How to properly charge your smartphone after purchase. How to charge a smartphone if this process occurs at night. How to properly charge a new phone with a li-ion battery

We talk about the features, nuances and importance of properly charging a new gadget for the first time.

Many people, when buying a smartphone, ask themselves the question: how to properly charge the battery of a new phone so that it holds a charge for a long time and fully fulfills its allotted life? Are there any nuances, secrets and features of charging new batteries? Let's try to understand this question and find an answer.

First, a little theory. All modern smartphones are equipped with . In devices with monolithic cases, the batteries are built into the back panel and cannot be removed without disassembling the gadget using a special tool. In collapsible models, they can be removed after removing the back cover, as on older phones - in this case, manufacturers often put the battery in a box separate from the device.

It is important that in both cases the batteries are charged at least 20-30 percent, which is why lithium-ion batteries do not tolerate complete discharge well. In this matter, we can only rely on the integrity of the manufacturing company, which probably knows about this rule.

After purchasing a new smartphone, the first thing you need to do is turn it on and find out what percentage of the battery is charged. If the device does not turn on - the battery is empty - you need to put the smartphone on charge and wait until it is fully (100 percent) charged. Many sites and “experts” recommend charging the phone while it is turned off, but this is not relevant for modern types of batteries. The only benefit from such conditions is a slightly increased charging speed.

If the new smartphone does not turn on, that is, the battery is completely discharged, you need to immediately put it on charge and again wait until it is fully charged to 100 percent. Since the battery was discharged, we recommend completely discharging it again and replenishing it with 100 percent energy. This kind of calibration will allow you to restore the battery.

There are no other secrets or unexpected nuances when charging a new phone. It is important to follow the general rules and use batteries carefully. Here are the top tips for charging smartphones.

  • It is important not to allow this to happen - this can have a negative impact on the battery. If your phone turns off due to power depletion, do not try to turn it on again until you find an outlet.
  • It is recommended to charge the gadget when it reaches 20-30 percent.
  • Ideally, you should remove the device from the outlet when it reaches a full charge of 100 percent.
  • It is not forbidden to leave your smartphone. Modern devices have power controllers that prevent harmful overcharging.
  • It is recommended to charge gadgets with original original chargers. If this is not possible, you need to do it correctly.

Almost all new smartphones suffer from one problem - they discharge too quickly. Many users remember with nostalgia those times when a mobile phone “kept its charge” for almost a whole week. This is the price to pay for constantly increasing power and performance.

In such a situation, the question becomes more relevant than ever: how to properly charge a new smartphone?

Each of us has probably heard that a new mobile phone needs to be charged in a special way so that the battery subsequently holds a charge longer. Taking into account the problem described above and the fairly high cost of modern smartphones, I want to save myself from any problems.

Even in the store, the sales assistant usually mentions how you need to charge the phone after purchase. You can also find entire instructions from manufacturers and various specialists on what to do.

The most commonly expressed advice is the following:

· The phone needs to be allowed to work for a while, and then fully charged;
· You need to complete 3 full charge/discharge cycles;
· After purchase, the phone must be installed immediately and then charged for 12 hours.

From this it becomes unclear, so how to charge a new phone? Is it necessary to "bleed" the battery? And what exactly should you do so that you don’t need to change the battery in six months or a year?

Battery Features

The bottom line is that batteries, like the devices themselves, are constantly being improved, so the characteristics and requirements for operating conditions are constantly changing. And the advice, in turn, remains the same.

Before you start “pumping” the battery or putting your phone on charge for a whole day, it’s worth finding out what type of battery is installed and what recommendations the manufacturer gives.

Battery types

The battery is a fairly important part of any mobile phone; it’s just that behind the design, performance and other new “tricks” they are usually forgotten about. Engineers from leading companies in the world, in turn, are working to improve mobile batteries.

There are several varieties:

· Ni-Cd (Nickel-cadmium);
· Ni-MH (Nickel metal hydride);
· Li-ion (Lithium-ion);
· Li-Pol (Lithium polymer).

Nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride batteries were used in older devices. If you still have a handset with a monochrome or simple color display, then it probably has Ni-Cd or Ni-MH.

