Dd wrt default password is root. Ideal router settings: install alternative DD-WRT firmware. Installation of additional packages and programs. DD-WRT: setting up a router, step-by-step instructions and characteristics Dsl n 10 cannot be flashed dd wrt

How tired I am of the constant disconnections! And the settings, the settings... why do they go wrong?! One thing doesn’t work, then another... No, this router definitely needs to go to the landfill!

Stop. Do not hurry. The majority of problems with routers are related to the firmware. And if the manufacturer is in no hurry to correct its shortcomings, refuse its services. Alternative firmware for the DD-WRT router will turn even a modest and inexpensive device into a full-fledged server with an operating system based on the Linux kernel. It will eliminate communication problems once and for all and give you something that is usually bought for a lot of money.

DD-WRT capabilities

Someone probably thought: “why do I need some kind of server, it’s complicated, I want something simpler, so I can set it up faster.” I dare to assure you that your worries are in vain. The DD-WRT firmware supports the Russian language and is no more difficult than the bulk of the firmware of modern routers, although it may seem confusing at first. Which, however, is not surprising, because it is very, very rich in functions.

Here is a short list of its features and advantages (the full list is available on the official website):

  • Increased wireless coverage area (compared to the native firmware of most routers).
  • Connecting any devices to the Internet (computers, mobile gadgets, TV, etc., including obsolete devices).
  • Supports installation of custom application packages in built-in memory (JFFS2), MMC/SD cards and USB drives.
  • Support for custom scripts.
  • Built-in multimedia and file server.
  • Afterburner communication speed increasing technology.
  • Bandwidth optimization.
  • OpenVPN server and client.
  • PPTP Server and Client (VPN)
  • UPnP.
  • IPTV – Internet television.
  • DDNS – dynamic DNS on various services (DynDNS, No-IP, easyDNS and others).
  • DMZ – demilitarized zone.
  • VLAN – virtual local networks.
  • Ntop is a visual network traffic analyzer.
  • Wake On Lan is a technology for remotely turning on a PC.
  • Samba server and client – ​​file and printer sharing across different operating systems.
  • FTP and HTTP servers.
  • Cron Job Scheduler.
  • DNS Forwarder – forwarding requests to a DNS server of the user’s choice.
  • Clients Isolation – mode of isolating client devices connected to the access point from interaction.
  • Restricting access to selected sites and blocking ads.
  • Reliable encryption of web traffic.
  • Access via Telnet and SSH.
  • Detailed statistics on the use of communication channels (local network and Internet) and router equipment.

Download and Install

Before downloading and installing DD-WRT, make sure your router is on the supported list. Pay attention to the recommendations for choosing a distribution depending on the amount of flash memory of the device (shown below the list) and other parameters.

In addition to the DD-WRT distribution and router, you will need a Windows or Linux-based computer, a patch cord (a piece of crimped twisted pair cable) and an agreement with an Internet service provider.

The procedure for installing alternative firmware is not much different from the usual one, but for some brands and models of routers it has a number of features. A description of the installation steps for individual representatives of ASUS, D-Link, TP-LINK and LinkSys is given in this section of the official website. For others - in tables from the list of supported devices, as in the example below:

General procedure for installing DD-WRT:

  • Download the appropriate version of alternative firmware to your computer from the developer's website or FTP server.
  • Connect the router to your computer using a patch cord. Disable security programs (antivirus and firewall) on your PC.
  • Before the beginning installing firmware, as well as after her do a hard reset of the router. Developers recommend method 30/30/30: Press the Reset button on the device and hold it for half a minute. Next, without releasing the button, turn off the power of the device and hold Reset for another 30 seconds. Release the button, turn on the power, wait until the device is detected by the computer or any of the indicators on its panel lights up. Press Reset again and hold for 30 seconds.
  • Log in to the router’s admin panel in the usual way, open the firmware update section, select the DD-WRT file on your computer ( factory-to-ddwrt.bin) and press " Update».

After resetting using the 30/30/30 method, you can proceed to the settings of the new operating system of your router.

Please note that the interfaces of different DD-WRT builds have some differences, but they are not so significant that you can confuse something.


Login to the admin panel, change login, password and interface language

To access the DD-WRT admin panel, enter the IP address into the address bar of your browser and click the go button. If everything is done correctly, the page “ RouterManagement" Use the login of the built-in administrator account to log in - “ root" and the password is " admin" Later, it is highly advisable to replace them with more complex ones.

The second point will take you to the page “ SystemInformation", which displays the main characteristics of the device and some settings - memory usage, Wi-Fi access point parameters, basic services, etc.

To change the interface language from English to Russian, go to the " Administration" to the tab " Management" and from the list of languages ​​" Language Selection» select « Russian" To save, click " Save».

