The unit works but the monitor does not turn on and blinks. The monitor does not turn on when you start the computer - how to bring your electronic friend back to life

Detailed description of the problem:

FLATRON monitor does not turn on

I can't wake up the computer. The longer the computer runs, the longer it takes to wake up from sleep mode, and only the blue light is on or blinking. The computer gradually, day by day, began to increase the loading time of the desktop (it did not turn on for a long time, did not display the desktop picture, shortcuts) and the time it took to exit the energy-saving mode (hibernation) and the time it took to turn off the computer (it turned off for a long time). The monitor could start working 12 minutes after turning it on, or it could not boot up or work after 30 - 40 minutes, depending on how long it was in operating mode before I turned it off and then turned it on again... If I was holding the computer turned on for a day, then it (after disconnecting and resting) turned on earlier than when it worked without a break for 1.5 days or 2 days, or more. Therefore, it was possible to turn it on: wait for the monitor to turn on and, without waiting for it to turn on, turn it off, and do this 2-3 times in a row. As a result, I never waited for it to turn on; the monitor remained black all the time. It didn’t glow at all, even in short flashes, and only one blue indicator light was on or blinking. But on another day, after 3 attempts to turn on and turn off the computer, I could finally get lucky and the monitor woke up, the desktop appeared, and the computer worked perfectly..., it worked like that for all the hours - until it turned off, and it worked for 10 hours and 20 hours and 48 hours... - uninterruptedly. Then, the next day (after switching on again) everything started again (in a cycle). Question: Why does the time for waking up from sleep mode and (or) from completely resting the computer gradually increase, and the time to turn off the computer lengthens (I couldn’t turn off right away, I had to wait)? Every day (for two months) the computer took longer and longer to boot and turned off longer and longer, but depending on the duration of the previous period of work, how long I did not turn off the computer... What is this violation connected with? The monitor was in good working order and all the components of the unit were good, because after a long awakening everything functioned perfectly, but the time of waking up and loading the desktop only lengthened. Therefore, nothing was clear what was happening... Computer parts cannot alternately be faulty, and then work, and then break down and then work, as if nothing had happened, and - again - on their own, for no reason at all. out of order, work and then remain idle. This means: The Beast acts remotely on the contacts, because the Beast usually always sends waves to chips (including airplane black boxes) and to contacts when it wants to disrupt the operation of electrical equipment. Therefore, some users MISTAKENLY think that they use the computer too much (without turning it off), which causes it to break down. The Beast may or may not harm... it all depends on the rules of the Beast... and (in this case) on the picture of the logo... Because all the sabotage (secretly) orchestrated by the Beast begins with a picture - a smiley, which (in the prototype) is like this , is displayed on the monitor as the letter “G”. There, next to the “LG” logo, there is also a “smiley” formed by these two letters. At first, after the computer was running for a long time, turning it off and resting, as soon as I pressed the start button again to turn on the computer, the monitor turned on after 2-3 minutes - I had to wait so long. Then (another time) after 5 minutes the monitor turned on, and so - every day more and more time passed until the pictures appeared on the monitor. t of the unit is normal, the unit did not overheat, and the monitor is working properly, but the feeling was created that the system was slowing down, as if it was freezing at the moment of loading the desktop, waking up; there is a long “freeze” of waking up and a long “freeze” of turning on the monitor, and not a freeze of the working (awakened) system or computer program. What really happened? Here's what: Two monitor plateau capacitors failed due to overvoltage, power surges in the network. The capacitors gradually burn out (failure), turn after turn... and therefore: the monitor gradually becomes covered, and may or may not turn on. These capacitors have 4 silver petals at the top, and these petals are swollen - barely noticeable, on one of the capacitors it is almost impossible to see the swelling, they look quite even (flat) because they have just begun to deteriorate. For the Beast, there are Signs in the capacitors: the number 4 and “flower” (petals). But what does the “smiley” have to do with it? Here's the thing: the monitor started to malfunction after I looked (with a special glance) at the image of a smiley - downloaded from the Internet. The beast does not like My gaze, and it begins to harm. The Beast from time to time sends waves into the computer and freezes - very often (by the way, it is also the Beast - “other” and the computer, sometimes, suddenly turns off or reboots), and now, it has begun to harm the monitor specifically. The Beast, acting on the capacitors with waves, stops their operation, because the Beast creates increased pressure (voltage) of the electric current. And also - in the monitor power connector... there are contacts and they need to be updated: that is: with a soldering iron, heat the solder to a liquid state - melt it and immediately let the molten solder harden, without changing the contacts themselves, without touching them. When a relative did everything like this for me, at my request, the monitor started working again. It turned on at lightning speed without any problems, the yellow indicator light came on again, and everything loaded as it should and started working. And before this, the indicator was always on, only blue, or the blue light was constantly blinking. At first, a relative recommended that I take the monitor to a service center, and then he concluded: “The monitor is dead (the service won’t help)!”, and we also started looking for advertisements on the Internet for the sale of used monitors. After everything, in the end, it turned out that damaged capacitors and contacts of the power socket (connector) were to blame. Currently, when I write all this to you, the computer is working perfectly, the monitor has been successfully repaired!

