The need for centralized management and the implementation of large projects in the public sector. Cloud computing is the future of the global information technology market

One of the promising directions for the development of modern information technologies are cloud technologies.

Cloud technologies(calculations)(English) cloud computing ) is a distributed data processing technology in which computer resources and capacities are provided to the user as an Internet service.

According to the IEEE document ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), published in 2008, “Cloud computing is a paradigm in which information is permanently stored on servers on the Internet and temporarily cached on the client side, e.g. personal computers, game consoles, laptops, smartphones, etc.”

Cloud technologies have become possible thanks to rapid development hardware: processor power is growing day by day, developing multi-core architecture and volumes increase hard drives, Internet channels with high throughput.

The essence of cloud technologies is as follows:

  • · You may not have any programs on your computer, but only have access to the Internet.
  • · Remote access to data in the cloud - you can work from anywhere on the planet where there is access to the Internet.
  • · Paid or free, it depends on what you need.

Benefits of cloud technologies

  • -- The user pays for the service only when he needs it, and most importantly, he pays only for what he uses.
  • --Cloud technologies allow you to save on the purchase, support, and upgrade of software and equipment.
  • -- Scalability, fault tolerance and security Ї automatic selection and releasing the necessary resources depending on the needs of the application. Maintenance, the software update is carried out by the service provider.
  • -- Remote access to data in the cloud Ї you can work from anywhere on the planet where there is access to the Internet.

Disadvantages of cloud technologies

  • -- The user does not own and does not have access to the internal cloud infrastructure. The safety of user data greatly depends on the provider company.
  • -- Disadvantage relevant for Russian users: to receive quality services the user needs to have a reliable and fast access to the Internet.
  • -- Not all data can be entrusted to the Internet provider, not only for storage, but even for processing
  • -Not every application allows you to save, for example, intermediate stages of information processing on a flash drive, as well as final result work, but online results are not always convenient
  • -There is a risk that the online service provider will one day not make backup copy data, and they will be lost as a result of a server crash.
  • -By entrusting your data to an online service, you lose control over it and limit your freedom. The user will not be able to change any part of his information; it will be stored under conditions beyond his control).

Today, education in Russia faces the obvious need to revise its targets. Namely, during educational process modern man should not so much accumulate a store of knowledge and skills as acquire the ability to independently and together with other people set meaningful goals, build situations of self-education, search for and produce means and methods of solving problems.

It goes without saying that cloud technologies fit perfectly here, from simple online tools where children can draw and take notes together, to complex technologies collaboration on projects. Teacher and students are here active participants. SaaS technologies are most suitable here (renting IT applications and cloud web services, because among them there are many absolutely free.

As an example of the use of cloud technologies in education, we can name:

  • · electronic diaries, magazines
  • · personal accounts for students and teachers
  • · interactive reception
  • · thematic forums where students can exchange information
  • · search for information where students can solve certain educational tasks even in the absence of a teacher or under his guidance
  • · cloud data storage.

Let's consider the possibility of using cloud storage in the educational process.

The most popular cloud storage services are Yandex.Disk and Google Drive.

Google's cloud service is called Google Drive (from Yandex -- Yandex. Disk), which includes the ability to create documents (Google Docs/Yandex) and cloud storage data. Google Drive allows you to store files online and on your hard drive, and access them from anywhere, even on the go. Changes made to a file online, on your computer, or mobile phone, are reflected on all devices on which Google Drive is installed.

The first 20 GB of data can be stored for free. If you have Internet access, your device syncs with Google Drive. This way your files and folders will always be updated to the latest version. Changes made on one device are synchronized with all others.

Often users need to send files in email messages. It is more convenient to use sharing technology. To do this you just need to open sharing to a file, folder or Google Doc from any device.

Google Drive lets you create, view, and edit files together without copying or sharing documents.

In our opinion, the areas of use of cloud technologies in professional education include the following educational organizations:

1. Collaboration of employees on documents.

For example, educational program or annual plan. Such a large-scale document is created by the administration and teachers responsible for any areas, such as an educational psychologist, a social teacher or a person responsible for health care. Each person is responsible for some part of the document, but can comment or add information in other blocks.

Another example is a table that all class teachers must fill out with information about their groups. When trying to work with such documents in local network a problem arises due to the fact that simultaneously working on the same document different computers it is forbidden. Many copies of the same document appear, which then need to be combined together.

To collaborate in the cloud, you need to create or place a document in cloud storage and provide access to it to those with the link or email addresses.

