Creating a filezilla ftp server. Solving the problem of dynamic IP address. Mounting an FTP resource using Windows Explorer

IN this post I'll tell you how to install and configure protected FTP server (protocol FTPS) on Windows Server 2003 (installation and configuration for other operating systems are no different).

Don't confuse the protocol FTPS with protocol SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), protocol FTPS incompatible with protocol Secure Shell (SSH).

Please make sure that you are not running IIS FTP service. If the service is running, then disable it, because it uses standard ports FTP protocol.

Download the latest version of FileZilla Server. For now latest version 0.9.39.

After you have downloaded the file, start installing the program.

In the menu that appears, select the installation type “Standard” and click “Next>”.
The FileZilla server service and administrator GUI will be installed.

After installing the server, let's start configuring it. Launch the admin console and connect to, which is localhost, on port 10050 (you specified it during server installation).

Configure the server in accordance with the pictures. They speak for themselves.
As a result, we will receive a secure FTP server installed on port 21, which is used by default by FTP servers.

Set your own welcome message that will be displayed when a new user connects. Enable the option "Hide welcome message in log". This option disables the recording of the greeting message in the server logs, which will reduce their size.

Note. When writing your greeting message you can use Special symbols and variables: %v- variable contains FTP server version, and the design %% - will be replaced by %

Use the "*" character to have the FTP server listen to all IP addresses on the system. If you have several IP addresses, then indicate only those that need to be listened to.

To ensure greater security for your FTP server, block all incoming addresses, adding to exceptions only those addresses from which connections are expected. IP addresses should be separated by a space. IN in this example I allowed the connection from local address and from (

The following settings correspond to the pictures:

Enable connection logging. You can also enable automatic removal connection log after a certain period and set a limit on its size.

Here you can set limits on download and upload speeds. These settings are global and can be reconfigured for each user separately.

This is the main part of the instructions in which we will configure an SSL certificate to use FTPS. You can use a public certificate, which must be purchased separately. But in this instruction we will use the built-in certificate generator.

Fill in all fields with your data as shown in the picture.
In the “Common name” field, enter your IP address or domain name, if you have one. And then click on the button "Generate certificate"

Go back to SSL/TLS settings and specify the path to the certificate file and key file.

Finally, set your options to auto-block suspicious users.

IMPORTANT! Before checking the connection, make sure that you have set exceptions in the firewall for ports 21, 990 and 3000-4000.

The most popular programs for implementing network connections when using a small corporate or server home network We can include such a solution as Filezilla Server. What are the features of setting up this program? What should you pay attention to when setting certain options in the corresponding program?

Filezilla Server: installing the program

Before considering how to configure Windows 8.1, which is necessary to ensure the functioning of Filezilla Server, it is necessary to study the installation features of the program in question. It is necessary to launch the distribution kit that is available to the user. After this, you need to select the optimal installation mode software: Standard, Full, Interface Only, FTP Only or Custom Install. The standard version offers installation of software, about which we're talking about, with the participation of the user in all main stages of installation of the program. In general, the full version resembles the first one. It also involves copying the source code of the solution in question to a personal computer. The “FTP only” installation scheme involves installing only FTP modules without interfaces for organizing access to it from an administered personal computer. In this case, it becomes possible from a remote computer. The “interface only” installation scheme assumes installation with only the management interface. This can be used to gain access to a remote server. When using the “custom installation” option, various combinations of options are possible. The user can choose the optimal options in terms of ensuring the functioning of the network. Experts generally recommend choosing standard option installing the program. Here you need to select the directory in which the program will be installed. Next, you need to select a model for installing and running the server. There are three possible options:

— installing the server as a service and setting it to start when the computer boots;

— installing the server as a service and setting the program to be launched manually when loading the personal computer;

- use of simple installation when manually downloading software.

In general, when using the first option, FilezillaServer should not have any problems with functionality. The interface can be launched through three mechanisms:

— directly when the system boots for any user;

- at startup operating system– for a specific user;

- V manual mode.

