The best Wi-Fi router for home. What to look for when choosing a home router. Router TP-LINK TL-WA901ND: maximum range

Today, the Internet is available in almost every second apartment in our country. The Internet is developing at a tremendous pace, just as its transmission technologies are developing. If at the end of the nineties and until the mid-2000s, Internet speed was measured in kilobytes, at the end of the 2000s - in megabits, now there is a transition in calculating Internet speeds into gigabytes! If previously access to the Internet was carried out only via wires, now data transfer can also occur wirelessly.
Next we will consider the following questions:

Why do you need a Wi-Fi router?

A Wi-Fi router is needed to provide Internet access to several devices at the same time. That is, if you have several devices on which you want to configure Internet access, then you need a router. If some of these devices support data exchange using Wi-Fi technology, then you no longer need a simple router, but a Wi-Fi router.
A Wi-Fi router is a network device to which the Internet is connected in order to distribute it to several devices. Internet distribution is carried out both via LAN and Wi-Fi. Thus, if you have a computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone at home with Internet access, then a Wi-Fi router will help you. In those devices that do not have a Wi-Fi module, they connect to the router via LAN.

How to choose a Wi-Fi router

ManufacturerWi-Router Fi
In principle, the choice of router, first of all, must be made based on its technical characteristics, but the company also plays an important role. Therefore, we advise you to select router parameters, initially narrowing their choice to such companies as: ASUS, D-link, HP, TP-LINK.
Wi-Fi standard
The Wi-Fi network standard has 4 types:
  • 802.11 a – transmits data at speeds up to 54 Mbit/s;

  • 802.11 b – transmits data at speeds up to 11 Mbit/s;

  • 802.11 g – transmits data at speeds up to 54 Mbit/s;

  • 802.11 n – transmits data at speeds up to 600 Mbit/s;

  • 802.11 ac – data transfer reaches speeds of over 1 Gbit/sec.

We recommend purchasing a Wi-Fi router with network standard not lower than 802.11 n standard.
Maximum connection speed
Pay attention to the following parameter: maximum speed connection so that the router does not limit your Internet speed. That is, if your tariff plan is, say, 60 Megabits, and the router’s bandwidth is only 30, then the channel will be cut by half by the router. Try to choose a Wi-Fi router that real speed whose connection will exceed the speed of your tariff plan. In addition to the official data on the speed of the router, there are real ones, which you can find out from user reviews on the Internet.
Router and DHCP server
Router (Router) - provides simultaneous access to all devices connected to it. The DHCP server assigns an internal IP address to each device connected to the router, this allows you to connect several devices using one external IP address.
The router sets up work with the provider, or as they say “raises the connection”, and is a buffer between it and your home network devices.
Wi-Fi range
Wi-Fi network range – a parameter that determines the boundaries of the coverage area Wi-Fi networks. This indicator is abstract, since it is calculated from ideal conditions (no walls and partitions, no radio or magnetic interference, etc.). Therefore, if the manufacturer specifies the range of the router as 100 m, then real conditions(in an apartment) the range will be approximately 20 m. To ensure stable Wi-Fi work channel, give preference to a router with a wide range. Please note, the better Wi-Fi quality network, the higher the data exchange speed.

