Setting up email on iPhone. Setting up Yandex mail on iPhone

Hi all! In the era of widespread use of fast messaging services (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram are the most prominent representatives), fewer and fewer people use email. But this does not mean that everyone has forgotten about it and that it has forever lost its relevance. Nothing like this! Moreover, if you set up your mailbox correctly and correctly, then using it will be a sheer pleasure.

And the question immediately arises - how to do this? How to properly connect mail on your iOS device? Elementary. Just. Easily. Don't believe the author? Then get detailed instructions on how to set up email on your iPhone or iPad. It's time to start - let's go! :)

  1. Using the built-in Mail application.
  2. Using additional programs from a third-party developer.

Setting up a standard email client in iOS

Like any self-respecting smartphone (meaning iPhone) or tablet (iPad), there is already a pre-installed (no need to download it) program for working with emails; we just need to configure it correctly.

Click on the “Mail” icon on the desktop or go to Settings - Mail, addresses, calendars - Add account. The result will be the same - you will see this window:

If your email account belongs to one of the services (the whole thing is written about iCloud) that are indicated in the picture, then this is the simplest option. Click on the desired icon, enter your username and password, the operating system will do the rest for you.

But of course, in Russia, mail services from companies such as Yandex,, and probably Rambler are more common. If you are one of the majority of people who use them, then manual configuration will be required.

In the same window as in the picture above, click “Other” - “New account” (first line), the form opens:

  • The name is absolutely any, as you please.
  • E-mail - directly the address of the electronic mailbox.
  • Password - I think everything is clear, the password is for the email.
  • Description - additional information (personal, work, trash, etc.).

That's all if you use @yandex or @mail (and its derivatives - inbox, list, bk).

To configure @Rambler (and others - lenta, autorambler, myrambler,, you will have to tinker a little. After entering the basic data (as written above), you will need to provide additional information:

  • Incoming mail server. Node name –
  • Username and password are your email details. Important! Specify the username in full, for example, [email protected].
  • Outgoing mail server. Node name –

That's all, now your iPhone or iPad (all settings are identical) is ready to receive emails using the standard Mail program.

Third-party programs for checking mail on iPhone and iPad

For those who for some reason are not satisfied with the method described above, in the App Store (and there are several of them!) there are a huge number of applications for checking letters on iOS devices.

I won’t be able to tell you about each of them, but I will highlight the two most popular among them and, importantly, free.

How often do you use mail? For some people, including me, this is an indispensable tool. You need to look there at least several times a day. But it is not always possible to carry a laptop with you and run around an Internet cafe. The answer is very simple - set up email on your iPhone and you can use all the benefits of emails anywhere there is a Wi-Fi zone. This article will help you set up Yandex mail on iPhone.

Setting up/installing Yandex mail on iPhone

1. To configure Yandex mail, you need to find the icon " Settings"

2. In the menu " Settings"scroll down the items until you see the line" Mail, addresses, calendars" and we go into it.

3. In this menu we see the inscription " Accounts"and below it click on the button" Add..."

5. After clicking on the “Other” button, we see a window at the top of which it says “Mail” and below the inscription we click “ New account"

6. Fill in the 4 available fields, then press the button " Forward"

  • Name- you need to come up with a name for your account
  • Address- here you need to enter your registered address of the postal service
  • Password- enter the password for your personal email account
  • Description- enter a description for your account

  • Node name- enter exactly what is in the picture:
  • Username- enter the name of your registered email ( without
  • Password - this is the password to your email

9. For the outgoing mail server, you only need to enter the host name (as can be seen from the figure):

  • Node name- enter
  • Username- leave it blank
  • Password- leave it blank

Have you filled in all fields? Then feel free to press the " Forward"

11. In the window that appears IMAP just press " Save" and Voila!


Please accept my congratulations, you were able to set up Yandex mail on your iPhone yourself. If you still have questions, you can ask them on our website.

Greetings, owner of a wonderful gadget or gadgets based on the iOS operating system (iPhone, iPad), excellent in every sense of the word. Today I will tell you (and show you in the video) how to set up mail on your iPhone or iPad. In fact, the process of setting up mail on both of these devices is identical, there is no difference.

