What to ask Siri in Russian. Secret commands for Siri: ask interesting questions right now

Apple's voice assistant, which is found in almost every iPhone and iPad, is bored without attention in Russia. Without knowing the Russian language, Siri, with all the breadth of its capabilities, is not of much interest to our compatriots. We expect that soon the virtual personality will learn the great and mighty. In this case, you need to get acquainted with its capabilities in advance. Colleagues from Business Insider have selected the most impressive and interesting voice assistant functions that you will definitely want to try.

Siri works with . If you now tell your assistant “Wolfram planes overhead”, you can see the flights that are in the sky above you in this moment.

Siri can easily tell you how many calories are in the food you eat, all you have to do is ask.

Register on the site and want to come up with secure password? Siri will do this for you by asking “Wolfram, password.”

Give yourself a funny nickname and tell Siri it. Just say that you should now be called “mighty lord”, and communicating with the voice assistant will become noticeably more fun.

Do you know Morse code? Siri can teach you any word.

Siri will happily read you the latest incoming message and will answer for you. Time to forget about the keyboard.

Siri mispronouncing your name? Feel free to point out the mistake to her. The voice assistant will happily learn and improve.

Have you sat down at a card table and discovered that you don’t have enough knowledge to play? Siri has all the necessary knowledge.

Adding a new reminder is as easy as asking someone to remind you. Ask Siri, she definitely won't forget.

Are you driving and don’t want to search for the track you need on your smartphone yourself? Siri will find it for you and start playing.

If the search for the desired icon is on home screen device is not such a simple task, ask Siri to open the application for you. This does not work with all applications, but, for example, it will do a great job with searching for “Settings”.

Sometimes Siri misunderstands you. Especially when you have to speak a language that is not your native one. You shouldn’t try to repeat the entire phrase, just simply edit what you recognize with a simple tap voice assistant.

Finished talking to Siri and can't close the dialog box by pressing a key? Just say goodbye to Siri.

Based on materials from Business Insider

Last year, Siri received support for the Russian language, after which the questions “What should I ask Siri?” are becoming even more relevant. This one has long been distinguished not only by his wit and erudition, but also by the lack of support for the Russian language. But after they began to improve the “polyglot” abilities of the voice assistant from Apple, fans of this company's smartphones decided to inject some functionality into it. So, the hit parade of the most interesting and useful commands this voice assistant.

How to make Siri control music?

Siri is not a trained dog, but an intelligent voice assistant capable of understanding human speech instead of simply recognizing commands. So whatever you want to say to your iPhone, you can say it and you will be heard. What to ask Siri? As an example, offer to listen to music or play the next song.

Moreover, the variety of teams is the same as the number possible actions. For example, you can ask the voice assistant not only to start the next song, but also to play music of a certain genre or artist. If you wish, you can ask Siri to launch a specific playlist, and it will understand what you said in free form.

Search contacts

Siri can now speak all the data that you have long ago entered into your contacts in Russian. With these numbers you can make the most different actions. For example, you can call, send an SMS, and even ask when a friend or colleague’s birthday is. If fields such as an address are specified, you can even build a route to the house of the person who is lucky enough to be in your phone book. Here's what you can ask Siri!

And all data should also be voiced in any form. You don't need to memorize hundreds of commands, it's just important to roughly understand what you want to ask, and the assistant will hear you.


Siri supports great amount functions related to phone book. These are not only the banal “call”, but also “call your mobile”, “dial specific number", "call ambulance"You can also ask Siri if you have missed calls, and also ask to call back the last number. This brings the use of a smartphone to the level of old push-button models in the best sense of the word.

After all, call first last number It was very simple: press the call key twice and you don’t even have to look at the screen. Of course, communicating with Siri will take a little more time, but the assistant’s commands are so clear that the question “What should I ask Siri?” should not arise after reading this article and familiarizing yourself with basic capabilities programs.

Launching programs

You can also ask Siri to launch any of the installed applications from AppStore. If you installed a program for communicating with friends on VKontakte, you can simply ask to launch it without even wasting time on unlocking the device. True, if the iPhone password protected or fingerprint, you will still need to confirm them before starting the program. That is, you won’t be able to take advantage of such a loophole, as happens in some Android phones.

What's the funny thing you can ask Siri?

