Meizu m3 mini back button does not work. Why the home button on the Meiza M3s does not work: reasons, repair. Correction of software failures

Meizu M3 is a smartphone that should have been a hit. It belongs to the budget segment, has good characteristics, and is definitely a bestseller. High-quality filling and a good price are what people need.

Recently, owners of this phone began to complain that the fingerprint did not work. As it turns out, the problem is quite common. What are the reasons for the breakdown? This problem may be a consequence of:

  • Mechanical faults;
  • Software problems.

Let's figure it out.

Mechanical problems

Most likely, the problem is in the fingerprint button itself, which just needs to be replaced. But before you do this, remember what happened to your gadget recently. Maybe he fell somewhere, hit himself, or fell into the water. If this happened, then he suffered a mechanical failure. In Meizu M3, this button is responsible for three important functions:

  • Back;
  • Home;
  • Fingerprint identification.

If all three functions stop working, then most likely the mTouch has failed.

Mechanical failures of the mtouch can occur if it is dropped or gets wet. If the smartphone is under warranty, we recommend taking it to a service center; if not, then contact a regular mobile phone repair shop; In extreme cases, you can repair the breakdown yourself. To repair it yourself, order a button, remove the board and replace the broken part. The cause of the breakdown may also be hidden in software problems. Repairs can cost you 1,500–3,000 rubles.

If you don’t understand phones, don’t bother, it’s better to take it to a service center, let them run diagnostics and find out exactly what the problem is.

Software problems

If your phone has stopped responding to a fingerprint and you are absolutely sure that everything has been fine with it lately - it has not fallen anywhere, has not been hit and moisture could not get there, then the possible reasons for the failure of the mtouch key may be that The firmware crashed. To solve the problem, just reset the settings to factory settings - and everything should work. To do this, go to the " About the phone", enter the tab " Reset" and press " Start».

But be careful, as this procedure will clear all data from the phone, so it is worth creating a backup copy of the data. If everything starts to work, then there are no problems, but if it doesn’t work, then I advise you to return to the previous point.

It so happens that Meizu M3s users are faced with a massive problem when the Home/mTouch touch button does not work: the scanner and the “back” command do not work, and random reboots also occur. There is a problem with the appearance of red stripes on the display, this is described in the article.

The reasons for button failure, as practice shows, can be different:

  • crookedly installed firmware image
  • moisture ingress
  • manufacturing defects

The first option is found on Chinese versions of smartphones (usually purchased from Aliexpress), when an image of the unofficial Global firmware is installed on the smartphone.

Solved programmatically: install the Chinese version of the Flyme firmware with data clearing, check the button, if it works, then switch to the official Global firmware by changing id ()

When moisture or condensation gets in, oxidation is created in the button, as a result of which it refuses to work.

In some cases, disassembling helps, as well as cleaning the button and contacts from oxide. It is better to contact the service center with this problem, especially if the warranty on the smartphone has not expired.

As for manufacturing defects, this is a widespread problem that appears some time after purchase. The solution to the problem is to replace the button.

Is your smartphone under warranty? Then be sure to contact the seller or directly to the warranty service center with the warranty card.

If the smartphone was bought from China and there is no warranty for it, then you have 2 options:

  • take it to a service center for paid repairs
  • change the button yourself by ordering from China.

Important! There are 2 versions of the buttons: “VF SF” and “VGS”. If you install the VF FS button, over time the defect may appear again, but with the VGS version (judging by surveys on, the problem appears extremely rarely.

You can buy a VGS version button on Aliexpress, for example from this seller (LINK). This seller includes the necessary tools with your order.

Replacing a button is not a complicated procedure at all; below are the instructions:

You do all actions at your own peril and risk!! We recommend contacting a specialized service center!
Before starting disassembly, you need to turn off the smartphone and remove the SIM card tray.

Meizu has conquered the market with its affordable and fairly productive gadgets, however, not all users of new smartphones were satisfied with the build quality and performance of the devices after purchase.

One of the most popular problems is The touch button on Meizu M3 s stopped working(although this also includes Meizu M3e, Meizu M2, M5 and other models).

Mechanical and moving parts are always the weak link in any device, so renowned manufacturers try to anticipate possible problems and maximize the time between failures of all buttons on devices.

What are the reasons for the button failure on Meizu M3

For example, Apple, starting with the iPhone 7, went even further and replaced the mechanical button with a fully touch-sensitive one with active feedback (to emulate a real press).