By the way, on the same tab – in the section “ Router Password", there are settings for changing the login and password to enter the admin panel. Keep in mind if you didn't change them right away.

Internet and Wi-Fi hotspot

Now let's move on to the main thing - setting up the Internet. Often this is enough to connect the provider's cable to the router, but sometimes this does not work. Then you have to enter the settings manually. Don't be alarmed, it's simple and takes no more than 3 minutes.

The parameters for connecting to your provider’s network must be found out in advance and printed or saved to a file. Until you plug them into the router, you will not have access to the global network.

Open the section in DD-WRT " Setup» – « Basicsetup» – « WANsetup» (Basic settings – WAN settings) and fill it with the data received from your provider. If you do everything according to the rules, you will have access to the Internet.

If your provider uses a VPN PPTP, L2TP or PPPoE connection, you will have to make a few additional settings. When connecting via PPTP and L2TP, go to the " Services" to the tab " VPN" and set the following values ​​(shown using PPTP example):

  • PPTP Client Options – enable.
  • Server IP op DNS client – ​​register the address received from the provider.
  • MPPE encryption – clear the field.
  • User name – specify the user name from the agreement with the provider.
  • Password – specify the password from the agreement with the provider.

Leave the rest as default.

When connecting the PPPoE type, on the same tab you must disable PPTP Client Options, that is, set it to disable. And on the tab " Setup» – « Basicsetup» – « Networksetup» uncheck the boxes next to the items « UseDNSMasqforDHCP" And " UseDNSMasqforDNS" The rest is according to the provider’s instructions and default.

Once the Internet is up and running on the router, you can proceed to setting up a Wi-Fi access point. DD WRT makes it possible to create isolated wireless connections for different clients, for example, for hosts and guests, adults and children, computers and smart home devices, etc.

Wireless network settings are located in the " Wireless" By the way, at the time of installing the firmware, the access point called “dd-wrt” was already created and running. However, it is open to all winds and uninvited guests, since it does not use password protection or encryption.

Basic wireless network parameters are set on the “ Basicsetup" Here you need to set the following:

  • Wireless Mode – AP (access point).
  • Wireless Network Mode – optimally Mixed (all supported IEEE11 standards), so that both new and old devices operating according to IEEE 802.11a/b/g standards can connect.
  • Channel Width – depending on your router’s support. You can experiment with this setting.
  • Wireless Channel (wireless network channel) – you can also experiment or immediately select the freest one.
  • Wireless Network Name (SSID) – name of the access point. Anything is possible.
  • Wireless SSID Broadcast (broadcasting the access point name) – can be disabled if desired.

Leave the rest as default. Save the changes and go to the “ Wirelesssecurity».

  • Security Mode (protection mode or encryption type) – WPA2 is optimal, but if older devices, for example, PCs based on Windows XP, will connect to the network, select WEP.
  • WPA Algorithms (encryption algorithm) – optimally AES.
  • WPA Shared Key – password for connecting to the access point. Any.

Some additional features

Well, the main thing is over. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to consider all the other possibilities of the miracle firmware, because there are a huge number of them. If desired, this information can be found on the official website and forums of DD WRT. We will limit ourselves to a few functions that may be useful on a home network. So…

Blocking ads on websites

  • Set the parameters to " TransparentMode" And " Privoxy» value enable.
  • If you want advertisements to be displayed on some sites, enter them in the field below (white list).

The setting takes effect immediately after saving.

IPTV and Multicast

  • Go to the section " Security" and set the parameter " SPIFirewall» value disable (disabled).
  • Open the section " Administration"go to the tab" Commands" Type or copy the following set of commands into the field. Click " Save Startup».

  • Restart your router.

USB, NAS server, Samba

To enable USB support, open the " Services» – « USBSupport" Set the following parameters to enable:

  • Core USB Support.
  • USB Printer Support (if you are using a USB printer).
  • USB Storage Support (drive support).
  • Automatic Drive Mount (connect USB devices automatically).

You can leave the rest as default.

To access USB drives connected to the router from computers, TV, mobile gadgets, etc., open the “ tab in the same section NAS" and activate the parameter " Samba" In field " ServerString» enter « NAS"or another router name that will be displayed in the network environment, and in " Workgroup", respectively, the name of the working group.

After this, the USB drive will appear on your devices as a network drive.

The DIR-320 has 4 megabytes of flash memory installed, so the firmware should not exceed the specified size. You can use the standard version, but this leaves no room for user files in the jffs file system. It is preferable to use firmware from Eko - they can be found in the folder others/eko/V24_TNG/svnNNNNN (select the folder with the highest number). For USB support, you can select the NEWD_mini_usb_ftp or NEWD_mini_usb version.