Naturally, Siri is known to the masses not only as a functional voice assistant, but also as an excellent comedian. You can ask this assistant a lot of nonsense that will amuse a person who has just picked up an iPhone. Here is a short list of such requests:

  • Just say "Hello" to Siri. She has some interesting answers in store.
  • What's an interesting thing to ask Siri? Of course, she doesn't know if this is really an interesting question, but why not say something like "guess what?" An ordinary person Such a phrase can be discouraging, but Siri is not at a loss and answers very coolly. How? Try for yourself what cards to reveal.
  • You can also tell Siri about the need to urgently pour a glass of high-quality, expensive alcohol into your mouth. Just say: “Siri, I need vodka.” She won't answer anything funny, but she will tell you where to go. Although earlier she answered “Everything is fine.”

Try saying something else. When it comes to what to ask Siri in Russian, you need to be as creative as possible. It's much more interesting to look for it yourself possible questions and enjoy the answers to them from the iPhone’s voice assistant.

A short list of things to ask Siri

If, nevertheless, you treat Siri as a full-featured voice assistant and do not think of asking him about any nonsense, then here short list voice assistant capabilities. Remember that all questions are asked in free form, so there should be no problems with recognition.

  • Showing people with the same name.
  • Assign a relationship that that person is one of your parents, and so on.
  • Message and calendar management.
  • Postal operations.
  • Weather.

And also a number of others interesting features that will make life easier. So Siri may not be much needed. But if you communicate using a headset, then life cannot exist without it.

Siri is Apple's virtual digital assistant. In the context of what you have already said earlier, this program recognizes your voice through sequential processing and provides the most suitable answers. Siri will keep you connected, help you plan and organize, and help you with matters both personal and professional. She can do a lot more... all you need to do is know what to ask questions about!

1. “Hey Siri!”

On many recent iPhone models and iPad, when the device is connected to charge, you can activate voice control by saying: « Hey Siri! « /« Hey, Siri(even if you are at a distance from your gadget). This program uses voice identification technology (Voice ID) to respond only to the owner's requests. On latest iPhone 6s “Hey Siri!” works even when they are not charging - convenient voice control Anytime.

2. Remind me of “it!”

Now, when you activate Siri, it can remember to remind you about " this", A " this"It could be anything: Email, a paper letter, a website, and even podcasts you would like to listen to. Just say: "Remind me of this"/« Remind me of this« , and Siri will add a new reminder associated with specific application and the content within it.

3. Flip a coin, roll the dice

If you are playing Board games, Siri may be useful to you for fun as a generator random numbers. Just tell me "flip a coin"/« flip a coin« , "throw a bone"/« roll a die« or even « Siri, Crystal Ball"/« Siri 8 ball« . A dice can have any number of sides: 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20... and even 37!

4. Find my photos

Siri now has access to the Photos app, which means it can find images and videos based on time, location, album, and even people tagged in photos (if Faces is enabled in Photos on OS X). If your albums are named after events, you can ask Siri “Show me photos of Eddie at a karaoke bar in San Francisco.”

5. Good night, Siri

If you are the owner of the system " smart home» Apple's HomeKit, Siri will help you around the house: you can control specific equipment by its name ( "Turn off the lights in the kitchen« / « Turn off the kitchen light«), activate complex settings"Scene" ( "Time to play"/ "Game time« ) and summarize the past day (“Siri, good night!” / “Hey Siri, goodnight!”).

6. Names and nicknames

By default, Siri will call you and your friends by the names listed in Contacts. If you want to make changes, tell Siri: 'Call me' Honey cupcake’”/ « Call meHoney muffin« or “Gwendolyn is my mother” / “Gwendolyn is my mom« . If Siri pronounces a name or nickname incorrectly, tell it and it will prompt you for the correct pronunciation.

7. Zero cookies, zero friends

Siri has an amazing sense of humor, and she can demonstrate it perfectly in an unexpected way. For example, ask her: “What is zero divided by zero?”/ “Whats zero divided by zero Sure, it sounds as mathematically boring as what Siri would put on the screen... but you just listen her answer! And then ask: “Why did the chicken cross the road..?”/“Why did the chicken cross the road...?”

8. Dead zone!

If you've been away from home for a long time and need to get some work done, people still won't leave you alone, and all you need is peace and quiet, tell Siri: "Do not disturb"/"Do not disturb« . Do you want to fully relax? You can say: “Delete all alarms”/”Delete all alarms« or even "Airplane mode"/"Airplane mode« .

What to talk about with the girl on the phone.

Siri, a personal voice assistant, appeared on iOS devices in 2011. Since then Apple moment actively develops her ability to answer the most difficult questions. Below is a list of useful Siri commands that you might not know about.

The following works on iPhone and iPad. Possibly on Mac with the latest macOS beta Sierra.

