Find how to set up a Wi-Fi Vega router. How to find out the IP address of a router if the standard one does not work. Connection via web interface

The era of computer technology is developing quite rapidly. If earlier we could only dream of having the Internet with us everywhere, now it is quite possible. Thanks to a Wi-Fi router, you will provide your entire apartment or house with wireless Internet. But for proper operation, you need to know how to configure the router, how to increase its productivity and adjust it to the operation of your computer.

What is a router

A router (or router) is a mini-computer that distributes network flows to different computers. That is, it literally divides the entire Internet speed provided by the provider into all computers existing on a given network. What is a network? This is the number of computers connected to one channel. For example, if you have several computers at home, then you need a router. Using a cable, you connect all your computers to it, and it already divides the speed between them.

What is a Wi-Fi router

Now there are Wi-Fi routers. The principle is the same: the machine divides the speed and distributes it to all participants. Only now we use waves rather than cable. Every Wi-Fi router has an antenna. This is a transmitter of waves that transmit the Internet.

We won’t delve into the history of how Wi-Fi appeared and what it is, but let’s move directly to how to set up a Wi-Fi router. There are several ways to do this, and we will look at each of them in detail. To get started, read this article: . Here we describe in detail how to enter the router settings.

Of course, differences in router settings depend on the model and company. But each of them has a certain set of data that can be configured. First of all, use the instructions that are necessarily included with each device. But if after this there are still questions, let's try to figure it out.

How to configure a router via router

In order to understand how to configure a router through a router, you need to understand what it consists of. Take a close look at your router. Look at it from all sides. There must be an entry point and several exit points.

The entry point is the port into which you insert a regular cable that used to be plugged into a computer. Quite simply - a port for receiving an Internet connection. This port must be signed by WAN.

There are from three to five exit points in modern routers. We remember that the router primarily works so that the stream can be divided between several computers. So, all these ports, which are signed as LAN, can connect several computers. They will be useful if you have several desktop computers without a Wi-Fi device.

Now let's move on to how to configure the router itself. A connection cable must be included with the device. We insert it into one of the LAN ports. Next, we remove the cable from the connector in the system unit of your computer and insert it into an external port (the same WAN). We connect the second end of the cable that was included with the router to the network card connector. And, of course, don’t forget to plug the router into a power outlet.

That's it, your device is connected, it will light up with funny lights, usually blue, red or green. If it doesn't, look to see if you just haven't turned it on. For this purpose (usually on the back) there is an on/off button.

If you did everything correctly, the computer will tell you that a new network connection has been detected. To configure it, right-click and go to the “properties” menu.

How to set up a router via computer

You already know how to enter the router settings, now you need to understand what is there and where you need to enter it. Some devices come with a special installation disk. By inserting it into the drive and following the instructions, the system will do everything itself.

But if there is no such disk, do not be alarmed, everything can be configured manually. So, you are in the window for editing the properties of a new network connection. Next we do the following:

  1. We find the section we need - this is the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Select the “properties” menu again.
  2. Here you need to find the manual IP address configuration menu. Typically it is called “Use the following IP address”.
  3. In the IP address field, enter the following data:
    • Subnet mask:
    • IP address: (
    • DNS: (
    • Default gateway: (

We specified the standard local IP ( and Perhaps yours will be different. Look in the documents for the router to see if the IP address is listed there. If yes, then you should use it.

To make sure that everything will work correctly, we execute the “ping” command. In the “Start” menu we find the “run” item, and in it – the command (cmd). Enter ping 192.168.x.1. If the IP address is different (the one in the documents), then enter it, and not 192.168.x.1. Press "Enter".

Setting up the web interface

If everything went fine and you didn’t get any errors, move on to setting up the web interface.

  1. To do this, enter http://192.168.x.1 in the browser address bar
  2. A page will open in front of you where you will need to enter your login and password. As a rule, this data is indicated in the documents for the router. If there is no information on this matter, then enter “admin” in both fields - this is the standard login and password. If that doesn't work, try leaving the fields just blank.
  3. You are in the admin menu. Go to the Wi-Fi router settings and select the “Wi-Fi” section. Perhaps it will be called “Wireless”, since the name Wi-Fi itself stands for Wireless Fidelity - wireless precision.
  4. Select the current profile or create a new one, specifying the following settings:
    • Wireless Mode: auto
    • Name (SSID): (name of your network)
    • Channel: auto
    • WEP Encryption: TKIP
    • Authentication Method: WPA-PSK
    • WPA Pre-Shared Key: Internet access password

We leave everything else as default. As a matter of fact, that’s all the configuration of the web interface is. Now we set up the Wi-Fi network itself on devices - mobile phone, tablet, laptop, and so on.

