Checking iPhone activation date by imei. How to check iPhone activation lock status. How to distinguish from the original iPhone by internal functions

After iPad purchases in the store, the first thing you need to do is activate it. Without initial activation, the tablet simply will not work. Previously, activation was possible only using a PC (those were fun times), but now an activation option is available without a computer.

In this article we will look at how to activate an iPad in two ways. We will also answer the question: how to find out the date iPad activation. The instructions are fully suitable for iPhone and iPod Touch, so owners of these gadgets can safely put them into practice.

How to activate iPad

Method 1. The most obvious and the oldest way activation - via computer. This method worked with both first iPad, it will work with newfangled iPad Air And iPad Mini with Retina.

1. To do this, first install official application from Apple - iTunes (for Windows, in OS X iTunes is a built-in program).

2. Connect the iPad to the computer via the cable supplied with the tablet.

3. Press and hold the power button on the iPad (it is located on the top end) until a white apple appears on the screen.

4. iTunes will launch and the iPad will be activated for the first time.

Method 2. Activation directly from the tablet. For this method, you only need a Wi-Fi network with the Internet. It's much simpler than the first one. This feature became available with iOS 5.

1. After unpacking the iPad, turn it on while holding the button ( Power button located on the top end).

2. We act according to the instructions that will be shown on the screen. These instructions will include steps that will activate the iPad.

This is called initial device setup. If you are not confident in your abilities and knowledge, then follow the instructions for Firmware for iPad to iOS9. Initial setup. I don’t show the activation screen in those instructions, because I was flashing iOS 7 on an already activated tablet, but you will have it - don’t worry.

How to find out when iPad is activated

What is it for?

1. You buy an iPad secondhand. Using this instruction you can find out when the first iPad times has been activated. That is, the real “mileage” of the device.

2. From the moment the device is activated, its warranty begins to apply. Not from the moment the tablet was delivered to the store, not from the moment of purchase, not from the moment you gave it as a gift, etc., namely from the moment the iPad was activated!

So iPad activation date can be very important. In order to recognize it, we need a serial iPad number. You can find the iPad serial number in two ways.

Method 1

Connect iPad to computer. Launch iTunes. In iTunes, find your iPad and click on it. The Device Information (Overview) displays the Serial Number.

In the menu you can select Edit->Copy serial number and this number will be on the clipboard.

Method 2

On iPad go to Settings->About this device. Among all useful information There will also be a serial number.

If you hold your finger on it, you will be prompted to copy it to the clipboard.

Next we try serial number punch the activation date. We go to the Apple website using a special link. And paste the serial number into the empty field. Click the Check button.

Now two situations are possible. If your warranty has not expired (that is, less than a year has passed since activation), then you will see this picture.

The date in the screenshot, May 7, 2014, means that the product was activated on May 7, 2013, which is exactly one year before the specified date.

If you see a picture like the one in the screenshot below, it means your iPad was activated more than a year ago.

Should we be content with only this information? Not really. We can find out the production date by the serial number. But as practice shows, the production date may differ greatly from the activation date. The devices may lie in warehouses. But for general development let's find out.

How to find out the iPad production date

There is a service on the network that, based on the serial number, will determine when and where the device was manufactured. .

You don’t have to worry about whether the iPhone is genuine if the device is purchased at a hardware store or at one of the offices of cellular networks, such as MTS or Svyaznoy. But if you intend to order an iPhone via the Internet (for example, from Chinese store) or buy a gadget “from hand”, you need to be careful and insist on preliminary check authenticity of the gadget via the Internet.

This method is the most suitable, because to use it you don’t even need to open the box and take out the device itself. Follow the instructions:

Step 1. Find the serial number of the device on the packaging - it should be located on the back of the box between the IMEI and the part number (Part No.). The serial number consists of 11 or 12 characters (numbers and letters).


If the iPhone is printed and activated, check the “serial numbers” on the packaging and in the device settings (path “ Settings» — « Basic» — « About this device»).

Articles and Lifehacks

When purchasing any device second-hand, every user wants to be sure that it is truly new. If the seller shows us the device in printed form, for example, when checking, it is better to know in advance that how to check iPhone activation date. Let's look at how to do this, and also dwell on the activation procedure itself.

How to activate iPhone? Why do you need to check its activation date?

After purchasing an iOS device, we should activate it - of course, if this has not been done before. Without activation Tablet PC or the smartphone simply won’t work.

