Using a laptop. Free step-by-step computer training course

The article will tell you what a computer is and how to use it.


Nowadays, you can use a computer and laptop great amount of people. But people are not born with these skills; everything starts from scratch.

Beginners are interested in how to master a computer and laptop from scratch? Where to begin self-study computer/laptop? Let's talk about this in our review.

What is the difference between a computer and a laptop?

Almost nothing. The main difference between a computer and a laptop is portability. If a computer is a stationary device, then a laptop is a mobile device. That is, the computer needs to be installed on the table and used in the future, but the laptop can be freely carried with you, which is what it is intended for.

Both a computer and a laptop consist of a keyboard, monitor, mouse, processor, random access memory etc. Only on a computer all these components are connected to each other, while a laptop is like a single monolithic device.

An operating system is installed on both the computer and the laptop, for example, “ Windows" (most common) or " Linux" If you master, say, a computer, then you can work on a laptop without difficulty and vice versa. Therefore in this review We will not give two instructions, but will talk about how to use the computer.

The operating system is a kind of “soul” of the computer. This software, which makes it possible to work on a computer. When you turn on the computer, it is the operating system that starts working first, we see this when the monitor lights up:

Let's start studying the computer with the operating system

If there were no operating system, we would only see a black screen and some strange letters with numbers that are of no use to us. Working on a computer is actually working with programs that, as a whole, make up the operating system.

You see how the mouse cursor runs across the screen - this is the work of the operating system. What about typing? Photos? Video? Even sounds from speakers are possible only thanks to operating system. In the last century, music was listened to from the record on which the song was recorded. Currently audio and video files are presented in digital format, that is, in the form of programs.

The operating system allows you to “revive” your monitor, mouse, keyboard, speakers and all the devices that together make up your computer. Without it, a computer is just a “non-living” iron organism. Remember, the operating system is the soul of the computer.


In general, operating systems can be different. Some of them are very well known, others are not very common among ordinary ordinary users.

« Windows" refers to the most common operating systems, which is distinguished by its convenience and is excellent for use not only by specialists, but also ordinary people at home.

« Windows"also happens different versions: « Windows 95», « Windows 7», « Windows XP», « Windows 8», « Windows 10" etc. The most common are seven, eight and ten. The once popular Windows XP"is officially considered obsolete, although it is quite possible to work with it now.

Distinguish versions " Windows» between themselves you can by appearance:

There is also another easy way to find out what version of the operating system is installed on your computer:

  • Click on the button in the lower left corner Start» left mouse button
  • Next, click on the item “ Computer" (or " My computer") with the right mouse button.
  • Then in the new window that opens, left-click on the item “ Properties»

  • After this, a folder will open containing information on your operating system

Let's find out what operating system is installed on our computer

So, we briefly learned what an operating system is. Now let's start examining the computer itself.

Studying the PC device

Computer parts

In order to learn how to use a computer, you first need to study its design. That is, you need to know what devices are part of such a concept as a “personal computer”.

In principle, most people have an idea of ​​what the components of a computer are called, but we will explain everything in more detail to make it easier for beginners to operate these parts.

So, the computer consists of:

  • Internal parts- these are the elements that make up the system unit (a large box with a power button). In principle, the system unit is the computer itself. And everything else, for example, a mouse, are simply components of this computer.
  • External parts– these are, in fact, the components of the computer that we connect to the system side (keyboard, etc.).

In turn, all the described parts of the computer can be classified based on their interaction with humans:

  • Input devices– these are devices that allow a person to give instructions to a computer (mouse, keyboard).
  • Output devices– devices that transmit information from a computer to a person (monitor, speakers).
  • I/O devices- these are, accordingly, those devices that combine the concepts described above (disk drive).

Now let's talk about the main devices, without which working on a computer will be impossible.

System unit

What does the system unit look like?

So, the system unit is the brain of the computer. To understand why the system unit is such an important component of a PC, you just need to study what is inside it.

Inside system unit there is a motherboard - this is a kind of huge microcircuit into which, in fact, absolutely all the elements of the computer are built in: processor, RAM, video card, sound card, disk drive, as well as all connectors (to which a monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc. network cable And all the rest).

