The Start menu quickly disappears in Windows 10. Video: how to enable full-screen mode for the Start button. Creating a new user on the device

A major inconvenience has been fixed in Windows 10 previous versions: The “Start” button has been returned to its rightful place. But now she doesn't look the same as before, because her previous look was combined with the starting one. Windows screen 8. However, customizing the menu to suit your needs is quite simple.

Where is the Start button in Windows 10

There is nothing unusual in the location of the Start menu: in the “top ten” the button for calling it is located in the lower left corner of the taskbar. When pressed, it drops out large menu, where the most used icons are located on the left, tiles leading to applications, programs and utilities, as well as folders with these objects, are on the right.

The Start button in Windows 10 is located at the bottom left of the taskbar, and the menu itself is divided into two parts

Start button settings

To access the menu settings, you need to right-click on it. Then a context submenu will appear. It can also be called by pressing Win keys+X. Most settings are made in the “Personalization” section.

To go to the Start settings, click on the button right key mouse and select "Personalization"

Switch to full screen mode

To expand Start to full screen:

Another way to switch Start to full-screen view is to activate tablet mode:

Video: How to enable full screen mode for the Start button

Start button color and shape

You can change the color, shape and other parameters appearance"Start." To do this, go to the “Colors” tab in the “Personalization” window. On the right, select the desired color (or set it automatic selection). Here you can make the entire menu transparent by applying the appropriate settings under the color palette.

To change the color of the Start menu, you need to go to the “Colors” tab of the “Personalization” window

The menu can be easily resized using the mouse - drag its borders as far as needed.

Pin objects

You can now pin a variety of objects in Start: shortcuts necessary programs, all kinds of folders and separate files. To do this, just call up the context menu by clicking on the desired icon and select “Pin to Start Screen”. The corresponding item will immediately appear in the Start menu.

To pin an object to Start, call up the context menu and select “Pin to Start Screen”

Similarly, to unpin, right-click on a file or shortcut located in the menu and select the corresponding item in the drop-down column.

To unpin an object, right-click on it and select “Unpin from” from the menu. home screen»

Setting up tiles

The sizes of the tiles can also be changed using the context menu: select “Change size” and select the required dimensions from four options.

To change the size of tiles in the Start menu, you need to select the corresponding item in context menu

You can move tile icons by simply dragging them across the desktop to the desired location. Also, for user convenience, the system allows you to distribute tiles into groups. You can create groups in two ways:

Other Start settings

By default, in the Start menu, the system shows the applications that the user opens most often, or those programs that were recently installed on the PC. This can be changed in Personalization by turning off the corresponding sliders.

The Start menu's display of recently added and frequently used apps changes in the Personalization window

In the same window, you select the folders that will be displayed in the menu.

In the personalization settings you can also select the folders that will be displayed in the Start menu

Another innovation of the updated Start is the ability to hide the list of all applications. So, in the first version of Windows 10 there was an “All applications” item, but it was impossible to hide them. Now the user just needs to switch the slider opposite the corresponding item in the “Start” tab of the “Personalization” window.

Drag the desired slider to hide the list of all applications

Video: Completely customizing the appearance and content of the Start menu

Interacting with the new Start button is quite simple. Most settings are changed either through the Personalization window or by dragging tiles with the mouse. Depending on the user's wishes, the Start menu in Windows 10 may contain a large number of necessary icons and programs or, conversely, look neat and even minimalistic.

After the release of the new edition operating system Windows 10, many users began to encounter various errors in her work. This is due to the fact that a new version was not fully debugged and is undergoing revision during operation. One of the shortcomings of the system was the frequent failure to activate the Start key menu: it does not respond to commands. At the same time, the icons in the “Taskbar” stop responding. Microsoft gradually resolves software issues through periodic updates. Until the errors in the system files, it is recommended to use methods developed and widely used to correct this deficiency.

What is the difference between the Start menu in Windows 10 and previous versions?

Due to the fact that the Windows 8.1 edition was criticized all over the world due to the lack of a Start key, the developers decided to return to the previous view of the Desktop with a familiar interface to everyone.

The Windows 10 Start button menu has a tiled interface

The Start button and its menu, shown in Windows edition 10 have a modified appearance.

The updated Start key menu is a hybrid edition that includes menus like classic look for old ones Windows versions, and the tiled architecture introduced for the first time in Windows 8, which is most suitable for touch control.

The icons on the left half of the menu and the live tiles on the right side duplicate each other, so you can use the part that suits you best. specific user. They can be disabled, deleted or edited.

