Overview of cloud operating systems. Virtual operating systems

Cloud systems are systems located on the Internet, and your data and software are stored and run on remote server, and applications are used more as services than individual programs. You can run virtual application or the OS inside your browser that stores your session and data. It's like traveling with your own computer without the internals.

With the help of Cloud OS (also known as Web OS), you can do your office work, prepare projects and so on. The process is very similar to working for own computer without Internet. The essence of the idea is that everything is stored on the Internet, and you can always access your information!

Want to try cloud OS? We want to offer you several cloud operating systems to choose from, and absolutely free!

ZeroPC offers you 1GB free disk space, and allows you to connect various cloud services storage, including Box, Google Drive, SkyDrive, SugarSync and 4Shared so you can access your paperwork. ZeroPC is also available on Android, iPhone and iPad, giving you the ability to use the service on the go.

For amateur photographers, this tool will become excellent manager Photos app, which allows you to link photo and video services like Facebook, Flickr, Instagram, PhotoBucket, Picasa and Recood. Plus, it also has native instant messaging apps, text editor and tools to improve productivity when working with documents and spreadsheets.

Jolicloud brings you Joli OS, which you can download and install on your system (even if it's 10 years old!), or use it through your browser. Joli OS offers you a complete cloud experience - you can store and access your favorite apps anytime, wherever you are. Jolicloud has more than 15,000 web applications that you can use using this system.

You can integrate your DropBox and Google Drive accounts with Jolicloud. The system also offers you a Jolicloud Me version in which you can manage your life online. On this moment Jolicloud Me supports integration with Facebook, Flickr, Instagram, Picasa, Tumblr and Twitter.

Glide OS- This great choice, if you need to collaborate for group work on a project. The Glide team offers you 30GB of free disk space and you can add up to 6 users to your account. The OS may not be the most attractive in appearance, but it is very convenient. It is equipped additional properties like electronic mailbox and profiles, as well as standard tools like calendar, notes, text editor, presentation tool and so on

Glide also brings you the ability to sync with Windows, Mac OS and Linux so you can easily sync files between Glide HD (you can call it Glide Hard Disk) and your local storage. There are also browser extensions and a mobile version.

SilveOS is a cloud OS developed using Silverlight. You can run it in any browser on a device that has Silverlight installed. There are plenty of built-in apps that let you write messages, listen to music, take notes, and even play Solitaire. You can also install Silverlight applications from the Internet in SilveOS.

However, you're not presented with any storage here, so it's not the best cloud OS for the long term. But it's very handy tool, if you often have to work with other people's computers.

iSpaces only has the basic properties that allow you to do your job. For example, Review, file manager, office set (Zoho office) and so on. Here you can use 3 work surfaces from the taskbar. The OS gives you the ability to store your work environment clean, and you can easily access any work surface.

You can work with files from Box and DropBox using the file manager. iSpaces have very simple environment, which allows you to access files on Box and DropBox in the same window, and you can move files from one space to another simply by dragging and dropping them. Changes will be reflected in your respective cloud storage accounts.

Although Cloudo is still in beta, the OS is already quite interesting, and is designed to be launched using a browser. It is equipped with applications for working with mail, calendar, audio player, RSS reader, contact manager, text editor, and search. The OS has a good interface through which you can run commands, install applications, play music, and so on.

This OS allows you to perform multiple tasks quite quickly and conveniently. It also offers you an application manager through which you can install new applications directly on Cloudo.

xOS doesn't offer many design options, but it does offer you a great collection of apps for personal use. There is a web browser, file manager, text editor, notepad, calendar, Paint, mail client, as well as Canvas Rider (a cycling game).

ZimDesk is a cloud-based operating system filled with various applications and features. Here you can set your own wallpaper, use office applications, contact manager, RSS reader, calendar, email client, FTP client, downloader and file manager and so on.

Another great cloud OS that offers you basic applications, including Radio, calendar, file manager, bookmark manager, notes manager, email client and so on. You can add web applications. There is also support here instant messages between users.

Cloud OS are unique in their kind, and allow you to have all your documents, projects, music, personal files, photos and videos with you, and access them from any place and device where there is Internet access. Now you can travel without having to carry your personal heavy laptop everywhere. With a cloud OS, all you need is an Internet connection.

