Remove unnecessary tabs that pop up when opening the browser. Deleting recent tabs in Google Chrome browser

After the creation of the Internet, the need arose to create a special program with which anyone could use the World Wide Web. Such programs are called browsers. Their number currently exceeds seven dozen. However, there are much fewer frequently used ones, and Yandex, a program from the creators of the search engine, is one of the popular ones.

This variety allows the user to choose the most convenient surfing program, with clear widgets, nice design and high performance. One of the conveniences is creating bookmarks on sites. Essentially, the user leaves a mark in the browser’s memory for a specific link, with one click on which he can go to the desired page. For convenience, they are all located on a separate panel.

  • The simplest of them is deleting directly in the adding window, that is, when you click on the star icon in the upper right corner, an object with the name of the site is added and an editing window appears. You can also delete it there. This method is convenient if the bookmarks contain a link to the main page of the site or if the user is already on it, that is, there is no need for a long search.
  • The second method is no less simple - removal from the panel itself. To do this, just open it, select the bookmark you want to delete from the list, right-click on it and select the appropriate command.

If the panel is not displayed in the browser, you need to configure its display. To do this, just click on the icon with three parallel horizontal lines in the upper right corner to open the main menu, select the appropriate inscription and in the list that opens, click on the command to display. After this, the available bookmarks will be constantly displayed at the top of the browser.

  • The third method is similar to the second method - the only difference is that the deletion is performed directly in the panel settings menu. This method is suitable for users who find it inconvenient to display the panel.
  • It is also possible to delete all bookmarks at once. To do this, you need to open the settings menu by clicking on the three lines in the upper right corner and selecting the appropriate section, click on the “Bookmarks” tab, select all of them manually or by pressing Ctrl+A, right-click and select delete. You can simply select several of them by holding Ctrl. This method is suitable if the user needs to remove several objects at once.

In conclusion, it should be said that this tool is one of the most important when working with a browser, since it allows you to keep important sites in quick access and does not require the use of third-party entries. Also, with the help of this tool, it is possible to remember interesting or liked sites without cluttering your own memory and the memory of your computer. As a result, instead of searching for the desired site again through a search engine and searching for the desired page on it, you just need to click on the link in the panel.

If the user changes browser, he can transfer all existing bookmarks. To do this, just complete the import operation, selecting a new browser as the recipient.

If one day, when you open the browser start page, several tabs open at once.

Moreover, you didn’t order these pages, for some reason they began to impose themselves, appearing every time when loading. And it doesn’t matter what kind of pages they are, what they are and where they come from - the important thing is that they interfere and irritate.

How can I make them not appear again the next time I turn on the Internet?

Since I don’t use Opera (everyone’s favorite and popular), since I haven’t used Mazila for a long time (I found an alternative replacement for it) - Since I now use the Chrome browser, I’ll talk exclusively about it. About how I found a solution to delete unnecessary tabs in Google Chrome.

You need to go to this page chrome://settings/startup
Here you will see which initial current pages google chrome is using. Remove unnecessary things!

At the same time, look at Settings (are you satisfied with everything there?) and Extensions (there will also be something in this tab that requires editing). Then, in the History tab, click “Clear history”, leaving only passwords and autofill data.

Do not forget to indicate in the elements for what period the history is deleted: per hour, per day, per week, per month, for the entire period.

Remove unnecessary browser tabs

It turns out it's very simple if you know where the settings are. I provided a link in the Chrome settings, but I’m sure the same settings are available in all browsers. Actually, to remove unnecessary tabs, you need to look not in the Bookmarks section, as I mistakenly believed, but in the Settings, Tools section.

Remove extensions that are unknown to you. Since you don’t know anything about them, you most likely don’t use them. So why do you need them in this case? Somewhere, sometime, something was clicked, extensions were launched or they were given thoughtless permission, so unnecessary pages began to appear when launched.