2. Joint project work students.

The scheme of activity is as follows. Students receive project topics and are divided into groups. Responsibilities are distributed within the group. The team leader then creates the document and shares it with other members (using a link or email address). Students work on a project at home or at school, filling the documents with content. When the work is completed, access is granted to the teacher.

The teacher can comment on any parts of the document so that students can correct its content before defending the project. When assessing participation in the creation of a project, it is important that the teacher can track the chronology of changes. From this chronology, it is possible to determine to some extent how much each member of the group contributed.

3. Distance learning.

The teacher gives the task to the students using electronic diary. This can be any written assignment. The student will either create a document or somehow work with a document created by the teacher (answer questions, solve problems, fill out a table). The teacher can view the modified document because he has access to it. The adoption of cloud technologies is an irreversible process that takes its course. Over the next three to four years, clouds will become as widespread a technology in Russia as in the West.

From the point of view of the modern educational process, the creation of a new electronic environment educational institutions with the help of cloud technologies, it is completely integrated with new forms of educational and management process.

Cloud technologies are one of the blessings of civilization. Every second Internet user uses them to store and exchange data, but in practice, only a few understand how and how securely it works.

Today active users are not limited to one gadget - everyone has a smartphone plus a laptop, desktop computer or tablet. You may need access to a file at any time, but you don’t want to carry flash memory and other storage devices. The same situation arises when it is necessary to synchronize information on your work and home PCs, make changes to documents, and edit files.

Cloud technologies are distributed data processing in which access to computer programs, computing and other capacities the user receives as an online service - in real time.

This also means access to virtual storage from anywhere in the world. To do this, you need any device with an Internet connection and a web browser.

A good example with email. If mail client installed on a computer, the data is stored in the PC memory. If the user uses mail through a browser, then this is a cloud service.

If there are technical or other problems with the service, access to data will be lost forever. This is one of the main disadvantages of online solutions. The second disadvantage is the ability to use it if you have access to the Internet. The services have many times more advantages.

Benefits of cloud technologies

  1. Virtual services free you from the need to work with flash drives and solve the problem of hard disk space limitations - the user is given several gigabytes for free, and if necessary, they can be purchased in addition.
  2. No need to buy a license software.
  3. The service allows several employees or a creative team to simultaneously work with one file.
  4. The user can store information in any format and freely access it from any device - there is no connection to the memory of a specific computer.
  5. Application of similar virtual storages Frees up hard drive space, increasing computer speed.
  6. Solutions allow you to eliminate the need for administrators to maintain computers and peripherals. Virtual offices significantly simplify work, reduce costs, and allow solving complex technical problems in automatic mode.
  7. They can be used on different platforms, and if necessary, scale. Elastic and flexible structure makes this easy to do.

Originally from the last century

The history of cloud technologies (computing) begins in 1970 - from the moment the American scientist Joseph Licklider voiced his idea. It consisted in the possibility of providing Internet users with access not only to data, but also to programs.

A similar idea was proposed by John McCarthy, proposing to use computing power as an Internet service. Soon work in this area stopped for almost 20 years.

In the 90s, Internet bandwidth increased, but a breakthrough did not occur due to the unpreparedness of specialized companies. At the turn of the century, a company appeared that provided visitors with access to the application through the website. She was the first to offer access to software as a service.

In 2002, Amazon took advantage of new opportunities. Its web service provided information storage and allowed calculations. Four years later, Amazon offered users the opportunity to run their own apps.

The next stage of development was the launch Google platforms Apps and launch of a full-fledged operating system in the cloud announced by Microsoft.

Technological progress, the emergence of software with open source contributed greatly to the modernization and expansion of the functionality of technological solutions.

Cloud technologies appeared in Russia in 2010. At the start, the annual volume of their market was:

  • $15 million from the public cloud;
  • 5 million dollars - from a private one.

After only 4 years, these figures increased to 125 and 33 million dollars, respectively. The upward trend continued in subsequent years, which naturally indicates interest in cloud solutions.


  • Public. This category of services is available a large number users and companies. Users cannot manage and maintain the cloud - these are the privileges of the owner.
  • Private. The Service is used and controlled for the benefit of one organization. The IT infrastructure is located on the premises of the customer or provider.
  • Hybrid. This group has the advantages of the two previous categories. Such services are usually used by organizations with seasonal activity that do not have enough of their own capacity, so certain period they use external resources.

Application of cloud technologies

Today concept cloud systems covers different types services and is successfully used in education, medicine, logistics, banking sector, business.