The project, according to the developers, is the source of the source code and documentation of the project. In addition, it is clarified that the project includes two subprojects - “Chromium” itself and “Chromium OS”. The first project is developing a fast, secure and more functional (relative to previous ones) web browser Google Chrome. In addition, it contains test information, a description of the browser architecture and other technical data.

The second project - Chromium OS - is dedicated to the development of a new, high-tech and knowledge-intensive computer operating system for people who spend almost all their time on the Internet, using it as an environment for their activities. It is clear that both projects are interconnected and have a common open source basis.

The project started in July 2009 and is developing very dynamically. Today it is already an almost full-fledged working system, based entirely on web services from Google and based on the ever-memorable Google Chrome.

So what do we have? Essentially, it is an operating system integrated into the browser. Google Chrome Operating System- Google's operating system designed for netbooks and devices ARM processors or x86. The first netbooks to ship with Google Chrome OS were expected in the second half of 2010. Why were they expected? Because, according to the respected general director Google Eric Schmidt, release of the Chrome OS platform, previously scheduled for current month, is postponed. Therefore, wait until the first mini-computers based on it New Year's holidays not worth it. The initial readiness of the OS for trouble-free launch on netbooks has been postponed for at least “several months,” Mr. Schmidt specified, but did not go into details. Well what can I say? A start. Now more specifically.

Google Chrome OS is built on Linux kernel using Google browser Chrome running in a new, specially designed windowing system. The system's source code was opened on November 19, 2009 as the Chromium OS project.

The main feature of the system is the dominance of web applications over regular OS functions. Key role in this case it is allocated to the browser. The strategy for creating a new product implies an architecture that is undemanding to the hardware resources of the personal computer used to access the Internet. The trend of shifting the center of gravity from the user’s PC to Internet resources can be seen in many other Google products and corresponds to the ideology" cloud computing". For those who are a little out of the topic, I will explain the essence.

The term "cloud" is used as a metaphor based on the diagram of the internet computer network, or as an image of a complex infrastructure behind which all the technical details are hidden. According to an IEEE document published in 2008, “Cloud computing is a paradigm in which information is persistently stored on servers on the Internet and temporarily cached on the client side, e.g. personal computers, game consoles, laptops, smartphones and other computing devices."

The fact that the developers did not present a compiled image, but posted the source codes so that everyone could participate in further development, is pleasing, but may plunge a non-specialist into a slight shock. Most, I'm sure, would like to see it in full finished version this creation without bothering with the compilation process. Moreover, this process is by no means trivial and can be performed exclusively under OS Linux. Nowadays, there are many images of ready-made Chromium OS for virtual machines distributed on the Internet, but, as the developers themselves claim, these versions are rather stripped down and have not entirely complete functionality.

You can, of course, use ready-made images to boot the system and install it, but they are also full of variety. Versions for USB, versions for virtual machines of all stripes and just versions for the i-386 platform. There is something to be despondent about. Of course, if you know how to compile all this and have the instructions for this noble process at hand, you can try to do all this under the guidance of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala NetBook Remix). But I would still like something more complete.

First, let's use the file for virtual machine and let's try to launch this miracle.

Running Chromium OS on VMware Player

Everything is as usual here. The downloaded file in the rar archive must, of course, be unpacked and slipped into the virtual player (or workstation- from whom it was purchased) as an image for booting the system. After selecting the installation language (Russian is supported), you can proceed to the beginning of the installation process.

The installation process itself boils down, as you guessed, to entering your account and password as a Google account. After this magical manipulation, I found myself in my “office”, surrounded on all sides by Google services and standard functions.

It must be said right away that if someone still does not have their own Google account, then this is not a disaster, because you can log in and log in to the new system under the guest account. True, then the appearance of the picture will be slightly different: in the left top corner an image of a ghost will appear that looks like a spy (or vice versa, as you wish).

By the way, when you log in again (after a reboot, for example), you will already be “recognized” by the system and it will only prompt you to enter a password. It’s a small thing, of course, but it’s nice when people recognize you.

