The computer turns off on its own, what should I do? Record the reason for the computer shutdown. Why does the computer turn off on its own?

What should you do if your computer starts and then shuts down while booting?

Does your computer turn off on its own right away or at some point before the operating system loads? If yes, then you could be facing any problem, from a harmless power surge to serious hardware problems.

Since there are several reasons why your computer may shut down during the boot process, it is important to follow the logical troubleshooting process outlined below.

Important: If your computer turns on and continues to work even though you can't see anything on the screen, you should refer to a more general manual.

Computer turns on and off while booting: How to fix?
This process can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours, depending on why the computer shuts down immediately after starting.

1. Eliminating the cause of the beep, provided you are lucky enough to hear the system beep. The beep code gives you an idea of ​​where exactly to look for the problem with your computer shutting down. As a rule, a sound signal indicates a shutdown or failure of vital equipment inside the system unit.
If this does not solve the problem, return to this article and continue troubleshooting based on the information below.

2. Are you using a surge protector? Make sure your surge protector is supplying the correct voltage. If the input voltage is not within your power supply's specifications, your computer will shut down.
Most likely, your computer will not turn on at all if the voltage is not supplied correctly, but sometimes this leads to the computer shutting down quickly after starting. Of course, this problem is relevant after moving the computer to a new location.

3. Check the computer for causes of short circuit. Often, a short circuit causes the problem when the computer turns on for a second or two and then shuts down completely.

4. Check the power supply. If your computer turns on for a few minutes, this does not mean that the computer's power supply is working properly. In our experience, the power supply tends to cause more problems than any other piece of hardware, often causing the computer to shut down on its own.
Replace the power supply if you are suspicious.

Advice: If you end up replacing the power supply, leave the computer turned off for about 5 minutes (with the new power supply) before turning it back on. This will give the CMOS battery time to charge a bit.

5. Check the power button on the front of your computer. If the button sticks a little in the case, it may cause the computer to shut down after startup.

Replace the power button if it fails testing or you suspect it is not working properly.
6. Reinstall all computer components. By reinstalling, you will restore any contacts inside your computer that may have become loose over time.

Try reinstalling the following components, and then check the computer's functionality:
Reinstall all internal data and power cables;
Reinstall the memory modules;
Reinstall all cards in the motherboard;

Note: Disconnect and reconnect your keyboard and mouse, among other things. The likelihood of them being the cause of the problem is low, but you shouldn't overlook them while you reinstall everything else.

7. Reinstall the processor. But only do this if you suspect the fastener has become loose or may have been installed incorrectly.

Note: This formulation is due to the fact that the chance of the CPU being disconnected is incredibly small, and its installation is a very delicate task. Reinstalling the processor won't be a problem if you're careful, so don't worry!

8. Start your computer with the minimum required hardware. The goal of this solution is to remove as much third-party hardware as possible while still being able to turn on your computer.
If your computer turns on and stays on with the minimum required hardware, proceed to step 9.
If your computer continues to shut down on its own, go to step 10.

Important: This troubleshooting technique is simple enough for any user and does not require any special tools, and can also offer a lot of useful information. You should not skip this step if, after all the previous solutions, the computer continues to turn off on its own.

9. Install each piece of non-essential hardware, one component at a time, testing the computer after each component is installed.
As long as your computer is running using only the essential pieces of hardware, these components are working properly. This means that one of the additional devices is causing your computer to shut down on its own. As you install each component back into your computer, turn it on eventually, this will help you find the component that is causing the problem.
Replace the faulty hardware as soon as you identify it.

10. Test your computer using a POST card (Power On Self Test). If your computer keeps shutting down on its own, running only the bare essentials, a POST card can help determine which piece of remaining hardware is at fault.
If you do not have such a card and do not want to purchase one, proceed to the next step.

11. Replace each piece of required computer hardware with a "good" or equivalent replacement part, one component at a time, to determine which component is causing the computer to shut down at startup. Test your computer after each hardware change to determine which device is faulty.

