Weak wifi signal level. Replacing the standard router antenna with a more powerful one. Improve WiFi reception on the road

Today, the use of Wi-Fi for data transfer is widespread. But one of the disadvantages of this method of accessing the Internet is its very limited range. This deficiency can be corrected, but for this it is necessary to use special means. They can be either hardware or software.

Software Gain

There are a large number of ways to increase the strength of the Wi-Fi broadcast by your router. Strengthening the signal of a Wi-Fi router in the router settings is quite simple; it can be done in just a few seconds.

The main ways to improve signal quality:

All these methods make it possible to strengthen the router’s Wi-Fi signal without an antenna or other hardware.

Using an outdated security protocol makes the network not only weakly secure, but also very slow. In the router settings section, logging in as an administrator, select as default WPA2.

Limiting the number of supported devices significantly increases the speed of wireless communication. MAC addresses themselves act as identifiers.

The network name should not be left publicly available. Often, the quality and speed of data transfer drop precisely because of various kinds of unauthorized users trying to make a connection. To hide, just uncheck the box in the settings menu next to the “allow SSID transmission” item.

Low transmitter power

One of the main reasons for poor communication quality and small coverage area is low transmitter power. This is especially true for devices with a built-in antenna. It is quite difficult to correct this deficiency without using various kinds of improvised means. But, nevertheless, it is real.

Many products from renowned manufacturers make it possible to change the data transfer speed with your own hands.

For example, to do this in TP-Link

After applying the settings, the transmitter power should increase. If, of course, before starting the settings, the value in question was lower.

802.11N standard

Another method that allows you to significantly increase the speed of delivery of processed information, as well as the quality of communication, is the 802.11 N standard. It was put into operation quite a long time ago - in 2009, on September 11.

The data transfer speed using this standard is as much as 300 Mbit/s. Switching to it is quite simple; this can be done through the WEB interface. To open the settings window itself, you need to enter in the browser address bar. This is the device's default IP address.

Also, some devices allow you to switch directly in the operating system. To do this, you need to open the device properties in the Windows Control Panel.

Setting up a reboot

A reboot can also improve the quality of Wi-Fi communications. Executing it using the WEB interface allows you to clear the router’s memory from software errors. They are sometimes the main cause of various types of problems that reduce data transfer speeds.

To carry out this operation, just log into the WEB interface as an administrator.

You can do this as follows:

  • enter in the address bar;
  • enter the administrator login and password in the appropriate fields;
  • open the section "Quick setup" and press the button.

Frequency Match

The standard operating frequency is usually 2.4 GHz. It runs a large number of different devices. You can change the channel using specialized programs. For example, Network Stumble r.

You can also change the channel through the WEB interface.

To do this you need:

New firmware and drivers

Another way that makes it possible to enhance the work is to install new drivers on the computer and then flash it. Replacing the firmware often helps. Often, many router models equipped with old software have rather low bandwidth. Reflashing allows you to correct the situation.

How can I restart my computer using the keyboard? There is a solution.

For example, many routers do not initially support the 802.11 N standard, but after a software update they work successfully with it. Since the hardware was initially designed with the prospect of possible work with this standard. And installing updates allowed it to work at high speed.

How to boost your Wi-Fi signal using a second router

You can significantly expand the coverage area of ​​your wireless network with your own hands using a second router. This scheme can be implemented in various ways. But first of all, you need to connect the two devices.

To implement such a scheme, it is advisable to use two identical models. TP-Link TL-WA901N is perfect for this. First of all, you should connect to the Internet and configure one of the routers. After this, it is necessary to adjust the second device; it will operate in “repeater” mode.

The most difficult and time-consuming debugging is the repeater.

It is performed in several stages:

You must set a static IP address: The subnet mask will also be constant:

After successfully completing all of the above steps, you must:

The last step is to select an encryption algorithm. Once the required option has been selected, you need to reboot again.

Strong signal by hardware

You can achieve a high-quality connection with Wi-Fi equipment in various ways.

Most commonly used:

Many manufacturers produce compact amplifiers that are little larger than a pair of matchboxes. They are plugged into an outlet and enhance Wi-Fi within the coverage area of ​​which they are located.

