Samsung GALAXY S4: unique features

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Install or remove the application? Create an account? “Register” in the phone necessary services? Everything is possible if you know how to work with the settings panel in the Samsung Galaxy S4.

Two ways to login

This Samsung model runs on Android 4.3 processor. There are two ways to get to the settings menu:

  • The first involves carrying out work area screen down with your finger. After this, a panel consisting of five settings will appear. In fact, the total number of settings reaches twenty-two - to see them all, just click on the icon located in top corner on right.
  • The second method will be to swipe two fingers across an area of ​​the screen from top to bottom. This way the user immediately finds himself in the settings menu itself.

Quick and easy program setup

Activating many applications does not require much knowledge and skills. It will be enough to adhere to some important rules.

Wi-Fi: connect to the Internet

To find a Wi-Fi network, you just need to press Wi-Fi button on Samsung phone Galaxy S4. After this, all that remains is to select the network of interest and connect to it. And the Wi-Fi access function will help the Galaxy S4 work as an access point and distribute the Internet.

GPS: determine location

After the GPS button has been pressed, the built-in receiver is activated, which will help collect the data necessary to determine our location. There is one thing - it’s better not to keep this function constantly turned on - it helps fast discharge batteries.

Among the most popular programs In terms of navigation, the following can be distinguished:

  • Navitel;
  • Maps With Me Pro;
  • maps from Google and Yandex.

Energy Saving Modes

To make your smartphone last a little longer than usual, you can enable the energy saving mode. It will turn on energy saving mode.

Turn on sound and speakerphone

As for the sound itself, it can have three modes:

  1. inclusion;
  2. shutdown;
  3. vibration mode.

But the “speakerphone” has in operating system Android 4.2 name is "driver mode". Its capabilities are to enable the Samsung speaker on this model and at the same time the capabilities of Svoice. Its undoubted prerogatives are as follows:

  • hands-free phone control;
  • perception of voice commands;
  • use of GPS.

Screen manipulation

The Samsung Galaxy S4 model has many interesting “chips” that the screen is capable of. The most popular among them are the following:

  1. With the screen rotation feature enabled, you can rotate your phone and still enjoy comfortable viewing- the image will rotate with it.
  2. When the reading mode is turned on, it is very convenient to read books, since in this case the screen is optimized to imitate regular paper pages. However, this can only be used with a few applications.
  3. And in “Gesture Control” you can do many things important functions- receive various calls, switch to browser tabs, flip through images, and so on.
  4. Hover is very useful for activating the preview. With this function enabled, you can control screen elements without even touching it with your hands, but simply by placing your finger on the screen.
  5. You can enable multi-window functionality like this: click on the white tail of the panel to the left of the screen, this will open the panel itself and the right application dragged either up or down. The screen itself will be divided into two parts.
  6. The blocking mode works in such a way that when activated, the specified notifications are disabled and only come from the white list.
  7. To transfer the contents of the screen to the TV, you need to enable the function Screen Mirroring, which will duplicate its image onto the required media.

Some smart modes also work for the screen:

  • wait (the screen works while the user is looking at it);
  • pause (pausing video recording if the viewer turns away from the screen);
  • scrolling (once a person's eyes are detected, the screen will scroll depending on how the device is tilted).

Data exchange capabilities

Among the available standard programs You can also find a number of interesting ones:

  1. The phone has built-in Bluetooth. With it, you can transfer files, themes and pictures to another device.
  2. When you turn on mobile data mode, the Internet provided by your mobile operator is turned on.
  3. A special S Beam application will allow you to use the most various content between several similar devices. And it works using the following program.
  4. It is NFC that will allow you to exchange files and information, connect to SMART-TV and even pay bills.

Other required features

In any case, it would be best to synchronize your accounts. This will save all existing contacts.

Imagine how convenient it is to control your smartphone using gestures - you don't have to take Samsung GALAXY S4 in your hand to answer a call, you don't need to press buttons to find out the time, but that's just the beginning. How do you like the unique ability to control your gaze in various applications? Photography with sound and shooting from two cameras at once? Special system set to virtual keyboard, management application home appliances, Multi Window function, when on one screen you can work with two applications at once - and that’s not all!

