The most beautiful Linux distributions. Rating of the best Linux distributions: which is better

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All these Linux distributions have one Linux kernel, choose one of 20 best distributions Linux according to your needs. Whether you are a demanding user or even a gamer, Linux distributions will offer tons of convenient and powerful features for you.

1. Ubuntu

One of the most popular and sought after Linux OS, Ubuntu has long been the top choice when it comes to a proprietary operating system that is fast, powerful and customizable. With Ubuntu, you can easily install and run any application or software Linux software on computer. In addition, you also get access to its built-in software repository. Like every year, 2018 will also feature improvements and bug fixes for Ubuntu, making it even more user-friendly.

Why Ubuntu?

  • user friendly;
  • easy for a beginner;
  • very popular.

2. Arch Linux

If you are a person who values ​​simple, intuitive, and well-documented software, Arch Linux is the ideal Linux distribution to use in 2018. With strong community support, you can easily install whatever you want.

Why Arch Linux?

  • well documented;
  • excellent repository;
  • always fresh/new updates.

3.Elementary OS

If you're looking for a fast, open, and reliable Linux distribution in 2018, Elementary OS is the ideal low-maintenance platform that runs well on computers and has good community support. It is based on modern design which is a pleasure to use and you can easily enjoy its AppCenter to install new apps for your needs.

Why Elementary OS?

  • easy installation;
  • very comfortable;
  • rudimentary user interface.

4. CentOS

For people interested in choosing the right Linux distribution, CentOS is a stable, secure, manageable and responsive open source platform. source code, created by the Red Hat Linux community. You can rely on it for a decent set of applications such as browser, contacts, photo manager, email client, text editor, audio player, document viewer, clock, etc.

Why CentOS?

  • easy to use for beginners;
  • enterprise-grade security;
  • high level of stability;
  • fast.

5. Linux Mint

Starting out as Ubuntu, Linux Mint quickly became the distribution of choice for many users in last years. Thanks to its selection of system utilities such as program manager, update manager, menu, etc. and its simplicity of taste, which is stability.

Why Linux Mint?

  • stability and reliability;
  • speed;
  • easy to use for beginners.

6. Debian

One of the oldest and most popular Linux distributions. Debian is still a decent choice for 2018. Consisting of free software, it has a wide selection of hardware platforms, plus a strong community of developers that you can rely on.

Why Debian?

  • simple installation and ease of use;
  • comes with 37000+ packages;
  • strong community support.

7. openSUSE

One of the most popular Linux distributions among commercial users, openSUSE is based on the RPM package management system and offers Xfce, LXDE, GNOME and Mate for installation. openSUSE is one of the most regularly updated distributions and you can use it for deployment, regular use, gaming and virtualization in 2018. It is a powerful and versatile Linux distribution.

Why openSUSE?

  • powerful and versatile;
  • excellent multimedia support;
  • excellent repository implementation.

8. Ubuntu MATE

This distribution is perfect if you work on a laptop. A good online Linux distribution that offers an excellent balance between performance and resource usage. It is easy to use, has a user-friendly interface that can be easily used on almost any configuration.

Why Ubuntu MATE?

  • easy;
  • consumes little power;
  • easy to use.


A community-driven derivative of Ubuntu, XUBUNTU is one of the best desktop Linux distributions in 2018. Based on Debian, it used the default Xfce environment for effective use resources as an open source platform that combines elegance and ease.


  • easy;
  • very fast and responsive;
  • customizable.

10. Fedora

Supported by RedHat, the largest contributor to the Linux kernel, Fedora is one of the fastest and most secure Linux distributions to use in 2018. It is a leader in the virtualization market and also offers strong community support for users. In addition, it practically automatically updates to eliminate errors and fix older versions.

Why Fedora?

  • good graphics;
  • the most fast time downloads;
  • user-friendly;
  • *safe.