If you require more functionality than what is provided in the mini or standard versions, use the method described on the page Installing DD-WRT mega on routers with 4 MB flash memory.

[edit] Preparing for firmware

If your router is already equipped with DD-WRT, then the new version of this firmware can be downloaded to it using the web interface. If the router has proprietary D-Link firmware, then due to the difference in file formats with firmware, DD-WRT can only be loaded using the TFTP protocol. The download procedure is described in detail below.

Create a folder on your C: drive (for example, C:\dd-wrt). Download the firmware file to this folder and rename it firmware.bin.

Set the IP address of your computer's network interface to and the mask to Connect the network connector of your computer to the LAN1 port of the DIR-320. Do not turn on the router's power yet.

[edit] Manual firmware

Before using TFTP, you should try loading DD-WRT via crash mode (less time will be spent). If problems arise, then proceed to flashing the firmware via TFTP.

The DIR-320 firmware is installed using the TFTP protocol. After turning on the power of the router for a short time (about 2 seconds), the built-in TFTP server starts, with which you can download new firmware to the device. The most difficult thing is to catch the right moment in time during which you need to issue a command to download the firmware. It rarely works the first time, so be prepared to take a few tries and be patient.

Important: Probably DIR-320 with the latest D-Link firmware does not launch the TFTP server at all and it is impossible to catch the right moment in time. In this case, in order to load your firmware the first time, you will have to do a complete reset of the DIR-320: turn off the power, press and hold the Reset button, turn on the power, wait 15 seconds, release the Reset button. After this procedure, the router should respond to ping with TTL=100:

Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=100

In this state, the router is non-functional; it waits for the firmware to be downloaded via the web interface (D-Link only) or via TFTP. Moreover, TFTP does not work all the time, but only for a few seconds (about 4 seconds) after turning on the power. This is not much, but enough to upload the firmware the first time. Turn off DIR-320.

Launch a command prompt on your computer, go to the dd-wrt folder on your C:\ drive and type the command below, but do not press the key yet . The screen should look something like this:

Microsoft Windows XP Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. C:\Documents and Settings\someuser> cd c:\dd-wrt C:\dd-wrt> tftp -i put firmware.bin

(The commands you typed are in bold.)

Immediately before starting the firmware, it is advisable to reset to factory settings (Reset button, next to the power socket).

You must press a key to run the above command “tftp -i put firmware.bin” approximately two seconds after the DIR-320 is powered on (i.e. when the Ethernet connection indicator lights up). If the firmware is accepted by the router, the LED1 indicator on it will blink quickly and the command will be completed successfully in less than half a minute. A message indicating the successful completion of the command will appear on the screen:

Successful transfer: 3092480 bytes in 11 seconds, 281134 bytes/s

If you are in a hurry or late, press the key , the command will display a failure message after a while. In this case, simply repeat the process described above: turn off the router's power and literally a second later turn it on again, before again preparing the tftp command to transfer the firmware to it.

Keep in mind that the flashing process continues for several minutes after the file transfer command completes, so do not turn off the router's power or press Reset immediately after this command completes. Give the router 10 minutes to complete the flashing process. During this time, drink a cup of coffee and enjoy yourself - and only after that move on to the next point. If a new SSID “dd-wrt” appears in the list of wireless networks, it means that the firmware process has completed successfully.

To avoid having to manually catch the moment at which you need to issue the download command, use the method described in the next section.

Attention: In the latest versions of the router, if tftp the message is displayed : Operation canceled, then try flashing a smaller firmware. It has been experimentally established that dd-wrt VPN firmware cannot be flashed directly due to its volume; you need to use a smaller one (mini/micro), and then flash the required one from the mini or micro firmware via the dd-wrt web interface.

[edit] Firmware using a batch file

We write the flashing.cmd file to the C:\dd-wrt folder, where we previously wrote the file with the firmware. The contents of this file are as follows:

@Echo Off:BEGIN ping -n 1 -w 10 If errorlevel 1 Goto BEGIN If errorlevel 0 Goto FLASH Goto END:FLASH Echo *** Start Flashing **** tftp -i put firmware.bin: END

A more advanced version of the batch file with comments output to the console is given in the appendix (see below).

Launch the command line, go to the c:\dd-wrt folder and run the flashing.cmd command file.

Turn on the router's power.