Many models are equipped at the factory with additional ports for connecting a second antenna. It significantly increases the coverage area of ​​the device, making it possible to propagate the signal over impressive distances.

Choosing the right place

One of the most important factors that directly affects the quality of communication is the location of the broadcast device. The optimal situation is when the router is located in the center of all devices using the connection.

It is very important to avoid placing any bulky furniture or mirrors near the router. All this absorbs and reflects waves. Therefore, the router should be positioned in such a way that there are no very hard objects in the path of the network in question.

Equipment influence

Also, in addition to various physical obstacles, all kinds of equipment can also have a negative impact on the reliability of Wi-Fi communications.

Devices of this kind include:

A wireless Internet connection via a Wi-Fi router must be stable and fast. But in reality this is not observed - the signal may often disappear, not be available in all parts of the apartment, or simply be weak, which makes it difficult to even view photos rather than watch videos. In search of an optimal solution to the problem, several ways to solve it have been developed, each of which we will discuss in our article.

Initially, when you discover that the signal power produced by the router is weak, it is worth checking whether the power of the device is suitable for the apartment. One of the reasons why the Internet speed leaves much to be desired or the signal is not available in all areas of the apartment is the discrepancy between the equipment parameters and the size of the room. When choosing a router, you need to rely on the area of ​​your home - if it is large, then you need to look for a router with more power; for small areas, standard parameters are sufficient.

Attention! The cost of the purchased equipment does not matter - the quality of coverage and signal is influenced by many factors that a person is not always able to get rid of. So to ensure a signal, you should select based on reviews.

Step two. The problem is not the power of the router? There is another solution

You can do without using any amplifiers. If there are a large number of Wi-Fi networks in the house, they interrupt each other. Often the problem can be solved by amplifying the signal by adjusting the equipment.

To do this, just search and change the channel on the router. The need for this appears precisely at the moment when the router simultaneously detects several networks (for example, neighboring ones). It would seem that there is nothing wrong. But at the same time, such a load reduces the range of the router, and its signal is not available throughout the apartment.

To get rid of the load, it is enough to find a new, less busy channel automatically or using a special program. Of course, the last method is applicable even if you have a little more free time. To change channel:

  • go to network settings;
  • change the channel;
  • save the settings.

You can select the best channel by simply searching, alternately turning on one or the other in the settings.

There is another way to influence through the settings - change the interaction network to 802.11N. Unfortunately, this operation cannot be carried out on old-style routers - they are simply not capable of accepting networks of this range. To do this you need:

  • go to the router settings;
  • find the wireless network settings among the entire list that opens;
  • find the wireless network mode in the drop-down menu and enable the mode in which the router will only work with network N, since it is usually in mixed mode;
  • All that remains is to save the selected values ​​and reboot the equipment.

Attention! There may be problems connecting to the network. In this case it is necessary

The third option for working with the settings is to change the signal transmission power. There are situations when a weak, unstable signal is explained by the fact that by default its transmission power is not at the maximum level. To solve this problem, it is enough:

  • go to the device settings;
  • find the item “Wireless network” or Wireless Advanced;
  • set the signal strength to 100%;
  • save and exit settings.

Table with changing the power of the router by configuring it

For greater convenience, we have combined all the configuration options mentioned above into a small table.

Setting namePossible actionsPeculiarities
Changing the network channel on the routerEntering the device settings, searching for static channels instead of dynamic ones, switching to automatic mode or searching for a lightly loaded channel through a special programIt will work if the router constantly detects neighboring networks for connection and, when interacting with them, overloads its network
Transferring the network from mixed mode to 802.11NEntering the wireless network settings and changing its mode, saving the settings and rebooting the transmitterWorks only with modern router models. Moreover, it doesn’t always work - there may be connection problems, then it’s better to return to the original settings
Changing the signal transmission powerSetting this value to maximumDoes not work with all models - usually the power is already maximum and can only be reduced

Step three. Strengthening with the use of additional means

If the problem cannot be solved by replacing the equipment or setting it up, it is worth using and Usually, settings are replaced by options for purchasing additional tools:

  • installation of a device that repeats the signal;
  • replacing the antennas on the router with more powerful ones;
  • purchasing a new router (in the most profitable option - one that would support the 5 GHz range);
  • installation of homemade amplifiers.