The most common malfunction is when the PC actually turns on, but does not display an image on the monitor. You see lights on the computer case and hear fans running inside, but nothing happens on the screen.

There are several possible reasons why your monitor is not displaying information on the screen and it is important to be proactive in troubleshooting.

Approximate order:

1. Check your monitor. Before attempting more complex and time-consuming troubleshooting methods, make sure your monitor is working properly.

It is possible that your computer is working fine, and the problem is in the monitor.

2. Check that your PC is fully power cycled. In other words, make sure your computer completely completes rebooting and shutting down.

Often the computer appears to be "not working" when in fact it is simply having trouble resuming from standby or sleep mode.

Note: You can turn off your computer completely in power-saving mode by holding the power button for 3 to 5 seconds. Once the power is completely off, turn on the computer and make sure it will boot normally.

3. Diagnose the cause using the beep code. The beep code will make it possible to quite accurately find the reason for the computer turning off.

If you were unable to solve the problem with a specific beep code, proceed to the next steps.

4. Clearing the BIOS on the motherboard will return it to its default settings. Incorrect BIOS settings can lead to display problems on your monitor screen.

Important A: If clearing the CMOS fixes the problem, make BIOS changes one at a time, at least when the problem returns you'll know what changes caused it.

5. Make sure the power supply switch is positioned correctly. If the power input voltage is not correct (varies by country), your computer may not turn on at all.

Most likely, the wrong voltage will not allow the computer to turn on at all, but it may not turn on completely.

6. Reinstall everything inside your PC. Reinstalling will restore various connections inside your computer and will very often fix this problem.

Try reinstalling the following:

  • Reinstall all internal and power cables
  • Reinstall memory modules
  • Reinstall the cards you are using

7.Reinstall the processor if you suspect it was not installed properly.

8.Check for possible short circuits inside the computer. This is often the reason why the computer will not turn on at all, but it may also prevent the computer from booting completely or may not display data on the monitor.

9.Check the power supply. Just because your computer's fans and lights are working does not mean the power supply is functioning properly. The PSU tends to cause more problems than any other piece of hardware and is often the reason why your computer won't boot fully.

If your power supply fails the test, replace it.

Important: Don't miss this test. Power supplies may not function properly and require replacement.

The following steps are similar to steps 8 through 12 described in the article The computer turns on and then turns off.

The monitor transmits the picture in graphic form to the person, on the basis of which we can use the computer to the fullest. The lack of an image makes it impossible to fully work at the computer, so this problem needs to be solved as soon as possible, which we will try to figure out further.

In this article, we will look at a rather unpleasant situation when the monitor does not turn on when you turn on the computer. This can happen at different stages and there are many reasons. Despite the fact that the symptom is alarming, there are options that do not require the intervention of specialists.

The computer does not turn on, what should I do?

In order to decide on the question: “What to do if the computer does not turn on?”, you should analyze the symptoms of the disease. Please note that the computer does not turn on at all or is working - you can hear the working coolers in the system unit, there is simply no image on the monitor. In this section we will consider the first option.