But be that as it may, Meizu was unable to pay due attention to its devices and therefore there are complaints of the following nature online:

  • The sensor on the Meizu phone button does not work immediately after purchase (especially important for distance sales through Aliexpress, etc.);
  • The button stops working after several months of use;
  • The button does not work the first time after pressing;

Breakdown most often occurs after the device has been dropped or dropped into water.

If everything is immediately clear about mechanical damage, then the causes of other malfunctions may be different.

For example:

  • Ingress of water (after falling into water) or condensation (operation in high humidity with a sharp change in ambient temperature);
  • Rapid wear of the button (unlikely, but possible), this can also include the low quality of the original components;
  • Software error (bugs in the device firmware);
  • Poor-quality soldering of the Meizu M3 Home button cable (the so-called “head on a pillow” effect, characteristic of a large number of modern digital devices due to the peculiarities of factory soldering).

Replacing the Home touch button on the Meizu M3 smartphone

Of course, the first thought that comes to mind when any complex device breaks down is to contact an official service center, and if the warranty is still in force, the seller or manufacturer will fix the defect completely free of charge, and will also maintain the warranty until it expires completely.

However, it is not always possible to contact such a center (it is not within reach, the product was purchased without a guarantee, etc.).

If it is not possible to visit a service center, there is only one solution left:
The problem with the Meizu M3 home button can only be solved by completely replacing it.

Below we outline the algorithm for doing it yourself.

Buy button.

There are 2 versions on sale - VF SF and VGS, the latter, according to user reviews, is more reliable, so it’s worth choosing it. The current cost is about 600 rubles.

Disassembling the phone.

  1. First of all, unscrew 2 screws from the bottom of the case at the edges of the charging connector.
  2. The back cover is removed from the edge with the screws indicated.
  3. Under the battery on the plastic insert, 6 more screws are unscrewed.
  4. After removing the insert, access to the board becomes available. The cables are disconnected, the holding screw is unscrewed, and the board is raised.
  5. A touch button is mounted under the board. It is attached with 2 screws to the smartphone body, the cable is connected to the main board.
  6. The old button is removed and replaced with a new one.
  7. The screws are unscrewed and the cable is disconnected. The new one is installed in the reverse order.
  8. The smartphone is being put back together.
  9. The functionality is checked.

If you are not sure of your actions, you can contact the nearest repair shop with your button. The procedure will cost another 500 rubles.


Fixing button problems without replacing

What should I try to restore the device’s functionality on my own without replacing the Home touch button?

If the phone was purchased immediately with a defect, in some cases flashing or resetting the phone's settings may help.

It is important to remember here that during the flashing process, the smartphone may become “bricked” and then no one will help you; in case of intervention, the warranty is automatically canceled (especially if the firmware is not official).

Information about all the procedures performed, as well as stable firmware versions, can be found on specialized resources (for example, the 4pda forum, or on the official website), where you can also read the experiences of other owners with similar problems.


If flashing did not help, or the defect appeared after several months or even weeks of use, the most likely The reason for the breakdown of the Home button on Meizu– moisture ingress (in some cases, moisture can get in even without the smartphone operating in the rain or falling into a puddle).

  1. You can try to eliminate this defect by drying the phone using a regular hair dryer (not a construction hair dryer, it produces too high a temperature).
  2. Some users manage to develop the button after drying (due to repeated pressing in a heated state, warm air comes out along with excess moisture).

If both of the above methods did not help, you can try to disassemble the phone yourself and wipe the button with alcohol (something sticky could have gotten in that couldn’t be blown out with a hairdryer).

Another alternative solution is to replace the functions of the hardware button with a software button (a special widget will be displayed on the smartphone screen, activated in the phone settings in the section with special features).

However, the fingerprint scanner will still be unavailable, which deprives the phone of some important functionality. This solution can only be temporary (until you go to a service center or workshop).

One of the weak points of Meizu smartphones is the fingerprint scanner (mTouch). Some owners complain that this button does not perform its functions immediately after purchasing a mobile device. For others, it fails after a certain time. If the phone is under warranty service, then the problem of a non-working mTouch can be solved by returning the device to a service center. If there is no warranty, you can try to fix the defect yourself. Let's look at what to do if the fingerprint does not work on the Meizu M3 Note, M3 mini or another gadget from this manufacturer.

Possible reasons for the failure of the mTouch key on Meizu

In all Meizu smartphones, the fingerprint scanner is built into the proprietary mTouch touch-mechanical button, which has three functions:

If the fingerprint button and the “Back” function do not work on Meizu M3S, the reason may lie in the following:

  • mechanical failure of the key;
  • penetration of moisture under the mobile phone body;
  • software malfunction.

