Installing the Npm package manager

Threat information

Threat name: JS/ClickJack

Executable file:(randomname).exe

Threat type: Adware

Affected OS: Win32/Win64 (Windows XP, Vista/7, 8/8.1, Windows 10)

Affected browsers:Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari

JS/ClickJack infection method

installed on your computer along with free programs. This method can be called "batch installation". Free programs suggest you install additional modules(JS/ClickJack). If you do not decline the offer, the installation will begin in the background. JS/ClickJack copies its files to your computer. Typically this is the file (randomname).exe. Sometimes a startup key is created with the name JS/ClickJack and the value (randomname).exe. You can also find the threat in the list of processes named (randomname).exe or JS/ClickJack. a folder called JS/ClickJack is also created in the C:\Program Files\ or C:\ProgramData folders. After installation, JS/ClickJack begins to show advertising banners and pop-up ads in browsers. It is recommended to remove JS/ClickJack immediately. If you have any additional questions about JS/ClickJack, please . You can use the programs below to remove JS/ClickJack from your browsers.

We noticed that you are on smartphone or tablet now, but you need this solution on your PC. Enter your email below and we’ll automatically send you an email with the downloading link for JS/ClickJack Removal Tool, so you can use it when you are back to your PC.

Send Me Removal Tool

Our technical service support will remove JS/ClickJack right now!

Contact our service technical support with a problem related to JS/ClickJack. Describe all the circumstances of the JS/ClickJack infection and its consequences. The team will provide you with solutions to this problem for free within a few hours.

Description of the threat and removal instructions provided by the company's analytical department Security Stronghold.

Here you can go to:

How to remove JS/ClickJack manually

The problem can be resolved manually by deleting files, folders and registry keys belonging to the JS/ClickJack threat. Damaged JS/ClickJack system files and components can be restored if your operating system installation package is available.

To get rid of JS/ClickJack, you need to:

1. Stop the following processes and delete the corresponding files:

Warning: You only need to delete files with the names and paths specified here. The system may contain useful files with the same names. We recommend using for safe solution Problems.

2. Remove the following malicious folders:

3. Remove the following malicious registry keys and values:

Warning: if the value of a registry key is specified, then you need to delete only the value and not touch the key itself. We recommend using for these purposes.

Uninstall JS/ClickJack and related programs via Control Panel

We recommend that you review the list installed programs and find JS/ClickJack as well as any other suspicious and unfamiliar programs. Below are instructions for different Windows versions. In some cases JS/ClickJack is protected using malicious process or service and does not allow you to uninstall itself. If JS/ClickJack is not uninstalled or gives an error that you do not have enough rights to uninstall, do the following in Safe Mode or Safe mode with boot network drivers or use .

Windows 10

  • Click on the menu Start and select Options.
  • Click on the item System and select Applications and features in the list on the left.
  • Find JS/ClickJack in the list and click on the button Delete near.
  • Confirm by pressing the button Delete in the opening window, if necessary.

Windows 8/8.1

  • Click right click mouse in the lower left corner of the screen (in desktop mode).
  • In the menu that opens, select Control Panel.
  • Click on the link Uninstall a program In chapter Programs and components.
  • Find in the list JS/ClickJack and other suspicious programs.
  • Click the button Delete.
  • Wait for the uninstallation process to complete.

Windows 7/Vista

  • Click Start and select Control Panel.
  • Select Programs and components And Uninstall a program.
  • In the list of installed programs, find JS/ClickJack.
  • Click on the button Delete.

Windows XP

  • Click Start.
  • From the menu, select Control Panel.
  • Select Install/Remove programs.
  • Find JS/ClickJack and related programs.
  • Click on the button Delete.

Remove JS/ClickJack add-ons from your browsers

JS/ClickJack in some cases, installs add-ons in browsers. We recommend using free feature"Delete toolbars" in the "Tools" section in the program to remove JS/ClickJack and related add-ons. We also recommend that you conduct full scan computer with Wipersoft and Stronghold AntiMalware programs. To remove add-ons from your browsers manually, do the following:

Internet Explorer

  • Launch Internet Explorer and click on the gear icon in the upper right corner
  • From the drop down menu select Configure add-ons
  • Select a tab Toolbars and Extensions.
  • Select JS/ClickJack or other suspected BHO.
  • Click the button Disable.

Warning: This instruction only deactivates the add-on. For complete removal JS/ClickJack use .

Google Chrome

  • Launch Google Chrome.
  • IN address bar enter chrome://extensions/.
  • On the list installed add-ons find JS/ClickJack and click on the trash can icon next to it.
  • Confirm deletion JS/ClickJack.

Mozilla Firefox

  • Launch Firefox.
  • In the address bar, enter about:addons.
  • Click on the tab Extensions.
  • On the list installed extensions find JS/ClickJack.
  • Click the button Delete near the extension.

