Secrets of iPhone 6 s. Triple press the Home button. Convert slow motion video to regular video

1. Taking pictures without using the touch screen

Just call Siri with a long touch on the Home button and ask her to turn on the camera. To take a photo, press any volume button on your smartphone or headphones.

2. Emergency reboot

In those rare cases when the iPhone freezes or you need to free up the device's RAM, an emergency reboot will help. Just hold down the Home button and the Lock button for 10 seconds.

3. Triple press the Home button

Go to the "Accessibility" item in the main iPhone settings. Scroll down to the “Keyboard Shortcuts” tab - a list of functions will open in front of you. Triple-clicking the Home button launches VoiceOver, color inversion (useful for reading), some display settings, on-screen zoom, and Switch Control or AssistiveTouch.

To turn on the magnifying glass by triple-clicking the Home button, simply select the appropriate item in “Universal Access.”

4. Double tap the Home button sensor

Perhaps all iPhone users know that double-clicking the mechanical Home button opens the application selection window. But not everyone is aware that double tapping the button sensor “lowers” ​​the screen a little, allowing owners of large smartphones to easily reach the top icons.

5. Using 3D Touch

If you have an iPhone 6s or later, using 3D Touch can make your life a lot easier and save time. This technology will speed up movement between applications, make typing more convenient and...

6. Reassigning volume buttons

The iPhone has two volume settings: the first is for calls and notifications, the second is for music and applications. Turning off the “Change with buttons” toggle switch in the sound settings will fix the ringer volume in its current position and transfer control of music and applications exclusively to the side buttons.

Work with text

7. Undo last action

Just shake your smartphone, and iOS will offer to undo the last action, be it typing, inserting or, conversely, deleting text.

8. Quickly enter a domain

In cases where the keyboard prompts you to quickly enter, hold your finger on this button. A list of popular domains will open in front of you, where you can quickly switch to

9. Removing the microphone icon from the keyboard

The microphone icon between the space bar and the language change button is intended for voice text input. You can remove the icon by moving the “Enable dictation” slider to the inactive position in the keyboard settings.

10. Listening to the text

iOS supports Screen Speak. To enable it, activate the slider in the speech settings: “Settings” → “General” → “Universal Access”. To make iPhone speak text on the screen, swipe down with two fingers in any app.


11. Create a letter password for unlocking

If you don't trust four- or six-digit passwords and don't like Touch ID technology, you can set a long one.

Go to the password code settings and select “Change password code”. The system will require you to enter the old combination first, and then the new one. On the screen for entering a new password, click on “Passcode Options” and select an acceptable option.

12. Improve Touch ID accuracy

To help iPhone recognize you more confidently and quickly, create multiple prints of the same finger.

13. Create hidden photos

If you take photos in the standard camera application, they will be saved in the library. To protect a photo with a password, you need to resort to a trick. Turn off photo exporting and set a password in the Notes app settings. To take a secret photo, go to create a new note and tap on the camera icon. Once the photo is taken, click on "Export" and select "Lock Note."

14. Guided access

We often give our smartphone into the wrong hands to “pass a level in a game,” “read an article,” or “watch a video on YouTube.” If you don't trust who will be using your iPhone, turn on Guided Access in Settings: General → Accessibility → Guided Access.

When handing over an iPhone to someone, triple-click the Home button to turn on Guided Access, and the person will only be able to use the open app.


15. “Whose iPhone is this?”

If you find a lost iPhone, Siri can help you contact its owner without entering a password. Ask her “Whose iPhone is this?” or “Who owns this iPhone?”, and a window will open in front of you with the name of the owner of the gadget.

So that the person who finds your iPhone can find you in this way, go to Siri settings and in the “Data” tab, assign a contact with information about yourself.

16. Siri male voice

Not everyone knows, but our faithful electronic assistant can speak in a pleasant male voice. This option is available in Siri settings.


17. Calling the last number dialed

To repeat the last call, it is not necessary to go to the “Recent” tab. Click on the green handset on the screen with keys, and the iPhone will offer to call back the last number dialed.

18. Quick access to favorite contacts

To quickly dial important numbers, add them to the Favorites tab in the standard Phone application. Swipe right on the desktop to go to the widget panel. Scroll down and click “Edit”, and then tap on the plus sign next to the “Favorites” widget. Now you can call your loved ones faster and even when the screen is locked.