Now let's return directly to the topic - setting up mail on Apple iPhone and iPad devices is a fairly simple procedure, of course, provided that you know how to set it up.

What difficulties will any iPhone and iPad user encounter when setting up mail?:

  • Difficulty adding Russian mail servers. It’s a completely natural fact that iOS (iPhone, iPad) was primarily created for foreign users, so the settings are set only for popular foreign mail servers;
  • Problems with IMAP. I don’t know what this is connected with, but no matter how much I tried to set up receiving and sending mail via IMAP (as Apple recommends), nothing worked for me, so I had to set it up via the POP protocol, which is what will be used to set up mail on iPhone devices and iPad.

So, let's move on to setting up various mail servers on iPhone and iPad, let's look at three services: Gmail (service from Goolge), Yandex (mail) and (mail).


Setting up Gmail on an iPad or iPhone is as easy as shelling pears, because... Almost all the settings for this mail server are already available in iOS, Just need to fill in some details:

Because Gmail settings are already in iOS, you don’t need to do any more actions. Let's move on to more complex settings, namely Yandex and Mail settings.


Setting up Yandex mail is done as follows:

After the settings are completed, click the “Save” button. Now you can use Yandex mail without any problems.

Setting up a mailbox is almost the same as setting up Yandex mail:

  • Go to or iPad;
  • Select the item “Mail, addresses, calendars”;
  • Next, you need (in order to start the process of creating a new account) select “Add account”;
  • In the menu that opens, select the “Other” item from all possible options;
  • Next, you need to select “New Account”;
  • Enter all the data and click the “Next” button;
  • You should get an error, don’t be alarmed - this is normal;
  • Select POP;
  • In the “Incoming Server...” field, in the “Node name” line, enter the text “”; in the “Name...” field, write the address of your mailbox without “”, i.e. only the first part of the address before, the dog, the “@” sign;
  • In the “Password” field, enter the password for your mailbox;
  • In the “Outgoing mail server” field in the “User name” line, remove the second part of the address up to the “@” sign.

That's all for today, I hope that now you know how to set up mail on iPad or iPhone. Share this short material on social networks.

Adding an account and setting up mail on iPhone is done in two ways - automatically and manually. Which method is more convenient is up to the user to decide.

For users of popular email services, the Apple device can independently carry out the setup in automatic mode. You just need to enter your email address and password. This is done in the following sequence:

  1. In the “Settings” of the iPhone, a submenu of accounts opens, where the “Add account” option is selected. In earlier versions of the operating system, this button is located in the “Mail” section.
  2. In the list that opens, click the service whose account the user is going to add. If its name is not in the list, select the “Other” line, where the service is entered manually.
  3. Enter the postal address and enter the password for it. Clicking the corresponding button starts checking the added information.
  4. Email account details can optionally be displayed on the phone. After setting the display parameters, the procedure is completed by clicking the “Save” button.

Russian sector

If the owner of an iPhone prefers Russian space services, the standard application makes it possible to do this as well. In the already mentioned Mail settings section on iPhone – “Other”, the following steps are taken:

  1. In the “New account” item, fill in the information lines. The “name” can be anything; recipients of letters will see it as the author of the message. The “E-mail” field is filled in with the address of an existing mailbox. Enter the “Password” to access this mailbox and enter the corresponding domain in the “Description” section -, or the domain of any other Russian service.
  2. Identification starts. When it passes, click “Save” and use of the service becomes available. If you still cannot receive and send letters, you will need to go through a few more steps.
  3. In the menu of the created account, select “Outgoing mail server”. To specify the primary server, sequentially press SMTP – “Not configured” – “Host name”. The last item is filled in in the form “”, where “example” is the name of the service being configured. By selecting “Save”, the primary server is
  4. By clicking it, you should enable “Use SSL” in the options. The port value is set to 465.
  5. After saving the changes and returning to the account menu, you need to go to the “Advanced” section. SSL is also enabled here. The port value is set to 993.

Thus, you can add an account for the Russian sector, regardless of affiliation.

Selection of options

Almost always, the user does not need to manually enter parameters. If automatic regulation does not work, you may need to request the necessary information from the mail service.

