The sync button in iTunes doesn't work. Device malfunctions. Conflict with other programs

Apple devices like the iPhone and iPad are considered to be among the most reliable when interacting with software products. However, they are not immune to errors. In particular, sometimes music does not sync from iTunes to iPhone. There can be quite a lot of reasons for this. This is especially noticeable when Apple device connects to a computer or laptop with Windows on board. But the problem can be fixed. Below are the simplest methods to help solve errors of this kind.

iPhone won't sync with iTunes: why?

The very first problem that awaits any owner Apple device, is that the corresponding device driver is missing or incorrectly installed in Windows. We are not talking now about initializing the same iPhone as a USB device in the sense of recognizing information on the internal storage.

The problem is mostly that control program iTunes was unable to connect to the iPhone when attempting to connect. And this may be due to the fact that the program itself is “buggy”. The simplest way out would be reinstalling iTunes using the official installer for Windows, downloaded from the developer’s website or from the AppStore.

Music won't sync from iTunes to iPhone: what to do first?

But that's only computer programs. But it also happens that the iPhone does not synchronize with 54) directly on the mobile gadget.

The manufacturer himself recommends rebooting the device, combining the files in the media library (and in small parts), deleting the content and downloading it again, excluding the files from it PDF format. Perhaps the problem of the iPhone not syncing with iTunes will be solved. However, it is worth considering some other points.


In some cases, the device may seem to establish communication, but in reality this does not happen. To correct such failures, you simply need to log out of your account and then log in again.

As a last resort, the “account” should be deleted, and when the device is rebooted, specify it again. Sometimes it helps.

Solving wireless problems

It's worse when the iPhone doesn't sync with iTunes over WiFi. Here you will have to check the network settings directly in Windows system with installation correct parameters TCP/IP protocol version four (v4), which is currently most actively used (the IPv6 version has not yet reached us).

In the very simple case you should set the receipt of addresses to automatic, but sometimes for the task DNS settings you can use Google services, whose addresses consist of four eights or two eights and two fours.

Resetting settings and reinstalling the operating system

Finally, if after this you still receive an error indicating that iTunes was unable to connect to the iPhone, you can try to do a master reset. To do this, you need to use the menu for deleting personal data and settings from the main section.

If after this there is a situation where the iPhone does not sync with iTunes, you will have to use more stringent methods.

In this case, you need to close all programs and Apple computer or PC call Finder app, then for Apple, press the keyboard option Ctrl + Cmd + G (for Windows this does not work), where you need to write /var/db/lockdown (unlocking will take place). In Windows, you can also try to go to the AppData directory, which is hidden, and delete the Apple directory from there, but I think this is not the best option.


As can be seen from all the above material, the question of why the iPhone does not sync with iTunes can be considered settled. In fact, in most cases, resort to complete reinstallation system or download new firmware no need. The methods described above will suffice. You never know, maybe a simple reboot of the device will help. And reinstalling the software in the form of an applet on your phone and computer with Windows won’t hurt either.

On the other hand, if all the above methods do not help and music from iTunes to iPhone does not sync, then you should not be content with what you have. At least the most simple solution can be called deletion iTunes programs from a computer with Windows on board (and it doesn’t matter what version it is) and reinstallation followed by entry into account via your existing AppleID.

But if we talk specifically about Windows, in some cases it may be necessary to remove updates that cause errors this kind. This can be done through the corresponding “Control Panel” menu using the uninstall function latest installations. But the iPhone itself will have to be rebooted (at a minimum).

For the rest, I think special problems not expected. The situation is that either problematic device may be rebooted or will be made re-installation applications on both smartphones and computers. Otherwise, as is already clear, there are no problems. Download the latest iOS version not worth it, especially since the same fourth iPhone versions update is not supported. Do you need it? So, to put it mildly, a smartphone can be “ruined.”

But in principle the system can be repaired, and very simply. To do this, you just need to follow the recommendations outlined above. And the problem itself, how exactly to establish a connection between a mobile device and a computer, remains with the user. In any case, an option can be found. But a reboot will be required initially. The emphasis is on this. In addition, reinstalling the program itself or its updates can solve some problems associated with lack of synchronization.