19. Detection of an incoming call in headphones

Answering calls using headphones is sometimes much easier than reaching for your phone. To find out who is calling you without taking your iPhone out of your pocket, turn on the “Call Announcements” toggle switch in your phone settings.


20. Deleting old messages

Deleting irrelevant messages will help bring order to your correspondence and free up precious megabytes of memory. Find the “Leave messages” item in the settings and set the required time after which the messages will be deleted.

21. Saving traffic in “Messages”

To avoid wasting traffic on heavy attachments, turn on low quality mode in your message settings.

22. Time of sending messages

One of the non-obvious functions of “Messages” is viewing the exact time of sending. Just swipe from the right side of the screen.


23. Setting up a call from Apple Music

The ability to set your favorite song as an alarm is not a trick, but a basic iPhone feature that many people don't know about. When creating a new alarm, click on the Sound tab. Rewind the list to the very beginning, before the standard ringtones, find a panel with familiar names and click on “Select song”.

24. Snooze alarm

To reschedule the alarm to a later time, you don’t have to look for the corresponding button on the screen. Press any side button and iPhone wakes you up again in nine minutes.

This interval was not chosen by chance: old mechanical alarm clocks could not count exactly 600 seconds. They did not take into account the current minute and began counting nine minutes from the next one.


25. Search by word on a page

Enter the desired word in the address bar. In the drop-down menu under the search engine suggestions, select “On this page.”

26. Recently closed tabs

Go to the screen that shows previews of open pages and hold your finger on the “+” button. A list of recently closed tabs will open in front of you. This is useful if you accidentally closed a long-open page that is difficult to find in your browser history.

27. Convert Safari Page to PDF File

28. Opening links in the background

Other basic applications and services

29. Spotlight as a converter

Swiping down on any iPhone screen opens Spotlight. Its use significantly reduces the time spent searching for something on a smartphone. Spotlight provides results from many applications: it will help you find the desired episode of a podcast, a message by keyword, or a person on Twitter. Also, a standard search engine can act as a converter. Just search for "1 usd" or "15 inches in cm".

30. Convert slow motion video to regular video

If you've been playing around with the slow motion feature and accidentally shot something in slow motion that would look better at natural speed, it's easy to bring the video to the original tempo without additional applications. Open the video editing section and adjust the values ​​on the speed bar. This strip is located above the timing field, where we usually cut the videos.

Level 31

The compass in the basic application is practically useless in the city. But if you swipe the screen to the left, you can get a level - an indispensable device for repair and installation.

32. Optimizing Apple Music storage

Turn on Storage Optimization in Music Settings and iPhone will automatically delete songs you rarely listen to. This will only happen when the device’s memory runs out.

To set the minimum amount of music that will not be deleted from iPhone, you can set the storage size.

33. Geolocation reminders

Task managers in the App Store offer a lot of functions, but standard “Reminders” are also capable of a lot. For example, a basic application can remind you to buy milk not only at 15:00, but also when you visit the store. To enable this function, select “Remind me by location” and find the desired geolocation in the task settings.


34. Turn on power saving mode

If your iPhone has more than 20% charge left, but the nearest outlet is still very far away, it makes sense to switch to power saving mode. To enable the mode, just ask Siri about it or find the corresponding item in the battery settings. In these settings, you can also find a list of the most energy-consuming applications and close them in a timely manner.

35. Silent charging connection

You can avoid vibration when connecting the charger to your iPhone by opening the Camera app before connecting the Lightning cable. The device will begin to charge, and your light-sleeping relatives will not be awakened by a sudden sound.

Somehow it happened that I talked about all the capabilities of the iPhone 6s, but paid little attention to 3D Touch. It seems like it, but today I’ll literally briefly share my personal experience of using 3D Touch. I will only tell you about those functions that I use constantly, regardless of whether it is built-in or third-party software.