The data transfer speed depends on the number of antennas in a Wi-Fi router. If the device has one antenna, then it works both for receiving and transmitting data, and when connecting other devices to Wi-Fi, the router will need to reduce the speed to ensure correct operation data transmission.
Two antennas in the router work as follows - one for transmission, the other for reception, which allows you to separate streams and at the same time maintain maximum speed.
A Wi-Fi router with three antennas works in this way: one antenna for reception, the other two for transmission, and due to this, a stable and high data exchange speed is ensured.
The maximum possible number of antennas in a Wi-Fi router is 6 pieces. Accordingly, the more antennas in the device, the better the Wi-Fi network will work.
When choosing a Wi-Fi router, make sure that the antennas in it are removable, as this will allow you to install more powerful separate antennas instead to increase the coverage area of ​​the Wi-Fi network.
Data encryption method
To ensure that no one can connect to your Wi-Fi network, data encryption is used. Today there are 2 data encryption methods: WEP and WPA. As a rule, the vast majority of routers include both of these encryption methods, but the best method is considered to be WPA encryption- it is more reliable.
Availability USB interface
The USB connector in the Wi-Fi router allows you to connect other devices to it. For example, you can connect an external HDD or a flash drive, in order to open access to the files located on it for all devices on the network. You can also connect a printer to the USB connector to provide access to other network devices. You can also connect a 3G modem to the USB connector, but for this the router must support this function.
Possibility of connecting a 3G modem
The presence of a USB interface in a Wi-Fi router does not mean that it will work with a 3G modem; a special feature must be implemented for this. If you have this feature, you can share access to 3G Internet across several devices. This is necessary for those who do not have the opportunity to connect to a landline provider, or 3G Internet is a substitute option in case of problems with a landline one.
ADSL support
If you are connected to ADSL Internet, we recommend purchasing a Wi-Fi router with ADSL support. Thanks to this, in addition to routing, your router will also perform the functions of an ADSL modem, and you will not need to use 2 devices: an ADSL modem and a Wi-Fi router - both of these devices will be in one.
Number of switch ports
Another important parameter is the number of switch ports. As a rule, most access points include 4 Ethernet ports, thanks to which you can also build a wired network. For example: desktop computers, TV, receiver you can connect to Ethernet ports, and a smartphone, tablet and laptop - to Wi-Fi, and all these devices will be on the same network, just connected in different ways.
Remember that the speed of data exchange via Ethernet is better and higher than via Wi-Fi, which is why it is better to connect stationary computer equipment via Ethernet.

Port speed
As we said above, today the data exchange speed is calculated in gigabits. Most providers provide a maximum Internet access speed of up to 100 Mbit/s, but technologies are developing and therefore, very soon, Internet access speeds will be in the hundreds of megabits, and for this you need a Wi-Fi router that will support gigabit networks.
If you active internet user, we recommend choosing a router whose port speed (WAN and LAN) is 1000 Mbit/s, this will allow the router to remain relevant for as long as possible. If you are going to watch HD quality movies on your TV that are on your computer, then your local network connection should also be gigabit. But keep in mind that such routers are much more expensive.
If you do not need high speed, then give preference to a router with a speed of 100 Mbps.
Web interface
Thanks to the presence of a Web interface, you can configure the router through a browser, that is, the settings menu will be in the form of a Web site.
Possibility of flashing
As a rule, all routers have the ability to update software (firmware). Essentially, the firmware is operating system device that organizes its operation. New firmware versions include corrections of any errors in the operation of the device and expand its functionality. Therefore, choose a router that can be easily flashed and for which new firmware versions are created.

Which Wi-Fi router to choose

Which budget router to choose?

This Wi-Fi router model has low price and at the same time includes good specifications. The router is suitable for those who do not need high data transfer speeds, but main task is the organization of access of home devices to the network.
TP-LINK TL-WR743ND includes: 4 LAN ports with a speed of 100 Mbit/s for connecting devices via a network cable and 1 WAN port with a speed of 100 Mbit/s for connecting a provider. Supports the 802.11n wireless standard and has 1 removable antenna. Security features include protection against DoS attacks and the WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK encryption system. Maximum Wi-Fi speed connections - 150 Mbit/s.
Device price: 1000 rubles.

How to choose a Wi-Fi router for your home

If you don't know which router to choose for your home, then this is the best one. best option. TL-WR1043ND combines high data transfer speeds and a high-quality Wi-Fi network signal.
The router is equipped with 4 gigabit LAN ports and one gigabit WAN port, there is also 1 USB port. Wireless standard - 802.11n, WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK encryption. It is worth noting the presence of 3 removable antennas. Maximum Wi-Fi speed is 300 Mbit/s. IPTV support has been implemented.
Device price: 2000 rubles.

