About Huawei. Which is better: smartphones branded Huawei or Honor

Huawei Technologies Co Ltd [Chinese]

华为] is a multinational corporation, the world's largest supplier of networking and telecommunications equipment. The company was founded in 1988 by retired Chinese People's Liberation Army officer Ren Zhengfei. The headquarters is located in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China.

  1. The company's key activities are:
  2. Telecommunication networks, in particular the design and construction of telecommunication networks;
  3. Global services, including comprehensive equipment, operational support and consulting services for corporate clients

Mobile devices, namely the production and promotion of mobile devices under our own brand.

As of the end of 2012, Huawei employs about 140 thousand employees, of which about 46% are directly involved in research and development. Huawei's research and development centers, the number of which has exceeded 20, are located in China, the USA, Germany, Turkey, India, Sweden and Russia. In addition, the company is creating joint innovation centers with the world's largest telecom operators, such as Vodafone Group, Telecom Italia, BT Group, Telefonica, Deutsche Telekom, France Telecom and several others. The company's products and technical solutions are used in more than 140 countries around the world.

The Huawei Device division is directly involved in the development and production of mobile devices for end consumers. Initially, Huawei Device produced so-called white-label devices (USB modems, WiFi routers, mobile phones and smartphones, as well as other equipment) for large telecom operators. In Russia, Huawei mobile devices were sold under their own brands: MTS, Megafon and Beeline. The first line of smartphones and tablets under its own brand was introduced in 2010 and was called IDEOS. The priority platform for mobile devices produced by the company is Google Android, but at the end of 2012 Huawei announced the first devices based on the Windows Phone 8 operating system from Microsoft.

Currently, the line of smartphones and tablet PCs is quite diverse. The latest smartphone models are united by a common series - Ascend. It includes devices of various price segments: Youth (Y) - budget gadgets for young people, Gold (G) - mid-price segment, Platinum (P) - stylish devices with a sophisticated design, Diamond (D) - powerful flagship models. In addition, devices based on the Windows Phone operating system have the letter W at the beginning of the model name. As for tablets, they are all produced as part of the MediaPad series.

Russia and the CIS countries are a key region for Huawei Device. As part of supporting its mobile devices on the Russian market, the company opened a call center to process consumer requests, and also formed a network of authorized service centers to provide warranty and post-warranty service for gadgets.

The company's products are becoming increasingly popular in Russia; on thematic forums and in discussions on online store websites you can find a lot of positive reviews about Huawei. Moreover, reviews are often left by people who have used more than their first Huawei device, which allows us to judge the quality and reliability of the smartphones and tablets produced by the company.

There are many brands in the world that are on everyone’s lips, but not everyone knows the details of their history. Meanwhile, this story is often very interesting and unusual. We will tell stories that you may not know. Let's start with Huawei.

Foundation of the company

The company was founded in 1987 in Shenzhen, and at the time of establishment its registered capital was only 20,000 yuan. Looking ahead, I will say that the company's net profit in 2014 amounted to 34 billion yuan, or $5.5 billion. The founder of Huawei was a former officer, deputy head of the engineering corps of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Ren Zhenfei.

The company name Huawei consists of two parts and has a somewhat ambiguous meaning. "Hua" is translated as "excellent" or "magnificent", but recently the translation meaning "China" or "ethnic Chinese" has become increasingly common. “Wei” means “action that leads to something”, or “achievement”. Thus, we get something like “great action” or “Chinese achievement”. True, some sources claim that the name of the company was invented by Ren himself and does not mean anything, but is simply a combination of sounds that he liked.

The purpose of creating his own company for Renfei was to develop Chinese telecommunications technologies that would replace imported ones, the share of which at that time in China was 100%. Actually, this is what the entire Chinese government strived for in the 1980s. The company later expanded its business into the production of consumer electronics, as well as the provision of service and consulting services.

