What questions can you ask siri in Russian? Talk about Apple. What is a voice assistant

One of the most significant innovations for Russian speakers has appeared iPhone users, iPad and iPod Touch for a lot last months. The Russian-language Siri has been awaited for so long that many have managed to learn English and “make friends” with the original voice assistant. But now all that remains is to wait for the official iOS release 8.3 and every Russian-speaking owner will be able to talk to a personal assistant mobile device Apple.

And while iOS 8.3 is in beta status, we can take the time to familiarize ourselves with the available commands for Siri. It is with their help voice assistant will be able to fully realize his potential and become a real assistant who understands everything in one phrase. In this article we will publish full list voice commands for Russian-language Siri, each of which leads to the execution of a specific request.

Working with the contact book

Siri allows you to specify the names of relatives by giving them appropriate titles, for example:

  • My mother - Nina Nikolaevna
  • My sister - Katya

After making such assignments, you can dial the required contacts as follows:

  • Call my sister
  • Call my mom on her cell phone
  • Call Sveta
  • What is Anna Petrovna's address?
  • Which email address at Denis's?
  • Show Oleg Olegovich
  • What is Nina's phone number?
  • Find people named Eugene
  • Search contacts

Note: you can call any name written in your contact book

Phone calls

  • Call Sveta
  • Call Sveta at work
  • Call Sveta on her mobile phone
  • Dial [phone_number]
  • Call help desk(Police/Ambulance/Fire)
  • Show me my call history
  • Call the last number
  • Do I have missed calls?
  • Do I have new messages on my answering machine?

Text messages

  • Say to Ivan: “Hi, how are you?”
  • Send a message to Oleg
  • Tell Inna “Everything was wonderful, thanks for dinner”
  • Send Evgeniy a message to work “See you tomorrow”
  • Write an SMS “Come to me” to Anton and Peter
  • Send a message to [phone_number]
  • Read my new messages
  • Read last message again
  • Answer: “No!”
  • Call him
  • Read the latest message from Inna

Application management

  • Launch Camera
  • Play Doodle Jump
  • Open Instagram

Music control

  • Listen to Go Slow by HAIM
  • Enable Bob Dylan
  • Put on the Hey Jude album and mix it up
  • Put playlist [Playlist_name]
  • Listen
  • Pause
  • Skip

Manage the Calendar application

  • Schedule a meeting for 8 a.m.
  • Meeting with Anton at 10 am
  • Create a meeting with investors the day after tomorrow at 8 pm
  • New meeting with Oleg at 8:30
  • Schedule a business lunch today at 14:00
  • Reschedule your business lunch until tomorrow
  • Add Inna to the meeting with Oleg
  • Cancel the meeting with Oleg
  • What do I have planned for Monday?
  • When is my next meeting?
  • What do I have left for today?
  • When is my next meeting?
  • When do I have a meeting with Oleg?

Mail management

  • Sending letters
  • Write to Evgeny about the meeting tomorrow at 20:00
  • Write to Inna: “I’ll be there in 10 minutes”
  • Write to your brother about a hockey match
  • Write a letter to Alexey and say: “Everything is great!”
  • Show letters about work
  • Show me yesterday's letter from your boss
  • Answer: “No. I won't take out the trash"
  • Call him at home number

Card management

  • Get directions to work
  • Route to St. Petersburg
  • Route to brother's house
  • How to get from Moscow to Saransk?
  • How to walk to the house?
  • We haven't arrived yet?
  • What's the next turn?
  • When I arrive?
  • Find a gas station
  • Show me Red Square
  • Show me [Address]
  • Find a cafe nearby
  • Where is the nearest airport?

Clock management

  • Wake me up tomorrow at 6 am
  • Set your alarm for 6 am
  • Wake me up in 7 hours
  • Change my alarm clock from 6 to 6.15
  • Turn off the alarm at 6.15
  • Remove the alarm clock at 6.45
  • Turn off all my alarms
  • What date is today?
  • What date will it be this Saturday?
  • What time is it in London now?
  • Set a timer for 20 minutes
  • Show me my timer
  • Pause the timer
  • Stop the timer
  • Start the timer again
  • Reset the timer

Manage the Weather app

  • What is the weather today?
  • What's the weather forecast for tomorrow evening?
  • What is the current weather in St. Petersburg?
  • How many degrees will it be in Moscow on Friday?
  • How many degrees is it outside now?
  • What time will the sun set in Minsk today?
  • Is it windy today?
  • Do I need an umbrella today?

Managing notes

Search on the Internet

  • Find wooden doors on the Internet
  • Find repair recommendations
  • Find in Google history Napoleon
  • Search the Internet for the best works of Pushkin
  • Find photos of Pallas' cat
  • Show video of ball lightning
  • What's new in Moscow?

Siri can also answer ordinary questions, the answers to which the assistant takes on the Internet. You can ask the voice assistant anything, and he will try to answer every request as clearly and correctly as possible.

