Unexpected error when installing Windows 7. If Windows cannot be installed on this disk

Unfortunately, Windows 7 does not always work stably, and regularly appear, the system may spontaneously reboot and even force shutdown to prevent damage. In this article we will talk about eliminating system errors on Windows 7.

Description of the problem

As a rule, system errors do not occur without reason. In practice, it looks like a computer or laptop running Windows 7 spontaneously stops working, reboots, or displays a blue screen of death. In any case, it is impossible to work normally in this mode, so the problems must be eliminated. If you recognize your situation from the description, then this article will help you solve the problem. All systemic problems can be divided into two broad categories:

  • The OS no longer starts;
  • Windows 7 can start after reboot;

Neither the first nor the second situation are good symptoms, but solving the problem, if the OS does start, is a little simpler.

The computer has rebooted but still starts

If a system error manifests itself as a computer reboot, then congratulations, you are in a better position than people who are faced with the situation that Windows 7 does not start. In this case, the problem may lie in the following:

  • Outdated drivers;
  • Lack of the latest OS update;
  • Errors on the hard drive;
  • Problems with hardware;

After the next system reboot, run the registry cleaner. It could be, or any other analogue. Fix all registry errors and clean up free place on your hard drive. Your HDD and OS performance can be helped a little more - by defragmenting or special software check the disk for possible problems.

Go to the update center, check if you have installed Latest updates OS. If you have pirated version OS, then you still need to take care of OS updates. You may need to worry about activating your system to get the latest updates.

Problems with hardware - video card, processor, etc., can also cause a reboot. These problems are not truly systemic, since the system here acts as a fuse. For example, if your video card overheats, the system reboots to ensure the safety of the card. Here it is necessary to carry out diagnostics, measure the temperature on the main components. And if the system gives you a blue screen, then look at the error code. If you have problems starting the OS, then watch the following video:

Windows 7 keeps crashing

The term “Windows 7 crashes” means that the system constantly reboots itself. The frequency can be anything - from 1-2 times a day, and up to 1 time in 5 minutes. In any case, it is impossible to work and the problem needs to be solved. This behavior of the device clearly indicates that you have a system error or some kind of hardware problem. If you put it aside potential problems with overheating, then you can concentrate on system errors.

In a situation where Windows 7 constantly reboots, try checking the registry for errors first. To do this, use CCleaner. Then defragment the disks, and at the same time check all disks for viruses. If the problem persists, you can restore to a date when the problem did not exist. System Restore helps in most cases. But sometimes drivers or fresh OS updates solve the problem.

Please note that Windows 7 must be kept up to date. If you haven’t updated the OS for a long time, then the reason why Windows constantly reboots may be due to an outdated version of the system itself.

Windows 7 won't start

The situation when the OS stops starting seems hopeless to some users. How to solve problems if the OS does not start? There are several possible solutions.

After numerous reboots if the OS starts unsuccessfully, the system itself will prompt you to start in safe mode or boot the OS with the latest working settings. Try the latest working configuration first.

If the latter working configuration did not help you, then try starting in safe mode. If the OS boots in this mode, then all is not lost. Go to the system utility section and restore to the last restore point. Then restart your computer. Alternatively, you can start in safe mode with support network drivers and conduct a remote system check.

System Restore

You can restore the system without booting it. To do this, when starting the OS, press F8 on the keyboard. A dialog box will open in which you need to select “Repair your computer.”

In the window that opens, select suitable parameters recovery and then follow the onscreen instructions. Depending on the problem, recovery may take up to 1 hour. If you have an installation disk or USB flash drive, then you can use them to restore the OS. In any case, follow the system instructions and even a beginner can cope with the recovery.

If the restore does not help, you can return to the “Repair your computer” window and undo all changes. To do this, select the corresponding menu item of the same name.

Reinstalling the OS

Most radical method, but it saves in 100 cases out of 100, if your hardware is not broken - reinstalling the OS. You can install the OS either from a special installation disk which you should have done in advance. If there is no such disk, then you can download a clean image of the system and separately drivers from your manufacturer on the Internet. We will discuss the issue with the license, how to transfer and save it, in one of the following articles.

