Why does iTunes always require reinstallation? iTunes does not recognize iPhone: what to do

Users iPhone phones, since iPad and iPod owners sometimes connect their mobile devices to the computer so that using the program . Some ancient comrades, including us, use the old fashioned way as operating system– Windows XP. But it seems that Apple is slowly ceasing to support this not-so-young program.

I’ll tell you using an example that we encountered today.

After downloading installation file We try iTunesSetup.exe, but we get the following notification:

iTunes requires Windows 7 or later to be installed on your computer

Clicking OK followed - The iTunes installer has completed and the installer has encountered errors.

After surfing the Apple website, I found the solution, it turns out for Windows XP and Vista Final versioniTunes 12.1.3. Accordingly, in our case, two methods will help:

Updating iTunes

Since in our computer old iTunes already existed, we decided to just update it. By pressing Alt keys called up a menu in which they selected the Help section, in this section they clicked Updates.

iTunes found in its built-in updates not the latest version - 12.1.3, as it was written on the Apple website for XP and Vista. The description for the update states that this update comes with iOS support 9 for legacy operating systems.

Download the old version of iTunes

After installing the update, the computer rebooted, we tried connecting our iPhone and iPad with iTunes 12.1.3 iOS firmware 9, iTunes saw them again and allowed us to work with them! In this whole story, one sad thing is that the day will come when you will have to change the operating system or even the computer in order to use next update iOS firmware.

IN Lately The issue of updating software or flashing an iPhone is increasingly of interest to owners of devices from Apple. There is a lot of information on the Internet about how to carry out these manipulations yourself, but very often these instructions miss the nuances associated with system errors during the installation of the operating system. This article describes cases when an iPhone cannot be restored and what can be done if such failures occur.

In fact, there are many reasons for refusing to restore a gadget through iTunes. This could be either problems in the hardware of the device, or a banal outdated version that does not allow you to restore the iPhone via iTunes, the appearance of error 9, or an incorrect reset of all settings. Below are the main variations of faults with detailed analysis each of them.

The very first thing you need to do is iTunes update. To do this, open the program and check it for new versions. If it was not possible to roll back your phone through iTunes, you can simply delete the application and download it again from the official website, checking latest version iTunes programs. How to download new version iTunes, you can find out by going to

As trivial as it may seem, a regular reboot can help out: both the computer and itself. Apple devices. While you reboot your PC standard method, take the phone and simultaneously hold down the Power and Home buttons for 10 seconds, after which the smartphone will reboot. Now try connecting again and starting the recovery process.

For older iPhone models

For new models (8, 8 plus, X)

Replacing the USB cable

First, you need to make sure that the connection is made using an original and certified cord. The fact is that if you use non-original usb cable, then it will provoke a refusal to install the firmware. If everything is fine, but the process still does not start, carefully inspect the wire and connector for damage.

Using a different USB port

Very often people connect a device through ports located on the keyboard or other peripheral devices and they are surprised that they cannot reflash the device. Try connecting your iPhone through a different USB port located on the back system unit.

Cleaning the PC

This procedure will require a little effort. You need to remove programs and components to iOS devices, which are installed on your computer or laptop. Go to the "Control Panel" and go to the "Programs and Features" section, then uninstall all Apple apps, while confirming the erasure of all additional files.

Don't forget to uninstall iTunes as well. Since in any case you will have to download everything necessary utilities again, reboot your PC before installation. After completing the procedure, you can start updating the smartphone firmware again.

Editing the hosts file

During an update or renewal of an Apple device, iTunes will certainly communicate with Apple servers, and if this fails, you can safely assume that a change has been made to the PC hosts file.

Typically, the hosts document is modified system viruses Therefore, before resuming the starting hosts file, it is preferable to check the laptop for the presence virus dangers. This can be done either through an antivirus by running the recognition mode, or with the support of a special utility Dr.Web CureIt, which cures necessary files. If problems remain, move on.

Disabling antivirus

Thanks to excessive care antivirus programs, they can block certain processes, even absolutely secure applications. iTunes may also be included in this blacklist, which will lead to interference and failures, which is why, during recovery, it is not possible to roll back iOS to the latest normally working version. First, add the snail to the antivirus exclusion list; if this does not help, then disable the blocker completely and check the result.