You can also connect to the system unit Wi-Fi device, and TV tuner, and gaming consoles. This is a matter of taste and needs. When purchasing, you yourself order what kind of computer you need: for games, for watching videos, or just for accessing the Internet. On the basis of this, the system unit with all its constituent elements is assembled.

There are at least two buttons on the system unit: turning on the computer and rebooting:

Power button on the system unit

All other important parts of the PC, such as a monitor, mouse, keyboard and speakers, are already selected for the system unit. That is, when buying a computer, you need to start with the system unit, and then select everything else for it. By the way, you can freely change your monitor or keyboard if they break down or no longer meet your requirements. But with a laptop, this number will no longer work.


computer monitor

Everyone knows what TV is. Everyone was watching him. A computer monitor is not exactly a TV, but it performs the same function, that is, the function of displaying information on the screen. If, in the case of a TV, such information is transmitted through an antenna or tv cable (analog signal), then to computer monitor information is transmitted from the system unit. Even more precisely, the signal comes from the video card, which is located in the system unit, as we learned above.

Monitors have various sizes, which is determined, for example, by the long diagonal of the screen and is measured in inches. The picture quality does not depend on the screen size. The quality of the image is determined by a parameter such as screen resolution. That is, the number of pixels (electronic dots) per square inch. These dots on the screen make up the image. Accordingly, than more points (higher resolution screen) the better, clearer and more vivid the picture.



Just like a monitor, speakers receive a signal with information from the system unit, but they only output it not in the form of an image, but in the form of sound. This signal is transmitted from the system unit via the sound card.

Computer speakers differ from regular classic speakers in that they also have an audio amplifier inside. Sound card transmits only an analog signal (for example, like a player), and then the signal, as usual, is processed in an amplifier and goes to the speakers. Computer speakers have a cord with an outlet precisely because they connect an audio amplifier (not speakers) to the network.


Computer keyboard

Above we discussed output devices, now let's talk about input devices and start with the keyboard.

Everyone knows that the keyboard is designed to type text, which we then (or rather not “later”, but immediately) see on the screen. The keyboard, accordingly, has everything required keys with letters, numbers and other symbols.

There are also keys here, thanks to which we can give the computer certain commands. For example, if we press the key " Caps Lock ", this will give us the ability to print text in capital letters, well, or start the word (name, title) with capital letters. By pressing the keys that have arrows on them, we can scroll the page (on the Internet, or in some folder on the computer) up or down.


This is the name computer mouse received for the reason that it slightly resembles a living mouse, that is, it has a body and a tail (cord):

PC mouse

A computer mouse is designed primarily so that we can move the cursor on the monitor screen with the greatest comfort. If we used only the keyboard, it would cause us unnecessary trouble and take a lot of time.

A standard mouse has two buttons (left and right) and a wheel. The left button provides, as it were, basic actions when we, for example, hover the mouse cursor over a folder and open it by clicking on this button. In the same way, we close windows and programs - hover the cursor over the cross icon and click on left button.

The right button is responsible for additional actions, for example, opens a menu or additional windows. The wheel allows you to scroll the page up and down, as is done with the corresponding keys on the keyboard.

Video: How to master a computer and laptop quickly and easily?

Video: What does a laptop consist of?

On this page, all the lessons on the site are arranged exactly in the order in which we recommend taking them. Unfortunately, in this moment there are gaps in the list of lessons that mandatory will be filled. Topics on which there are already articles are links (highlighted blue with underlining) - follow them and learn! The list does not include news and some articles (for example, on solving computer problems) because They are not useful for training, however, you will receive them if you subscribe to the newsletter.

You can freely write your wishes in the comments, this is most welcome. The proposed topics are included in the plan of articles.

Let's create the best free step-by-step training system together!

Target: create a list of articles on the website, studying which in in a certain order, you will feel free when working at the computer.

Important! If you can write an expert article on any of these topics, write to us, articles are paid.