How to set up a network through a router

We have already done most of the work. We configured the router itself, its web interface and made settings for the computer. Now it remains to find out how to configure the router mode and connect all the computers on the network.

Router modes

  1. Bridge. The router acts as an information transmitter. But the settings for the IP address, ports and gateways will need to be set on each computer separately. This option is unlikely to be suitable for large corporations with more than a hundred computers on the internal network.
  2. Access Point. The properties are approximately the same as in the previous mode. It also requires setting up each individual computer.
  3. NAT Camouflage mode. The router translates addresses, but all computers on the network have the same external address, and therefore look like one computer. Within the network itself, each machine is assigned its own address. But for providers who like to limit the number of computers on the local network, everything will look like one computer.
  4. DHCP. A mode that allows you to automatically determine the addresses of each network computer. This is the most successful option for large networks with quite a lot of computers.

Modem as a router

If you do not use cable Internet, but a modem, then you have the opportunity to configure the modem as a router. There is nothing complicated here either.

  1. We enter the modem settings. Here we configure the network card specifically for your modem’s network so that it does not automatically select something else.
  2. Configuring the network card. Go to the “Network Connections” folder. Here we find the item “Local Area Connection” - it should be active. If the network connection is disabled, right-click and select “connect”.
  3. Now go to properties (also via the right mouse button), there we find “Internet Protocol TCP/IP” and open the properties again. Here we write down everything that was indicated earlier when we set up the router via a computer.
  4. Now we configure the modem itself. We enter the modem settings. Find the "Advanced Setup" tab and select "WAN". After that, click the “Add” button and create a new connection. Be sure to uncheck "auto-connect" and then fill in the VPI (1) and VCI (32) fields.
  5. Select the "PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)" section and click "NEXT".
  6. Fill in the fields "PPP Username" and "PPP Password". This is the login and password that you specified when you started working with your provider to access the Internet.
  7. Set the "Authentication Method" menu to "PAP". Select the "Enable Firewall" and "Enable NAT" checkboxes and click "Next".
  8. But here we don’t touch anything, let everything be as it was. Click the "Save" button and automatically go to the page with the newly created connection. Click "Save/Reboot" again to reboot the device. The new settings now take effect.

That's all! Now all that remains is to figure out how to set up a Windows 7 router.

Router and Windows 7

  1. Let's check the router version. As a rule, it is indicated on a sticker located on the bottom of the device.
  2. Now we go to the manufacturer’s official website and download the latest “firmware” - a set of software updates for the successful operation of the router.
  3. If the file is downloaded as an archive, then unpack it to where it is convenient.
  4. Now we set up the computer itself. Let's go to network connections. In Windows 7, they are located in the Control Panel, which can be accessed through the Start menu (Start - Control Panel - Network Connections).
  5. Let's start by setting up the network profile that is currently working for you. There we select “Internet Protocol TCP/IP”. And then let’s see what we have? DHCP or Static IP? The first option is with an automatic IP address. Then the subnet mask and gateways will be empty. If they are full, this is a Static IP.
  6. Find out the IP address of our router. It is in the documents for the device. Or it can be found in the Network and Sharing Center, in Network Connection Management (all in the same Control Panel).
  7. Here we right-click on the network connection shortcut and select “Details”. The main gateway is the IP address.
  8. In the browser, enter the IP address in the address bar. Enter “admin” again in the login and password fields.
  9. In the window that opens, select the “Tools” section. In it we find the “Firmware” subsection. Now we indicate the place where we downloaded the firmware from the official website and click “Upgrade”.
  10. The device will reboot itself after installing the updates. Don't unplug it at this point because everything will go to waste. When the router starts working again, reset the hardware settings by pressing the “reset” button and holding it for about 15 seconds. That's all. Restart your computer and use your new router!

Connecting Wi-Fi at home is the most common task today for the average user. If you don’t delve into some of the subtleties related to network security, installing a Wi-Fi router only seems like a complicated matter. In practice everything is very simple.

