History of Windows development. A Brief History of Windows OS

Today, many people use the operating system from Microsoft and don’t really think about how this interesting product was invented. In fact, there are many interesting things in the history of the emergence of the most popular OS. It is only worth mentioning that the history of Windows goes back several decades. During this time, the OS went through a number of metamorphoses: from an inconvenient graphical shell for MS-DOS to a full-fledged and very convenient operating system. Everyone knows that Bill Gates invented Windows, but few know how he did it. Let's try to look at all stages of Windows development. Because the history of the Windows operating system is very interesting and fascinating.


The history of Windows began in 1985, when a young and unknown student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bill Gates, created a graphical environment for the operating system of that time. He called his brainchild Windows 1.0. However, this version did not catch on because it contained serious errors. But version 1.01 was already devoid of shortcomings. However, many computer technology gurus considered Windows a useless add-on that had no future. They felt it distracted users from learning MS-DOS. And who was right?

Windows 95

In 1995, Microsoft released an operating system called Windows 95. It was the first full-fledged OS. Both the graphical interface and data protection - everything was at the proper level for that time. However, the system did not survive long because a critical vulnerability was discovered in its code. Nevertheless, at that time, 80% of personal computers were running Windows 95. The history of Windows development begins exactly in 1995.

Around the same time, the first versions of the Microsoft Office suite of programs appeared, which provides work with documents. From this moment on, Windows becomes a complete and universal system. They are starting to use it for all tasks. And this is the first sign of the popularity of the operating system. However, version 95 did not become a truly “people's” system. The reason for this is many errors in the OS structure. That is why Microsoft decided to radically change the structure of Windows.

Windows 98

This is a revised version from 1995. In Win 98, all the errors of the previous version were already taken into account and corrected. It was she who became “folk”. Now Microsoft is being talked about as the genius of the computer world. The system combined ease of operation, high reliability and almost complete absence of freezes. After unsuccessful “miscarriages” in the form of previous versions, the company managed to release something really good and workable. All versions of the 90s can only work with 32-bit processors.

The 98th version of Windows made a real revolution in the world of operating systems. Now working on a computer has become available to everyone. And not like at the dawn of technology, when only a select few could work with a PC. In any case, the story of Windows does not end there. A lot of interesting and incredible things await us ahead.

Windows 2000

This is the first system based on the NT engine. This system opened a new milestone in the development of Windows. Version 2000 was positioned as a system for home and office. Among its innovations were some very interesting functions. For example, support for multimedia functions out of the box. This option has since become the hallmark of any Microsoft OS.

Windows 2000 also included the latest advances in computer security. The system has become very popular both among ordinary users and those involved in business. Because safety coupled with functionality is what is needed for this area. The professional version has been adopted by many organizations.

Windows ME

Perhaps the most disastrous version of Windows after Vista. It was released as an update to version 2000. The multimedia capabilities were expanded. But the stability of the system left much to be desired. Constant freezes and reboots did not add to the OS's popularity. As a result, Microsoft decided to shut down the project and not embarrass itself. Well, a very reasonable decision.

The most interesting thing is that ME was also created on the basis of NT. But something went wrong. And it turned out that ME is the most unpopular version of Windows. The history of the NT-based system does not end here, but only begins. Because after the failed version, the developers managed to release a real masterpiece. It was a generous gift to users. Probably for their patience.

Windows XP

The legendary "piggy" is still considered the most successful operating system from Microsoft. And it's not even about the beautiful interface. Much more valuable is that the system now has amazing multimedia capabilities, stability and security. And after the release of all three Service Packs, it became very pleasant to work with it. No glitches, freezes or sudden reboots, plus support for text smoothing for more comfortable work - this is the recipe for an ideal operating system. Until now, many “oldfags” categorically do not want to change XP to something new.

The legendary OS managed to become such thanks to a successful combination of an updated interface, stability and security. But it would be wrong not to mention that the era of convenient Internet begins with XP. Sitting online with XP turned out to be much more comfortable than with the 2000 version. And all the games launched with a bang. Despite the fact that Microsoft has not supported XP for three years now, few people decide to switch to something new. With the XP version, the history of Windows takes a new turn and gives us access to new technologies.