Mechanical malfunctions of mTouch on Meizu

If all three functions on your device (Back, Home and Scanner) stop working at the same time, most likely the mTouch button has simply failed. A similar problem may appear after a strong impact, fall or wetness of the phone. However, sometimes a malfunction occurs without any apparent reason.

If the warranty period for Meizu M3 has not yet expired, it is better to take it to a service center. Otherwise, you can change the broken key yourself:

If the cause of the malfunction is moisture on the phone, after disassembling, carefully inspect the key contacts. If there is oxidation, clean them with alcohol and a soft cloth.

Troubleshooting Meizu software problems

If the fingerprint scanner and the “Back” function suddenly stop working on your Meizu M3 Mini, you shouldn’t discount a software malfunction. On Android devices, such malfunctions happen quite often. To eliminate them, you will need to reset all settings on your mobile phone to factory settings.

To perform a hard reset you need to:

After a complete cleaning and reboot, the mTouch button should return all functionality.

The hard reset procedure deletes not only all settings from the phone, but also user files located on the gadget’s internal memory. Therefore, before activating it, save important information to an external drive or computer.

If you bought Meizu on AliExpress or another Chinese platform and the fingerprint scanner does not work on it from the first days of use, most likely, the smartphone was originally developed for the Asian market and it has local firmware or, at best, a Russianized image of the global one. To check the firmware, you need to go to the About phone section and see what is written in the Flyme version line. If the last letter is A, U or C, then it is a Chinese firmware. The global version ends with G or I.

To fix the problem, you will need to install global firmware by changing the ID. This is done as follows:

  1. Link your mobile phone to your Flyme account. This is done in the “Accounts” section.
  2. In the “Personal Settings” tab, unlock root access.
  3. Install the program for managing Superuser rights SuperSU and the Terminal Emulation terminal on your device.
  4. Load the script into the root of the internal memory. It is he who changes the old ID to a new one.
  5. Also download the latest version of global firmware for your Meizu model. The file should be called
  6. Launch Terminal Emulation and enter two commands in it via Enter: “su” and “sh/storage/emulated/0/”.
  7. After successful ID change

The button does not work in Meizu M3s - what to do?

The Meizu M3s smartphone has become widespread among fans of modern gadgets and mobile phones. However, some time after the start of sales, many owners began to encounter the problem of a mechanical Home button with a built-in mTouch fingerprint scanner not working. Thus, the functions “Back”, “Home” and unlocking the screen with a fingerprint have become unavailable.

In this article we will talk about the causes and ways to solve this problem. And if you urgently need to fix your smartphone, or any other device, we recommend contacting the service center

So, there may be several reasons why a mechanical key in Meizu M3s may fail. The most common of them are the following:

Incorrect firmware installed;

Penetration of moisture into the smartphone;

Factory defect or mechanical damage.

The first case is an incorrect firmware version, which is usually found on Meizu M3s smartphones imported from China without certification. Such devices are usually purchased from Chinese online stores - Aliexpress, TaoBao, etc. Smartphones have the Asian version of firmware installed, while the official Global firmware is needed.

Solving this problem is very simple - you need to install the Chinese version of Flyme and clear all data. Next, check the button for functionality. If the problem is solved and the mechanical key is working, you need to switch to the international Global firmware by changing the ID.

The next problem is associated with water, moisture or condensation getting inside the device, followed by oxidation of the mechanical key (possibly other parts of the phone), which is why the button subsequently refuses to work.

In this case, disassembling the smartphone and cleaning the button from the formed oxides can help. However, if you are not “strong” in disassembling mobile phones, it is better to contact a specialized service center (one of which we recommended above).

It’s very good if the Meizu M3s smartphone is still under warranty. In this case, it is better to contact a certified service center, where they will diagnose and replace the key free of charge. However, users of Meizu M3s phones focus on the fact that the problem begins to appear 1 year after purchase, which means the warranty expires in this case.

Please note that if you decide to carry out the repair yourself, you will need a new mechanical key. You can purchase it either in online stores of service centers (by the way, in"M-Service" such a button is available), or purchase directly from China through Aliexpress . When purchasing from China, pay attention to what kind of key you are purchasing. There are two versions "VF SF" and "VGS". In the first version of the button, according to customer reviews, the defect may appear after some time, but the VGS version does not have such a problem.

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