We hope that your Windows 7 computers and laptops will run smoothly and you will never encounter any problems. system errors. And if you do, now you know how to fix OS errors.

Critical errors when starting Windows 7 occur for many reasons: due to hardware failure, due to problems with the system itself, or due to crashes software. In some cases, a direct relationship between cause and effect can be traced if a failure occurred after installing an application, driver, connecting a new device, etc. In other cases, the source of the error is difficult to determine.

Hardware problems

Problems that arise before you start Windows boot 7 are related to equipment, so just a few words about them. The culprit of the failure can be any of the devices, but most often they are RAM and HDD. The message that, in case of critical error is displayed on the screen.

Every user has ever seen a blue screen of death (BSOD). We will leave most of what is written there behind the scenes, since to make a diagnosis, only the following is important to us:

  • error type - a line at the top of the screen written in capital letters through the underscore (item 1 in the picture);
  • error code – a numeric identifier in hexadecimal form and its Extra options(point 2 in the picture);
  • the driver or application that caused the BSOD, as well as the address where the failure occurred (point 3 in the picture). In case of problems with the equipment that arise before the initialization of drivers and in a number of other cases, this parameter is not available.

The following data may indicate problems with the hard drive or its controller:

  • 0x00000024 NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM

Memory errors often make themselves known with messages like this:

  • 0x0000002E – DATA_BUS_ERROR
  • 0x0000004E – PFN_LIST_CORRUPT etc.

Often, RAM malfunction is manifested by a variety of errors that can happen at any time when starting up and operating the computer.

Easy to fix hardware failure often helps BIOS recovery Setup to default settings or, as they say, reset to default. This can be done in several ways: using your own BIOS option, by switching a special jumper to the mat. board or temporary loss of power to the CMOS chip (BIOS storage location).

To return BIOS Setup default settings using it own option, need to:

  • go to the menu by pressing the designated key immediately after turning on the machine (F2, F4, F12, Delete or others - this is written at the bottom of the splash screen motherboard);
  • open the Exit tab (usually), place the cursor on the LOAD BIOS DEFAULT option (in some versions it is called LOAD SETUP DEFAULTS or LOAD FAIL-SAFE DEFAULTS) and press Enter;
  • press F10 and Yes (or Y) to exit and save the settings.

Other ways are to switch a special jumper for reset BIOS to the CLR CMOS position (name options: CCMOS, Clear CMOS, Clear CMOS, Clear RTC, etc.) or temporarily removing the battery on the board. On some, mat. boards have a special button for this.

If the method does not help, the failure is probably more serious and is associated with a breakdown of one of the devices. At home you can try to find problem node by disconnecting or replacing with a similar working one. If this is not possible, you need to contact specialists.

Using Windows 7 Safe Mode

In some cases, startup failure occurs only in normal mode, and in safe mode(safe mode) the system boots without problems. If this is your case, use this opportunity.

To get into safe mode, before you start Windows startup Press the F8 key several times. When you see such a list on the screen, select the desired item from it:

After loading the desktop, you need to open Start, go to the “All Programs” menu, open the “Accessories” folder, then “System Tools” and select “System Restore” from there.

This Windows tool 7 will help fix startup errors caused by corruption system registry, removal or damage important files, installing faulty drivers, virus attacks and other things related to the system and software.

  • After starting “Recovery”, you need to select a checkpoint that was created no later than the date when the failure occurred, and then click “Next”.

  • After confirming the point selection, click “Done” and wait for “Restore” to complete its work. This will return Windows 7 to the state it was before the boot errors occurred. Registry, files, drivers, updates, programs installed or changed after this date will be deleted or returned to normal. Files in user folders will not be affected.

Additionally, you can use the system automatic search problems and their solutions. For this:

  • boot into safe mode with network driver support;

  • Open the Control Panel, select the “System and Security” section from “Settings” and then “Check your computer’s health.”

  • Expand the “Maintenance” tab and in the “Search for solutions for problems indicated in reports” section, click “Search for solutions.”

In some cases, the system generates error reports that are sent to Microsoft Support Center. If there is a solution for your problem ready-made solution, you can use it.