Each option has its pros and cons. The first is the purchase of a repeater, which is advantageous because the device is installed where the signal is still there, but weaker, and it repeats the wave, increasing the range of the router. But there is also a noticeable disadvantage - the cost of the device. The second also involves monetary costs. Buying new antennas will increase the signal transmission power of the router itself. But when changing antennas in a router, you often have to buy not one, but several antennas. Because of this, you have to pay twice or even three times more, but when you buy really powerful modern antennas, it becomes easier to buy a repeater - the price is the same.

Wi-Fi Repeater

The third is beneficial because, despite the financial costs, buying a new router with a 5 GHz band eliminates problems with Internet access - today it is not possible to work with the 2.4 GHz band everywhere. Such a connection usually disappears or has many connection problems.

Fourth. Homemade amplifiers are the most inexpensive of all possible options. You can boost the signal yourself by installing a small reflector behind the antenna. Typically used as a reflector:

  • foil;
  • tin (you can get it from ordinary beer or soda cans).

The method for making an amplifier from these materials is almost the same - a curved plate is formed from foil, a tin can is cut to form the same plate (sometimes the top of the can is left to thread the antenna into it and make the structure more stable). The semicircle is usually secured to the router with tape.

This method has been criticized - it is usually of little use.

Additionally, you can also install a regular remote antenna (today they are sold almost everywhere and have proven themselves well). Such an antenna rises above the usual level of the router’s location, and is often even moved outside the living space, where there is much less signal interference.

Finally, it’s worth checking if there are any obstacles near the router that are interfering with the signal. If there is, then you just need to move it.

Video - How to improve the Wi-Fi signal in an apartment

Video - How to make a Wi-Fi amplifier

Table of ways to amplify the signal using additional means

MethodCosts and installationPeculiarities
Repeater installationVery high. It is also necessary to find a point where the signal will be somewhat weaker, but still sufficient to increase the rangeNot always applicable. If you have particularly attentive neighbors, you will have to be careful - the repeater emits quite strong radiation
Replacing router antennasDepends on the antenna model - more powerful ones are more expensive. Installation takes longer - the desired model may take a long timeDoes not always work - the power of the antennas does not guarantee an uninterrupted signal
Installing an external antennaDepends on the price of the antenna. Installed outside the room (usually outside the window)The most effective method
Buying a new router that operates over a larger rangeInstallation is standard, cost depends on the chosen modelIt will only help where there are interruptions with routers operating in the 2.4 GHz range. The propagation diameter is simply limited if there is a wall in the signal path, so the effectiveness is debatable
Reflector made from improvised meansThere are practically no monetary costs. A reflector made of tin or foil is installed on one side of the antennaThe effectiveness is debatable, almost zero. Aesthetics also suffer
Rearranging the routerThere is no money spent, the rearrangement itself is simple - you just need to find a free place without obstacles in the signal pathIt won’t help if the signal level and quality deteriorate not because of obstacles

The scope of application of wireless information transmission technologies is constantly expanding. At home and at work, you need WiFi for high-quality and reliable operation of your smartphone, tablet, laptop or computer with a WiFi adapter on the Internet. In a situation where, due to the low power of a router or a small antenna in remote areas of an apartment or office, Internet reception deteriorates, a WiFi signal amplifier will help. This device is otherwise called a repeater.

What is a WiFi signal booster

To increase the operating area of ​​the router, it is necessary to pick up the signal emitted by it, amplify it and transmit it further. This is the principle of operation of a WiFi signal amplifier. Most older routers operate at a transmission frequency of 2.4 GHz. More modern routers use the 5 GHz channel. If the same devices are operating within the coverage area of ​​your router, the signals they emit in each frequency channel reduce the speed at which all subscribers receive information. A WiFi signal repeater is capable of receiving on one frequency and relaying it on both frequency channels.