They were distinguished by a fairly high degree of reliability and durability, but very high power. There was another drawback - the “memory effect”. Over time, the structure of the electrolyte changed, so it was recommended to fully charge and discharge it at least from time to time.

This is where the advice about charge-discharge cycles came from.

Nickel batteries have been replaced by lithium batteries - Li-ion and Li-Pol (lithium-ion and lithium-polymer). They are used in almost all modern smartphones, laptops and tablet computers. Therefore, you need to know how to charge a new smartphone with just such a battery.

Their advantage lies in their small size, fairly high power and safety. They have almost completely no “memory effect”, so they do not require any charge-discharge cycles. Now developers are still working on improving these types of batteries, trying to increase durability and reduce dependence on various operating conditions.

Tips on how to charge a new smartphone

As already mentioned, the batteries of modern smartphones are practically independent of any operating conditions - manufacturers are constantly working on this. Although it cannot be said that they manage to do this 100%. In this regard, sometimes certain problems arise, and some of them arise precisely because of ineffective recommendations.

There are a few tips to follow:

· Lithium batteries are sensitive to low temperatures, so it is not recommended to use smartphones outdoors for a long time in winter, but it is better to carry them in internal pockets;
· For lithium batteries, the extreme states - completely discharged or fully charged - are not very useful, so it is better to leave a few percent;
· The optimal state for lithium batteries is 40-60% charged; in this state they can be stored for quite a long time without any problems. That is why in stores the charge of a new smartphone is always at this level.
Thus, there are no particular difficulties in how to charge a new smartphone. You should not “run” it on a full charge - this is not very useful for it. You should not leave it in the cold for a long time, otherwise the AB may lose its potential. Although new models are usually made less susceptible to low temperatures.

It is always better to have a standard charger, USB cable or car charger with you, and periodically recharge it during the day if possible. If you can connect it to a laptop or outlet for at least 20-30 minutes, then this is enough, and most likely the smartphone will not die at the most inopportune moment.

If necessary, you can purchase a higher-power battery or simply have a spare one with you. In this case, you can save yourself a lot of problems and not be one of those who constantly complain about a discharged mobile phone.

Batteries on smartphones and telephones have their own service life, but most often due to improper use, including charging, they fail prematurely. To extend the life of your battery, you need to remember a few simple rules.

Use only the original charger. They have a special fuse that turns off the power supply once the battery reaches 100% charge. Cheap and universal chargers do not have it, and overcharging significantly reduces the life of the battery.

If you don’t have the original charger at hand, you shouldn’t charge your smartphone overnight. Usually the battery reaches 100% in 3-4 hours, but even in a sleeping state, the phone consumes a certain amount of energy and the rest of the time, charging recharges the gadget from time to time. This very quickly reduces the actual battery capacity and after a while the phone begins to discharge much faster.

It is best to remove the device from the charge when it is 90-95% charged. This will help avoid the negative effects of high voltage.

Full discharge is no less harmful to your phone; try not to take it to extremes. One discharge before shutting down completely can reduce the battery life by half.

Nowadays, modern smartphones use lithium-ion batteries. They do not require pre-launch preparation when first used. If ten years ago, after purchasing a new phone, the user needed to discharge it to zero three times, and then charge the battery to 100%, but now a brand new gadget can simply be charged once.

In general, manufacturers make smartphones with the expectation that after two or three years the user will replace the device with a new one. Therefore, even if you sometimes do not follow the above tips, nothing bad will happen.

After purchasing a new smartphone, the first thing the user does is connect the gadget to the network via a charger. At the same time, few people think that when charging for the first time it is necessary to follow certain rules. And then you will notice that the phone has to be recharged more and more often.

A decrease in battery capacity occurs for two reasons: improper handling of the gadget and violation of the rules for first installation for charging. In our article, we will talk about the main types of batteries and teach you how to properly charge a smartphone battery for the first time. In this case, the phone battery will last much longer than the warranty period.