Course: Computer User - Basic Level

  1. What is a netbook
  2. What is an ultrabook
  3. What is a tablet
  4. What is a tablet phone
  5. USB port: what is it and what can be connected through it
  6. How to turn on the computer, what happens at this moment
  7. What is a driver? What is a graphical operating system shell
  8. Computer desktop.
  9. Mouse, cursor, how to use the mouse.
  10. What is a shortcut, file, program, folder.
  11. Basic file types. What is an extension
  12. What's happened HDD and how it works ( On publication)
  13. Computer hard drive, partitions.
  14. Keyboard. How to work with her. Create a text file.
  15. Start menu, what's in it
  16. Turning off the computer. ( In progress)
  17. What is sleep mode and when to use it
  18. What is standby mode and when to use it
  19. Install the program. The main stages of installing any program. Where it will appear, how to find where it is installed, how to find it in the Start menu.
  20. We are working with the program. Standard elements programs: settings, drop-down menu, quick access panel.
  21. Create a shortcut. All ways.
  22. How to view the characteristics of your computer.
  23. Computer screen. Resolution, settings, change the desktop theme.
  24. How to install a device driver. Where to download the driver if it is not installed automatically. ( In progress)
  25. Computer startup. How to disable a program from startup. How to disable autoloading in the program itself. ( In progress)
  26. What is an archive? Working with the archiver program
  27. How to open a video on a computer
  28. How to open e-book(.pdf .djvu .pdf) ( In progress)
  29. How to open a presentation
  30. How to open a document (.doc, .docx, .fb2)
  31. How to find out what video card I have
  32. Blue Screen of Death - what is it?
  33. What is BIOS and what is it for?
  34. How to open.pdf
  35. How to open.mkv
  36. How to open.djvu
  37. On-screen keyboard - what is it and what is it for?
  38. How to change the language on your computer
  39. Hot Windows keys 7,8
  40. How to increase font size on computer

Course: Computer Security

  1. How to set a password on Windows
  2. How to come up with a complex password
  3. How to protect your Google account
  4. What is antivirus
  5. What is a firewall
  6. How to block pop-ups
  7. How to make file extensions visible in Windows
  8. How to protect yourself on the Internet using the WOT extension
  9. Review of Kaspersky Anti-Virus

Course: Computer programs

  1. Punto Switcher
  2. Alarm clock on computer
  3. Program for creating videos from photos

Course: Google Services

Course: Computer User: Intermediate Level

  1. How to create virtual machine(virtual computer)
  2. How to transfer old photos to computer
  3. How to put a password on a folder
  4. How to clean the Windows registry
  5. How to enter BIOS
  6. How to format a hard drive
  7. How to defragment hard drive.

Course: Laptop and Netbook User

  1. Features of working with a laptop and netbook
  2. Laptop, netbook device
  3. Laptop and netbook keyboard - operating features
  4. How to extend battery life
  5. What to do if your laptop (netbook) gets hot
  6. Computer stands: cooling and not so much.
  7. How to enable WiFi on a laptop

Course: Computer and near-computer devices

  • Body exercises
  • Trainer programs for monitoring computer time
  • How to properly arrange workplace
  • What to do if you are overtired
  • Procrastination and how the computer is involved in it
  • How to protect your hands so that they don’t hurt if you have to type a lot (carpal tunnel syndrome).
  • Working at a computer while standing: benefits, pros and cons
  • Standing desks with height adjustment - overview.
  • Laptop stands for standing work - review.
  • Course: Computer and child

    1. Is it necessary to limit time on the computer for children and how to do it correctly?
    2. What can a child learn using a computer?
    3. How to protect your child from adult sites

    Course: Internet User - Basic Level

    Incorrect handling can damage your laptop. The laptop is complex technical device, and knowing how to handle a desktop computer will not really help you understand a laptop. Of course, every laptop comes with instructions, but, unfortunately, few people read them. It is good if the user quickly views the prohibitions. If you belong to the category of people who decided to purchase a laptop, or purchased it and did not read the instruction manual, then this article will tell you how to use the laptop so that it serves you faithfully for many years.