Gestures, gaze, movement

Briefly in the previous material we already talked about a number of unique features Samsung control GALAXY S4. Let us remember that one of the most interesting points The “My Device” tab is “Motion and Gestures”, this is where the fantasy begins. Relatively speaking, communication with SGS4 for the user reaches new level. Using gestures, you can call up basic information on a locked device by simply holding your palm over the display, scroll through pages with your eyes: the front camera tracks the position of the pupils - when you reach the end of the page in the browser, it will automatically scroll through. It is even possible to accept a call by swiping your palm over the display, and in the settings you can choose to activate the speakerphone. And Samsung GALAXY S4 can dial a number automatically if you look at messages from the subscriber and then bring the smartphone to your ear. We highly recommend that you carefully study all these new features of working with SGS4 in order to speed up and simplify the most common actions. We recommend watching our video about special functions SGS4.

Now let's take a closer look. For example, in music player Using voice commands you can control playback - “Next”, “Back”, “Pause”, “Play”, you can even reduce or increase the volume. If we talk about gestures, the list of commands and capabilities is like this:

  • Glance, when the device is locked, you can move your palm over the sensor (located above the display), the time, date and information about new notifications will appear on the screen
  • Contactless transition, you can scroll the web page without touching the display, you need to swipe your palm from bottom to top
  • Touchless browsing, moving from image to image, from page to page or from track to track by moving the edge of your palm over the sensor, is very convenient if you are showing a selection of photos or the Samsung GALAXY S4 acts as a miniature “boombox” at an office party
  • Touchless movement, can move S Planner shortcuts and events by holding the icon, you need to "swipe" current screen palm
  • Contactless call acceptance, during a call you just need to move your hand over the sensor, in the settings you can choose whether to activate speakerphone

All these gestures are extremely natural, you quickly get used to them, especially when it comes to accepting calls and the “Quick Look” function - at a meeting you can check the time without picking up the device.

With the help of movements you can also make different actions for example, this is a direct call - you are browsing contact information, bring the phone to your ear and the call begins. If you leave your Samsung GALAXY S4 and then pick it up, the device will vibrate if there are missed calls or messages. In the gallery, you can zoom out or zoom in by moving the device back or forward. However, the most popular function is muting the sound during incoming call, just turn the Samsung GALAXY S4 upside down.

“Smart Screen” function - several possibilities related to front camera and your gaze. For example, the display may remain on only while you are looking at it, the screen orientation changes depending on the viewing angle, and when watching a video, if you look away, playback is paused. Smart scrolling is even possible in the browser or other programs; you move your gaze to the bottom of the page and scroll lower (or higher) automatically.

We recommend that you try all these opportunities and then decide for yourself which of them you especially liked and will be in demand - as practice shows, most often Samsung owners GALAXY S4 features in-call mute, Quick Look, and touchless call acceptance. However, it's up to you, because Samsung settings GALAXY S4 you can disable or enable the necessary options at your own discretion.

Multi Window

We already talked briefly about Multi Window in the first material, but it’s worth repeating to consolidate your skills. The same function is found on other Samsung devices, for example, this is GALAXY Note 8.0, a unique thing, but for some reason it is known to few. Imagine that you want to use a browser and, for example, notes. Copy immediately necessary information without switching from one application to another. To do this, you need to press and hold the "Return" button (to the right of the Home button), a menu of applications working in Multi-Window mode will appear, you need to select the one you need and drag the shortcut to running browser. As you can see, the large display easily allows you to do this trick and comfortably use two applications at once. The line with program icons is on the left by default, you can hide it or pull it out at the right time, it does not interfere with your work.

Camera capabilities and home appliance control

We highly recommend that you read about the camera’s capabilities in a separate article on our website; here we will try to dwell on the unique aspects unique to the Samsung GALAXY S4. If you want to know specifications, then we highly recommend reading the article below.

Well, now about different moments. Many of you are used to shooting using a hardware camera button. Samsung GALAXY S4 does not have it. Or is there? The fact is that in the camera settings you can easily change the purpose of the volume button; in shooting mode, it can be responsible for adjusting the zoom or for taking photos/videos (both buttons, + and - work). It is also very convenient for creating simple photos, both for a self-portrait and when you raise the device above your head - you don’t have to look for virtual button on display.

A lot has been done for beginner photographers, this primarily concerns the choice of mode. By default it is "Auto" when Samsung GALAXY S4 automatically selects optimal settings depending on conditions. In addition, there are unique modes, let’s first list them all, then we’ll deal with each one separately. So this is “Retouching”, “ Best photo», « Best face", "Sound and photo", "Series", " Live photo", "Rich Tones" (HDR), "Eraser", "Panorama", "Sports" and "Night". Now a little about each of the modes:

Auto mode Good for everyday photography, we recommend it for beginner photographers. ISO settings selected by smartphone based on lighting conditions. By default, the flash is off, but you can switch it to automatic mode, the same applies to automatic night mode - in the camera menu in any mode you can switch to shooting with the front or two cameras simultaneously. The latter option is good for creating collages on the fly, you can take pictures of your friends, and your portrait will be in a frame (it can be moved anywhere).