This is one of the unfavorable cases when the computer completely refuses to start. This is usually accompanied by signals, but if there are none, then most likely the power supply contact has simply come loose; check the connection both to the system unit and inside it.

If the computer beeps when turned on and does not turn on, then the problem clearly lies in the hardware.

Don’t rush to get upset, perhaps it will be enough to just correct the contacts and everything will work. Clean the system unit from accumulated dust, remove the RAM and clean the connector. It is not uncommon that the problem lies precisely in the RAM; if you have several memory sticks, try taking them out one by one and starting the computer, perhaps the problem will be resolved. In cases where simple cleaning does not help, you should study the computer signals and look in a table that will indicate what this or that message means; the designations are different for each BIOS system, then deal with the specified equipment.

Problems starting your computer

There are situations when the computer turns on and off after a while, usually reaching the BIOS window, everything is fine, and then automatically shutting down or rebooting. The current problem indicates that there are no problems with at least the hardware (except the HDD).

Most likely you will just have to switch to safe mode if there is access there and.

If you do not have access to this menu, there is a high probability that the problem lies with your hard drive. This also includes the problem when the computer does not turn on the first time. I personally have a HDD that starts the 10th time, apparently the autostart sectors are significantly damaged.

It is best in this situation to immediately check for a good connection, and if that does not help, check the hard drive on another computer or connect another drive to the current computer, this will allow us to verify the root of the problem.

The computer turns on but there is no picture

There are also several scenarios here: either the monitor does not turn on at all, or the picture disappears during startup, usually after the BIOS window. We'll look at both options and start with the problems that are easiest to fix.

No contact

Perhaps you just lost contact between the monitor and the computer or the power supply, check if this is so. Also, as a result of certain video card failures, it often happens that the stream is transmitted to only one port. You should find an adapter (usually one is included with the computer) and connect to another output; this option has helped many.

Problems with the system

No matter what OS you have installed, problems occur that cause conflicts. Usually, it’s all about the drivers; if they are installed incorrectly or have been changed from outside, the monitor may simply not be accessible. Here, too, the best option is to try to restore functionality from or, if this is not possible, use the recovery tool from the installation disk. You may have to reinstall the system altogether.

The image output settings have probably changed. Sometimes, in cases where you have one monitor, there may be settings that transmit a signal to another, which in fact simply does not exist. You can check if this is true by pressing Win + P, press this combination 4 times to go through the possible options.

The root of the problem is in the video card

The likely cause of this situation, when the monitor does not turn on when the computer starts, and, usually, the light does not indicate the receipt of a signal, is the video adapter.

Usually the light simply blinks, as if in the off position. The current problem may or may not be accompanied by the computer beeping.

Here, the best option to check the performance of the GPU is to connect another monitor. Also try connecting the monitor to a different connector on the video card. If you have an integrated video adapter output, try connecting to it.

Monitor problem

Quite often, when the computer turns on, but there is no image on the monitor, the latter is to blame; the capacitors on it are deteriorating, the failure of which leads to a similar result. Here the light on the monitor can either blink or stay on, it all depends on the location of the breakdown. Other breakdowns inside the monitor also happen; there is nothing left to do but use the service center, unless you know how to work with a multimeter and a soldering iron.

If nothing helps you, you will have to send your computer for repair or replace the broken equipment yourself, but first you should make sure that this is the reason. Usually in such situations it is possible to get away with little loss and solve the problem either with your own hands or for a small price with the help of a specialist.

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Unfortunately, problems with various computer components occur frequently. Not only internal devices located in the system unit can fail. There are often times when the monitor does not work. Diagnosing this device is not so easy. To check the performance of the screen, you need to have certain knowledge.


Why doesn't the monitor work? There can be many reasons for this problem. Sometimes they are obvious. Perhaps there was a voltage drop and the screen suddenly went dark. The monitor may have received physical damage during transportation.

But what to do if the monitor does not work, but no such problems have arisen? The reasons may be as follows:

  • lack of power to the monitor,
  • problems connecting the device,
  • screen settings failure,
  • lack of video card drivers,
  • video card malfunction,
  • problems directly in the monitor,
  • system errors.