The simplest example of use for personal purposes is cloud google technologies. After Google installations Drive gives the user storage for their data, which allows them to abandon the old ways of storing information on disks and flash memory.

Google Doc and Word Online from Yandex Disk are full-fledged editors that provide work with documents of different formats.


Computers and high speed internet contributed to the improvement of the education system, simplified the presentation of material, and made it possible to solve other important problems. Here are just a few of them:

  • Organization distance learning using cloud technologies in education.
  • Students' work on common project, where each group member and teacher can leave comments, edits, remarks, and add information.
  • Electronic diaries.
  • Submitting homework and checking it for homeschooled children.


Accurate and quick diagnostics, choosing the right treatment tactics, exchanging opinions with colleagues in real time, systematizing medical documentation - this is not a complete list of the use of new solutions.

In the future, cloud technologies can become breakthroughs in healthcare, providing access to information about the patient and the results of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. Simply put, patients will not have to create cards in all hospitals - the necessary data on diseases and test results will be stored in one place.


The cloud in logistics unites the sender, recipient, carrier company, and operator into a single chain. The service allows you to track the route of shipments, communicate with each other, regardless of location, and quickly solve problems associated with cargo delays.

Online services are also used as platforms for organizing tenders and selecting contractors, analyzing inventory balances and timely replenishment, storing transportation data and determining the profitability of routes.


Competition in banking sector high, which forces financial institutions to introduce innovations to improve the quality and quantity of services offered and reduce their own operating costs.

The use of cloud technologies allows you to automate financial processes and solve all the above problems with minimal costs.


Businesses are open to innovation and actively implement them to create contact centers and virtual offices. Employees of virtual offices are not tied to a specific computer and location, which provides savings on renting office space and paying for utilities.

All drives, folders, economic planning programs and other intranet data are reproduced in the cloud.


Cloud security is an area that every provider pays attention to Special attention. Otherwise, he will lose customers, because the IT infrastructure is used to store confidential and strategic data, and therefore must be reliably protected.

Security depends on the type of server: virtual or dedicated. Virtual servers involve placing client information in unified environment. There is a possibility that if there is an error in the code, owners of other accounts will see someone else's data.

Dedicated servers allow you to create a more secure and functional environment and provide freedom of action when choosing and installing an operating system and software for normal operation.

Service providers always encrypt information hosted on their servers using special cryptographic software. Data can only be accessed using a password specified by an authorized user.

The manager can always track who viewed the information and at what time, what his employees were doing and what was happening on their desktop in a specific time period.

A guarantee of data safety is their daily copying. Transmission channels from servers to PCs and back are protected by several reliable programs so that the code cannot be hacked.

Every year there is more and more trust in online solutions. Today there are already offers with an integrated data self-protection algorithm. The system will grant access if the environment is identified by it as safe. Otherwise, the data will not be usable.

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Pros and cons of cloud technologies

Availability. Anyone with a computer, tablet, or any mobile device connected to the Internet. The following advantage follows from this.

Mobility. The user is not permanently tied to one workplace. Managers can receive reports from anywhere in the world, and managers can monitor production.

Economical. One of important advantages called reduced cost. The user does not need to buy expensive computers and software with large computing power, and he is also freed from the need to hire a specialist to maintain local IT technologies.

Rent. The user receives required package services only at the moment when he needs it, and pays, in fact, only for the number of purchased functions.

Flexibility. All necessary resources are provided automatically by the provider.

High technology. Large computing power that is placed at the user's disposal, which can be used for storing, analyzing and processing data.

Reliability. Some experts argue that the reliability provided by modern cloud computing is much higher than the reliability of local resources, arguing that few businesses can afford to purchase and maintain a full-fledged data center.


Despite the advantages, the very concept of cloud technologies is criticized a lot, and from a variety of sides.

Here are the most often cited reasons for the weakness of cloud technologies in Russia:

The main limiting factor in our country is the distrust of cloud technologies among people making decisions on this issue. Distrust is based on misunderstanding, since this is a new thing. But that's not so bad.

The main problem is that every manager, somewhere in the depths of his soul, understands that when using “clouds” it is important and confidential information turns out to be under the control of someone unknown. Where will your documents be located? On which server? For example, most DATA centers (this is where such servers are located) are generally located in the USA. And there is such legislation: the owners of such centers do not even have the right to tell anyone that intelligence officers came and looked at what kind of data was stored on the servers. Except your lawyer. They are fighting terrorists and money laundering there.