Note: Most regular computer users do not have a collection of spare computer hardware parts. We recommend returning to step 10, the POST card is inexpensive, and this is a much smarter approach than purchasing spare parts for your computer without proper diagnostics.

Finally, if all other solutions have failed, you probably need to seek professional help from a service provider.
Unfortunately, unless you have a POST card and spare computer hardware parts, you will not be able to determine which piece of hardware is causing the problem. In this case, you have no choice but to rely on the experts from the repair company who have the necessary resources.

Tips and additional information
Did you find this problem on the computer you just built? If yes, triple check your PC configuration! It's much more likely that your computer is shutting down on its own due to a misconfiguration rather than an actual hardware failure.

Many personal computer owners are faced with a situation where the computer suddenly stops working for no apparent reason. If this happens often enough, there is a serious problem that needs to be corrected as soon as possible. After all, frequent shutdown of the computer during operation can cause interruptions in the operation of the hard drive or even its failure. In addition, when a PC turns off spontaneously, there is always a risk of losing important data, which in some cases may be more valuable than the computer itself.

In order to find out what needs to be done to eliminate the above-mentioned malfunction, you must first determine the source of its occurrence. There may be several reasons for turning off your computer on your own. The most common ones are listed below, along with how to fix them.

Power problems

The most “banal” reason for a PC turning off is a power outage. The computer may also turn off due to a faulty network cable, extension cord, or even socket.

To eliminate this problem, you will have to check all the wires connecting the outlet and your computer for contact. This can be done using a special tool (you will have to resort to the help of a specialist) or simply by replacing them with guaranteed working ones. It also doesn't hurt to inspect the electrical outlet itself. And if power outages occur due to poor wiring in the house or low-quality electricity supply, it is best to immediately buy an uninterruptible power supply.

Power supply failure

If the computer turns off on its own at various times, regardless of the tasks performed on it, and sometimes stops working right while the operating system is loading, then there is most likely a problem with the power supply. The power supply may stop functioning properly due to voltage fluctuations, poor workmanship, or due to wear and tear. The average service life of most power supplies is 3-6 years, then they begin to cause trouble for owners.

There are two options for solving the problem with the power supply: take it for repair or simply throw it away and buy a new one. It only makes sense to resort to the first option when the power supply was purchased recently or when it belongs to the upper price category. In all other cases, it is much easier to replace the power supply.

CPU overload

If the computer has not very powerful components, then excessive load can also cause it to shut down. This can be observed especially often when running programs and applications that require system resources.

To avoid unexpected PC shutdowns, before installing a program, make sure that your system configuration meets the minimum requirements of the application. If the overload is caused by a large number of processes on the computer, you can disable some processes through the task manager, leaving only the most necessary ones.

Dust in the system unit

When a lot of dust accumulates inside the system unit, this leads to overheating of the components, which in turn causes a forced shutdown of the computer.

To avoid overheating of the PC, it is necessary to regularly clean the system unit from dust. Particular attention should be paid to the cooler and radiator grille of the processor, as well as the connectors for connecting the video card, RAM and hard drive.

Old thermal paste

The thermal paste between the processor and the heatsink, which serves to dissipate heat, can dry out over time and lose its heat-conducting properties. As a result, the processor overheats, which in turn leads to spontaneous shutdown of the PC.

In view of this, it would be advisable to monitor the temperature of the processor and, if necessary, replace the thermal paste. It is more convenient and easier to combine this procedure with cleaning the system unit from dust. To control the processor temperature, you can use a special program, for example SpeedFan or AIDA64.

Poor air circulation inside the PC

The cause of overheating and spontaneous shutdown of the computer can also be insufficient air circulation in the system unit. This problem is especially relevant in the summer, in rooms not equipped with air conditioning.

In this case, installing additional fans inside the PC case will help to avoid overheating. You can read more about computer cooling systems and how and where best to install fans in the article at this link: Also, to avoid overheating, do not install the system unit in a closed place, such as a desk drawer.

Virus infection

Sometimes the computer shuts down due to certain viruses in the system. If, in addition to your PC shutting down on its own, you begin to notice other alarming symptoms, such as frequent freezes, slow program operation, and pop-up windows, then most likely the problem is viruses.