Which router is the best?

The best router today is ASUS router RT-AC66U, its advantage is that it has high throughput and low price compared to analogues.
The router has 4 LAN ports with a speed of 1 Gigabit/s, 1 Gigabit WAN port and 2 USB ports. Works according to the 802.11ac wireless standard, providing Wi-Fi speeds of up to 1300 Mbps. The router has 3 dual-band antennas. Data encryption type - WPA2-PSK and lower. In addition, the router has: DoS protection, network filter, address filter and port filter. IPTV support has been implemented.
Router price: 6000 rubles.

WiFi for home? This question in Lately users ask quite often. After all, not only the provider, but also the router is responsible for fast Internet. It is he who provides uninterrupted access to the World Wide Web. What do you need to know and what criteria to focus on before purchasing? The reader will find the answer to this question, as well as the rating of the best models, in this article.

Large assortment - an advantage or a disadvantage?

WiFi router (we’ll look at the top best a little later) on modern market presented in a wide range. This niche is simply overcrowded with a wide variety of devices. The difference between them lies not only in design features and sizes, but also in functionality.

Having decided to purchase a router, an unprepared buyer quickly gets lost and most often leaves without purchasing or purchases the first model he comes across. In order to avoid rash consequences, we advise you to consider the devices that are considered the best for 2017. However, we recommend starting your acquaintance with routers with the selection rules. After all, they will help you choose the most suitable option according to all the characteristics criteria.

The role of the router cannot be underestimated. You can often read in reviews that when using an Internet cable directly to a PC, the transfer speed is high. However, when connected to the network via a Wi-Fi hotspot, it drops sharply by half, and sometimes even more. So, what does a buyer need to know?

In order to help in this matter, you need to seek advice from professionals. In their opinion, a high-quality device does not always have to be expensive. The issue of cost is especially relevant when the router is purchased for home use. Naturally, the buyer strives to find a model that will meet the requirements both in terms of quality and price. But there are other criteria. Let's look at them.

  • Characteristics. Before purchasing, it is important to study the hardware “filling”. We are talking about the processor. It must operate at a frequency of at least 300 MHz. The higher this indicator, the more efficient the device will work. It is also important to pay attention to the amount of memory. A good WiFi router should not have less than 64 MB of RAM. And here minimum value native memory starts at 16 MB.
  • Speed. No less important criterion. Providers offer a large number of packages for Internet connection. The main difference between them is speed. Let's look at an example. The user is provided with Internet at a speed of 300 Mbit/s. However, he has a 100 Mbps router installed. Naturally, you won’t be able to use the service in full and will have to experience restrictions.
  • Brand. Of course, the manufacturer's reputation is important when choosing a device. But the price and functionality of famous companies do not always optimally correspond to each other. For example, there are companies that produce only budget models. These include: Their product range includes inexpensive, but quality models. But for real good WiFi router Not every domestic buyer can afford it from Apple. Therefore, in this matter it is necessary to be guided financial capabilities individually. The brands Asus, ZyXEL, Linksys have become no less popular in Russia.
  • Connection method. Each device is equipped with a special port designed for an Internet cable. It's called WAN. It is recommended to check it carefully before purchasing.
  • StandardWi-Fi. Modern routers operate based on innovative technologies. Currently, the newest standard is 802.11n. If the router is only designed for 802.11b or 802.11g, then the network will not work. Optimal devices those that are labeled 802.11b/g/n are considered.
  • Protocol. After purchase, just connecting the device will not be enough; you will need to configure it. It is important to find out what access protocol the provider uses. If it does not match, then you will not be able to create a home wireless network.

Rating of the best. Defining the criteria

Compose universal rating routers taking into account all the characteristics, of course, it is possible. But choosing from a large assortment which model is better will be quite difficult. Therefore, for an objective assessment, you will need to highlight certain criteria for comparing devices such as a WiFi router. The rating of the best will be based on the price of the devices, as well as their functionality.