The situation in our centers is not much different from the US one, but at the same time, given our carelessness, much worse technical support, etc.

So it turns out that it is better to store important data closer to the body, i.e. on their servers. This is what most of our leaders and business owners think, and unfortunately, they are not far from the truth.

The second reason is the so far weak economic benefit for clients or its absence in real Russian conditions.

Cloud vendors count everything according to full program. It is believed that the client purchases licensed Windows, both for workstations and servers, the entire remaining set of software along with the servers themselves. But the situation doesn't look quite like that. Typically, companies that are already operating have in stock computer technology, and often licensed software. And if their software is still unlicensed after 5-10 years of operation, it is unlikely that they are going to purchase it in the near future. Thus, the costs for such cloud rental companies will be higher than the costs under the current state of affairs.

The third reason is a technical reason. Sometimes it even comes first for those clients who would still like to try modern technologies on myself.

The fact is that with this mode of operation it is necessary that the connection be 100%! There must be an impeccable Internet channel with good bandwidth. It is also advisable to have a backup channel in case the main one fails. But not every Russian company can boast of such capabilities. In Moscow, St. Petersburg, and large cities of central Russia, this can still be found somehow. A little further from the center and either the connection is poor or insufficient in speed, and most often it is provided by only one operator

Added to this is the fact that DATA centers are very expensive. In Russia, it is not customary to invest money for a long time; few people are interested in payback for decades. So pseudo-data centers are being created, where reliability and technical equipment leave much to be desired. With rare exceptions. And most often you will find a company that rents capacity from Western companies, i.e. acts simply as an intermediary.

As in all other areas computer technology,cloud computing also has both supporters and opponents. The latter assure the public that this system not at all safe. Working with cloud technologies, in their opinion, can lead to education huge amount uncontrolled information. This, in turn, will lead to leakage and violation of the security of user information.

Prospects for cloud technologies

However, despite all the doubts, the future of cloud technologies seems very bright. Proof that this is not a temporary hobby, but new way development high technology, is next fact: no matter how strong the contradictions between the three giants - Microsoft, Apple and Google, no matter how different the views of their leaders and ideologists on the development of the industry and user needs, almost simultaneously they entered this new (for now) territory, and are not going to leave from there. Moreover, all three companies connect their future with cloud technologies. And let Microsoft trumpet this on every corner, but Apple, on the contrary, doesn’t do it loud statements and keeps its plans secret (including, in particular, the creation of a cloud version of iTunes), however, the deeds speak for themselves. Just two years ago, the concept of cloudcomputing seemed just a beautiful idea, a “manilovism”, a strange experiment. Today, the benefits of cloud technologies can be felt even by those people who are not involved in program development, web technologies and other highly specialized things (the above-mentioned XboxLive, WindowsLive, MobileMe, OnLive, GoogleDocs are prime examples of this)

While the world's leading economies have already transferred a significant part of their IT infrastructure to the cloud, pilot projects are just underway in Russia. On the other hand, the use of clouds from fashion trend still becomes a necessity, since the advantages that this model provides cannot be ignored.

Among them are: ease of deployment; payment only for the resources used; elasticity (i.e. the size of consumed resources can change as needed); reducing the cost of maintaining your own IT service; selecting the subscription duration according to the required usage time, use latest versions software products; access to allocated resources over the network from any device, anywhere in the world.

Growth forecasts for the global market for services provided in accordance with cloud model, remain optimistic: IDC expects this figure to increase sixfold from 2012 to 2015. Private users are already actively working with cloud services, but businesses are not yet in a hurry to follow their example. In our country, the demand for such services is still in its infancy, but customers who have already connected to them are constantly expanding their use, since thanks to new opportunities, almost all IT costs can be transferred to OPEX.

Range available to companies cloud services are also increasing. In our country, these services are provided by almost two hundred companies, several dozen of them work in the SaaS field. However, according to analysts, the Russian market is very segmented, and the annual turnover of most enterprises operating in the cloud segment is small. At the same time, some types of cloud services, in particular communication ones, are rapidly developing and are in demand, including telephony and virtual PBXs, “Videoconferencing from the cloud”, various additional tools for collaboration using both desktop and mobile platforms. On Russian market there is noticeable interest not only in the already familiar cloud services, such as Email and Web site hosting, but also to project management systems, CRM and other solutions to support teamwork, to accounting systems, virtual PBX And software products for business.


At the very beginning, we set goals for ourselves and we can safely say that these goals have been achieved!

