Download cloud mail. Cloud for Android - the best applications for cloud storage

Cloud Mail.Ru is a client of the same name cloud service, which will allow you to easily move and download files from the cloud. The main advantage of the service from Mail.Ru is that it provides users with as much as 100 GB free space on the server completely free. For comparison, in the same Yandex.Disk the user is allocated only 17 GB. At the same time, the data transfer speed in both services is approximately the same.

Other features of the application include the ability to work through a proxy. You can add a server address by calling the settings panel from context menu program icons in the tray. To authorize into the Mail.Ru Cloud, you can use data from your mailbox. The service also has a web version, which you can use without installing the client on your computer.

Key Features and Functions

  • creates on the computer virtual folder, which makes it easy to move files between hard drive and "cloud";
  • can start when Windows starts;
  • includes a tool for taking screenshots;
  • makes it possible to quickly upload screenshots to the server and share links to them with other users;
  • provides consistently high speed downloads;
  • provides 100 GB of free server space completely free of charge.

How long ago did the clouds appear? Millions of years ago, you say! But no! Clouds appeared on the Internet quite recently! This special services, allowing you to store a bunch of information accessible from anywhere globe, of course, if you have access to the Internet. Now, probably, all the fingers on the body of 17 people are not enough to count the cloud services. And if you are just about to join the ranks of “cloud users”, then you have a difficult task ahead of you! Alternatives to these services – great amount, take the same Dropbox, SkyDrive, cloud on Android, clouds from the leading search engines Google or Yandex.

And how cloud services help solve the problem of free space on the phone and data safety; a phone can be easily stolen, but data in the cloud is almost impossible... For example, you can install special application to a mobile phone and upload files to the cloud of the domestic Internet giant, especially since the mail in search of new users offers everyone 100 GB. space as a gift, as they say, “a lot and for a long time.” Do you want to have an extra hundredweight of space on your smartphone? Of course, you will say, and you will be absolutely right, nowadays there is more and more information and it needs to be stored somewhere. Nothing prevents you from trying it, and then get used to it.

Cloud - official service for storing information on Android devices completely free. Convenient program will allow you to upload photos, videos, music albums, documents and much more to cloud storage. You will be able to access all information at any time, without the data cluttering up your phone.


With Cloud you can upload files directly from your phone or configure automatic saving in a cloud service. By logging in from your account, different devices you get access to the same downloaded files. Connecting to unlimited data will help you save traffic. Wi-Fi networks, which can also be configured through the Android application.

Once uploaded to cloud storage, you can delete most of the information from internal memory phone, because now you can access it and download it in a couple of seconds. If you don't want to spend mobile traffic, then you can simply send a link to the materials to your friends and acquaintances. In order for them to also be able to view and download the data to their devices, you need to open access. You can set privacy only for certain people, so you don’t have to worry about the safety of your personal data, which is very important these days.

Another distinctive feature is that you do not need to download files from the cloud to view their contents. The Android application has a built-in tool for viewing the following files:

  • Images in all known formats.
  • Video recordings. Reproduced streaming video, so you don’t have to wait for the full download to your phone memory.
  • Documents for the package Microsoft programs Office, as well as some others (some documents will require installation additional software on Android).

Using the cloud service from, you can synchronize all your devices with each other. Rename, delete and move files from one mobile phone, and accept the changes on the other. You can also link the service to a personal computer.

Users can create shared folders. Combine libraries with videos and galleries with photos for your relatives or friends separately. You can also upload all the photos from the event into one folder and make it accessible only to those people who attended it. Convenient tool to organize and sort material by privacy and access settings.


In addition to the above features, you also get reliability and security. You can be sure that with this Android application your data and files will remain intact. Without authorized access from the owner, no one will be able to view the contents of the storage.

With Cloud is no longer needed external hard disks, memory cards, you don’t need to store gigabytes of information on your smartphone that you rarely access! To use the program and gain access to virtual storage All you need is a phone and internet access!

You can download the file apk applications Cloud Mail.Ru for Android via the direct link below.

Every second smartphone user has felt the need for additional cloud storage, which would allow them to store personal data not on a flash drive or in the phone’s memory, but in a virtual online drive. You can download cloud mail ru for Android absolutely free on our website.

Features of the cloud

Cloud mail ru provides the opportunity to use 8 GB for free. If this volume is not enough, you can increase it, but for a fee:

  1. 32 GB – 0.79 €/month.
  2. 64 GB – 1.19 €/month.
  3. 128 GB – 2.59 €/month.
  4. 256 GB – 3.99 €/month.
  5. 512 GB – 6.49 €/month.
  6. 1024 GB – 10.99 €/month.

In order to start using the application, just download the mail ru cloud for Android, enter your email login and password (if you don’t have a registered mail on mail ru, then register), go to the settings and specify what data will be automatically uploaded to the cloud. If you wish, you can manually select files to upload. The user can also configure the type of access: make it limited or unlimited for others. In order to strangers If you were unable to use the application on your phone, you can enable PIN code protection in the settings. The use of this cloud storage is relevant in the following cases:

  • a large amount of personal data (photos, videos, music, etc.) and little memory on the phone;
  • the likelihood of losing files (the phone is lost, broken, etc.);
  • the need to access data from another device connected to the Internet;
  • when traveling, when the user takes a lot of photographs not only with a camera, but also with a phone;
  • lack of a flash drive or other media for storing and transmitting data.

For ease of use, it is possible to change the file viewing mode: day, week, month, year. The program for Android can now recognize faces in photos and combine them into separate persons (this option was not available in the version before the update). When you enable this function, side menu The “People” item will appear, where the user can see which faces are present in his photographs. On a positive note is also what the application recognizes various videos formats (mkv, avi, mov, mp4, wmv), so the user can watch video clips without downloading them to the phone; MS Office documents (Power Point, Word, Excel, PDF).


  1. Files can be accessed from any corner of the planet using a device connected to the Internet (phone, PC, tablet).
  2. Storing files in the cloud helps save memory on your mobile device.
  3. High data transfer speed.
  4. You can create folders that can be accessed by multiple people. Thanks to this, they will be able to use user data (which is especially convenient during work situations) and share their files.
  5. Music or other files downloaded to the cloud can be transferred to another device, without additional external connections, wires or flash drives. It is enough just to have access to the Internet and the cloud on both devices.

The disadvantages include that the application allows you to download files whose size does not exceed 2 GB. Download cloud from apk extension and get instant access to completely free virtual memory for android devices. If you use this application, leave your impressions below in the comments.