The Siri function is available in Russian starting from iOS versions 8.3 and higher. This personal assistant, which can be controlled by voice. Positioned as the artificial intelligence of your IPhone, with which you can communicate and recognize various information. In fact, this innovation also caused a lot of criticism and ridicule, especially due to the peculiarities of the Russian language.

You can fully configure and use Siri on iPhone 6 and higher. It works with some limitations on older phones, as well as the iPad and iPod Touch.

Setting up Siri

Before you start using Siri, you need to enable and configure it:

  1. Go to Settings on your iPhone and click Siri.
  2. Turn all the sliders to the on position (Siri, On Lock Screen, Allow: Hey Siri).
  3. Next, the program setup procedure will begin. Follow the instructions on the screen. You will need to clearly pronounce the suggested phrases several times in order for the program to work correctly in the future.

Siri is available on iPhone 4s and above, iPad Pro, iPad Air and later, iPod Touch 5th generation and later. However, the voice calling feature only fully works on iPhone 6 and above; on older devices it only works if they are connected to a charger. On iPad, iPad2 and iPad mini function voice call not supported.

Ways to contact an assistant:

  • Clearly say “Hey Siri” (if supported).
  • Press and hold the Home button and question options will appear on the screen. Or you can set your own. Depending on the model, you can simply say, or you may need to click on the microphone icon on the screen each time. If Siri is ready to accept commands, then on the screen you will see a colored horizontal bar depicting sound wave.
  • If you have a headset with a remote control, press and hold the center button or the call button until sound signal. After this you can speak commands. For AirPods headphones Just double-click on the surface of one of the headphones.
  • For vehicles equipped with technology: press and hold the voice command button on the steering wheel or, if vehicle equipped touch screen, press and hold Home. To improve perception in noisy conditions, the program will speak commands for confirmation. Click on the sound wave if you want to indicate that you have finished speaking.

You can also customize the language, audio feedback and call announcements. For some countries, voice selection is available, but for the Russian language only female has been developed so far. To enable call announcements, go to “Settings”, then “Phone”, “Call Announcements” and select the desired option.

Siri is integrated into many applications. This can be allowed or prohibited in the appropriate paragraphs. For example, if you move the screen to the right, under the usual search bar you will see “Siri Suggestions” and a panel with icons. These are the most necessary programs, in her opinion, but this does not always coincide with your opinion. To disable these offers, do the following:

  1. Go to “Settings”, “General”.
  2. Select Spotlight Search.
  3. Move the Siri Suggestions slider to the Off position.
  4. While you're at it, you can see if you need Spotlight Suggestions in your search.
  5. Here you can configure which applications will not be displayed in the results.

If you don’t need not only suggestions, but also the electronic assistant itself, then you can turn it off completely by moving the slider in the “Settings” menu - Siri. Removing audio feedback means disabling Siri in silent mode. By default, this option is activated along with the assistant itself.

Using Siri

The most interesting thing is what features the electronic assistant offers. The developers have endowed the application with wit and a friendly communication style. It’s hard to say whether they use it for convenience or, rather, for entertainment and lifting the mood.

Here basic commands, with which Siri will help you control your phone or tablet:

These are just example commands to show areas of opportunity. Pronounce commands clearly and ask for clarifications. Siri often asks for confirmation whether she understood the command correctly. And you can also ask her general and tricky questions. Just for fun, try asking the following:

  • Siri, are you smart?
  • What's wrong with Apple?
  • Who made the best computer?
  • I want to sleep.
  • What came first, the egg or the chicken?
  • How old are you?
  • Tell a joke.
  • Tell me a story.
  • Okay Google.

Ask tricky questions several times and she will have a variety of answers. There is such an interesting function on Apple devices. Allows you not only to control your phone using your voice, but also to have a little fun and lift your spirits. If you know more interesting teams and unusual Siri responses, give your examples in the comments.

Despite four years of waiting, users are exploring the possibilities with interest Russian speaking Siri. Surely, the personal assistant will have significantly more fans after its release of the public version of iOS 8.3.

It must be said that Siri can not only listen, but also respond. Unlike other tongue-tied assistants, Apple's development is very adaptive and intelligent in its approach to conversation. These are not just requests and template execution of actions, but full-fledged dialogues with jokes. We have collected some of the funniest examples on the Internet.

