The reason is not revealed. Problems with DNS servers. TCP IP Settings

What to do if the VKontakte (contact) website does not work (does not open)? There are several ways to solve this problem. The choice of the most suitable one depends on the cause of the problem with logging into this social network.

The most common reason for the inability to log into Contact is a virus entering the computer and settings failure, causing the problem login to this site. However, first of all, you should check your Internet connection and see if other websites are loading.

Why Contact doesn't work - probable reasons

Any user of a social network, sooner or later, may encounter the fact that my contact page does not open. There can be many reasons for this, some can be resolved quickly, in other cases it will take some time and more advanced computer knowledge.
Except random technical problems, there may also be deliberate actions third party programs or scripts launched on accidentally opened Internet sites. Such programs contribute system changes to important areas of the computer responsible for connecting network pages to the system.

Let's try to figure out step by step why the contact is not working:

1 . Internet connection problems

  1. If your computer cannot access the VKontakte website, you should check the status of the Internet connection and make sure that the network is accessible, opening any other sites. Having determined that the connection has been established, and the traffic used ensures the loading of Internet pages, and my VKontakte website page is not working, we will consider the following probable reasons.
  2. It also happens that problems are related to the router itself. To eliminate this possibility, you need to turn off your router for more than 3 minutes. — the modem’s temporary parameters will be reset and the IP address will be changed (very often providers distribute dynamic ip address- depending on the moment of connection). It is also recommended to restart your computer.

2. The problem is in the browser itself

There are very common cases when the contact page (VK) does not open due to a browser failure.

  • From simple cases a corrupted copy of the site template (cache) may be saved, and upon further opening, distorted page details are loaded from temporary files. You can solve this problem by simultaneously pressing the buttons " Ctrl+F5“, after this the page cache will be completely updated.
  • You can also open my Contact page in another browser(if there is no other browser on your computer, you can download it from the link on the page)
  • In frequent cases it helps cleaning your computer from debris special programs, while clearing temporary files and fragments of previous activity of operating system programs are deleted. One of the most popular programs for cleaning is CCleaner - download link and brief instructions in the article.

3. Antivirus scan

Another way to solve the problem with Contact not working is to scan your computer for harmful viruses. Should do full check system, while allowing the deletion of infected files found by the antivirus program.

  • In addition to the standard antivirus, we recommend checking with a special healing utility. These utilities work precisely in this direction and today have large base viruses that make malicious changes to system files designed to connect the computer to websites. Their installation has temporary in nature, downloaded unpacked in case of inspection. While standard antiviruses, can detect nothing.
  • If you don't have an antivirus installed on your computer, be sure to install it. You can use free versions Kaspersky, Panda, AVAST, Avira, AVG or free antivirus Microsoft, download links on the page.

4 . Redirect to another IP address

  • Frequently occurring cases of problems with popular social networks are deliberate malicious changes to the site’s IP address and redirections to another. You can find out by typing, for example, in the browser instead of address or by entering it IP address(you can find out the IP address on the Internet, for example on 2ip - see in the picture below). Perhaps the phishing program has set a trap for only one specific method of entering the name of a website.

  • Enter the received address in address bar browser and press enter
  • If as a result the VKontakte page will open, this means the virus has made changes to the system files of the computer and redirects to another ip address.
  • In the case when the VKontakte site still does not open, the existing redirection, unfortunately, cannot be determined for sure either, since viral changes can redirect all transitions, since every day the creators of such viral schemes improve their skills. We need to understand further.

Such changes can redirect duplicates of the social network site to pages that are outwardly indistinguishable from the original, and the user may not immediately determine this, follow the suggested instructions for restoring the page (this is the most likely), or simply re-enter his data (login and password). As a result, you can lose money on your phone account or your own account, or maybe all together. IN currently, unfortunately, protection from such fraudulent activities full protection Doesn't even provide an antivirus.