It will be useful to consider in more detail the criteria for choosing a particular interface loading model.

Installing Filezilla Server: choosing an interface boot model

This feature of Filezilla Server software installation has great importance from the point of view of protecting server control modules from unauthorized access. Of course, with installing Filezilla Server, a firewall can be configured to minimize the likelihood of unauthorized connections to the network. Organization of access control directly to the computer should be considered as an equally significant aspect of security. If one user is working on a personal computer, then in all likelihood it will be possible to choose the first option for loading interfaces. If several people work on the computer, then in all likelihood the second option for loading interfaces will be more optimal. If you need to further increase the security of using the server, you can configure manual loading of interfaces. After the software in question is installed on the computer, the user will need to set the optimal IP address and port that is supposed to be used to organize access to the server. You must also set a program administrator password.

Filezilla Server: main program interfaces

The Filezilla Server software product, which is configured in several stages, consists of two main interfaces. One of them is the FTP server itself. It functions as an independent system module and cannot be configured through any user interface from an administered personal computer. This module if necessary, you can find it in the list of functioning system services through the control panel of the operating system. Using the appropriate instrument that is present in the operating room Windows system, the FTP server can be started and stopped if, when installing the server, the option was selected in which its interfaces should be started in manual mode. However, as a rule, Filezilla Server starts automatically in the part in question system service directly when you boot your personal computer. The software in question is represented by an interface that is designed directly to control the main modules. As soon as it is launched, there will be a connection to the modules that perform server functions. When inactive, the program management interface window is minimized to the system tray, which is located near the operating system clock. Let's now look at how, in practice, the corresponding software is configured using the specified interfaces of the FilezillaServer program.

Setting up Filezilla Server: what to pay attention to first?

What should you pay attention to first when setting up the Filezilla Server program? For a network administrator, in some cases, some software functions related to monitoring may be useful network processes. For example, through the program control panel you can view the contents of the network process log. Here the actions of certain users who connected to the server are recorded. IN this interface a list of specific personal computers that are in contact with the server. In this way, you can monitor how the distribution network traffic. Another feature of the Filezilla Server program is the ability to use the solution interfaces from other personal computers. To do this, you just need to set it in the service, which by default blocks server management from third party computers, specific settings. Experts do not recommend making any changes to the Security Settings options of the software in question. The thing is that when making adjustments to these settings, you can accidentally set optional restrictions on incoming and outgoing network connections. In the Miscellaneous option, similarly, users will have access to settings that will not have much significance from the point of view of correctly configuring the server. Such settings include prohibiting the display of passwords in interfaces and the size of data transfer buffers. Ensuring the functionality of the network will hardly depend on making changes to the corresponding group of settings. You will also likely not need to configure the Kerberos GSS protocol using the GSS Settings interface. Using the Admin Interface Settings interface, the user can set the optimal IP address and port that will be used to gain access to the server management modules. Please keep in mind that setting up your router has nothing to do with this Filezilla Server option. A different IP is registered on the router. If you use the option we were talking about, you can configure the IP addresses from which computers can access the server. The administrator, when using the Logging option, can activate recording various operations within network connections in separate files, and also set the maximum size of these files. The Speed ​​Limits option, through which the administrator can limit the speed of file transfer between the PC and the server, can be very useful. The restriction in this case can be set permanently or on a schedule. There is another remarkable option of the Filezilla Server program, which allows you to save traffic volumes - Filetransfer compression. It is worth noting that this function can activate minimal or maximum degree file compression. You can also register IP addresses, for requests from which traffic compression will not be used.

Filezilla Server: Key Settings

Let's now take a closer look at how the most popular parameters of the Filezilla Server program are set. Setting up the program usually starts from the General Settings page. The software interface is based on English language. If the user selects this option, then he can, for example, change standard port to connect to some other one. Another setting option is to set optimal quantity users who can connect to the server running the software in question. The corresponding software interfaces also allow you to define settings to terminate communication with a personal computer that cannot correctly connect to the network.