11. Gentoo

Free operating system, based on Linux or FreeBSD, optimized and configured to work effectively in server, desktop and gaming environments. Gentoo takes its name from the Gentoo penguin, which is the fastest species of penguin.

Why Gentoo?

  • popular distribution among geeks;
  • stable and secure system;
  • you can assemble everything yourself.

12. Slax

Slax is a Debian-based distribution designed to run from a USB stick. The project has released a new version of the desktop distribution with version. The main change in the new version is the introduction additional firmware for wireless network devices.

Why Slax?

  • fast and lightweight distribution;
  • highly customizable.

13. Endless OS

Endless OS is a Linux-based operating system that provides a simplified and optimized user experience using a customized GNOME 3 desktop environment. The Endless team has announced a new version of Endless OS. The new version makes it easier for multilingual users to switch languages ​​even before logging into their account.

Why Endless OS?

  • easy to use;
  • good graphics.

14. TrueOS

TrueOS is an open source operating system based on the FreeBSD development branch. TrueOS is a deployment platform that includes the Lumina desktop environment and the OpenRC service manager. Latest project snapshot, version 17.12, includes LibreSSL in the base system (replacing OpenSSL), support virtual machine Bhyve and the latest drivers supplied by the FreeBSD 12.0-CURRENT division.

Why TrueOS?

  • stable system;
  • safe.

15. Rosa

ROSA - Russian company, which develops many Linux solutions. Flagship product ROSA Desktop is a Linux distribution with a highly customizable KDE desktop and several modifications designed to improve the user experience work environment. The company is also developing an "Enterprise Server" edition of ROSA, based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Why Rosa?

  • Russian-language support;
  • multifunctional.

16. Bluestar Linux

Bluestar Linux is a GNU/Linux distribution based on Arch Linux. The Bluestar distribution includes: latest packages, full set desktop and multimedia programs for default installation and DVD for home desktop.

Why Bluestar Linux?

  • regular and fresh updates;
  • stable by default.

17. Manjaro

Manjaro Linux is a fast, easy-to-use desktop operating system based on Arch Linux. Key Features: include an intuitive installation process, automatic detection hardware, a stable rolling model, the ability to install multiple cores, custom Bash scripts to manage graphics drivers, and extensive desktop customization. Manjaro Linux offers Xfce as its main desktop options, as well as a minimalist Net version for more advanced users. Community-supported GNOME 3/Cinnamon and KDE variants are available. Users also benefit from support and energetic forum Manjaro community.

Why Manjaro?

  • fast system, time-tested;
  • very popular;
  • good community support.


Antergos is a modern, elegant and powerful operating system based on Arch Linux. It began life as Cinnarch, combining the Cinnamon desktop with the Arch Linux distribution, but the project has moved on from its original goals and now offers a choice of several desktops, including GNOME 3 (default), Cinnamon, Razor-qt, and Xfce. Antergos also provides its own graphics program installations.

Why Antegros?

  • stable system;
  • Quite frisky.

19. Solus

Solus is a Linux distribution built from the ground up. It uses a forked version of the PiSi package manager, maintained as "eopkg" in Solus, and a custom desktop environment called "Budgie" developed in-house. Desktop computer Budgie, which can be configured to emulate the look and feel of the GNOME 2 desktop, is tightly integrated with the GNOME stack. Available on 64-bit computers only.

Why Solus?

  • historically attractive (“a Linux distribution built from the ground up”);
  • your package manager.

Deepin (formerly Deepin, Linux Deepin, Hiweed GNU/Linux) is a Debian-based distribution (it was based on Ubuntu until version 15 released in late 2015) that aims to provide an elegant, user-friendly and reliable operating system. Not only is it the best the open source world has to offer, but it also created own environment desktop environment called DDE or Deepin Desktop Environment, based on the Qt 5 suite. Deepin places great emphasis on intuitive design. Its home apps like Deepin Software Center, DMusic and DPlayer are tailored to the average user. Being easy to install and use, deepin can be a good alternative to Windows for office and home use.