It was impossible to immediately start trading your own equipment, since this requires considerable start-up capital, which Renfei did not have. Therefore, at an early stage of its development, the company was engaged in the resale of equipment purchased in Hong Kong, and the proceeds were used for its own research and development. Subsequently, the resale was ended and the company began selling its own equipment. So, in 1990, the company had its own research center, which employed about 500 employees.

Development of the company

The company's first serious success was the release in 1993 of the first software-controlled switch, C&C08, which could not help but attract attention, since it was the most powerful in China at that time. The release of C&C08 helped the company obtain a very profitable contract for the deployment of a telephone network. As a result, after the start of deliveries of this equipment to small Chinese cities and rural areas, no one had any doubt that Huawei had come to this business seriously and for a long time.

Huawei also received a key contract to create the first national telecommunications network for the Chinese People's Liberation Army. One of the employees then described it in the following words.

“It’s not a lot in terms of our business as a whole, but it’s a lot in terms of our relationships.”

This happened after a meeting between the company’s founder and Party General Secretary Jiang Zemin, at which he said that a state without its own developments in the field of telecommunications is the same as a state without armed forces. Apparently, this is how he convinced the country's leadership.

The next turning point was in 1996, when the Chinese government restricted foreign suppliers' access to its market, which only contributed to the company's development. As a result, both the government and the army recognized the company as a market leader, which contributed to an increase in turnover and the opening of additional research centers.

1997 can be considered the year when Huawei began its international activities. It was then that she received her first international contract. Later this year the company launched sales of GSM equipment, and subsequently also CDMA and UMTS.

The period from 1998 to 2003 was a variable period for Huawei, the company underwent significant changes in its organizational structure due to the conclusion of an agreement with IBM to provide consulting services.

In 1999, the company opened its first research center outside of China in the Indian city of Bangalore, which was supposed to develop and develop telecommunications software.

In 2000, Huawei significantly increased its pace of entry into foreign markets. At the end of the year, the company's income from foreign economic activities already amounted to 100 million US dollars. Another of its research centers has also opened. This time in Europe, in the city of Stockholm, Sweden.

Further expansion only accelerates. In 2001, as many as four research centers opened in the United States. Huawei is selling its subsidiary Avansys for $750 million, the buyer of which was Ericsson. In the same year, Huawei entered the international telecommunications union and earned $552 million in foreign markets.

In 2004, the company was creating a third generation network for the Dutch operator Telfort. The contract value was $25 million.

In 2005, for the first time in the company's history, revenues in foreign markets exceeded those in the domestic market. Huawei signs an agreement with Vodafone, making it the first Chinese company to receive approval from Vodafone Global Supply. A contract was also signed with British Telecom to deploy a multi-service access network and data transmission equipment for the UK telecommunications industry, as well as support further infrastructure development.

In 2008, Huawei and Optus opened an innovation center in Sydney, Australia. It also began a major project to create new generation networks with high-speed mobile access in the American market for Telus and Bell Canada.

In July 2010, Huawei was awarded a place in the Global Fortune 500 ranking. This ranking includes companies with the world's largest revenues. The ranking is published by Fortune magazine. Huawei was included in the ranking thanks to its sales volume of $22.9 billion and net profit reaching $2.76 billion. It was also reported that the company plans to invest not only $500 million in establishing the production of telecommunications equipment in Tamil Nadu, India, but also $100 million in the development of its research center in Bangalore, India.

In October 2012, Huawei announced the relocation of its headquarters to the UK, the city of Reading, Berkshire, and in October 2013 it announced the signing of an agreement with the Danish telecom operator TDC to modernize cellular networks and support them. The agreement was signed for a period of six years and its value is more than $700 million. In the same year, the well-known publication The Economist calls Huawei the largest seller of telecommunications equipment in the world.

As already mentioned, since the late nineties of the last century, Huawei has only grown, and its partners included many global companies, including Siemens, Nokia, Motorola, Telecom. Huawei has created joint ventures with many of them and, as a result, owns stakes not only in the joint ventures themselves, but also in some partner companies.