Recovery via DFU mode

This mode is intended for emergency resuscitation of Apple gadgets. To use it, follow the instructions below:

  • First, completely turn off your phone and launch the iTunes application on your computer.
  • Next, connect the device via USB cord to the port and transfer it to DFU mode.
  • To do this, hold down the “Home” and “ON” buttons at the same time. Both buttons cannot be released for 10 seconds, after which the “ON” key must be released and the second button held until the iPhone appears in the program on the PC.
  • The application will notify you that you can begin the recovery procedure. After confirming the action, your cell phone will be updated and will work normally.

Using another computer

The last hope for the desperate owner of a damaged smartphone is to try to restore the device by connecting it to another PC. Before doing this, you need to make sure that the system has the latest version of iTunes and is installed on Windows computer has a license. By connecting your smartphone to your computer, via USB port do iOS recovery, if possible. Things are very bad if even this method did not help.

Most likely, you will have to carry the device in service center, where it can either be replaced under warranty, or the fault can be identified and repaired. 90% that the problem is in the memory chip responsible for storing iOS files.


Having tried all the methods described above, repair and restore the operating room Apple systems gadget, you will 100% determine that in case of failure it is not the fault software part, but a mechanical one, in which, most likely, it will simply not be possible to change the firmware. To make your task easier, contact a specialist who will certainly be able to help you.


Warm greetings to everyone! After updating the firmware on their iPhone or iPad, users may encounter such a big (I would even say gigantic!) problem that all other errors seem like just minor and insignificant troubles. What are we talking about? And now I’ll tell you everything in detail...

iOS devices have a wonderful (without any irony) “Find iPhone” feature. If it is enabled (), then during any action (be it resetting, restoring, flashing, etc.) in order to start using the gadget, you will be prompted to activate it - enter the Apple ID and password (those that were set before this operation). And here the most interesting, incomprehensible and often very sad begins:(

You try to enter the Apple ID and password that you have been using with this device for a long time, and a warning of this kind pops up: “This Apple ID cannot be used to unlock this iPhone.” How does this happen? After all:

  • Only you have used the device from the very moment of purchase.
  • Only one (exclusively yours!) Apple pair ID and password have always been used in iPhone\iPad.
  • In other places - on the Apple website, the web version of iCloud, iTunes, everything works fine and logs in. But it’s not on the gadget.

You persistently enter the correct connective from Email and password, but the device stubbornly tells you that everything is wrong and this pair is not suitable. Here are the input data.

Let's figure out why you can't activate the device with your Apple ID account. Go!

Case 1. In fact, the iPhone\iPad was initially activated with a different account

How can this be? But maybe. After all, even if you bought the gadget new, it’s not a fact that it actually was like that. Some sellers are good at hiding iCloud lock. It seems to you that the device is not tied to any account, you enter yours and everything seems to be “OK”. But in fact, the first time you try to flash it, you get an activation lock - the device simply does not accept what you think is the correct Apple ID.

What to do? In most cases this is hopeless situation. It is no longer possible to contact the seller, which means it is impossible to obtain the correct login and password combination. As a result, we get a “brick”. The only way out is to pretend that you forgot the necessary data and act. The purchase receipt will be of great help.

Case 2. Error on Apple's part - solved automatically

Yes, yes, Apple sometimes messes up too. And this “sometimes” happened relatively recently, when iOS update up to version 9. Many people received an error after the update - “Invalid Apple ID. It cannot be used to unlock this iPhone, please enter other information." And in fact they were left with a non-working device in their hands. Apple tried to fix everything quickly, released a timely update and assured that this would not happen again. But is this true!?

Moreover, as users write, the first line of operators does not understand what they are talking about at all. You explain to them that there is only one Apple ID, you know it, the gadget prompts you to enter the right pair account (the device displays several letters from the email - and they match yours!), but they will persistently kick you off and say that with the correct data, the error “Apple ID cannot be used to unlock this iPhone” is impossible.

What to do? Don't shout, don't rage, but stick to your line. Claim that the device is yours and you want to use it. And thereby try to get to the second line of tech. support. They are usually more competent. However, be prepared, you may be asked for answers to Control questions(if you don’t remember, change it in your account settings on the website, because you have access there!). And in especially difficult cases, a purchase receipt as proof that the gadget belongs to you. Although, given the fact that you know the entire Apple ID and password, the matter most likely will not come to evidence.