If we look at the ranking of Linux distributions on Distrowatch, we see that the statistics have not changed very much over the past twelve months. At the top there are still very well-known operating systems, and they have been there for a long time.

Surprisingly, more than 170 distributions are still on the waitlist, and many of them are already about five years old. Some of these distributions are very interesting. This goes to show that a distro isn't necessarily bad or unnecessary if it doesn't have Distrowatch's stamp of approval.

Most likely, Ubuntu and Linux Mint will be at the top of the TOP for a long time, but there is no need to neglect other distributions that have not yet achieved such ratings but have enormous potential.

Remember the history of EOS? This operating system was developed several years ago, in 2011, and attracted a lot of attention for providing something that did not exist before.

Not all distributions are the same as EOS, but if you've been using Linux for a long time, you've probably noticed that the speed at which developers are making new distributions has slowed down markedly compared to ten years ago.

Modern Linux 2016 distributions try to be simple and accessible to a large number of users. We will consider such distributions in this article. We will be mainly interested in the new Linux products of 2016.

It's hard to pick the best distros to try in 2016 because they are all the best in their field. Some of them are intended for all users, others for a specific audience. But let's move on to the list.

I like to think of a distro with the motto "By the community, for the community." VeltOS is exactly that. This system takes a different approach to Linux and is entirely a community project. The developers will allow users to choose what they would not like to see in future releases, and vice versa, what features they want.

This is a pure free software policy. The developers put the power in the hands of the community, so all features and functionality are completely dependent on the community.

You can pretty much determine what the operating system will look like and what it will do through the voting platform. You can create polls about adding new features or removing existing ones. The Velt shape is completely in your hands.

However, it is important to know that VeltOS is still very young, they just released the first Technical Preview version three months ago and it is not surprising that it has attracted so much attention from the community. The idea of ​​voting for new features is not new; quite a few distributions accept comments from their users to make the distribution better. But VeltOS in VeltOS implements this mechanism very transparently, so to speak, it is a distribution in the spirit of OpenSource.

VeltOS is based on ArchLinux, mainly due to its simplicity and very convenient system Rolling releases, flexibility, and the latest software. Arch allows you to install software using its own package manager Pacman, with which you can always keep your system up to date.

Essentially, a Technical Preview is a test release to see what the community likes and doesn't like. TP1 comes by default with a modified Budgie Decktop desktop environment from the Souls project with a lightweight display manager, login manager and welcome screen, as well as a Numix theme.

Now the developers have already received enough feedback from users about what should be supplied by default in VeltOS.

They are currently working on creating their own VDE desktop environment, from scratch in C and Vala.

Project co-founder Stefan Kviczynski says that they will not support Budgie and will make their own environment, because the voices of users are largely at odds with what is in Budgie Decktop. The new environment will be developed in accordance with Google's concept Material Design and will be released along with the second Technical Preview, which is expected in March 2016.

You can try the first version of Budgie Desktop right now by downloading the image on the official website. It may not be the best Linux distro of 2016, but it is definitely one of the best.

2. PapyrOS

Formerly known as QuartzOS or QuantumOS. The system is based on the Material Design concept, and is based on the ArchLinux distribution.

The idea for this distribution was proposed by Michael Spencer, who this moment is the lead developer. Development began in November 2014.

The goal of PapyrOS is to make an operating system that is suitable equally for ordinary people and for fans of open source software.

At the moment, the project is in Pre-Alpha state, the progress bar can be viewed on the official website or using a special Android application.

PapyrOS, with its distinct look, Material Design-based desktop environment and ArchLinux-quality foundation, will take Linux's user friendliness to a new level.

PapyrOS will support rolling updates and rollbacks in case something breaks, this is made possible thanks to OsTree.

In addition, PapyrOS will support integration with web services such as Gmail, Inbox and Evernote to improve the usability of the system. In addition to the above mentioned features, the system will come with its own cross-platform application development platform based on QtQuick.

