How to use Ultra ISO: step-by-step description of basic operations. Creating a disk image using UltraISO

Creating a bootable USB flash drive using UltraISO is the easiest way to record a Windows installation. And, perhaps, the fastest. Just a couple of minutes and you’re done (provided, of course, that you have a normal PC).

Before you start, you need to install the program. You can download it from the official website (link).

How can I create a bootable USB flash drive using UltraISO?

You just need to follow the following instructions:

  1. Launch the program (you need to run it as an administrator).
  2. Next, you need to open the image of the Windows installation file that you want to burn. To do this, select File – Open (or you can press Ctrl + O).
  3. Specify the folder in which the Windows image is located, select it and click the “Open” button.
  4. If you did everything correctly, it should look like this:
  5. Now let's start recording. To do this, in the top menu you need to select the following items: Bootstrap – Burn hard disk image.
  6. Next, select your flash drive, leave the recording method the same – USB-HDD+ and press the “Record” button. IMPORTANT! This will delete all your data on the USB flash drive. Therefore, before performing step 6, it is recommended to save all files (for example, to a computer).
  7. Actually, the program will warn you about this. If you have saved all the data (or you do not need it), agree and click the “Yes” button.
  8. The recording can last from a couple of minutes to an hour (or even more). It depends on the power of your PC or laptop.
  9. After the recording is completed, the program will inform you that the process has been successfully completed.

If you do not have a Windows image, but have a licensed installation DVD, then you can make a bootable USB flash drive using it

To do this, in the 3rd step you need to indicate the path to the drive where the DVD is located by selecting the items: File - Open DVD.

Creating a bootable USB flash drive from a folder with files

Finally, there is another way to create a bootable USB flash drive in UltraISO. It is suitable if a licensed digital copy is already saved in a folder on your computer.

To write installation files to a USB flash drive, you must do the following:

After some time, the bootable USB flash drive will be ready.

P.S. If for some reason creating this bootable USB flash drive in UltraISO did not work (an error appeared or something else), try repeating the procedure, carefully following the instructions. As a last resort, you can always write it with another program - fortunately there are plenty of them.

General characteristics of the program

The UltraIso utility is designed for creating, converting and editing CD/DVD discs. It works with disk images in .iso format, and also supports images created in programs such as or . The utility interface has been translated into 39 languages. Don't forget that you can download it for free for Windows 7, 8 or earlier OS versions from Microsoft using our file archive.

The UltraIso working window is divided into four parts. The upper left section contains disk/image information (tree list of folders), the upper right section contains a list of files located in the folder. The lower left part of the screen displays the directory of the HDD and CD/DVD drives of the PC; the lower right section also provides detailed information about the files contained in the folders.

Burning a disc

Saving data to storage media is as easy as in Nero. The user only needs to place the required files into the project and then click the record button. However, you must first create an image from a folder stored on your computer. To do this, move the necessary files to the upper right window of the program, and then execute the command “file” → "save as…". Next, the image can be moved to disk (“Tools – burn CD image”), specifying the recording speed and other parameters.

Creating an image from a CD/DVD disc

First of all, you should select a team "Create CD image"(Tools tab). A new window will open in which you will need to specify the drive from which you want to make an image. Next, the user must assign the path to the folder where the image will be saved. In addition, the user can select the desired output format - standard.iso or CloneCD, Alcohol and others. You must confirm your command by clicking on the “Make” button. Using UltraISO, you can make any version of a CD or DVD image that will be supported by almost any popular imaging application.

Burning a CD/DVD image

To use this feature, you must select "Burn CD image" located on the Tools tab. Next, you need to specify the path to the folder with the file that you want to record (click on the “..." button located to the right of the “Image file” column). You can select additional parameters - method (TAO or DAO), as well as disk recording speed. If the user has set the TAO (Track At Once) method, then only one track will be recorded at a time. If you want to burn the entire disc, you must use the DAO (Disk At Once) method. Please note that slower speeds are recommended for burning multiboot disc images.