At the same time, since you’ve already started cleaning out all the unnecessary things that have accumulated, go to the section in the OS - install/remove programs. I think you will also find useless annoying applications there that will be useful to get rid of.

If you are still thinking “How to remove unnecessary tabs?” and you think that the problem is not in the browser, but in the computer settings, well... I won’t argue. Maybe I don't know something. But what I know is what I share. First-hand information - honest, unbiased, frank.

Probably each of us is familiar with such a service as Yandex Bookmarks. Using this add-on, you can quickly create any directory from your favorite sites and go to them without entering the address into the browser. Moreover, you can use the Yandex Visual Tabs service not only on a computer, but also on a laptop or even a smartphone. What is special about this add-on, how to use it and how to install it? You will learn all this in our article today.

What are “Yandex Visual Tabs” for?

Purely for ease of use. This small but very useful addition makes your browser more functional and easy to use. Agree, it is much better to open and click on the icon with your favorite site than to enter its full name into the address bar or constantly search through a search engine. You can go to any bookmark you like in one click. Also, one of the main advantages due to which Internet users install the Yandex Visual Tabs add-on to their browser is the ability to save up to 24 bookmarks. Thus, you can go to any of these 24 sites in one click, without opening a search engine or entering anything into


The main competitor of the Yandex Visual Tabs service is the Speed ​​Dial add-on. In fact, these two extensions are practically no different from each other, the only thing is that in Yandex, when you open a new tab, your search is displayed (at the very top above the bookmarks). That is, if necessary, you do not need to go to Yandex, since it is already present in the new tab. The function is very convenient and does not interfere with working with bookmarks at all. This is probably why the “Yandex Visual Tabs” extension is more popular in RuNet than “Speed ​​Dial”.

How to install this add-on?

It is worth noting that visual tabs are available on several browsers at once:

  • "Google Chrome";
  • "Firefox";
  • "Yandex browser".

In the case of the latter, this function is already present, but on the other two such an addition would not hurt.

How to install visual bookmarks in Google Chrome? First, click on the “hash”, which is located in the upper right corner of the browser. After that, go to “Tools” - “Extensions”. Next in the window you will see all those extensions that have already been installed in Google Chrome. We do not touch them, but go to the very bottom of the page. Here you will see a "More extensions" button. After clicking it, you will be taken to the Google Chrome online store. Now in the search engine, which is located in the upper left corner, you should enter a query. Then you will be taken to a page where this extension is described in detail. Find the “Install” button, click “Add” and wait for the application to download to your computer. The download process can be seen below in the left corner. As a rule, the download time is no more than 10 seconds (even with the slowest Internet no more than a minute), since the extension “weighs” about one megabyte. After downloading, you need to install the add-on. There is nothing complicated here, and the installation itself does not take very long. That's it, all you have to do is restart your browser and open a new tab to make sure it works.

How to install an extension in Firefox?

Installing this add-on in this browser is similar to the previous case. In Firefox, you need to go to extensions and type the request “Visual bookmarks”. Once a suitable application is found, download it and install it. Do not forget to restart the browser, as often in such cases the tabs may not appear immediately, you need to close and open the program again.

An easier way to install Yandex tabs

There is another method for downloading the add-on, which can be suitable for both Mozilla and Google Chrome. After entering the request “Download visual bookmarks from Yandex” into the search bar, go to the official website of the plugin. Here the site will automatically detect your browser and download the appropriate version of the extension for you.

How to use it? How to make tabs in Yandex?

Using this extension is very simple. If you want to add any site you like to a tab, you need to point at any of the 24 tabs (by the way, at any time you can move it to the place of another or replace it) and point at the icon. You will then see three gray icons for editing. When you hover over them, hints appear. We need to select the "Settings" button. It is located on the left and looks like a gear. We right-click on it, and a window appears in front of us with the address bar and the name of the site (if it is saved there). Enter the address of the site you like and click “OK”. The application itself determines the name, so you don’t have to fill in this line. The same thing happens with the icon. Sometimes it is not displayed immediately, so here you also need to restart the browser (although the bookmarks themselves can be used immediately after the settings, without rebooting).