The PapyrOS desktop shell can now be tested on other distributions. It is developed using Qt5 and QML. Material Design will be used both in system components and in third-party applications.

Installing PapyrOS shell

Add the following lines to your /etc/pacman.conf:

SigLevel = Never
Server =$repo/$arch


$pacman -Syu
$ pacman -S papyros-shell

Then you can start the shell next command:


3. Korora

Korora is an existing distribution, first based on Gentoo in 2005. In 2010, the distribution was reborn and is now based on Fedora. Basically it adds some customizations and other interesting additions. After installation, the system does not require additional settings and is immediately ready for use.

Unlike Fedora, there are many third-party repositories included, so you can easily get the applications you need. Korora still maintains a strong connection to Fedora, using the default repositories to update system components. The goal of the system is to increase Fedora's user base by offering users more technologies that work for them.

Not long ago they invited OzonOS developers to merge their projects. OzonOS is also based on Fedora. It is not being developed as actively due to insufficient funding and a small development team. It's interesting how the Korora developers are going to join forces with OzonOS, but we should already see changes this year.

Korora currently offers five different editions of GNOME, KDE, XFCE and MATE. It's also worth noting that Korora includes third-party drivers for AMD video cards and NVIDIA.


We all, of course, know Debian, Arch, Ubuntu, Gentoo and their derivatives, of which there are currently more than 300. Most of them are designed for a specific audience, only a few are suitable for everyone. Chances are your distribution is based on one of the above, but what about something completely new and different?

The Souls project was originally based on Debian, but then the developers changed their minds and started new project- Souls 2.0, which was developed from scratch, but then the project was closed.

Let's go back to February 2014, when the EvolveOS project began using code base and similar in appearance to SolusOS, which was closed.

First, several alpha and beta versions of the project were released, then problems arose with the name and the distribution was renamed back to SolusOS.

Ike Doherty, the project's founder and general manager, initially conceived SolusOS as a project built from the ground up.

SolusOS offers a completely new desktop environment - Budgie, based on the Gnome 3 stack and offering the user its own window manager, panel, sidebar and other interesting additions GUI. The final release of this distribution took place at the beginning of this year, which means the review of linux 2016 distributions should include it.

SolusOS uses the Pici and eopkg package manager, which are different from the apt-get or pacman commands you use. The founder of the project confirmed that the package format will be eopkg, and package manager forked three years ago from the Pardus Linux project.


That's all for now, perhaps the article will be updated in the future. What distributions would you recommend trying in 2016? which Linux to choose 2016? Write in the comments!

Let's face it, Linux can overwhelm almost any complexity for new users. But then, it is not Linux that brings this complexity, it is most likely the “newness” factor that causes such feelings.

This article is especially for those who have no idea what else you can use on your computer instead of Windows or Mac OS.

The best distributions for new users

Please remember that this is a list and is in no particular order. The main criteria for compiling this list are ease of installation out of the box, ease of use and availability of software packages.

If you've ever been interested in Linux on the Internet, then it's very likely that you've already come across . Ubuntu is one of the leading Linux distributions. And this is almost the ideal distribution to start your journey into Linux.

Ubuntu has been labeled as Linux for the people. This is because Ubuntu has already put a lot of effort into universal usability. Ubuntu doesn't require you to be a prodigy. It breaks the concept of the Linux line - for programmers, and this is one of the main points.

Ubuntu offers a very convenient installation procedure. The installer simply says, “in what language do you want to install me?” You can even try Ubuntu before you start the installation procedure. The installer provides simple options:

  • Erase disk and install Ubuntu
  • Installing Ubuntu next to the existing OS (a choice is given at each startup to select the OS to boot).
  • Setting up sections for users who know what they are doing.

Initial tip: Choose the second option if you are not sure what to do.

The user interface in Ubuntu is called Unity. This is a very simple desktop shell. Launch and favorite applications in the dock on the left side (the so-called “Dash”) and search for applications, which is carried out by clicking on the Super button (Windows) or by clicking on the Ubuntu logo. It couldn't be simpler, could it?