1. Find the photos I took...

Siri can filter photos taken by location. Request “find the photographs I took in Moscow” allowed me to easily find the ones I needed among hundreds of photos from the Russian capital. The main thing is that the geolocation service is enabled in the photo application. You can also ask Siri to show you photos and videos from a specific date, month, or year.

2. Remind me about...

Siri makes it easy to create reminders. So much so that I stopped using it application of the same name. Request “remind me about the article when I get home” helps me personally, and you experiment, saving general structure phrases. Also, a reminder can be made not by reference to a specific location, but by time - just mention the date in the format “remind me at 22:00”.

3. Turn on Bluetooth

Siri can do many things faster than you. For example, turn on/off network functions. For example, "turn on Bluetooth" or "Airplane mode". However, Siri will remind you that it will no longer be able to work without the Internet.

4. How much will it be...

The voice assistant can count. Say any calculation: "twenty-five thousand minus eighteen thousand two hundred and thirty-one", hear the result out loud. Siri also knows the number of days from a certain date or until a certain event. It can even tell you the distance to a certain point. But the most convenient thing is the opportunity convert values. What is 300 feet in meters, 45 ounces in grams, and so on.

5. Read the latest message from...

Siri can find messages: just ask "read Last messages from Artyom". After this, he will offer to answer dictation. This is the best thing when you are driving or just in a hurry. Or if your hands are dirty.

6. Turn off the lights in the living room

If your home is equipped with smart gadgets (for example, smart light bulbs), and the corresponding settings have been made in the HomeKit application, requests to turn devices on/off are clicked like nuts by Siri. If, of course, there is something to click - “Set the temperature to twenty-two degrees” or “turn off the outlets in the living room”.

7. Set an alarm

A common thing when I go to bed. "Wake me up at 7 am" or “set the alarm for nine twenty-five”. The timer is also adjustable.

8. What song is playing

You don't have to turn on Shazam to find out the name of the tune being played on the radio. Just ask Siri about it, she will tell you: "What song is playing" or “what kind of track is this”. In addition, the assistant adds the found track to a special tab mobile version iTunes. You won't lose it.

9. Play some music

Simple query, simple result: "Turn on the music"– music from the iOS player is turned on. In addition, you can ask to launch a specific playlist, selection, and genre. It is also possible to launch tracks of specific artists or albums. But be prepared to struggle with the pronunciation of their names, especially if they are English :)

If you are subscribed to Apple Music, the assistant will search for music among 30 million songs. A music lover's dream.

10. What's up with the weather?

Siri understands almost any weather-related request: "what's the weather like", "will it rain today", “Is it worth taking an umbrella”, “what will the weather be like in the evening”, “what is the temperature now”. Moreover, her answers are always slightly different, but clearly correspond to the request. He can tell you about the weather on a specific day of the week, he can answer whether you should wait for the sun, and so on.

This is far from full list possible commands - it is impressive and is constantly being expanded with new firmware. I'm glad that today you can really communicate with Siri, and it really saves time. What used to be in science fiction films has become reality.

Here's just one question:

website What to talk about with the girl on the phone. Siri, a personal voice assistant, appeared on iOS devices in 2011. Since then, Apple has been actively developing its ability to answer the most complex questions. Below is a list of useful Siri commands that you might not know about. The following works on iPhone and iPad. Perhaps on a Mac with...

Siri is a personal voice assistant with artificial intelligence, present on all modern Apple devices. Siri was originally separate application, which users of Apple devices could download from the AppStore. In 2011 Apple company purchased Siri, and mobile app ceased to exist. The voice assistant first appeared on the iPhone 4S as a component of the basic software.

Apple developers before iPhone release The 4S touted Siri as a revolutionary technology. However, domestic fans of the Apple brand new feature disappointed - Siri simply couldn't speak Russian. The function supported only a few languages ​​- French, German, Japanese and English in various variations (USA, UK, Australia, Canada).

Domestic users began to hope that Siri would soon receive support for the Russian language after the release of the beta version of iOS 7. The voice assistant was taught to read names written in Cyrillic. Siri was able to pronounce them in Russian quite ridiculously, but previously the program had not even tried to do this.

With the advent iOS versions 8.3 Siri has finally officially mastered the Russian language, and besides it several more - for example, Malay, Portuguese, Turkish, Thai. However, domestic users were still dissatisfied - due to the peculiarities and versatility of the Russian language, the program did not work correctly.

Siri became truly suitable for daily use only with iOS release 9. The updated assistant turned out to be smarter: he began to understand complex queries and process them much faster (according to the manufacturer - by 40%). iOS 9 was released on June 8, 2015 - from that day on, Russian users stopped looking at Siri as a funny but useless toy.