Consumer Electronics

The history of Huawei phones began in 2003, when the company's management decided to create a separate division, Huawei Device. The main activity of the division was the production of consumer electronics. In particular mobile phones. A year later, the first phone under the Huawei brand saw the light of day, which worked in the WCDMA format. A short time later, in 2005, the Huawei U626 “clamshell” was released, which supported the 3G format. Huawei U626 received the Charlton Media Group award for best 3G phone. A solid reward considering the recent emergence of Huawei phones as such.

Four years later, in 2009, the first smartphone was released under the Huawei brand. It was called Huawei U8230, had a 3.5-inch touch display, a 3.2 megapixel camera and received Android updates from version 1.5 to 2.1. To promote the model on the market, the operator T-Mobile, with which the company had a long-standing partnership, was chosen as a partner.

Naturally, such a large and technological company could not ignore the increasingly popular tablet computer market. In 2011, the company's first tablet, called MediaPad, was presented at the CommunicAsia exhibition. It was equipped with a 1.2 GHz Snapdragon S3 processor and one gigabyte of RAM. The MediaPad ran Android 3.2, but in 2012 it received an update to the fourth version. At the end of 2012, Huawei's revenue from sales of consumer electronics amounted to $9 billion.

Thanks to such growth rates, Huawei has risen to third place in the world in terms of the number of smartphones shipped to sellers, second only to the undisputed leaders Apple and Samsung. However, at the end of 2014, the intensified LG and Xiaomi were able to push Huawei to fifth place in this ranking.

Brand Honor

In 2014, Huawei management decided to create a separate Honor brand. The name translated from English means “Honour”. The main audience of the brand is a young and modern audience. The choice of method of distribution and promotion of products is determined by the audience. Promotion mainly takes place through the Internet, social networks and events popular among young people.

The first device released under the Honor brand was the Honor 6 smartphone, introduced in June 2014. It was equipped with a five-inch IPS FullHD display, 3 GB of RAM, 13 MP and 5 MP cameras and ran a quad-core Cortex-A15.

Already in the first year, the Honor brand brought Huawei almost $2.5 billion in revenue. Since then, the figure has only been growing.


Of course, the company's history has not been without scandals. For example, in 2004, Cisco filed a lawsuit in which Huawei was the defendant. The statement of claim not only alleged, but also provided evidence that the documentation for Quidway routers was copied from sources owned by Cisco. As a result, the case was closed after the parties reached an agreement out of court.

In 2004, security at the SuperComm exhibition caught Huawei employee Zhu Yibin disassembling competitors' equipment and taking photographs of it after the exhibition closed. It is worth noting that at the exhibition he was registered as an employee of Weihua.

In both cases, the company admitted that it was wrong and apologized for the actions of its employees, but, as they say, “something remains.”

The scandals also include a statement by American intelligence services that Huawei electronics do not meet security standards and are vulnerable from an espionage point of view. The announcement was made due to concerns about the company's links to the Chinese People's Liberation Army.


The company's history continues, and, undoubtedly, new and new heights await it. Although Huawei has already overtaken the recognized market leader Ericsson and has become the world's largest telecommunications company, and also serves 45 of the 50 largest telecom operators in the world. Thus, over the 30 years of its existence, Huawei has already shown the world that even in our time it is possible to build a company practically from scratch that can take not only a worthy place in its niche, but also a worthy place in the global industry, if you put dedication into your business , strength and desire to do something. Although it’s easier for Asians in this regard, they have these things in their blood, and they can and love to work. There are, of course, many other factors, but still not every company manager will follow this path and will not only be content with the good income that he has from the resale of other people’s equipment, but will invest the lion’s share of the profit in the development of his product, which may , no one will need it yet. Ren Zhenfei took a risk and, as it turned out, not in vain.

This ends the story about Huawei.

In our series of programs about the history of brands, more than one video will soon be released in which we will talk about other companies, how they started, what they have achieved to date and how they have made this journey.