Bootable USB flash drive UltraISO

To perform this procedure, you will need almost any flash drive, as well as an installation disk image in .iso format. Having connected the drive to a free port, you should run the UltraISO program and open the ISO image (command “file” → “open”). Then you need to go to the “Boot” menu and select “Burn hard disk image”. From the drop-down list, you must select the letter corresponding to the flash drive and press the “Write” button. All information stored on the flash drive will be destroyed during this procedure. Therefore, it is recommended to disconnect all other flash devices from the PC in advance. It is recommended to use the default recording method, namely “USB-HDD+”. A distinctive feature of creating a bootable flash drive using UltraISO is the ability to create several MBR records on one medium, i.e. if desired and if the drive allows you to record several Windows or Linux boot records at once.

UltraISO is a good tool for recording, creating and working with disk images, which is systematically developing, in our opinion, in the right direction. This brief overview includes only the main characteristics of not all of the program's capabilities. We remind you that licenses for the current version of UltraISO can always be downloaded from our website, as well as the application distribution itself.

This popular software allows users to work with ISO images. With its help, you can modify downloaded images of programs and operating systems, as well as create your own. Particularly convenient is the function of editing ISO without preliminary unpacking. This allows you to significantly save time spent working with files. This article describes how to use the UltraIso utility, as well as install and activate it.

Download and install the application

Before you can use UltraIso, you must install it. To do this you need:


This utility is paid, so you must activate it to use it. Along with the exe file in the archive there is a text document called “Activation”. Open it and run UltraIso. Click on the “Enter registration code” button, then copy any pair of name and code into the text fields of the registration window. Click "Ok" to complete the process.

Using UltraISO

The interface for creating new images is quite simple. Click “File”, hover over the very first item – “New”. Please indicate the type of image you require. After this, you will be asked to select the files and folders that you want to zip.

Much more often, this utility is used to create bootable flash drives:

You can also use standard Windows tools, for example, recovery, but this is not always possible, so it is much easier to remove the old system and install a new one.

To restore you will need a disk or .

Let's consider the process of creating an image using the example of recording Windows 8, although “seven” and other operating systems are written the same way.

Step 1. Beginning of work

To perform further actions, you will need to run the program as Administrator, otherwise the system will simply not allow you to do anything.

After you have opened the program, you need to click the “open” menu as shown in the first screenshot and start creating a bootable ultraiso flash drive.

The example shows a prepared . The files themselves are easy to find on the Internet, in particular on torrent trackers. The extension must be ISO, not EXE.

Once you have confirmed the choice of image by clicking the “open” button, a list of used files will be displayed in the right window of the program.

Do not delete or rename anything to avoid any installation errors in the future.

Step 2. Preparing an image for recording

A pop-up window will appear again, once again warning that the data will be deleted. We agree with this and move on.

Now the fun begins - direct recording of the OS. Ultraiso multiboot flash drive started to be created , which will take some time.

The program itself works quite quickly and efficiently, but the system often slows down the entire creation process. Be patient.

Upon completion of the process, a “Recording complete” notification will be displayed in the logs! This means that our flash drive with Windows 8 is ready for use.

Since we no longer need UltraISO services, the program can be closed.

When you connect the flash drive to the PC a second time, something similar to the one shown in the screenshot should appear.

Depending on the image, its name may differ from this. The picture shows just an example of the final version.

Apparently, many users have heard more than once about such a unique program as UltraISO. Of course, everyone who uses disk images in their work knows about this software product first-hand. However, the application's capabilities are much greater than it might seem at first glance. So it’s worthwhile to dwell separately on how to use UltraISO.

What is UltraISO

Initially, the UltraISO software package was conceived as a tool for working with disk images. In this case, either optical drives such as CD/DVD could be used, or hard disk images with a size of no more than 50 GB could be created. Now the technologies used in the UltraISO program have stepped far forward, and the application itself has become a universal solution for many computer problems.