Unlike previous editions of Windows, in Windows 10 you can resize the Start menu like a regular window. To do this:

All the previous items remain in the menu, such as programs, power management icons and others.

If you click on the “Start” button with the right mouse button, a menu with system management tabs will open. With its help, you can manage disks, change system settings, configure the network, search and perform other operations.

Right-clicking the Start button brings up a menu with system management tabs

It is possible to remove tiles and add new ones using the icons on the left side of the menu. To do this you need to do the following:

If you remove all the tiles, the menu will take on an almost classic look. This can be done if the user does not use the right half when working. In addition, it increases resources random access memory, since the tiles take up a significant amount of it due to the drawing of graphic images.

How to return the classic Start menu design

Due to the fact that the appearance of the key and the Start menu is very different from the usual classic look, then, naturally, many users will want to return to the interface they have become familiar with over the years, like Windows 7. To do this, you can use two well-known methods:

How to apply standard features, described in the previous chapter of this article.

Installation of third-party programs requires the use of one of the publicly available and proven utilities listed below:

You can use other utilities that allow you to return to classic design Start menu, but the above are the undisputed leaders in this direction. They don't take large volume on the hard drive and allow you to change the menu presentation with a minimum number of steps.

To take advantage of the utilities for changing the external interface of the key and the Start menu, you must perform a series of sequential actions:

  1. StartIsBack++ allows you to return the usual image of the menu and Start key. To do this, you need to do the following:
  2. Classic Shell gained popularity after the release of the eighth edition of Windows. This utility made it possible to return the “Start” key to the “Taskbar”, since in the usual design the key was not there. In the Windows 10 edition, this problem no longer exists, but now, using the program, you can return to the classic design. To do this, you need to do the following:
  3. Start10 changes standard menu Windows 10 on your own immediately after installation. This menu is more similar to the Start menu in Windows 7 and is not much different from it. In the utility settings, you can remove the Start key, select the size of menu icons, and configure other settings. To run the utility, you need to perform the following operations:

Changing the key and the Start menu makes it possible to return the familiar working interface for most users. In addition, such manipulations can improve computer performance.

Worker Windows interface 10 certainly looks more attractive than its predecessors, but at the same time uses a very large amount of RAM and video memory. For standalone devices, such as a laptop or tablet, the Desktop takes up even more resources. After returning to the classic view, you can increase the volume by reducing the requirements for drawing graphics free memory and battery capacity.

Video: How to return the Start menu to the classic look using Classic Shell

Customizing the Start Menu in Windows 10

The new Start menu in Windows 10 consists of two parts:

  • left half - classic view using pictograms;
  • the right half is "live" tiles using the Metro interface.

The menu has its own settings, which can always be changed if necessary.

Video: How to customize the Start menu in Windows 10

Switch the desktop from classic view to full screen and vice versa

Initially, Windows 10 is installed on hard drive computer, already having a “Start” button in the “Taskbar”. To switch the “Desktop” display to Start screen mode, you need to run the following sequence actions:

Also, run full screen mode possible by activating “Tablet Mode”. This will require the following:

Video: how to switch the “Desktop” to full-screen display mode

Set the Start menu color

Changing the color and shape of the Start menu in Windows 10 is carried out by to the following algorithm actions:

Video: How to change the color of the Start menu in Windows 10

Rules for working with live tiles in the Start menu

Users can change the size of live tiles if desired. You can also move them, edit groups, pin and unpin.

How to resize and move live tiles

To transform the size of a “live” tile, you must perform the following steps:

How to edit groups of "live" tiles in the menu

Windows 10 has a feature to distribute tiles into different groups. To create a new group:

More Start menu settings

To customize the apps that appear by default in the Start menu, follow these steps:

You can also install certain set directories to display in the Start menu. To do this, a sequence of certain actions is performed:

Video: How to change basic Start menu settings

Reasons why the Start menu may not open in Windows 10

The exact reason causing problems when working with the Start menu, on currently not exactly established. According to Microsoft experts, this can happen for several main reasons:

  • incorrectly installed system updates;
  • failures when drawing the graphical interface;
  • damage to system files and directories;
  • inheritance of system errors when Windows installations 10 on Windows 7 or Windows 8.1;
  • failure in the system registry;
  • penetration of malware into the system.

In addition to these reasons, there may be many other, minor reasons that affect the operation of the Start menu when the key does not respond to user commands.

What to do if the Start menu won't open

There are several proven methods used to fix errors that affect the key and the Start menu.