First, let's figure out which Wi-Fi router to choose. Network equipment is divided into several categories. ADSL Wi-Fi routers are used to connect using ADSL technology via a telephone line. This technology is used less and less, and there is no fundamental difference in the settings. Wi-Fi routers connected via Ethernet are, in turn, divided into several categories. There are bridges (gates), Wi-Fi routers, Wi-Fi access points, Wi-Fi repeaters (repeaters). There is no fundamental difference between them. Special configuration of the router turns one type of equipment into another. Thus, many models of Wi-Fi routers will help act as a repeater, and the repeater can be configured as a Wi-Fi router. The Wi-Fi repeater receives a signal from one of the Wi-Fi routers and transmits it further. This expands the coverage area of ​​your home Wi-Fi network, strengthens the Wi-Fi signal, and eliminates “dead zones.” Wi-Fi gates transmit Wi-Fi signals over long distances. Using two Wi-Fi gates, you can install a Wi-Fi network in neighboring houses, and using special directional Wi-Fi antennas, you can establish a connection via Wi-Fi over a long distance (up to 10 kilometers). Configuring a router for use as repeaters or gates is uncommon. But often you need to connect a laptop, desktop computer via Wi-Fi, or make it so that you can connect via Wi-Fi from an iPhone or other mobile phone. For these purposes, regular access points or configuration as a Wi-Fi router gate or repeater are required. Based on this, it is easy to conclude that setting up a router, if you need to connect Wi-Fi at home, is practically no different from setting up a gate or repeater. Provided that you configure the Wi-Fi router specifically for your home Wi-Fi network for normal use.

It is usually important not only to connect Wi-Fi at home, but also to ensure high data transfer speeds.
For comfortable work you need standard G, which provides speeds of up to 54 Mbps. In most cases, this is sufficient for comfortable browsing on the Internet. Happy owners of high-speed Internet access, gamers and those who download a lot via torrents, it is advisable to use a more advanced standard. Even careful configuration of a Wi-Fi router will not help if it is using an outdated standard. To use the full potential of modern high-speed wireless networks, the N standard is desirable. The table below compares standards to connect Wi-Fi at home at the desired speed:

Standard Speed Average data transfer rate
802.11b 11 Mbit/s 5 Mbit/s
802.11g 54 Mbit/s 25 Mbit/s
802.11a 54 Mbit/s 25 Mbit/s
802.11n 200+ Mbit/s 100 Mbit/s

The D-Link DIR-620 router supports the 802.11n standard. The installation of the D-Link DIR-620 Wi-Fi router is standard and is almost no different from the installation of Wi-Fi routers from other manufacturers. Using the example of setting up this router, we will show how connect Wi-Fi at home fast and simple.

To configure the router D-Link DIR-620 you need to follow the following instructions:

1) Connect the router to the network. Connect the Internet cable to the “Internet” port of the router. Connect the cable connecting the router to the computer to one of the LAN ports on the back panel of the router, and connect the other end to the computer’s network card.

2) Open any Internet browser and type in the address bar.
Go to the entered address. A web interface will be displayed, with which you can configure the router. Fill in the empty fields: enter admin in the “Username” field, and admin in the “Password” field. Click on the "Login" button.

3) Next, open the “Network” section, the “Connections” subsection and select the connection called WAN.

4) After this, a page will open showing the connection settings. Click on the IPoE connection type and check the "Allow" box under the type. The same checkboxes should be next to the items “Obtain an IP address automatically”, “Enable IGMP”, “Obtain DNS server address automatically”, “NAT”, “Firewall”. Save your changes.

Let's start setting up a Wi-Fi connection:
1) In the "Network" section, select the "Wi-Fi" subsection. The "Basic Settings" option appears. Make sure that the checkbox next to “Enable wireless connection” is checked. There should be no checkmark next to the "Hide access point" item. Select the "auto" channel, the maximum number of clients is 0. Accept and save the changes made.

2) Click on the “Security Settings” subsection and select “WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK mixed” from the “Network Authentication” drop-down list.

After the additional settings open, in the “PSK encryption key:” line, enter the password that will be used to connect to your wireless network. The password must contain at least 8 English characters. For maximum security, when creating a password, it is recommended to combine small and large letters, symbols and numbers. When you have finished entering your password, accept and save your changes.

This router setup is shown as an example. As you can see, connecting Wi-Fi at home is not difficult.
Installing a Wi-Fi router simple and painless. But if you care about your security, if you want to prevent your personal data from being “lost” and intruders not getting into your computer, we recommend that you contact specialists who will quickly and efficiently do everything to ensure that the router configuration meets the highest network standards security.