Initial check

First you need to determine whether the monitor actually malfunctioned. To do this, hold down the power button on the computer and wait until it stops making noise. In fact, you need to perform a regular PC reboot, which is considered a “panacea” for all problems.

After turning off completely, you can turn on the computer again. If the lights on it come on and you understand that the system is running, then the PC is definitely working. Sometimes after a reboot the monitor begins to cope with the assigned tasks. If this does not happen and the monitor does not work when turned on, you need to look for other reasons.

No power to display

If the monitor does not work, check all the cables, power buttons, etc. Often, users begin to panic and look for serious damage without even checking the monitor panel. Perhaps you simply forgot to press the right button.

There is a possibility that the user needed a free outlet and turned off the device from the network. If you see that the light is on, then the monitor is still connected and the problem is not a power supply.

Connection problems

What to do if the monitor screen does not work? You need to check the device itself and its wires for integrity. Perhaps one of them is damaged and is interfering with the connection. There is also a possibility that it is not installed tightly enough into the PC interface panel connector. This is especially true for older monitor models that connect via VGA.

You also need to check which connector the screen is connected to. It often happens that the monitor does not work due to the fact that it is connected to an integrated card, while the entire system is running on a discrete one. In this case, you need to inspect the PC interface panel and find another connector there.

If the monitor was connected correctly, you can remove and reinstall the cable into the correct port. It may be facing the wrong way or not connected tightly enough.

Connection problems also include non-working contacts on the cable and connector. If you have a spare wire, try replacing it. You can also connect the monitor to another computer or laptop to check its functionality.


A glitch in the picture settings could also be causing the problem. In this case, you need to try to change them. To do this, you can connect the screen to another connector or start the system's safe mode.

In safe mode, you can reset the settings. Typically, monitors have simple and advanced settings.

You also need to make sure that the integrated graphics adapter is disabled in the BIOS. Otherwise, the system cannot independently determine the connected device - and, as a result, the monitor does not work.

Video card drivers

Display malfunctions could also occur due to the fact that the video card drivers were removed. The same thing happens after updating them. If the problem really is a hardware failure, then you will be able to get into safe mode. Accordingly, it will be easy to “reanimate” the performance of the video card: restore the drivers or install new ones.

Problems with the video card

It's not just drivers that can cause the monitor to not work when you turn on the computer. There is a possibility that the problem is related to the graphics adapter.

If you recently cleaned the system unit, you may have touched the video card, and now it is not completely installed in the slot. You could also make a mistake with its connection. You need to disassemble the case and carefully inspect the motherboard and the adapter on it. You may notice burnt contacts.

Another option is to disconnect and reconnect your video card. At the same time, you can clean it if you haven’t done this for a long time.


Some users do not pay enough attention to cleaning. However, the dust that accumulates inside the case slows down the performance of the PC. Therefore, various types of failures may occur.

Moreover, if a similar problem occurs, you need to clean not only the video card. It is very important to get rid of all dust and even change the thermal paste if necessary. Don't forget about the memory modules and the entire cooling system. Of course, it’s not worth carrying out a general cleaning of your PC every month. It is enough to do this once every 3-4 months.

System errors

If there is a possibility of various kinds of system errors. Sometimes when the system starts, the light on the monitor lights up and blinks, but the image does not appear on the screen. You can try resetting the BIOS settings.

To do this, you need to disconnect your computer from the network. It is important to turn off the toggle switch on the back of the case and also remove the plug from the socket. In order for the current to drain from the motherboard and its components, after all this has been done, you need to hold down the power button on the PC. You'll have to wait a little - and you can disassemble the case.

Depending on the location of the motherboard, you may need to remove it. To do this, accordingly, you need to disable all components. Next, you need to find a battery on the board. It is similar to the one that is placed in a wristwatch, only larger.

You need to get the battery out. This is done using a special lever. Next you need to wait 5-10 minutes. After this, you should install it again, assemble the computer and start it.

operating system

System problems also include problems with the operating system. How to understand that the problem is in the OS? If you turn on your PC and see the BIOS loading on the screen, and then the picture from the monitor disappears, it means that the operating system is unable to launch.

Many factors could lead to this:

  • software incompatibility of devices,
  • hardware failures,
  • malware,
  • incorrect settings, etc.