We observe the firmware process:

C:\dd-wrt>flashing.cmd Exchange of packets from to 32 bytes: Request timeout exceeded. Ping statistics for Packets: sent = 1, received = 0, lost = 1 (100% loss),<<< SKIP >>> <<< SKIP >>> <<< SKIP >>> <<< SKIP >>> Exchange of packets from to 32 bytes: Reply from number of bytes=32 time=4ms TTL=100 Ping statistics for Packets: sent = 1, received = 1, lost = 0 (0 % loss), Approximate round-trip time in ms: Minimum = 4 ms, Maximum = 4 ms, Average = 4 ms *** Start Flashing **** Successful transfer: 3092480 bytes in 11 s, 281134 bytes/s C:\ dd-wrt>

After the status indicator lights up (~1-2 minutes), you can connect to the router at

Another option for the command file (the first one did not help in my case) is to call several tftp processes in a row from the moment the router is turned on, with an interval of, for example, 500ms. Accordingly, one of them will arrive at the moment when the router “agrees” to accept the firmware. How to organize a pause http://wiki.oszone.net/index.php/Pause_in_batch_file, I used nircmdc.exe (http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/nircmd.zip)

For /l %%a in (1, 1, 10) do (nircmdc.exe wait 500 start cmd.exe /ktftp -i put firmware.bin)

Run this batch file simultaneously with turning on the router. 10 console windows will open, and in one of them the file will be downloaded, all the others will time out. If you still can’t get into the required interval, you can additionally disable IP address reset in Windows when there is no cable connection (this will speed up interface initialization). Create a reg file with the following content:

REGEDIT4 "DisableDHCPMediaSense"=dword:00000001

Add information to the registry, reboot the computer and try to flash the router again.

[edit] Connecting to the DD-WRT web interface

After successful flashing, configure your computer's network interface to receive an IP address from the DHCP server and enter in the address bar of your browser. By default, the username and password for accessing the web interface are “root” and “admin” (without quotes), respectively.

If you still see the D-Link web interface, repeat the firmware procedure.

P.S. Another simple and convenient way to catch the moment the firmware mode is turned on is to use the arping command (*nix systems already have it), for Windows you can google it or try this link http://www.ipacct.com/f/arping_for_windows-1.0.zip , as soon as there is the first response, you need to send the file to the router and everything will be sewn :)

[edit] Restoring firmware

Restoring proprietary firmware after DD-WRT is again done using TFTP.

[edit] Applications

[edit] Appendix 1. Extended version of the flashing.cmd file

An extended version of the flashing.cmd batch file with comments output to the console:

@echo off echo ============================================================= ==================== echo This batch file will upload dd-wrt firmware in the current directory to echo during the router"s bootup. echo. echo * Set your ethernet card"s settings to: echo IP: echo Mask: echo Gateway: echo * Unplug the router"s power cable. echo. echo Press Ctrl+C to abort or any other key. to continue... pause > nul echo. echo * Re-plug the router's power cable. echo. echo ================================================================= ================= echo Waiting for the router... Press Ctrl+C to abort. echo. set FIND=%WINDIR%\command\find.exe if exist %FIND% goto PING set FIND=%WINDIR%\system32\find.exe if exist %FIND% goto PING set FIND=find:PING ping -n 1 -w 50 | %FIND% "TTL=" if errorlevel 1 goto PING echo *** Start Flashing **** tftp -i put firmware.bin if errorlevel 1 goto PING set FIND= echo. echo ================================================================= ================= echo * WAIT for about 2 minutes while the firmware is being flashed. echo * Reset your ethernet card's settings back to DHCP. echo * The default router address will be at echo. pause

[edit] Appendix 2. Bash script similar to flashing.cmd batch file

A Bash script similar to an extended version of the flashing.cmd batch file.

#!/bin/bash echo "========================================================= ========================" echo "This script will upload dd-wrt firmware (firmware.bin)" echo "in the current directory to 192.168. 0.1 " echo "during the router"s bootup. " echo "" echo "* Set your ethernet card"s settings to: " echo " IP: " echo " Mask: " echo " Gateway: " echo "* Unplug the router"s power cable. " echo "" echo "Press Ctrl+C to abort or any other key to continue... " read echo "" echo "* Re-plug the router's power cable. " echo "" echo "===== ===================================================== ===========" echo "Waiting for the router... Press Ctrl+C to abort. " echo "" try() ( ping -c 1 -w 1 ) try while [ "$?" != "0" ] ; do try done echo "*** Start Flashing **** " atftp --no-source-port-checking -p -l firmware.bin echo "Firmware successfully loaded!"

[edit] Appendix 3. sh script for FreeBSD, similar to the flashing.cmd batch file

Free alternative DD-WRT firmware for routers will help turn even a budget router into a real ace with rich functionality, and completely free. It will also allow you to change Wi-Fi signal strength settings and use new security protocols. In addition, unlike standard firmware, routers running DD-WRT can act not only as VPN clients, but also as servers. The only negative: it is not always clear which settings need to be activated, so we will talk about the most basic parameters.

Initial settings

Super firmware is installed on the router in the same way as a regular firmware update. The installation file must be downloaded from the website dd-wrt.com in the “Router Database” section, selecting your router model. If you ever want to go back to the original firmware, you will need the firmware file from the device manufacturer. To install DD-WRT on your router, usually through the update dialog provided by the original firmware. After the reboot, log into the web interface ( by entering the login “root” and password “admin”.