Windows Vista

The most failed OS from Microsoft. Moreover, both users and serious critics think so. The fact is that Vista had many flaws. This is the main reason for failure. A secondary reason is that the world was not ready for such an OS. Too many graphical bells and whistles. Not all computers of that time were capable of providing smooth operation on Vista. This is another reason for her unpopularity.

Other shortcomings include frankly no stability and a problem with drivers. Manufacturers did not try very hard to release drivers for this OS because they did not believe in its success. And they turned out to be right. Another shameful page in the Redmond company's track record. By the way, the “microsoft” ones tried to correct this “jamb” as quickly as possible. The history of Windows operating systems continues.

Windows 7

Perhaps the most popular operating system at the moment. It represents what the developers intended Vista to become. The seventh version became a kind of work on bugs. And the programmers from Microsoft were quite successful. The result was a completely sane Windows 7. The history of its creation is simple. New technologies required a new system. And the developers had no choice.

System improvements include deep optimization in working with computer hardware. "Seven" works with the processor and RAM many times better than the legendary XP. And she looks several times better than "piggy". However, there is a problem that scared users away at the initial stage - gluttony. Running the "seven" on old PCs was problematic. The reason for this is the graphical interface. However, everything has settled down, and now most users use Windows 7. History once again surprised us.

Windows 8 and 8.1

The advent of the tablet era forced Microsoft to urgently do something in order not to lose its leadership in the operating system market. The technical features of the new devices did not allow the use of a desktop OS. This is how a new version of Windows appeared. It is based on the same properties of the NT engine, but from now on the OS has become adapted for devices with a touch screen. This is how Windows 8 appeared. The history of its popularity (or unpopularity) is ambiguous and requires some explanation.

The first thing that shocked users who “moved” from the “Seven” was the welcome screen with an incomprehensible Metro tiled interface. It was a shock. Undoubtedly, the interface is very convenient for touch screens. But it throws the average PC user into panic. The absence of the familiar “Start” button caused even more panic. That is, the button itself is there, but it opens the same tiled interface. Everything became very unusual. This is the reason for the failure of the G8 at the initial stage.

Windows 10. Latest OS

Yes, that's exactly what Microsoft said. There will no longer be a serial number for operating systems. All innovations will be introduced during the planned update of the “tens”. Disputes over the latter system have not subsided to this day. Some admire its unmatched optimization and the twelfth version of DirectX. Others criticize the spy “things” of the new system in every possible way. And they are absolutely right. A controversial thing is Windows 10. Its history is just beginning. So it’s impossible to say anything objectively yet.

It is worth noting what distinguishes this version from all previous Windows. The file history in it is hidden so deeply that it is very difficult to find it. According to the official statement, this is due to the policy of ensuring the best possible privacy. What kind of confidentiality is there if Ten regularly sends all user data to Microsoft? And she, in turn, provides this information to the NSA and FBI upon request. Even text entered from the keyboard is intercepted.

But we shouldn’t deny the obvious advantages of the new OS. Thus, we can note reduced loading time, better work with hardware and a power saving mode. The last option is only relevant for laptops, but this does not make it unnecessary. Viewing Windows history in version 10 is not difficult - this is also a plus. In addition, it supports all innovations in the world of IT technologies. Including virtual reality helmets.

Mobile segment

Along with desktop operating systems, Microsoft also developed a mobile platform. For these purposes, the company even bought the legendary Finnish brand Nokia. But the brainchild of Bill Gates did not achieve much success in this field. The history of Windows Mobile is full of tragic mistakes. Whatever version of the system is a failure. Why is that? Perhaps this is all because everyone should mind their own business and not interfere in areas where they don’t understand anything? Be that as it may, Microsoft did not succeed in the mobile segment.