Recovery environment

If the system does not boot into safe mode, if the recovery tool does not find any control point or does not work, there is one more option - Windows RE. Windows RE is an addition to Windows 7, a recovery environment that works regardless of whether the main system boots or doesn't boot. Built-in tools in Windows RE allow you to:

To get into the Windows RE environment, you need to select “Troubleshoot computer problems” from the F8 menu.

Once you reach the “Recovery Options” window, you will be able to select the tool you need.

Startup recovery

To identify and fix problems that cause Windows 7 to not boot, select the first option from the list of options: “Startup Repair.” This tool will automatically check and fix the MBR (main boot entry), the state of the sections responsible for loading in the registry and system files. Most often, startup errors with Windows 7 can be successfully resolved with its help.

If restoring startup did not help solve the problem, you can use the same already familiar tool to cancel latest changes– “System Restore.” It happens that in a safe Windows mode does not see a single control point, but in Windows environment RE – sees.

To launch this tool in “Recovery Options”, use the second item from the top.

if you have archive image, created during a period of stable Windows performance and programs, you can restore from it right here. To do this, connect the drive with the image to the computer, select the third item from the list of recovery options – “Restore system image” and follow the instructions of the wizard.

Diagnostics option Windows memory” will help identify problems with RAM if you suspect it is faulty. Above we have listed which errors when starting your computer may be a sign of problems with RAM. It is possible that it is because of them that your system does not boot.

In addition to memory failures, the hard drive, or more precisely, errors, can also cause startup problems file system and “broken” sectors. The recovery environment also allows you to troubleshoot and resolve these issues. To do this through command line need to run system utility chkdsk with the /f and /r parameters, which means to search for and correct errors, as well as restore the contents of bad sectors, and wait for the results. No user intervention is required in this procedure - it is completely automatic.

And finally - if you suspect that the system does not boot due to viral infection, the recovery environment allows you to run antivirus tools.

To do this, launch the command line and open Explorer through it.

  • Enter the command into the command line notepad and press Enter to open Notepad.
  • Using the “File – Open” menu, launch Explorer - note that in the recovery environment, the drive letters sometimes do not match the letters when Windows boots in normal mode.

  • To see all the contents of directories, in the “Files of type” field, check “All files”.

  • Go to the folder where it is located antivirus program, for example, the CureIt.exe utility, and run it.

After this, restart your computer. It can be said with a high degree of probability that the next Windows release will be successful.

Despite the fact that since the termination by Microsoft Windows support XP has passed for more than three years, some users still do not want to part with this operating system. Well, this is understandable - some are still in service old computer, specifications which is not allowed to install a newer OS, someone needs fast system, while others simply got used to XP, not wanting to change anything for themselves.

Windows is quite stable and reliable system, capable of operating without reinstallation for up to several years, but sooner or later it begins to fail, including critical ones. An example of one such failure is the Stop 0x0000007b error, which occurs during the loading/installation of the operating system and is accompanied by the appearance of the traditional blue screen of death. Most often you have to deal with it Windows users XP, however, are not immune from it and owners of computers running Windows control 7.

The main reasons for the appearance of a blue screen with Stop error 0x0000007b

Error 0x0000007b, like a number of other similar ones, does not indicate a specific source of the problem, and the code itself may indicate various types of problems. In some cases it is accompanied by a message INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE, which immediately raises suspicions in the user about hard drive malfunction disk. In fact, this error only means that boot driver cannot initialize device bootstrap, that is, the hard drive.

Appearance blue screen with error 0x0000007b is often caused by a conflict in the drivers of devices connected to the PC, incorrect settings BIOS, corrupted system files, or important keys registry, virus infection, the presence of bad sectors and file system errors on the disk, various hardware problems (most often related to the disk), problems with RAM, lack of support for the SCSI controller or hard disk installed by the operating system. We will not analyze all cases in detail; instead, we will pay attention to the most common ones.