Network connection configuration

When the DD-WRT interface opens, you will be prompted to set a new password and username to access the router - everything is the same as in regular firmware, except that some router models do not allow changing the username. However, changing the default username increases the level of security. The login and password can then be changed in the “Administration | Management | Router Password".

Next on the “Administration | Management" you can switch the standard language from English to Russian: scroll to the bottom third of the page, in "Language Selection" select "Russian" and save the settings by clicking "Save" at the very bottom of the page. The WAN (Wide Area Network) connection that provides access to the Internet is usually established by the router itself. But just in case, before updating the firmware, go to the appropriate section of the router’s web interface and write down the old settings.

The problem can only arise if you use another modem router for the WAN connection, that is, the Internet connection does not come directly from the device running DD-WRT firmware. It lies in the fact that within the range of IP addresses of a local network, an address conflict may arise when the IP address of one of the network users repeats an existing one.

In this case, in the “Setup | Basic Setup | WAN Connection Type" you need to register a static IP address for the DD-WRT router. To do this, you need to change the last part of the given IP address by adding one to the number. Don’t forget to save each change by clicking “Save” and finally clicking the “Apply” button.

Optimal wireless network setup

The establishment of a WAN connection is followed by a WLAN queue. DD-WRT allows you to deploy more than just a wireless home network. You can, for example, create separate networks for guests, for multimedia devices, or for something else. The advantage of this approach is that the devices that fall within the scope of the Internet of Things and are most at risk of hacking will operate on their own network, from which there will be no access to other home networks. Then it will be possible to set the priority of individual networks in terms of bandwidth (see the section “Performance optimization” below).

First of all, you need to configure the parameters of physical wireless networks. For routers that support the modern 802.11ac standard, there are three of them: one each for the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands and a combined Dualband network for 2.4 and 5 GHz. For these networks, in the menu “Wireless | Basic Settings | Wireless Network Name" you need to specify one name - this ensures optimal connection of all home devices to the router. For IoT network, use the 2.4 GHz band. To create an additional network, click the “Add” button in the “Virtual Interfaces” section and specify a custom network name.


In addition to creating perfect security on your wireless network, you should take advantage of the additional features of DD-WRT to, for example, be able to connect to the Internet over an encrypted VPN connection or limit certain users or devices from accessing your home network. Next, we will tell you how to protect your network from possible attacks by hackers.

Wireless Security

Make your home wireless network invisible and protect it from hacking. If attackers can't even detect it, it can't be targeted. To avoid displaying the network name, open the “Wireless | Basic Settings" which displays all the router's networks - as a rule, this is one 2.4 GHz network and one 5 GHz network.

For both, switch the “Wireless SSID Broadcast” option to “Disable”. Now your network is invisible to other users except you. To connect to a network through Windows, open the list of wireless networks, select the network with a hidden name (SSID), and enter the network name and password.

Next, you need to specify which devices have access to the network by selecting MAC addresses from the list of network devices. These addresses are whitelisted by the router. To activate the white list in the menu “Wireless | MAC Filter" for the desired network you need to select the value "Enable" and then "Permit only clients listed to access the wireless network". This setting is responsible for the WLAN MAC addresses for which access to the wireless network is allowed.

Encrypted web surfing

Secure anonymous web surfing requires a stable VPN connection. First you need to access the VPN service. We took NordVPN as an example; with other services, setup is done in a similar way. In the menu “Setup | Basic Setup | Network Address Server Settings (DHCP)" for "Static DNS 1" enter the DNS server address - in our case it is Then for "Static DNS 2" enter "". The VPN service provider will provide the required server addresses.

Then check the boxes next to “Use DNSMasq for DHCP”, “Use DNSMasq for DNS” and “DHCP-Authoritative”. Save the settings, go to the menu “Setup | IPV6" and click here "Disable". After saving the settings, open the menu “Services | VPN". Enable the OpenVPN client by clicking “Start OpenVPN Client” and set the “Server IP/Name” to “nl1-ru1.nordvpn.com” for the Russian IP address. For the “Encryption Cipher” option, use “AES-256-CBC” encryption; for the “Hash Algorithm”, specify the value “SHA1”.

Next, enable the user password authentication feature “nsCertType verification” and open “Advanced Options”. Enter your NordVPN login as your username and password. Next, set the “Use LZO Compression” parameter to “Enable” and activate the “NAT” option. For the "Additional Config" option, enter the following commands without quotes, one below the other: "persist-key", "persist-tun", "tlsclient", and "remote-cert-tls server".