How does it work

A Wi-Fi signal amplifier for a router is a device that plugs into a 220V outlet. When the router is turned on, the WiFi signal repeater receives its signal, amplifies it and transmits it to its radiating antenna. The repeater does not increase the Internet speed, but increases the transmission range. The repeater has an indicator of the received signal strength. If it lights up red, this indicates low signal strength and you need to move the repeater closer to the router. If the signal from the router is reliably received, the indicator lights up green or blue.

Types of WiFi signal amplifiers

Technical means of reception and transmission differ in their power and additional functions. Based on this parameter, repeaters are divided into three main classes:

  • Personal - to work on a wireless Internet network with a weak reception level, you can use a compact amplifying repeater in the form of a USB device.
  • Home repeaters are designed to work in wireless networks with 1-5 receivers, the coverage radius is no more than 10-20 m.
  • Industrial or office repeaters are full-fledged access points. These are modules with several antennas and are designed to provide a stable signal for up to 50 consumers, connecting computers and phones to the Internet.

Router signal amplifiers are sold by computer showrooms in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities. Internet users have the opportunity to order promotions, sales, discounts and buy a WiFi signal amplifier in online stores. All goods are delivered by courier services or, cheaper, by mail.

WiFi amplifier TP-Link

One of the leaders among manufacturers of communication equipment is TM TP-Link. To solve the problems of dead zones and provide wireless and Internet in places where cable installation is difficult, TP-Link offers a WiFi router signal booster:

  • name: TL-WA860RE;
  • price: 1,750 rubles;
  • characteristics: speed 300 Mbps, frequency 2.4 GHz, protection WEP, WPA, WPA2, types
  • WiFi 802.11n, 802.11b, 802.11g;
  • pros: two antennas increase the coverage area;
  • cons: not noted.

The use of dual-band repeaters can reduce interference (mutual overlap) of router signals. The TP-Link TM line includes a WiFi signal repeater, which on a 5GHz channel is capable of providing a data transfer rate of 867 Mbit/s:

  • name: RE305;
  • price: RUB 2,690;
  • characteristics: Wi-Fi standard 802.11a, speed 300 Mbit/s in the 2.4 GHz band, 867 Mbit/s in the 5 GHz channel;
  • pros: high data transfer speed;
  • cons: expensive.

Repeater Zyxel

ZyXEL occupies one of the leading positions in the wireless communication device market. In its product line, in addition to expensive models, there are cheaper products with good characteristics:

  • name: ZyXEL Keenetic Lite III;
  • price: RUB 1,927;
  • characteristics: 802.11n, MIMO, 300 Mbit/s, router, 4xLAN switch;
  • pros: Wi-Fi access point;
  • cons: not noted.

TM ZyXEL offers a universal Internet center that can operate in access point, amplifier or router modes. The proposed model has a lot of additional features and is able to automatically detect the type of receiving devices, select the channel to work with them and strengthen the WiFi signal:

  • name: Internet center ZyXEL Keenetic Extra II;
  • price: RUR 3,590;
  • characteristics: managed Ethernet switch, Wi-Fi at 2.4 GHz – 300 Mbit/s, at 5 GHz – 867 Mbit/s, four 5 dBm antennas, support for IPTV and Smart-TV, Yandex.DNS and SkyDNS protection;
  • pros: universal model;
  • cons: high price.


One of the leading manufacturers of computer equipment, the Asus brand creates models of routers and repeaters in a price range accessible to most buyers. The proposed model will provide good reception and amplification of the WiFi signal in any room of an apartment or small office:

  • name: Access point with repeater mode Asus RP-N12;
  • price: 649 rub.;
  • characteristics: LAN speed 100 Mbit/s, WiFi:802.11g, 802.11n, frequency range 2.4 GHz, 2 antennas;
  • pros: good price/quality ratio;
  • Cons: 2.4 GHz band only.

A large office requires powerful amplifiers and antennas that can operate over long distances. TM ASUS has in its arsenal a model for large enterprises:

  • name: Access point Asus RP-AC68U;
  • price: RUB 4,390;
  • characteristics: access point, 5 LAN ports, speed 1000 Mbit/s, WiFi: 802.11g, 802.11n, 802.11ac, frequency bands 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, 4 antennas;
  • pros: black column design;
  • cons: not noticed.