Filezilla Server: IP Configuration

The next important point of the Filezilla Server program is setting up an FTP server in terms of registering IP addresses. In this case, we will talk about using the IP Bindings setting. Setting up an FTP server using this option of the Filezilla Server program can be done by specifying IP addresses through which other computers will connect to the administered one. The user has the opportunity to configure access to the server for personal computers that are within local network, or in a certain way to extend the powers of other computers. If you use the IP Filter setting, you can configure specific IP addresses, as well as a range of certain addresses from which it will not be possible to connect to the server. If necessary, you can set certain exceptions.

Passive mode settings

Another notable option in Filezilla Server is the passive mode setting. To do this, the user will need to enable the Passivemode option in the interface of the program in question. Thus, the corresponding setting generates the parameters that are necessary to ensure a passive connection to the administered server. If you make adjustments to some Filezilla Server settings, you may need to configure your router. For example, TP Link and other popular router manufacturers allow you to enter into the software of the corresponding device required parameters. It is important, of course, that the router supports the firewall and NAT functions to enable many of the necessary options. The user will most likely need to specify a specific IP address, which is assigned by the provider. You can find out if you use the router's software interfaces. This problem can be solved successfully regardless of the operating system on which Filezilla Server is installed. Configuring the Windows 7 operating system in terms of gaining access to the appropriate addresses will occur in the same way as if it were a Windows 8.1 operating system. In practice, making adjustments to the IP address settings in most cases is required if there are certain problems with connecting certain personal computers to the server.

Filezilla Server: Server Security Settings

Let's look at setting up security for using server connections. In order to optimize the corresponding parameters of Filezilla Server, we will need to configure SSL. It is carried out through the SSL/TLS Settings interface. In this case, you must activate support for the corresponding protocols. As a rule, it is necessary to record the address of the private key, certificate, and password in the settings. It is worth noting that in practice such options are usually used by experienced system administrators. In general, you do not need to configure SSL when adjusting the default settings. You can also increase server security by filtering unsuccessful user connections.

Filezilla Server: setting up accounts

Another important group of settings for the software in question is related to the registration of user accounts. To create a new account, you need to select the Edit menu item, and then select the Users option. Next, you can work with user accounts. To add a new account, select Add. Then enter the user name, and, if necessary, the group to which the computer should belong. When necessary settings will be executed, you will need to set a password for the created account. You can also activate a limit on the number of connections to the server. Experts advise setting a password for accounts whenever possible, although in principle you can do without it. Technologically this task The solution is quite simple, especially considering the versatility of the Filezilla Server program. Windows setup 7 to access external network and setting the necessary options in the Windows 8.1 operating system is performed using the same algorithms.

Filezilla Server: setup public access to folders

Another notable option in Filezilla Server is setting up folder sharing. For this purpose, you need to use the Share Folders module. To select directories to which you want to organize access, you must click on the Add button, and then select the desired item on the disk. The list of access rights to a particular folder is set in the same way. It is possible to configure operations such as writing, reading, deleting and making changes to files located in a particular directory.

Sometimes a person needs to exchange large files on the Internet. It is inconvenient to send such files, the size of which exceeds 10 MB, via email, since not all services allow this, so you either have to split the file into parts or archive it to reduce the size to the required size. But what if you need to send more than one file weighing more than 100 MB? Then you will need yours FTP server. You can do it on remote computer and upload any files there high speed through the client. In this article we will look at how to create an FTP server and what the basic setup of an FTP server is.

For what cases do you need your own FTP server?

There are many third-party servers on the Internet. They are stored various files, and many of these servers are like storage facilities - users download music, movies, games and other files from there. Especially often, such servers are created over a local network so that data can be exchanged without the Internet.

On the other hand, you need your own FTP server so that you can make changes on your computer from a distance.

In addition, installing an FTP server on a local network is required condition for webmasters who want to test their site before launching it on the Internet on a computer.