Solving problems in the Start menu using a special utility

To fix errors when working with the Start menu, Microsoft specialists have developed a small utility. It can be downloaded from the company's official website. The utility works without installation immediately after launch. To use it, you must follow the following instructions:

  1. Go to the official Microsoft website.
    Select the "Support" tab on the Microsoft website
  2. Click on the "Support" tab.
  3. Select the problem Windows product.
    Click on the Windows icon
  4. In the window that opens, click on the “Troubleshoot problems when opening the Start menu or Cortana” tab.

    Click the "Troubleshoot problems when opening the Start menu or Cortana" tab
  5. Select the "Try the troubleshooter" tab from the suggested list of troubleshooters.

    Click on the "Try the troubleshooter" tab
  6. In the drop-down tab, click on the line “Start Menu Troubleshooter”.

    Click on "Start Menu Troubleshooter"
  7. Open batch file startmenu.diagcab.

    Click on the “Open” button in the pop-up window
  8. Launch the startmenu CAB file.

    Launch the startmenu file through Explorer
  9. In the “Main Menu” panel that opens, click on the “Next” button.

    Click on the “Next” button in the “Main Menu”
  10. The utility will begin the process of searching for Start menu problems.

    Wait until the end of the search for problems with the Start menu
  11. At the end of the procedure, click on the “Close” button. All bug fixes that are found are carried out automatically.

    Click the “Close” button if the utility does not detect any problems

View tab additional information» is intended for viewing criteria for searching for problems. The utility checks the Start menu for the following parameters:

  • system registry errors;
  • incorrect installation of received updates;
  • state of the live tiles database.

Based on the results of the check, a report is generated, which, if necessary, can be sent to print.

Using the Start Menu Troubleshooter is the most effective method at the moment, which corrects errors in the Start menu with an almost one hundred percent guarantee.

Restarting Explorer to fix errors in the Start menu in Windows 10

Sometimes, to restore the Start menu, it is enough to restart the explorer.exe application. To execute it:

Video: how to restart Explorer in Windows 10

Restoring the Start Menu Using Registry Editor

Restore correct operation the start menu can be changed by changing system registry. To do this, you need to make some corrections and perform a number of operations:

  1. Right-click on the Start button.
  2. Click on the “Run” line. In the menu, click on the “Run” line
  3. Enter regedit command and click on the “OK” button.
    Enter the regedit command and click OK
  4. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced.
  5. Right click on free space in the right half of the panel.
  6. Hover your mouse over “New” and click on “DOWRD (32-bit) Parameter” in the drop-down menu.
    Create new parameter DOWRD (32 bits)
  7. Name it EnableXAMLStartMenu.
  8. Click on the new parameter with the left mouse button and enter the number 0 in the “Value” field.
    In the “Value” field, set the value to 0
  9. Restart your computer.

It is recommended that only experienced users make changes to the registry. If you are not sure that you can handle it, then it is better to entrust the solution to the problem to professionals, so as not to accidentally commit fatal error, which can only be corrected by reinstalling the system.

Video: How to restore the Start menu using Registry Editor

Restoring the Start Menu using the built-in Maintenance utility

You can try to fix the Start menu error using the built-in Maintenance utility. To run the utility, do the following:

  1. Launch the “Control Panel” by double-clicking on the icon on the “Desktop”.
    Double-click the Control Panel icon to open it
  2. Click on the “Security and Service Center” icon. Click on the "Maintenance" tab
  3. Click on the “Start Maintenance” button.
    Click on the “Start Maintenance” button
  4. System errors will be corrected automatically.

The built-in Maintenance utility is designed to perform a wide range of more global tasks. Therefore, it is very unlikely that the Start menu error will be fixed. But it’s still worth trying to use it.

Restoring the Start menu in Command Prompt mode and using the PowerShell console

This method is quite effective because the Start menu is forced to launch. This may cause some applications to crash.. Therefore, this method should be resorted to if the others did not bring the desired result.

To restore the Start menu using the PowerShell console, follow these steps:

The same code is entered in the “ Command line» . Follow these steps:

It is better to use the Command Line console, since it is more dependent on the operation of the DOS machine, and Windows PowerShell is a built-in utility.

Video: How to troubleshoot Start menu problems using Windows PowerShell

Creating a new user account to correctly restore the Start menu

To remove errors in the Start menu, you need to create a new one in the system account user and transfer all data from old post. To perform this operation you need to perform the following steps:

Video: how to create a new user account in Windows 10

Since the new edition of the operating system has not yet been fully debugged, problems with the Start menu in Windows 10 will occasionally arise. Microsoft announced that in the process of improving system components, all errors will be eliminated. Most problems are eliminated by the corporation’s specialists and corrected during installation automatic updates. Therefore, users are not recommended to completely disable the installation of system updates, despite the fact that sometimes this process drags on for a long period of time. Correct installation updates will only bring benefits to Windows 10 and will allow you to avoid future errors in the operation of the OS.