Everyone knows that iTunes gives users the opportunity to enjoy their favorite musical hits without borders 24 hours a day. But, like any other system in our lives, errors and malfunctions often occur. And, it would seem, the problem is the lack of iTunes synchronization with iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch should be solved promptly and practically in two minutes - but no, sometimes even service center specialists spend hours racking their brains over this problem, simply because they have not encountered it before.

But now everything will be just great, and to successfully synchronize iTunes with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch, you will not need to obtain special knowledge or take your device to the service center closest to your home, paying a lot of money to would-be masters. Everything will be fast and very simple... if only you use step by step instructions, which we will now provide to you.

So, you connect your iPhone to your computer, but the device doesn’t want to be recognized. The main reasons for this may be a malfunction of the device itself or wrong job BY. Let's look at a few main reasons why this may not happen. iTunes synchronization from iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch.

Here are just the most important possible reasons:

  • Incompatibility of the device with the USB port, its failure
  • Using a broken or non-original USB cable
  • iPhone not functioning properly
  • Difficulties encountered with the software or with the functioning of Apple Mobile Device

Diagnose device and USB port compatibility

iPhone connects to USB port but nothing happens? This means that one of the possible reasons is the device’s incompatibility with the port, or its failure. To check how it works, just insert into USB any flash drive, and if everything is in order, the device is functioning, you should reconnect the IPhone to a different port. It is better if this port is located at the back of the PC. Use USB 3.0 or higher to ensure everything works like a charm.

Are there any positive changes when reconnecting? We are moving on to the next diagnostic stage.

Checking the correct operation of the cable

Connect the cable you are using to charger. If the iPhone does not charge, the cause of the problem has been found, and it is a broken cable. Replacing it will solve the issue. If charging has started, then you will need to check the iTunes software and Apple device.

Checking the normal operation of the software

First of all, you should make sure that you have all the necessary software installed on your PC. But you should not try to download software from third-party sites that you are not sure of, because this way you expose your computer to the risk of infection. It is better to take all programs from official resource Apple, it's safer this way. Moreover, you will only receive latest versions Software with all updates.

Service Apple Mobile Device is present on every device running Windows or MacOS, so the synchronization problem may be caused by problems with this service. If you think this is the case, this service will need to reboot.

We reboot the Apple Mobile Device

To reboot, just follow these steps:

1. Apple device disconnects from PC, iTunes closes

2. Go to the management panel, find “Administration”, then open the “Services” tab

3. Look for the name of the service in the list, then click on “Stop”

4. After you are convinced after some time that the service is disabled, you should enable it again

5. Connect your Apple device and wait until the synchronization is successful

If after this there is nothing positive, then the problem is either with the technical part of the smartphone or with iTunes itself. It is worth looking for the folder with the program and uninstalling it. Next, download the latest program update from the Apple website, which will be suitable for your OS. Also update any drivers that are out of date. Well, if after all your actions synchronization still does not happen, and you simply don’t know what to do next, then feel free to go to the service center, the specialists will sort it out. Unless, of course, they are real specialists...

How to Fix iTunes When It Won't Sync with iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch Video

Common ways to solve the problem of absence iPhone sync with a computer

  1. Re-authorize in iTunes;
  2. Restart your computer and Apple device;
  3. Checking synchronization over Wi-Fi connection;
  4. Using a different USB cable or USB port;
  5. Reset the device to factory settings.

Removing the LockDown Folder on Mac OS

Before you begin the process of deleting a directory, you must first disconnect all Apple devices from the computer and close the iTunes program. After these steps, you should open the Finder by holding down three keys at the same time - Shift + CMD + G. In the dialog box that appears, enter the path - “/Var/db/lockdown” and press the Enter button on the keyboard.
Now you need to select all the files located in the Lockdown folder and move them to the trash. That is, on Mac OS only files are deleted, and the directory remains in its rightful place.