Manufacturers of Wi-Fi signal amplifiers advertise their products in different ways. TM Xiaomi simply indicates the gain parameter is 2 times. If your router worked at 20 meters, with this repeater the maximum range will be 40 meters:

  • name: Xiaomi Mi Wi-Fi Amplifier 2;
  • price: 649 rub.;
  • characteristics: double gain;
  • pros: does not require settings;
  • cons: not noted.

TM Xiaomi offers many products in economy class. A similar device is the repeater model proposed below:

  • name: Xiaomi Wifi Amplifier Access Point;
  • price: 289 rub.;
  • characteristics: WiFi:802.11g, 802.11n, frequency range 2.4 GHz;
  • pros: low cost;
  • cons: not noted.


Communications equipment manufacturer Netgear pays great attention to the design of its products. Many computer users will be interested in the model:

  • name: Netgear WAC120;
  • price: RUB 5,263;
  • characteristics: LAN speed 1000 Mbit/s, WiFi:802.11g, 802.11n, 802.11ac, frequency range 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, 1 antenna;
  • pros: black stylish vertical design;
  • cons: high price.

When purchasing computer equipment, many people like universal models. The proposed model from Netgear is both a repeater and an access point:

  • name: EX6200;
  • price: RUB 3,917;
  • characteristics: 5 LAN ports, LAN speed 1000 Mbit/s, WiFi: 802.11g, 802.11n, 802.11ac, 2 bands 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, 2 antennas;
  • pros: stylish black body with red trim;
  • cons: not noted.


Some of the best-selling router models on the market are routers from D-Link. For those who use equipment from this company, the repeater is well suited:

  • name: DAP-1353;
  • price: RUR 3,335;
  • characteristics: 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n, 3 removable dipole antennas, antenna power 13 dBM, 2.4 GHz;
  • pros: 3 antennas will provide more consumers with Internet;
  • cons: high price.

If you need to purchase an access point with an amplifier function, a multifunctional device is suitable. D-Link offers a repeater with a good increase in power:

  • name: DAP-2360;
  • price: RUB 2,884;
  • characteristics: WiFi 802.11g, 802.11n, frequency range 2.4 GHz, 2 antennas;
  • pros: can work as an access point;
  • cons: high cost.


Totolink products are known for both cheap and more expensive models. Among the publicly available is a repeater - a Wi-Fi extender:

  • name: TOTOLINK EX300;
  • price: 497 rub.;
  • characteristics: speed 100 Mbit/s, WiFi:802.11g, 802.11n, 2.4 GHz, transmitter power 20 dBM, 2 external antennas;
  • pros: high power;
  • cons: not noted.

For professional use, Totolink produces broadband routers with four antennas. The proposed sample provides WiFi speeds of up to 1167 Mbps.

  • name: TOTOLINK A850R 1200M wireless router repeater;
  • price: RUR 2,247;
  • characteristics: QoS, 4 LAN ports, speed 1200 Mbit/s, protocols 802.11ac, 802.11b, Wi-Fi 802.11g, Wi-Fi 802.11n, 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz, 4 powerful antennas;
  • pros: high transfer speed;
  • cons: not noted.


To create a highly efficient mobile office or entertainment network with a wide coverage of users, use TM Netis equipment. The model below increases the coverage area by 100 meters:

  • name: Netis E1+;
  • price: RUB 1,190;
  • characteristics: 1 port 10/100Base-TX, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n 2.4 GHz, 300 Mbit/s;
  • pros: good gain;
  • cons: not noted.

TM Netis produces equipment using the next generation WiFi technology 802.11ac. The proposed sample operates in two frequency ranges with signal level amplification:

  • name: Netis WF2780;
  • price: RUB 2,690;
  • characteristics: at 5 GHz speed 900 Mbit/s, at frequency 2.4 GHz – 300 Mbit/s, transmitter power 100 dBm, 4 omnidirectional antennas;
  • pros: high power;
  • cons: expensive.