You may have your own reason why you want to make an FTP server, as well as the method by which you will implement it. But this article will look at a popular way of generating a “home” - you will learn how to set up FTP using FileZilla programs.

How to make an FTP server in FileZilla

FileZilla is a program that comes in both client and server form. You need to download it online FileZilla version server. It is better to do this through the official website of the developer, so as not to accidentally download a virus along with the program.

The installation process of the program is very simple. First, open the exe file to launch the installer. In the first installation step, you will need to agree to the license rules. At the next step, select the services that you want to install with FileZilla server, and also determine the installation type. It is recommended to immediately take “Standard”. Then select the folder where the program will be installed. Next will follow important step- you need to choose how the system will install FileZilla server - as a service or regular program, and whether this application will be launched when the system is turned on. You can also change the port for the admin console at this step. Just don’t forget to write it down somewhere so you don’t have to reinstall the program later.

The last stage of installation is to define users who can use the FileZilla server program. It is better if you are the only user on the computer - then you will not have to configure access to the program manually. After this, click the “Install” button and wait for the installation to complete.

Now let's look at how to set up FTP. You can create a server for both the local network and the Internet. At the beginning, after starting the program, a pop-up window will appear in front of you. In it you will need to specify the local IP address, port and password for the administrator. In fact, this data is needed only to prevent strangers from accessing your program from a computer. People will not be able to access the admin interface from other PCs.

Next, you need to go to the “Edit” menu and open “Settings”. In the “General” tab you will see the basic settings for the server. You can set the port through which users will connect to the server, specify the maximum number of clients and threads, and limit sessions with timeouts. Now the port matters - to secure your server, it’s better to specify non-standard port. But then you will need to notify users about this. If you do not plan to limit the number of clients in any way, you can leave the “Max. number of user" value "0", that is, no limit.

The advantage of creating a server using FileZilla server is that you can set all the settings using user-friendly interface. If you were doing this anywhere in Linux environment, then you would have to register all the configurations, which is not very convenient and difficult. For example, in FileZilla you can even customize a welcome message for users. To do this, you just need to go to the “Welcome message” section and write a greeting text for clients. And in a different environment, you would have to write special commands for this.

In the “IP buildings” item you can specify the IP addresses for which the server will be available. If you specify your IP address, the server will only be accessible on the local network for your computer. If you want to work through a server on the Internet, it is not recommended to restrict IP addresses. If you have ill-wishers and you know their IP addresses, you can register them in the “IP Filters” item, which will prohibit entry for the specified IPs (you can specify ranges).

The main difference between setting up a server for a local network and the Internet is that in the second case you will have to somehow coordinate the configurations with the firewall and router. The firewall may start to complain because someone is trying to connect to the computer, and the router may not allow them through the port. In this case, you need to specify in FileZilla settings external IP address of the computer in the “Passive mode settings” section. You don’t have to do anything like this for a local network—everything will work right away.

You shouldn’t touch many of the settings inside the FileZilla server program at all. For example, you are unlikely to need to configure the “Security Settings” menu item, which is needed to adjust the server-to-server connection. Also, you don't need to configure "Miscellaneous" and many other menu sections. Do not try to first analyze all the program configurations at once, so as not to get confused and create conflict situations in the server operation due to incorrect settings.

Sooner or later, errors will appear on the server - everyone has them. To quickly calculate them, it is recommended to activate log file recording in the “Logging” menu section. To do this, define maximum size for a log file, and also indicate the location for such a document on your computer.

In the “Speed ​​Limits” tab, you can add restrictions for both outgoing and incoming connections in terms of download speed. But you shouldn't do this if there is no need. After all, one of the main advantages FTP protocol- This fast loading, which will cease to be such if you set restrictions. After you understand the settings, add users through the “Users” menu - and your server can already be used! Just remember to pass the login information to your users. If necessary, you can specify anonymous users without logins. Be sure to specify access rights for users.