Mobile versions of Windows are extremely buggy and unstable. They do not know how to work properly with smartphone hardware, and the Windows Store (analogous to the Market on Android) cannot boast of a wide range of applications and games. Developers are in no hurry to create versions for the Windows Phone platform. This is due to the fact that the share of devices on this platform is negligible. So there is no point in developers being scattered.


The history of Microsoft's Windows operating system has had everything: ups and downs, successes and failures. But hardly anyone will undertake to refute that Windows is the most popular OS in the world. Yes, “Linux-like” systems are now gaining momentum. And Mac OS has increased its market share. But they cannot reach the level of Microsoft in the operating systems market. At least for now. Windows is truly a "people's" system. Most manufacturers support this particular OS. Others experience complete disgrace with the availability of device drivers. Be that as it may, if you want a fast, productive and stable system, buy Windows. They haven't come up with anything better yet.

There are, of course, security problems, but this is specific to a particular OS. Linux, of course, is much safer, but very inconvenient. Therefore, feel free to put “Vidovs” - and you will be happy. Just remember that the pirated version will be of little use. It’s better to spend some rubles and forget about all the problems associated with pirated software and operating systems.

“If you are not happy with something at work, create your own business.
I started a business in a garage. You should only spend time on what interests you."

Bill Gates William Henry Gates III (born October 28, 1955, Seattle), better known simply as Bill Gates, is an American entrepreneur, co-chairman of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and creator of the Windows operating system. In the period from 1996 to 2007, he was the richest person on the planet according to Forbes magazine. His current net worth is $58 billion.

This modest, even shy and slightly awkward child dreamed of becoming a mathematics professor and was not at all like his father - a tall, handsome, successful lawyer. Despite his unique abilities in mathematics and logic, Bill Gates did not show the leadership abilities characteristic of his parents. They could not even imagine that their son would become a real shark of world business.

Together with Paul Allen, he founded Microsoft Corporation, leaving the post of chairman of the board of directors in June 2008.

He loves cars, motor boats and playing poker. He is passionate about work to the point of mania, and his passion for competition attracts him more than money. He never ate at home because he didn't want to waste time cooking.


Gates was born in Seattle, Washington, the son of corporate lawyer William Henry Gates II and board member of First Interstate Bank, Pacific Northwest Bell, and national board member of United Way Mary Maxwell Gates.

Gates attended Seattle's most exclusive school, where he was able to develop his programming skills on the school minicomputer. At school, Gates did not excel in grammar, civics, and other subjects he considered trivial, but he did achieve top marks in mathematics. By the end of elementary school, Gates's bad behavior began to worry his parents and teachers so much that he was referred to a psychiatrist.


In 1973, he entered Harvard University, but was expelled after 2 years and immediately began creating software.


In 1975, Gates and Allen founded Micro-Soft, later named Microsoft Corporation.

On January 1, 1994, Gates married Melinda French. They have three children - Jennifer Katharine, Rory John and Phoebe Adele.

In 1994, Gates acquired Codex Leicester, a collection of works by Leonardo da Vinci. Since 2003, this collection has been on display at the Seattle Art Museum.

In 1998, Gates resigned as president of Microsoft Corporation, and in 2000 he left the post of chief executive officer. Steve Ballmer received both positions.

On December 14, 2004, Bill Gates joined the board of Berkshire Hathaway, thus formalizing his relationship with Warren Buffett. Berkshire Hathaway is a conglomerate that includes Geico (auto insurance), Benjamin Moore (paints), and Fruit of the Loom (textiles). Gates also serves on the board of Icos, a Bothell biotechnology company.

On 2 March 2005, the UK Foreign Office announced that Gates would receive the title of Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire for his contributions to UK businesses and his efforts to reduce global poverty.

At the end of 2005, Bill Gates and his wife Melinda Gates were named People of the Year by American Time magazine.

June 27, 2008 was Bill Gates' last as Microsoft CEO. Despite this, he is not breaking with the company for good - Gates will remain Chairman of the Board of Directors (but without executive powers), will be involved in special projects, and will also remain the largest (8.7% of Microsoft shares) shareholder of the corporation.