Huawei is a leading global provider of infocommunications solutions, dedicated to enriching people's lives through communication. Thanks to our innovative developments focused on customer needs and a developed partner network, we have achieved high results in the development of telecommunication networks, terminal solutions and cloud computing systems. Huawei's 180,000 employees around the world strive to create the best possible experience for operators, enterprises and end users by providing them with competitive solutions and services. One third of the world's population uses our innovative products, solutions and services in more than 170 countries. Founded in 1987, Huawei is a private company owned entirely by its employees.

In 1997, Russia became the first foreign market for Huawei. History of the company in Russia on the website.

Huawei's mission

We create value for our clients. In cooperation with telecom operators, Huawei has already built more than 1,500 networks, thanks to which a third of the world's population has access to the Internet. We help our enterprise clients build flexible networks, including those based on open cloud platforms, thereby increasing operational efficiency and facilitating dynamic innovation in areas such as urban security, finance, transportation and energy. Huawei smart devices and smartphones enhance the integration of digital technologies used in work, daily life or entertainment.

We contribute to the development of the industry. Huawei supports the principles of openness, cooperation and shared success. By joining forces to develop innovative products and solutions with our partners and colleagues, we add value to information and communications technologies by creating a sustainable ecosystem of mutually beneficial collaboration. Huawei actively participates in more than 300 standards organizations, industry associations and open source communities. The company has already contributed more than 43,000 standardization proposals, promoting more effective industry collaboration. We work with partners to innovate in fast-growing areas such as cloud computing, software-defined networking (SDN), network function virtualization (NFV) and 5G. Together we ensure the continuous development of the industry based on productive cooperation.

We stimulate economic growth. In countries where Huawei does business, tax revenues increase, new jobs are created and the formation of the ICT value chain is stimulated. But more importantly, the company brings to the market innovative ICT solutions that contribute to the digital transformation of all sectors of the economy and, accordingly, economic growth and a significant improvement in the quality of life.

We contribute to sustainable development. Upholding the principles of corporate citizenship, Huawei is making significant efforts to bridge the digital divide. We are acutely aware of the important role that telecommunications plays in emergency situations that require rapid response, such as in areas of West Africa affected by the Ebola epidemic, during radioactive contamination in Japan after the tsunami, and after the powerful earthquake in Sichuan (China), when our Specialists have made every effort to restore communication networks in the affected regions and ensure the uninterrupted operation of critical telecommunications equipment. As part of our promotion of sustainable development, we are also helping the next generation of ICT professionals succeed through the Seeds for the Future program. Higher education students have the opportunity to visit China, undergo training and gain first-hand experience in the industry.

We provide motivated employees with ample opportunities for growth. One of Huawei's core values ​​is to enhance employee engagement in a variety of ways. Evaluation of employee performance and selection for leadership positions are carried out in accordance with the results achieved and the degree of responsibility. We offer a global professional development platform that empowers young professionals to take on increased responsibility and accelerate their career growth. More than 170,000 Huawei employees can count on being rewarded for their efforts and receiving unique experiences.

Huawei's Strategic Vision

Over the past 28 years, Huawei employees have helped the company achieve its consistent core strategic goal by rejecting easy solutions and avoiding other forms of short-sighted opportunism. Demonstrating a holistic and practical approach in all areas of its activities, the company has systematically invested in development and over the years has deliberately increased its potential for technological breakthrough. The commitment to this strategy comes down to Huawei's core values: customer focus, increased engagement, persistence in achieving goals and growth through a critical look at one's own business.

The digital era has opened up enormous opportunities for us. Huawei is committed to making the most of them as we move decisively towards creating a world of borderless communications.

2016: outstanding results

In 2016, each of Huawei's divisions (Carrier, Enterprise and Consumer Business Group) managed to achieve sustainable growth compared to the previous year.

The company's total revenue amounted to 521.6 billion yuan ($75.1 billion), which is 32% more than in 2015. Net profit reached 37.1 billion yuan ($5.3 billion), up 0.4% year-on-year. In 2016, Huawei continued to invest in future development, bringing its total R&D investment to RMB 76.4 billion ($11 billion).