One of my materials mentioned the possibility of using this server to implement some tasks. In this material I will try to outline in as much detail as possible the basics of setting up the FileZilla FTP server for Windows. This server It is relatively easy to set up, consumes few resources, is invisible during operation, and also has a convenient console with very informative logging. You can manage the server remotely. The main purpose of an FTP server is to provide direct access to files and folders to users connecting to the server, this is exactly what I will talk about

What do we need:

1. FTP server Filezilla - follow the link, scroll down the page and see FileZilla Server version 0.9.41 at the time of writing this material, download
2. FTP client or any browser to check the functionality of the FTP server

# Installation

Launch the downloaded distribution and begin the installation

1. In the first step, click I agree
2. Next you need to select the installation components, nothing complicated here, leave it as is or remove the shortcuts, you don’t need to install Source Code
3. Select the installation location, you can set it as default
4. In the fourth step, you need to select the parameters for the server service, there are 3 options:
A. Installing the server as a service and starting it automatically
b. Installing the server as a service and manual start, when the system starts, the server will not work
V. Server installation as normal application and automatic start

The choice depends on how regularly and for what purpose the server will work; if you need constant access in an automatic, invisible mode, then the option A, if to solve one-time problems, then the option B

In addition, you need to select the port through which the control panel will connect to the server; it should not be occupied by other software; in most cases, you can leave the default port, i.e. 14147
5. Selecting a method for launching the server interface, I recommend choosing Start manually, because By by and large The interface will be needed once - during the initial setup and will only occasionally be needed to make changes, so there is no point in keeping it always running, leave the checkbox, then the interface will be launched immediately after the installation is completed, click Install

# Settings
Upon completion of the installation, the server manager will be launched, first a window will appear asking you to set up a connection to the server, because the server is on the same PC as the manager, then how Server Address leave , we don’t touch the port either, it was the one that was specified during installation, or we change it if it was changed earlier. We leave the password blank, because By default it is not there, you can install it later. Check the box and connect

# Basic server configuration

Select from the menu Edit -> Settings, this is the basic server configuration, let's make some nice changes. I will not dwell on all the options, but will point out only the most significant and useful for the majority of users

1.General Settings. You can change port 21 to some other one; usually this is not necessary, but it can be useful to protect your server from unnecessary attacks, i.e. Port 21 will be unavailable and those who are not aware may assume that there is no server. You can also specify the maximum number of simultaneously connected users, which helps to reduce the load on weak machines. Below you can specify the number of processor cores that will be used by the server to distribute the load.
- IP Filter- a filter for restricting access by IP ranges, in the first list we enter the addresses and ranges that we deny access to the server, and in the second those addresses from the first list of ranges that will be given an exception, i.e. access granted
2.Miscellaneous. IN additional settings there are some useful things. The first checkbox (if checked) allows you to hide the file sent by the user in the server interface window, the second checkbox will launch the application minimized. The third checkbox will allow files opened for writing to be transferred, it is not recommended to do this - you can damage the files, the fourth checkbox
3. Logging. Logging itself is disabled by default, but can be enabled. The size can be limited, then when the limit is reached, the file will be overwritten. You can also set the log in one big file(not recommended) or create logs by day + activate the option to delete after the required time period
4. Speed ​​Limits. Ability to set download and upload speed limits. You can just do it general limitation speed or add the required number of rules by day and hour. Useful to prevent the FTP server from downloading the entire channel
5. Autoban. The name speaks for itself; if a user enters incorrect credentials several times in a row, his address is blocked. The number of attempts and the blocking period are indicated. Useful against brute programs that perform banal searches; they can be stopped using this method

When the settings are complete, you can click OK

# Adding users

Go to the menu Edit -> Users. First, I will describe the general procedure for adding users
1. General. Here we create a new account. Click Add, a field appears to enter the user name and select the group to which we want to add it. If there is no group, then it cannot be selected accordingly. For servers with a small amount It is not necessary to create groups of accounts; you just need to create several accounts and assign your rights to each one
Then check the box Password and enter the password for your account. Below you can set limits for the user on the number of connections and the number of connections from one IP. Null values will mean no restrictions