    Let's look at the rules of how to work on a laptop:

    • You need to install the laptop on a hard, flat, horizontal surface. Do not install in places subject to vibration.
    • Do not overcool or overheat the laptop.
    • Do not leave the device in the sun.
    • You should not place the laptop on your naked body while working, as, in theory, you can get burned.
    • It is worth making sure that moisture does not get on the laptop or any of its parts.
    • You should carefully ensure that dust or dirt does not get into your laptop.
    • You need to transport your laptop in special bags.
    • Do not lift the laptop by the display.
    • Do not keep your laptop near devices that generate strong electromagnetic radiation.
    • You should not work with the device for a long time, placing it on a bed or a pile covering.
    • Do not wipe the lens in the CD-ROM. There are cleaning discs for this.
    • Do not hit the laptop.

    According to statistics, 80% of laptop computer breakdowns are associated with the inability to use the keyboard. This mainly happens due to liquids spilled on it. The complexity of repairs and the high cost of replacing the keyboard, as well as other parts, especially the motherboard, leads to the need to purchase a new computer.

    In case of liquid contact

    • Turn off the laptop.
    • Turn off power.
    • Remove the battery.
    • Do not shake or turn the laptop over.
    • Contact the service center.

    An important point in the question of how to use a laptop correctly is the battery. The battery can last for correct operation, 1.5-3 years, after which it will need to be changed.

    Battery Operation

    • A new battery should be discharged 5-6 times. It's called training.
    • Approximately once a month the battery should be completely discharged. Then remove it from the device (at least for 1 minute), then insert it back and charge.
    • If the laptop battery begins to discharge quickly, it is worth repeating the training with pulling it out. If this does not work, then use the energy saving mode.

    How to work on a laptop

    • When the laptop is running, you cannot connect or disconnect various peripherals. Exceptions include USB and LiC cards, as well as external drives.
    • Improper use of the battery will reduce its service life. You should carefully read the instructions for using the battery device.
    • From the very beginning of using the laptop, you should create backups software.
    • Install a good one antivirus program. Carefully check the information entering the laptop for viruses. Use licensed programs and verified sources. If a virus somehow gets onto your computer, it can damage data and programs and disrupt the operation of the operating system.
    • It should be remembered that “treating” a laptop computer for malware and restoring the operating system is not included in the warranty service.
    • You should not press hard on the power button, as well as the “Reset” button, and you should not use force when inserting the disk into the drive. All of these actions can lead to mechanical damage laptop.
    • Do not slam the laptop lid because the matrix may break.
    • You should be careful about blocking access to your computer or hard drive.

    Laptops are increasingly popular, they occupy a large niche among people who use Computer techologies. After all, it very often happens that a desktop computer is not the best option. Many users who have purchased a laptop are faced with the fact that portable device you still have to get used to it, because working on it is different from working on an ordinary desktop personal computer. There are some differences between laptops and desktop computers.

    Main differences from PC

    • Laptops are task-oriented. That is, they lack versatility. All laptops are divided into classes, the category will depend on the purpose of the machine. Creation universal laptop today it is impossible. And all because many of the requirements for a laptop are mutually exclusive.
    • Laptops are mobile. Laptops can be easily moved, and the device can work for some time in offline mode. Also a big plus is the possibility of wireless communications. Can also be connected to a desktop computer wireless device, but at the same time the possibility of free movement will be lost, which is the main advantage of such devices.
    • Differences in technology. For a desktop computer, increasing performance is important. But for a laptop – duration battery life, maintaining within normal limits temperature regime and the weight of the portable device.
    • Integration of embedded devices. For the user, it is not so important how the devices work, the main thing is that they work. But if suddenly the sound cannot be output to external speakers, for example, then replacing a broken device in a laptop will no longer be enough. It will be necessary to get rid of the problem comprehensively. This is a kind of payment for mobility.
    • Upgrade. Unfortunately, it is not possible for laptops. After all, replace network card or modem that are built into the motherboard will fail. You can work on increasing the RAM. With certain difficulties, you can replace the hard drive. You will have to face even greater difficulties when replacing the processor. That's all. For many laptops, such replacements are not possible. But with desktop computers everything is much simpler. You can buy the most regular computer and “increase” it as needed.
    • Functionality and performance. In laptops, optical drives operate at a lower speed than in a desktop computer, the speed rpm hard There is much less disk space on laptop computers. Similar situations can be observed with other nodes. Everything is better with functionality. Many laptops contain various ports, optical drives are common. A unified set of ports, which is available on desktop computers, not available on portables. You can read their instructions on how to properly use the laptop and everything included in it.
    • Reliability. The question is twofold. On the one side, mobile device more reliable because newer technologies were used in its manufacture. But on the other hand, the laptop can be damaged during transportation. And there are many such nuances.