The quality of Siri depends not only on the version operating system, but also from iPhone modifications. You can fully use Siri on iPhone 6th generation and newer models. Problem previous models is that they are not able to filter out extraneous noise effectively enough.

What can Siri do?

Find out about opportunities intelligent assistant Siri will succeed by simply asking him about it. It is enough to ask the question: “ Siri, what can you do?» - and a list of all the main functions and capabilities of the program will appear on the screen.

If a user asks Siri to perform an operation that it doesn't understand, the program will respond that it doesn't understand (as in the image on the right). However, such situations are rare: the functionality of modern Siri is quite wide. What tasks can this program perform?

Route planning. Launch the navigator and manual input addresses per line can be time-consuming. It's much easier to activate Siri and ask her to get directions to desired point. You can create a query like this: “ Siri, how to get to Lenina Street, 56?».

Built-in iPhone navigator often criticized, but he is not that bad at all. Thanks to him Siri capabilities is able not only to show how to get to the address by the shortest route, but also to answer how long the journey will take.

Creating an alarm clock. The user needs to tell Siri what time he should wake up in the morning, and the program will set the alarm itself. You can set not only a specific hour and minute, but also a time period. For example, if the user uses the request “ Siri, wake me up in 30 minutes", the program itself will count down half an hour, starting from the current time.

Calendar planning. This Siri function"worth its weight in gold" for business people. Thanks to the intelligent assistant iPhone user can plan phone conversation with a business partner, schedule or cancel a previously scheduled meeting, adjust the meeting time - and all this without directly accessing the built-in Calendar application. Siri doesn't just blindly capture plans iPhone owner– if, say, a telephone conversation and an appointment coincide in time, the virtual assistant will definitely inform the user about this.

Sending messages. Write an SMS message or email with tiny buttons on-screen keyboard not very convenient - especially when T9 tries to slip in a word that is ridiculous and completely inappropriate in context. Dictate text message- is a completely different matter. A user who tries to do this for the first time will probably be surprised at how well Siri recognizes Russian speech.

Intellectual Apple Assistant There are other functions - less useful, but very fun:

  • Coin. What to do if you need to resolve a dispute using lots, but your pocket is full of bills? It’s clear - ask Siri to throw a coin. Of course, money won’t start pouring out of the iPhone – the virtual assistant will simply tell you What It came up: heads or tails.
  • Title. An iPhone user can tell Siri to call himself “Great Emperor” or “Lord of the Galaxy” - and the assistant obeys. This function is useful only for those who have delusions of grandeur - for the rest it will simply lift their spirits.

How to use Siri?

There are 2 ways to enable Siri. The first way is to press the " Home"and hold it until the moment appears blue screen and Siri will ask how she can help (“ What can I help you with?»).

Second way - voice activation: The user can simply say " Hey Siri!", and the virtual assistant will immediately start working. To launch Siri the second method was possible, you need to go to the virtual assistant settings and activate the corresponding slider.

On iPhone 6S and the latest models activate Siri voice possible at any time. On iPhone 6 or less modern devices turn on the virtual assistant with the command “Hey Siri!” will succeed only if mobile device is being recharged.

After the program starts and a sound recording line appears on the screen (as in voice recorders), you need to dictate a command or question. For example, we will ask Siri, “ What is 120 by 80?" - obviously, if she is a robot, she must count faster than a human. Virtual assistant processes voice command user and translates it into text that appears on the iPhone screen.

Siri uses built-in iPhone applications to perform trivial operations. If the user wants information that Siri is unable to provide (for example, " How many years do cats live?"), the program will redirect it to the global network.

Default virtual assistant applies search Bing system. If the user wants to access another system, he should clarify this point - say, say, “ Find on Google how many years cats live" Then Siri will launch Safari browser and will independently contribute to search bar request.

What's remarkable is that Siri is capable of learning. If a user “chat” with a virtual assistant for 1.5-2 hours, he will certainly notice that the program has begun to understand him better and fulfill his requirements faster. Siri needs time to adapt to the pronunciation of a particular user.


Despite the fact that Siri is already quite effective and is capable of performing voice requests a bunch of useful actions, virtual assistant Apple has a lot to strive for. Recent studies have shown that Siri, although better at recognizing accented speech than Amazon's Alexa, is outright inferior in this criterion to Google's assistant. Google name Home.

Apple is not going to stop improving its intelligent assistant - Siri regularly gains new skills. For example, on iOS 10, the assistant can order pizza to the user's home and produce Money transfers through the Square Cash service.