At the end of October 2008, in the city of Kirkland (Washington State, USA), Bill Gates registered his third company called “bgC3”. Unverified sources claim that "bgC3" stands for Bill Gates Company Three. It was announced that this will be a research center whose tasks will include the provision of scientific and technological services, work in the field of analytics and research, as well as the creation and development of software and hardware.

In 1995, Bill Gates wrote the book “The Road to the Future,” in which he outlined his views on the direction in which society is moving in connection with the development of information technology. In 1996, when Microsoft was refocused on Internet technologies, Gates made significant adjustments to the book.

In 1999, Bill Gates wrote the book Business @ the Speed ​​of Thought, which shows how information technology can solve business problems in a completely new way. Of particular note is the fact that Bill Gates' ideas fit well with the concept of lean manufacturing. In the book, Bill Gates outlined the principles of information lean logistics that he developed, based on the experience of its use at Microsoft Corporation. The peculiarities of the book include the fact that the author was one of the first to propose applying the principles of this new direction in business management for all levels of government, modernization of the education system (pedagogical logistics) and healthcare.

This book has been released in 25 languages ​​and is sold in more than 60 countries. Business at the Speed ​​of Thought received critical acclaim and was featured on the New York Times, America Today, Wall Street Journal, and Amazon.com bestseller lists.

Alexey Komolov (St. Petersburg)

Many computer users use Windows OS, but not everyone knows its history - for many it is something new from our time. Therefore, below I will describe a brief history of the Windows OS.

1982 Then, unknown to anyone, Bill Gates began creating the first version of Windows.

1885 The first Microsoft Windows 1.0 saw the light. The release of Windows was a real revolution in the world of computers: the long-awaited multitasking (the ability to simultaneously work with several programs at once) appeared.

By today's standards, the graphical design of Windows was, to put it mildly, pathetic. But it was the mid-80s, the computers themselves were large and low-performance - so the graphical interface was gorgeous by the standards of that time.

1987 Release of Microsoft Windows 2.0. It is now possible to use hot keys to switch between application windows and perform some simple tasks.

Later, this version was divided into 2 lines: for x286 processors and for more powerful x386 (this version could use more resources of the new processors of that time).

1990 Microsoft Windows 3.0 is released. This version of Windows was a great success thanks to its VGA support, plus the interface was improved.

1992-1993. Microsoft Windows 3.1 and 3.11 are released. These versions of Windows were, in fact, an updated version of Windows 3.0: then support for multimedia data appeared, a CD-ROM and a sound card appeared, and the first normally readable vector fonts appeared.

1993 Microsoft Windows NT 3.1 is released. It was the first 32-bit system to have built-in local network support. Accordingly, the hardware requirements also increased by that time.

1995 Microsoft Windows 95 (Chicago) is released. It was a full-fledged OS, unlike previous versions, which were essentially “shells” for MS-DOS. Windows 95 introduced the taskbar and Start button menu for the first time.

1998 Microsoft Windows 98 is released. This OS received many significant updates, most of them aimed at improving operation and access to the Internet, drivers were improved, a full-fledged browser was built into the system distribution, and there was support for USB ports.

year 2000. Microsoft Windows 2000 was released, which was an attempt to combine home Windows 95 with professional Windows NT. This version finally fixed most of the problems with drivers, and also introduced Active Directory - a very important network technology.

The same year 2000. At the same time, Microsoft Windows ME was released. This OS was supposed to replace Windows 98 on weaker computers that could not handle the more resource-hungry Windows 2000. It was the last in a line that began with version 95 and was not very successful due to its instability and glitches.

year 2001. Microsoft Windows XP is released (in my opinion, the most successful solution in the Windows family line today).

It is still used on many millions of user computers around the world - thanks to its stability, greater ease of use, less buggy and fairly wide options in the settings of the OS itself.

2003 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 is released - the successor to Windows 2000.