If your computer is infected with viruses, then the installed antivirus is clearly not coping with its tasks. In this case, it is better to use specialized utilities, such as Kaspersky or Dr.Web, to clean up viruses. You can download the free Dr.Web CureIt program from this link: You can download the Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool for free at this address:, and from this article you will learn how to perform a system recovery if the OS does not boot due to viruses.

Malfunction of the motherboard or RAM

When the computer turns off under active load, for example while playing a game or using resource-intensive applications, but there is no overheating, then the reason for this may be a malfunction of the RAM or motherboard.

Just in case, you can try to disassemble the PC and clean with a brush all the contacts on the RAM sticks, as well as the used connectors on the motherboard. If this does not help, then you will have to take your computer to a repair shop, since this problem cannot be fixed without the help of professionals.

If you are unable to fix the problem yourself, you can contact a service center to have your computer repaired.

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It happens that we hear from friends and acquaintances: the computer turns off on its own, what should I do? This problem happens to almost everyone, whether you are a beginner or an expert. In this article, we will discuss the reasons that cause your computer to randomly shut down or restart. The situation is simply terrible - you work and work and suddenly your computer turns off and all your work is lost. Sound familiar? So,

Why does my computer turn off on its own?

There could be a whole bunch of reasons (and a cart), but let’s look at the most common ones:

  • Cooler(fan) got dusty. Dust is the most common cause of computer instability. This is especially related to dust on the cooler; it is covered with a large layer of dust and does not give as many revolutions as before. Since the cooler is not large, even a small layer of dust on the cooler is a significant load. Remove the cooler and wipe it with a cotton swab, or better yet, lubricate it with special oil for computer coolers;
  • Radiator. A radiator is a small partition between the cooler and the processor. The radiator is made of a special metal that allows you to cool the processor well. The cooler cools the radiator, and the radiator cools the processor. If there is dust in the radiator, this will interfere with the normal cooling of the processor, the motherboard gives a signal about overheating, and the computer turns off or reboots to relieve the load and prevent overheating or combustion. To fix the problem, simply clean the radiator from dust;
  • Old or dried out thermal paste. Thermal paste is applied between the heatsink and the processor; sometimes the thermal paste is not of very high quality or it has lost its useful properties. This may be due to a long period of operation (thermal paste needs to be replaced once a year). Simply remove the heatsink and apply new thermal paste to the processor and this will restore cold temperature conductivity to the processor.
  • Air does not circulate well inside the computer. This manifests itself especially often in summer or warm seasons. Perhaps it’s time to replace some components, they have simply expired, but you have money problems. But at the same time, you want to work as comfortably as possible, you can do everything simpler and cheaper, install an additional fan on the case, and replace old coolers on the processor, video card, power supply, this will improve air circulation and significantly reduce shutdowns and reboots, and maybe you will stay for a long time you will forget about these problems. As a last resort, remove the case and place the computer in a safe place (so that no children or animals have access there), then try working on the computer. This will reduce the heating of components, but will increase dust getting inside the system unit, so you will have to clean it more often;
  • A large number of programs in open form. You have turned on and opened many programs, and each of them uses a certain amount of resources. This especially happens on older models. Turn off some programs, the problem may disappear;
  • Malfunction in the computer power supply. The power supply can also directly influence the shutdown or reboot of the computer. The power supply often fails due to poor quality, voltage drops in the network, or sudden and incorrect shutdown (not through Windows). Typically, the service life of a power supply is from 3 to 5 years, after which problems may begin. When a power supply fails, it is usually accompanied by symptoms such as: turning off at different times regardless of the load on it, it does not turn on at all, or it does not reach the operating system before loading. Let’s also not rule out dust; before buying a new power supply, or taking the old one in for repair, remove your power supply and clean its insides from dust with a soft brush;
  • Motherboard or RAM problem. If your PC turns off while playing or using software, this may indicate a faulty RAM or motherboard. In this case, you need to take the computer to a service center; you are unlikely to cope with the breakdown yourself. But before you take your PC to a service center, clean the motherboard from dust, and make sure that all the connectors on the motherboard are inserted tightly and do not come loose;
  • Network problem. This is a problem associated with electricity or voltage that for some reason does not reach or does not fully reach the computer parts. This happens due to a breakdown in the network cable that supplies power from the outlet to your PC, or a breakdown in the extension cord in which your PC is connected. In such a situation, you need to check for contact with a special device, or borrow components from friends or acquaintances. And we carry out testing using the plug-and-play method, we remove our own, and we install what we took from a friend and see how the PC behaves. This way we identify a non-working or faulty PC part;
  • Virus on your system. Sometimes a virus or a special program causes such problems. Remember what you installed on your computer before the problem appeared and uninstall that program. Also check all timers and programs, maybe a certain program contains a timer that turns off your PC. Review the power settings, run the RAM and all disks through. If you cannot get rid of the virus, reinstall the operating system, but first format your hard drives.
  • Video card problem. Overheating or failure of the video card is also a common phenomenon. This usually shows up in high quality games or movies. The PC freezes, turns off, reboots, etc. To fix the problem, also remove the video card and clean it from dust. If it has a cooler, it also needs to be cleaned and preferably lubricated with special oil. You should also not forget about the radiator of the video card; it also needs to be thoroughly cleaned.