    Now you know the basic requirements and rules that will help you answer the question of how to learn to work on a laptop. The main thing to remember is that careful attitude to your laptop will help you use its services longer.

    A short introduction

    So, you finally bought a laptop and want it to last as long as possible. Practice shows that in most cases the cause of malfunctions is improper operation. Below are recommendations on how to use your laptop correctly.

    Basic Rules

    I don’t think anyone needs to be told that laptops don’t like sharp impacts and shaking. First of all, the hard drive suffers from this. The fact is that the head of a hard drive hovers at a very small distance (several tens of nanometers). With sharp impacts and vibrations, it touches the plate, damages it and damages itself. A strong impact can damage the hard drive. It is also worth noting that the heads are parked when turned off. This allows it to withstand higher shocks and vibrations.

    The cooling system also suffers from shock and vibration. Often it is pressed against the chips with springs. This is necessary primarily to avoid chipping the crystals due to misalignment. A rather non-plastic mass is used as a thermal interface. When shaking and shocking, it is likely that the cooling system may move back a little due to its relatively large weight and be pressed back by the springs. This results in a very small air gap being formed between the heat sink and the chip, which significantly reduces cooling efficiency. Also, impacts can damage the cooling system itself. The fact is that it is usually soldered from many parts ( heat pipes, heat sinks, radiators, etc.). If the soldering is not done very well, it may break due to shocks and vibrations. In this case, the cooling efficiency drops sharply.

    Important Note: If you bought a laptop and it turns off within a few minutes, then you should take it straight to service. Sometimes it happens that during transportation, the box with the laptop fell or was subjected to strong shaking. As a result, the cooling system was damaged (see above). If the laptop does not turn on, then you should also take it to the service. This usually means problems with the southbridge. Solved by replacing the motherboard.

    Sometimes there are cases when, with strong blows to motherboard microcracks may form on the laptop. This can also lead to the laptop not turning on or behaving incorrectly.

    The bumps and shaking were dealt with. Let's consider another very important recommendation. The laptop should not be left for long periods of time on soft surfaces such as a sofa or bed. This is due to the fact that most laptops suck in the bulk of the air to cool the internal components through slots and holes on the bottom. If you block them, the laptop will become very hot until the processor overheating protection is triggered. When it is triggered, it will simply turn off. What could be the consequences of overheating?

    Usually nothing bad happens, but in some cases the video card, northern and south bridges. The hard drive may also fail, leading to loss of information. This happens because the chips have Maximum temperature, after which the destruction of their structure begins. Usually it is 110-125 degrees. At this temperature, both the chip itself and the contact between the chip and the board are damaged. As a result, the laptop may either not turn on at all due to problems with the chipset, or display various artifacts on the screen due to problems with the video card chip or video memory. The processor fails very rarely.

    More details about overheating and methods of cooling a laptop are described in this material:.

    If we talk about overheating, then it is worth highlighting one more recommendation: do not close the lid when the laptop is on. Despite the fact that the bulk of the air is sucked in through the bottom of the laptop, some of it is sucked in from the keyboard side. When you close the lid, almost no air is drawn in from the keyboard side and the laptop overheats. A heated keyboard transfers heat to the screen and streaks appear on it. Screens generally don’t like overheating. It's better not to joke about it.

    Let's summarize this part:

    1. The laptop should not be beaten or shaken;
    2. The laptop cannot be placed on a soft surface such as a carpet, sofa, bed;
    3. Do not close the lid while the laptop is on.