Note that previously this procedure was impossible without participation desktop computer. IN currently you can easily do without a PC.
Let's start with the most traditional and old method, which involves using a computer. Its advantage is that it is relevant both for the very first devices and for the most modern tablets and smartphones.

Install iTunes. Let us clarify that this program is already built into OS X, so only Windows users will need to install it. Next, we connect our smartphone to the PC via the supplied cord. Press and hold the button for several seconds turn on iPhone(Power button). Once the Apple logo appears and the device is turned on, the iTunes library will launch. Following this, the iPhone is activated.

Now let's look at the second method of activating a device without a PC. We only need Wi-Fi and Internet access. We also add that such an opportunity appeared only with the release of version 5 iOS systems. I wonder if something equally progressive will appear?

Press and hold the power button and then start initial setup apparatus. If the device is brand new and has just been unpacked, it will offer setup instructions on its own. These should also include actions to activate the smartphone.

If we are not sure that our device is new, we should definitely know how to check the activation date. This is also important if we are going to purchase a smartphone under a warranty, which should be valid from the moment it was activated (and not from the moment of purchase, as is commonly thought).

To check the date, we need the serial number of our device. How to recognize him?

Ways to check iPhone activation date

To find out the serial number, connect the device to the PC, launch iTunes and find your smartphone there. Click on it and see information about the device. There should also be a serial number there.

The second method is that we go to the “About device” menu through the device settings. The serial number should also be displayed there.
Now about how to check the activation date of an iPhone. Having found out the serial number, go to the Apple website and enter it in the appropriate line in the “Support” section. On the official website this line is signed as follows: “Check Your Service and Support Coverage”. Enter the serial number and click the “Continue” button.

Below the line we can also see a link to English instructions for finding the serial number (“Finding your serial number is easy. See how”).
If we find out that our warranty period has not yet expired, then in the “Right to Maintenance and Repair” section we can follow the link and read more about it (“Information about the right to service maintenance Apple for of this product»).

For example, the date June 20, 2014 means that the product was activated on June 20, 2013, which is exactly 1 year before the date. If next to the item “Right to maintenance and repair” we see a clarification that the period has expired, then we can exercise the right to warranty service we won't be able to anymore.

Using the serial number it is also easy to find out the production date of the device. Sometimes it differs from the date when it was activated. Currently, you can find many resources online that can use the serial number to find out where and when a smartphone was manufactured.

Buy a used device - this is good way save money, since many people sell their phones and tablets almost immediately after purchase, but you still have to reduce the price, and at current prices for equipment from Apple, this will be a decent discount. But when buying a used device second-hand, there is one big risk - paying for a broken or non-original iPhone or tablet. To avoid falling for scammers, you need to check the device before purchasing and follow several rules, which will be discussed in the next part of the article.

How to check an iPhone when buying second-hand

If you decide to purchase an iPhone, iPad or iPad touch from hand, and not in an official store, then the first thing you should pay attention to is the seller himself. This is a weak indicator, but before you buy something from a person, see if he inspires trust. If this is a supplier that is engaged in mass resale of used devices, then read reviews about it, contact it former clients: Ask them if they are happy with their purchase, if the device broke some time after activation. But remember that many scammers fake reviews, which means not everything said about a seller on the Internet may be true.

If the issue is resolved with the seller, then the next thing worth checking is the device itself.


Before purchasing, go to official store and hold the desired device in your hands, study the tactile sensations of the material from which it is made. find out approximate prices at which you can buy original device, if its used version differs in price too much, then it’s worth considering.

Items required to test the device

So, if you are making a deal, then in order to be completely confident in the functionality of the device, you need to have the following things with you:

  • Working headphones, you will need them in order to check whether they work with the device you are purchasing. Do not hesitate to ask the seller to give you the device for testing, this is a mandatory step. You can't buy a device without checking to see if it runs the programs you care about and activates certain features.
  • A laptop on which iTunes will be installed, which will allow you to check many of the characteristics of the device. How to do this will be discussed below in the same article.
  • An external battery that can be used to check whether the device is charging or not.
  • A phone that has a stable Mobile Internet.
  • SIM card - this is useful for checking cellular and Internet connections.
  • A paper clip or a special key that comes with Apple devices. These items will be needed to remove the SIM card tray from the device body.

Having the above things, you can easily check the operation of all functions and applications of the purchased device. What parameters you will need to pay closer attention to will be described further.