Protect your computer and browsers from infection

Adware like JS/ClickJack is very widespread and, unfortunately, most antivirus programs do a poor job of detecting such threats. To protect yourself from these threats, we recommend using it, it has active computer protection modules and browser settings. It doesn't conflict with installed antiviruses and provides an additional layer of protection against threats like JS/ClickJack.

Sometimes update.js errors and others system errors JS may be related to issues in the Windows registry. Several programs can use the update.js file, but when those programs are removed or modified, sometimes "orphaned" (incorrect) JS registry entries are left behind.

Basically, this means that while the actual path of the file may have changed, its incorrect former location is still recorded in the Windows Registry. When Windows tries to look up these incorrect file references (file locations on your PC), update.js errors can occur. Additionally, malware infection may have corrupted the registry entries associated with Star Office 8. Thus, these corrupted JS registry entries need to be fixed to fix the problem at the root.

Manually editing the Windows registry to remove invalid update.js keys is not recommended unless you are PC service professional. Mistakes made when editing the registry can lead to inoperability of your PC and cause irreparable damage to your operating system. In fact, even one comma placed in the wrong place can prevent your computer from booting!

Because of this risk, we highly recommend using a trusted registry cleaner such as WinThruster (Developed by Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) to scan and repair any update.js-related registry problems. Using a registry cleaner, you can automate the process of finding damaged registry entries, links to missing files (for example, causing the error update.js) and broken links within the registry. Before each scan, a backup copy, which allows you to undo any changes with one click and protects you from possible damage to your computer. The best part is that eliminating registry errors can dramatically improve system speed and performance.

Warning: If you are not experienced user PC, we DO NOT recommend manually editing the Windows registry. Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems and require Windows reinstallation. We do not guarantee that problems resulting from incorrect use of Registry Editor can be corrected. You use Registry Editor at your own risk.

Before manually restoring Windows registry, you need to create a backup by exporting the part of the registry associated with update.js (for example, Star Office 8):

  1. Click on the button Begin.
  2. Enter " command" V search bar... DON'T CLICK YET ENTER!
  3. While holding down the keys CTRL-Shift on your keyboard, press ENTER.
  4. A dialog box for access will be displayed.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit" and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the update.js-related key (for example, Star Office 8) you want to back up.
  9. On the menu File select Export.
  10. On the list Save to Select the folder where you want to save your Star Office 8 key backup.
  11. In field File name Enter a name for the backup file, for example "Star Office 8 backup".
  12. Make sure the field Export range value selected Selected branch.
  13. Click Save.
  14. The file will be saved with extension .reg.
  15. You now have a backup of your update.js-related registry entry.

Next steps when manual editing registry errors will not be described in this article, as they are highly likely to damage your system. If you want to receive more information about manually editing the registry, please see the links below.

This page is intended to help users understand what .js file is and remove all related .js file viruses that may come with Javascript.

IN Lately All larger number Users reporting problem when files with JS extension tries to download to the computer through the user's browser. Here in this article, we will explain to you what exactly is happening and how harmful it is to your system and computer. If the same issue is on your computer, we have also prepared a removal guide that will help you stop the nagging download prompts or any other form of intrusive pop-ups that will be displayed while using your browser. Just make sure to read all the information provided in the article itself, as it is very important to have a good understanding of what you are dealing with.

Are these .js files harmful?

There's nothing wrong with taking care of your computer's security. However, many people tend to panic at the slightest sign that there is something not quite right with the computer, thinking that it is a nasty virus (like ransomware or Trojan) in one form or another. It is indeed true that files with the JS extension are not javascript files. JavaScript is a programming language used in creating and developing websites. Your own .js files should not pose a threat to your security - they are not viruses. The problem here is how they are used. As we already mentioned, javascript is used in web development. Most banners, ads and pop-ups (among many other elements) that you see on the Internet are created using this programming language. However, if javascript files are getting downloaded (or trying to do so) without your permission and without you actually wanting them to be downloaded, then there is most likely a virus or other form of adware. However, there is no need to worry because most of the time, this is simply a very intrusive and obstructive online advertising method that some less reputable developers use. However, it is still necessary to ensure that some software The ones responsible for the annoying pop-ups will be removed from your machine.

Use WiperSoft Malware Removal Tool only for detection purposes. and .

Ad blocker - will it help?

Some of you may have considered simply getting an add blocker to solve the problem. In some cases, ad blockers may work, but this will only be effective if an unwanted .js file or other unwanted form of adware (adware-supported software) has already gotten onto your computer. If you unwanted ad generation file has already made its way inside your machine, The best way The way to stop the nagging pop-ups is to remove it (which we will help you do).

Always disallow downloading!