How to choose a WiFi signal booster

When purchasing, you should choose repeaters based on your requirements for its power. It’s not worth overpaying and buying a powerful transmitter that will output a signal outside your premises. This will interfere with other people's work and cause other signal sources to interfere with your channel. Therefore, choose a repeater according to the scope of application:

  • Models from the simplest to dual-band and dual-antenna options are suitable for an apartment.
  • For an office with a large assortment of used receivers, it is worth choosing dual-band models with 4 antennas and a power of at least 60 dBm. It is advisable to choose equipment with the 802.11ac protocol to enable new and emerging applications.


Hi all. Probably many of you have Wi-Fi in your apartment? There have often been cases when the wi-fi signal on a laptop or smartphone in one room is good, but in another it is weak, or there is none at all, and accordingly there will be no Internet there.

In this article I will describe steps that will help you increase the signal strength so that it is equally strong anywhere in the apartment.

I can’t get Wi-Fi on my laptop, what should I do?

If the laptop does not receive Wi-Fi at a distance from the router, but everything is fine close by, then the Wi-Fi coverage area is too small and needs to be expanded.

First, let's look at why the wi-fi signal is weak.

The coverage range of the wi-fi network is approximately 40 meters, but in open areas. In the apartment, in the path of the signal there is an obstacle in the form of walls. And if the wall is reinforced, it is even more difficult for the signal to get through it. But if the signal still breaks through one wall, then after two or more, perhaps there will be nothing left of it.

Also, a weak signal may be due to a low-quality router (wi-fi access point).

Let's imagine the location of a wi-fi router in an apartment. The picture below shows the coverage area of ​​the Wi-Fi router located in the far right room.

As you can see in the lower left room the signal will be very weak or not at all. This is the reason why Wi-Fi reception is poor.

The most obvious solution is to place the wi-fi router in the center of the apartment. But what if this is either impossible, because... When connecting, the Internet provider left too little cable or repairs have already been made.

To do this, you can purchase a second Wi-Fi router that can work as a repeater (required!) and place it on the other side of the apartment. The main thing is that the wi-fi network of the main router is within reach.

The advantage of this method is that there is no need to lay additional wires; the routers connect to each other via Wi-Fi.

First, make sure you know the password for an active wi-fi network. If not, then you can “look at it in the network connection settings.” For this:

Now that you know the key of your wi-fi network, you can start setting up a second router.

To configure the router, follow these steps.

Connect the second router to your laptop using a cable to the LAN port. To avoid getting confused in connections, temporarily disable the Wi-Fi receiver on your laptop.

After establishing a local network connection, enter the address in the browser (or ). When prompted for a login and password, enter the login - admin, password - admin. All routers come with this login and password from the factory (also look at the “belly” of the router). If you have previously changed it, you will have to enter your username and password, or reset the router to factory settings.

After you have logged in, you need to change the operating mode of the router. To do this, click on “Operation mode”.

In the operating mode selection window, select “Repeater mode”

Then select yours from the list of active networks and click “Connect”

When prompted for a network key, enter the security key of your wi-fi network, which we learned earlier.

Afterwards the connection to the network will occur.

It should be noted that the IP address of your second router will change, which it will report as in the figure below.

This completes the setup. Now both wi-fi routers distribute wi-fi throughout the apartment.

I described setting up the repeater mode for the ASUS KE-G32 router. For other routers, the setup process will be different, but the principle is the same. Also, the Wi-Fi coverage area can be expanded with a third or fourth router. This will be useful if you want to distribute Wi-Fi to your neighbors).

In June 2007, a record was set: the longest wireless connection was established (382.9 km) using a WiFi connection. It would probably be unreasonable to hope to replicate this within a private WiFi network, although it is a tempting idea. Here are some simple tips to help you maximize signal quality and minimize interference with a little wireless feng shui.


Improving WiFi reception at home

    Place bulky furniture along the exterior walls of your home. If signals no longer have to fight their way through large, bulky furniture, the level of communication quality will only increase.