A little later, Microsoft Windows Vista (Longhorn) was released, which became the successor to Windows ME - just as failed and buggy, although it brought several useful updates: an improved security system, an improved search system, hibernation mode, an updated interface and other little things.

Microsoft Windows 7 was received with a bang by most users after the disastrous Vista.

Here they were able to fix the problem with “inflated” system requirements, speed up its loading, enable multi-touch support, improve application compatibility, redesign the taskbar, and add many small useful features.

True, there were still a lot of glitches, which is why many did not want to switch to Windows 7: some controls were removed, a lot was renamed (what’s the point?), something was swapped. Some settings elements from one window have been moved to several different windows, which makes the work less convenient. Some settings are disabled, and some changes in the system spontaneously reset to “default” after a while. There is no way to place files in folders in random order, which is inconvenient.

year 2012. Microsoft Windows 8 is coming out. The release of this version of Windows created a lot of hype - they tried to visually adapt this version to all devices (computers, laptops, tablets, etc.). It's too early to judge its popularity, but we can say for sure: this is one of the riskiest versions of Windows. Here the interface has been completely redesigned and everyone’s favorite and very convenient Start button has been removed.

True, the design of large shortcuts is convenient when working on tablets, but it is extremely inconvenient on other computers.

By the way, pay attention to two screenshots. This is what AOL looks like, released in 1996:

And this is what Windows 8, released in 2012, looks like:

Many users have the impression that after Gates left the post of president, Microsoft began to “evolve” in the opposite direction (Vista. 7 and 8 were no longer released under his leadership).

Near future. The first rumors about the release of Windows 9 (Blue) have already begun to appear. By mid-2013 the situation should become clearer.

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    Hello dear friends! Today we will touch on the issue of the history of the development of Windows and will try to highlight the most interesting points. Thus, we will also learn what types of Windows operating systems there are.

    In 1985, the first version of Windows appeared, which was not appreciated by users and was ignored. Perhaps because it only complemented the capabilities of DOS, being in fact a graphical shell and add-on to the MS-DOS suite. Naturally, quite experienced users rated Windows as a fashionable toy.

    The appearance of the new Windows Vista system after Windows XP is considered the most unfortunate option after all previous OS releases. It is presented as a “dress rehearsal” for Windows 7. It would seem that the good qualities of the new system should have interested users. Such as built-in search, three-dimensional Aero interface with beautiful screensavers, good protection, did not help, everything was done extremely poorly, the system did not work. This failure destroyed all the plans of developers who were counting on a timeout until 2012, allowing them to develop a completely new model of Windows, putting all their efforts into it, but they had to urgently refine Windows Vista, preserving the best developments, and eliminate at least part of Vista’s shortcomings.

    There are 5 versions of Windows 7: “Starter Edition”, Home Basic, Home Advanced, Professional, Ultimate. They can be switched to 40 languages. In addition, 2 modifications have been released, 32 and 64-bit, taking into account the release of more modern processors, no less than dual-core, and a video card no older than 2010.

    The next version is Windows 8, which was released in October 2012. It should be noted that this OS uses a new program interface called Metro. It loads after the system starts and looks like tiles with links to applications.

    The desktop is still here and is also present in Windows 8. You can open it by clicking on the tile in the Metro interface. The biggest indignation that caused users after the release of this version was that there was no “Start” button on the desktop, which was previously in all versions of Windows. Yes, the button itself is there, but the usual functions for the user are missing. This matter can be corrected by installing a program that will return “Start” and everything will fall into place.

    I will make a small list of innovations:

    • The App Store has been added.
    • There are two methods for user login.
    • The Explorer has changed.
    • Added new functions for system recovery.
    • We made a new task manager.
    • Family Safety feature.
    • Added support for USB 3.0, DirectX 11.1, Net.Framework 4.5, Bluetooth 4.0.
    • Searching for files and applications has become much better.
    • Changing the keyboard layout can now be done using the keyboard shortcuts “Win” + “Space”.
    • A number of other innovations were introduced that were not present in other versions of operating systems.