The user will need to enter:

  • protocol (IMAP, POP);
  • port number of the incoming server (IMAP standard – 143 and 993, POP – 110 and 995);
  • encryption option (SSL, TLS);
  • outgoing port number (standard: 25, 587, 465).

This information will need to be obtained from the email service that the user plans to add to his iPhone. Other data required for manual entry should already be familiar and no special handling is required.

When accessing mail from multiple devices, it is preferable to choose IMAP. In this case, the data is stored by the mail server, so regardless of the access method, the user sees the full contents of the mailbox. If POP is used, messages received on one device will no longer be visible on the other.

Other additions to settings

According to the preference of the iPhone owner, it is possible to select the mailbox checking mode.

In the “Data Loading” section of the account, you can choose the “Manual”, “Push”, “Sampling” items.

The first option assigns the function of downloading mail to the user himself. Every time you need to read a letter on your iPhone, you will have to activate message updating directly in the application.

“Push” notifies you of the receipt of new messages in real time, which is essential when waiting for important letters. In this case, increased energy consumption reduces the battery life of the smartphone. Also, “Push” does not synchronize with all servers.

“Sampling” combines the advantages of the two previous behavior models. There is automatic downloading - it turns on only when the device is charging and a Wi-Fi connection is established. There is a manual download that is enabled immediately upon entering the application, without the need to access it directly. And there is an interval mode in which mail is downloaded from the server at specified intervals. The shorter these intervals, the faster the battery charge is consumed.

Box liquidation

Removing any of the email accounts added there from your phone is even easier than adding it. It should be taken into account that all data associated with the deleted account will be lost.

  1. In “Settings”, select the “Mail, Addresses, Calendars” submenu, just like before binding an email address. In the list that opens, click on the address to be deleted.
  2. At the bottom of the screen, the user sees the “Delete account” option. But even by clicking on it, you still have the opportunity to change your mind - the system will ask for confirmation “Delete from iPhone.” If the decision is irrevocable, it is confirmed and all information associated with the box disappears.

The iPhone's focus on maximum convenience allows you to freely add and delete email accounts. But the user needs to be careful not to lose useful information when eliminating an extra box. Once deleted, this information can no longer be restored.

Setting up email on an iPhone or other iOS device is not at all difficult. Especially if the email is registered on resources such as Google, iCloud, Yahoo and other equally popular ones. The whole procedure takes no more than a minute and includes filling out several form fields.

But if you don’t need to create an email, but rather configure it, the situation changes a little. Not every user knows how to do this.

The instructions below will tell you how to set up standard and non-standard email services for Apple gadgets.

But you should remember one thing - to set up a mailbox on your smartphone, you will need an Internet connection. Moreover, even a 3G network is suitable, but it is better to use a high-speed Wi-Fi connection. However, a connection is not at all necessary; everything can be done offline. I made a reservation that this way it will be possible to register a mailbox, but its activation will become possible only after connecting the device to the network - after identifying the name of the registered person and the password he created.

For companies that provide e-mail services, setting up mail for an Apple gadget is a simple and understandable procedure for any user. This applies not only to Google, but also to such large services as Outlook, Exchange and many others. These email clients will automatically reveal the data of the servers of incoming and outgoing messages, but the user will have to fill in 4 information points, namely:

1 Your own name so that the addressee of the letter can find out from whom he received the e-mail. 2 -mail, that is, the address of an electronic mailbox. 3 Mailbox password. 4 Description - a note displayed in the “Mail, Addresses, Calendars” menu. It is recommended to indicate your e-mail here, especially if the user has several mailboxes. In this case, identifying the required entry will be much easier.

5 The user will need to connect to the Internet (we are talking about connecting a mobile device, not a computer). 6 Then you need to go to the settings menu, to the mail section, and add an account. If account data is not configured on a specific device, they can be added during the first launch of the regular iOS mail service. 7 Fill in the required fields and click on the continue action button. 8 The system will check the e-mail address and prompt the user to synchronize mail between the smartphone and Gmail. 9 If the user, in addition to mail, does not want to synchronize other data, for example, a calendar, you need to mark this and save it.