    Now let's look at battery operation.

    Battery operating rules

    The vast majority of laptops use Li-Ion batteries. This type batteries quite picky and requires compliance with certain conditions. Let's look at how to use a laptop battery.

    First of all, it is worth noting the temperature regime. The operating temperature range for Li-Ion batteries is from 5 to 45 degrees, optimal for operation is 15-25. At such temperatures, the loss of capacity is minimal. If a Li-Ion battery overheats or overcools, the loss of capacity occurs much faster. It is also worth noting that Li-Ion batteries can ignite and explode when overheated.

    Battery heating often occurs along with heating of other laptop components. The battery is located not far from them. To reduce the heating of the battery, you need to put something under rear end laptop as described in the first paragraph of this material: . This method works great.

    Go ahead. Let's consider the question of how to store the battery. There is an opinion that it is better to remove it from the laptop when working from the network. In practice this doesn't matter much. The best option is storing the battery in a laptop when running on mains power. When designing the laptop, it was taken into account that the battery would always be in it.

    Let's look at a few more nuances of using Li-Ion batteries. The main factors that affect battery capacity are the number of charge-discharge cycles and temperature. Li-Ion batteries, unlike NiCd and NiMh, do not have a memory effect. In other words, they do not need to be completely discharged and charged from time to time. Also, do not completely discharge the battery. Li-Ion batteries really don't like this. With a strong discharge, there is a risk that the battery controller simply will not start due to low voltage. As a result, it will be very difficult to restore the battery. Don't get carried away with battery-powered games. The fact is that batteries do not tolerate rapid discharge very well. And if you take into account that during games the laptop along with the battery heats up intensely. The result will be accelerated degradation.

    Let's summarize the operation of batteries:

    1. Batteries do not like high and low temperatures. The working range is from 5 to 45 degrees;
    2. The decrease in battery capacity depends on the number of discharge-charge cycles and temperature;
    3. When working from the mains, it is better to store the battery in the laptop;
    4. Playing on battery is not recommended;

    Discussion on the forum: Problems with laptop batteries are discussed in this forum thread:

    Cleaning your laptop

    It is only natural that a laptop will get dirty over time. Let's look at how to properly clean a laptop.

    LCD monitor cleaning kits are perfect for cleaning your laptop screen. This usually includes a bottle with a spray bottle and cleaning liquid, as well as a set of napkins or a special microfiber cloth. The latter is more desirable. It is important that the cleaning fluid does not contain solvents. They may damage the screen coating.

    The same liquid and cloth can be used to wipe the entire laptop, except the keyboard. It is better to wipe the keyboard with a cloth slightly dampened in regular warm water. The fact is that water in most cases poses minimal risk to the keyboard. Various cleaning solutions, especially if they contain solvents, can easily damage the keyboard. I'll have to buy a new one

    Except external cleaning We must not forget about the internal one. Once every few months, it is advisable to clean your laptop from dust. Described in more detail in this material.

    Laptops or notebooks are a more powerful, portable alternative to smartphones and desktop computers, with the ability to get serious work done on the go. If you're about to buy your first laptop, or are already sitting on one (unfamiliar with you), things may seem a little strange at first glance. Don't be afraid - do it the following actions to get started with all laptops. We will prepare you and help you become a professional in the shortest possible time.


    Part 1

    Setting up your laptop

      If you're using a laptop at home, find an outlet and plug in the charger. Laptop computers run on batteries, which can drain quickly, especially if you use your laptop intensively. Unless you are somewhere far away or abroad, where you absolutely have to do without an outlet, then it is better to leave your laptop plugged in.

      Place the bottom of the laptop on the desk/desk at which you are sitting. They're called "laptops" because they can be placed on your lap, but that doesn't mean that's always the best or right place. Try to find a comfortable angle for your wrists and arms - which means moving your laptop until you find the position that works best for you.

      • Do not place the laptop on soft, furry or furry surfaces that may block it ventilation holes. Most laptops have vents located on the sides and bottom that should be left open when starting the laptop.
    1. To open the laptop, lift the lid until the screen is in a comfortable position. Most laptops have clips or latches that allow the screen to open.