Retouch, in this mode the camera recognizes the face and automatically improves the view in real time, we recommend using it for portrait photography.

Best photo, suitable for reportage shooting, the camera takes eight photos very quickly, you can choose best shot, before viewing the thumbnails.

Best face, the same mode, only adapted for portrait photography, shooting five frames, then you can choose the best one.

Sound and photo, photo and voice comment (9 seconds). Unique Samsung function GALAXY S4 is ideal for travel photography, shooting any interesting scenes in life, children, creating notes in an interesting form - after all, you can shoot a document and write down what needs to be done with it, nine seconds is enough for this.

Series, ideal for sports photography or shooting a moving subject, e.g. we're talking about about a snowboarder’s jump, then in the frame you will see progress - we believe that young parents will also like this mode; you can create unique collages about the behavior of your children (first steps, games, etc.).

Cinemaphoto, a unique feature for creating GIFs or, as they are called online, “gifs.” Young people will especially appreciate it; here you can choose which objects need to be animated, which ones to capture - by creating your own “gif”, you can immediately send it to friends. Naturally, in Samsung gallery GALAXY S4 supports viewing any frames created in any modes.

Rich tones, shooting in HDR, when the camera takes three frames and then combines them in order to get a picture with optimal temperature colors, contrast and so on. Optimal for shooting in low light conditions, indoors, at sunset.

Eraser, using this mode you can remove moving objects in the background, an ideal mode if you are photographing your girlfriend on the street and passers-by are in the way from behind.

Sport, the mode is suitable not only for sports, but also for reportage photography in general, when you photograph moving objects and maximum speed is required from the camera.

Night, a mode for shooting not only in the dark, we recommend using it for taking photos in low light conditions.

There are also several modes for video: slow motion or fast motion, suitable for creating interesting videos about a variety of phenomena, from sports to filming your child’s games; video for MMS is optimized for sending in messages. In the camera settings, you can select the photo size, activate or disable face detection, continuous shooting (you can shoot a series until the memory runs out), set exposure metering, and choose the ISO value yourself. For video, you can also select the size and activate or turn off stabilization. The settings include a timer, the already mentioned volume rocker setting, and activation of geotags.

All owners of the Samsung GALAXY S4 understand from the very first days of use that this is not only a unique camera - fast, amazing image quality, the most ample opportunities to share footage. There is also unique features, and many scenarios for their use. you lead active image life and opportunities samsung cameras GALAXY S4 will allow you to independently choose the optimal scenario for creating unique content, be it photographs with sound, cinemaphotos, videos high resolution- all this is in your hands!

It’s also worth mentioning special program to control home appliances - by the way, the Samsung Galaxy S4 supports DLNA and is very easy to connect to Samsung TVs to view content. So, on the menu there is Samsung app WatchON, works in tandem with the built-in infrared sensor. In the settings you need to select the type and brand of the device, further settings take place in automatic mode. In addition to TVs, you can control set-top boxes, DVD and Blu-ray players, receivers, media players, and projectors. Most likely, more and more new devices will appear in program updates. We checked the work with TVs and Samsung players, there were no problems.

Finally about important nuance. Don't forget how you can call the list running programs- to do this, press and hold Home button. You can scroll through program thumbnails by sliding the thumbnail left or right to close the application. We recommend that you look through this list from time to time; at first you will probably want to install and try hundreds of programs from Play Market, do not forget to get rid of what is no longer needed.

Although to date more than 20 million copies have been sold worldwide flagship smartphone Samsung Galaxy S4, many happy owners are still not aware of what this extraordinary gadget has great amount subtle, but very useful functions and opportunities.

1. Activate the telephone bodyguard
In the new Galaxy flagship S4 implemented original function, called Security Assistant, which allows you to emergency calls to the police or rescue service according to a simplified procedure.

This function can be very useful for tourists traveling alone, women and children, as well as anyone who puts their own safety first.

To activate the Security Assistant, just press and hold the volume control located on the side panel of the gadget for about 3 seconds. After this, an alarm message will be sent to the numbers you specified in advance, supplemented by two photographs taken simultaneously from the front and rear cameras smartphone, as well as the coordinates of your location prepared by the GPS module.