There is no hassle in installing drivers in Ubuntu, which comes with a hardware detector that detects, downloads and installs the optimal drivers for your PC. Moreover, the installed system comes with all the basic software such as music player, video player, office suite and other useful programs.

Ubuntu has great documentation and public support. The Ubuntu and Ask Ubuntu forums provide significant quality support on almost every aspect related to Ubuntu. And it is very likely that any question you want to ask may already be answered by someone.

If you decide to install Ubuntu, then you can download this distribution on the official website.

Linux Mint Cinnamon

Most computer users are Windows users. And when a Windows user gets Linux, there is a fair amount of 'unlearning' that the user must go through. A huge number of operations have been recorded in our muscle memory. For example, the mouse goes to the bottom left corner of the screen (Start), you probably want to launch the application every time. I can only recommend a distribution that alleviates all these problems on Linux, and half the battle is won. Look at .

Zorin OS is a distribution based on Ubuntu based, with a well-polished Linux distribution that is well suited for users transitioning from Windows. Although almost every Linux distribution can be used by everyone, some people are very uncomfortable with seeing someone else's desktop, and Zorin OS will make this transition easier for you.

Package managers at first seem like something supernatural to Linux newbies. That's why Zorin OS comes with a huge (and I mean really huge) list of pre-installed software. Everything you need is already installed in Zorin OS.

Zorin OS comes with amazing feature changing the topic. It offers some heavy customization options with presets to make your OS look like Windows 7, XP, 2000 or even Mac.

These features make Zorin OS, best Linux a distribution for beginners, isn't it?

Go to the official website to download the latest version of Zorin OS.

Since we looked at distributions for Windows users, let's see something for MacOS users. very quickly rose in the rankings, and is now always included in the list of the best distributions, all thanks to its aesthetic essence. Inspired by the look of MacOS, Elementary OS is one of the most beautiful Linux distributions.

Elementary OS is another Ubuntu-based distribution, which means that the operating system itself is undoubtedly stable. Elementary OS comes with the Pantheon desktop environment, and you can immediately notice the similarities with MacOS. This is an advantage for MacOS users who are moving to Linux, as they will feel very comfortable with this distribution, and it really makes the process of coping with the change easier.

The menu is very simple and customizable according to user preferences. The operating system is not intrusive, so you can really focus on your work. It comes with very a small amount pre-installed software, so any New user, won't be distracted by huge bells and whistles, but will have everything you need out of the box. For additional software, Elementary OS provides a neat AppCenter that is accessible and easy to use. All in one place. You can get all the software you want and update in just a few clicks.

You should try it. You can download Elementary OS on the official website.

A large number of people who come to Linux are looking to revitalize old computers. With the Windows 10 operating system, many computers that had decent performance just a few years ago have become incompetent. And if you are looking for a distribution that will resurrect your old computer, then look towards Linux Mate.

Linux Mint Mate A very lightweight, not demanding, but still polished distro. It can work smoothly on weak computers. The desktop environment won't bring you bells and bells. But it is in no way inferior in functionality to any other desktop environment. The operating system is not intrusive and allows you to work productively without loss of quality.

Again, Linux Mint Mate is based on Ubuntu and has the advantage huge base solid storage of Ubuntu software. It comes with a minimum number of essentials that are pre-installed. Easy installation of drivers and management of system settings is very accessible even for beginners.

You can run Linux Mint Mate even if you have 512 MB of RAM and 9 GB of free hard drive space (the more the better).

If you have already made your choice, then you can download Linux Mint Mate on the official website.

Before you say that you shouldn't guide a newbie to such a complex distribution as ArchLinux, listen to me first.

Arch is considered an expert distribution only because of its very complex installation procedure. Manajro and Arch Linux have a common origin. But they are pretty much different in every other way.