Typically, iTunes is used on the computer by users to manage their Apple devices, for example, to perform the recovery procedure. Today we will look at the main ways to solve the problem when an iPhone, iPod or iPad is not restored through iTunes.

There may be several reasons for the inability to restore an Apple device on a computer, starting with the banal outdated version iTunes to hardware problems.

Please note that if you try to restore your device, iTunes displays an error with a certain code, please see the article below as it may contain your mistake and detailed instructions to eliminate it.

What to do if iTunes won't restore iPhone, iPod or iPad?

Method 1: Update iTunes

First of all, of course, you need to make sure that you are using current version iTunes.

To do this, you will need to check iTunes for updates and, if any are found, install the updates on your computer. After installation is complete, it is recommended that you restart your computer.

We cannot rule out a possible failure both on the computer and on the Apple device being restored.

IN in this case you will need to perform a standard reboot of your computer, and for an Apple device do forced restart: to do this, you need to simultaneously hold down the Power and Home keys on the device for about 10 seconds. After this, the device will suddenly turn off, after which you need to boot the gadget in normal mode.

Method 3: Replacing the USB cable

Many problems when working with an Apple device on a computer arise from the USB cable.

If you are using Not original cable, even if certified by Apple, you must definitely replace it with the original one. If you are using an original cable, you will need to carefully inspect it for any types of damage, both along the length of the cable itself and on the connector itself. If you find kinks, oxidation, twists or any other types of damage, you will need to replace the cable with a complete and original one.

Method 4: Use a different USB port

It might be worth trying to connect your Apple device to a different USB port on your computer.

For example, if you have desktop computer, then it is better to connect with reverse side system unit. If the gadget is connected via additional devices, such as a port built into your keyboard or a USB hub, you'll need to connect your iPhone, iPod, or iPad directly to your computer.

Method 4: Reinstall iTunes

A system crash may prevent iTunes from working properly, which may require you to reinstall iTunes.

First, you will need to completely remove iTunes from your computer, that is, removing not only the media processor itself, but also other Apple programs installed on the computer.

After removing iTunes from your computer, reboot the system, and then proceed to download the latest iTunes distribution from the official website of the developer and then install it on your computer.

Method 5: Editing the hosts file

In the process of updating or restoring Apple iTunes devices must contact Apple servers, and if the program fails to do this, we can say with a high degree of probability that the hosts file on the computer has been changed.

As a rule, the hosts file is changed computer viruses, so before restoring original file hosts, it is advisable that you check your computer for virus threats. You can do this either using your antivirus by running the scanning mode, or using a special healing utility Dr.Web CureIt .

If your antivirus program detects viruses, be sure to eliminate them and then restart your computer. After this, you can proceed to the stage of restoring the previous version of the hosts file. More details on how to do this are described on the official Microsoft website.

Method 6: Disable Antivirus

Some antiviruses, wanting to ensure maximum user security, may accept safe programs and malicious, blocking some of their processes.

Try disabling your antivirus completely and trying to restore your device again. If the procedure was successful, it means your antivirus is to blame. You will need to go to its settings and add the iTunes program to the exclusion list.

Method 7: Recovery via DFU mode

DFU is a special emergency mode for Apple devices, which should be used by users in case of problems with the gadget. So, using this mode, you can try to complete the recovery procedure.

First of all, you will need to completely disconnect your Apple device and then connect it to your computer using a USB cable. Launch iTunes - the device will not be detected in it yet.

Now we need to enter the Apple gadget into DFU mode. To do this, press on your device physical key power and hold it for three seconds. After that, without releasing the power button, hold down the Home key and hold both buttons for 10 seconds. Finally, release the Power button and continue to hold the Home button until apple device will not be detected in iTunes.

IN this mode Only device recovery is available, which is what you actually need to start.

Method 8: Use a different computer

If none of the methods suggested in the article helped you solve the problem with restoring your Apple device, you should try performing the recovery procedure on another computer with the latest version of iTunes installed.

If you have previously encountered the problem of restoring a device through iTunes, share in the comments how you managed to solve it.