To set up this function Just go to the My Device tab in the Settings menu, and then select Security Assistant.

2. Change your ringtone
We are not talking about choosing a melody that is more acceptable to you, which is in the list of preset ringtones, which are boring and monotonous. After all, you will have to listen to these compositions many times a day. Therefore, the most optimal solution will download your favorite theme from the Internet, and then set it as a ringtone.

This is quite easy to do. In the Settings section, go to the My Device tab, go to the Sound subsection, where the music theme you downloaded will be located.

3. Activate full screen mode web browsing
Many users are annoyed by viewing their favorite websites in a mobile version, that is, a significantly reduced version. Fortunately, the Galaxy S4 can save you from this torment. Go to your smartphone settings and check the box next to Optimize display. Now browsing websites will be much more convenient.

4. Set the function voice control camera
In addition to tracking where you're looking, the Galaxy S4 can also follow voice commands. For example, if you want to take a photo or start recording a video, this can be achieved using the voice command system.

The first step is to make sure that the application running with voice commands, activated. A sign of readiness will be a microphone icon that appears in the camera settings.

Now all that remains is to point the smartphone lens at any object and say the word “I’m taking pictures.” The camera also responds well to the preset words “smile” and “take photo.” If you want to shoot a video, you will have to say the phrase “video recording.”

5. Unlock advanced notification bar features
Pull down the Galaxy S4's notification panel the same way you do when you want to see new messages, unread correspondence or reminders, then tap the icon in the upper right corner that resembles a group of rectangular blocks.

You will now have access to a wide range of features that you can turn on and off with a simple touch fingers to the smartphone screen. Among them, for example, there will be the Air View function, which Galaxy Note 2 works using the S Pen stylus, and on S4 it is controlled with your finger. Or Smart function Scroll (Intelligent scrolling), which in individual applications allows you to turn pages simple movement eye. If you are not fully aware of how a particular function works, simply press and hold your finger on the icon, after which help information will be displayed on the screen.

6. Take screenshots easily
Sometimes you really want to show your friends the information that is on your smartphone screen. Take a screenshot with using Galaxy S4 is extremely simple. You should simultaneously press the power button located on the right side of the smartphone and the Home button located on its front panel. After this, you will see the screen backlight and hear the characteristic sound of the camera triggering. The screenshot can be found in the smartphone gallery.

7. Setting up a screen lock
Modern smartphones have become quite intimate devices to which we entrust many of our secrets, including bank details, passwords for logging in. Accounts and another confidential information. Therefore, the protection of personal data should always be at its best, and the very first line of defense is the screen Galaxy locks S4.

To ensure the protection of your smartphone, you should enter its settings, go to the My device tab and click Lock screen. Now you can choose how to unlock your screen by considering several options offered by the system. In addition, you can use several methods simultaneously, greatly increasing own safety. There you can also select the time the smartphone is inactive, after which the gadget’s screen will be locked.

8. If you are a beginner, then start with Easy Mode
For users for whom the Galaxy S4 was the very first smartphone in their life, Samsung has provided a lightweight settings mode called Easy Mode. It is characterized by a simplified interface, fewer home screens, more large fonts and only vital necessary set applications.

To activate it, go to the My Device tab in the smartphone settings, enter Home Screen Mode and activate Easy Mode. After you adapt to working conditions with a new gadget, you can return to normal mode, in which simply dizzying possibilities will become available to you.

9. Extend Battery Life with Power Saving Feature
Although the Samsung Galaxy S4 has an impressive 2600 mAh battery, as we know, there is never enough energy for flagships. It is for various force majeure circumstances that the S4 developers have included in the smartphone special mode Power Saving Mode.

To activate this mode You should enter the main settings of your smartphone and find the corresponding item in the My Device tab. After this, the smartphone will switch to energy-saving mode (reduce screen brightness, reduce color palette wallpaper and will limit processor performance). Such a compromise step will help your smartphone last for some time without recharging.

10. Set up multi-window mode
Being in any open application Galaxy S4, press and hold for a while with your finger touch button Back. After this, a vertical tray with a list will appear on the left side of its screen active applications, which you can control. If they all do not fit on the screen, you can use your finger to move the tray up or down.

If you want to work with several applications simultaneously, you should click on the icon of the program you need in the tray, and then drag it to main screen smartphone. Now both applications will share the screen with each other.

This is not a complete list interesting opportunities and functions that it has samsung smartphone Galaxy S4, and daily communication with it resembles an exciting journey full of wonderful discoveries and unforgettable impressions.