Has a very beginner friendly installation procedure. Many things are automated, such as driver installation using Hardware Detection. With Manjaro, you will forget about searching for manuals for installing drivers, which plagues many other Linux distributions. And even if you have questions, Manjaro has amazing community support.

Manjaro has its own software repository which maintains the latest software and this is one of the priorities for the users. One of the main differences between Arch and Manjaro is that Manjaro delays package releases to ensure that they are completely stable and will not cause regressions. You can also access the Arch User Repository on Manjaro, which has everything you need available.

The world of Linux distributions is extremely diverse and it will be quite difficult for a beginner to make a choice. We have prepared this Top 10 Linux distributions to help you find the one that suits you best! So let's get started!

1. Best distro for beginners: Linux Mint

The popularity of open source software, including Linux, is growing every year and more and more people are starting their journey in the world of Linux. For such users, choosing a Linux distribution with a smooth learning curve is of utmost importance. Ease of use is the main point worth mentioning when recommending a Linux distribution for beginners.

Linux Mint is one of the fastest growing Linux distributions. It is very popular and continues to successfully compete with top distributions such as Ubuntu and Manjaro. In addition, Linux Mint has proven itself to be worthy replacement Windows, which is famous for its ideal desktop in terms of organization. Another reason why I call this distro the best for new users is the unforgettable feeling and emotions you experience when you first launch it. You won't have to spend a lot of time installing the distribution and the necessary packages before you can get started. It also won't take up much space on your hard drive, which is definitely a nice plus.

Why Mint is better Is it suitable for beginners?

  • Easy to use Cinnamon desktop environment
  • Great community
  • The system is ready for use immediately after installation
  • Access to Ubuntu repositories

2. The best distribution for an old computer: Ubuntu MATE

When choosing the best Linux distribution for legacy hardware, the main selection factor is the small amount of memory required on the hard drive and the small amount of RAM required.

In 2018, I recommend that you take a closer look at Ubuntu MATE. Version 17.10 brings many new features to Ubuntu MATE. Depending on your preference, you can choose different topics designs such as Mutiny, Cupertino, Traditional, Netbook, Redmond, etc.

Ubuntu MATE requires at least 512 megabytes of RAM. There are other, lighter distributions such as Puppy Linux and Bodhi Linux, but Ubuntu MATE manages to strike the perfect balance between size and performance.

Why is Ubuntu MATE best for older hardware?

  • Lots of themes to choose from
  • Active user community
  • The perfect balance between size and performance
  • Access to Ubuntu repositories

4. Best distribution for games: Steam OS

Even today, gamers are still reluctant to switch to Linux. Well, you can't blame them considering the low availability of games on the Linux platform. But over the past few years, the situation has changed radically, as more and more games are released for Linux every year. Of the many gaming distributions, Steam OS is the choice of most gamers.

Steam OS has significantly improved graphics performance compared to other distributions, thanks to additional settings Linux kernels. It also provides extensive support GPUs, gamepads and other gaming equipment.

Steam OS is developed by Valve, which is also responsible for developing an online service for distributing computer games and Steam programs. This distribution is specially designed for games available on the Steam store. In addition, Steam OS has gained great popularity as the main platform for computer games thanks to Steam Machines.

Why should you play games on Steam OS?

  • The main focus is on games, opportunities for other tasks are limited
  • Attractive user interface
  • Compatible with most gaming equipment
  • Huge library of games on the Steam store

5. Best distribution for programming: Debian

It makes no sense to say that the majority Linux users are developers who create something new every day, or enthusiasts working on open source projects. Exists great amount Linux distributions that specialize specifically in programming. But of all available options, Debian GNU/Linux stands out from the crowd.

The Debian testing branch has an extensive collection of packages that are regularly tested and updated. This approach allows the programmer to focus on development without thinking about anything else. However, keep in mind that Debian is only recommended for programmers who already have experience with Linux. If you're new, try your current version of Linux Mint, Ubuntu LTS, or another distribution based on your personal preference.

