Why are letters not sent to Yandex.Mail? Junk mail and open relays. Invalid email address

When you are away from home and send a message Email via home postal account, this message may return with a 550, 553, or relay error. The same thing can happen when you are out of the office and try to send an email using your work email account.


Relaying occurs when an email message is sent to an email address whose domain (the name after the @ symbol, such as adatum.com) is not processed by SMTP or by the outgoing mail server that receives the sender's request to deliver the message. The SMTP server needs to connect to another SMTP server in order to relay the message.

If when sending mail message a relay error occurs, your SMTP (outgoing mail) server may return your message along with an error message like this:

    Subject:<тест>, Account:<тест>, server: , protocol: SMTP, server response: "550 Relay prohibited", port: 25, security (SSL): no, server error: 550, error number: 0x800CCC79".

    "The message cannot be sent because the server refused to accept the address of one of the recipients. The email contained the address:<адрес эл. почты>. Subject:<тест>, Account:<тест>, server: , protocol: SMTP, server response: "553 Sorry, this domain is not in my list of allowed hosts (#5.7.1)", port: 25, security (SSL): no, server error: 553, error number: 0x800CCC79" .

The exact text of the error message will depend on your Internet service provider. Some providers do not return an error message when they define outgoing messages as unwanted advertising. In these cases, it looks like your message is being sent to normal mode(in Outlook it remains in the folder Outgoing and appears in the folder Sent), but it is not delivered to the recipient.

Your message was rejected because the SMTP (outgoing mail) server did not recognize you as an authorized user.

SMTP is a protocol (standards used by computers to communicate) that is used by most email servers to send messages on the Internet. If you use an email program (such as Outlook) that allows you to store messages on your computer, you need access to an SMTP server to send messages.

Note: Web-based email systems (such as Windows Live Mail or Yahoo! Mail) work differently and are not covered in this article.

Spam and open relays

Advertising messages messages distributed without a request are called junk mail or spam. The volume of junk mail continues to grow because it costs those sending it virtually nothing to send. In fact, the sender doesn't even have to send the spam through their ISP's SMTP (outgoing mail) server.

While creating basic structure Nobody foresaw the Internet, what consequences the ability to send millions would lead to unwanted messages for a negligible fee. Thanks to the relaying ability of SMTP servers, spam senders disguise the true origin of the spam by passing it through third-party servers that allow spam. open relays. As a result, the spam appears to come from a site that relays the message and hides the identity of the real sender.

Until recently, most SMTP email servers operated on a trust basis. open system. In such a system, anyone from anywhere can send a mail message to an SMTP server, and the server must accept it and forward it to the recipient or another mail server that hosts the message. Mailbox recipient. With this open relay, there are no restrictions preventing anyone from sending mail through the SMTP server.

Internet service provider restrictions on relaying email messages

As spam volumes increased, network administrators (the people responsible for managing Internet service provider servers) began to impose restrictions on their SMTP mail servers. These restrictions do not allow everyone to use the mail server. Imagine having a telephone in your organization's lobby that is accessible to everyone, including those outside the organization. Now only employees are allowed to use the phone.

Today, several types of restrictions are used.

    SMTP authentication is required. Just as you use a username and password to access the POP3 (incoming mail) server and your mail messages, you are required to enter a username and password to send mail messages through the SMTP server. This is usually the same username and password as for the POP3 server, but can be unique.

    You must first connect to your ISP's POP3 (incoming mail) server. To receive your new mail messages, you usually connect to a POP3 (incoming mail) server. To access your mailbox you need to enter your username and password. Your network administrator can configure the server so that if you connect to the incoming POP3 server first and are authenticated, it will approve all requests to send mail messages through the outgoing SMTP server, which would otherwise be restricted from doing so.

    Requires connection from an authorized network location. If you connect to your Internet service provider from home using telephone line, via cable or via DSL modem, connection is in progress directly to the supplier's network. You are trustworthy because you have an account with a username and password provided by your Internet Service Provider. You as a client are allowed to use the SMTP server to send mail messages.

    Requires connection from a specific IP address or range of IP addresses. Your Internet service provider may allow people not directly connected to the network to access the SMTP server. For example it could be remote user in the office. The main problem is that many places use dynamic IP addresses. However, you cannot be sure that you have the same IP address every time you connect. Some organizations may have a block or range of IP addresses reserved. The ISP may consider those connecting from these IP addresses to be verified users. He may be able to provide additional information.