      • If your laptop won't open, don't try to force it to do so! Instead, look at the latch. You should not force the screen open.
      • Do not pull the cover back too far. 45 degrees is the maximum the laptop should be open to. The lid or hinge mechanism may be damaged or broken if it is opened too much.
    2. Find the power button and turn it on. Most laptops have the power button located slightly below (behind) the keyboard. The power button is usually marked with the generic "POWER ON" symbol, a circle with a line halfway through it.

      Wait for the laptop to boot. Because laptops are designed to be portable (in addition to computing power), your laptop may have specialized hardware that will cause it to take longer to boot than a desktop or smartphone.

      Use a laptop pointing device. On most computers, this is a flat, touch-sensitive area called a “trackpad,” which will allow you to use your finger like a mouse. Simply place one finger on the trackpad area to move the cursor.

      • Many trackpads are multi-touch - they will perform various user actions in the interface using multiple fingers, rather than just one. Experiment with your laptop by moving one, two or three fingers around it and try out different "gestures" or finger movements.
      • Lenovo laptops may use a small, red joystick-like button called a trackpoint, located in the center of the keyboard between the G and H keys. Use it just like a very sensitive joystick, with just your finger.
      • Some older laptops may have a trackball. Rolling the ball on the trackball will cause the mouse pointer to move.
      • Some laptops come with a pen interface. In these cases, the pen will be attached to the laptop. Point the pen at the screen to move the pointer, and press the pen against the screen to tap(s).
      • Do you find laptop pointing devices tiny and difficult to use? You can always connect a mouse to your laptop. Find your laptop's USB port and plug in your mouse if you want to use it. The laptop will automatically recognize the mouse and make it ready to use.
    3. Use the trackpad's left-click button as the left mouse button. On most trackpads, you can click using a button located in the lower left corner of the trackpad.

      • Some trackpads may allow you to press lightly on the surface of the pad to make clicks. Experiment - you may discover additional functionality your laptop that you had no idea about.
    4. Use the right trackpad button as the right mouse button. You will complete all actions using " context menu" or " pressing right key" by simply pressing the right button located in the lower right corner of the trackpad.

      Find optical drive your laptop, if you have one. Unless your laptop is a "netbook", it probably has an optical drive that you can use to install software or play music. The optical drive is usually located on the right or left side of the laptop.

      • On Windows and MacOS, you can open the optical drive by clicking on the small button on it, or by right-clicking on the icon optical drive in your operating system and selecting "Eject".

      Part 2

      Software installation
      1. Keep your laptop software up to date. Your laptop probably has some basic software: a simple word processor, a calculator, and perhaps some basic photo sharing software. Laptops also have dedicated power and graphics management software; they often require many driver updates before they are ready to use. With a little "how to" knowledge, you can add software to dramatically improve your laptop's capabilities—in many cases, for free.

        • You will need to update Windows version in the laptop, if it is on Windows based. Your laptop is on Windows based can use Windows Update, or the manufacturer's own Windows update software.
        • If you own a Mac laptop, use the macOS built-in update option. On a Mac laptop it is usually easy to find.
      2. Install office software. For basic development and note-taking, your laptop's built-in software will suffice, but for more serious scientific or professional work you need to purchase a complete office package.

        • [ In OpenOffice you can do text processing, spreadsheets and presentations, such as proprietary software such as Microsoft Word, but for free.
        • Use Google Docs as an online alternative to office suites. Google Docs is a cloud-based office software that offers the same functionality as OpenOffice or Microsoft Office. It's free to use and very powerful, particularly if you need to share documents with others.
        • If you just need to use Microsoft Office, you can get it for free or at a discount if you're a student. Check before you go to the store and buy a copy.
      3. Install photo editing software to organize, touch up, and share your photos. Your laptop may come from the factory with some basic photo software. It's quick, easy (and in some cases free) to update.