How to make Yandex a new tab?

Similarly to the above steps, open the settings and enter “Yandex official website” in the address bar. Click "Ok" and check the functionality of the bookmark. Typically, this application already includes such a tab as “VKontakte” and “Yandex News”. But that is not all. You can go to its official website by clicking the “Yandex” button at the top of the search bar. Everything is very simple and convenient.

We have already figured out how to make new Yandex tabs, now let’s talk about how to delete a particular bookmark. This is done even faster than adding. When you hover your mouse over the icon with the site you want to delete, select the gray cross and click the mouse button. After this, the bookmark will be removed from the panel. You can install a new one in its place or move an icon to another location. You can move bookmarks in any direction; just hold down the image with the tab and drag it to the desired location in the window.

Additional application settings

It is worth noting that the “Settings” button is highlighted not only when you hover over the icon. There are two of them in total. One of them is located in the lower right corner of the page. After clicking it, you can select the background for the bookmarks (by the way, there are very interesting images there) and select the number of tabs. In earlier versions you could select up to 48, now only 24. However, this number is quite enough to save all your favorite sites on one page.

How to remove tabs in Yandex?

If you no longer want to use the visual bookmarking service, you can remove this application from your browser. But it’s best not to uninstall, but to disable the extension, so that you don’t have to re-install it on your computer or laptop later. It is worth noting that there is no general rule for disabling tabs on all browsers, so everyone has different options for deleting bookmarks.

If you use the Google Chrome application, go to the main menu under the “hash” next to the address bar. Next, find “Settings” and right-click. On the left you will see a menu in which there is an "Extensions" item. Enter it. Here, as during installation, you will see a list of add-ons you have installed. Find “Visual Bookmarks” in the list. A basket icon will be visible next to them. After clicking on it, all bookmarks you previously set will be automatically deleted.

And now about how to disable the tab option in Mozilla. To do this, you need to open a browser window, find the “Tools” section at the top, select “Add-ons”. After this, a panel will appear in front of you that concerns visual bookmarks (usually it is located in the settings for the Yandex Bar). Opposite this item you need to uncheck the box or click the “Disable” button (depending on the browser version).

Next to this value there is a “Delete” button. You should not click it, since when you uninstall visual bookmarks, you will need to download them again. And since this extension weighs very little and does not take up much memory on your hard drive, all you need to do is disable this quite useful and convenient add-on from the Yandex developers and continue surfing the Internet. You can still turn it back on and use it at any time.


So, we have found out all the features and nuances of installing an extension called “Visual Bookmarks from Yandex” for the most popular Internet browsers.

Information viewed by a user on the World Wide Web is saved and displayed in the browsing logs of the web browser used. Having such a browsing history makes it easier to find sites that the user has visited previously. However, such data stored on a hard drive weighs a lot. To clear your computer's memory, you need to periodically delete your browsing history.

  1. Launch the Yandex browser.

  2. On the browser toolbar, find a button with stripes on it. Click this icon.

  3. In the window that opens, select “History”. Click on it.

  4. In the open submenu, select the “History” sub-item.

  5. Find the "Clear History" link. The link is on the right side of the screen (top). Click on it.

  6. Select the period for which you want to delete visit log entries.

  7. Select the items you want to delete: list of visited sites; list of downloaded documents; cached information; cookies and other website information; data for automatic authorization; software information; media licenses.

    Note! A cache is a allocated area of ​​memory, an intermediate buffer with a high speed of information exchange.

  8. Click on the “Clear history” button.

The list of visited links has been removed.

