Access to closed resources. Blocking by IP. Main reasons for blocking

Current political events in the world lead the governments of some countries to take measures to block websites. For example, Navalny’s blog in LiveJournal, “Echo of Moscow”, “Daily Journal” and many others. The actions of some sites or accounts fall into the category of objectionable to governments: sites can incite ethnic hatred, promote violence and suicide, racism and other obscenity.

However, some sites may be blocked unfairly just because. that some government does not like the views of its authors.

What can you do to open access to your favorite sites? Are there such technologies? Eat! The most famous way is to use private browser TOR. But this method is only available using desktop PCs...

Below are All possible ways, allowing access to blocked sites, including using mobile devices. I don't understand most of them well and only use a couple of methods. The material was taken from the page of a well-known site , which contains links that allow you to explore in more detail the many ways to unblock closed sites. I leave them, as well as the download links, almost unchanged.

Among the methods, some are simple and some are technically more complex. Which one you prefer is up to you.

Browsers Chrome, Firefox and Opera

  • Compression mode. The simplest one, but nevertheless still effective way. You simply turn on the traffic saving mode in the Opera or Yandex Browser browsers, and go to the sites you need. In the same way you can use mobile versions these programs. By the way, they will soon compete with Chrome, the beta version of which for Android has already learned to pass traffic through its proxies.
  • Stealthy. Serves to change your IP address to a foreign one. This is achieved by using special proxy servers, and the extension automatically selects the fastest ones for your location from the list of available ones. .
  • Hola Unblocker. This special service and corresponding extensions, which aim to speed up Internet speed and provide users with access to any sites, regardless of their country of residence. .
  • friGate. Opens sites blocked by the evil administrator of your company, network or provider. Site unavailable? With friGate you can open it without loss of speed, simply and reliably.
  • ZenMate. As a result of this extension, your location address may be disguised as a resident of the US, UK, Germany, Switzerland or Hong Kong. This will help you, if necessary, reach sites that are prohibited in your country. .

The list of browser extensions that help solve problems with free access to sites can go on and on, but this makes no sense, since the proposed tools are quite enough to forget about any blocking.

Individual programs

In this section you will find special programs, which are designed for comfortable and safe browsing sites. Any sites.

  • TOR. Reliable, technologically advanced and very effective method complete solution all issues related to security, privacy and access to sites. Within its framework, a special browser has been developed (Windows, Linux, MacOS), which is easy to configure and ready to work almost immediately after installation.
  • PirateBrowser. Another option for using Tor technology. Although it was originally created for unhindered access to torrents, this program easily copes with our problems. .
  • Hotspot Shield. The most complete (Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, Android) solution to Internet security problems. Protects your web browser sessions, detects and blocks malware, maintains privacy, and provides access to blocked sites. .
  • TunnelBear. Another popular solution for raising VPN networks on your computer or mobile device(Windows, OS X, iOS, Android). Provides complete safety, privacy and access to the sites you need. .
  • Ultrasurf. This software was developed by Chinese dissidents to overcome the Great Computer Wall of China. Currently considered one of the most effective ways bypass any blocking. It works by creating an encrypted HTTP tunnel between the user's computer and a proxy, which uses only its own reliable servers. .

Additional tools

I am sure that anyone, with the help of the above programs, could already provide themselves with full access to any sites. However, there are more complex cases, for example, when the installation of any software on a work machine is prohibited or the network administrator has blocked all but a few allowed resources. Then you can try other tricks.

  • Website updates via email. Even with any restrictions, even the most stringent ones, you definitely have access to email. This means you can subscribe to the newsletter of the desired site and receive new articles by email. And if the site does not have a special newsletter, then you can always use the IFTTT service, which can send content RSS feeds V Mailbox. .
  • RSS. Well-known, proven technology that allows you to get acquainted with new articles without having to visit the site. The problem sometimes is that not all sites give full text article, but this is also easily solved. .
  • Google Services . Google Company has created services for literally any occasion in life. Some of these services can also be used to overcome artificial barriers in the network. For example, Google services Translate, Google Mobilizer, Google Modules can well be used as an impromptu proxy. .