5. VKontakte does not open due to changes made to the Hosts file

If you cannot log in to specific page on the Internet and especially on a social network, the ban on entry is most likely contained in the hosts file located on your computer. You can find this file to check whether the problems with VKontakte not working are related to it by going to: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc in the OS (for windows xp, 7, 8, 10).

  • Open the above file using Notepad (in our case, the default notepad is Notepad):

  • The information that appears will allow you to determine why Contact or other sites do not open:

Here is standard page, which does not prohibit access to any sites. If below you see the address of a site that you cannot access or the IP of this site, this means that your problem is related to the hosts file, which contains a list of corresponding IP addresses and domain names. If an incorrect IP address - domain pair is entered, then there will be a problem with logging into the VKontakte website. By typing the address, you are taken not to this site, but to another one - empty or fake.


  • You can get rid of the above problem by deleting all unnecessary references in this file, as shown in the example of the changes made. Ideally, this file should look like the picture we provided (in the previous one).
  • The situation with this file can be even more complicated if the virus created a fake hosts file and registered the system path to it. IN in this case attempts to view and clean the file by specified address will lead to nothing, since it is not active. To solve this case, read more in the article.
  • If you cannot save this file after making the changes, then read the article.

6. Automatic recovery of system and file entries

If you are afraid to make any changes to the system files, you can try to restore the system to the moment when you were able to access the site you need without problems. To do this you must enter the menu " Start» -> « Control Panel" and select " Recovery»:

  • Next, you should select the option to restore your computer without deleting files from it.
  • By following all the steps described above, you will most likely get rid of the problem with a not working Contact.

7. DNS connection internet connection

Install Internet DNS default connections, then check with technical support whether the installed DNS matches those used by your provider. When implemented in Virus DNS the computer stops accessing certain places and as a result the website (VK) does not work. After restoring it, the problem disappears.

8 . Reinstalling the operating system

If none of the above manipulations helped you solve the problem of logging into Contact, try reinstalling your operating system. You can do this from the version built into your PC, from the Internet or from a disk. But please note that this method is cardinal, so it should be used as a last resort.

Blocking by the administration at work or study

Don't be surprised if a social network doesn't open from your work or educational computer. It is most likely impossible to log into the social network due to the fact that the entrance was blocked by the system administrator, who can only be deceived by using anonymizer sites (in the article). Preventing employees from getting distracted while working is a challenge system administrator, for which he is paid money.

The account was blocked by site administrators

Other reasons why my VKontakte page does not open:

  • The page is blocked in order to prevent it from being hacked and to continue using the service you need to follow all the instructions provided and thus solve the problem that has arisen. To restore access to your page, you must click “Recover Password” and then follow the instructions provided. Don't worry if you forgot yours Secret Question, it is not needed on the VKontakte network.
  • Problems have arisen on the social network server, for example, engineering works, such cases happen and users think that it’s their problem.
  • If you can't log into a social network, try doing it through someone else's computer. Once logged into your account, change your password.
  • Solve any problems that arise only yourself or by contacting

Today, cases of users turning to computer repair companies have become more frequent, and the reason is the fact that with a working Internet and various messengers, the browser refuses to open pages.

The problem can be formulated in different ways, but the meaning remains the same: after launching the browser and trying to open the page, after a long wait a message appears that the browser could not display the page. At the same time, everything else that uses the Internet works without problems. Resources respond perfectly.

It happens that Internet resources can be very difficult to open on one browser, but all others cannot do this. But there is a way out of this situation; the main thing is to follow certain instructions.

Fixing the problem

On the global network you can find many assumptions that such problems can be caused by errors in hosts files, problems with DNS server addresses or proxy settings in the browser. But in this case, this is not always the real cause of the problem.

Registry problems

Initially, you need to work with the registry. To get into it, you need to click on Win + R and enter regedit in the line that appears. Then click OK. This will open the registry window. Here you need to enter HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\.