Helpful Tips:

  • Removable antennas are convenient because they can be replaced with more powerful ones or unnecessary ones can be removed if one antenna is enough for a stable signal within the room.
  • If the signal is weak, the speed is low, and the connection is constantly breaking, try moving the Wi-Fi router 5-10 cm in any direction. Sometimes this simple movement helps to significantly improve the quality of reception and corresponds to a strengthening of the Wi-Fi signal.
  • Choose a password that is at least 10 characters long, consisting of letters in different cases, numbers and symbols at the same time.
  • When preparing to buy a Wi-Fi router, check out reviews online about existing models. Pay special attention to information about the operation of the router in various modes, at high temperatures and under intense load.
  • Minor savings when purchasing a router can lead to large losses of time later when installing and operating the device.
  • Before purchasing a router, check with your Internet provider which protocols your future router should support.
  • Always try to update your router to the latest official firmware. Visit the official website of the manufacturer of the router model you have chosen and check the availability of new firmware and their compatibility. New firmware improves the stability and speed of wireless devices.
  • If your Internet speed suddenly drops and websites open slowly, you can check the speed of your Internet connection by going to the free web service http://speedtest,net.
  • Most problems caused by network failure can be easily resolved by simply rebooting the equipment.

Today, many families have long had a couple of computers or laptops, and sometimes both. Plus to all this there are also smart phones, and maybe a tablet. And, of course, the center of entertainment for every family member is the big one. Up to a certain point, everything usually goes fine, as long as everyone in the house uses their devices, but then the desire for something more appears.

This requires a home wireless network. It helps to get rid of unnecessary wires, be more mobile, and, of course, makes all the media content accumulated by family members available to everyone.
Such home wireless network is organized using a wi-fi router that distributes a signal to many devices that support a wireless connection. Or you can join the distribution using network cables, but to do this you will need to register IP addresses for each connected device.

For greater comfort in accessing content, use a NAS server. This can be either a separate system unit with several HDD drives, or a ready-made boxed solution. Such a home server allows you to connect any device wirelessly and watch HD videos, music, play games and much more, and most importantly, store it all on your own disks. The home server is also connected to the wi-fi router.

The most common Internet connection options

  1. With dynamic IP (Auto IP or DHCP)
  2. With a static IP address (Manual configuration of the WAN IP address setting field, mask, gateway...)

We will consider the 2nd option, with a static IP address. As soon as you select it, the fields for entering static connection parameters will become active - “Setting up the WAN IP address”, which must be filled in according to the data received from the Internet provider.

Click “No” and fill out all the fields one by one.

It is worth noting that in this case the IP address and other network parameters are fixed, they should be entered exactly as specified by the provider.
If you select the option with a dynamic IP address, or PPPoE or L2TP, then the setup is simplified and the router will receive all connection parameters from the provider automatically. Only for the last two connection types you need to specify the name and password provided by the provider (or in rare cases, the “Service Name”).

Complete the settings by clicking the "Apply" or "Save" button.

In some cases, the provider binds the user to the MAC address (physical address) of his computer so that no one else can connect instead of him. In this case, attempting to access the Internet using the router will become impossible.

To avoid this, the MAC address of the router's external interface should be changed so that it matches the MAC address that your ISP assigned you to (usually the address of your computer's network interface).

This operation is called MAC address cloning, although this function in the router’s web interface does not always have the same name.
To clone the MAC address of your computer, which was connected by cable to the Internet before installing the router, enter it in the MAC field of the “Special requirements of the Internet service provider” section in the WAN section, Internet connection tab.

Save the settings by clicking the "Apply" button.

How to find out the MAC address of a computer

To find out the MAC address of your computer and enter it when setting up an Internet connection on the router,
do the following:

1. Click on the computer icon in the task tray (tray), click “Network and Sharing Center”

and in the window that opens, select “Local Area Connection”.

2. Click on the "Details" button to see the MAC address.

The MAC address will be located in the Physical Address field.

Configuring Wi-Fi settings manually

If you did everything correctly and specified the correct connection parameters, then after rebooting the router you will have access to the Internet from the computer on which you made the settings. Open your browser and type
address of any website, for example . The site page has opened, so you can start
to setting up a wireless network (wi-fi).

In the router web interface menu, select the “Wireless” section, “General” tab.

Please note that some routers support wireless networks in two bands at once (5 GHz and 2.4 GHz). Set up your wireless network in the more popular 2.4 GHz band.

Specify the wireless network operating mode. The best option is a universal setup that ensures compatibility with both new and old versions of the Wi-Fi standard. It is called “Mixed” or “Auto” (automatic mode).

Enter the network SSID (Network name that will be displayed when scanning) in the field of the same name. Select a security option in the “Authentication method” field, I recommend WPA2-Personal, read why in the Wi-Fi section. Enter the password (or key) in the WPA Pre-Shared Key field. This key and network name (SSID) will be required to set up access on your wireless devices, so it is recommended that you save them to a file or write them down somewhere safe.