What to do if an error occurs when installing Windows XP

The main and most likely cause of error 0x0000007b when installing Windows XP on a new PC is incompatible BIOS settings. The fact is that on new computers connected to SATA drives ACHI standard is used, which at the moment Windows release XP has not been used yet. You try to install the system, but it can't find suitable driver and throws you into BSOD. What to do? Try changing the operating mode of SATA drives from AHCI to IDE.

Go to BIOS, in Advanced section find IDE setup Configuration, in it find the SATA Configuration parameter and set its value Compatible instead of Enhanced. In other BIOS versions, the indicated setting may be located in the Integrated Peripherals section and called OnChip SATA Type or SATA RAID/AHCI MODE. Its value needs to be set IDE or Native IDE.

If your BIOS has a Main section, look for SATA Mode in it and set it to IDE Mode.

Loading drivers during XP installation

The next way to resolve the error is to install missing drivers SCSI or ACHI during the installation of Windows XP, but for this you must already have a floppy disk with drivers that match the configuration of your PC. At the very beginning of the XP installation you need to click F6, to install special driver SCSI or RAID.

But since this method is hopelessly outdated, there may not be a utility for writing drivers on a disk with Windows XP, just like a floppy drive in your computer. Alternatively, you can use USB Floppy Drive, but purchasing this device for the sake of installing an outdated system seems inappropriate.

Integrating SATA AHCI drivers into a Windows XP image

If you consider yourself experienced user, you can integrate SATA AHCI drivers directly into the Windows XP installation image. For these purposes you will need a utility nLite, original drivers SATA with AHCI support for text mode(downloaded from your motherboard manufacturer’s website) and the Windows XP image itself.

The algorithm of actions is as follows. Unpack the driver archives and the XP ISO image into separate folders.

In the next window, click “Add” and specify the path to the folder with drivers.

Then activate the “Text mode driver” radio button, mark the drivers you need and click “OK”, after which boot image will be recreated.

If error 0x0000007b during system installation was due to driver incompatibility, it will not occur this time.

The method works, but why fool yourself if it is much easier to find on the Internet an image of Windows XP with already integrated AHCI drivers; fortunately, there are more than enough such assemblies created by enthusiasts!

How to fix error 0x0000007b when booting Windows 7

As in the case of XP, the cause of error 0x0000007b when loading Windows 7 can be incorrect settings BIOS. The system crash into BSOD with code 0x0000007b was often observed after the user enabled AHCI mode in the BIOS, especially in cases where an SSD drive was installed on the PC. Nobody argues AHCI mode has its advantages, but in Windows 7 simply turning it on in the BIOS is not enough; before that, the system needs to be prepared. Therefore, we restore it in the BIOS previous settings, load, launch regedit command registry editor and expand this branch:


On the right side we find the parameter Start and change its value to 0.

We do the same with the Start parameter in the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/services/iaStorV.

After that, go to the BIOS and enable AHCI. This time the system should boot without error. The next time you reboot the system, the appropriate disk drivers will be installed. At the same time, we also recommend opening Device Manager and checking in the disk properties whether disk write caching is enabled.

Other causes of error 0x0000007b

The following reasons for error 0x0000007b, as well as ways to fix it, are equally applicable to both Windows 7 and Windows XP. If before this the system booted normally, but after updating or installing some driver during the next boot, Windows displayed error 0x0000007b, the reason is probably that the driver is not working properly. First, try booting from the latest successful configuration, for which immediately after turning on the PC, hold down F8 and select the appropriate option.

You can also try booting into safe mode and uninstalling the installed software. If this does not help, you should roll back to a previous restore point if booting into Safe Mode is available. In Windows 7 everything is simpler; in this system you can roll back to control or full backup, booting from the installation disk with the distribution kit.

Disk errors

File system errors, bad sectors may also cause error 0x0000007b. This is where the built-in utility can come to the rescue. chkdsk. Boot the PC from the installation disk (the same XP) by clicking R enter the recovery environment and run the command chkdsk /r.

In Windows 7, the same command is used, but with the /f switch.

If the disk is old and there have been problems with it before, it is recommended that you first connect it to a work computer.

Viruses in the boot sector

It also wouldn't hurt to check the disk for infection with bootkits - viruses that infect boot sector And MBR entry. Naturally, such a check should be done using bootable rescue disks like Dr.Web Сureit. Another option is to remove the disk, connect it to a working PC and run the test from there.