2. Shared folders. Here, for a specific user, we select the folders to which he will have access and rights to these folders
If there are already several users, then in the right window we select the one to whom we will add rights, then on the left click Add, and select a folder on the PC, if you need access to several folders, then add another one, one of the folders should be marked as HomeDir, those. the folder that the user will go to by default when connecting to the server. Sometimes it is necessary to give access to different disks PC to one user, there is one nuance here - you can add as many folders as you like within one drive, but in order to give access to another drive, you need to make an Alias, i.e. alias link from the HomeDir directory disk to required folder another disk. To do this, create access to another folder on another disk, then right-click on the created folder - Edit Aliases, in the HomeDir folder field to which the user has access + we also add an alias virtual folder, which will send us to a folder on another disk. in our case it turns out D:/Temp/Soft. Now, when connecting to his main folder, the user in Temp folder will still see the Soft folder and be able to go to it, while it will be on another drive

Now about the rights to files and folders. Select the required user and folder, and work with the checkboxes, depending on the required capabilities

Read- read only, i.e. you can view files and folders on the server and download them
Write- allows you to overwrite existing files
Delete- deleting files and folders
Append- adding new files to the server
Create- create new folders
List- view the contents of folders
+Subdirs- view all folders that are nested in the main one

If we create an anonymous user, i.e. which will be used by several users at once to obtain any data from the server, then we need to create an academic record with the name anonymous without a password, add the necessary directories to it and assign rights to them. Usually anonymous users only need to read (for security reasons first of all), i.e. enable rights for it Read, List, +Subdirs

3. Speed ​​Limits & IP Filter. Here, as in the main server config, you can make individual settings for an account regarding restrictions on addresses and speeds, convenient for creating exceptions to the basic rules

Save the settings. If desired and large quantities You can create several groups of server users if there are differences in rights for them. To do this you need to go to Edit ->Groups. The configuration of group rights does not differ from the configuration of an individual user; after creating a group, you can simply create a user and select a group for him, after which he will have group rights

When setting up the server, it is quite logical and convenient to protect access to users from it; to do this, go to the menu Server, it will have 2 options - Active And Lock. The first option is active by default, and if you uncheck the box, then the server will be turned off and no one will be able to connect, at this moment it will be possible to configure it, when you turn on the server for the first time, all settings will be applied. Activation Lock allows you to leave the server running, but blocks it, i.e. users will see that the server is running, but will be denied access to it

After configuring the server, you can close the administrative panel; it is not necessary to launch it for the server to work

Good day, dear readers! Lately I've been getting a lot of messages asking me how to install my own FTP server in home (or not so) conditions.

Preparing to install your own FTP server

As promised, first, briefly about what it is FTP for those who don't know:

I would like to immediately note that the article will consider the option home use, without cunning and fine settings, which are used in the case of full-fledged corporate servers.

To install, you need to download one of the multiple distributions that will help you deploy FTP-server. Personally, I recommend that you use FileZilla Server, because he, like the client I once mentioned, (see article linked above), is extremely easy to install and configure, and is also free.

You can download it, for example, from this link.

Installing FTP FileZilla Server

After downloading the distribution, actually run its installation (meaning that you need to click on the downloaded exe-file) and follow the recommendations below.

On the first window you need to agree to the license agreement, click “ I Agree”.

Standard(Standard) - option for installation from scratch for full server functionality.

Full(Full) - almost the same, but the settings will also be copied to the folder source program, in case you want to change something in it.

FTP service only(Service only) - the FTP service is installed directly, without accessing it through the interface. Useful if you plan to manage your file storage from another computer.

Control Interface(Interface only) - unlike previous paragraph, is placed only graphical shell control the server, but not the server itself. Use if you want to remotely access your FTP server.

Custom installation(Custom) - You are free to choose what you want to put on your computer.