In 2016, Huawei Carrier BG generated revenue of 290.6 billion yuan ($41.8 billion), up 24% from the previous year. Excellent performance was achieved through the development of digital transformation and the use of opportunities that have opened up in the segments of cloud services, video, Internet of things, as well as through optimization of operational activities.

Working closely with partners, Huawei Enterprise BG creates information and communications technologies to digitally transform key vertical industries such as finance, energy, government and public safety. In 2016, the division's revenue was 40.7 billion yuan ($5.9 billion), up 47% from the previous year.

Thanks to the innovation of its products and growing global brand recognition as a manufacturer of premium gadgets, Huawei Consumer BG shipped 139 million smartphones last year, generating 179.8 billion yuan ($25.9 billion) in revenue, a 44% increase over the previous year.

It is difficult to imagine modern life without a mobile phone, which has long replaced many of the most necessary things. The choice of smartphones is very rich, and it is easy to get lost among the variety of characteristics, functions, screen types, colors and shapes. Leading Chinese smartphone maker Huawei is the third largest in the world in terms of popularity and size, and the Honor line from this major manufacturer is now becoming a brand in its own right. It is especially popular among young people, and this is reflected in the design, main characteristics of the products and the cost of the models. In addition, Honor products are more common in online stores.

The review gives a general idea of ​​the models of this brand, their characteristics, appearance, features, advantages and disadvantages. In addition, customer reviews help determine the popularity of the brand, the acceptability of cost and quality.

Honor 9 Lite 32 GB

A smartphone made of glass, equipped with dual (tandem) cameras on the front and back. It is fast and has a fully functional NFC module. Operating system Android 8.0, support for two SIM cards, RAM capacity is 3 GB. At the same time, the smartphone supports all major LTE bands. It has a fairly bright screen and stylish design. Its average cost is 14,250 rubles.


  • nice design;
  • good quality of pictures taken with the front camera;
  • A convenient carrying case is included.


  • not suitable for games;
  • the quality of the main camera is inferior to the quality of the front one;
  • inconveniently located headphone output.

A very popular smartphone, firmly ranked second among all Huawei models, has gained a huge number of positive user reviews in a short period of time. Equipped with the Android 6.0 operating system, a 5.2-inch screen with a resolution of 1920x1090 pixels. The smartphone has 32 GB of permanent memory, 4 GB of RAM, and a 3000 mAh battery that provides up to two days of operation in normal mode.

The device also has support for two SIM cards and is equipped with a fingerprint scanner. The main camera is dual, 12 megapixels, equipped with laser autofocus, making it possible to change the focus point after shooting. The camera setup system is similar to a professional SLR camera. The front camera has a resolution of 8 megapixels. Another feature of this model is its spectacular design, mirror glass, metal and bright details. The average cost of a smartphone is RUB 19,799.


  • large amount of memory;
  • extensive camera capabilities;
  • performance;
  • double-sided glass;
  • IPS screen.


  • rounded edges;
  • no Type-C;
  • The glass surface is easily soiled.

Another popular model, equipped with an eight-core processor and the Android 7.0 operating system. It has a 5.7-inch screen (resolution 2560×1440 pixels). The main memory is 64 GB, RAM is 6 GB, and there is support for two SIM cards. A 4000mAh battery compensates for the energy consumption of the large display. There is a fingerprint scanner on the back panel. The 12 megapixel dual camera allows you to take photographs that are almost as good as professional photographs. In addition, the smartphone has high performance, which will undoubtedly please fans of mobile games. The average cost of this model is 34,000 rubles.


  • large screen;
  • powerful battery;
  • good build quality;
  • large amount of memory;
  • many camera settings.


  • slippery body;
  • the screen is easy to scratch;
  • overcharge.