On the pages of technical forums and websites, it is customary to talk about 4 main types of batteries for phones. However, in 2017, you can completely limit yourself to two types. The fact is, nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride were used in gadgets 10-15 years ago and are no longer used now. This is due to the fact that such batteries are difficult to use - they have to be charged only after they are completely discharged, and they can also be very toxic.

In recent years, mobile device manufacturers have used two main types of batteries:

  • Lithium-ion;
  • Lithium polymer.

Such batteries can be charged to at least 50 or 20% charge. In addition, they are much more convenient to use. The advantage of using lithium-polymer batteries is that such batteries can withstand a greater number of charge cycles, and thanks to the polymer electrolyte they can be made lighter and thinner.

Speaking about how to properly charge a smartphone battery for the first time, many technical experts recommend performing the so-called pumping or calibration of the battery:

  1. Completely discharge the phone before turning off the phone. This can be done by simultaneously launching several resource-intensive modules (Wi-Fi, GPS, flashlight, and so on);
  2. Connect the charger. The user manual should indicate how long it takes to fully charge the phone;
  3. Leave the phone to charge for several hours, for example, overnight. By the way, it is recommended to charge your smartphone when it is turned off so that the battery does not waste power maintaining the operation of the main systems;
  4. Carry out a similar procedure 2 or 4 times.

After such a build-up, you can charge the battery at any time, without waiting for complete discharge, and leave it connected to the network even when the battery indicator scale is 100 percent. This is another advantage of Li-Ion and Li-Pol batteries: the battery is not overloaded from overcharging.

Follow these simple tips to ensure your phone battery lasts as long as possible:

  • Don't let your phone's battery drain completely. It is enough to bring the indicator level to 10%, and you can connect the charger;
  • It is not necessary to fully charge your phone. It is recommended to alternate the charge from 70-80 to 100% several times a month;
  • Do not leave your smartphone online for a long time. Modern batteries, of course, can cope with excess charge, but you should not abuse this opportunity;
  • Be careful not to leave your phone in hot or cold weather. Lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries are very capricious in relation to high and low temperatures;
  • If you do not use the phone for a long time, it is better to remove the battery, since an unused battery may soon, as techies say, “fade away.”

Which smartphone with a powerful battery is best to choose?

A modern user's mobile gadget rarely sits idle for more than 5 minutes. Moreover, calls and SMS do not account for the largest share of active use. Accessing the Internet via Wi-Fi or mobile traffic, geolocation, working with applications, playing games, watching videos and launching audio - all this puts a heavy load on even the most capacious battery.

Considering these factors, it is preferable to choose a smartphone that combines large battery capacity with hardware performance. A big plus in this case is the accessibility of the gadget. It is wrong to think that a smartphone with a powerful battery should cost tens of thousands of rubles. Thus, the British company Fly has been proving for 14 years with each new smartphone model that it is possible to produce a productive and long-lasting device and at the same time adhere to the budget price category.

The most powerful smartphone in terms of battery capacity in the brand’s model line is. The 4000 mAh battery demonstrates high battery life:

  • up to 15 hours of talk time;
  • up to 350 hours of standby;
  • up to 8 hours of video playback and surfing the Internet via Wi-Fi;
  • up to 70 hours of music listening.

In addition, the smartphone battery supports XLife technology. This means that Fly Nimbus 12 can be used as an external battery to charge another smartphone or tablet. The smartphone didn’t let us down in terms of technical features either. A powerful 1.3 GHz 4-core processor will ensure long-term and stable operation of applications, and high-quality video and photo display occurs on a bright and contrasting 5-inch IPS display in HD resolution.

If the user needs a lithium-polymer battery installed in the smartphone, the gadget itself meets all modern technical requirements, and at the same time is accessible, we recommend paying attention to the new product for the spring-summer season 2017 -. Largely due to the use of a compact 2400 mAh Li-Pol battery, the smartphone in a metal case was made thin and light.

By combining various modes, for example, accessing the Network via Wi-Fi, watching videos, calls, SMS and working with applications, you can safely forget about the charger from morning until late evening.

Now you know how to charge your phone correctly for the first time. Choose the most suitable, reliable and powerful gadget for yourself, don’t forget about our recommendations - and you won’t have to think about buying a new smartphone for a long time.