Top 3 multifunctional routers for home

It is difficult for a modern user to imagine life without the Internet. And since manufacturers currently offer a variety of gadgets, the potential of which can be fully unlocked only by having access to wireless point. Therefore, for maximum convenience, you must use a router.

Which? A good WiFi router for the home is selected taking into account the characteristics of the device based on the user’s requirements. Also determining factors are the size of the room, the building materials used in the construction of the house, and the features of the supporting structures. As you know, thick concrete walls greatly dampen the signal. Such nuances must be taken into account. The top 3 models presented below are ideal for both private houses and apartments.

Asus RT-AC87U

This model rightfully bears the title “Best Router (4G+WiFi)”. Users call it not only stylish, but also the fastest. The speed at which information is transmitted by the device is 2334 Mbit/s. In the modern market, RT-AC87U is a leader in this parameter. In combination with high performance, the developers also provide an original design. The router will fit perfectly into any interior style.

Coating wireless signal extends over an area of ​​465 m2. Such results are beyond the capabilities of standard devices. The signal is amplified up to 20 dBi due to the presence of four antennas. This model is perfect for people living in large private houses with two or three floors. But purchasing it for a small apartment is unprofitable.

The best WiFi router RT-AC87U from Asus has another undeniable advantage - the ability to support up to 300 simultaneous connections. Thanks to this, when connecting large quantity devices, the transfer speed does not decrease, even if several users download heavy files at the same time. The device is equipped with Time Machine technology. It will be useful to those people who work with Apple gadgets. Do backup from any device is no longer a problem.

The price starts at 6800 rubles.

TP-Link Archer C7 AC1750

TP-Link is a brand that is in demand among domestic buyers. The company supplies the market with high-quality devices at a relatively low price. Model Archer C7 AC1750 - best router WiFi for an apartment based on the results of 2017. The wireless network operates according to the 802.11a/b/g/n/ac standard. At a frequency of 5 GHz, the router is capable of accelerating speeds to 1300 Mbit/s. And on a 2.4 GHz network the throughput is 450 Mbit/s.

The developers made sure that users were able to control the router from gadgets running IOS and Android OS. For this purpose it is provided special utility Tether.

Starting price - 3000 rub.

The best "state employees"

If you cannot purchase a router sold in middle category, don’t get upset ahead of time. The best WiFi router for home can also be chosen in the budget device segment. The assortment range is represented by products different manufacturers. According to the 2017 rating, brands such as TP-Link and D-Link became leaders.

TP-Link TL-WR841N

The leader in the rating of budget models is a router manufactured by TP-Link. Its products are designed for any buyer. In 2017, the TL-WR841N model took first place. According to experts, this is the best WiFi router for the home in the price category up to 1,500 rubles.

Despite the cost, the characteristics are quite sufficient to provide high-quality home wireless network. The maximum speed via WiFi is small - 300 Mbit/s. However, it is enough for three or four connections. The manufacturer took care of network protection by using the WPA2 system. Encryption allows you to regenerate a key consisting of letters, numbers, signs and other symbols.

The advantages also include support for the most popular tunnel protocols. We are talking about IPSec, L2TP and PPTP. The network signal is stable. The power is 20 dBi. There are two antennas. The device operates in the 2.4 GHz frequency range.

Cost - from 1000 rubles.

D-Link DIR-300/A/D1

In order to understand what is the best WiFi router in budget segment, you need to consider D-Link products. The model, although simple, is deservedly a bestseller. Through the Wi-Fi channel, the throughput is only 150 Mbps. This is enough for two users to work simultaneously. The communication standard at 2.4 GHz is 802.11n. These characteristics are fully consistent with modern requirements. To protect the access point, the user will be able to choose one of three protocols: WPA, WEP or WPA2 (introduction of an individual key). There are four LAN ports. Wired network speed - 100 Mbit/s.