There are many possible relay scenarios. Below are the most common situations. Perhaps one of them is similar to yours.


Is this a relay?

You're at home and have an Internet Service Provider account ending in @proseware.com that you connect to via dial-up, cable, or DSL modem. You are sending a message to another person, mailing address which also ends in @proseware.com.

Same as in the first situation, only you are sending a message to a person whose email address ends in @adatum.com.

Yes, but it doesn't block. You connect directly to the Internet service provider and thereby receive the authority to send mail through their SMTP server (outgoing mail) to any addresses, regardless of the location of the recipient's mailbox.

Are you at work. Your work email address ends in @thephone-company.com and you have a home Internet service provider account that ends in @proseware.com that you connect to via dial-up, cable, or DSL modem . In Outlook, you have the same SMTP server settings configured as at home. You send a message to a person whose email address also ends in @proseware.com.

No. Your mail is processed as usual.

You are staying at a hotel or using an Internet terminal at the airport that provides Internet access. You have a home ISP account ending in @proseware.com that you connect to via dial-up, cable, or DSL modem. In Outlook, you have the same SMTP server settings configured as at home. You send a message to another person whose email address also ends in @proseware.com.

No. Your mail is processed as usual.

Same as in the previous situation, only you are sending a message to a person whose email address ends in @adatum.com.

Yes, and this message may be blocked as relay mail. You are trying to use your ISP's home SMTP (outgoing mail) server even though you are not connected to their network. The SMTP server cannot authenticate you as an authorized subscriber to your ISP. Additionally, you are asking the SMTP server to accept the message and connect to another SMTP server to deliver it to the recipient's mailbox.


If your situation is considered a relay, you must send the message through the server you are currently connecting to. That is, if you are at work or away from home and do not use your ISP to connect to the Internet, but want to send a message from your home account provided by that provider, you need to change your mail account settings to that SMTP server , which you use where you are (for example, a working SMTP server). Step by step instructions see article.

If this doesn't work or you prefer to use a home account, you'll need to contact your internet service provider and ask if the options described earlier are available to you. Regarding the first two restrictions (requires SMTP authentication and requires first connecting to the ISP's POP3 incoming mail server), you can make changes to Account Settings in Outlook. For instructions, see Change your email account settings.

Messages still not being sent?

You've changed your SMTP settings in Outlook or found a setting that will allow you to send email messages. But you still cannot send mail and receive an error message.

You may have done everything correctly, but network administrators use another security feature to prevent identity spoofing. Identity spoofing is simply a way of sending an email message where you hide who you are.

In Outlook, as in most mail programs, you can specify a "display name" and a return email address that appears when your message is replied to. In junk mail, these fields almost always contain false information. Do you really believe that get-rich-quick messages came from a supermodel or a world leader?

To prevent identity spoofing, some Internet service providers limit the ability to paste false information in the address field in replies. For example, if Domain name your ISP ends in proseware.com, your ISP may not allow you to provide a return address [email protected]. This restriction is not as widely used as those previously described, but can apply to all users regardless of their location or connection method. In this case there is no alternative. If the server administrator uses this method, you must specify the domain corresponding to your current connection in the return address.

Problems with sending mail on a domain may occur if:

  • domain registration has expired;
  • the domain is blocked by the registrar;
  • the domain has not been delegated or has been withdrawn from delegation by the registrar;
  • delegation settings are not configured correctly;
  • DNS records for Yandex.Mail are not configured or configured incorrectly.

To resolve problems with sending emails, contact the domain administrator who provided you with the mailbox. If you registered your mailbox on a specific site, contact the site's support team. The Mail for Domain support service will not be able to help you in this situation.

Below are some problems that may arise when sending emails, and tips for resolving them as a domain administrator.

I received a non-delivery message

If the email cannot be delivered to the recipient, the mail server may respond with a non-delivery report. Some types of reports and solutions to related problems are described below.

Callout verification failed

This error occurs when the mail service for a domain is active on the server of your hosting provider or registrar. If a letter is sent to a recipient who uses the same company's postal service, it will be sent to local server.