    Minimize the number of mirrors. All metal surfaces reflect WiFi signals, including the thin metal coating that most mirrors have.

    Properly place your network router to maximize its effectiveness. The efficiency of a router mainly depends on its proper placement. The best location for the router is:

    Improve your reception quality with a repeater or wireless bridge. If your main workplace is located far from a wireless access point and you constantly have to move to the edge of the room in order to get better reception, then install a wireless signal repeater. A wireless repeater allows you to increase your coverage area without the need to add additional wires or other unnecessary hassle. In order to quickly and effectively improve the quality of communication, place the repeater halfway between the access point and your computer.

    • A wireless bridge (also sometimes called an Ethernet converter) is used to improve the reception quality of wired devices. If you have problems with the reception quality on your wired devices, then use an Ethernet converter to get an additional speed boost.
  1. Instead of WEP, start using WPA/WPA2. WEP and WPA/WPA2 are security algorithms that prevent hackers from hacking into the network. The only problem is that WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is significantly less secure than WPA/WPA2 (Wireless Protected Access). . So if you're still using WEP rather than WPA/WPA2, consider switching to prevent your network from being hacked.

    Limit the number of devices for which your WiFi will support MAC addressing. The fewer devices your network supports, the faster and more reliable the transfer speed (usually). Limit the number of devices that can access the network by creating an allowed list of MAC addresses. Device MAC addresses are identifiers for “Media Access Control” and are used by all participants on your network.

    • Create a list of allowed device MAC addresses. First, determine the MAC addresses of the devices, and then go to the configuration window of your wireless access point and configure the allowed addresses.
  2. Do not leave your network name publicly available. If you don't want other people to try to get into your network, then don't give them any way of knowing it exists in the first place. (Even though there is software that can find "hidden" networks, you still shouldn't leave your network name publicly visible.) Go to your access point's admin page and uncheck "allow SSID sharing." You will still be able to access your network, but it will not appear on your computer in the list of available networks.

    Using kitchen foil

    1. Use aluminum foil to reflect radio signals away from the router.

      Before you start, go to the network connections settings on your computer. Click on the name of your WiFi network. Another window will open. Note the speeds /Mbps and make a note of the number displayed (for example, 72.2 Mbps). After you do this, tear off a sheet of foil the size of a regular A4 format.

      Carefully bend the sheet of foil. This is easier and faster to do if you wrap a 2-liter plastic bottle in the place where the label is glued and hold the sheet in this position for about 5 seconds. Expand the sheet; it should retain its curved shape.

      Place a curved sheet of foil on the side of it (so that it remains horizontal) behind the router.

      Return to network connection settings. Check Mbps/Speed. It should increase compared to the speed it was before adding the foil.

    Improve WiFi reception on the road

    • If all else fails, then you can think about buying a WiFi repeater, which is necessary to strengthen the signal between the router and the device.
    • You can also use reflectors. Use NetStumbler to help you position the reflector correctly. You can use a CD as a reflector, or anything that looks like a parabolic reflector. The reflector, of course, must be placed behind the receiving device or antenna. As a result of its use, a large increase in signal strength can be expected. This trick also works with mobile phones.
    • Depending on the make and model of your wireless router, you may be able to replace the firmware with other open source software that will add much more customization options and increase the power of your wireless antenna.
    • The computer case itself can become a significant obstacle to the Wi-Fi signal - try to place the case so that it does not create a barrier between the network card and the router antenna.
    • Adding an external "high gain" (higher dBi) antenna will often result in improved signal quality and increased performance. It should be noted that the higher the dBi value, the stronger the signal propagates in the horizontal direction and weaker in the vertical direction. If you need to cover multiple floors, then a higher dBi level probably won't help you. In this case, you should consider purchasing a Wi-Fi booster that will boost your signal.
    • If you still need more range, consider upgrading to Wireless N or Wireless G with MIMO. These two technologies significantly increase the range of existing 802.11g or 802.11b networks.


    • Replacing your router firmware may void your warranty. If the replacement is not done properly, it may cause irreparable damage to your router.
    • If you supply too much power to a wireless router modified in this way, it may become permanently damaged.