Video review of 3D Touch chips

1. Dialer

From the first day I bought my first smartphone, I already knew that it would be more of anything but a phone. However, the dialer is still very important, if not the most important function of smartphones. That is why most people have this icon installed in the first place in the dock. Like any smartphone, the iPhone has favorite contacts, but now when I click on the icon, I see the highest grade of favorite contacts, so to speak, favorite favorite contacts. And this is the only way I’m used to calling them, even without opening the application itself. I also use clicking when I want to send SMS or email directly from contacts. Why is this convenient? Because I don’t need to pay attention to where I am - in the Favorites, Recent or Contacts tab, I just click on any line - and I get the same list of actions in the context menu. If I simply tapped on a contact, a call would immediately start in Favorites and Recents, and a card with all the data would open in the contact list. And here, in a uniform style and familiar position relative to the finger, we get the most necessary functions.

2. Quick notes

I still keep most of my notes in Evernote, where I have thousands of texts and in general - there is no longer just a heavy hierarchy of folders, there is already bureaucracy there. Therefore, for quick notes, if I need to write down a number, address or movie title, I use the standard notes application. By the way, it became very good in iOS 9, without losing speed, but maybe I’ll tell you about it later. To quickly add a note, I just need to click on the icon and select the first item in the context menu. This is also possible in Evernote, but opening will take longer, which defeats the purpose of quickly creating a note.

3. Working with the keyboard

This is probably the most convenient of all that somehow uses 3D Touch. If I had to leave only one option from the entire list, I would choose this one. Moving the cursor around text has always been a challenge on touch displays, be it iOS or Android. Having already gotten used to the Nokia E Series with a full keyboard, I was very pleased with how text navigation was implemented in BlackBerry. There you could use the joystick's touchpad or, in subsequent models, the keyboard. But the iPhone doesn't have a trackball, like the Nexus One or HTC Hero, or a keyboard. However, with 3D Touch, cursor movement is the most comfortable I've seen on a touch device. Just press the keyboard and it turns into a trackpad. Next, walk across the screen and move the cursor to the desired location.

Perhaps not everyone knows, but in this mode you can also select text. Just move the cursor where you need it, press a little and select the text as you would with a mouse. You can then copy, cut or format it. In general, without the slightest exaggeration, working with text on touch devices has never been so convenient!

4. Reminders

I use standard reminders in iOS. They are gorgeous, in my opinion. And with 3D Touch they have become even more usable! I have main lists, like Komandda, where I add all the things to do so as not to forget, there is a bucket show, there I put what to take on the expedition so as not to die, there is a shopping list for home. It is shared and my wife and I add purchases to it. And it’s convenient that I can add a new reminder to any of the lists directly from the icon! Gorgeous!

5. Launch the desired mode in the camera

To enable the desired mode in the camera, you previously had to launch it and move between them. For example, I often need to immediately switch to video shooting mode so as not to miss a funny moment in the office or with a child, so now I turn on all modes, except photography, directly from the icon on the main screen. I also take selfies!

6. Chekin

Yes, I may disappoint you, but I'm still checking in. The Swarm app has 3D Touch support, and it consists of one point: check-in. And rightly so, why overload the main screen? I click on this item and immediately select from the list of places nearby the one in which I am located.

7. Preview in Safari

Peek & Pop is one of the main features of 3D Touch, and it was this feature that was given the most time at the presentation of the new iPhone 6s. I use P&P everywhere occasionally, but mostly in multiple applications. The first one is Safari. The simplest example is a page with many links, for example, search results. On the computer, when I search for something, I open each link in a new tab in order to save the results and become familiar with the content. On a smartphone this was very difficult, but with 3D Touch you can simply preview the content via a link and then either open the entire page with a strong press, or continue the search.

8. Preview Instagram Profiles

And another useful example of using Peek & Pop for me is previewing profiles on Instagram. When reading comments, I sometimes open profiles to look at a person's work. Now everything is much faster, I just preview the profile and immediately understand whether it’s worth subscribing or whether it’s better to pass by.

9. Periscope

I periscope, although not very often, but in the most interesting conditions. And in general the service turned out to be very cool. In order not to launch the application and not search for where a specific developer placed a specific element I need (in this case, a broadcast), I start the broadcast with an icon.

Oddly enough, many people use 3D Touch to quickly bring up multitasking by pressing and dragging from the left side. It didn't seem very convenient to me, perhaps because of the film.

This is how I use 3D Touch most often. This functionality is supported by many applications today, but I constantly use these 8 cases. I would also like to mention the Taptic Engine, thanks to which pressing on the display feels like pressing a key with a response.