Honor View 10 128 GB

A fairly reliable smartphone with an eight-core processor and the Android 8 operating system. Equipped with a 5.99-inch screen (resolution 2160x1080 pixels). It has 126 GB of permanent memory and 6 GB of RAM. At the same time, it supports memory cards up to 256 GB. Battery capacity 3,750 mAh. Rich settings of the dual main camera (20/16 megapixels) – recognition of up to 13 types of objects and scenes. Front camera – 13 megapixels. The average price of the device is 31,450 rubles.


  • high quality images;
  • good performance;
  • durable metal case;
  • autonomy;
  • pleasant moderately bright screen;
  • sensor responsiveness;
  • high sound quality.


  • easily soiled surface;
  • bulging cameras.

Honor 10 4/64 GB

A smartphone model that can boast of perhaps the best camera and picture quality. The main camera is dual, 16/24 megapixel resolution, has a triple autofocus function, as well as an LED flash. The front camera resolution is 24 megapixels. In addition, the model is equipped with a narrow-frame screen (5.84 inches) with a resolution of 2280x1080 pixels. An eight-core processor, Android 8.1 operating system, as well as 64 GB of permanent memory and 4 GB of RAM. However, it does not provide support for memory cards. A 3,400 mAh battery allows you to work autonomously for 13 hours (talk time) and 15 days in standby mode. Average cost – 26,999 rubles.


  • high performance;
  • the battery holds a charge for a long time;
  • availability of NFC system;
  • performance;
  • face unlock.


  • small notification indicator;
  • oversaturation of colors in photographs.

Honor 9 4/64GB

The body of this model is made of laminated tempered glass. The device is equipped with an eight-core processor with a graphics accelerator, a battery with a capacity of 3,200 mAh and a 5.15-inch screen (1920 × 1080 pixels). Android 7.0 operating system, 64 GB of permanent memory, 4 GB of RAM, as well as support for two SIM cards and memory cards with a capacity of 256 GB. The main camera is dual and has a resolution of 20/12 megapixels, the front one is 8 megapixels. The average cost is 20,990 rubles.


  • good quality speakers;
  • nice screen;
  • sensitive sensor;
  • high performance.


  • not detected.

A fashionable, almost frameless smartphone with an eight-core processor. It has a battery with a capacity of 3340 mAh, 64 GB of permanent memory and 4 GB of RAM. The operating system is Android 7.0, the screen resolution is 2160x1080 pixels, the smartphone supports two SIM cards, and also has a slot for a 128 GB memory card. The main dual camera has a resolution of 16/2 megapixels, there is a portrait function, and focusing is very fast. The front camera resolution is 8 megapixels, and it also supports a rich catalog of effects for selfies. Average price - 15,950 rubles.


  • design;
  • convenient screen;
  • high quality images;
  • the kit includes a case;
  • durable metal body;
  • performance.


  • not detected.

How to choose the best Honor smartphone?

Choosing this device is quite a difficult matter, requiring careful study of the technical characteristics, functionality and features of smartphones of different models. To make the task easier, you should define the main selection criteria:

  1. Price. The price directly depends on the technical characteristics, which include the type and power of the processor, screen properties, memory size and other important options. Online stores offer the opportunity to compare the characteristics of several devices and choose the best one at a cost.
  2. Screen. The larger it is, the better it is for the eyes. The best option is if the screen is large, but still allows one-handed operation. Frameless smartphones are becoming fashionable, but they are not always convenient.
  3. Convenience. This criterion smoothly continues the theme of the previous one, since a large screen does not always mean ease of control. The phone should sit firmly in your hand, not slip out or hang around.
  4. Operating system. Today, Android is considered the most popular and convenient OS; there is no need to say that the newer its version, the better.
  5. CPU. There are many details and subtleties according to this criterion, but in general we can say that the most reliable processors are Snapdragon and Kirin. The main advantage of the first type of process is the graphics accelerator. Otherwise, they are practically no different from each other.
  6. Amount of RAM. A very important parameter responsible for application performance. The minimum allowable amount of RAM is from 2 to 4 GB.
  7. Built-in memory capacity. This indicator depends on the needs of the user. Videos, photographs, and games take up quite a lot of space, so for video and photography enthusiasts, as well as gamers, it is preferable to choose a smartphone with a built-in memory of at least 64 GB.
  8. Main camera. Those who are interested in photography will appreciate smartphones equipped with a camera of at least 16 megapixels. The importance of photo effects, settings and advanced functionality depends on the needs of the buyer.
  9. Front-camera. It is especially important for fans of the phenomenon of selfies, as well as for those who like to communicate via video call. In order for the image or video quality to be clear and not “soapy,” the resolution of the front camera must be at least 13 megapixels.
  10. Battery. Another significant parameter that should definitely be taken into account when choosing and purchasing a smartphone. The larger the battery capacity, the longer the device will work without additional charging. Many necessary, useful and enjoyable applications “eat up” the phone’s energy resources, resulting in the risk of being left without communication at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, the most reliable and powerful battery is the one with a capacity of at least 2,500 mAh. This indicator is also suitable for those who actively use a smartphone.
  11. Supports two SIM cards. The parameter is not of paramount importance, but still significant. It depends on personal preferences, and having this option is most suitable for business people, as well as for those who travel frequently or are simply used to separating work and personal life.
  12. Intelligent energy saving mode. This function is of auxiliary importance, as it is aimed at saving battery power and optimizing the operation of running applications in the background.
  13. Housing protection. A parameter that is important for those who do not want to worry too much about the state of the smartphone when it slips out of their hands. The durable body will please fans of active travel, sports, young parents, pet owners, and simply those who cannot call themselves very careful users.

In the modern world, with the help of this small and rather fragile device, people around the world have the opportunity to instantly receive information, work, keep up with the latest news, communicate with family and friends around the world, watch their favorite movies, listen to music, pay for purchases, read books , create interesting videos and capture the bright moments of your life, create and have fun.

Therefore, when a smartphone has become not just a way to send a message or make a call, but has turned into a pocket computer, you should be especially careful when choosing the best model of this device. You must first take into account your own wishes and determine the most significant capabilities of the desired smartphone. Be it a high-quality camera, or a powerful processor with a graphics accelerator, or the sound quality of the speakers. At the same time, the smartphone must satisfy financial capabilities.

Before purchasing, you should carefully study all possible options, compare them, and also read customer reviews and comments, watch video reviews in order to get the most complete picture of the desired model.

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Nowadays, there are quite a lot of brands that are on everyone’s lips, but few people know the details of their ascension to the Olympus of fame. One such brand is Huawei. It is only superficially familiar to many consumers. The country of origin of Huawei has jealously kept its secrets for many years. Before the first smartphones went on sale, only specialists knew about this company. Today it is one of the largest television companies, which is based on its own ideas, research and development. It is also one of the most powerful companies in the world.

The Huawei brand name consists of two parts. It has multiple meanings. The first part of Hua is translated from Chinese as “excellent”, “magnificent”, but this word can also mean “China” or “ethnic Chinese”. In turn, the wei part means “achievement” or “an action that led to something.” If we put the meaning of these words together, we get “Excellent Action”, “Great Achievement”, “Chinese Achievement”. Each of these meanings in its own way characterizes not only the activities of the company, but also its leader.

From the first days of its existence, Huawei's activities were aimed at reselling telephone switches. It was almost impossible to start producing and selling their own equipment, since this required huge capital, which Zhengfei did not have. At that time, the company did not even have factories, but soon the head of the company expanded his business.

All money received from the resale of communicators was spent on our own research and development. Soon it was decided to start creating telecommunication networks. The company stopped reselling and began selling its own equipment. Thus, by 1990 the company had its own research center - an achievement that not all well-known brands can boast of.

The world famous brand Huawei was founded back in 1987. At its origins was the then unknown businessman and part-time retired officer of the People's Liberation Army of China, Ren Zhengfei. Through his tenacity and hard work, this extraordinary man was able to not only create one of the greatest companies of our time, but also by 2013 entered the list of the richest people in China. And although Huawei released its first smartphone much later, at that time there were events that pushed the company to this.