Unfortunately, this model has two significant drawbacks. The first is limited functionality. It can only be used at home. Second - low speed transfers. Users who are connected to the services of providers providing a bandwidth of over 150 Mbit/s will not be able to fully enjoy the capabilities of high-speed Internet. The router will greatly reduce the speed.

Price - about 1000 rubles.

Netis WF2419E

The third place in the ranking of "state employees" is taken by the best WiFi router trademark Netis. It is produced in the Middle Kingdom. Operates in the 2.4 GHz band (frequency). Supports 802.11n wireless connection standard. The body has two non-removable antennas that amplify the signal by 10 dBi. Internet speed via Wi-Fi is 300 Mbit/s.

The build quality is excellent. The firmware ensures an uninterrupted connection. The device is functional. Perfect for small offices or residential premises. Transfer rate at wired connection- 100 Mbit/s. The communicator is designed for 4 LAN connections. According to users, the indisputable advantage of this model is its easy setup, which does not require special knowledge.

The cost varies within 1000 rubles.

Rating of router manufacturers

On Russian market More than one brand is popular. These manufacturers include D-Link (good quality for a low cost), TP-Link (devices with high performance and excellent assembly) and, of course, Asus. The latter brand has released many models that can rightfully be called the best. Let's look at the most successful examples.

  • DIR-880L is a good WiFi router with high performance.
  • DIR-850L - the model stood out due to its high-quality hardware.
  • DIR-300A is a device with the optimal combination of price, functionality and quality.
  • The TL-WR740N is an excellent budget option for those who live in small houses or apartments.
  • TL-WA901ND - offers the user to enjoy uninterrupted network operation thanks to advanced functionality and easy setup.
  • Arcer C2 is a device that combines the most innovative developments.
  • RT-N56U - used to create an access point with large coverage.
  • EA-AC87 - modern hardware, high quality assembly and materials.
  • RT-AC66U is a powerful router that can provide Internet access to up to 10 gadgets connected simultaneously without reducing speed.

Mobile router: choosing the best model

Currently, there are many providers providing Internet access. However, there are situations when there is no technical feasibility connecting a specific home or area. Most often, a similar problem can be encountered in villages or small towns. But even this should not be a reason to refuse access to the World Wide Web.

You can connect to the Internet using mobile communications. Manufacturers produce special devices, which are equipped with a port for installing a SIM card. To ensure high-quality coverage of the area, you need to choose the best mobile WiFi router. For 2017, the clear leaders were two models released under Huawei brands and TP-Link.

Huawei E5330

Surprisingly, the device, which measures 92.8x60x13.8 mm, is capable of providing the user high speed internet. The service is provided by the mobile operator. Model E5330 from the famous manufacturer Huawei is a good WiFi router mobile type. You can connect to the access point anywhere: be it at home or while walking in the forest. The manufacturer focused not only on the powerful hardware, but also on the design. Beautiful body with streamlined edges, a classic combination of black and white flowers- all this looks simultaneously laconic and original. The surface of the panels has an anti-slip coating, which ensures maximum comfort during use. The weight of the router is only 120 g, so the level of mobility is quite high. You can carry the device not only in your purse, but also in the pockets of shirts and trousers, without fear that it will fall out.

In the center of the front panel there is an LCD-type display. When turned on, the lights on it light up. Works with almost all popular mobile operators. The signal coverage radius is 10 m. The gadget is compatible with Android, Windows, Mac OS, Linux and iOS. Through this router can be connected via Wi-Fi to any digital device with the support wireless connection. There is one antenna, built-in type. The developers do not provide a socket for an external one.

For mobile device An important parameter is the battery life. In the E5330 model, this is provided by a 1500 milliamp per hour battery. Without recharging, the user can count on 6 hours of device operation when turned on.

The approximate cost is about 6,000 rubles.

