Where is the calculator in Windows 10. Return of the familiar calculator

You updated from seven or installed ten yourself and the need for calculations has arisen.

Of course, you have a phone, but why use it if you have a computer or laptop in front of you and you can quickly make calculations with their help - it’s more convenient.

So what are you missing? You don’t know where the calculator is in Windows 10. It doesn’t matter, now we’ll quickly find it and turn it on.

To do this, click on the first icon at the bottom left (start). Next, “all applications” and scroll the window until we find the calculator, and when we find it, turn it on, as in Fig.

NOTE: it is much more efficient to find everything, and to use the launcher that was installed in the legendary seven.

It is very easy to install. Just go to this page and download the small application, then install it of course.

The second way to find where the Windows 10 calculator is located

If the first option fails, it's okay. Use the second option and you will certainly be lucky.

To do this, simply and slowly start typing the word calculator.

I don’t think it’s necessary to write more than “cal”. You will see the entire word at the top of the search, clicking on it will enable it in your Windows 10.

If you turn it on for the first time, you will be surprised. However, I won’t describe it – see for yourself. Good luck.

The calculator is a standard application of the Windows 10 operating system, dating back to the very first version released. For some users, this is an important feature whose presence makes a big difference. In the new version of Windows, users often face the problem of launching this application and finding its location. This process creates some discomfort, so in this instruction we will try to figure out how to set up the calculator and where to find it. You will also be interested to know that a previous modification of this useful application is possible.

Location of the Calculator application and instructions for launching it

There are many changes in the Windows 10 version, and the location of the calculator is one of them. Once upon a time it was located in the Start menu in the “Standard” folder, but now it has its own item among the list of all programs in Start. It can be found in Start under the letter “K”.

In some cases, the calculator may not be in the specified location. Then try using the search.

You can also find a calculator if you go to the following path: Local drive C\Windows\System32\calc.exe. Once you find it, it will be more convenient to create a shortcut for it and move it to your desktop for easier use.

If you checked Start and tried to search in the specified folder, and you also couldn’t find anything through the search, then most likely your calculator was deleted. There is nothing tragic here; it can be easily reinstalled. To do this, simply go to the Windows 10 store. In the search for applications, enter “Calculator” and you will see a list with all existing calculators that you can install on your PC.

But there are cases when there is a calculator on the computer, but it does not work, does not turn on, or immediately closes after turning on. Let's try to solve this problem too.

Necessary steps to set up a non-working calculator

In cases where the calculator does not want to turn on, try the following:

1) Find the “Applications and Features” section through Start-Settings-System-Applications and Features.

2)Among the programs presented, click on “Calculator”. An Additional Settings option will appear below it, go to it.

3) In the new window you will see the “Reset” button, you need to click it and confirm your actions.

After everything is done, turn on the “Calculator” application again.

How to install an older calculator model from Windows 7?

If you are used to the old calculator design, then we hasten to please you, because it is possible to install the old software on Windows 10. Previously, it was possible to download the previous version of the calculator on the Microsoft website, but now for unknown reasons it has been removed from there. Therefore, at this moment, third-party sites will come to your aid. The calculator is generally the same as on Windows 7, but has its own minor differences.

We recommend downloading the old version of the calculator by following the link http://winaero.com/download.php?view.1795. Although everything is described on the site in English, the application installs normally, and you yourself choose the language of the installed program.

I hope that those users who had questions about the calculator were able to find answers in this article.

The advanced calculator is a worthy replacement for the standard one built into Windows 10. You can download one of 10+ options of your choice. Some of them differ from the standard one only in design, while some are full-fledged working tools.

The choice of tool is determined by your task. For example, there are a number of specialized solutions that are not suitable for basic tasks, but in highly specialized areas they are an integral part of the solution:

  • Construction;
  • Mortgage;
  • Credit;
  • And others;

There are also ordinary, mathematical solutions that were created for students, builders, draftsmen and other specialists. On this same page we post an extended solution that can be used to solve any of the above problems.

To open it, search for Utilities in the Start panel. This is where the built-in solution is hidden. You can also open it in literally two clicks if you use the search in the lower left part of the screen and type “Calculator”. This will take you to a feature that Microsoft has thoughtfully built into your PC. This tool will allow you to:

  • Make simple calculations;
  • Allows you to use the keyboard at work;
  • Supports step-by-step control;

All this is included in our solution, but in addition to the above, we also have other functions.

Why you should download the advanced free calculator for Windows 10

If you see beautiful solutions on other projects, we suggest that you do not buy into it. After all, in such software, what is important is not so much how it looks, but what it can do, what it offers. And the standard one is not so bad in terms of design; it offers a convenient interface that is applicable on tablets, laptops with small screens, and even on regular computers with a mouse. Questions specifically about functionality.