Sometimes it can be quite unpleasant when the system starts to crash and displays windows like the one in the illustration below. But we must understand that this is not final version, approved for release, and the developers still have a lot of work ahead regarding its stability.

Well, if you are logged in with your account, you will receive full set all the features, services and amenities that Google is capable of today.

This is the post office different options, And digital libraries, various functions search, dictionaries, personal settings for ease of use and much more. By the way, from here you can also get access to the test laboratory of Google programmers and their source codes, which are being worked on. I still recommend starting to look around with iGoogle - your personal page. Here you can customize it to your taste and set all your usual preferences. This is what it looks like for me:

There is also a currency converter (for those who have it, of course), and a window with a weather forecast, where you can set any city on the map and find out how damp and cold it is in our time of year.

In addition, the theme of the day is well organized with the main events long ago days gone by, by date coinciding with today, as well as news from Google and much more. There is, of course, the opportunity to open the translator, Gmail(if you don’t have an account, you can create one right there).

And under the “more” tab you can get a whole range of ready-to-use functions that can make the life of any Internet resident easier. All this great diversity can be seen by clicking on the “Google Products” tab.

For comparison, here are screenshots taken during launch real system Chromium OS version Chrome_OS.i686-0.9.570. In Fig. 1 and 2 show the login windows:



In Fig. 3 selection displayed the required service(I have Gmail):


In Fig. 4 - working "Calendar" service:


In Fig. Figure 5 shows the error that occurs when you try to enter the code after registering in the Gmail system.

The rest of the functionality is similar to that already described for the virtual machine.

EyeOS(http://www.eyeos.org/) – one of the very first cloud OS. This is an open-source virtual add-on to the OS. Has a rather ascetic appearance. Programs (more than 60 in total) built into EyeOS allow you to edit documents, watch videos, listen to music, etc. Interaction with other users is one of the strengths of eyeOS. It provides tools for exchanging messages and files, collaboration over the documents. In addition, technically this eyeOS operating system can be hosted on personal servers, thanks to which the problem of ensuring privacy and data security automatically disappears. It can be accessed from any browser.

Cloudo( http://www.cloudo.com /) - traditional set of functions WebOS. Ability to log in from any browser that supports Canvas elements (Chrome, Safari and Firefox), even through mobile phone. Stands out from other virtual operating systems with its amazing graphical interface. The disadvantages include a catastrophic shortage of applications written for this software environment.

Glide OS(http://www.glideos.com/) has a number of advantages over others WebOS: allocated free 30 GB virtual space on the server (if desired, for just $50 its volume can be expanded to 250 GB), you can create six accounts (for example, for all family members). Its software environment is entirely based on Adobe Flash technology. IN WebOS Glide implements automatic compatibility of applications and files. The cloud developer GlideOS offers clients for almost all popular desktop operating systems.

iCube OOS(http://oos.cc/) is perhaps the easiest to use WebOS. A lot of necessary ones useful applications(built-in programs). It is possible to provide access to files to other users.

ZeroPC(https://www.zeropc.com/) provides the user with cloud storage of only 1 GB. But the system compensates for such a small volume by providing the ability to connect any other cloud storage from an impressive list of supported ones virtual disks. There are versions for Android and iOS, so you can work with virtual service you can literally do it on the go. ZeroPC is an excellent tool for amateur photographers, as it allows you to easily link together most of the most famous photo and video services. Besides, virtual system equipped with a small package of built-in applications, mainly for office use.

SilveOS(http://www.silveos.com/) this cloud operating system is based on Silverlight technology, so you can run it using any browser, but only if Silverlight is installed on the system. The system has a good set of built-in applications, mainly for multimedia purposes. The software environment is also compatible with Silverlight applications that can be found on the Internet. The disadvantages of the system include the fact that the user is not provided with any virtual space to place data.