TP-Link M5250

The popularity of TP-Link products is limitless. In the ranking of the best mobile routers, the leading position is occupied by the model of this brand - M5250. It works with most SIM cards mobile operators. The body of the device is made of plastic that imitates rubber. There are glossy inserts. They are quite easily soiled, with weak level resistance to mechanical damage. The power button is located on the front panel. There are also indicators here that indicate the status of the battery. active connection Wi-Fi and Internet status. In working condition the latter are switched off. Back cover removable. It allows you to access the battery. Under the battery there are slots for a micro-SD flash drive and a SIM card. Recognizes external storage up to 32 GB. Two encryption protocols are available to the user: WPA2-PSK/ WPA-PSK. Responsible for autonomy accumulator battery for 2000 mAh. This is about seven hours of work without recharging. Antennas are only built-in. Wi-Fi transmission speed is 150 Mbps. To change the router settings, use standard address- An adapter for charging the battery is not included in the kit. You can restore the battery life using a USB cable (when connected to a PC) or a charger from any smartphone.

Ten years ago, when you went to a computer store, you could find several models from different manufacturers, which did not differ much from each other in characteristics. Now the variety of network devices is simply off the charts: two dozen manufacturers, about a hundred different models for every taste, color and budget. It’s no wonder that the average user is simply lost in all this. In this article I want to help you choose the right router for your home and not overpay - find the best option within the allotted budget.
Devices popular in 2016 will be presented here. I have no doubt that many of them will remain relevant in 2017!
Before you start searching for a suitable model, you first need to decide on several parameters:

For what purpose is a router purchased?! It’s one thing when you connect 1-2 computers and a phone to it to surf the World Wide Web. Here a simple, inexpensive model is enough. And it’s completely different when the house is full of various gadgets that will constantly get into the network. There will also be constant downloading via torrent, watching movies and programs via Smart TV. Here you should no longer skimp and choose more powerful hardware.
What services from the provider will you use?! Only Internet access or will there also be digital interactive television or SIP telephony. In the latter case, you will need to check in advance with the local technical support of your operator about the requirements for the router. For example, in many Rostelecom branches television is supplied on user equipment in tagged form, which means when choosing a home router you need to take into account the availability of support for working with Vlan (802.1q standard).
Do you need support for 5GHz extended WiFi range?! If you live in a private sector and do not interfere with neighboring wireless networks, great! Don't bother and use the old 2.4 GHz band. But if you live in an apartment in a multi-storey building, then there may be a lot of neighbors in the range, as a result of which they will constantly begin to interfere with each other. This is usually expressed in unstable connection and low data transfer rates. Then it makes sense to turn your attention to a dual-band Wi-Fi router that will work at both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. Fortunately, there are now inexpensive models and such a purchase will not cause a big gap in the budget.
How much area should the router's wireless network cover?! If you are choosing the best router for an ordinary city one-room apartment or two-room apartment, then models with a built-in antenna are also suitable. If the area is larger, then you need to take a device with antennas with a gain of 5dBi. But if you need to cover a large cottage with several floors with Wi-Fi, then it would be best to buy an additional couple of repeaters.
Which additional features must have a device?! USB ports, built-in torrent client, file server, the ability to control the bandwidth WiFi clients, the ability for the router to work with an authorizer, support for guest networks, etc.
Router price(Planned purchase budget). That is, simply put, the amount of money you are willing to spend to buy a good router for your home. It goes without saying that the higher the budget, the more possible options.
Now let's move on directly to which router to choose for a house or apartment so that it is the best for your money.

Price up to 1000 rubles

In this category of “super-economy” from famous manufacturers there is only D-Link with the model DIR-300S, DIR-300A and TP-Link TL-WR720N, although both of them, and the third, frankly speaking, are slag. Why? And because these are not just initial models, but also stripped down to the maximum to fit into the price range. Having purchased such a device, you will most likely encounter low data transfer speeds (the chips are very cheap), unstable work firmware (and who would invest the costly labor of developers into something so cheap) and low quality in general.
Therefore, if you want to buy the best router at a price of up to a thousand rubles, pay attention to the Chinese - Tenda F300 or Netis WF2419E.