So we have given you the main reasons for the failure of your computer, keep an eye on the equipment and it will work for you for a long time.

Greetings to all! In this article I will tell you why the computer turns off by itself. Often, diagnostic measures and PC repair involve searching for an answer to a fundamental question: why does the computer turn off on its own? This is a fairly common problem with current PCs.

This article will discuss common precedents for turning off a PC on its own and methods for solving them.

The computer turns off by itself while playing

Some people, when their computer turns off by itself, in such cases begin to blame the video card. However, it should be noted that in this case it should be considered only after completing the check of two components of the computer. As a rule, a faulty video card causes problems, but not shutdown.

Most likely the power supply has failed.

If your PC systematically turns off during the game, then the power supply may be to blame. There are two possible reasons. The first is that a video game puts a strain on the video card, as a result of which the power supply, which is not designed for such a huge load, simply cannot withstand it.

Because of this, the system unit is overloaded. For what other reasons can a computer turn off? On this topic! If you are interested, you can find out, and also.

Problems with the processor itself.

This is one of the common reasons. Or more precisely, its peak temperature. This is also due to the increased load - during the game the demands on the power of a given computer component increase. As a result, the temperature increases. If the cooling system on the central processor socket is unsatisfactory or of poor quality, then protection is activated, i.e. The PC instantly turns off.

The symptoms listed do not necessarily relate to video games. This can also happen P When watching movies or activating “heavy” software products, all this entails a high load on the CPU.

The computer reboots on its own

This case is somewhat more complicated. In addition to the above factors, there are other system components that can cause the PC to not work properly. These include the motherboard or RAM (random access memory) of the computer.

Problems arising with RAM.

Symptoms of failed RAM vary. It includes system freezes, “braking” of software products and video games, and even the notorious PC overload. I recently told you about it, and I also said, be sure to read it.

However, it is necessary to check the OP first, since it is not difficult and the process itself will take less time than diagnosing the motherboard.

Problems associated with a faulty motherboard.

When you are convinced that everything is fine with the RAM, we recommend focusing on the motherboard. Only a specialist can handle this procedure; an ignorant person will not do anything useful. Despite this, we will try to talk about certain measures in the corresponding chapter. However, now we suggest you look into the symptoms, which will help you establish that when activated, the PC turns off due to incorrect operation of the motherboard.

  1. The first factor is that the operational life of the motherboard is coming to an end. In this case, its repair is impractical, since it will be easier to buy a new one. If the PC is not that old, then just buy a replacement.
  2. The second factor is minor cracks in the soldering of the board. There are already 2 options here - this defect will either go away on its own (after a certain period of time), or you will need to purchase a new board.
  3. The third factor is incorrect operation of the capacitors on the motherboard. This can be cured by changing the capacitors by resoldering.
  4. Fourth factor - If the PC turns off while the operating system is loading, then the chipset on the board may be overheating. This can be easily checked using a multimeter.