Finally, you need to set up certificates for the VPN, which must be provided by the provider - in our case with NordVPN, they are available on the page https://nordvpn.com/profile, which will become available after registration and authorization. Extract the certificates from the ZIP archive and copy the contents of the CA.CRT file into the “CA Cert” field in the router settings. Transfer the contents of the TLS.KEY file to “TLS Auth Key” and save the changes.

DNS Hacking Protection

One of the new hacking methods using spoofing the IP addresses of DNS servers, leading to the redirection of requests from a real site to a phishing site disguised as one unnoticed by the victim, is to convert the domain name to IP. To eliminate the possibility of such manipulations, you should allow only certain DNS servers. On the “Services | Services" in the "DNSMasq" section, activate the "DNSMasq" and "Local DNS" options. For "Additional DNSMasq Options" enter the following four lines: "no-resolv", "strict-order", "server=" and "server=". Then save the settings by clicking “Save” and activate the configuration (“Apply Settings”).

Performance optimization

Correct performance settings will allow you to find the best home network channel, optimize the power of the radio module, and therefore increase the data transfer speed. In addition, you can extend the wireless network to corners of the apartment that were previously outside its coverage area.

Coverage to the last corner

To improve network coverage, you need to accurately set the transmitter power of the router. In the menu “Wireless | Basic Settings" for the desired network, select "Advanced Settings". Here, to increase the signal power in the “TX Power” option, you can enter the desired value in decibels relative to milliwatts (dBm). In Russia, the “ceiling” for 802.11ac devices is 23 dBm, in the USA - 30 dBm. For safety reasons, the default values ​​are set below the maximum permissible values, which affects the power of the transmitted signal. To ensure the best network coverage, set the values ​​to the maximum.

Connecting old WLAN devices to a new network

Modern routers have a security mechanism that allows even older 802.11b devices to operate optimally on the network - for example, in cases where 802.11b and 802.11g devices simultaneously send data to the router over the same channel. Before the information exchange begins, the 802.11b device sends a short request to send signal (RTS - Request to Send), and the router sends a permission signal to send (CTS - Clear to send). This mechanism prevents conflicts between two devices accessing a third one, but reduces the speed.

If you do not use 802.11b devices on your home network, you can completely disable them in the “Wireless | Basic Settings" DD-WRT protection function. To do this, in the additional settings, set the “Protection Mode” function to “None”. However, you can optimize speed even if you are using 802.11b devices. Set the "Protection Mode" to "RTS/CTS" and enable the "RTS Threshold" option, setting it to 2340.

Optimal bandwidth allocation

The NAT/QoS tab allows you to determine the available bandwidth for different networks and devices. For example, you can reduce the bandwidth for an IoT network and set priority for a smartphone. Start the QoS service by clicking on the "QoS" section of the "NAT/QoS" tab and set the "Start QoS" option to "Enable". For the “Port” field, set the value to “WAN”, for the “Packet Scheduler” - “HTB”. Set the thread control parameter "Queuing Discipline" to "FQ_CODEL".

Next, enter a value for “Downlink” and “Uplink” equal to 95% of the maximum bandwidth of your Internet connection. The remaining five percent should be reserved for failures if the connection becomes overloaded. Otherwise, if the connection is fully loaded, you will not be able to download anything or change settings.

You can measure incoming and outgoing speed using appropriate online services, such as, for example, speedtest.net/ru. And to set the bandwidth for a wireless network, in the “Services Priority” section for selecting service priorities, select the desired network, click “Add Service” and enter the desired speed values.

To set a specific bandwidth for a specific device, use the "MAC Priority" option. Enter the desired MAC addresses and set the required values. Device MAC addresses are located in the “Status | Wireless | Wireless Nodes".

Additional functions

In addition to managing external drives and multimedia server functions, DD-WRT can do something else that routers with factory settings do not offer: block tracking scripts for advertising services.

File server from router

To connect external drives and USB flash drives to your home network using a router with DD-WRT, in the “Services | USB”, activate the “Core USB Support”, “USB Storage Support” and “Automatic Drive Mount” options. After saving and applying the configuration, insert external drives into the router's USB port.

Then open the menu “Services | NAS" and activate the "Samba" option. For the server string “Server String”, specify the name of the router network of your choice; for “Workgroup”, respectively, specify the name of the workgroup. For “File Sharing | Path to Files" select the external drive and give the object a name.

Files that are shared can be found in Windows 10 Explorer by going to My Computer. By left-clicking on the option in the top menu “Map network drive”, you can assign a drive letter to a folder with public access. By the way, the amount of disk space can be seen from a smartphone or smartwatch: the DD-WRT application is available for download in the official Apple and Google app stores.

DD-WRT can provide access to data stored on external drives as a DLNA server - that is, a server for multimedia broadcasting. Smart TVs thus receive content directly from the drive.