These are devices with full WiFi module N300 standard, not the cheap N150 trim. Of course, you shouldn’t expect miracles from this class, but they will work for their price with a bang!

Up to 2000 rubles

This class can confidently be called “Economy”. There are already significantly more suitable models on which you can already choose a router if you want something from the “Cheap and cheerful” category. Gadgets of this class are purchased by about 60% of total number users, including sometimes very wealthy citizens. By the way, people like this most often amuse me - a person can easily find 60 thousand rubles for latest iPhone and costs over 2-3 thousand for a normal router for the home.
Here you can recommend such bestsellers as ASUS RT-N12 D1, TP-Link TL-WR940N 450M And Zyxel Keenetic Lite III. Moreover, I personally like it more TP-Link router, since it is the only one for the money that has as many as 3 antennas, and this is the best wireless network speed and coverage area.

If the functionality of the firmware is more important to you, then you should pay attention to Zixel Kinetic. Although this is one of the initial models of the family, it nevertheless has very good capabilities, which are also expandable through plugins that can be downloaded online from the manufacturer’s database.

Up to 5000 rubles

The main beauty of this price range The problem is that for this amount you can purchase a dual-band Wi-Fi router. As I said above, if you suffer from “neighbors” in the classic 2.4 GHz band, a dual-band is your best choice for a home router! Moreover, at an average price of about 4,000 rubles, several very good models are available at once - ASUS RT-AC51U, ASUS RT-N56U, NETGEAR WNDR3400-100PES, TP-LINK Archer C2, ZyXEL Keenetic Extra. Moreover, the last two are generally gigabit. That is home network it will be very fast!

Personally, I would choose either Asus or Kinetics. These models, by the way, have support for 3G/4G USB modems, thanks to which you can, if necessary, organize a reservation of an Internet channel.

If the extended WiFi range does not matter to you, then opt for a router Zyxel Keenetic III.

For this amount of money you won't be able to buy anything better in the SOHO class. This is a bestseller in every way! For a thousand more, there are models that are more or less similar in functionality - ASUS RT-N18U. In principle, this is also a very good option. There is only one minus - the price. But with powerful hardware and 3 antennas, thanks to Wi-Fi there shouldn’t be any problems in the average house or apartment!

Price over 5000 rubles

In this class, mainly the best models from manufacturers, and accordingly the most powerful hardware, large volume random access memory and the most interesting technologies. What kind of router can I recommend to a person who is willing to pay a considerable price for it?!
The most optimal models for today's choice is Zyxel Keenetic GIGA III, ASUS RT-N66U, TP-LINK Archer C7. Yes, these are expensive models, but their price is reasonable and corresponds to what they can do. This is not the choice of a poor person, but of a rational person.

And there are, in fact, top models of 2016 that cost around 10,000 thousand rubles. Among them we can highlight Zyxel Keenetic Ultra II, NETGEAR R6300, ASUS RT-AC66U, ASUS RT-AC68U, TP-LINK Archer C9. These routers are bought in small quantities and are purchased mainly by people who would rather treat themselves to a very expensive gift than they really need such a device.

Which will provide a good signal, and not overpay for unnecessary functions? We are interested in whether there is a difference between devices that differ significantly in price.

The power of a router depends not only on the number of antennas

Let's find out how to choose a device for an apartment or cottage, which of the routers on the market are the most powerful. In addition, it is advisable to consider several price categories so that you can choose a modem at the optimal price and appropriate quality.

  • Antenna and coverage radius are perhaps the most important parameters for any device that provides wireless communication with the World Wide Web.

Antennas come in two types - built-in and external. In most cases, external antennas provide a better signal and therefore greater coverage within the home. A significant advantage will be the ability to change the antenna or add a few additional parts to increase the signal coverage area - this is especially true for apartments with big amount rooms and country houses.