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After upgrading to Windows 10, many users were disappointed with the redesigned Start menu. In Windows 7, it consisted of two parts: the left - previously used programs, the right - My Computer, Control Panel, and other elements for setting up and managing the system. To return the classic look of the Start menu in Windows 10, just follow some tips.

Ways to return the classic Start menu in Windows 10

To make the Start menu in Windows 10 look like classic menu Windows 7, you should remove all Metro tiles. To do this, perform the following steps.

  • Right-click on the element and select “Delete”.
  • In this way, we remove all the tiles until we get the classic menu look.

You can return the classic view of the Start menu in Windows 10 using the ClassicShell program, which runs in compatibility mode.

  • Download and install the program. Selecting components to install. IN in this case we need "Classic" Start Menu" and "Classic Explorer". The latter modifies the Explorer. You can also return old look Control Panel, which in Windows 10 is not too different from the IE browser. Choosing a storage location program folder and click “Next”.

  • Follow the prompts of the installation wizard. After completion, click on the Start button. A new settings window will appear. Select the element model.

  • The Start menu will look like this.

  • All elements on such a menu can be swapped, size and other parameters can be adjusted.
  • The explorer will appear as follows.

  • The control panel will not be too different from previous versions of Windows.

You can also use the Settings menu to make the Start button and menu look classic. To do this, we do the following.

Windows 10 has undergone many changes compared to previous versions operating system. As a result, some controls have changed. The Start menu was left without any changes.

How does the Windows 10 Start menu differ from previous versions?

Windows 10 has significantly changed the design of the Start menu. This is now a dark window, occupying one fourth of the screen by default. Two new blocks appeared in it - “Events and Communication” and “Entertainment and Recreation”. They contain news, weather information, popular posts from Twitter and Facebook, and advertisements for games and applications.

Blocks with advertising, games and news appeared in the Windows 10 Start menu

The list of applications installed on the computer has become smaller. It now has a “Popular” block, where frequently used programs are placed. Below is the “Recommended” section, where promotional offers from the official Microsoft store Store. The rest of the column space is reserved for full list applications sorted alphabetically.

The Windows 10 Start menu sorts apps by alphabet and block

As before, from the Start menu you can quickly go to computer settings, account settings, and choose how to turn off the device.

In Windows 10, from the Start menu you can quickly open Settings, shut down your computer, and open Account Settings

Another important change - system line search is placed in a separate window. This was done for optimization: the menu began to open faster, since it does not have to scan and search for elements.

The search bar is placed in a separate menu, which has a positive effect on the speed of work

The Windows 7 menu is shown below. By comparing it with the new one, you will see how significant the differences are and can choose which option you like better. But you need to keep in mind that the Windows 10 menu can be modified through standard settings systems.

The Windows 7 Start menu is significantly different from the version found in Windows 10

Bringing back menu design from Windows 7

If for some reason you don't like the new menu, use third-party applications to return old design. There are many programs that allow you to quickly and safely change the menu appearance: Classic Shell, StartIsBack++, Start10, etc. But there is another option, described below in more detail, - removing unnecessary blocks from the menu without returning the design from Windows 7.

Using the Classic Shell program

This program allows you not only to return the old appearance of the Start menu, but also to roll back Explorer, and also replace the browser Microsoft Edge on Internet Explorer.

  1. If other than return the same look If you are not interested in anything in the Start menu, install only the Classic Start Menu part, and set the remaining components to “Will be completely unavailable.”

    Select only the Classic Start Menu section if you only need to return the old look of the Start menu

  2. When the installation is complete, click on the “Start” menu and the program will launch. Or right-click on it and select the “Options” section in the context menu that opens to launch Classic Shell. On home page specify which style to use (there are three options to choose from) and click OK. After a few seconds, the Start menu will change.

    Select a style and apply the changes by pressing the OK button

  3. Go to the "Basic Settings" tab. There you can configure what action will be performed when you press a particular key or combination.

    We assign actions that will be performed by certain keys or combinations

  4. Click on the “Cover” tab. It contains a list of additional styles that allow you to diversify the appearance of the menu.

    Choose Extra options style to diversify the appearance of the menu

  5. In the “Customize the Start Menu” tab, remove unnecessary ones and add new items to the menu. Using the mouse, drag and drop the elements to give them the most comfortable order. Even more settings can be obtained by checking the box next to “Show all parameters”.