Google Chrome OS(http://www.chromium.org/chromium-os) is considered the most successful example today. This operating system presents itself as a rather ascetic graphical interface, which is essentially a Google Chrome browser window. The requirements for the computing resources of the computer on which it can be installed are negligibly low. The only requirement is a wide Internet channel. The system is based on the Linux kernel, but significantly modified. One of undeniable advantages system is its lightning-fast loading speed. In addition, many Google services, such as Google Drive storage, for example, provide the system with all necessary components for full work. Applications will allow you to cope with a task of any complexity in almost any field of activity. And since the Google Chrome OS cloud operating system is based on the Chromium OS project, and its source open - custom builds created by enthusiasts begin to appear.

There are other operating systems: Jolicloud OS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (based on one of the Linux kernel distributions); CorneliOS (http://www.cornelios.org/) (distributed as open source software), iSpaces Cloud Computer (http://www.ispaces.com/) (focused on working with office applications), g.ho.st OS ( abbreviation for "Global Hosted Operating System") (licenses are provided only to large network companies), and other OS: xOS, ZimDesk, etc.

WebOS with Russian interface:

iCloud until recently was the best WebOS with Russian interface. But it was bought by Apple (for $4.5 million). Based on the icloud.com domain Apple company created cloudy data storage for your new operating system http://www.apple.com/ru/icloud/features/ .

CloudMe(http://www.cloudme.com/) WebOS with Russian interface. Upon registration, you have access to free 3GB cloud storage (similar to DropBox cloud storage), the volume of which can be increased up to 100GB (about $40 per year). Everything necessary for full use virtual computer, set of applications: graphics editor(for writing and editing documents), player (for watching movies and listening to music), browser (for accessing the Internet through a virtual OS, I recommend using it - this is additional anonymity when surfing the Internet). In addition, there is an email client, notepad, calculator, toys, office applications and many others. It is possible to communicate via popular services and social networks.

Development computer technology is associated with a rather interesting paradox. The computing power of home PCs is growing exponentially, gigabytes are being replaced by terabytes, and the miniature smartphones in our pockets are comparable in characteristics to the top computer models of the recent past. At the same time, users are using the increased power of their devices less and less, and free place The hard drive often remains empty. One of the reasons for this is the widespread unlimited access in Internet. No more need to store on your computer huge collections movies or music - everything can be watched on the Internet, and many applications and games that were previously installed on every PC are also available there. As a result, the main, and sometimes the only program for many users has become a web browser, which acts as a window to the big world. Of course, heavy games and professional software still remain demanding on computer resources. However, large gaming hardware companies, such as NVIDIA, are already implementing projects to transfer gaming power to the “cloud” - to specialized gaming servers. If we talk about users who are not keen on modern resource-intensive games, then today they can use online services designed to replace a desktop - the so-called Cloud PC, which is a regular desktop with a ready-made set of applications. To use them, just open the corresponding website in any browser. It doesn’t matter what operating system you have, whether you’re sitting at a computer or holding a tablet in your hands - all settings are instantly saved for your account and synchronized across all devices. In addition, another problem is solved: the service automatically ensures your security on the Internet. CHIP will tell you about the most popular “cloud” computers today, which you can easily use if you have modern browser and a stable Internet connection.

Zero PC: a comfortable desktop replacement

Zero PC today is one of the most functional and powerful webtops, which can be recommended for everyday use, and not just for fun. The service works in a browser, and is also presented in the form of applications for iPhone, iPad and Android devices, and for the latter there is a version not only in Play Market, but also Amazon Appstore. You can use your credentials to log in. Facebook data, Google and Twitter.

CloudMe + CloudTop: two services in one

CloudMe is the new name iCloud service, which was located on the icloud.com domain until the spring of 2011, until Apple bought the latter from the Swedish company Xcerion and assigned this name to its data synchronization service. At the same time, CloudMe performs a similar task - it ensures file synchronization between various devices. It has applications for all major platforms - Windows, Mac OS, Linux, iPhone, iPad, Android and even BlackBerry, as well as access to files via the WebDAV protocol. Of course, there is also a web version for working in a browser. Among other things, users have access to the CloudTop service, where they can work with their files and simply use it instead of a desktop.