How to distinguish the device model

If this is not your first time encountering Apple devices, you can skip this point. But if this is your first time buying equipment from Apple, then this information will be very useful for you. It's easy to distinguish an iPhone 5 from an iPhone 6, but it's a little more difficult to distinguish an iPhone 4 from an iPhone 4S.

The two models are distinguished by the model number, which can be found on back cover by turning the device screen side down.

Also distinctive feature one model from another is appearance rear camera and home button. The iPhone 5 has a narrower camera, and the iPhone 5S has a square on the Home button, which indicates the presence Touch functions ID.

Various cameras

It is easier to distinguish these two models - just wrap the front side of the device with the screen down, and on the back check for a diamond-shaped icon with the English letter S.

Differences between models

Here the situation is similar to the iPhone 5, since you can check the device model using the code on back side housings:

The device model can also be determined by the location of the antennas.

Various antenna locations

You can read more about all device models on the official Apple website by clicking on following link-

Checking the water sensor

Before purchasing a device, you need to make sure that it has not been recessed. Water penetration into iPhone, iPad or iPod touch can lead to both instant failure and corrosion of the metal, which will lead to failure after a few weeks or months. Another important factor is the fact that a device exposed to water will automatically void the warranty.

Apple devices have a special external sensor- Liquid Contact Indicators, humidity indicator. If water has ever gotten inside the device, this sensor changes color from gray or white to bright red. Read more about where this indicator is located at different models phone, is outlined in the table:

Looking for the location of the indicator for your device


Now let's look at what should be in the box, besides the phone itself:

All other accessories must be purchased separately. If one of the components of the package is not in the box upon sale, then this must be separately agreed with the seller and will affect the price of the product.


The next step is to verify the authenticity of the device using the serial number and unique code IMEI. This data can be found on the back of the box, on a special sticker. But this data should not be trusted, since the box may be from another device or the sticker may be fake.

Looking for IMEI and serial number

There are more the right way find out this information through the settings of your phone or tablet, no one can falsify them there.

Another way to find out the codes we need is to pull out the tray where the SIM card is located and read the serial number and IMEI indicated on it. You can remove the tray using paper clip. This method has one drawback - not all device models have codes indicated on the tray.

We look at the IMEI code and serial number

The last way to find out the IMEI is to turn the back of the device and look at the small letters and numbers at the bottom of the cover, among which our treasured number is located.

We look at IMEI

As soon as you are done finding out the numbers and codes, you should go to one of the sites suggested below and enter the necessary data there. The site will show you detailed information about the device: color, release date, contents and filling, model number. Compare all the data with what you see on the device itself and with what the seller himself told you. If everything matches, then you can understand further. List of sites that provide similar services for providing information about Apple devices:

Checking for recoveries

Enter the serial number

Checking for blocking

There are three types of Apple mobile devices:

  • Lock - phones that only work with one pre-defined carrier. That is, if you purchase such a device, you will be able to use the services of only one company that provides cellular communication and mobile Internet, and no other.
  • Neverlock is a device without any restrictions in the field of operator choice.
  • Softunlock is a device that previously belonged to the Lock group, but then was “unlocked” by software, that is, it now has all the parameters characteristic of Neverlock.

Of course, Lock devices are a little cheaper than Neverlock, but this saving will not lead to anything good, and problems with advance by a certain operator, without the right to change it, there will be quite a lot.

How to identify an unlocked device?

There are a few characteristic features, helping to identify a device that was unlocked programmatically:

Functional and physical testing

Now the last one remains, but at the same time almost the most important stage- examination standard features device and its appearance.


Check if there are any noticeable dents, cracks, or broken pieces on the case. All these parameters can tell you how often the device has been dropped and subjected to other physical influences. Particularly dangerous are damage to the antenna area, which can lead to communication interference.

Checking for external damage


There should be two unscrewed screws near the USB cable input. If they are missing, then we can safely say that the device was disassembled manually and, accordingly, the warranty does not apply to it.

Checking for screws


Check how well all the buttons perform their functions, since replacing buttons in the service can require a lot of money.


Check for external damage on the front and rear camera. Try to photograph something with both cameras. If you notice inaccurate colors, the camera sensor may be damaged.

There should be no scratches on the camera


Open various applications, reboot your device, check for dead pixels(black dots). If when you press the screen there is a crunch, or you feel unevenness or emptiness, then the screen is not original, it has been replaced. Pay attention to the uniformity of brightness and color reproduction.