The PC restarts for other reasons

In reality, there are many reasons, and if you do not have the knowledge and testing skills, then seek help from a knowledgeable specialist.

In addition to the above problems, independent shutdown occurs for the following reasons:

  • The wiring is faulty.
  • The extension cord has failed.
  • Dust has accumulated in the system unit.
  • Changes in electrical voltage.
  • Reduced voltage in the electrical network.

It is also better to take this into account; besides, checking the listed reasons will not take much of your time. It should be noted that factors can also be of a programmatic nature. For example, if your PC turns off every two hours, it is probably infected with viruses.

How to find out why your PC turns off spontaneously

Let's consider checking the factors that caused the computer to permanently shut down. You can check what is failing by replacing the system node that is under suspicion. However, first we recommend cleaning your computer from accumulated dust.

In order to remove the processor from the list of possible causes, you need to change the thermal paste and conduct a test using special software products, for example, S&M. But the best way to find out the processor heating temperature is through the BIOS.

RAM is checked using the MemTest86 program. If critical errors occur, you can think about a malfunction of the OP.

The power supply is checked with a multimeter. Of course, only specialists have access to it. Do not get into equipment operating under high electrical voltage without special skills! This is the golden rule that must always be followed.

The motherboard can be easily checked visually; look for swollen capacitors on it. But it is unlikely that you will be able to find microcracks and chips. If it's all about them, then feel free to throw away the board.

All procedures are replaced by one single test - eliminating the suspected element and replacing it with one that works 100%. Although not everyone can afford this method, it works and is easy to implement. This is especially true for the motherboard, the symptoms of which are so diverse that you can replace half the system components of the computer before you get to it.

I hope such a huge article was useful to you and you found out why the computer turns off by itself during a game or just like that. I suggest you subscribe to new blog articles and receive them by email. To do this, enter your email at the end of the article. Don’t forget to ask questions in the comments, and I won’t refuse your wishes. I wish everyone peace and health in their families!

With UV. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

I’m more than sure that my blog is not the first place where you look for the answer to the question “why does the computer turn off.” I hope this is the last place where you are looking for a possible cause and how to eliminate it.

Recently, I also encountered such a riddle, I looked through hundreds of sites, and their main problem is that they focus on one thing. Some write that the problem is in the power supply, others insist on cleaning the computer. Yes, indeed, because of this, the PC may turn off, but there are a lot of other reasons, which I will write all in this post, and you can independently diagnose it at home.

Dust, capacitors, thermal paste

I decided to combine 3 problems in one place, for the reason that in any of the cases it is necessary to disassemble the system unit, why not do everything at once. Besides, if this is not the case, cleaning the PC, checking the capacitors and changing the thermal paste will never hurt. I generally recommend doing this 2 times a year.

Shuts down due to dust

The first time I encountered such a problem was many years ago. It was my first computer, I played games on it and nothing more. After 2 years, the PC began to turn off for no reason, you turn it on, it works a little and turns off. I took it to the service center, they laughed, cleaned it, and said that the computer was the second vacuum cleaner in the house. Since then I have not started this moment, and have not encountered such a problem again.

How to clean your computer from dust

I do this as follows: I open the cover of the system unit, take it out onto the balcony, and put the vacuum cleaner on blower. So we blow for a couple of minutes and everything will be like from the store. I saw another good video on YouTube, I recommend watching it:

Apply thermal paste

Personally, in my experience, the computer turned off due to a large layer of thermal paste, so you need to apply it correctly. I recommend buying a disposable tube/bag, squeeze out just a little watery liquid from it until it becomes a normal paste (the consistency is similar to toothpaste). After this, drop a drop directly onto the center of the processor and rub. It is best to do this not with bare hands, but to wrap a disposable bag around your finger.