CloudTop runs on HTML 5 and has a nice interface that is fully localized. However, you can select a different language in the settings. The desktop can contain shortcuts and widgets, as well as a Start button and two control panels (top and bottom). Initially, not many utilities are offered: mail, calendar, photos and some others. However, you can then install additional ones through the application manager. You can already find 47 programs in it. True, half of them are games, but there are also very useful utilities, such as a document and website viewer, an archive unpacker and an instant messaging client. You can view and manage your files through Explorer. In the system properties, you can change the wallpaper, select the size of the icons, specify the date, time, time zone, compare file types with programs, etc.

CloudMe provides 3 GB of online disk space for free. This volume can be expanded to 25, 100 or 500 GB, respectively, for €4.90 (about 200 rubles), €14.90 (about 620 rubles) and €49.90 (about 2100 rubles) per month.

Glide OS: convenient synchronization

Glide OS is a very functional webtop that can be recommended for everyday use. True, this service is performed according to Adobe technologies Flash, and this imposes a number of restrictions. In particular, the site will not be displayed on smartphones and tablets if their browsers do not support this technology. However, the developers have prepared a separate HTML version for mobile devices, which, although somewhat reduced in functionality, allows you to use the main features. Browser extensions are also available Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari, with which you can use many of the service’s functions without accessing the site itself. The resource offers three display modes: desktop, Glide HD and portal. In desktop mode, icons of available applications are shown on the desktop (there are fifteen in total): a text editor, a photo editor, a calendar, a multimedia player, an email client and others - there is even a website builder. Unfortunately, most built-in utilities open in a separate browser tab, in full screen mode, and only a few open as windows. Glide HD mode is designed to manage files, which are distributed here into separate containers: documents, calendars, blogs, etc. Files can be downloaded, uploaded, deleted and edited. Uploading new documents can occur either through a browser or using a special Glide One utility, available for Windows, Mac OS and Linux. It works like Dropbox and automatically syncs files to local computer with Glide OS cloud storage. Users are initially allocated a substantial amount of available space for free - 30 GB. Subsequently, it can be increased to 250 GB for only $4.95 (about 160 rubles) per month.

AstraNOS: for Mac OS lovers

AstraNOS is a less feature-rich cloud PC than the other services reviewed, but it may appeal to Mac OS fans. Its interface is somewhat similar to the interface of this operating system, although in an extremely simplified form. The resource is non-commercial, to use it you will need to go through the maximum simple registration. It is based on HTML + JavaScript and loads quite quickly. As in Mac OS, there are images here as the desktop screensaver. star systems, and to launch programs, a ribbon with application icons is used, which gradually increase when you hover the cursor. There are also alternative way launch programs - using the sidebar that pops up when you click the arrow in the lower left corner. Among the applications there are tools for working with the Internet - a browser, chat, email client, RSS reader, as well as games - Tetris, chess, asteroids, etc. It’s nice that the creators of the resource did not forget about the practical side, that is, programs for office work. The service has a built-in almost complete set of utilities for everyday affairs: a text editor, calendar, calculator, sticky notes and a photo viewer. All applications are extremely simple, but perform their functions well. At the same time, no interaction with files on the local computer or other web services is provided, except through internal browser. Even chat involves communication only within your own Astra network. The service has a Storage application for storing user files, but for some reason it doesn't work yet. AstraNOS settings allow you to change your desktop wallpaper, set additional utilities and perform some other actions.

Advantages Loads quickly, elements can be customized, the interface does not lag
Flaws Extremely simple applications, minimum connections
with desktop PC

Joli OS: a complete set of services

Joli OS is a successful French startup that offers both a desktop operating system and a web version. First stable version was released in July 2010 as a competitor to Google Chrome OS, a web-based OS for netbooks. Joli OS is also based on the Linux kernel and, being undemanding of computer resources, successfully runs on machines more than ten years old. Like Google's system, its interface is based on HTML technologies 5, but at the same time it is possible to work with files on the hard drive. In addition to the desktop version, Joli OS is presented as an application for iPad and Android, as well as an extension for Google Chrome. However, we are more interested in an online service called Jolicloud, which can be used both to synchronize files between devices with Joli OS, and independently of them. To log in, you need to register or use your Facebook account. Once you log into your account, you will see a set of popular web services (Dropbox, Facebook, YouTube, etc.) > There are 16 resources in total that you can connect to at any time. Conveniently, you don’t need to enter account passwords to do this - just allow them to use your account, for example, from Dropbox. Once connected, you can access your content from these services: watch photos on Instagram, videos on YouTube, listen to music from SoundCloud, read the Readabilty feed, etc. You can also view documents from Dropbox, SkyDrive and Google Drive. Unfortunately, some active actions, that is, you cannot change, delete or upload new files here. There is an Applications section - a desktop from which you can open bookmarks with popular sites. These bookmarks are made in the form of familiar icons, and you can add them from the catalog or create them yourself.