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

When it’s 2016 and everyone is waiting for the tenth generation of Apple smartphones to appear, it’s hard to surprise iPhone users with new unknown features. Especially for you, we found 10 features and tricks that not everyone knows about.

Just take any modern iPhone and practice.

1. Recall

In the application Telephone On the tab with the numeric keypad, you can quickly make a call to the last subscriber you dialed earlier. To do this, just press the green call button twice.

After the first press, the last number dialed will appear in the top line, and the second press will dial the number.

2. Improved Touch ID performance

The fingerprint scanner on the iPhone does its job well in most cases. However, sometimes the sensor may refuse to recognize a familiar fingerprint several times in a row.

To improve Touch ID's accuracy, save multiple fingerprints from the same finger as separate entries. By occupying the five available records with one or two prints, the sensor's response rate will increase and failures will be minimized.

3. Fastest currency converter

To instantly find out the exchange rate, use the Spotlight search. Just enter “1₽” and we will see the equivalent of the national currency in US dollars. You can specify any amount to immediately convert; the number can be written either before or after the currency symbol.

The reverse conversion also works when using the “$” symbol. Finally, currency symbols on your keyboard will be of real use.

4. Clearing the device’s RAM

iOS is a fairly stable system that does not require special care, cleaning or optimization. However, sometimes the iPhone may start to slow down or slow down. The reason for this is the lack of RAM (or iOS 9 installed on the iPhone 4S).

You can quickly unload all applications from the device memory in the following way: hold down the button Power until the slider to turn off the device appears, release the button and hold down Home before getting back to the desktop.

5. Continuous photography

To take a continuous series of pictures, simply hold down the shutter button in the standard application Camera(works with both the virtual key on the screen and the volume button).

A series of pictures will be saved as a common set in the application Photo. After this you can press the button Choose and mark the successful shots.

6. Quickly turn off the flashlight

For those who often use the flash on their iPhone as a flashlight, the following life hack will come in handy. You can turn on the LED on your iPhone from the bottom curtain using a special icon, but to turn it off you don’t have to do the opposite.

Just pull the camera icon on the lock screen. You should release the shortcut just above the middle of the screen; the camera will not start and the flash will turn off.

7. View recently closed pages in the browser

While surfing Safari on iOS, you can easily close the desired site. To return a closed page, it is not necessary to go into the history of visited sites. You can hold your finger on the “+” button in the tab management menu and select the desired page from the list of recently closed ones.

8. View the full version of the site

If you need to view the full version of the site in a mobile browser, you can find the corresponding option in the Safari menu. However, it will be much faster to hold down the page reload button and select the appropriate item from the pop-up menu.

9. Only unread messages in the mail

The standard email client has one little-known feature. A separate section allows you to view only unread messages. To display it, you will need to go to the page with all mailboxes in the application and click the button Change.

All that remains is to add a section Unread and choose a suitable location for it.

10. Re-enabling power saving mode

You can manually turn on the power saving mode in the iPhone settings or click on the corresponding button in the dialog box when your smartphone battery is low.

After charging, the device will automatically turn off the power saving mode and notify you with a message on the lock screen. Just drag the message to the left and turn on the economy mode again. The iPhone does not work at full capacity in it, but lasts longer without recharging.

The iPhone is known to be a very useful thing, but it has hidden functions that many people are not even aware of. For example, not every owner of an Apple gadget knows that his phone contains a map of all the places he has visited, or that he can control the screen by turning his head.

In contact with

We invite you to familiarize yourself with fifteen useful features that will make you a truly “advanced” iPhone user.

Re-entering the most frequently used text and phrases each time is a very annoying procedure.

In order to, say, not constantly enter the same email address, the iPhone can be taught hints. The user can type, for example, “soap”, and the entire address will appear on the screen. To do this you need to go to the menu “ Settings", In chapter " Basic" choose " Keyboard" and click on the item " Replacing text».

Click here + in the upper right corner, in the field Phrase enter the full phrase (in our case yablyk@site), and in the Abbreviation field enter the desired abbreviation, for example “soap”..

In this way you can easily enter, for example, passport data, full name, etc. Try it, it's very convenient.

