Virtual web server. OpenServer - a modern local server and an example of how to use it to install WordPress on a computer

Local server - This is a special program that is installed on a local (read home, that’s why it’s called LOCAL) computer that allows web developers (webmasters) to develop websites on a local (home) computer, without the need to access the Internet. This is not even one program, but a complex of programs that perform various functions. A local server is similar to a real real server located on the Internet by the Hoster company.

What is it for? As you already know, regular HTML pages with CSS design are processed by browsers without problems. Those. if your site is created from simple web pages built on HTML and CSS, then such a site can be perfectly developed using local computer without any servers. Just click on the html file as usual with the left mouse button and the web page opens in the browser. You have worked with the code, design, added or removed something, save, update (F5) and see the result.

But if you are developing a dynamic website created using, for example, PHP, Perl, databases MySQL data, some ready-made scripts, That to test and debug such sites, you definitely need to install it on your computer local server.

For what? The fact is that such sites (web pages of sites) before being sent to the visitor in the browser, pre-processed by the server, and only then in the form of regular HTML code are given to the browser. This happens very quickly on the server side, i.e. on the Internet and visitors do not even notice such pre-processing.

For example, sites made using PHP are assembled as if from separate pieces, separate files. Let's look at a simplified diagram of such a site. As a rule, any such site (any web page) contains several main components:

    Site header;

    Site footer;


    Main page content (content).

When creating a website in PHP, each such piece is a separate file with the extension .php

A simplified site diagram in PHP, presented at Figure 1 below:

Figure 1. Simplified site diagram in PHP.

Of course, this is not a complete list of components (pieces); sometimes there are a lot of such pieces (files). But the operating principle is always the same. On the server, a web page is assembled from separate files (in in this case these are header.php , footer.php , menu.php , content.php ) and already the site visitor is given the finished result in the form of html code. You have already noticed that all files here have the extension .php

What is PHP?

PHP is a programming language specifically designed for writing web applications (scripts) that run on a Web server.

The acronym PHP stands for “Hypertext Preprocessor”. The language's syntax comes from C, Java, and Perl. PHP is quite easy to learn. The advantage of PHP is that it gives web developers the ability to quick creation dynamically generated web pages. My website was created using PHP language.

So, if you want to look at the code like this PHP pages (right button, view-HTML code) then you will not notice the difference with a regular web page created in HTML. But know that all web pages with the .php extension work this way (they are assembled piece by piece from separate files).

In addition, PHP has another great feature: the PHP code script can be easily integrated into any HTML code.

On the local computer, to “build” and php processing files, a local server is installed, which in this case acts as a processor.

Currently, most dynamic web pages: forums, blogs, guest books, most feedback forms, and just PHP scripts, will work on a home computer only if there is a local server.

In my practice, I use a local server called Denver (denwer). You can download and view detailed installation instructions on the official website Or on our website in the section.

With us you can do it for free. What is Zend Optimizer?

Zend Optimizer is special utility, which serves for coding and optimization of scripts ( PHP programs), encrypted using Zend Guard (scripts are encrypted in order to protect the program code from plagiarism and unauthorized use). This utility allows you to optimize your code for even faster script execution ( PHP applications) and increases site loading speed by 40%.

To put it in “simple” language, then Without the Zend Optimizer utility installed on your computer near Denver, many scripts simply will not work, since most developers protect their software products (scripts, programs, etc.) from unauthorized intervention and theft.

Zend Optimizer is installed after installing Denver to your home computer by simply replacing the folders: denwer, home, tmp and usr, which come with this assembly.

Local server "Denver" is the original project of Russian programmer Dmitry Koterov. Therefore, everything here is in Russian, there are very detailed instructions and recommendations. Moreover, everything is absolutely free. There are educational video lessons. More Denver is called - Gentleman's Web Developer Kit.

If you plan to create dynamic websites, download, install and use.

Read also our other materials.

Complex. This is, as you may have guessed, good old Denwer. It became firmly established on my computer back in 2003. Other alternatives, if they existed at that time, were known in narrow circles and were not so popular.

Let's look at what we can use today, after all these years. I suggest reviewing, testing and comparing 14! software systems designed for developing websites for Windows.


Latest version: 1.7
Russian language: yes (partially)
Portable version: No

Basic kit:

  • Softaculous AMPPS 1.7
  • Apache 2.2.22
  • MySQL 5.5.22
  • PHP 5.3.10 and 5.2.17
  • PERL 5.10.1
  • Python 2.7.2
  • MongoDB 2.0.4
AMPPS is not just a WAMP assembly, it is a whole library of applications, where each of them can be quickly installed, manipulated and tinkered without leaving the checkout. All this farming is painstakingly cataloged and described in detail.

An undoubted advantage of this assembly is the support for many common CMS, blog platforms, web forums, message boards, photo galleries, etc. Total available applications over 200! The set of components included in the package also keeps up with life, all the modules are quite fresh and, notably, here we can find such exotic things as Python and MongoDB.

Of the minuses, I would like to note the partial Russian translation, which is present only in the script catalog, and even then not everywhere. After restarting Apache, the tray menu refused to work, reboot Windows didn't help. Another disadvantage is the lack of portability. In my opinion, AMPPS is more useful for beginners to learn scripts than for serious developers. work with it software package I wasn’t very comfortable, there are better options.

Latest version: 2.5.10
Russian language: No
Portable version: No

Basic kit:

  • Apache 2.2.8
  • PHP 5.2.6
  • MySQL 5.0.51b
  • phpMyAdmin-2.10.3
Apache and MySQL are installed as services. There is no control program, just a dubiously designed page with a link to PhpMyAdmin. At its core, AppServ is a graphical installer for Apache, PHP, MySQL and nothing more. If the same Denwer itself launches components, then here they are simply installed as services and managed by Windows itself.

Latest version: 3.2010-11-07
Is there Russian language
Portable version: Yes
Home page:

Basic kit:

  • Apache 2.2
  • PHP 5.3.3
  • MySQL 5.1.40
  • phpMyAdmin 3.2.3
Denwer... good old Denwer. We see the same meager set of not very fresh components (cut down to the core), a black window and no GUI. The advantages of this package include its extremely small size and a good “knowledge base” on the forum, accumulated over many years. In fact, server management is carried out through the execution of BAT scripts for starting and stopping modules; as such, there is no control program at all.

Denwer is extremely simple and understandable, and therefore has the largest army of fans among “dummies”. The most complete description of this platform will be the following phrase said by one of the users: “Denver performs the main tasks and okay, but the more bells and whistles, the more problems (no one uses them 100 percent).”

Latest version: 5.3.9
Russian language: Yes
Portable version: Yes

Basic kit:

  • PHP 5.3.9
  • PhpMyAdmin 3.4.9
  • Apache 2.2.21
  • MySQL 5.5.20
A fairly simple and unremarkable assembly. We are offered the usual no-frills tray menu, simple settings and a confusing start page without the Russian language. This software package did not make any impression on me; it works well. EasyPHP is quite suitable as a replacement for Denwer with a “windowed version” (if it doesn’t scare start page).

I note that EasyPHP manages the server independently, no scary black windows pop up, and starting and stopping the server is quite fast.

Latest version:
Is there Russian language
Portable version: Yes
Home page:

Basic kit:

  • Apache 2.2.19
  • PHP 5.3.6
  • MySQL: MariaDB 5.2.6
  • PhpMyAdmin 3.4.2
  • SlimFTPd 3.1.81
  • DNS Unbound 1.4.10
EleanorServ at first seemed to me like a dark horse, or rather a kind of specialized server for the Eleanor CMS of the same name. After examination, it turned out that this is a regular WAMP kit.

In this build, I liked the design of the menu, which turned out to be quite attractive, which is very rare among this kind of programs. I also liked the control panel, or rather the start page, which has a rather unusual design.

After creating a new domain, the control panel simply disappeared. It turned out that there was an error in the domain manager, and it opens incorrect address, but these are minor things. Another disappointment was the inability to open the folder with domains from the tray menu, I had to look for where I installed EleanorServ...

Overall, I liked EleanorServ, especially the ability to start/stop the server directly from the browser.

6. Nimp

Latest version: 1.5.0
Is there Russian language
Portable version: Yes
Home page:

Basic kit:

  • Apache 2.2.17
  • Nginx 0.9.3
  • MySQL 5.5.8
  • PHP 5.3.5
  • Sendmail 31
  • phpMyAdmin 3.3.9
  • Sypex Dumper 2.0.8
  • FileZilla 0.9.37 beta
  • Memcached 1.2.4
Here we see an ugly implementation of the control panel with elements of pornography, but there is a rather interesting tray menu. The strangest thing about this assembly is that there are as many as 4! tray icons with exactly the same menu. It wasn't the first time I managed to get the server working. As it turned out, Nimp can only work from the root of the disk, which is undoubtedly another big disadvantage of this software package.

While using this build, something constantly crashed, FileZilla never stopped itself (I had to kill it through the task manager), and Memcached did not start at all. Some confusion was caused by the words of the program’s author that “this assembly is perfect for highly loaded sites in corporate and city networks.” The program is clearly far from suitable for use in a corporate environment.

The “trick” of this platform is that Nginx works as a frontend and is intended for distribution static content, and Apache works as a backend to generate dynamic content. In general, my impression of this build remained twofold; it gradually changed from sharply negative at the beginning to normal and acceptable while working with the program.

Latest version: 4.5.2
Is there Russian language
Portable version: Yes
Home page:

Basic kit:

  • Apache 2.2.22;
  • Apache 2.4.2;
  • Nginx 1.2.0;
  • MySQL 5.1.63;
  • MySQL 5.5.24;
  • PostgreSQL 9.1.2;
  • PHP 5.2.17 (IMagick 2.2.1, Zend Optimizer 3.3.3, IonCube Loader 4.0.7, Memcache 2.2.4);
  • PHP 5.3.13 (IMagick 2.3.0, Xdebug 2.2.0, IonCube Loader 4.0.14, Memcache 2.2.6);
  • PHP 5.4.3 (Xdebug 2.2.0);
  • SlimFTPd 3.181;
  • Fake Sendmail 32;
  • NNCron Lite 1.17;
  • Memcached 1.2.6;
  • Adminer 3.3.4;
  • HeidiSQL 7.0;
  • Webgrind 1.0;
  • PHPMyAdmin 3.5.1;
  • PHPPgAdmin 5.0.4;
  • PHPMemcachedAdmin 1.2.1;
In contrast to other participants in our review Open Server has the most pleasant and thoughtful interface, has powerful capabilities for configuring and administering components. TO undoubted advantages This includes support for settings profiles, switching HTTP/MySQL/PHP modules, task scheduler (cron), convenient control domains and aliases, and for “dummies” there is a clear user manual.

A nice feature of Open Server is the ability to use the program as a portable personal start menu. You can install the server on a USB drive and transfer your portable programs, create bookmarks for frequently visited sites and wherever you are, you will have a convenient menu quick access to your favorite sites and programs.

Latest version: 1.8.2
Russian language: No
Portable version: Yes

Basic kit:

  • Apache 2.2
  • PHP 5.3.2
  • MYSQL 5.1.46
  • PERL 5.8
I was disgusted by this disgusting thing for a long time and spent several minutes searching for and killing child processes. It turned out that when you start the Server2go program, the web server just starts and that’s it. EVERYTHING - in the literal sense of the word, there is no control program, no monitor, the server cannot be stopped or even simply restarted. All this software package has is a start page where you can view harmless information like PHP output Info.

The impression is extremely negative, although it would seem: the server starts, PhpMyadmin opens, and what else is needed? No, a server that cannot be stopped is not for me. Burn in hell!

Latest version: 8.5.4
Russian language: Yes
Portable version: No

Basic kit:

  • Apache 2.4.2
  • PHP 5.4.0
  • MySQL 5.5.24
  • phpMyAdmin 3.5.1
Uniformserver is just another hack and I can’t say anything good about it. A crooked Russian translation, a huge ugly logo in the tray menu, the menu itself is not thought out at all, and because of the crooked translation it is generally impossible to understand anything. All this assembly can do is start and open PhpMyadmin. Using the menu you can also get to the logs and configuration files. The only pleasant surprise was to find Cron there.

Latest version: 8.5
Russian language: No
Portable version: Yes

Basic kit:

  • Apache 2.2.21
  • MySQL 5.5
  • PHP 5.3.9
  • PhpMyAdmin
A simple and lightweight WAMP kit. The control panel is simple and can be hidden in the tray. Unfortunately, there is no Russian language. The assembly can be recommended to undemanding users and beginners. There are no features or benefits that I could talk about in this software package.

In its functionality, USBWebserver resembles Denwer, except that Perl is missing. In the control panel you can start/stop modules, open logs, there are a couple of useful functions and settings, that’s all. I would recommend this assembly as a GUI replacement for Denwer for those who need similar functionality, but want to have a control panel with buttons and little things.

Latest version: 2.27
Russian language: No
Portable version: No

Basic kit:

  • Apache 2.2.22
  • PHP 5.3.10
  • MySQL 5.5.20
  • SQLite 3.7.10
  • Smarty 3.1.7
  • PhpMyAdmin 3.4.9
  • Xdebug 2.1.3
  • SQLiteManager 1.2.4
A good and functional software package, quite well-known, easy to learn. Has a convenient menu good opportunities on setting up PHP and Apache. I really liked the assembly; at one time I used Vertrigo for quite a long time.

But not everything is so rosy in our kingdom; of course, there are also disadvantages. The most important and significant disadvantage is that Vertrigo is not portable, it cannot be installed on a flash drive and used on different cars. Among other problems, I would like to note the difficulties with creating a domain or alias, as well as the lack of Russian language.

Latest version: 2.2d
Russian language: Yes
Portable version: No

Basic kit:

  • Apache 2.2.21
  • Php 5.3.10
  • Mysql 5.5.20
  • XDebug 2.1.2
  • XDC 1.5
  • PhpMyadmin
  • SQLBuddy 1.3.3
  • webGrind 1.0
Like XAMPP, this assembly is widely known in the West. Perhaps the reason for this is the support large quantity languages, the ability to install any Apache version, MySQL and PHP as an addon and attractive Homepage, which cannot be said about the control program itself.

The assembly works well, has a scary, but quite understandable menu. There is nothing about her that makes this one stand out. local web server from the total mass. To be honest, I was very surprised to see such squalor in the design of the program after visiting the stylish and colorful home page.

Latest version:
Is there Russian language
Portable version: Yes
Home page:

Basic kit:

  • Nginx 1.2.0;
  • PHP 5.3.13;
  • PHP 5.4.3;
  • Node.js 0.6.17;
  • MySQL 5.1.62;
  • MongoDB 2.0.5;
  • memcached 1.2.6;
  • phpMyAdmin 3.5.0;
  • Adminer 3.3.3;
  • RockMongo 1.1.1;
  • phpMemcachedAdmin 1.2.1;
  • Xdebug, Zend Guard Loader 5.5, ionCube 4.0.14
This assembly boasts the presence of MongoDB and Node.js, as well as the rapidly gaining popularity of the Nginx web server. I was also pleased with the presence of a normal tray menu and settings section, but during the work it turned out that the settings window has 3 tabs with only 1-2 options each (why?).

Working with logs in Winginx looks rather strange. To view them, we are offered a menu for selecting files like error.log, access.log, and so on, but it is impossible to understand which module these logs belong to: Nginx, PHP, or maybe Node.js?

Although Winginx has control program, however, command of the web server itself, just like in Denwer, is carried out through .BAT files. I made this conclusion based on black windows popping up out of nowhere when starting or stopping the server.

It is possible that someone (primarily beginners) will find this function very useful automatic installation scripts (PhpBB, WordPress, Joomla, etc.) when creating a domain, especially considering that the scripts are configured to work with Nginx (it’s quite difficult to rewrite the rewrite rules yourself). However, I personally never use such functions and prefer to perform the installation myself, since you never know what and how it is installed there and what surprises may await you in the future.

14. Xampp USB Lite

Latest version: 1.7.7
Russian language: No
Portable version: Yes

Basic kit:

  • Apache 2.2.21
  • MySQL 5.5.16
  • PHP 5.3.8
  • phpMyAdmin 3.4.5
XAMPP is a very popular software package abroad. I think its popularity is due to the fact that this assembly is quite reliable and has versions for all major operating systems: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and even Solaris.

The start and stop of modules happens quite quickly, the welcome page is not confusing and understandable, even though it is in English. Overall, a pretty good software package (with a bunch of goodies in the desktop version) in which there is nothing superfluous or repulsive. Black windows do not attack from around the corner, the control panel is quite ordinary, but of little use.

Among the disadvantages of this software package, I can note precisely this control panel, or rather the lack of this control itself; there is nothing in it except starting and stopping the server. There is no convenient menu with a list of sites, there is no web server settings section, there are no useful tools. Tune work environment in this build you will have to manually.


Portable Russian language Availability of GUI Useful GUI Viewing logs
AMPPS - + + - +
- - - - -
+ + - - -
+ + + + +
+ + + + +
Nimp + + + + -
+ + + + +
+ - - - -
- + + - +
+ - + - -
- - + + +
- + + + +
+ + + + +
Xampp USB Lite + - + - -
Best results: EasyPHP, Open Server, Winginx.


Test #1 - False start

The essence of the test is to deliberately corrupt the Apache configuration in order to check whether we will receive any warning or all the indicators will be green and nothing will work. Agree that you have little desire to use a build that misleadingly reports a successful launch and makes you look like an idiot. If the server does not give any signals or works secretly, then the test will also be considered failed.

Test No. 2 - Difficult paths

The essence of the test is to deliberately install the server in a folder with a complex name; in our test we will use a folder named “C:\test\Mys$ka!._-()zlo()+~%&2% Files”. If PhpMyAdmin (it is taken simply for convenience, since it is in every assembly) does not open, then the test will accordingly fail. Each person is an individual; folders are sometimes called by the most unexpected names. The folder name chosen for the test is correct for Windows and should be processed correctly.

Test #3 - SSL out of the box

The test is extremely simple - we start the server and try to open PhpMyAdmin via the SSL protocol.

Designations:"+" means the test was successful, "-" means the test failed.

False start Difficult paths SSL out of the box
AMPPS + + +
- + -
- + +
+ + -
+ + -
Nimp + - -
+ + +
- + -
+ - -
+ - -
+ + -
+ + -
- - -
Xampp USB Lite + - +
Best results: AMPPS, Open Server.


Having examined and tested so many software systems, the question arises - what should you ultimately choose for everyday work? The answer to this question is not so simple; each build will be good for a certain type of task.

For beginners, I suggest using Denwer as the simplest and most time-tested WAMP kit. To all other web developers, as well as those beginners who do not have enough Denwer functionality, I recommend using Open Server.

If you need to quickly familiarize yourself with any well-known script, forum, photo gallery or guest book and don’t want to bother installing it and finding a suitable platform, then you can try AMPPS. Of course, provided that the script you are interested in is supported by this development.

In case someone needs to use such rare modules as local mail server, Node.js, MongoDB, etc., then I think everyone will be able to choose a suitable option among the other participants in our review.

P.P.S I would like to warn commentators who advocate a virtual machine with Linux on board and do not recognize anything else as an alternative. I partly agree with you, when transferring a site to a real hosting, some problems may arise: streams, fs rights, symlinks, console, etc.

However, look at it this way. Such problems are special cases and they arise quite rarely. In reality, the opposite is true - a template designer using the Smarty engine does not need to know anything about streams, symlinks and the console, and CMS developers have learned to set the correct write permissions on downloaded files for 100 years.

As a result, I want to say that WAMP platforms have a right to exist and the use of virtual machines in most cases is completely unjustified.

Creating your own website very often becomes a necessity. For developers of web-oriented projects who do not have special knowledge, it is very convenient means development becomes Denver (stands for a gentleman's set of WEB developers). Denver can be downloaded for free in Russian and is not just successful software for facilitating the creation and maintenance of websites.

The software runs in the operating room Windows system and is literally a local WEB server that allows you to produce full setup and debugging applications (websites).

When installing Denver, the Apache service is installed on the regular user computer can be created great amount sites on virtual domain names (this approach greatly simplifies the transfer of a site from local storage to hosting). The main convenience is that local sites are accessed by names that have the same names as folders in the Denver home directory.

Even for a non-professional, developing a simple website takes 10-20 minutes. Once created, edited and viewed on a local computer, the site can then be placed on hosting. Denver has it all necessary tools to create a local server.

Features of installing a local server

First you need to download Denver (it’s free), but let’s clarify that getting started with a local web server involves going to the developer’s website, filling out a form, downloading installation file. However, this software can also be downloaded from our resource using the direct link at the bottom of the publication. Next, run the installer and follow the prompts of the installation wizard.

After all the manipulations have been done, two icons “Denver Stop” and “Denver Run” will appear on the desktop, indicating the start and stop of the local server.

Advice: It is advisable to install the program in the root of the local disk, as this will greatly simplify working with projects in the future. The application is useful for simple debugging of the site, for experiments, which can be seen on local disk without an Internet connection.

The program includes a set of distribution kits and shell. Apache+SSL, phpMyAdmin, PHP5, MySQL5 - these proven and popular tools provide the necessary capabilities and simplify the work for beginners in website creation.

Denver is very simple and optimal from a configuration point of view. It is worth mentioning separately that big advantage his work is autonomous. This autonomy is achieved by the following features:

  • Denver is contained in a single directory; it leaves no traces anywhere else on the disks. The software is not reflected in any way in the Windows system catalogs and does not clog the system registry.
  • The local server is so autonomous and isolated that a second Denver installation will not harm it in any way.
  • The program does not require additional running services. The software starts and just works, leaving no traces after it stops.
  • Deleting Denver means deleting its directory - and that’s it, no manipulations need to be done.
  • Convenient transfer from one computer to another (performed simple copying catalogue).

A modern website is not just a set of HTML documents, but also includes many technologies, including server ones, such as: SSI (Server-Side Includes), PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, PHP: preprocessor hypertext), databases and much more. To familiarize yourself with and study these technologies, it would be a mistake to use the work site you visit on the Internet, so it makes sense to install necessary kit programs to your local computer and test everything on it.

The most popular combination of such programs is the Apache web server, a language PHP programming, MySQL database management system, database administration shell PhpMyAdmin data, template engine Smarty.

These programs run primarily on Linux similar systems, but there are also versions for Windows. The main advantage of this bundle of programs is its versatility. A site created and tested on a local Windows computer can easily be transferred to a FreeBSD server. In addition, this set is supported by the vast majority of hosters.

In the future, programs for home computer with Windows operating system.

Let us briefly describe what the technologies that will be used to create the site are.

Web server

A web server is a program that analyzes incoming requests and generates ready documents sent to the user. Apache is often used as a web server, as it is the most established and popular on the Internet. According to various estimates, its share is almost 50% of total number web servers used.


A popular programming language used in website development.


Database management system.


Web interface for creating and managing MySQL databases. Allows you to view tables, change their contents, modify the structure, select data, and sort information. All actions are carried out directly in the browser, in a user-friendly interface specially designed for it.


Powerful template system for PHP. Uses his own language, which combines HTML and special Smarty tags. Templates are needed to separate program code and document presentation or, in other words, to separate logic from content.

All specified programs and technologies are open source, free to download and free to use.

Can be installed necessary programs, downloading them from the manufacturer’s website and customizing them to suit your needs. However, this sometimes requires familiarity with the program and possession of the necessary qualifications, which beginners do not have. Because the we're talking about not about a full-fledged working server, but about a computer for testing and debugging, then it makes sense to use ready-made kits. This kit contains all the programs necessary for a web developer and is easy to configure and manage. Next we will talk about some popular web development kits.

Over time, any web developer ( blogger, web designer or web programmer) will need a special test site where it is possible without special problems study website development or testing another web project. Some newcomers use the resources of their paid hosting and place at least two sites there. One worker ( basic), and the other ( additional) for testing. Test site exposed various tests (installation and testing of many plugins, themes, scripts and so on).

As a result, with this layout, the main working site suffers greatly, since most of the hosting resources are consumed test project. However, there is another way that will allow without loss ( both in monetary and resource terms) carry out testing of your sites, and we will now consider this method.

Why not?

You probably already know that in order to put your website on the Internet, you need to register a domain name, buy hosting, that is, disk space on some computer with high speed connection, on which they can work PHP scripts. For sites to function fully, PHP and MySQL must be installed. All this is not available on regular computer. How can they be launched HTML files and PHP on your computer?

A regular file can be opened with Notepad++ or even with Notepad. Write something inside, save it and then open it without any problems this file on your browser and see how this file would look on a hosting site on the Internet. That is, we already see the working HTML page. In it we can create certain designs, content and monitor the project without an Internet connection. Essentially, we already have everything. If we want to run PHP file using a browser, then nothing will work for us, since PHP scripts in the Windows operating system will not work without additional software.

All this is not available on a regular computer, and thus there is no possibility of working with your web projects. Therefore, some beginners start spending money on additional resources of their paid hosting. But what to do in this case? The answer is simple - they exist special programs, with which you can install your own dedicated server directly on your computer.

What is a server?

What's happened server and how a local server differs from one located on the network. In our case, a server does not mean a computer, but special set programs providing optimal performance site. In order for the site to work, we will need to install it in a special designated location on the server (). That is, we download site files to a remote computer. However, without special server programs, our uploaded files will not be visible on the network. Now for such purposes we will create own server on your home computer.

For this we need special programs. But which ones are better suited and what difficulties they can cause when further work? For your information, below I list the best web servers by popularity around the world. However, this does not mean that they need to be installed immediately. I'll explain why later!

List of the best web servers

There are currently several solutions on the market from the most different manufacturers:

  • (website - is the most common and popular free server online. It is more reliable and flexible. The server is not demanding on processor resources and is capable of serving many sites. The application is available for a wide range of operating systems, including Unix, Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows and others. On this moment Apache usage is 71%. However, this complex program, which not every beginner can handle.

  • (website - - another reliable server from Microsoft. It is firmly entrenched in second place with 14% of online usage. After installing the program, only two programming languages ​​will be supported ( VBScript and JScript). However, you can open additional features, setting for this necessary extensions. With the installation of such modules, the functionality of this server is significantly increased.

  • NGINX (website - is the most popular web server in Russian Internet. Compared to the first two, it is the simplest and does not have unnecessary functions. It is also praised for its reliability and high speed work. The developer of this product is our compatriot Igor Sysoev. In 2004, he released the first version of nginx. Now this software closes the top three most popular web servers in the world. Its usage is about 6.5%.

  • (website - - this web server does not have many capabilities, but it has a very high speed. It is 9 times faster than the popular Apache. Much attention is paid to safety ( its own protection against system overload, strict checking of http requests, anti-ddos and much more). LiteSpeed ​​is available for Solaris, Linux, FreeBSD and Mac OS X. The program has a usage rate of 1.5%.

Of course there are many others similar programs, but the share of their use and trust among users is not as high as these. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to do this with just one program. Not only is it advisable to use them to work with large projects, it may still be difficult to install and configure. In addition, in addition to such servers, it is also required separate installation and setting up some programs ( for example, to work with a database). All this causes significant difficulties for many users. What to do in this case?

Local Server Features

At the moment, there are many different distributions that can make life easier for any novice webmaster. They are very easy to install, easy to operate, less demanding on resources and contain the necessary software elements for the best performance.

That is local server- this is not one program ( not one specific web server), but a special collection that includes lightweight versions of complex server programs. Typically the assembly includes: the server itself ( mostly Apache, but there may be others), PHP compiler ( with its help the browser can read the codes and assemble the page), components for working with databases, various installers and many other programs. All this makes things much easier than if we installed and configured each program separately.

In addition, to basic packages local servers can be connected individual modules to expand functionality. More important feature is that on some servers it is possible to work from a removable flash drive. In general, such assemblies are very well suited for rapid website development, testing small projects, and sometimes even large ones.

Review of popular local servers

Here are some builds that may be useful to you:

  • (website - is a free domestic server that is designed to work with websites, web applications or Internet pages. Its developers are Dmitry Koterov and Anton Sushchev. This product contains the necessary distributions for simplified work. For example, this includes the Apache web server with various support, phpMyAdmin and MySQL panel for working with databases and other programs. You can also work from a removable flash drive. Unfortunately Denwer only supports operating system Windows.

  • XAMPP (website - is a special server build from Apache friends. The necessary distributions allow you to run a full-fledged web server on it. This program It is distributed free of charge and supports work on Windows, Solaris, Mac OS X and Linux. There are also the following advantages: the server is popular for its very simple user interface, which makes it a favorite for many beginners; there are multiple occurrences updated versions; the update process is very simple and user-friendly; present additional modules. Download the required version you can also from other official website -

  • (website - is an excellent server from a Thai manufacturer whose concept is easy installation and setting up all distributions in 1 minute. The first release of the assembly took place in 2001 and since then the number of users has been growing all the time. AppServ is very easy to install, it works stably and is no worse than official and individual releases, and its reliable performance makes it possible to create a full-fledged web server on your computer.
  • (website - is another good and easy to install local server. The assembly is very flexible, has good performance and takes up little disk space. Unfortunately, it only works on Windows OS for now.
  • Zend Server Community Edition (website - is a free server from Zend, designed to work with web applications. Contains all necessary components for rapid deployment local server on your computer.

  • (website - is a domestic portable local server that has high functionality for the development and creation of websites and other web projects. Has a multilingual interface ( including Russian) and is designed to run on Windows OS. Work from removable media is supported. This server is very good and serves as a good alternative to Denver.

  • (website - - another good build with a Russian interface ( there are also other languages). There is a simple and clear menu, and convenient installation and configuration of the assembly does not cause any particular difficulties. Configuration can be done without affecting configuration files, which is very useful for novice webmasters. The server is distributed free of charge and only works on Windows platform. Unfortunately, portable version Not yet.
  • (website - - a very simple assembly with support for the Russian language. The assembly is unremarkable, does not have huge functionality and is mainly intended for testing small projects. There is support for working from portable media. This server will serve as a good replacement for Denver.

So, these were the most popular web servers that deserve attention among webmasters. As you can see, there is a lot to choose from here. You can download the server you like and find out in detail the composition of its assembly on the official websites that were indicated in the description. I recommend that you download these builds only from official sites, since other sites may post non-working distributions or with some viruses. Now many people will no longer have the desire to “force” their hosting, since with such software the process of creating websites and web applications will become more interesting and exciting! In general, study and implement!