Ad blocking for all devices

Now, to disable aggressive advertising you will no longer need a third-party blocker - this will be done by the router. In the menu “Services | Adblocking”, activate the “Privoxy” and “Transparenter Mode” options and add to the white list sites on which advertising does not need to be blocked (for example, ichip.ru), and then save the configuration and apply the created changes by clicking “Apply”. To make sure your ad blocking is working properly, enter the URL config.privoxy.org into your browser. If the blocker page opens, then everything is in order.

The Dlink dir-300 wireless router is a kind of dinosaur among routers in its class, suffice it to say that after the first Dlink dir-300 model became outdated, various analogues of the Dlink dir-300 B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7 began to appear that are superior in terms of speed and functionality of its prototype.

Before updating the firmware, be sure to find out the hardware revision (H/W) of your router. To do this, look at the affixed label located at the bottom of the router. On this sticker there is an inscription that begins with "H/W Ver.:". The letter and number following it indicate the hardware revision, also pay attention to the firmware version "F/W Ver.:"

IMPORTANT NOTE! DIR-300 H/W Revision (hardware revisions) A1 and B1 are DIFFERENT devices that have different SoC (System-on-a-Chip) and, accordingly, incompatible firmware.

The Rev B1 router is based on the Ralink RT3050 SoC, and according to all reports, including Dlink's FCC test report, its PCBA (printed circuit board) is exactly the same as the DIR-600.

By default, the router has an IP address of, the login is “admin”, with an empty password.

To install DD-WRT on your D-Link DIR-300 Revision B1-B3, you just need to flash it directly from the standard web interface.

Firmware installation

  1. http://dd-wrt.com/site/support/router-database, selecting the DIR-300 B1 model. There are two files there, "" and "dir300-revb-ddwrt-webflash.bin". You only need factory-webflash, save it on your computer
  2. We connect the computer’s network card to any LAN port on the DIR-300 using an Ethernet cable. The cable must be used “straight”!
  3. If you have set up automatic acquisition of IP addresses, the computer will receive an address from the router's DHCP server, from the subnet range Or assign an address from the specified subnet in the properties of the network interface manually. For those who like to ask again: set the IP address, mask, gateway
  4. We launch the browser (it is best to use) and type the address - a standard form will open with a login/password for logging into the web interface of the router.
    1. The default login is "admin", password is empty; Also dial the confirmation code from the picture.
    2. Go to Maintenance -> Firmware Update.
    3. Click "browse" -> select the downloaded file " dlink-revb-factory-webflash.bin" -> click "Upload".
    4. WE WAIT 2-3 minutes while the DIR-300 uploads the image and updates. DURING THE FIRMWARE PROCESS, DO NOT TURN OFF THE POWER, DO NOT RESET! It is best to generally sew a router by connecting it (and the computer) to the UPS.
    5. The router will reboot, and in the browser we will receive a response about a non-existent page (since the DIR address has changed). If the firmware is successful, the router will load DD-WRT and its LAN IP address will change to
  5. We go to the address (you may have to change the IP address on the computer, if it was set manually, to the corresponding one from the subnet) - the DD-WRT web interface should open. A small subtlety - when you start it for the first time, the router will ask you to change the default login/password (root/admin).
  6. Next, we configure DD-WRT as you need, not forgetting to apply the changes.

How to update DD-WRT firmware

Download the latest firmware from http://dd-wrt.com/site/support/router-database, selecting the DIR-300 B1 model. There are two files there, "dlink-revb-factory-webflash.bin" and "". You only need ddwrt-webflash, save it on your computer.

  1. Open the DD-WRT web interface in the browser. The default is
  2. Go to Administration -> click "Firmware Upgrade"
  3. Click "browse" -> select the saved file " dir300-revb-ddwrt-webflash.bin" -> click "Upgrade".
  4. We wait about 1.5-2 minutes while the router uploads the image and updates. Then the browser will refresh the page, which means everything went well.
  • After a successful flashing, it is imperative to reboot the router using power (that is, turn it off and on)

DD-wrt supports Russian out of the box, which is very convenient.

Let me give you an example of the torrent download speed on updated firmware.

How to return official D-Link firmware

The firmware update procedure can also be used to return the original firmware to the router. Download the firmware from the official D-Link FTP (ftp://ftp.dlink.ru/pub/Router/DIR-300_NRU/Firmware/) and flash the router as indicated in the section "How to update the DD-WRT firmware" (of course, the official firmware). Also, in this case, you need to reset the router settings to factory settings by selecting the appropriate item in the firmware update menu.

Method No. 2. Firmware recovery via Emergency Room.

