recently closed tabs

Go to the screen that shows previews of open pages and hold your finger on the “+” button. A list will open in front of you recently closed tabs. This is useful if you accidentally closed it a long time ago open page, which is difficult to find in the browser history.

27. Convert a Safari page to a PDF file

28. Opening links in the background

Other basic applications and services

29. Spotlight as a converter

Swiping down on any iPhone screen opens Spotlight. Its use significantly reduces the time spent searching for something on a smartphone. Spotlight provides results from many applications: it will help you find the desired podcast episode, message by keyword or a person on Twitter. Also, a standard search engine can act as a converter. Just search for "1 usd" or "15 inches in cm".

30. Convert slow motion video to regular video

If you've been playing around with the slow motion feature and accidentally shot slow motion what would look better at natural speed, bringing the video to the original tempo is easy without additional applications. Open the video editing section and adjust the values ​​on the speed bar. This strip is located above the timing field, where we usually cut the videos.

Level 31

The compass in the basic application is practically useless in the city. But if you swipe the screen to the left, you can get a level - indispensable device for repair and installation.

32. Optimizing Apple Music storage

Turn on Storage Optimization in Music Settings and iPhone will automatically delete songs you rarely listen to. This will only happen when the device’s memory runs out.

To set the minimum amount of music that will not be deleted from iPhone, you can set the storage size.

33. Geolocation reminders

Task managers in the App Store offer a lot of functions, but standard “Reminders” are also capable of a lot. For example, basic application can remind you to buy milk not only at 15:00, but also when visiting the store. To enable this function, select “Remind me by location” and find the desired geolocation in the task settings.


34. Turn on power saving mode

If your iPhone has more than 20% charge left, but the nearest outlet is still very far away, it makes sense to switch to power saving mode. To enable the mode, just ask Siri about it or find the corresponding item in the battery settings. In these settings, you can also find a list of the most energy-consuming applications and close them in a timely manner.

35. Silent charging connection

You can avoid vibration when connecting the charger to your iPhone by opening the Camera app before connecting the Lightning cable. The device will begin to charge, and your light-sleeping relatives will not be awakened by a sudden sound.