On the next window you need to select the installation folder, for example, “ C:\Program Files\FileZilla Server" After selection, proceed to the next window (Next).

Now the installer will ask us to choose how to install and run the server.

There are three options:

  • How to start a service at login
  • How to start a service manually
  • Easy installation, run manually

It is recommended to choose the first or second option. The only difference is that in the second case, for the server to work, you will need to go to “ Control Panel - Administration - Service Management“, find the service there in the list and start it yourself by clicking on the start button.

In addition, at this stage you should specify the port through which the server management interface will be connected, that is, your administration console, so to speak, which will allow you to set settings, see who has connected where, etc. To increase security, change it from the standard one (14147) to something else.

Also by default, the option to start the server after installation is checked. (Start Server after setup completes). You can leave this checkbox or you can remove it. That's your business. Having done this, go to the last window using the button Next.

Here we select options for launching the interface.

There are again three of them:

  • When logging in, for all users
  • On login, for the current user
  • Manually

The first option will work if you are the only user of the computer where the server is installed, and, in principle, the interface will launch automatically under all operating system accounts or only under one.
The second one is suitable for those who work on the computer more than once (i.e. there are several accounts on the computer used by different people) and wants no one else to control it FTP server, i.e. the interface was launched only from the account in which the installation is now being carried out.

And the third option sets the launch parameter only manually, i.e. it will not start with the system at all.
Let me remind you that the interface is something like an administrative program that allows you to monitor the state of the server, start, stop and configure it.

Check mark (Start Interface after setup completes) in this window, again, sets the interface to start immediately at the end of the installation.

Well, having dealt with all this, you can finally start installing the server (using, of course, the “ Install“)

Setting up FTP FileZilla Server

So, after installation, when you first launch the interface, a small window will appear where you need to specify the address and port for connection, as well as the administrator password (during the first installation it is not there). You can check the option “Connect to this server all the time” (Always connect to this server). Click “ Ok“.

I would like to emphasize that this is a connection to the server locally, namely, a connection to the administration interface, i.e. issuing an address and port 14147 for a friend who wants to connect, it is useless. External addresses, passwords and logins required to connect to the server will be discussed throughout the article.

Now let's move on to the settings. This is done by going to “ Edit -> Settings” or by clicking on the button on the interface panel:

A settings window will open in front of you. On the first tab (General Settings) you can set the following parameters:

From top to bottom screenshot:

  • The port on which clients will connect to the server
  • Maximum number of clients
  • Number of threads
  • Various timeouts (three pieces)

For the purposes of this article, we are interested in the first two points. The port can be left as is, or you can change it to improve security, but then you will have to inform everyone about it who wants to connect.

The second setting is responsible for the maximum number of connections. By default, the parameter value is “ 0 ”, this means that their number is not limited. It is worth changing this parameter if, for example, your Internet channel cannot cope with the load, because too many people are connecting to you.

The rest can be left unchanged, since the settings are optimal for home use.

In the next sub-item you can configure the welcome message that users will see when connecting. For example: " Notes Server Sys. Admin!" Here you can use the so-called text parameters. For example, you can set the output for version clients ftp-servers. To do this, enter, in addition to the greeting, a combination of characters %v. In the place where you enter them, the above version will be automatically displayed.

Next, go to the sub-item “ IP bindings" Set up here IP-addresses where our FTP server. If you want the server to be accessible only from the local network, then instead of an asterisk, you should indicate your local IP-address, such as . Otherwise, there is nothing worth touching here.

In subparagraph “ IP Filter” can be set IP addresses (or range thereof), which will be prohibited from connecting to your server, as well as set exceptions from the specified range (second field). That is, for example, if you want to ban someone and prevent him from accessing your server, then indicate him in the first window. Also, if you want to give access only to someone specific and deny everyone else, then put an asterisk in the first field and specify a list IP-addresses in the second.