Why is Debian the best for programming?

  • Stable development platform
  • Large number of packages
  • Popular package manager.deb

6. The most beautiful distribution: elementary OS

By this criterion, of course, one cannot judge the true capabilities of the system, but, nevertheless, appearance plays an important role when choosing a distribution. Thanks to the flexibility of the Linux ecosystem, developers can create very attractive distributions. In my opinion and experience, elementary OS, based on Ubuntu, is the most beautiful Linux distribution, which is also known for its unparalleled performance.

This fast, open-source system borrows some design elements from macOS. Without most pre-installed standard Ubuntu applications, elementary OS consumes less resources on your system. Thanks to graphical environment Pantheon desktop based on GNOME, elementary OS is deeply integrated with applications such as Plank, Epiphany and Scratch. Overall, elementary OS can be used by both beginners and experienced users for daily tasks.

Why choose elementary OS?

  • High performance
  • Appearance based on macOS
  • Extremely simple interface

7. Distribution for children: Ubermix

These days, learning Linux and open source technologies is of great importance due to the growing demand for experts in the field. But what about children? If you're interested, there are Linux distributions made specifically for children. They are easy to set up and even easier to use.

Ubermix is ​​a free distribution with support touch screen, making it a great choice for kids who love to explore the world around them with their hands. Moreover, he can become great tool for schoolchildren and teachers. With a 5-minute installation, 60 free pre-loaded apps, and a 20-second recovery process, Ubermix is ​​the ideal distro for kids, schoolchildren, and their teachers.

Why is Ubermix best for kids?

  • Software and user data are stored in separate sections for security
  • Fast installation and recovery
  • Lots of educational apps
  • Touch screen support

8. Best distro for privacy and anonymity: Tails

If I tell you that Edward Snowden used (is using) the Tails distribution to carry out his online activities, some of you will wonder what the reason for his choice is. As the name suggests, Tails (The Amnesic Incognito Live System) is designed for anonymous surfing on the Internet.

This system can be loaded from any computer using a DVD or USB image. The Debian-based distribution ensures that all internet connections are forced to go through the Tor network. Also, Tails has many built-in tools for cryptographic protection data that will help encrypt emails, files and instant messages.

Why is Tails best for anonymity?

  • All connections go through the Tor system
  • All information is stored in RAM
  • Suitable for general use
  • Built-in encryption tools

9. Best distribution for servers: CentOS

Firstly, setting up servers should not be done on a distribution that is known for its instability and frequent crashes in the middle of the process. Secondly, the distribution must be secure, energy efficient, performant, and also support a variety of hardware. There are many free and paid options for this purpose, but I recommend CentOS.

If you don't know, RHEL occupies the same position in the enterprise distribution arena as Ubuntu on the desktop. CentOS is a way to get the benefits of RHEL without overpaying. In other words, CentOS is supported by the RHEL community and you can use it as your production system or server. But it is also known as a general purpose Linux distribution.

Why CentOS is better Is it suitable for servers?

  • Same as RHEL, but free
  • Popular package manager rpm and yum
  • Widespread support in the tech industry
  • Long-term support

10. Distribution for powerful PCs and laptops: Ubuntu

Ubuntu needs no introduction to the open source world. Based on the Debian architecture, Ubuntu, like no other distribution, has managed to perfectly balance stability and new features. That's why it enjoys such huge popularity. If your hardware isn't as powerful as you'd like, you might want to try Ubuntu-based distros like Ubuntu MATE, Xubuntu, or Lubuntu.

Ubuntu, with the GNOME desktop environment, is ideal for powerful PCs and laptops. With the introduction of Snap packages, installing applications has become more convenient. Ubuntu also has a huge vibrant community and many forums where you can find the answer to any question. Overall, Ubuntu is a powerful Linux distribution that will allow you to multitask efficiently.

Why Ubuntu is best for powerful PCs and laptops?