Perhaps it will be better and easier if I show you on video how to apply thermal paste correctly:

Checking the capacitors

Take this extremely seriously, because due to faulty and swollen capacitors, your motherboard and its components may burn out. To check and find swollen capacitors, disassemble the computer and carefully inspect all the capacitors (they look like a barrel), an example of a bad capacitor:

Also, in addition to the motherboard, you need to check the capacitors in the power supply. Take it apart and inspect it very carefully.

If you find swollen capacitors, replace them or take them to a service center and have them solder in new ones.

Shuts down due to overheating

Your computer turns off automatically when it reaches a critical temperature (70-80 degrees). This is necessary so that the motherboard does not burn out. Despite the fact that this is an emergency shutdown, if you constantly turn on the computer again, over and over again, then your components may burn out. Personally, my video card burned out like this.

How to check CPU temperature

You can find out the processor temperature in 2 ways: 1 - in the BIOS, 2 - using a special program. First, let's figure out when your computer turns off: under load (in games and when watching videos) or even without load? If under load, we will test using programs, if even at idle, then you can look in the BIOS.

Find out the temperature in BIOS

First you need to get into it. Restart your PC and press “Delete” or “F1” depending on your motherboard. Now you need to find the “Hardware Monitor” tab

Where "CPU Temperature" is the temperature of your processor and it should not rise to 70 degrees Celsius. Leave this tab for a while and do not touch your computer. If within 10-15 minutes the temperature rises to more than 60 degrees, then your processor is faulty.

It is quite possible that you have problems with cooling, change the thermal paste and look at the CPU fan when the computer is turned on (it should be spinning).

Also, in the screenshot above, pay attention to line 3, where “CPU Fan Speed” is the rotation speed of your cooler. It should be at least 1000, and preferably 2000 for complete cooling.

Temperature monitoring software

If the computer turns off due to overheating only in games (under load), then testing in the BIOS is not suitable for us.

Download the free CPUID HWMonitor program from the official website

Install and run the utility. Now you can check the temperature:

Minimize the program and launch the game. After your computer turns off, let it cool and turn it on. In the folder with the program you will see a text file containing a report - open it and look at what temperature the computer turned off at.

You can treat it with a new cooling system, additional coolers, and be sure to remember to change the thermal paste. This applies not only to the processor, but also to the video card.

Power problem

Have you noticed any power outages? The computer operates smoothly in the range of 200-240 volts. If more or less protection is triggered and the computer turns off. 1, 2, 3, 5 times is normal, and then the computer's power supply fails.

Also, it’s worth trying to plug the computer into a different outlet, I personally had this happen. In addition, disassemble the computer and check whether the wires and cables are tightly connected.

Turns off due to new components

For example, you bought a new video card, very quickly ran home eagerly to test it, and then bam and the computer turned off. A couple of questions for you: how many watts is your power supply? Before upgrading, did you estimate how much power your power supply needs?

Enter all your hardware, and it will show you how much power supply you need to install. From my experience I will say that today 600 watts is quite enough.

OS errors

A fairly common problem is that the computer shuts down due to some kind of system error. Specialists always look at the log files, after which everything becomes clear. Problems sometimes arise due to drivers, so it is recommended. Perhaps some file was deleted and there are a million other reasons, including viruses. If all the methods listed above did not help identify the problem, it would be good if you.

RAM problems

It happens when RAM fails, this failure is typical - the computer freezes when copying, shutting down and starting programs. Determining whether the RAM is working properly is quite simple:

Windows 7-10 – open Start and paste – mdsched then press Enter. Next, click “restart the computer” and wait for the result (10-20 minutes).

After the check is completed, you will have one of two things, either errors will appear or you will receive a “no errors found” notification.


You know, I end most of my posts with the phrase:

In this simple way, we saved money and didn’t waste anything!

So, in this case, I myself have recently preferred to take the computer for diagnostics. As experience shows, if the computer turns off by itself, this is not a mystery for a couple of hours and you will have to tinker. It’s good if it’s something banal, but there are cases when, for example, the cable has dried out or a contact has broken off somewhere, the power supply has failed, etc. but you won’t see this so easily at first glance.

I think it’s better to leave a couple of dollars in the SC and spend time wisely. You will have a rest and people will have work).