Tab “ Passive mode settings” regulates the parameters for passive connection to the server and its response. It’s worth changing anything here only if you are connected to the Internet not directly, but through a router that has a firewall and NAT. In this case, you may need to specify in the “ Use the following IP” your external IP-address (you can find out from your provider or in the router interface), as well as set a range of ports (Use custom port range), through which the client can connect to your server in passive mode. It is probably worth touching these settings only in case of problems with connecting users. In case of these and it is impossible to figure it out on your own, I will give you advice on the settings exclusively for you (write comments).

Settings section “ Miscellaneous”contain settings that are insignificant for a home FTP server. For example, such as “ Do not show password in log files(Don’t show passwords in message log), “Launch the interface minimized” (Start minimized), as well as the sizes of transmission buffers. In general, there is no need to touch anything here.

On the “ Admin Interface Settings” can be set IP-address and port through which the server management interface will be available (the same one that we initially used as And 14147 , that is, if you wish, you can change them). In addition, you can specify IP-addresses that are allowed to connect to it.

Settings section “ Logging” allows you to enable recording of log files (Enable logging to file), configure their maximum size (Limit log file size to), write everything to one file (Log all to “FileZilla Server.log”) or create a separate one for each day (in this case you can limit their maximum shelf life).

Tab “ GSS Settings” is responsible for using the protocol Kerberos GSS. For normal use This option does not require configuration.

Next we have “ Speed ​​Limits" It can help limit the speed of incoming and outgoing connections. There are two ways to limit: set a permanent limit for all time or create rules for a specific day and/or hour. Limits are specified in kilobytes.

Tab “ Filetransfer compression” allows you to enable file compression mode during transfer. In this case, you can configure the minimum and maximum levels compression, as well as specify IP addresses for which compression will not be used. There is no need to touch anything.

To set up a secure connection between the client and server, you need to go to the settings item “ SSL/TLS Settings" Here you need to enable support for these protocols and specify the paths to private key, certificate file and password. For the average user this is not necessary, so it will not be discussed in this article.

Finally, you can enable automatic banning of users after n-th attempts of unsuccessful connections, and ban time. To do this, go to the “ tab Autobans” and, if you need it, then check the box “ Enable automatic bans“, indicate in the column “ Ban IP address after” the number of attempts after which the blocking will be carried out, as well as the blocking time in the “ field Ban for“. This is sometimes necessary to prevent unwanted individuals from spamming your server with their connection attempts.

Initial setup of user accounts (users) and shares (shares)

Now let’s configure user access, namely their accounts, passwords, folders, etc.
As an example, let's create the most, so to speak, common user and give him access.

So, to add a new account, in the main interface window follow the path “ Edit-> Users" We will see a window for working with users.

To add a new one, click “ Add" Next you will need to specify its name, for example, anonymous, and group membership (in our case we will not indicate). We set it, click “ Ok”.

Now we can set a password and a limit on the number of connections for our new user. If necessary, do this by checking the “ Password” and indicating it (password) in the box opposite. It is highly recommended to use passwords for users for security purposes.

Next, go to the tab “ Share Folders" Here, in fact, we specify which folders the user will have access to. This is done simply: click “ Add” and select the desired folder on disk. On the left you can set access rights to it: read only - “ Read”, entry - “ Write”, deletion - “ Delete” and the ability to change existing files in the directory - “ Append" Below you can allow creating, deleting, getting a list of files and propagating permissions to subdirectories.

We set the parameters and folders you need and... Click OK

On this initial setup finished. For home use you don’t need more

User access to the server.

So that your friends can use your FTP server, you need to provide it to them IP-address, as well as the login(s), password(s) and, if necessary, port (if changed) that you specified, which they must indicate in their preset FTP-client.

Find out external IP-address can be done by contacting your provider, looking in the router settings, or simply by using one of the many services, such as (as you probably guessed, you need what is written under the text “Your IP address:”).


That's how things are.

Despite the fact that the article is maximally oriented for small home use, I tried to explain in as much detail as possible all the necessary settings and nuances.