It is recommended to hide the SSID so that your home wireless network was not visible from the outside, but you will still be able to connect to it, since you already know the SSID. To save the settings, click on the “Apply” or “Save” button. By the way, a wireless network in the 5 GHz band is configured in the same way.

Attention! Be careful when updating your router firmware. The need for it is determined by incorrect operation of the router and communication problems. Carefully read the section of the user manual about updating the router software and strictly follow the recommendations. Updating the router firmware is a last resort; you should not resort to it unless absolutely necessary, since there is no such need during the initial setup of a wireless network.

P.S. I would be very grateful if you point out those points that need to be examined in more detail.

Since the advent of wireless data transmission technologies, communications have undergone significant changes. For example, private virtual VPN networks have emerged, in which access is provided only using a username (login) and password. In such networks, the main place is occupied by the data reception and transmission device itself, which is responsible for the connection. As a rule, this is a router or ADSL modem.

What is a router

At its core, a router is a kind of router that provides communication between a computer, a communication device and access to a network or the Internet. A wireless device of this type may have different characteristics, but the most popular, as practice shows, are models like D-Link and TP-Link.

In order to make the correct setup, you first need to know how to log into the router. In most cases, this will determine how correct the connection will be in terms of connection (and whether it will be established at all).

Basic connections

The main condition regarding the router is, of course, setting up the equipment configuration itself. There are several ways to do this, although, as a rule, the primary method is to directly set the parameters when connecting the router to a computer terminal. Let's try to figure out how to log into the router, how to correctly carry out the main settings, and how to make the virtual network fully functional with the condition of connecting via a wireless VPN network.

Setting up a router via an Internet browser

The first rule: for basic settings, the router is connected directly to a computer or laptop via a network cable. IN in this case you must use any Internet browser available in the system, in which you need to enter the address of the router itself, indicated on the bottom side of the device (on the label). The login and password for accessing the device are also marked there.

You have received initial information on how to enter the router settings and virtual network properties. Next, you need to go to the options themselves, where the main parameter selection window will appear. You must immediately understand that you must first configure the network connection on your computer or laptop. This is done using the “Connection Wizard” or by specifying settings manually in the “Properties” section of the installed TCP/IP protocol (or TCP/IPv4 in relation to operating systems like Windows 7 or 8).

Now the most important thing: after connecting the router, you should enter your username and password. As a rule, this is the Admin login and an empty password (or “1234”). In the traffic definition field you will need to enter the default IP address (in most cases this is For a router, the address can sometimes be used.

After all of the above, you can even view the MAC address of a computer terminal located on the network in this moment.

Additional functions and settings when using a router

In several options that were not discussed above, additional settings may be required, which not all users are aware of. In the external port lines, you should specify the values ​​"35000" and "35001" for the corresponding TCP and UDF fields.

Frequently asked questions related to network access problems

One of the most problematic solutions is to disable the firewall, antivirus of any optimizer, etc. The fact is that they not only block the connection to the Internet system, but also cause the Windows operating system to display a message about the inadmissibility of establishing a connection or an error in accessing the Internet. to the router itself. It is worth saying that when deciding how to log into a router, you need to use the configuration data provided by the provider (not even the device manufacturer). The original manufacturer data is used only when entering the main menu of the router. Well, then - setting up the system.

Manual error correction

In order to understand how to log into the router, you just need to imagine the equipment configuration. There can be quite a lot of errors when connecting a device.

Initially, they are not even associated with the device itself, but with the drivers installed on it. Unfortunately, even for Windows 7 there is not always support. Here you will have to use algorithms that differ from the general principles. You may need to enter the external IP address, Subnet mask address, DNS server, etc. In addition, you should use the Manual Port Forwarding Firewall feature on your computer terminal, which will not block incoming connections. Address values ​​are set on a computer or laptop in the properties tab of the TCP/IP protocol.

The very question of how to log into the router is purely related to the technical problem of connecting the device itself to a computer or laptop. In principle, we can say that all settings are standard. However, it is worth consulting with your provider before connecting the device to the network.

How to log into the router in another way? You can also use additional functions in the form of a login and password, which will be required during the setup process. However, the most important attention should still be paid to setting up the router in the mode of direct connection to a network cable using an Internet browser. It simply won't work any other way.

Moreover, if you do not enter the basic values ​​in all the fields present in the router settings, it will be impossible to establish a connection, no matter how much you would like it. Therefore, you need to enter all data and addresses manually. There is no need to talk about any automation of the process in this case.