        • Use Photo Stream to organize and share your photos. If you have an iPhone or Mac laptop, you can follow our basic instructions for installing Photo Stream and sharing photos.
        • You can use Picasa to organize and share your photos. Picasa is published by Google and provides many of the basic tools you need to work with photos - cropping, retouching, and even recoloring and creating panoramas.

      Part 3

      Internet access from your laptop
      1. If you have not created home network, you will have to do this first. Your laptop is powerful laptop computer by itself, but actually to use it on full force, Internet connection required. Your laptop may have built-in software to make this easy.

        Most laptops have a connector somewhere on the back or side that you plug into Ethernet cable. Plug the Ethernet cable from your router or modem into this jack and your laptop should automatically recognize the connection.

        If you have Mac laptop, use Mac OS for Mac connections to the Internet. Follow our instructions and your Mac will be able to connect via Ethernet or wireless access to the Internet.

        On a Windows laptop, use Windows to connect to the Internet. If you connect a new or different wireless card into a laptop, you may need to use the software that came with the card rather than the software built into Windows wireless utility.

        While you're on the road or just out and about, you can often get wireless Internet access for free. Schools, libraries and cafes have free wifi to use, and you can often find Wi-Fi in places that might surprise you (like some supermarkets, banks and outdoor areas).

      Part 4

      Living and working with a laptop

        Add wireless mouse to the laptop. External mouse can make working on a laptop easier - you won't need to hold your wrists at an angle to use the touchpad (touchpad).

        Use your laptop with another screen to create a dual-screen workspace with high productivity. You can set up your laptop and second screen as one big one working space, or set up a second screen to reflect what's on your laptop screen (useful when creating presentations).

        You can use your laptop to play movies and display your photos on your TV screen. Some laptops, in fact, have HDMI or DV-I connections, as well as DVD or Blu-ray players that can provide video high resolution, high definition- just get permission to play movies or recorded TV shows on your friends' TVs.

      • You need a bag (case) to carry your laptop with you. Laptops are fragile and can be easily damaged if you stuff them into regular bags and shake them loose. Consider purchasing a quality, padded case for your laptop - or simply make one yourself if you have the right material.
      • Set up your laptop and workspace for ergonomic work. Laptops may have worse ergonomic characteristics than desktop computers, because laptop keyboards tend to be smaller, which requires pressing your fingers into your wrists at an angle to use all the keys. And also the ability to place them anywhere can contribute to poor positioning.


      • Keep an eye on your laptop at all times. Your laptop is valuable, portable and easy to resell, making it attractive to thieves. Remember to take basic precautions when traveling and don't leave your laptop unattended, don't leave your laptop on the seat of your car, and as always, stay informed.
      • Back up your laptop data regularly. Doing a lot of work on a laptop and only keeping one copy on it is a ticking time bomb. Do it regularly backup on schedule, especially if you use your laptop for work.
      • Don't let it hit different materials to your laptop! Laptops have many open ports for ventilation and open keyboard, which is located at the top of the warm, tightly “packed” circuit - great place for a catastrophic coffee spill. Your laptop's warranty probably won't cover such cases. Consciously remember to hold your drink far from your laptop - on opposite ends of your desk or desktop, or even on separate table, if possible - while you are working and drinking.
      • Do not throw your laptop or subject it to shock while it is in use. Most laptops use hard disks which can be easily damaged if subjected to sudden shocks during operation. A strong enough blow will cause head breakage, where the rapidly spinning disks inside the hard drive hit the read head of the drive. This will turn your laptop into a very expensive brick. Be careful and handle your laptop with care.
      • Laptops overheat. Many laptops, especially powerful ones, get warm at the end of the day after long-term use. This may cause discomfort or skin irritation on your thighs if you use the laptop on your lap.
        • Gaming laptops with powerful graphics cards and processors are especially prone to overheating. Handle these laptops more carefully.
        • Avoid using the laptop in brightly lit environments or when high temperatures. Not only will the screen become blurry and difficult to read, but it will also heat up much faster.
        • Consider purchasing a laptop cooler if your laptop gets particularly hot. These devices are equipped with a fan that blows cool air through the bottom of the laptop, thereby reducing overheating.