Hardware problems

A blue screen with error 0x0000007b may well be caused by hardware problems. If the problem really is in the hardware, then first of all you need to check the hard drive. The cables (are they connected well) and the power supply are also subject to inspection. Be sure to test your RAM, as there have been cases where error 0x0000007b occurred when RAM modules were damaged.

As additional measures, we can recommend disconnecting all peripherals(eliminate a conflict between their drivers), recreate the master boot record MBR, update the hard disk controller drivers, clear the CMOS, and also replace the boot disk driver files atapi.sys, intelide.sys, pciide.sys, pciidex.sys from the directory System32/Drivers driver files with working system the same version. If you doubt the results own actions, it would be wiser to take the computer to a diagnostic center, where specialists will fix the problem.

I can't install Windows 7! Inexperienced users often encounter this problem and go to the Internet in search of a solution.

And rightly so, because our material will really help you get rid of a number of possible problems.

To make it easier to determine the “culprit” of installation problems, we will group these objects into several general categories:

  • installation image – setup files OS;
  • carrier installation image– CD, DVD or USB FLASH disk;
  • image carrier reader;
  • BIOS of the computer on which the OS is installed;
  • computer hard drive;
  • computer equipment;
  • computer peripheral devices.

When an error occurs, you need to check the groups one by one, narrowing the search for the faulty category, the cause of the fault, and how to solve the problem.

Currently, reinstalling the operating system is often done with using USB FLASH than from a DVD.

This installation requires preparation of both the media and special settings Computer BOIS.

Preparing a flash drive involves deploying a bootable installation image on it. The following programs are useful for this: UltraISO, WinSetupFromUSB, etc.

Often errors when installing from a flash drive are associated with incorrect deployment of the image.

Case 1. If you can’t install Windows 7 from a flash drive

  • We check the functionality of the flash drive - connect it to a working computer, try to copy and write several files. Performing a disk check regular means(right-click – Properties – Tools – Run check);
  • We try to boot the computer from a flash drive by inserting it into the rear connectors. From the front USB connectors There are long wires that can cause interference that distorts the data read from the media.
    Characteristic sign Problems: The installation is interrupted by an error at an unpredictable point during the process.
  • we check whether . Having connected the flash drive to the computer, we enter the interface. Its name should appear among others hard drives.
    If this does not happen, then you need to use another flash drive. The flash drive is detected normally, then we try to prepare it with other programs, use other installation images.

Case 2. If you can’t install Windows 7 via BIOS

In this case, we proceed in the same sequence as in case of problems with a flash drive: is the media working, is the reading device working correctly, is the image deployed on the media working.

If the problem is due to the fact that you cannot get into the BIOS settings window, then try setting the boot device when you turn on the computer using function keys.

Typically, the "Select" function boot device» is activated by the F8, F11, F12 or ESC button, via the selection menu.

It is important not to miss the moment and press the button immediately after turning on the computer.

This function can also be used to check whether the USB flash drive is detected by the system.

Case 3. If you can’t install Windows 7, the driver was not found

Probable Cause– not supported by standard means hard disk or media. The problem has become especially relevant with the spread of USB 3.0.

Windows distribution 7 does not support USB 3.0 by default.

Therefore, you need to stock up on drivers or use a non-original image for installation, in which these are already present.

Find and download suitable image You can search for “Windows 7 USB 3.0”. If this error is detected, the system provides the opportunity to install necessary drivers.

Important! If the installation was carried out from a flash drive, then you need to move the flash drive from the USB 3.0 connector (blue core) to USB 2.0 (black core) or via BIOS interface disable USB support 3.0.

If the flash drive from which the operating system is installed is made in USB format 3.0, then in the BIOS you need to disable the USB XHCI Controller option, and enable AHCI mode for hard drives.

Another reason for the missing driver error is outdated version BIOS.

An update helps overcome the problem BIOS programs. The problem is that the outdated BIOS does not contain instructions for working with large media.

This means that you need a shortened (stripped down) installation image and media with a small amount of memory.