Clearing your browsing history in Chrome

  1. Launch your browser.

  2. On the right (top) find the button with three dots on it. Click on it.

  3. In the window that appears, select the “History” line. Click on it.

  4. Another window will open. Select “History” again.

  5. On the left side of the screen, find the phrase “Clear history.” Click on it.

  6. A new tab will open. A window will appear in which you will need to select “Basic settings” or “Advanced”.

  7. Click on the arrow in the “Time Range”. Specify the period for which you want to clear the log browsing history.

  8. Below, select the information you want to delete: browsing history; files and website data; cached pictures and other files.

    Note! Cookie is a small piece of data that is sent by a web browser and stored in the memory of the user's device.

  9. Click the "Delete" button. If you change your mind about clearing the log, click “Cancel”.

Clearing history in Opera

Method 1

  1. Open the Opera web browser.

  2. In the upper right corner of the screen, find the icon with three bars. Click on them.

  3. A window will open. Scroll it with your mouse wheel until the line “Go to browser settings” appears. Click on this phrase.

  4. A new tab will open. On the left, find the word “Security.” Click on it.

  5. In the "Privacy" group, click on "Clear browsing history."

  6. Specify the time period for which you want to delete information.

  7. Select the information you want to get rid of: list of visited sites; list of downloaded documents; cookies and other site information; cached photos and files; passwords; information for automatic authorization; news usage data.

  8. Click on the “Clear browsing history” button. Otherwise, click on the “Cancel” button.

Method 2

The information has been deleted.

Clearing history in Safari on iPhone and iPad

  1. Find the Settings button. Click on it.

  2. Find the Safari section. Click on it.

  3. Select "Clear History". Click on it.

  4. Confirm your actions by clicking on the “Clear history” button. Otherwise, click on “Cancel”.

  5. The Clear History button is dimmed. Your browsing history has been cleared.

Clearing history in Chrome on iPhone and iPad

The visit log has been cleared.

Clearing history in Chrome on Android

Clearing history in Yandex.Browser on Android

  1. Launch your web browser.

  2. In the lower right corner, look for the three dots icon. Click on it.

  3. Select the "Settings" section. Click on it.

  4. Go to "Privacy".

  5. In the “Privacy” group, click on the “Clear data” button. Select the information you want to get rid of. Confirm your actions by clicking on the “Delete” button.

Data deleted.

Video - How to quickly clear iPhone/2 GB memory in 5 minutes

Restore the last session in any browser

The last session is open.

Recover history in any web browser

  1. Click on the "Start" button.

  2. Click on the "All Programs" button.

  3. Scroll the mouse wheel in the window until the “Standards” line appears.

  4. Click on the "Service" button.

  5. Click on "System Restore".

  6. Check the box next to “Select a different restore point.” Click on the “Next” button.

  7. Select the period until which the computer should recover. Click on "Next".

Note! System Restore may also affect other software. For example, after the OS rollback is complete, previously installed drivers may be missing.

Video - How to delete history in Yandex Browser

The following tab actions are available:

Shape and placement of tabs

Tabs can be moved to the bottom of the browser window:

After this, the tabs will move down. To move tabs to the top, turn on in the settings under Appearance of tabs Top option.

If the tabs are located on top, then you can change their shape. For this:

Number and size of tabs

The number of tabs open in Yandex Browser is not limited, although a large number of tabs can overload the computer's processor and memory.

Note. Users can have dozens of tabs open in their browser at the same time. To avoid overloading your computer's memory and resources, Yandex Browser loads no more than 10 tabs when launched. Moreover, it does this sequentially, and not simultaneously. Videos and flash content start playing only on the active tab.