  • Wi-Fi standards and router speed - it is desirable that the modem supports the 802.11n standard, and for high speed Internet access, you need to choose a device with a speed similar or higher than that provided by your provider.

  • Brand - priority will be to choose a router from a well-known developer. Why shouldn't you buy a “no-name” router? Its operation is more likely to have problems, it may freeze, or the connection will be unstable. Another important point- on devices of popular brands it is easier to update the firmware, which is regularly improved and released for each separate model. The new firmware makes the router’s operation high-quality and uninterrupted, and protects against malfunctions.

Rating of the most powerful Wi-Fi routers

Not everyone can afford the most expensive Wi-Fi modem with many functions and powerful hardware, but in different price categories There are remarkable models that differ from other routers in quality, fast operation and fully justify their cost.

Affordable, good quality routers

  • TP-LINK TL-WR740N is a simple but powerful model with excellent functionality: speeds of up to 150 Mbit/s are quite enough for active home Internet use; the device supports the most popular data transfer protocols - PPPoE, dynamic and static IP. It has a built-in network filter to protect against viruses and attacks, and is provided for signal distribution external antenna, which will provide a larger coverage area.

  • TP-Link TL-WR841ND- another excellent router of this brand, it has two removable antennas, the range of which is 270 m. The device supports Internet speeds of up to 300 Mbit/s, there are 4 LAN ports for connecting other computers and creating a local home network.

  • Zyxel Keenetic- 3G Internet function is provided, the device has additional USB connector. It has 2 removable antennas. Using the router you can use interactive IPTV television.

Powerful mid-price routers

  • Zyxel Keenetic Giga 2 - costs about 3.5-4 thousand rubles, supports speeds of up to 300 Mbit/s, has gigabit Ethernet ports and 2 USB ports. Him powerful processor and 2 removable antennas that can easily provide good coverage area Wi-Fi signal in the house.

  • Asus RT-N56U- although this router has built-in antennas, this is not reflected in the signal quality. The router operates in 2 frequency bands - the standard 2.4 and the more powerful 5 GHz. It supports all current communication protocols, has an IPTV function, and several users can use high-speed 3G Internet at the same time. average price device is about 4.5 thousand rubles.

  • Xiaomi Mi WiFi mini - this model is attractive not only internally, but also externally - there is big choice color schemes of the router, which will appeal to those who love bright colors. The internal content is represented by two frequency ranges 2.4 and 5 GHz, each of which has a separate external antenna. Thanks to the 802.11n protocol, the router can operate at very high speeds - up to 1167 Mbps. The price fluctuates around 3.3 thousand rubles.

The most powerful routers costing from 5 thousand rubles

  • Asus RT-N66U- the model will cost you about 7 thousand rubles, but will fully justify its cost. It has three removable powerful antennas that will provide good coverage of the entire area of ​​the house. As is customary in impeccable devices, it has two frequency ranges and reaches connection speeds of up to 900 Mbit/s. It has a rich filling, many functions, including the ability to create a separate guest network, parental controls, traffic manager and others. This is a truly powerful router, and also attractive and practical in appearance; Unlike many devices, this router has a matte finish.

  • Asus RT-AC87U- the top router for the home among all products of this brand and similar devices from other developers, it costs about 15 thousand rubles, but it can be confidently called the most powerful Wi-Fi router for the home. Judge for yourself - four removable antennas are capable of creating a coverage area of ​​up to 465 square meters. m. Moreover, it has a record maximum Internet connection transmission speed - up to 2334 Mbit/s. Inside the stylish case, which will not leave anyone indifferent, there is a 2-core processor - it will ensure stable and fast operation of the device. It’s not even worth mentioning several frequency ranges, protocol support and the presence of a USB port - the router has everything to rightfully be considered the best among other existing models.

Depending on the price and your needs, thanks to this rating you can choose a router that will provide a high-quality Internet connection via wireless Wi-Fi technology. All of the above models will allow you to create a large signal coverage area that will cover the entire area of ​​your apartment, house or cottage.