There are known cases when a driver search error was associated with minor mechanical damage optical mediaDVD.

The problem can be solved by recording the installation image onto a working medium.

Note! When recording an image to optical discs It is recommended to select the minimum burning speed in the recording settings. This approach reduces the number of write errors and eliminates data reading problems.

Often, novice users, to save time and money, do. A user who is doing the installation for the first time may encounter problems and may ask the question why Windows won't install?. OS Windows family, are very popular and now you need to know why they may not be installed.

Incorrect BIOS setting.

Any clean install Windows starts with preparing your computer. At this stage, when you try to install Windows from a disk or flash drive, problems appear and nothing is installed. For everything to work, you need to set for boot the device that will read the Windows media. For example, if the installation will be performed from a DVD/CD disc, then the first device to boot should be a DVD/CD drive with an optical drive (disk)
If you need it, then the first device to boot should be the flash drive itself, or rather USB HDD, USB Flash, USB Drive Also in the BIOS there may be a signature based on the name of your flash drive or something similar, depending on the BIOS firmware version and the model of the computer’s motherboard. Before saving the selected settings, you need to make sure that the floppy drive is disabled. You need to go to the “Standard CMOS Features” section, where you need to disable “Floppy - 1.44 or Drive A”. Next you need to save the settings, press F10 and YES. The computer will reboot and the system will begin installing Windows from the disk or flash drive.
Even when installing from a flash drive, problems may arise with the type using hard disk. On modern computers The hard drive can operate in IDE AHCI and RAID modes. If you don’t have a raid array of disks, then let’s look at the remaining settings. You can find these settings in the IDE configuration section. I recommend using AHCI mode, but when installing Windows from old flash drives, a message about the absence of a driver may appear. If you have this problem, try IDE mode and then the installation will proceed without errors. Learn more about BIOS settings.

A broken system image or damaged media.

One more constant problem is an incorrect image recording with Windows. Bad blank ( blank disk), a damaged DVD/CD drive through which Windows was recorded. The same can happen with a flash drive - broken memory or faulty USB ports on the mainland. It also happens that the equipment is in good working order and works correctly, but the image itself is damaged initially even before the moment of recording, for example, it was under-downloaded or was even damaged when uploaded to the site. In this case, you need to have several Windows images on hand, on different drives. You can try installing the operating system using another drive, for example an external one. Use different methods installation of Windows and devices in order to achieve your goal by elimination - install Windows.

The computer hardware is damaged.

Another problem is computer hardware failure. This could be a damaged motherboard, video card, hard drive, RAM, power supply, or processor.
It is necessary to carry out. Identify the damaged part and replace or repair it. There are many tests for this that do not require an OS. You can check the motherboard, processor and video card using the PC Test utility. The hard drive can be checked with the program HDD Regenerator. RAM using the MemTest utility. The power supply can be checked through the BIOS or simply physically.

Outdated PC hardware

Here I think everything is clear if the computer hardware does not meet the minimum system requirements to install Windows, you will not be able to install it. For example, to install Windows 10, you must have at least 1GB on your computer random access memory, hard disk space of at least 16GB, processor frequency must be at least 1 GHz. The video card must support DirectX 9.0c. It is clear that such a computer will not be able to provide comfortable work. Therefore for normal operation necessary multi-core processor frequency of more than 1.6 GHz and 2 GB of RAM. Sometimes all parameters may be suitable except the video or sound card. For example, many still have ATI video cards Radeon x700 with 256 or 512 MB of memory. It seems that the video cards are not very old. But they don't have DirectX 9.0c support. They support DirectX 9.0b but can no longer run on Windows 8, 8.1 and 10. Carefully review all the specifications of your computer before installing Windows to ensure it meets the system requirements. And if they are suitable, only then start the installation.

What else could be causing Windows to fail to install?

Old Motherboard BIOS boards or video cards. Update them.
Disconnected cable or power, check the connections of all cables and cables.
Conflicting parts – network cards, sound cards, TV tuners and the like.
Windows builds, many download builds operating systems and try to install them. Such operating systems often simply cannot be installed on certain computers. Use pure original Windows images to install and then you should not have any problems.