Program features

If we talk about how to use the UltraISO program, it’s first worth saying a few words about its main features and functionality.

In addition to the fact that the application supports about 30 of the most common image formats, which are compatible with almost all known programs of this type, the UltraISO package allows you to write data to disk, extract it from images, create images of removable USB drives and bootable flash drives, and can also easily emulate optical drives, creating virtual ones, which is quite often used to run computer games that require the presence of the original disc in the drive to operate.

Areas of use

When asking how to use UltraISO, you need to pay attention to where this program can be used and what tasks it can solve. In addition to what was described above, it can be noted that the application is an all-in-one package.

The key function, as already mentioned, is working with images. However, the application is not only intended for creating images or extracting data. The program is able to edit such images. This could be, say, adding, deleting or creating directories within the image itself, not to mention the ability to optimize the entire image structure to save space.

Speaking about creating bootable media, we can also note the fact that the program is even capable of extracting the so-called boot sectors of a hard drive or floppy disk (floppy disks, however, have not been used for a long time).

Creating images and extracting data

Now, in the question of how to use UltraISO, it is necessary to consider the main purpose of the program, namely working with images.

First of all, you need to clearly delimit the scope of application, whether it will be written to a disk or an image will be created that will be saved to the computer’s hard drive. It seems like the difference is small, but the operations performed are completely different.

To burn a disc, you just need to run the program and add the necessary files using the main menu commands or regular drag-and-drop.

As you can see, in the upper right corner there is a special window that displays the size of the added data. Here you will have to ensure that the amount of added information does not exceed the size of the disk used for recording. After adding files and folders, you need to use the button (or menu command) “Burn CD image”. In the new window (“Burn image”) you can select the desired burner drive (if there are several), speed and recording method, and then click the “Burn” button.

In the question of how to use UltraISO, the process of creating an image from several files without writing to disk is also important. As in the previous case, you first need to add files to the program window, but then use the “Save As...” command in the “File” menu and select the folder where the created image will be saved.

When creating an image of an optical media, use the “Create CD image” button (command), after which in a new window (“create CD/DVD image”), select the optical drive into which the disc is inserted, indicate the location of the future image and its format. After this, all that remains is to click the “Make” button.

To extract data from an image file, the easiest way is to use the F4 button (the “Extract to ...” command), followed by specifying the location where the files and folders will be saved.

UltraISO: how to use. Flash drive

First you need to create an image of the operating system, and then save it to your hard drive. Now in the “File” menu we use the “Open” command (Ctrl + O) and specify the path to the image file. Next, in the “Boot” menu, you need to select the “Burn hard disk image” command and specify the desired USB drive. The program will ask you that all information on the flash drive will be deleted.

Confirm cleaning. The recording process will start automatically and take a few minutes, after which a message will appear indicating the process was successful.

After this, you can use the flash drive to restore the system if for some reason a failure occurs. Agree, a much more effective method than reinstalling Windows. In addition, information will be stored more reliably, unlike optical disks, which are susceptible to mechanical damage.

How to use UltraISO: games

Gamers know that sometimes games require a disc to run. What if he is not there? Speaking about how to use UltraISO for games that require the presence of the disc directly in the gameplay, the procedure here is not much different from everything that was described above. The simplest method is to use the “Tools” menu, in which you select the “Mount virtual drive…” command, after which you select the image of the original game, created in advance. After that, simply click the “Mount” button. Next, a window for launching or installing the game will appear.

To create an image, you can also perform integration. To do this, use the sequence “Options” / “Settings” / “Integration”, where you check the desired format (for example, .iso) and click the “OK” button. Now, after double-clicking on the image, it will either mount itself or open in a window with the game launch folder.


As you can see, the capabilities of the UltraISO program are quite wide, as is the scope of application. The only thing that is somewhat disappointing is that the full-featured version of the application is paid. Lightweight free versions have significant limitations. Nevertheless, for most users these features will be enough. It remains to add that the question of how to use UltraISO does not always mean writing data to disk. This makes the program universal for all use cases.