  • Large amount of software
  • Large community and useful forums
  • Convenient and powerful
  • Snap packages for popular applications

Distributions Linux popular in 2018

The past year has been an exciting one for Linux and the open source community. For example, Ubuntu has completed development of Unity 8, as well as its plans for convergence and migration to GNOME. Slack OS has essentially rewritten its source code based on Debian; Kali Linux became more popular, and Skype finally released decent software for Linux. And at the beginning of 2018, it was announced

With such a busy last year for Linux, it becomes interesting to see which Linux distributions will be the most popular in 2018.

We present to you a list of the Top 10 Linux distributions of 2018.

Ubuntu is almost always #1 on all the charts because, in addition to being easy to install, it's also intuitive to use. Some sources report that Ubuntu gained more popularity when Canonical made the official announcement of its move from Unity to Gnome.

We know that many users have stopped using Ubuntu altogether due to their move to Unity. Therefore, we dare to assume that a large number of these users will return soon.

Ubuntu has clearly had a good year and deserves to be on our list.

Linux Mint is still a favorite in the Linux and Ubuntu communities.

The customizable, green-themed OS appeals to users who typically do little more than just surf the Internet. System administrators like the ease of access, normal everyday users like its intuitive usability. Currently they are working on two new databases (Ubuntu 18.04 for Linux Mint 19 and Debian 9 for LMDE 3).

If for some reason you don't want to use Ubuntu or any of its variants, Linux Mint can be your salvation.

Elementary OS appeared in 2014. Three years have passed since then, and some users still refer to it as the ideal OS for beginners. It is aesthetically pleasing and based on Linux.

elementary OS comes with a hand-picked selection of apps that meet your daily needs, allowing you to spend more time using your computer and less time cleaning it up.

It uses Pantheon's own Gnome-based desktop environment, which helps maintain its macOS aesthetic.

Being one of the most beautiful Linux distributions since its inception, and if you are a beginner then you should try it.

The next version will be called Juno, release date: unknown

An excellent and powerful operating system that works even on old PCs.

Manjaro Linux is another very beautiful OS. Like OpenSUSE and Linux Mint, its main color theme is green. Its Plasma desktop environment is easy to use for beginners and very easy to set up, and it comes with a variety of office productivity applications ready to run right out of the box.

If Elementary OS is already too simple for you, then Manjaro Linux is exactly what you are looking for.

The newest update of Elementary OS occurred on 01/26/2018. Affected: EXTRAMODULES, NVIDIA, WINE, HASKELL, PYTHON especially for the new version of linux 4.15.

Manjaro uses a Rolling Release development model which, rather than being replaced, will be continually updated.

Fedora is by-product Red Hat is perhaps the most beloved distribution of Linux enthusiasts as it constantly embraces new technologies.

For example, it was one of the first distributions to introduce Wayland and SystemD session. We have added this distribution to the top because it is very stable in its operation and will never let you down.

This distro has been in the Distrowatch top 10 since 2010, reaching number 2 in 2014, and has never left the top six since then.

Less customization, more innovation. Choose the Fedora option that's right for you and get started right away.

Latest version of Fedora Linux Distribution. This issue features latest version GNOME 3.26 as the default desktop environment, which offers new features such as updated settings, emoji color support and the ability for system search to display more results at once.

Video presentation of Fedora 27:

No top Linux distribution would be complete without Kali Linux.

Kali Linux is considered to be the most advanced vulnerability testing distribution that comes with many open source tools for it.

However, it must be admitted that this distribution takes some getting used to and understanding.

This release updates the kernel to 4.13.10 and includes some notable improvements:

CIFS now uses SMB 3.0 by default

EXT4 directories can now hold 2 billion entries

TLS support is now built into the kernel

Kali Linux's capabilities focus on security testing.

Let's sum it up

Most likely, there are Linux distributions that did not make the list of popular distributions in 2018. It could be Slax and KaOS, and let's not forget about security - Tails is great choice for security support tasks.