To resolve this issue, disable the email service on your hosting provider's server. Behind additional information contact your hosting provider.

RCPT-TO no mailbox

The recipient's domain probably requires sender verification.

Checking the existence of the sender is sometimes used by the receiving server to protect against spam. The server that receives the letter from the new server sends an empty letter to the return address to check if the sender exists. Since empty letters of this kind are sometimes sent with high frequency, this can be considered a denial of service attack (DoS attack). Additionally, when sending a test message, problems may occur. unexpected errors.

Yandex.Mail uses Sender Policy Framework entries to maintain a list of nodes that are allowed to send email on behalf of Yandex.Mail addresses. This makes it difficult to spoof the sender's address. Use the "Sender Policy Framework" or "DomainKeys" technology as more effective method fight against spam.

To solve this problem, contact the addressee's postal service administration with a request to enter the addresses of your domain boxes V White list sender verification services.

550 failed to meet SPF requirements

Mail server When receiving letters, the recipient checks the SPF record on the sender's domain. The SPF record for your domain is probably configured incorrectly, or an extra SPF record is configured. Make sure the SPF record is set according to

Despite all the advantages of email, there are often difficulties when sending letters. Either the letter is not sent, or the post office cannot deliver it to the addressee.

Let's try to figure out why these problems may arise. similar problems and how to deal with them.

Invalid email address

The most common reason problems with sending letters is an error in the mailbox address (the “To” field). Although usually the user thinks of anything, but not of this.

If you miss or type at least one “wrong” letter in the mail name, the letter will not be delivered!

In the best case, the mail site will immediately report this, that is, the corresponding inscription will appear, and you simply will not be able to send the letter.

But it could also be different: the letter is sent, but then a notification arrives that it was not delivered (see Undelivered message).

And there is a third option: the letter will “go” to the address, but not to the one needed. This is the most unpleasant thing, because you may not even know about it.

For example, I need to send a letter to the address

But when typing, I accidentally miss one letter in the name. It turns out not , but .

If I do not notice the error and send this letter, then at best it will not be delivered to me immediately a notification will come about it.

And in the worst case, my message will still be sent, but it will go to another person. To someone who has a box with a name

Common mistakes

The most common address errors that cause problems with shipping and delivery:

Another one of common mistakes- incorrectly typed email site (the part after the @ sign). That is, if instead of the yandex .ru part you type yandeks .ru or simply yandex (without .ru), then the letter will not be delivered. And again, we may not even know about it.

Here's how to spell the most popular email sites:

  • yandex.ru
  • gmail.com
  • mail.ru
  • bk.ru
  • inbox.ru
  • list.ru
  • rambler.ru

Undelivered message

If the post office was unable to deliver your letter, it will inform you about this in a special notification.

It happens like this: some time after sending, a letter arrives in which it is written in Russian or English that your message was not delivered.

Here's what it looks like in Yandex.Mail:

And so - in Mail.ru:

So - in Gmail.com:

And so - in Rambler:

Thus, the mail tells us that the sending was unsuccessful - no one received the letter.

This happens for two reasons:

1. The address does not exist

This means that such an address does not exist in nature. It may have been deleted, or perhaps you made a typing error.

Quite often it happens that when they left you an email address, it was accidentally entered with an error. That is, it was not even you who made the mistake, but the one who left it.

2. Box is not available

Unavailable - this means that it is working, but for some reason cannot currently receive mail.

This is usually due to overcrowding. That is, there are too many letters in the mailbox and there is simply no room for new ones. In this case, the recipient should delete at least one or two letters from the mailbox.

Another reason: problems with the mail site. That is, the site on which the box is located has stopped working. This is usually a temporary phenomenon that goes away within a few hours.

What to do . It is impossible to independently determine what exactly happened. Therefore, if such a notification arrives, you just need to repeat the sending after some time.

If resending fails, then nothing can be done about it - you will have to contact the recipient in some other way.

How to avoid problems with sending and delivering mail

According to statistics, the most common cause of problems with mail delivery is false. specified address. That is, in essence, it is not the one who receives the letter who is to blame, but the one who writes it.

Therefore, you must be very careful not only when typing the address in the “To” field, but also in the process of “receiving” it.

If, for example, they dictate an address to you over the phone, do not hesitate to clarify whether you understood this or that letter correctly. It is advisable, of course, to receive it in text form, and not try to understand by ear (by SMS, via social network etc.).

You should also remember that email addresses have a specific syntax. That is, there is, so to speak, a set of rules by which each mailbox address on the Internet is formed.

  • Any address consists only from English letters, numbers and some characters (dot, hyphen, underscore). No Russian letters!
  • It cannot contain spaces.
  • In him there is always an @ sign(approximately in the middle) and this sign is only one.
  • The @ sign is always followed by the name of a site. And in this title there is always a point, followed by a few more English letters (for example, mail.ru, gmail.com).
  • There is no period at the end of the address.

It is advisable, of course, to remember these rules. Then you will not receive the “Invalid email address” error.

When sending a message to Yandex mail, an error may occur and the letter may not be sent. This issue can be dealt with quite simply.

There are few reasons why letters are not sent to Yandex mail. In this regard, there are several ways to solve them.

Reason 1: Browser problem

If an error window appears when you try to send a message, then the problem is in the browser.

To solve it, you will need to do the following:

Read more: How to erase cookies in

Reason 2: Problem with Internet connection

One of the possible factors causing the message sending problem could be a poor or missing network connection. To figure this out, you'll need to reconnect or find a location with good connectivity.

Reason 3: Technical work on the site

One of the few options. However, this is quite possible, since any service may experience problems that will require users to restrict access to the site. To check if the service is available, go to and enter mail.yandex.ru in the check window. If the service is not available, you will have to wait until the work is completed.

Reason 4: Incorrect data entry

Quite often users make mistakes when entering "Destination" Incorrect e-mail, incorrectly placed signs, etc. In such a situation, you should double-check the printed data for accuracy. If such an error occurs, a corresponding notification from the service will be displayed.

Reason 5: The recipient cannot receive the message

In some cases, sending a letter to a certain person impossible. This can happen due to banal overcrowding of the mailbox or a problem with the site (if the mail belongs to another service). The sender will only have to wait for the recipient to sort out the difficulties that have arisen.

There are a small number of factors causing problems with sending letters. They can be resolved quite quickly and simply.

There are many ways to send html emails via email clients and, of course, through mailing services. But what if you need to send a couple of letters, but don’t have any programs at hand? Eat tricky way send an html letter via Yandex Mail.

Step 1. Preparing the letter

An important rule when sending a letter in this way is that links to images in the code must be written in full, and the images themselves must be on the server.
If the links lead to images from your computer, the program will not see them.

If you ordered a template from us, then we have already taken care of everything ourselves and your sources already contain a pre-prepared template with correctly written links.

Open the template using a regular notepad and copy the entire contents of the letter. Then we will need to insert all this code into the body of the letter in Yandex Mail.

Step 2. Inserting a letter into Yandex

Log in to Yandex Mail and create a new letter. Next comes the trick. Click the “Format letter” button to switch Yandex Mail to a mode that supports formatting.

You should see a panel like this (it's highlighted in blue). Now the interface supports different designs, and therefore the letter code. It’s true that you can’t just insert it like that.

We'll use a trick and insert our template code directly into the page code. To do this, you need to find a piece of code that is responsible for the content of the letter, and replace it with our content.

To do this, click right click mouse over an empty area of ​​the letter and select “view code” (In each browser this item is called differently, but the meaning is the same).

We carried out all these tricky manipulations in order for this block to appear, which is responsible for the contents of the letter. (The panel may look different depending on your browser. We show in Google example Chrome).

Now we need to delete this block and insert the code of our letter in its place. To do this, right-click on this block and select “Edit as HTML”,

now we need to delete current code

... and insert the code of our letter in its place. After that, close the panel by clicking on the cross in the right top corner panels.

If you did everything correctly, the template will appear in the body of the letter. this moment it doesn't have pictures, but don't worry about that. The sent letter will contain pictures, provided that the links to the pictures are correct (see Step 1). If you are worried about the result, then just send this letter to yourself, and you will see that everything turned out as it should.

Step 3. Sending an html letter in Yandex Mail

Make the necessary changes to the content of the letter by simply retyping the texts and applying different styles. You can use all the tools from the top panel.

After the letter is ready, enter the recipient's email, the subject of the letter and send!