We formulated the very concept of “Cloud technologies”

We talked about the main platforms using the clouds,

Presented positive and negative sides service

Illuminated the prospects further development in the Russian Federation and the world.

Having analyzed all of the above, we can conclude that, indeed, cloud technologies provide practically limitless possibilities thanks to its services, ranging from simple information storage to the provision of complex, secure IT infrastructures. In addition to providing end users computing power, Cloud technologies provide new jobs for IT professionals who are able to configure and maintain the cloud. And since the technologies themselves are quite young, research continues into the possibility of their use in various areas life.

However, despite all the doubts, the future of cloud technologies seems very bright. Proof that this is not a temporary hobby, but a new path for the development of high technologies, is the following fact: no matter how strong the contradictions between the three giants - Microsoft, Apple and Google, no matter how different the views of their leaders and ideologists on the development of the industry and needs users, almost simultaneously they entered this new (for now) territory, and have absolutely no intention of leaving there. Moreover, all three companies connect their future with cloud technologies. And let Microsoft trumpet this at every corner, and Apple, on the contrary, does not make loud statements and keeps its plans secret (including, in particular, the creation of a cloud version of iTunes), however, the deeds speak for themselves. Just two years ago, the concept of cloudcomputing seemed just a beautiful idea, a “manilovism”, a strange experiment. Today, the benefits of cloud technologies can be felt even by those people who are not involved in program development, web technologies and other highly specialized things (the above-mentioned XboxLive, WindowsLive, MobileMe, OnLive, GoogleDocs are vivid examples of this)

While the world's leading economies have already transferred a significant part of their IT infrastructure to the cloud, pilot projects are just underway in Russia. On the other hand, the use of clouds from a fashionable trend is still becoming a necessity, since the advantages that this model provides cannot be ignored.

Among them are: ease of deployment; payment only for the resources used; elasticity (i.e. the size of consumed resources can change as needed); reducing the cost of maintaining your own IT service; choosing the duration of the subscription in accordance with the required time of use, using the latest versions of software products; access to allocated resources over the network from any device, anywhere in the world.

Growth forecasts for the global market for cloud-based services remain optimistic: IDC expects this figure to increase sixfold between 2012 and 2015. Private users are already actively working with cloud services, but businesses are not yet in a hurry to follow their example. In our country, the demand for such services is still in its infancy, but customers who have already connected to them are constantly expanding their use, since thanks to new opportunities, almost all IT costs can be transferred to OPEX.

The range of cloud services available to companies is also increasing. In our country, these services are provided by almost two hundred companies, several dozen of them work in the SaaS field. However, according to analysts, the Russian market is very segmented, and the annual turnover of most enterprises operating in the cloud segment is small. At the same time, some types of cloud services, in particular communication ones, are rapidly developing and are in demand, including telephony and virtual PBXs, video conferencing from the cloud, and various additional tools for collaboration using both desktop and mobile platforms. There is noticeable interest in the Russian market not only in the already familiar cloud services, such as email and Web site hosting, but also in project management systems, CRM and other solutions to support teamwork, accounting systems, virtual PBX and business software products .


At the very beginning, we set goals for ourselves and we can safely say that these goals have been achieved!

We formulated the very concept of “Cloud technologies”

We talked about the main platforms using the clouds,

Presented the positive and negative aspects of the service

They highlighted the prospects for further development in the Russian Federation and the world.

Having analyzed all of the above, we can conclude that, indeed, cloud technologies provide almost limitless opportunities thanks to their services, from simple information storage to the provision of complex secure IT infrastructures. In addition to providing computing power to end users, cloud technologies provide new jobs for IT professionals who can configure and maintain clouds. And since the technologies themselves are quite young, research continues into the possibility of their application in various areas of life.

The main difficulty in the development of cloud technologies is not the solution technical issues, but in choosing a mutually beneficial development path. That is why many commercial and government organizations participate in the discussion of concepts and choose strategies for the development of IT systems.


      1. - article " Cloud computing»

      2. - article “Cloud computing, short review or an article for the boss"

      3. - article “IT in the cloud”: 100 best vendors”

      4. - based on the articles “CIOs are afraid of the clouds” and “CloudComputing: what does virtualization have to do with it?”

      5. - article “Cloud computing: CloudComputing at your fingertips”

      6. - article “Cloud technologies and distributed computing”

      7. article “The future of cloud technologies: a European view”

      8. - Business in the clouds. Why cloud technologies are useful for an entrepreneur

      9. - How to choose a provider cloud services? Adviсe