Properly charging your mobile phone battery can extend its life, which is especially important for models with a non-removable battery.

How to properly charge a battery is not an interesting topic for many until a smartphone or tablet faces the problem of ineffective operation.

Many of us have had the problem of running out of battery while away from home and unable to charge it, but few try to use a method to prolong the life of this key element.

The battery has been designed in such a way that after 500 full charge cycles, 80% of its original capacity is retained.

Once this point is reached, your smartphone's battery (for most manufacturers, after 300-500 cycles) will noticeably lose efficiency.

One of the most frequently asked questions is whether it is necessary to wait for complete discharge and about the memory effect.

Memory effect in phone battery

If you charge the battery too often, this can occur in the so-called “memory effect”.

If you charge a battery that has another 20% of resources to a level of 80%, then it can “forget” about 40%.

This sounds strange, but fortunately only applies to older nickel-based batteries (nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride batteries to a lesser extent).

Lithium ion (li ion) does not suffer from memory effect. In their case, you should do the opposite - charge often, but not all day, and don't let it drain to zero.

NOTE: Do not charge the lithium battery from 0 to 100%. If a lithium-ion battery is systematically discharged to 0 and then charged to 100 percent, its service life is reduced.

It will be very good if you charge the lithium-ion battery in the range of 20% - 80%. Try to keep the resource without dropping below 20%.

Some of the smartphones and tablets currently available are capable of recognizing when the battery has finished charging and turning it off on its own.

However, experts recommend disconnecting your smartphone or tablet from the power source if this is done for a long time, since there is a risk of overheating, which Li ion batteries strongly dislike.

How to properly charge a new lithium battery for the first time

A new battery should always be discharged to zero for the first time - until the smartphone turns off. After this, using the original charger, not only charge the battery completely, but also keep it connected for another 2-3 hours.

After fully charging the new smartphone battery, you use it as usual, for the first time; it is not necessary to discharge it as quickly as possible, as was previously recommended in the old ones.

The main thing is to do a full charge the first time, after a complete discharge, and so on with a new battery 3-4 times. After this, go to normal mode.

How to properly charge your phone battery with a frog

There are universal devices - “frogs”. They are designed for lithium Li Ion batteries.

Charging is controlled by the phone's microchip and is automatically turned off if it is no longer needed, but the frogs do not support this, they differ from each other and not all are of good quality.

If you find 3 or 4 contacts on the battery, then the outer 2 are usually used. If the first green indicator lights up, then you did it right.

If it is not lit, change the polarity (CO button - polarity reversal). There are frogs that determine polarity on their own.

NOTE: The frog does not have charge control, so it is not highly recommended and is considered inferior to the original device.

Is it possible to use the battery fast charging system?

Many smartphones have a feature that allows you to quickly charge the battery (for example, in the case of technology, Motorola Turbo Charger charges in 15 minutes).

This solution is based on a special code that is powered at a higher voltage. Unfortunately, this is accompanied by a heating process, which is not a positive phenomenon in the case of a lithium-ion battery.

For the same reason, try not to leave your smartphone in the sun, because in the long run, high temperatures will shorten the battery life (its power will be significantly reduced).

Remember also that very cold conditions are also not favorable. Conclusion: it is better not to use the fast battery charging system.

Can I use any charger?

Use the charger that came with your smartphone or tablet, because then you can be sure that everything is correct. Cheap alternatives, unfortunately, can pose a threat to your phone.

Do not store the battery for too long on a zero charge. Leave her resources at 40-50%. Remember that an unused battery will discharge 5-10% within a month.

If you leave a dead battery for a very long time, it may be the end - it will no longer be able to charge.

Of course, it is unlikely that for such a long period, you will not be using a smartphone, tablet or laptop. This applies primarily to the spare battery. Charging batteries correctly can greatly impact their lifespan.

The process of charging a lithium-ion battery is quite complex, and cheap chargers do not take into account the characteristics of the battery.

Smartphones run out of charge quickly, and their charging is slow and ask for them much more often than older mobile phones. Good luck.