  1. Let's reset to factory reset our router, you can use the DD-WRT web interface.
  2. We unplug the provider cable (Internet), leaving only the connection to the computer - “direct” (blue from the kit), connecting the PC and the LAN1 port of the router.
  3. We register a static address and a subnet mask on the network computer
  4. We pull out the power supply, press the reset button and, without releasing the button, plug in the power, wait for the router to boot (15 seconds is enough, count to 25). Then release the button.
  5. Open Firefox (IE, Opera failed to launch, I still don’t understand why), go to - the Emergency room opens. Select the firmware file downloaded from the official D-Link FTP (let the path to the file be in English, like C:\temp\DIR300B1_v201_97rg.bin) and click "Upload Now". A message will appear that the file is uploaded and flashed, and the countdown is underway. After rebooting the router, you get it in its original form.
  • It is advisable to reset the router to factory settings after successful flashing.

In this article we will only talk about the dir300 router, revision B1. Turn the router over and look at the bottom surface, where the sticker will indicate its hardware revision (look for the line H/W Ver: B1). This model differs from the older one both in appearance and in the firmware version (starts from 2.00), look carefully at the photo above. The main difference between revisions A1 and B1 is the chip on which the router is based, in our case, the H/W Revision B1 router is based on the Ralink RT3050 chip. By the way, the hardware design of the WiFi router dir-300NRU is exactly the same as that of the dir-600, which is a complete analogue of the 300NRU and is produced for the European zone.

Firmware for WiFi router D-Link DIR-300NRU Rev. B1

Installation of DD-WRT firmware on the D-Link DIR-300 Revision B1 is performed via the standard web interface of the router. Further point by point:

1. Download the firmware from this site or check for a newer version at http://dd-wrt.com/site/support/router-database by searching for DIR-300 B1. We need the file dlink-revb- factory-webflash.bin

2. Connect dir-300 with a ‘straight’ network cable from the kit (any of the 4 LAN ports of the router) to the computer.
Assign the IP address and subnet mask in the local network connection properties on your computer

3. Launch the browser (it is best to use IE) and go to the web interface by typing in the address bar
Enter your login and password, for a new router the default login is admin, there is no password (empty) and the confirmation code from the picture. If you have set it up, please enter your passwords.
Go to the Maintenance tab and then Firmware Update, click “browse” -> look for the downloaded file dlink-revb-factory-webflash.bin click “Upload”

4. For several minutes, while the DIR300 is being flashed, you cannot turn off the power or interrupt the process in any way. For reliability and to save some nerves, I advise you to perform this operation by connecting the router and computer via UPS (uninterruptible power supply).

5. After flashing the firmware, the router will reboot and become accessible at Let's enter it into the address bar of the browser and see the DD-WRT web interface. If the page does not load, try clearing your browser cache, closing it and opening it again. The login and password for the DD-WRT firmware is root/admin.

Updating the DD-WRT version

For subsequent firmware updates from DD-WRT, use the file dir300-revb- ddwrt-webflash.bin. Download here - or at http://dd-wrt.com/site/support/router-database by typing DIR-300 B1 into the search.

1. Open the DD-WRT web interface in the browser, by default it is located at
2. Select the Administration tab -> click “Firmware Upgrade”
3. Next “browse” -> select the downloaded file “dir300-revb-ddwrt-webflash.bin” -> “Upgrade”

After a few minutes, the router will reboot and refresh the web page. After flashing the firmware, I recommend turning off the power to the router and turning it on again (some kind of power reset).

Return to official D-Link firmware

Returning the official firmware is also not difficult and the execution algorithm is exactly the same as in the paragraph - “Updating the DD-WRT version”. Naturally, we need to have a pre-prepared firmware file, download - . You can also download from the official D-link FTP server ftp://ftp.dlink.ru/pub/Router/DIR-300_NRU/Firmware/ by selecting the latest version.

Reset to factory firmware using Emergency Room

Sometimes there are situations when returning to the factory firmware is not possible using the method described above. In this case, we use the Emergency Room.

1. Perform a factory reset, either through the DD-WRT web interface or with the reset button.
2. Remove all ethernet cables, leaving only the LAN1 connection from the router -> PC. We always use the “straight” wire (blue included in the kit).
3. In the properties of the computer’s network adapter, set the static address, subnet mask
4. Remove the power supply plug from the router, press the reset button, and without releasing the button, insert the power back in, wait for the router to boot for about 15 seconds and only then release the button.
5. Now quickly open the browser, enter and in front of us is the Emergency room. Select the firmware file dir300b_v2.05_abnj.bin and click “Upload Now”.

Well, now briefly, why this whole idea of ​​flashing DIR 300NRU?

The firmware is based on Linux and is a miniature operating system; there are many advanced settings that are located much more logically. Ability to cut a channel with priorities for services (QoS). You can block sites by page address or simply by domain name.