Siri has answers not only to classic requests, for example, to dial someone or launch an application. She even tries to read minds:

Siri operates according to its own rules and adheres to certain principles. She even has laws that she probably follows from time to time:

In addition to some naive jokes and quite original answers, the voice assistant can tell fairy tales:

As befits a faithful assistant, Siri is always ready to help the smartphone owner. She is so attentive that she doesn’t even have time to sleep. Apparently, even your own fairy tales cannot serve as a reason to take a little break:

But, apparently, sometimes she can allow herself to be distracted from her immediate responsibilities in order to have fun:

In some Siri questions very evasive:

She tolerates flattery:

Although she is not ready to move to the next stage of the relationship. Moreover, her answer hints that there are many people willing, but she is alone:

Despite the fact that her task is to help find the answer to almost any questions, she simply ignores some:

Siri doesn't like to talk about herself:

Although, Siri competitors doesn’t really like it and even gets a little offended if you don’t address her the way she’s used to:

Some of her answers can reach the depths of the soul, you just need to find the right approach:

As a bonus, Siri sings songs:

On the one hand, the usefulness of such comments and answers is questionable, since the smartphone is designed to help the user quickly complete certain tasks, and not distract him with lengthy conversations about nothing. On the other hand, this feature of the voice assistant acts as a kind of “trick” that, at a minimum, looks fresh. In addition, such capabilities, although programmed, with the development artificial intelligence may find more functional applications. Until then, Siri jokes will remain another way of entertainment for owners of Apple gadgets.

Despite four years of waiting, users are exploring the capabilities of Russian-speaking Siri with interest. Surely, the personal assistant will have significantly more fans after its release of the public version of iOS 8.3.

It must be said that Siri can not only listen, but also respond. Unlike other tongue-tied assistants, Apple's development is very adaptive and intelligent in its approach to conversation. These are not just requests and template execution of actions, but full-fledged dialogues with jokes. We have collected some of the funniest examples on the Internet.

Siri has answers not only to classic requests, for example, to dial someone or launch an application. She even tries to read minds:

Siri operates according to its own rules and adheres to certain principles. She even has laws that she probably follows from time to time:

In addition to some naive jokes and quite original answers, the voice assistant can tell fairy tales:

As befits a faithful assistant, Siri is always ready to help the smartphone owner. She is so attentive that she doesn’t even have time to sleep. Apparently, even your own fairy tales cannot serve as a reason to take a little break:

But, apparently, sometimes she can allow herself to be distracted from her immediate responsibilities in order to have fun:

Siri is quite evasive on some issues:

She tolerates flattery:

Although she is not ready to move to the next stage of the relationship. Moreover, her answer hints that there are many people willing, but she is alone:

Despite the fact that her task is to help find the answer to almost any questions, she simply ignores some:

Siri doesn't like to talk about herself:

Although, Siri doesn’t really like competitors and is even slightly offended if you don’t address her the way she’s used to:

Some of her answers can reach the depths of the soul, you just need to find the right approach:

As a bonus, Siri sings songs:

On the one hand, the usefulness of such comments and answers is questionable, since the smartphone is designed to help the user quickly complete certain tasks, and not distract him with lengthy conversations about nothing. On the other hand, this feature of the voice assistant acts as a kind of “trick” that, at a minimum, looks fresh. In addition, such capabilities, although programmed, can find more functional applications with the development of artificial intelligence. Until then, Siri jokes will remain another way of entertainment for owners of Apple gadgets.

Apple's voice assistant, which is found in almost every iPhone and iPad, is bored without attention in Russia. Without knowing the Russian language, Siri, with all the breadth of its capabilities, is not of much interest to our compatriots. We expect that soon the virtual personality will learn the great and mighty. In this case, you need to get acquainted with its capabilities in advance. Colleagues from Business Insider have selected the most impressive and interesting features voice assistant that you will definitely want to try.

Siri works with . If you now tell your assistant “Wolfram planes overhead”, you can see the flights that are in the sky above you in this moment.

Siri can easily tell you how many calories are in the food you eat, all you have to do is ask.

Register on the site and want to come up with secure password? Siri will do this for you by asking “Wolfram, password.”

Give yourself a funny nickname and tell it to Siri. Just say that you should now be called “mighty lord”, and communicating with the voice assistant will become noticeably more fun.

Do you know Morse code? Siri can teach you any word.

Siri will happily read you the latest incoming message and will answer for you. Time to forget about the keyboard.

Siri mispronouncing your name? Feel free to point out the mistake to her. The voice assistant will happily learn and improve.

Have you sat down at a card table and discovered that you don’t have enough knowledge to play? Siri has all the necessary knowledge.

Adding a new reminder is as easy as asking someone to remind you. Ask Siri, she definitely won't forget.

Are you driving and don’t want to search for the track you need on your smartphone yourself? Siri will find it for you and start playing.

If the search for the desired icon is on home screen device is not such a simple task, ask Siri to open the application for you. This does not work with all applications, but, for example, it will do a great job with searching for “Settings”.

Sometimes Siri misunderstands you. Especially when you have to speak a language that is not your native one. You shouldn’t try to repeat the entire phrase; just a simple tap can edit what the voice assistant has recognized.

Finished talking to Siri and can't close the dialog box by pressing a key? Just say goodbye to Siri.

Based on materials from Business Insider