Removing LockDown on Windows operating system

Solving the problem is easier than it was on Apple laptops. We disconnect all devices, close the iTunes program on the personal computer, click on the “Start” button, where the “Search” field is located, enter the command %ProgramData% and press the Enter button.
Now you need to enter the Apple folder by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button. After this, remove the Lockdown button and restart the computer. Without rebooting, the system will notify the person about the presence of a system error, and continue working with apple device will be impossible.


The problem of synchronization between two devices has long been commonplace. Before you start panicking and calling specialists, you should carefully read the instructions and try to resolve the difficulties alone. The most common problem is outdated software. You should update the firmware as on the iPhone or iPad itself and do not forget about updating the iTunes program. Apple developers often release new versions, you should follow them, not forgetting their advantages.

Sync iPhone and iPad without iTunes

Do you not have enough time to deal with the problem of synchronizing your iPhone or iPad with your computer?

We will do it for you! Phone ‹ 495 › 22 66 298.

There is another solution!

  • After check-out, you will learn alternative way data transmission from computer to iPhone or iPad.
  • You will see easy way synchronize your device with your computer.

If you decide to solve the problem yourself, refer to our article!

The article lists possible reasons Problems syncing your iPhone and iPad with your iTunes.

Users often encounter problems related to synchronizing iPhone or iPad with iTunes. The essence of the appeal is that when the program is synchronized with an iPhone or iPad, displays a message"i Phone, iPad could not be synchronized because the synchronization session could not be started" This table message often appears when you go to new version software iOS software 5 and above. The user has no choice but to search for information about the device synchronization problem on the Internet.

Setting up iPhone and iPad from 400 rub.

Instruction No. 1. Common case:

  1. The first thing you need to do is disconnect your iPhone or iPad from your computer, restart it, connect it back and repeat synchronization. If the message box “iPhone, iPad could not be synced because the sync session could not be started” appears again, continue with the following steps.
  2. Try updating iTunes. It happens that after updating the program, this message disappears.
  3. It's possible that your antivirus is interfering with the synchronization process. Try disabling all security programs.

If all these steps do not help, you should pay attention to the iTunes program itself. Perhaps it was there that some kind of failure occurred. You should force close iTunes. You can do it like this:

Instruction No. 2. Rare case:

  • Go to the Start menu -> All Programs -> Accessories. Select menu bar " Command line", click on it right click mouse and select “run as administrator” from the drop-down menu.
  • In the window that opens, enter next command without quotes " netsh winsock reset”, then press “Enter”.
  • After this, restart your computer and repeat the synchronization.

Sometimes you may encounter the message " Cannot create backup copy of iPhone(iPad), because session failed Reserve copy " The message may be caused big amount backup copies stored on the hard drive in system partition. To solve this problem, read our article “

Lack of synchronization Apple iPhone with a computer is a serious problem for most iPhone users. This problem makes it impossible for a number of important user actions. For example:

  • loading on iPhone photos, music files and films;
  • firmware update;
  • contact synchronization, Email or calendar;
  • installation of new application programs.

Personal connection iPhone computer can be carried out:

  • via Wi-Fi network,
  • via USB cable.

Synchronizing devices for subsequent downloading of files requires the use of a specially designed software product– iTunes. The program starts after connecting the USB cable, after which you need to select your iPhone model from the list that appears on the screen. You must use the latest version of the program with latest updates, because the outdated version iTunes may be the reason why it won't sync. To make it convenient to work in the future, all synchronization settings need to be configured.

Possible problems when trying to synchronize

  • breakdown of the bottom loop,
  • failure of the system board,
  • USB cable faulty,
  • Wi-Fi module defect.

When you launch iTunes, a message may appear stating that you cannot use your iPhone due to the service not starting mobile devices. In this case you need to check work Mobile Device Support Apple. If it is not running, you should remove it and reinstall iTunes.

The lack of synchronization can also be caused by various system errors base computer. Need to check condition software, identify the presence software failures or incorrect operation a number of applications. It is advisable to entrust all operations to restore synchronization between your computer and iPhone to specialists from a certified service center. Independent attempts to cope with the problem may not yield any results or even bring additional problems to the user. All test and repair operations, as well as replacement original spare parts, will be produced in the workshop of the service center in short term, at a high professional level and according to affordable rates. In many service centers Apple diagnostics is absolutely free.