The screen must not be scratched

Screen sensor

Move icons around your device menu, making sure they move smoothly. Try using the device in horizontal and vertical position. If possible, quickly type the message on the keyboard, and all the letters you press should appear on the screen. If this does not happen, then the device has obvious problems with the sensor.

Checking the sensor


Start shooting a video and check how much the device shrinks in 2-3 minutes. A range of 1–5% is acceptable, all other parameters mean there is a problem, and no one wants to change the battery immediately after purchase.



Everything is simple here - turn on any melody and check how well the device reproduces it. There should be no interference, no jumping, no rustling. You can also check the speaker during a telephone conversation.

Wi-Fi, Bluetooth

Check if these two functions work. Remember that Bluetooth only works with other Apple devices; it will not transfer files with Android. To the network Wi-Fi device should connect quickly and be able to download files through it.


For this item, you took a third-party battery with you. Connect it to your device and check if it charges.

Connecting to iTunes

If you happen to take your laptop with you, try syncing your device with iTunes. This will confirm its authenticity. You should not buy a phone or tablet that is not recognized in iTunes.

Sign out of your Apple ID account

The last thing you should do before handing over money for a device is to completely exit the account old Apple ID belonging to the previous owner. Otherwise, he can declare the device missing at any time and block it remotely, without asking your consent at all.

Hello everyone! What is date iPhone activation? In fact, this is the date of the first full activation and registration of the device on Apple servers. Immediately after this moment, almost always (there are nuances -) the countdown begins warranty period and the phone becomes at least a little, but already used.

Why even find out this very date? The first thing that comes to mind is for iPhone checks at the time of buying. After all, if we are told that the phone is new (not broken, not painted, just purchased), and its activation date was more than a year ago, then this is, to put it mildly, a lie. But we don’t want to be deceived and waste our money, do we? No!

So let's figure it out: how to check when the iPhone was activated for the first time? Let's go! :)

Now let's definitely go!

Method 1. You can find out the activation date on the official Apple website

In fact, Apple company“great job” - on her official website there is a very good tool to check any Apple devices. How to use it?

Open the page “Checking your right to service and support” - here is the link.

  1. Enter the serial number.
  2. Enter the verification code.
  3. Click continue.

A window with the results appears. We are interested in the line - “the right to maintenance and repair”. And it, in turn, contains the expected expiration date.

As you can see in the picture, in this specific example- this is October 31, 2018. So, to calculate the exact date activations, you need to subtract 1 year from this period and add 1 day.

As a result, we get that the iPhone from this example was completely turned on for the first time and registered to Apple servers- November 1, 2017.

I think the meaning is clear - if you have questions, write in the comments :)

However, when checking, you may encounter other results (), but we are only interested in two:

  1. “You need to activate your iPhone” - do you see this inscription? Wonderful! Your iPhone is new and has never been turned on.
  2. Right to maintenance and repair: the period has expired - this means that from the moment of activation iPhone already More than a year has definitely passed.

If in the first case everything is clear, you just need to be happy new iPhone, then what to do in the second? After all, the activation date was more than a year ago - this is too vague data, I would like specifics! I have them...

Method 2. Alternative sites to check

They are also called “checkers”. What are their advantages? That they give a lot more information than the official Apple website (for example,) and store this data for a much longer time. There are also disadvantages - this is still not an official tool with all the ensuing consequences.

Well, okay, let's move on to checking. We will use one of the most famous and popular checker sites.

  1. Open the resource using this link.
  2. We also indicate the serial number.
  3. We look at the activation date (also known as the Warranty Start Date).

Note 1. What’s nice is that the site provides a lot of other, no less useful additional information about the device.

Note 2: I have no affiliation with the iPhone review resource in question. But that's it, just in case :)

Note 3 (2019). Unfortunately, the resource has become paid. However, judging by the comments:

  • They ask for little money.
  • The activation date is shown accurately.

To use it or not? It's up to you to decide.

So, as you can see, quite a lot of time has passed since the first turn on. Almost two years. Therefore, if you are offered to buy something similar and they call it a new or “refurbished” device, it is better to refuse the purchase - they are simply trying to deceive you.

P.S. Did you manage to find out the iPhone activation date? Put "like" and click on the buttons social networks- the author will be very grateful. Thank you very much!

P.S.S. Do you have any questions or questions? Don’t be shy, “like” and feel free to write in the comments! It’s possible without the “+1”, but it’s somehow more pleasant! :)