The first major breakthrough came after the company announced its programmable telecommunicator. Released in 1993, it became the most powerful communicator in all of China at that time. Almost immediately this was followed by a contract, which became key in the life of the company. The company was asked to build the country's first telecommunications network. The management readily agreed with this.

In 1994, the head of the company was expected to meet with the then-current Chinese president. At this meeting, Zhengfei explained how switching technologies relate to international security. A nation that does not have its own switching equipment is akin to a nation without a military force. The President readily agreed with this statement.

1996 was also a very important year for the company. During this time, the Beijing government did its best to support research and development activities. Some restrictions were even introduced on the use of products from foreign competitors. This pushed Huawei to new achievements, and already in 1997 the board of directors was able to conclude its first foreign contract.

At the beginning of this century, Huawei was able to reach the United States. In the shortest possible time, four research centers were built there, where thousands of people who want to make this world a better place still work. In 2004, the company received an offer to create a third generation network for the Dutch operator Telfort.

Development of one of the largest companies in China

As you can see, Huawei's development has occurred at a rapid pace. All actions were aimed at making Highway the undisputed leader not only in the Chinese, but also in the world market.

The direct development of mobile devices is carried out by a division called Huawei Device. Initially, this division produced the so-called white-label - bluetooth, routers, mobile phones, as well as smartphones for large telecom operators. In Russia, the distribution of these products was carried out by the MTS company, later Beeline and other operators joined them.

The production of smartphones and tablets under its own brand began in 2010. The priority platform for mobile devices at that time was Google Android, but already at the end of 2012 the company announced the first devices on the Windows Phone 8 operating system.

Areas of activity

Now we can safely say that the scope of the company’s activities is quite wide. During its emergence and formation, Huawei's activities were focused on the development and development of its own mobile technologies, as well as on establishing relationships with other large organizations. Huawei's key areas of activity are:

  • Telecommunication networks, including their design and construction;
  • Global service. This includes operational services and consulting services for both individual clients and corporations;
  • Mobile devices. Development and promotion of mobile devices under our own brand.

Today, the main product of the company is smartphones released under its own brand. The range of devices for sale also includes wireless modems and Wi-Fi routers. In addition, the company continues to produce various telecommunications equipment, tablets and computers. Whose brand can boast such a wide range?

Don't forget that Huawei is also known as a sports sponsor. At one time, the company took the German football club Borussia under its wing. Recently, the world famous smartphone manufacturer was announced as a sponsor of the Wellington Phoenix team, as well as a sponsor of the Italian Professional Football League.

However, Huawei sponsored not only football clubs and sports representatives. The company was seriously involved in sponsoring and supplying equipment to training centers as well as universities around the world. Today, the brand, whose name translates as “great achievement,” can truly boast of such.


The Chinese company was moving towards success by leaps and bounds, and, of course, its development was not without scandals. In February 2003, a lawsuit was filed against the telecommunications giant. Cisco System accused Huawei of encroaching on its patents. This lawsuit not only alleged, but presented evidence that Quidway's routing documentation was copied from source code that belonged to Cisco. As a result, both firms came to a mutual agreement out of court, and the case was closed.

A new spicy situation in the life of Huawei was not long in coming. Already in 2004, one of the Huawei representatives was “caught” disassembling competitors’ equipment and photographing it. And everything would have been fine, but this incident happened at the SuperComm exhibition. The telecom giant admitted it was wrong and issued a public apology for its employee's action.

It should also be noted that American intelligence agencies have publicly stated that Huawei electronics do not meet security standards. This means that even the simplest phone is, from a spying point of view, quite vulnerable.

The telecommunications giant's story doesn't end there. Now the world-famous brand does not stop there and continues to delight us with its new products. Every day, Huawei products are becoming more and more popular, because this company produces truly high-quality products.