If you have the opportunity to reinstall Windows, then do so. There is a high probability that this will help get rid of the problem.

Laptop problems

Sometimes the monitor does not work on a laptop. What to do in this case? Solving this problem is somewhat more difficult, since the monitor and laptop are an inseparable mechanism.

Start by resetting your settings. To do this, you need to turn off the device. Also remove the plug from the outlet. Next you need to remove the laptop battery. To reset the settings, hold down the power button for 20-30 seconds. Now you can return the battery to the compartment and connect the device to the network.

If resetting does not solve the problem, you need to understand which component has failed. To do this you will have to find an external monitor. After connecting the screen, you need to turn on the laptop and press the Fn + F8 combination. Using these keys you can configure the image broadcast to an external monitor.

If the picture does not appear on the external display, it means there is a problem with the device’s video card. If there is an image, then you need to diagnose the laptop. The test will reveal a malfunction of one of the components.

The screen on a laptop may also not work due to software glitches. For example, you set the sleep mode at night, and after exiting it, the image did not appear. You'll have to check your video card drivers. To do this, you need to go into safe mode and update or install new software.

Many people attribute the problem to the laptop overheating, especially if the screen goes blank during operation. In this case, you need to install a special utility, for example Speccy. It will help test the temperature conditions of all system components. Perhaps the cooling system has become unusable or needs to be cleaned. It is also worth considering purchasing an external CO.

If the monitor on your laptop does not work and no methods help correct the situation, you need to take the device in for repair. If this happens to an external device, then most likely you will have to buy a new screen.

Finding the reason why the monitor does not turn on is sometimes difficult right away, because the processes involved in displaying the image on the screen are interconnected and are located in completely different parts of the computer. There are several common problems that can arise in a situation like this.

Why doesn't the monitor turn on?

To decide what to do if the monitor does not turn on and correct the situation, you need to determine the cause of the problem. The missing image is due to:

  1. With a breakdown of the device itself.
  2. Defective motherboard, video adapter, connecting cables.
  3. Incorrect installation of drivers.
  4. Incorrect configuration of video system parameters.

Monitor does not turn on when I turn on the computer

If the monitor does not turn on at startup, you first need to make sure the device itself is working - see if the button is pressed "Power" on the panel, and whether the indicator lights up. Sometimes users turn off the display and forget about it, and the next time they use it they think that the device is broken. It’s easy to test the monitor’s performance:

  1. You need to disconnect its cord from the system unit and leave only the 220 V cable.
  2. Press the “Power” button.
  3. The light on the working device should glow without blinking, and the entry “No signal” should appear on the screen.

The monitor does not turn on - the light is blinking

If the indicator is blinking, the monitor is in standby mode, the power cord and signal cable are connected correctly (otherwise a message about this would be displayed), the monitor's power supply is also working correctly. There can be several problems with such symptoms - the video card, the motherboard settings, or the board itself. Sometimes you can observe a similar failure due to problems with RAM, when contact with one of its strips periodically disappears.

The monitor does not turn on - the indicator does not light up

If the monitor does not turn on and does not display “No Signal”, you need to do the following:

  1. Press the power button - it is probably disabled.
  2. Make sure the device is connected to an outlet. Test it yourself - try to power a lamp through it, for example.
  3. Check the power cable, try using a different one.
  4. If the indicator still does not light, the monitor must be taken to a service center - it is definitely broken.

Monitor beeps and won't turn on

The monitor never beeps and does not signal about accidents and malfunctions - only the system unit beeps. If the squeak comes from the monitor, the only way to go is to service. Any squeak warns of problems:

Monitor does not turn on after sleep mode

There are unpleasant situations when the monitor goes into sleep mode and then does not turn on when you press any button on the keyboard. The problem is often software:

  1. The sleep or hibernation mode settings are incorrect, the correct versions of the video adapter drivers are installed, you need to update them to new ones.
  2. Often the monitor does not turn on after sleep mode when the Windows system is damaged. You need to roll it back, or completely reinstall this operating system.