This should go without saying, but we'll say it anyway for the sake of clarity - the important thing is that you do NOT agree to the download. Even if the .js files are not some kind of malicious Trojan horse or ransomware, they are definitely unwanted if you voluntarily initiated the download process. In some cases, they may even directly download to your computer without even asking your permission. To avoid this happening to you, in our next paragraph we will give you some useful tips which will help you improve your PC's overall online security.

Stay safe while surfing the Internet

Almost always, the question of whether unwanted downloads on your computer stems from irresponsible and/or inattentive user behavior while browsing the Internet. After all, you won't have to deal with any form of JS extension download adware/malware unless you only visit reputable and reliable websites that have been verified as trustworthy. So here are some simple but most important recommendations which must be followed if you want to prevent any problems with unwanted .js files in the future:

Use WiperSoft Malware Removal Tool only for detection purposes. and .

  • Online Awareness - As we said above, the most important thing to consider when using your browser is what sites you visit. If you go to hide pages with sketchy ads on them it is very likely that there will be a virus/adware that will later nag you with a JS download extension. It is also possible that simply visiting such sites or interacting with their banners will result in a direct download of the javascript file.
  • Spam spam is another very common method for distributing unwanted software. All it requires of you is to click on some shady spam link to download an unwanted .js file to some random folder on your computer, and then it can take hours to identify that folder and remove the intrusive piece of programming. Here's Why You Should Always Think Twice Before Opening New Messages Email or interact with hyperlinks that are sent to you, as there is always a chance that they are some form of spam.
  • Get antivirus software High Qualityantivirus programs do not detect .js files as threats. However, they can protect your computer from others unwanted programs which can spam your computer with unwanted javascript data. Therefore, make sure to install good and reliable security software on your computer in order to keep it safe.

Step 1: Remove the js file of the corresponding programs from your computer

By following the first part of the instructions, you will be able to track and completely get rid of uninvited guests and clutter:

  1. To complete js file applications from the system, use the instructions that suit you:
  • Windows XP/Vista/7: Select a button Start and then go to Control Panel .

  • Windows 8: Moved the mouse cursor with right side, edge Select Search and start searching " Control Panel" Another way to get there is to right click on hot corner left(simply, start button) and go to Control Panel choice.

How do you get to Control Panel , then find the section programs and select Uninstalling a program . If the control panel has Classical view, you need to double click on programs and components .

When programs and functions/remove the program Windows appears, Take a look at the list, find and remove one or all programs, found:

  • js file; HD-total plus; RemoveThaeAdAopp; UTUobEAdaBlock; SafeSaver; SupTab;
  • ValueApps; Lollipop; Software version update; DP1815; Video player; Convert files for free;
  • Plus HD 1.3; BetterSurf; Trusted web; PassShow; LyricsBuddy-1; ;
  • Media Player 1.1 ; Saving a bull; Feven Pro 1.1; Websteroids; Saving a bull; 3.5 HD-Plus; Re-markit.

Additionally, you should uninstall any application that was installed a short time back. To find these recently installed applcations, click on Installed on section and here the investigation programs based on dates have been established. It's best to look at this list again and remove any unfamiliar programs.
It may also happen that you cannot find any of the above listed programs, which you advised to delete. If you understand that you do not accept any unreliable and invisible programs, execute next steps V this manual uninstallation.

Step 2: Remove js file pop-ups from browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome

Remove js file pop-ups from Internet Explorer

Based on the tips provided you can have your browsres return to normal. Here are tips for Internet Explorer:

Eliminate js file pop-up ads from Mozilla Firefox

If Mozilla browser Furefox on your system is somehow broken due to the entry of viruses, you must restore it. Restoring in other words means resetting the browser to its original state. Don't be worried like yours personal choice on the browser will be secure, such as history, bookmarks, passwords, etc.

Use WiperSoft Malware Removal Tool only for detection purposes. and .

Important: how to restore the browser was carried out, be informed that old profile Firefox will be saved in the folder old Firefox data located on the desktop of your system. You may need it in this folder, or you can simply delete it, as it owns your personal data. In case the reset was not successful, have your important files, copied back from the specified folder.

Remove js file popups from Google Chrome

  1. Find and click on Chrome menu button (browser toolbar) and then select tools . Continue with extensions .

  1. In this tab you can delete any unfamiliar plugins by clicking on the trash can icon. The main thing is to have all or one of these programs removed: js file, HD-total-plus, SafeSaver, DP1815, video player, convert files for free, plus-HD 1.3, BetterSurf, Media Player 1.1, PassShow, LyricsBuddy-1, 1.2, Media Player 1.1, Bull's savings, Feven Pro 1.1, Websteroids, savings bull, HD Plus 3.5.

* WiperSoft scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. . To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of WiperSoft. If you wish to uninstall WiperSoft, .