How to add and change the order of virtual keyboards

Using the iPhone's default keyboard doesn't allow you to maximize its full potential. There are a number of applications that add many interesting and useful functions to the keyboard - from translating text into a foreign language to sending funny GIFs.

Try using, for example, one of the third-party keyboards below:

You can activate the new keyboard after installing it using the following path: Settings -> Basic -> Keyboard -> Keyboards -> New keyboards.

To use the keyboard, you must give it full access to iOS. To do this, click on the name of the keyboard and move the switch to the ON position, then confirm your intentions by selecting the option Allow.

The order of keyboards in the list can be changed by clicking on the " Change" in the upper right corner. This will allow you to know exactly which keyboard will appear next when switching.

You can switch the keyboard by clicking on the globe icon in the lower left corner or in the settings of the active keyboard.

How to turn off calls and notifications at night or at lunchtime

The "" function allows you to turn off sound signals for calls, alerts and notifications that come to a locked device. The user can schedule a time or select subscribers whose calls are allowed to receive.

In order to activate the function, you need to go to the menu “ Settings" and select " Manually».

This can also be done in Control Center by clicking on the crescent moon icon.

How to control iPhone with your head

You can activate the device control function using head movements by going to Settings -> Basic > Universal access-> and selecting Add new... In chapter Switches.

How to hide some unused native apps that can't be deleted

The iPhone comes with dozens of pre-installed applications that the user cannot remove. This is quite inconvenient, considering that many of them will hardly be used. Be that as it may, some unused applications can be removed from the home screen.

To do this you need to go to " Settings" and in the section " Basic" choose " Restrictions" Then you need to enter a password and specify which icons should be hidden from the home screen.

Unfortunately, you can only hide application icons: Safari, Camera, FaceTime, iTunes Store, Podcasts and News.

How to make the flash light up when making calls, receiving messages and notifications

Many iPhone users who love the message indicator lights on older phones don't even realize that they can activate this feature on their Apple device. This can be done by going to Settings -> Basic -> Universal access -> Flash warnings.

How to set different vibration for individual contacts

You can find out who is calling not only by the ringtone, but also by the vibration sound. In order to set a specific vibration for individual contacts, you need to go to Settings -> Sounds -> Ringtone -> Vibration -> Create vibration.

You can set the vibration pattern by tapping on the screen. The created sample must be named and saved.

This vibration will be automatically set by default for all notifications, so before you exit the menu, you must return to the previous settings - option Not selected.

In order to set a specified vibration for a specific person, you should go to the list of contacts, select the required one, press the button Change and indicate the saved template in the “ Vibration».

Replying to messages from the lock screen is very simple - just swipe left on the message, thereby activating the " Answer».

You can find out the most energy-consuming applications by going to Settings -> Battery -> Battery usage.

iPhone saves data about all visited places and creates a hidden map. In order to view it, you need to go to Settings -> Confidentiality -> Location Services and choose System Services -> Frequently visited places.

All places visited by the user are sorted by city. After clicking on the name of the city, a map will open with an exact indication of the location and time of its visit.

How to enable power saving mode

Power saving mode can help extend the life of your iPhone battery. When the battery level drops to 20%, a notification appears asking you to enter low power mode. However, it can be activated even if the smartphone is fully charged. To do this you need to go to the application " Settings" and select the section " Battery" When the power saving mode is turned on, the battery level indicator turns yellow.

To save battery, non-essential features such as background app updates, Siri and some resource-intensive video effects are disabled.

Power saving mode turns off automatically when the device reaches 80% charge.

How to view selfies and screenshots in individual albums in the Photos app

This may be news to some, but the iPhone automatically saves pictures taken with the front camera and screenshots separately from the rest.

In order to quickly view the media files sent in the message (photos, videos, coordinates), just click on the “ Details" in the upper right corner.

You can specify the location in the message in the menu " Details" The mark is set indefinitely, for example, for an hour or until the end of the day.

How to reduce the screen brightness level to a level lower than that suggested in the settings

Few people know that by triple-clicking on the display you can reduce the brightness in a way that the standard settings do not allow. This makes using your smartphone at night much more convenient. You can activate the triple tap function as follows. Choose Settings -> Basic -> Universal access -> Increase and in the subsection Magnification area check the box Whole screen.