    Check the box next to “Show all parameters” to open additional settings

Using the StartIsBack++ utility

The StartIsBack ++ program is just as convenient as the previous option, but has a limitation - 30 days free, and then you have to pay 125 rubles for the full version.

Via the Start10 app

Start10 has the same functions as the applications described above. It's free for the first 30 days, and full version costs $4.99. Simple design and a large number of settings allow you to get desired result very fast.

Start10 has a simple design and a large number of settings that make it easy to achieve the optimal Start menu look

By removing unnecessary blocks

If you want to return the menu from Windows 7 just because there were no blocks with advertising in it, then you shouldn’t rush into it, because you can deactivate extra blocks using standard using Windows 10.

Video: removing tiles and returning menus from Windows 7

Personalize the Windows 10 Start Menu

The ability to change the appearance of the Windows 10 Start menu is not limited to removing excess slabs and warping the scale.

  1. Open system settings. They can be found through search bar Windows.

    Find and open system parameters

  2. Select the “Personalization” block.

    Among the parameters, find and open the “Personalization” section

  3. In the “Colors” sub-item, select the one you want to use to decorate the entire system. How the selected color will look in the Start menu can be seen in the small window on the right.

    Choosing a color for the menu and other blocks

  4. In the Start sub-item, enable or disable individual menu items. For example, you can remove the list of recently used applications and recommendations from Microsoft Store. Full screen mode is also activated and deactivated here.

    We remove unnecessary elements or add new ones

  5. Go to full screen mode to see all the same menu sections, but evenly spaced across the entire screen, rather than parts of it.

    If you remove all unnecessary items from the Start menu, the remaining ones will be evenly distributed across the entire screen

What to do if the Start menu does not open in Windows 10

Some users are faced with the fact that the menu stops opening, and pressing a button or the Start key does not cause any response. The cause of this problem is a system failure or corruption of system files. But you can fix the error yourself.

Restarting the computer

First of all, you need to try the simplest method - restart the computer. Perhaps restarting all services and processes will fix the problem.

Using the official program from Microsoft

The problem of the Start menu not working is so common that Microsoft has released special application, which can be downloaded from their official website.

Manually restarting Explorer

Explorer is responsible for the interaction of system files, so a failure in it can block the menu from launching. Therefore, restarting it will solve the problem.

Changing the registry

Using PowerShell

Create a new account

The Start menu may not launch if the account name is written in Russian letters, because the name is used in system processes, but not all of them work correctly with Russian letters. Therefore, it is worth creating a new user with correct name by following these steps:

Open the “Manage another account” section by selecting the appropriate item

  • Go through the procedure of creating a new user and give him administrator rights. The main thing is that the name must be written in English letters.

    Create a new account and give it administrator rights

  • Restart your computer, log in as a new user and check if the menu works. Then all that remains is to transfer all the settings and files to the created account.
  • Video: Ways to fix a broken Start menu in Windows 10

    Despite the fact that the appearance of the Start menu has radically changed in Windows 10, developers from Microsoft left users the opportunity to remake it using flexible settings. And if you still can’t choose the appropriate option, then use third party applications You can always return the menu from Windows 7. However, startup problems that arise can be easily resolved by restarting the system, editing the registry, using PowerShell, or creating a new account.

    In most cases, a regular Windows reboot will help. To do this, switch to the Desktop and press the + key combination, and then select “ Reboot Windows" and click on "OK".

    Reason unstable work the start menu can also be an antivirus. To check this feature, uninstall the antivirus and check the operation of the Start menu. If the menu works fine, you can install it again antivirus program. The antivirus version must be the latest.

    Windows Explorer may also negatively affect the functioning of the start menu. You can restart Explorer by opening Task Manager using the ++ hotkeys. Click "More details" in the lower left corner and then go to the "Processes" tab and scroll to the "File Explorer" line. Right-click on the line and select “Restart” from the context menu.

    In addition, working in tablet mode can help you. Use the +[A] key combination to exit the Windows 10 Info Center and switch to tablet mode. After clicking on "Start" in full screen mode, the start menu should appear again. Tapping “Tablet Mode” again will switch you back to desktop mode.

    In some cases, a specific log file is responsible for such problems. You can delete it as follows: open Explorer and go to the path “C:\Users\*Username*\AppData\Local\TileDataLayer\Database” (instead of the words *Username* you need to enter your username).

    In the folder that opens, find the EDB00001.log file and delete it. Instead of the number "1" in the file name there can be any other number. To perform this operation, you may have to go to “Manage | Services and Applications" find the service "tiledatamodelsvc" and stop it.

    Photo: manufacturing company