If you have more than 50 tabs open in your browser, a horizontal scroll icon appears to the right of them. So that if you have a large number of tabs, their size does not decrease too much:

Sync tabs

After synchronizing your devices with your Yandex account, you can view tabs open on another computer, tablet, or smartphone. This feature is useful in the following situations:

  • If you have two computers - home and work. You were browsing a website on your work computer and did not close the tab. At home, you need to open it and continue working.
  • If you have a mobile device and a computer. You found an interesting site on your smartphone or tablet and want to watch it on the big screen.
Synchronization conditions
  1. Yandex Browser must be installed on all devices (computer, smartphone, tablet).
  2. Synchronization must be enabled on all devices.
  3. When synchronizing on devices, the same Yandex account must be used.
View tabs from other devices
  • Computer No. 1
  • Computer #2
  • Android smartphone
  • Android tablet

Tabs don't sync

Frozen browser tabs and windows

You can close incorrectly working tabs and also view Yandex Browser performance statistics using the task manager. To open the task manager, click → Additional → Additional tools→ Task Manager or press the keyboard shortcut Shift + Esc.

Tabs after reinstalling the browser

If you want to keep the tabs in their places after reinstalling the browser:

  1. Close all browser windows.
  2. Open Control Panel.
  3. Open section Programs → Programs and componentsUninstalling a program.
  4. In the window Uninstalling or changing a program select the Yandex program.
  5. Click the Delete button above the list.
  6. In the dialog box that opens, click the Delete button, leaving the option disabled.
  7. Click the Remove browser button.
  8. Install your browser again.

The browser will open with the previously opened tabs.

What if I have already deleted my browser data and settings?

If you enabled the option during the browser removal process Delete browser settings, browsing history and other data or clicked the Reinstall button, you will not be able to restore previously opened tabs. However, you can view the tabs in your synced history:

  1. Turn on synchronization so that the history is transferred from the server to your computer.
  2. Click Smart Line and go to the tab that appears under it Recently closed.

Tabs after reinstalling the OS

If you had synchronization enabled, after reinstalling the system, you can access tabs that were previously open on this computer. Synchronization is tied to the device name, which, as a rule, changes during the OS reinstallation. When you sync your computer under a new name, the browser thinks it's a new device. Therefore, on the tab Other devices a folder with the old computer name appears. In this folder, you can view previously opened tabs in the Open sites section under the list of sites on the Tableau.

To view the tabs open in the browser before reinstalling the OS:

If after reinstallation the computer name remains the same, the folder will not appear, since the browser will not consider the computer to be a different device until reinstallation. Rename your computer ( Control Panelsystem and safety→ System → Advanced System Settings→ Computer name) and wait a bit for the data to synchronize with the server. Go to the tab Other devices and open the folder with the old computer name.

What to do if tabs disappear

To avoid losing previously opened tabs:

To see recently closed tabs:

Tabs from recently terminated browser sessions are grouped and displayed with an icon next to which indicates the number of tabs in the session. When you click this icon, all grouped tabs open in a new browser window.

To go to the full list of previously opened tabs, at the bottom of the page, click the link All history.

Hotkeys for working with tabs

  • Windows
  • macOS
Switch between tabs

Ctrl + PgUp



Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Ctrl + 1-8
Select last tab Ctrl + 9
Opening a tab
Create a new tab Ctrl+T
Ctrl + click link
Ctrl + Shift + T
Closing a tab
Close active tab Ctrl+W
Frozen Tabs and Windows
Open task manager Shift+Esc
Switch between tabs
Switch one tab to the left

Ctrl + PgUp


Switch one tab to the right


Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Select a tab by its serial number (from 1 to 8) Ctrl + 1-8
Select last tab Ctrl + 9
Opening a tab
Create a new tab Ctrl+T
Open link in new tab Ctrl + click link
Open last closed tab Ctrl + Shift + T
Closing a tab
Close active tab Ctrl+W
Frozen Tabs and Windows
Open task manager Shift+Esc
Switch between tabs
Switch one tab to the left ⌥ + ⌘ + ←
Switch one tab to the right ⌥ + ⌘ + →
Select a tab by its serial number (from 1 to 8) ⌘ + 1-8
Select last tab ⌘ + 9
Opening a tab
Create a new tab ⌘+T
Open link in new tab ⌘ + click link
Open last closed tab Shift + ⌘ + T
Closing a tab
Close active tab ⌘+W
Frozen Tabs and Windows
Open task manager Shift+Esc