After triple-tapping the screen with three fingers (you need to touch quickly), a menu will appear in which you need to click on “ Select filter" and check the box next to " Weak light" Now you can reduce the brightness below the minimum set by Apple by triple tapping the screen.

The new iPhones 6 and 6s, released in the fall of 2014, caused a lot of noise. A year later, representatives of this generation became the best-selling models in the world. Manufacturers did not listen to the advice of company founder Steve Jobs and released a 4.7-inch screen, which ensured the news sensational status. Smartphones with this innovation have become even more popular.

Did the “six” really become popular only thanks to the new display? It turns out that these models have their own secrets.

Key Features of iPhone 6 and 6s

Before we move on to the hidden capabilities of the two smartphones, let's compare these phones with each other, highlighting the main parameters.


As already mentioned, the iPhone 6 has a larger diagonal. The 6s display is a little brighter, but you can only notice the difference when you put the two models side by side. Both gadgets are equipped with HD screens. True, now you won’t surprise anyone with the presence of an HD display. Even simple Chinese models can boast of it. The screen resolution of the 6 and 6s has decreased. This has its advantages - the device began to consume less energy, delivering greater performance.

Another difference between the devices is the display. 6s is covered with an oleophobic film. It protects against fingerprints and dust particles.


The devices are no different from each other in appearance. The only thing that can be noted is the presence of the letter s on the back panel. This is understandable - external differences are necessary so that one device does not repeat the other.

On the back of the updated model, the manufacturers removed the IMEI identifier. As for tactile sensations, the phone tries to slip out of your hands. And while the body of both gadgets is very durable, the screen often breaks. Therefore, get ready for the fact that you may soon need new glass for your display, the cost of which sometimes reaches up to 20,000 rubles.

What else is good about the updated model from Steve Jobs' company? The predecessor of the iPhone 6s had squeaky buttons, so Apple decided to correct this misunderstanding and made sure that the buttons did not make any extraneous sounds.


Here the two devices are very different. The operating speed of the iPhone (iPhone) 6 is 30% higher than that of its twin brother 6s, but all the secrets and performance tricks do not end there. RAM has been improved and increased to 2 GB. The processor frequency has also increased. The updated smartphone has become more solid and has a processor with 1.84 GHz.

You can judge the speed of your phone using the Safari application. Rebooting in 6s occurs after opening 12 tabs. But the browser can “withstand” 27 open tabs. This is a big leap compared to previous models.

Working on the Internet

Apple has not ignored its Russian fans - the iPhone 6s began to support all domestic LTE frequencies. “Pumped up” LTE allows you to reach 300 Mbit/s.

It’s worth saying here that Apple marketers are some of the best in the world. They present each new model as significantly faster than its predecessor. At the same time, when buying a new product, the speed is amazing. And after a year, productivity drops. And the reason is not that the functionality of the smartphone is seriously outdated. The fact is that the updated version of iOS is flashed in such a way that the previous version begins to slow down and you are forced to buy a new device.

Photo and camera quality

The improved camera of the new model is one of the main important aspects of the updated “six”, which manufacturers refer to. Advanced image processing algorithms, 12 megapixel resolution brought a lot of pleasure to 6s buyers. The new mobile device better detects the light level and allows you to choose a smarter filter for photos. But during night shooting there is a feeling of “watercolor”, a slight blurring of the image, and its realism is lost.

The front camera has also received positive changes. The module with 5 megapixels looks more serious and weighty than its “twin” with 1.2 megapixels.

Disadvantages of sixth generation iPhones

Having talked about the positive aspects of sixth-generation Apple gadgets, we will also talk about their disadvantages. These devices also have their drawbacks.

  • Users sometimes have the feeling that the screen does not fit tightly enough to the body. The high production speed means that the glue simply does not have time to dry properly. This is a significant drawback of the model, given that the company’s products have always belonged to the luxury segment, both in price and quality. When you press the phone, especially the regular “six”, an “air cushion” effect occurs. There is no integrity or feeling of reliability of the assembly.
  • Other problems are related not so much to functionality, but to the not entirely successful placement of the camera on the panel. Due to the ultra-thin body, the designers decided to make the camera protrude slightly from the back. This creates additional inconvenience for users. Considering the high cost of smartphones, this is a significant disadvantage.
  • “Independent” device reboots. The problem with sixth-generation gadgets began immediately after release. To reduce the cost of the device, Apple uses a low-speed memory controller. But the RAM is stated to be high. It turns out that the controller cannot cope with the load and begins to act up, cyclically rebooting the iPhone.