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to overcome any limitations placed on you. Although the list of tools I have given is quite complete, readers, I am sure, will easily be able to supplement this list with their own proven programs and services. Which once again proves that l Any attempts to “close and not let in” in our time are meaningless and doomed to failure.

How to open? This question arises among people who went online and saw that an Internet resource they often visited was suddenly blocked. You immediately need to figure out why. Sometimes this may be due to the settings on the computer from which the Internet was accessed. In addition, in the very simple case this may be due to firewall or antivirus program settings. If everything is in order with the settings, then the reason is most likely external.

Main reasons for blocking

  1. The content of the Internet project is of poor quality. Search engines They have a very bad attitude towards low-quality content on an Internet project.
  2. A huge number of advertising links. In this case, the likelihood that the Internet project will be banned is very high.
  3. Deception of visitors. There are Internet projects on the Internet whose main goal is to get money from users through deception. Such projects are closed very quickly. It is enough for one of the users to complain about it.
  4. The owner did not renew the hosting contract or did not pay the rent.
  5. Violation of hosting rules. Publication of prohibited materials and prohibited advertising.

For any of the above reasons, opening a website will not be easy. However, you can view a saved copy of the Internet project. You can also write to the administration and clarify the reason for the blocking.

How to open a blocked site

  1. Using the online service ProxFree. It is a completely free and anonymous proxy service. On it you can select the country where the server is located and the ik-address. Next, you need to enter the link of the blocked site and open it. There are several settings options. This is one of the highest quality and convenient services, with which you can open almost any page. The service will even help you resolve the issue of how to open a site blocked by your provider.
  2. Specialized Stealthy plugin for Firefox browsers and Chrome, which works very well with blocked resources.
  3. friGate plugin for Chrome. It works as follows. It passes the site through its proxy requests, which are included in a special list.
  4. Free hola plugin, which can be used for Internet projects with media content. It can be used to work with Android. With it you can not only access unavailable services, and also make them load a little faster. This happens due to data caching on peer machines. They forward the request to the nearest machine on the network.
  5. Another popular plugin for Internet projects with media content is hint.
  6. The site is blocked - how to open it if the Opera browser is installed on the PC? To do this, there is a checkbox at the bottom of the browser with which you can enable special mode called turbo. It works like this. This mode necessary to ensure that Internet pages load faster. There is a server on the network onto which the required page is loaded. There she shrinks and is sent back. In other words, downloading through an intermediary. But the thing is that no one blocks such an intermediary. As a result, you can download a prohibited Internet project.

The site is blocked - how to open it using special online services for torrent trackers?

For access there is special lists proxy servers. You can also use special anonymous proxies. With their help you can visit

To gain access to blocked torrent trackers, you can do it in a special way. The browser must be configured to use a special PAC file. It contains a list of prohibited addresses. If you enter one of these addresses in address bar browser, it automatically sends traffic through one of the specified proxy servers.

Using special software

The site has been blocked - how to open it using the special Ultrasurf program? The program is only one and a half megabytes in size and does not need to be installed. You need to download it to your computer and unzip it to your desktop or flash drive. Now you just need to launch it.

When launched, Internet Explorer will automatically open and all closed Internet projects will become accessible. No setup or special knowledge required. Everything works very simply. If something doesn’t suit you, you can always work with the program settings. You can disable the checkbox to launch Explorer automatically, and then you can work with any browser.

It should be noted that the program is constantly updated. The program will also help in working with Internet projects that have been blocked system administrators on the local network.

Additional tools

The site is blocked - how to open it if all the above methods do not help?

For example, on a personal PC there is a ban on installing software. Or the administrator has set a ban on the use of third-party resources.

In this case, you can use the following

  1. Updating Internet projects using Email. You can subscribe to the newsletter and receive the necessary news on your email. It is also possible to use the IFTTT service, with which you can send the contents of an RSS feed to your mailbox.
  2. RSS. Using this technology, you can get acquainted with new materials without visiting the Internet project itself where they are located.
  3. The site is blocked - how to open it using Google services. Some of them can be used as a makeshift proxy.
  4. Let's also consider how to access a blocked site using Google Translator to open it. To do this, you need to enter the address of this Internet project in the form and click on the transfer button. The service functionality will be able to see the original text.