Restoring via iTunes is an extreme measure that the user takes if he cannot fix one or another software glitch iPhone. Unfortunately, sometimes this procedure, in turn, is interrupted by an error. What to do if you can’t restore your device through iTunes? In this article we will answer the question.

In general, there are two ways to restore an iPhone using iTunes. The first method is “light” - it assumes that your device is still functional, but, for example, it’s a little buggy, and you want to remove all the bugs using recovery. In this case, you need to connect your iPhone to your PC with installed iTunes, wait until the program recognizes the device (that the gadget has been identified will be signaled by the appearance of an icon in the form of a phone in the main menu of the program), go to the “Browse” section and click the “Restore iPhone” button.

It's very simple, but there are worse situations. For example, you set your iPhone to update, but forgot that the charge was low and it turned off when the update was not completed, and now the smartphone refuses to respond to any actions, including, it will not turn on. Or, for example, you decided to install a program from an unverified source, but there was a virus there, which, again, turned the device into a “brick” that refused to even turn on. In such situations, is there a chance to return the smartphone to a working state?

Don’t be alarmed, there is a way out of this situation - you just need to transfer the device to one of emergency modesRecovery Mode or DFU. The first is activated through the platform, the second at the hardware level. That is, if Recovery Mode does not respond, DFU will always come to the rescue.

To activate Recovery Mode, press and hold Home button, then, without releasing it, connect the device to the PC with iTunes, when the program icon and the image of the charge cable light up on the smartphone screen, release Home. On the same iTunes moment will report iPhone detection in recovery mode and will prompt you to start the recovery process.

To put the smartphone into DFU mode, hold down Home+Power, release Power after 10 seconds, connect the iPhone to the computer, and wait for iTunes to signal that the device has been detected in recovery mode (no icons should appear on the screen of the device itself!), after which we release Home and start the procedure.

What to do if iTunes failed to restore iPhone?

Unfortunately, sometimes for some reason reason iTunes The recovery procedure cannot be completed - it is interrupted by an error. Don't worry, this is not the end of the world; most likely, the situation can be easily corrected.

There can be many reasons why iTunes refuses to restore a device, but most often the problem is software in nature.

Therefore, first of all, you need to restart the program and computer, and if your iPhone is not bricked, reset it too. Perhaps after this simple step, everything will work out for you.

Software Update

If rebooting does not help, you need to make sure there are no software conflicts - first of all, check which iTunes version installed on your computer, the program may simply need to be updated. It would also be a good idea to update all other software installed on your PC. You don't even imagine how often outdated programs become the causes of certain failures.

You can update the software on a Windows PC by accessing the center from the Start menu. Windows updates, and on Mac you need to go to the “Updates” section of the App Store.

Disabling security programs

Another one common reason Software conflicts are an overly responsible job for antivirus programs. Your firewall or antivirus may have listed iTunes as suspicious programs and interfere with her work. To check if this situation is relevant in your case, disable everything protective programs during recovery.

Editing the hosts file

And finally, another reason software failures- hosts file errors. We won’t go into lengthy explanations about what this file is and why it is needed, it’s not that important in this case. You just need to make it correct. How? In this article on the site Apple support you can read how to find and edit a file on a Mac; this article will help you find hosts on Windows, and the editing procedure will be the same as for Mac.

Hardware problems

If you are unlucky and your iPhone is not restored despite the fact that you have carried out all the measures described above, then it is time to suspect a hardware problem. First of all, you need to use a different USB port to iPhone connections. If this doesn't help, it might be connecting cable- please note that in this case you must use either the original wire or the one marked MFi, which means “Made for iPhone”.

If everything is in order with the cable and ports and software reasons you have ruled it out, but the recovery is still interrupted, perhaps the problem is in the PC or iPhone itself. Try using another computer; if the recovery is interrupted on it too, then it’s time for you to pick up your “apple” and take it to the service center.

Let's summarize

Using iTunes recovery, you can fix certain iPhone glitches, but sometimes it is not restored. Why can't my iPhone be restored via iTunes? There can be many reasons, both software and hardware. If you were unable to fix the problem yourself, we recommend that you first contact Apple support, and if that doesn’t help, take the device to the service center and, hopefully, they can still fix it!