  • "Bad battery." Surprisingly, the battery “runs out” quickly, and literally after 6-7 months it “holds” its charge for a maximum of a day.
  • High cost of repairs. We have already said that the fragile screen of the “six” in the event of a breakdown will force you to fork out 20,000 rubles. But the display is not the main problem. Gadgets often have speakers that break. iPhone can be returned under warranty. But what to do when a year has already passed and you don’t hear the sound. There is only one answer - go to the service center. This is another 3,000 rubles. And a broken key will cost you another 3,000 each.
  • Lack of memory. Young people who like to play with “heavy” toys especially suffer from this. The phone does not support memory cards, so you will have to rely on the memory “sewn in” at the factory. And if you have 16 GB, you can only be glad that you have an iPhone - one of the most status devices. It is impossible to talk about full-fledged work in iTunes, iCloud and a number of other applications. But even for such simple configurations there is a way out. Photos and videos can be periodically placed in the “cloud” and thereby relieve the load on the smartphone.
  • Price. The high cost of gadgets cannot be ignored. The most affordable option with 16 GB will cost 30,000 rubles, a more upgraded version - 50,000. A device, the cost of which is comparable to a used car, simply has no right to drawbacks.

  • Heat. Phones can please the residents of Russia. For our frosts, this is an excellent option for warming your hands in the cold. But the iPhone should not get very hot during active use. Overheating is the first sign of rapid wear and tear of any electronics.

Secrets, tricks and tricks of iPhone 6 and 6s with all the differences between the models

Having found out what the difference is between the devices, let’s find out what the two options have in common. If you don’t want to go deep into the instructions, below we will present the top tricks that can be used in these gadgets today.

"Live wallpaper

You can make your smartphone even more attractive by following a few simple steps.

When filming, make sure the Live icon is visible on the screen. Once you open the photo view, set it as your wallpaper.

Smart photo management

View old photos before taking new ones

To exit camera mode, click on the icon located at the bottom left. A list appears on the display that you can scroll through. To exit to the desired mode, simply remove your finger from the photos.

Instant response to messages

To search for phrases prepared in advance, click “Messages”. Click on the text field and scroll up. You will receive hints that you can quickly insert into SMS and send.

Turning your keyboard into a touchpad

To do this, click on the keyboard and move the cursor. There are a few more additional features here. To select all the text, touch the touchpad three times, or twice to select a line.

Entering notes using the finger method

Now you can write notes with your finger, like a stylus. The intensity of the color and the thickness of the lines depend on the force of pressing the screen.

Instantly play your favorite podcasts

This is another feature for iPhone 6 and 6s. To quickly “call up” your favorite podcast, click on the application in the home menu - you will immediately start playing a new episode of what you previously subscribed to.

Update in maps

Click on any object on the map - your favorite restaurant, bar, beauty salon - and information on how to get there will appear on your screen.

“Call” Siri by voice

The most important thing is that now your electronic “friend” can talk to you offline. If you ever feel lonely or blue, just say hello to Siri. You can also configure the device in the application itself. Activate it and the electronic “chat room” will not let you get bored, it will provide all the necessary information so that you don’t have to surf the Internet again.

Calendar management

This is another secret or, in other words, a feature of the iPhone 6 and 6s. After tapping an event post, swipe up on it. This will indicate your decision about whether to attend the event or not.

Is it worth taking the “six”

When buying any gadget, you must decide how long you plan to use it. When every new release makes your heart ache and you run to the store for a new product, buy a more advanced version - 6s. If you need a simple and understandable smartphone without unnecessary complications, buy a regular “six”, the price of which is pleasantly pleasing compared to its “big brother”.

If you are planning to purchase a sixth generation iPhone and the hidden functions and capabilities of the iPhone 6 and 6s impressed you, contact the Rudevice-store online store. Here you can buy a high-quality and original gadget and order its delivery to any city in Russia.