The only downside to a third-party solution is that you have to download the distribution. But this is a fleeting minus, because this only needs to be done once. Then the installation is the same as in the case of the package, i.e. literally in a couple of clicks, and in just 5 minutes you can get advanced functionality.

If you needed a special tool, such as a mortgage calculator, our product has some built-in formulas. For example, calculating the annuity payment and others. Which makes it truly versatile. Try it yourself!

When upgrading the Windows operating system to version 10 or installing it on a blank disk, a number of difficult issues arise. Many users have encountered one of them at the calculation stage. A reasonable question arose - where is the calculator in Windows 10? We offer a minimum of 8 answers - six of them can be used by every owner of a new operating system.

Standard approach, new and old versions of the calculator

In the Start menu of the new version of Windows, files and folders are arranged in alphabetical order. This makes it easier to find the required application. The new version of the calculator with a flat design and many functions is located in the list under the Russian letter “K”.

The classic model from earlier versions of Windows operating systems is located in the System folder. It is located in the launcher under the letter “C”.

Via search bar

You can access the Windows 10 search bar in two ways:

  • By clicking on the magnifying glass icon located on the taskbar under the “Start” button. It can be hidden using additional system settings.
  • Start printing a search query after clicking the Start button. The context menu changes its appearance from a list of applications to a search bar.

In order to launch a new calculator, you must enter the request “Calculator”. It often appears when the user has typed the first 4 letters of that word. In a similar way, you can enter Calculator to launch the classic version of the calculator.

The fastest way to find a program without multimedia buttons (present on some keyboards for quick launch and multimedia control) is the following:

  • pressing the “Start” key, also known as Win (signed with the operating system logo, located near the left Ctrl and right Alt);
  • entering the first 3-4 letters of the name of the required version of the calculator;
  • Press Enter.

With proper practice, starting the program takes no more than a second.

Via command line

The Win + R key combination, familiar to many, provides the ability to initiate processes directly. This may help if other options for launching the calculator have failed. You must enter the file responsible for launching the corresponding application. To get the classic model, type win32calc. After pressing the Enter key, an application will open that is familiar to many users of previous versions of the OS.

The new calculator is launched by including the Calculator.exe file (required with a capital letter). This option is suitable for users with administrator rights (the new application is located in a folder that is not publicly accessible).

Calculations in English version of W10

In the non-Russian version, simple calculations (arithmetic operations) can be carried out directly through the search bar. To do this, Bing must be running and there must be an Internet connection. This is due to the fact that the search line looks for answers on the global network.

The Windows 10 operating system includes a built-in calculator application. The new calculator app has replaced the classic calculator app, but the ability to run the classic calculator in Windows 10 remains.

Calculator not working or not opening in Windows 10?

Like other built-in applications, the calculator application may sometimes fail to launch or close immediately upon launch. If you are having problems with the Calculator app, the following steps may help you fix the Universal Calculator app in Windows 10.

Reset Calculator app settings.

In Windows 10 Settings, there is an option to reset application settings. If the Calculator app is not working properly, reset it.

Step 1: Open " Options" Windows, by pressing the key combination Win + I,

Go - « Settings" → "Applications" → "Applications and features".

Step 2: Find the Calculator app entry. Select the Calculator app by tapping on it. You should now see a link " Extra options". Click the link to open the app reset page.

Step 3: Here, click the button Reset". A confirmation window will open, click the Reset button again to completely reset the Calculator app.

Reinstall the calculator app in Windows 10

If the problem with app launching persists even after resetting the app settings, you may consider reinstalling the calculator. Since Windows 10 doesn't offer an easy way to uninstall the calculator, you'll need to use PowerShell to remove an application before installing it again from the Windows Store. Cm.

To reinstall the Calculator app, you must specify a special PowerShell command as described below.

  1. Open PowerShell as an administrator.
  2. Copy and paste the following command:
Get-AppxPackage *WindowsCalculator* | Remove-AppxPackage

This command will remove the modern Calculator app.

  1. Now open the Microsoft Store and install the calculator. Type "Calculator" into the search field to install the official app.

That's all, I hope now the application will work as it should.

Run Windows 10 System Restore.

If none of the above methods fixed the calculator problem, you can restore Windows 10 to solve this problem. However, remember that restoring Windows 10 will remove all installed third-party programs and applications. Cm, .

Install a third-party Calculator program

If the built-in calculator does not work even after all the methods mentioned above, you can install - Calculator Plus one of the many applications from the Windows 10 store.