The monitor turns on but does not show

If the computer turns on and the monitor still does not work and displays a black screen, it is advisable to try resetting the BIOS settings. You need to turn off the system unit and open its lid. On the motherboard you need to find a round flat battery that powers the BIOS, remove it for a couple of minutes and then put it back in place. Often this method helps if the computer and display are working, but the screen still remains dark when turned on.

Another reason why the image cannot be viewed is a malfunction of the LCD display in terms of backlighting. There are two options (in both cases you need to contact service for repairs):

  1. Failure of the voltage inverter board responsible for supplying voltage to the backlight lamps.
  2. The backlight lamps themselves have failed: if one or more lamps fail, the display automation turns off the backlight and the image on it is practically not visible, but it is there and is poorly visible.

Monitor goes blank and won't turn on

When the monitor goes out after a while during operation and then does not turn on, there may be several reasons. But all of them are associated with the failure of elements that are subject to natural heating during computer operation:

  1. Video card defect. This fault can be easily identified if you connect the monitor to another computer, and it will function flawlessly. Then either the video adapter is faulty or it overheats from highly resource-intensive applications and poor radiator cooling.
  2. Broken RAM modules. You can check RAM modules using standard Windows tools. If they are not functioning correctly, you can try to clean the contacts of the strips with a regular eraser or try to replace the modules.
  3. Display hardware failure. Basically, the elements of the monitor power supply are subject to strong heating during operation; in displays that have served for more than one year, a lot of defects can occur due to constant thermal effects.

The monitor does not turn on immediately

If, when starting the computer, the monitor does not turn on for a long time, or the picture appears slowly, flickering a little, then the fault most likely lies in the hardware of the monitor itself, the defect will progress, and the monitor will soon fail completely. Shortly before a complete breakdown, the monitor may turn off spontaneously, emit a strange characteristic squeak or smell of burning plastic. If the monitor is not sent in for service immediately, then after complete failure the cost of repair will increase significantly, or even it will not be repairable at all.

The monitor does not turn on the first time

Users note that the display may not light up on the first try. When asked why the monitor does not turn on immediately, experts answer that the breakdown most likely lies in the monitor’s power supply. It needs to be sent in for repair as soon as such a problem appears - they will disassemble it and replace the swollen electrolytic capacitors. Similar problems also arise with the LCD backlight inverter - it is extremely undesirable to carry out such repairs at home.

New monitor won't turn on

If the power of the monitor you just purchased does not turn on, the problem may arise due to the following:

  1. The cable is not connected correctly. Modern video adapters have several built-in connectors to which the display is connected - white DVI, blue VGA, and the newest one - HDMI. For a normal connection, the required cord must be inserted into the appropriate connector carefully until it is completely inserted into the grooves. The shape of the socket will tell you how to connect them. Then you need to tighten the two screws clockwise.
  2. Often monitors with several ports can only receive a signal from one of them. Only VGA or DVI connection should be used.
  3. After connecting to the display via the menu, you need to reset the settings and configure the system for new equipment.

Laptop monitor won't turn on

When a desktop computer monitor does not turn on, the reasons may be either with the cable connection or with the functioning of the system. With a laptop it’s a different story - in it the screen is connected to the hardware without external cords, but using cables. What to do if the display remains dark:

  1. Reset the settings: disconnect the laptop from charging, remove the battery from the laptop (if it is removable), reset the hardware settings by holding down the power button for 20 seconds, and reinsert the battery.
  2. Test the health of the laptop screen: turn on the laptop, press the Fn+F8 combination several times and try to select the screen broadcast through the external display. If the picture does not appear on the external screen, then the problem lies in the laptop’s video adapter.
  3. In some cases, the dilemma with the lack of an image can be solved by distorting the RAM strips. This solution is relevant if the device has been cleaned, stood in a damp room, or has not been used for a long time.
  4. If the laptop’s monitor does not turn on after sleep mode, then you need to roll back or reinstall the video adapter or chipset drivers - they must be the latest version and suitable for the operating system. In the settings, you cannot prohibit the mouse and keyboard from waking up the laptop at the same time - otherwise you won’t be able to wake it up from sleep.
  5. If after such manipulations the black screen remains, you need to contact a service center for diagnostics. The following problems may occur: