Chrome won't open after system restore. Detailed consideration of the reasons. Why Google Chrome won't start: possible causes of the problem and their solutions

Almost every person on the planet uses the Internet. Special programs are created specifically for this purpose, which provide access to information on the Internet. More than two hundred million people have installed and use the Google Chrome browser. But sometimes this program does not start. Then a completely logical question arises: “Why doesn’t Google Chrome open?” In this article we will try to talk about the reasons for this incident and explain how to resolve it. So, let's begin.

Why won't Google Chrome open on my computer?

There are several reasons for this problem. Now we will analyze them:

1) Antivirus software blocks the program.

The antivirus software installed on your computer is designed to protect your computer from viruses. Therefore, a program that provides Internet access may automatically be considered dangerous. I want to reassure you right away: Google Chrome does not pose any danger to your computer. Therefore, if your browser does not start, do not rush to permanently delete it. Better do the following:

  1. Go to your antivirus software (Dr.Web, Kaspersky, etc.) and disable it. Now try opening your browser. If everything works, add an exception for this program in your antivirus program.
  2. If everything remains the same, go to “Start” and select “Control Panel”. There, find “Windows Firewall” and disable it. Now launch your browser. If everything works, create an exception for this program. To do this, in the firewall, select the “Exceptions” tab and in the window that appears, click “Add exception”.
  3. If this does not help, then in your case the browser does not open for another reason.

2) The program was installed incorrectly.

This happens sometimes. This means that not all the necessary files were installed or some error occurred during their installation. In this case, simply completely remove the program from your computer. To do this, follow this sequence:

Start --> Control Panel --> Programs and Features. In the window that opens, find the program, right-click on it and select “Uninstall.” After that, reinstall the program. I recommend using the article:

If you don't know even after uninstalling or reinstalling the system, then it's time to study

3) Compatibility issues

This problem occurs quite rarely, but it still happens sometimes. The fact is that the program may be created for an older version than the one on your computer. Therefore, your operating system does not “read” it.

To get rid of this problem, right-click on the program shortcut and look for the word “Compatibility” (this command may differ in different versions of operating systems). A window will open with either an automatic search for problems or manual settings. In the second case, indicate the characteristics of your equipment and save them.

Sometimes errors occur when using Google Chrome: the browser freezes, does not open pages, or even does not start at all. What to do? There are several ways to solve the problem depending on the cause of the problem.

Why doesn't Google Chrome work?

Browser problems often take you by surprise. In the middle of active work, the program window may freeze or close completely, not responding to any actions. Why does this happen? The reasons can be very different: from harmless and easily fixable to more serious types of viruses or driver problems. Most often problems arise due to:

  • random settings failure;
  • system overload;
  • damage to executive files;
  • problems with operating system registries;
  • viruses.

In most cases, any user can solve the problem; to do this, you do not need to be a major computer ace and delve into the depths of service settings.

Quick ways to fix problems starting your browser

Most often, to restore Google Chrome to normal operation, it is enough to restart the browser or, if this method does not help, restart the computer.

Restarting Google Chrome

If your browser starts but does not open sites, it means that the computer is overloaded and slow, you need to unload it. There are two ways to do this:

  • via a shortcut on the desktop or in the taskbar;
  • via the chrome://restart command.

Both options are equally effective.

Restarting the browser using a program shortcut

The easiest way is to restart Google Chrome by shutting it down and starting it again. To do this, follow the instructions:

  1. Close your browser window.
  2. Find the Google Chrome shortcut on your desktop and click on it. If for some reason Chrome does not open, try launching it through the taskbar. If nothing works there: open “Start” - “All Programs” - and try again.

If the browser freezes and does not respond, force close it. For this:

  1. Launch Task Manager. You can do this through the key combination: Alt + Ctrl + Delete - “Launch task manager” or through the context menu: right-click on an empty space on the taskbar - “Launch manager...”.
  2. In the list of all running applications, select the browser and click on “End task” to forcefully close Google Chrome. If the program does not complete and you see the message “This program is not responding”, click on “End now”.
Select Chrome from the list of running applications and click "End task"

Resuming the browser using the chrome://restart command

To restart, Google Chrome has a special restart command. To launch it:

  1. Create a new tab.
  2. Write in it: “chrome://restart”. If necessary, save the result of your work: messages, posts, comments, otherwise they will be lost.
  3. Return to the command tab and press Enter.

The browser will automatically close and reopen after a couple of seconds. All tabs opened before the restart will be saved, you will not need to open them again.

You can automate this process and create a bookmark with a special reload command. For this:

If for some reason the device does not turn off, you will have to use a barbaric but effective method. Press the power button and hold it until the job is completed.

Update Google Chrome shortcut

Often the problem lies not in the program or system itself, but in the fact that the browser shortcut does not work. To check whether this is true or not, open your browser directly from the directory. If the program starts, then the problem is in the shortcut. It needs to be deleted and recreated:

After that, try launching the browser through the shortcut. Should work.

Video: how to create a shortcut in Windows 7

Clearing the cache with CCleaner

Often the browser freezes precisely because the cache memory is huge. All the sites you have ever visited, all the files you have downloaded, remain in memory and slow down the work of both the browser and the PC.

To clear the cache without opening the browser, install a system cleanup program. You can download it from the official website.

Launch CCleaner and click the Clean button

Once the cleaning is complete, close CCleaner and try launching Chrome.

Video: how to clear the cache on Windows using CCleaner


If simple methods do not help, then the problem lies deeper: viruses, outdated drivers, network connection problems. Serious malfunctions in Chrome can be caused by:

  • system infection by viruses;
  • network connection problems;
  • problems with user settings;
  • conflicts with other programs and extensions;
  • Windows Firewall operation.

Removing viruses

Viruses can fill your browser with intrusive advertising or stop it from working altogether. To correct the consequences of malware, install the free healing utility Dr.Web CureIt! It will scan your computer and eliminate threats. You can download the program from the official website.

To install Dr.Web CureIt! and check the system, you need to perform the following algorithm:

  1. Follow the link
  2. Click on the "Download" button.
    Go to the utility page on the official antivirus website and click on the “Download” button
  3. Confirm your agreement with the terms of the license agreement and the need to send statistics about the scanning progress and click “Download Dr.Web Curelt!” The utility can only be used on a home computer.
    For free use, you will need to agree not only to the terms of the license agreement, but also to the need to send statistics on the use of the utility
  4. Find CureIt! in the download folder and run it.
  5. Check the “I agree...” checkbox and click the “Continue” button.
  6. In the next window, click on the “Start scan” button.
  7. After this, a system scan will start.
  8. When the scan is completed, you will see a window with a list of viruses and threats. The user can select one or more options from the list, or can neutralize all threats at once.
  9. Wait until the utility finishes and restart your computer so that all changes made are saved. Then try launching your browser.

Video: how to use the utility from Doctor Web

Checking the network connection is working properly

If you easily access the Internet from another browser, then the reason is in the Chrome settings. To check this, follow the instructions:

Reinstalling the browser

If any system files are damaged, you will have to reinstall Chrome. First you need to delete the old version of the program, then the residual files on drive C, then go to the official website, download and install the browser. To uninstall a program:

Ready! The program has been deleted. Now all that remains is to clean up the residual files. For this you will need CCleaner. To clean the registry using the utility, you need to:

All remnants of the program in the registry will be deleted. You will need to download your browser again. To install Google Chrome from the official website:

Video: why Chrome doesn’t start after reinstallation

Checking user settings

Sometimes a browser problem can occur due to a glitch in the user account settings. Solution: reinstall. Fully. Because it’s better not to get into system files, especially if you are an inexperienced user. But if you still want to take a risk... Then there is one way:

Resolving conflicts with other programs

Sometimes the browser can be interfered with by other applications or even extensions of the browser itself. There are two ways to check for conflicts:

  • download the special Cleanup Tools utility;
  • use the command chrome://conflicts.

If your browser won't launch, there may be some programs interfering with it. To check this:

If Chrome starts, you can use the conflict detection command. For this:

The Google Chrome browser may not start for several reasons, including the impact of viruses or a conflict with any software installed on the computer. Antivirus programs and firewalls help protect your computer from viruses and prevent the spread of malware, but they can also prevent your browser from starting. This is due to the fact that they can block some programs associated with Internet connections, including Google Chrome.

Also, the reason for failure to launch may be a damaged browser profile, lack of memory, etc. Let's take a closer look at all the options.

Antivirus software

Modern antiviruses provide secure access to the Internet by restricting access to certain protocols or for individual applications. Your antivirus or firewall may be set to block all Internet connections to Google Chrome. To check, you need to temporarily disable all anti-virus software on your computer and check whether the browser starts. If Chrome starts, then you need to add it to the list of exceptions for your antivirus or firewall.

Impact of viruses and software conflicts

Google Chrome has a simple tool that can help you identify programs that negatively affect the browser. To do this, just enter the following query in the address bar “ chrome://conflicts».

In the picture above you can see that Chrome found 130 modules loaded into the browser. However, no conflicts were detected with any of the modules.

If there are conflicts with third-party software, Chrome will display them on this page. Detected viruses may also be present in this list.

To resolve these conflicts, you need to disable, update, or remove problematic programs. If malware is detected, then you must clean your computer using some kind of anti-virus program. Google Chrome itself will suggest the steps you need to take to fix each problem.

Checking protected system files

Sometimes the reason the browser fails to launch is damage or changes to Windows system files. System files are very important for the stable operation of the system and applications. The Google Chrome developers themselves recommend checking protected system files if you have problems launching the browser.

In order to check system files, you need to enter the command “ SFC. exe / SCANNOW" In this case, there must be a space between these two components of the command.

Chrome user profile corruption

If your browser does not open or opens for a while and then closes, then a possible cause of this problem may be damage to the Google Chrome user profile. In order to restore the browser, you need to create a new user profile. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Close your browser.
  2. Open Windows Explorer (keyboard shortcut " Win+ E»).
  3. After opening the Explorer window, enter the following path at the top in the address bar:
  • For usersWindows XP: %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\
  • For usersWindows Vista, 7.8: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\
  1. Press the " Enter" A list of browser folders and files should open.
  2. In this list, find the folder " Default" and rename it, for example to " Default BACKUP».
  3. Launch Chrome.

If everything went well, the browser should open with default settings and a new folder " Default" To restore previous settings, you can try copying some data from the backup folder to the “ Default", but it is not advisable to do this, because The old profile is corrupted and these actions may corrupt the newly created profile.

Update 01/13/2016

With the release of the latest versions of Google Chrome, renaming the “Default” folder no longer gives the desired result. This may be due to a change in the structure of the folders in which user data is stored.

To solve this problem, you can rename the folder " User Data", which is the parent of the "Default" folder. After renaming and launching the browser, a new “User Data” folder will be created with default settings, and you can try to extract your settings from the old folder.

Not enough RAM

Your computer's operating system uses RAM to operate itself and to run various programs. Although for modern computers and laptops this is not entirely relevant, because... they have a fairly large amount of RAM, however, if many applications and processes are running at the same time as Google Chrome is launched, the browser may not open.

To check your computer's load, press the key combination " Ctrl+ Alt+ Delete" and launch the task manager. In the window that opens, look at how many processes and applications you have running, and how much free physical memory you have. Try closing some programs and check that Google Chrome is running.

Update or reinstall your video card driver

Most modern browsers (including Chrome) use video card resources (hardware acceleration) to render pages. Therefore, if the video card driver is faulty or its version is outdated, this may cause Google Chrome to fail to launch.

Google Chrome is the fastest browser in many aspects such as browsing, downloading, streaming and more. However, sometimes it happens that Google Chrome does not work on the computer. The user either receives an error message or the browser does not open at all.

We have prepared detailed instructions for solving the problem when Google Chrome does not work on your computer.

What did you do to solve the problem?

  • Rebooted the computer.
  • Removed the Google Chrome task in the task manager.
  • Checked your computer for viruses.
  • Rebooted the browser several times.
  • Reset Google Chrome settings.
  • Reinstalled Google Chrome.

If you have done all the steps described above, and Chrome still does not work on your computer, then consider more serious solutions to this problem.

Why won't Google Chrome open?

The reason that Google Chrome does not open on the computer may be malware, or another program that interferes with the operation of Google Chrome, for example, an antivirus, firewall and others.

The official Google Chrome support page lists three programs that can cause these problems:

  • Spyware Doctor
  • Comodo Firewall
  • McAfee Enterprise

If you have any of the above programs installed, disable it and add the Google Chrome browser to your firewall settings. If this did not help, and Google Chrome still does not work on your computer, then continue reading our instructions.

Clear Google Chrome task in Device Manager

  1. Open Task Manager and clear each Google Chrome task.

Now check whether Google Chrome is working or not. If yes, then use it to your health. If still not, then:

  1. Restart your computer and try again.

Many users report that Google Chrome does not work on their computer after updating. In such a case, you should try the following two solutions:

1. Undo recent updates

One of the main features of Google Chrome is that it updates itself in the background without any prompts. However, sometimes it happens that Google Chrome tries to update from one version to another, and for some reason the update fails, thus causing an error in operation.

As you can see in the image below, Google Chrome has 2 versions in the program folder: 47.0.2526.111 is the old version, 48.0.2564.116 is the latest version.

Open both folders and check which one has fewer files. If the older version has fewer files, then:

  1. Open the newer version folder, copy all subfolders and files, and paste them into the older version folder.
  2. Try opening Google Chrome now.

2. Delete the Chrome.dll file

Chrome.dll is a file that contains various settings for the Chrome browser. If Google Chrome does not work on your computer, then delete this chrome.dll file from the program folder.

Open C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application, then go to the Chrome version folder, find and delete chrome.dll. This will remove all old Google Chrome settings.

These solutions should help if Google Chrome does not work on your computer. Write in the comments below how you managed to solve this problem.

Google Chrome is an excellent browser that deservedly received the title of the fastest in terms of speed. Users have repeatedly noted that it is also one of the best when it comes to fighting viruses, Trojans and other Internet pests. Chrome has become increasingly popular in recent years. But even the best ones are not immune to glitches and malfunctions, and you, too, may encounter a situation where Google Chrome does not work.

Does it happen that the browser does not open a single page, produces errors, or even does not start on the computer at all? Why, what could be the reason? There is no need to panic right away. It often happens that the main reason lies on the surface. In 50% of cases, restarting the computer is enough to fix the problem. Perhaps the failure occurred in the system itself. If after performing this action nothing has changed and the Google Chrome browser still does not respond, you need to check your Internet connection. Maybe you've lost your connection and it's worth calling support to find out why this happened or make sure all the wires are connected and working properly.

You restarted your computer and made sure your Internet was working properly, but nothing changed - which means the problem with Google Chrome is more serious. So, why does this problem happen and how to fix it?

If the browser crashes at the very beginning, then the simplest explanation for why this is happening may be that Chrome is not installed correctly on your computer. It would be advisable to reinstall the program. You will need to completely uninstall the browser, and then go to the official website and download the new program there. By the way, sometimes the easiest solution is to simply update the version of Google Chrome to the latest one.

It would be a good idea to find out whether the browser is compatible with your software and, if not, why and what needs to be changed (although this is unlikely).

Be sure to disable all Google Chrome extensions that you have installed. This must be done through the settings, “Extensions” item. Disable them all one by one, while checking to see if the browser is working properly. As you know, extensions can be installed without our knowledge, completely by accident.

Check your cache. It is quite possible that it is so cluttered that it is causing the Google Chrome browser to freeze. In this case, it should be removed using CCleaner.

Try updating Flash Player if the program crashes primarily when watching videos.

Browser won't launch

Check and remove dubious programs that were recently installed. They may interfere with Google Chrome. Many software are simply not compatible with each other and cause interruptions in each other's work.

Some firewalls and antiviruses may prevent Google Chrome from opening on your computer. In this case, the Google Chrome browser should be included in the list of favorites. To make sure that the reason lies precisely in these programs, simply disable them for a while; if Chrome launched successfully, then our assumption is correct.

Always remember that troubles of this kind may be a consequence of the fact that malicious files (viruses, Trojans) are hidden on your computer. Scan your PC and browser for such nasty things using an antivirus and disinfect the files or delete them. In addition, it won't hurt to use antivirus utilities such as Curelt from Dr.Web or Hitman Pro.

Pages won't open in Google Chrome

It also happens that the browser endlessly loads the page, but cannot open it. In this case, first of all, you need to perform all the steps described above: that is, reinstall Google Chrome, scan, check for viruses and incompatible programs. But there may be other reasons.

There are often cases when pages do not open due to any temporary interruptions or malfunctions. In order to make sure whether this is your case, you need to try opening the same page in another browser - Internet Explorer or Firefox. If the page opens smoothly, most likely the error occurred when Chrome tried to connect to the Internet. You probably entered an incorrect web address. Be sure to check the correct spelling. If everything is correct, then it is possible that the page is currently unavailable for technical reasons.

You may need to clear your cookies. These files are created by websites (that you have visited in the past) in order to store some information, such as profile data or website settings. An error when loading pages can be caused by a cookie if it is damaged. The algorithm for deleting cookies is as follows: on the Google Chrome toolbar, go to “Settings”, then select “Show advanced settings”, find the section “Privacy” - “Content Settings”, here we see “Cookies”, “Cookies and site data” ", click "delete all".


Another reason why the browser does not work correctly could be the proxy server settings. You just need to change them using the same algorithm as described above with cookies. But after the “Show additional settings” section, click on “Change proxy server settings”, then “Network settings”. Check the box for “Automatic detection of parameters”. Confirm the action - “OK”.

Last option

And the very last piece of advice. It should only be used when nothing else has worked. In the properties of the Google Chrome shortcut, add the -no -sandbox key. This method is not entirely safe, because in this case it becomes very vulnerable and is more susceptible to viruses from the outside.