So, we looked at what needs to be done if the site is blocked. How to open it using the most popular methods today. Using these methods, you can open almost any blocked Internet project.

There are many reasons why Internet users are interested in how to block access to a site of particular content so that it does not open later. The article discusses all possible methods that are available to the average computer user.

When it is necessary?

The more actively the Internet develops, the more pressing the issue of banning access to some of its resources becomes. For example, in the office, in order to optimize working time, management demands that social networking sites be blocked, and at home, in order to make their children’s stay on the Internet safe, parents decide to block porn sites. In addition, visiting certain categories of web resources can lead to your PC being infected with viruses, and consequently to its breakdown.

How to block access to a website on your computer so that it does not open

There are many methods for blocking unwanted sites that are suitable for the average user. We suggest considering each of them:

Creating dummy DNS records

On the computer on which you want to block access to a site, edit the text hosts file. You can find this file along the path indicated in the figure. Open it in a regular notepad and make changes. This file contains a list of DNS records with the names of sites to which access is blocked.

Host file editing process

Minus this method is that the mechanism only works on one computer and it will be quite difficult to use it in the office. If there are several PCs on the network, then you will have to edit the hosts file on each of them. But it is also necessary to take into account that if the site has several mirrors, you will have to create a separate entry in the hosts file for each mirror.

And also this method is not suitable for blocking porn sites, because it is simply unrealistic to add all this many addresses to it.

IP blocking

On the PC where you want to block access or on the Internet gateway, create a list with the IP addresses of sites to which you want to block access. The opening of these IP addresses on the computer will be blocked by a hardware gateway or software firewall. In order to create a list of banned IP addresses, we need to go to Control Panel> System and Security> Windows Firewall.

Configuring additional parameters

Let's create a rule:

Entering a list of addresses

Select connection blocking:

Connection blocking

  1. Select the Area tab.
  2. Select Specified IP addresses.
  3. Enter any unwanted ip.

List of IP addresses

This method is quite effective, but again there is no way to block all adult sites. You can block only addresses known to you (specific sites).

Proxy server

This method is based on setting up the software you use, a proxy server in which we have the ability to create “black lists” - a list of prohibited sites. Using this method, you can block a site even by part of its name or address.

In order to block unwanted sites, we just need to download the blacklist from the Internet to text file(if necessary, you can make edits to it in a regular notepad) and use blacklist import in your proxy. If a proxy is not installed on your PC, you will have to use another method.

The disadvantage of this method is the need forced settings all PCs on the network to use a proxy server. Since these settings are performed in the browser, it is worth noting that any user can download another browser that will not have these settings.

Let's set up the browser

Google Chrome

In this paragraph we will look at how to block access to unwanted resources in Google Chrome. To do this, we can use the Block Site extension.

This method is also suitable for browsers such as Mozilla Firefox,Opera, Microsoft Edge and Yandex Browser

After you have installed the extension, go to the extension menu and configure it. Click right click mouse on any open page and we get a series free benefits:

Access to the blocksite extension

  • Block a site by address (you can configure redirection)
  • Blocking by word (the site will be blocked if the specified word appears in its address)
  • Blocking based on time.
  • Block access to settings using a password.
  • A lock that works in incognito mode.

Mozilla Firefox

For Mozilla Firefox we can also use the Block Site extension.

Block Site Location

Setting up blocking of the VKontakte site


And here Opera browser unlike others, it has its own tools for blocking unwanted web pages. To do this, just find the “Content” item in the browser menu and add sites to the “Unwanted Content” list.

Content management in Opera


For consideration, we chose Kaspersky anti-virus as the most popular among residents of the CIS countries. The method is quite simple and convenient. Especially if parents want to protect their child from unwanted information.

Our article discusses the methods of blocking sites available ordinary user: hosts file, blocking in different browsers, blocking through a router, through a firewall, antivirus. Each method contains step by step instructions with photos and screenshots.