Why is setting up a mailbox so easy? Yes, because creating, changing or setting up an inbox for mailers has long been a well-established, automated process, because every day users can add thousands of new e-mails. They also often try to add a mailbox to the Apple device in order to send letters from the iPhone, as well as receive them on the iPhone. Sending letters after setting up mail on iPhone is done in a matter of seconds, as is receiving them. A file sent from the gadget via Google mail immediately reaches the recipient.

But sometimes it happens that after making the settings, the system does not work and the letter is not sent. In this case, you probably need to change something, clean the configured device, change settings, update the system. Better yet, do not rush to update and clear the device’s memory, but contact directly the administrator of the mail service. He will probably tell you how to change the settings, if necessary, and how to configure the created box so that it works.

The user can change the initial account settings in the Google mail service, as well as synchronization settings, whenever he wants. To do this, he will have to click on the account name in the “Mail addresses calendars” menu.

Setting up Yandex mail on an iOS device

Above we discussed how to install and configure standard email services. Everything is easy there - operations are carried out fully automatically. But with other mail service providers, such as Yandex,, Rambler, you will have to tinker a little.

To set up your Apple smartphone's email on these services, you need to complete the following steps:

1 Go to mail settings, add an account, click on the “Other” section.

2 Select the item regarding creating a new account, which is located in the mail section. 3 This step resembles the procedure that the user went through when setting up e-mail for standard mail services, and includes completing four fields of standard information. 4 At this step the main difficulties appear. In a special field, the owner of the iPhone must enter the server settings from the index (we are talking about the settings for outgoing and incoming messages). Sometimes the user does not know where to get them from. But in fact, everything is not so complicated, you just need to enter the appropriate query in the search engine Yandex, Google or any other. The search form on the Apple website can also help the user find the answer to this question.

If after taking the steps above, something went wrong, your iPhone operating system may need to be updated. You may need to clear your memory of unnecessary files. How to clean the RAM from unnecessary garbage can be read on many forums on the Internet; it is a simple procedure.

How to find mail settings for iPhone?

To do this, you need to perform the following set of actions sequentially:

  • Go to the Mail search settings page.
  • Enter your e-mail address for which the account will be set up in the appropriate line, and press enter.
  • The request will be processed by the system and on the same screen that the user sees in front of him, all the necessary information for setting up a particular mail service will appear.

This way you can easily set up e-mail for popular mailers - Yandex, Rambler, However, for lesser-known email services, such as, this approach does not work. The settings for them will be completely different, and you need to look for them separately.

Additional email settings on iPhone

Above we discussed the main ways to configure email services on an iPhone, depending on the characteristics of a particular mailer. But this procedure can be easier and more flexible. In the additional mailbox settings, the user can perform a number of actions to effectively configure mail, namely:

  • Mailbox behavior. What does this indicator mean? And nothing more than indicating the correspondence of all categories of messages on the device and the mailbox. For example, you can add automatic forwarding of letters from a specific folder, or from all folders. After this, letters will be automatically sent from the mail server directly to the iPhone.
  • The place where messages unclaimed by the user will be deleted. They can be permanently deleted to the trash, or sent to the archive if they may be needed in the future.
  • Deleted messages. Here the device owner can specify the period after which messages sent to the trash bin will be erased from the server memory forever. It will be impossible to restore such messages in the future.
  • Set up incoming messages. Here the user can choose between a wide variety of settings. For example, it can enable a secure protocol, authentication, standards for data encryption, etc.

How to delete an email account from an iPhone?

Removal is no less simple than setup and includes the following steps:

  • Go to mail settings, click on the name of the account you want to change.

  • Click on the account deletion section, then confirm your decision. The account will be automatically deleted.

Attention! If the user, when creating and setting up an account, synchronized mail with calendar, notes, etc., when deleted, this data will also be erased.

After completing these 2 steps, everything will be permanently deleted. Restoration is possible, but only if a backup was previously made.

As you can see from the instructions above, there is nothing complicated in the mail settings on iPhones and iOS devices. However, when it comes to outdated email services, you will have to work a little. However, it is unlikely that a large number of people use them today.

Note that you will need to make the settings only once, and then, by creating a backup copy through the iTunes utility, you can restore the account any number of times from the backup. This copy will be required, for example, when flashing the gadget or if you lose your credentials in some situation. By the way, you can also make a backup through iCloud storage.