SilveOS: in the Microsoft tradition

SilveOS imitates the Windows operating system in the browser as faithfully as possible, using Microsoft technologies in its operation. The service is made on the Silverlight engine - an alternative Adobe Flash from Microsoft and requires the appropriate player to be installed to display it. You can log in as a guest or by registering. Sound scheme, desktop interface, Start button, icons, gadgets - everything resembles Windows 7, only with some limitations: for example, it does not work right button mouse, you cannot drag and select objects with a frame, etc. However, if you decide to play a trick on your friends and open the site in full screen mode, they may not understand that this is the wrong desktop in front of them.

The range of applications in SilveOS is not too large, but it has everything you need: Explorer, browser, media player, notepad, graphics editor, RSS reader, calculator, maps, and in latest program Bing Maps is used as a basis, and the player supports only a few formats: MP3, MP4 and native Windows Media. The system also includes games (chess, Solitaire and others), as well as YouTube clients, Twitter and Flickr. There is the possibility of additional installation of programs - however, there are very few of them available in the service.

Working with files in SilveOS is not very convenient. You can open them from your computer in the appropriate applications, but saving them back is not provided here. However, you still have the opportunity to print the created documents. It is also worth noting that the service has a mobile application for Windows Phone, which allows owners of devices based on this OS to use “cloud” desktop Windows on a smartphone.

Advantages Strong visual similarity to tabletop Windows version, high speed
Flaws Functional restrictions in applications and when working with files; you cannot save files to your computer

The concept of cloud operating systems. Providing work cloud system and the specifics of its use. Advantages and disadvantages of using cloud operating systems.

The term "cloud computing" was preceded by a generally accepted simplified designation: remote computers online (so as not to switch to doing network architecture), which are depicted inside the cloud. In general, the principle of cloud computing is not entirely familiar, but simple. In this case, the user’s computer will be considered solely as part of computing system, which directly interacts with the user.

IN given time The lion's share of resources comes from servers on the network (which, in fact, are called the cloud). Let's take the most common example - storing information on a service like Dropbox. At the same time, you experience a double benefit: initially the PC does not require a large volume local disks(otherwise this is not a problem these days); In addition, the user has access to personal files from each computer connected to the Internet.

Obviously, information storage is not just one example of cloud computing. Not only information, but also applications can be stored in the cloud. This principle used, for example, in " Google Docs» or Zoho Docs.

Such cloud model promises developers many benefits. Initially, it should be noted that the possibility of using counterfeit software is excluded - since it is always located exclusively on servers. In addition, selling programs is very convenient due to the lack of connection to physical media. They also do not need to be transmitted to the user.

Against this background, it is much easier for technical support- after all, failures due to the fault of the client are very rare; as a rule, clearing the browser cache is necessary.

However this system has its drawbacks too. Firstly, to organize the work cloud applications considerable computing power provided by software providers. Developers who want to gain the trust of users strive to guarantee smooth functioning own services, as well as the necessary degree of confidentiality and resistance to hacking.

The concept of cloud computing also has many detractors. Such people believe that users of this service in practice, they lose control of their data. At the same time for law enforcement It will not be difficult to gain access to data without the knowledge of the user himself, and on the basis of the law. This would never happen with locally installed software.

Naturally, if a service does not guarantee reliability, it is dangerous. If it is hacked, the attacker will gain control over the information huge amount users, and, it is possible, over their computers too.

Advantages of cloud operating systems:

access to these applications from different computers;

low system requests;

exclusively licensed software.

Disadvantages of such systems:

mandatory Internet connection;

the user has no control over personal data;

complete dependence on the producers of such services.