On the left side of the window the parameters and values ​​will be displayed in a list. It's worth noting that the AppInit_DLLs parameter must be filled in. As a rule, it specifies the path to the library.dll. It is recommended to delete it by right-clicking on it and clicking “Change value”.

Then you need to look for the same entries in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER section. In this folder you need to perform the same actions. Next, you need to restart your PC and try to launch the site in some web browser. For the most part, this problem is solved in this way.

Malicious utilities

Also, pages may not open due to the activity of various malicious or unwanted applications. It is important to remember that such malware is not always detected. antivirus programs, so users are not even aware of their existence.

There are many ways to combat such malware. specialized programs However, not all of them are able to effectively solve this problem. The most effective of them is considered Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, which in this case will come in handy. After the removal procedure, you must restart your computer.

Static routes

You can also check static routes to resolve the issue of pages not opening. To do this, you need to launch the command line and enter route-f in it and press Enter. These steps can clear the list static routes, which may help get rid of this problem.

If you previously configured routing to provide access to Internet provider sites or for any other purposes, then you will have to repeat this process. Often this is not necessary.

Checking the hosts file

As a rule, when pages refuse to open in web browsers, this method is not always effective, but it is still worth trying. It is often used for problems with social network pages. In this case, you should visit the directory C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and open the hosts file in it. Here you need to pay attention to the bottom entry localhost.

If there are any lines below it with inscriptions that are not clear why they are needed, you can safely delete them. After this, you need to restart your PC and try to open a site in a web browser.

DNS problems

If, when trying to launch a resource, your web browser displays a message that the DNS server is not responding or has crashed, this is most likely the reason. In this case, you need to follow several steps. In this case, after each one you should try to open the site.

Just go to the “Properties” of the Internet connection and replace “receive DNS addresses-servers in automatic mode» to addresses 8. 8. 8. 8 and 8. 8. 4. 4. After this, you should run the command line and enter ipconfig /flushdns.

Malware and third-party proxies

This is another type of problem that occurs quite often. It means that the malicious program has made some changes to the properties of the computer’s Internet Explorer, and antivirus software is not always able to help.

In this case, you need to enter the “Control Panel”, and then “Internet Options”. Here you should open the “Connections” section and click on the “Network Settings” button. Here you need to make sure that there are no proxy servers. The scenario of changing network parameters in automatic mode is also unacceptable. If something similar is present, it is necessary to bring everything into proper form.

Reconfiguring TCP IP

If all of the above options did not bring the desired result, then you need to use this option, which involves resetting the TCP IP parameters of the operating system. In this case, you should run the command line as an administrator and enter the following commands in a row: netsh winsock reset and netsh int ip reset. After this, you need to restart the PC.

Typically, one of these options will help resolve the issue. If nothing happens and the problem remains, then you need to remember that software has been installed in recent days. This could be the reason for the failure of the Internet settings on the PC. In addition, it is worth scanning your computer good antivirus. If these manipulations do not bring the desired result, then you need to use the services of a repair specialist.

In addition, you can surf the forums, since there are many people with similar problems, maybe one of them has found the cause of this problem and ways to solve it.

When visiting Internet pages, you sometimes have to deal with situations where some sites do not open in the browser on Windows xp, 7, 8, 10. Most of these sites include popular social internet resources in all popular browsers, such as Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Yandex browser, etc.

This happens for several reasons, and one of the most common is the action virus programs or simply malicious commands that make unwanted changes to important areas of the operating system. As a result malicious actions the site does not open in the browser or is replaced by a resource that looks similar to the original one.

The main problem with such cases is that common antivirus programs may not recognize such viruses. For such cases, special utilities are created, for example, which is intended for one-time use to detect and remove malicious codes of this nature and do not require installation on the computer.

(pages) in the browser

The most common reasons why websites or some pages do not open in browsers Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Yandex browser This:

  • Changes made to system file"Hosts".
  • Problems in the registry (action of viruses).
  • The site is blocked by the antivirus.
  • Incorrect TCP/IP Internet protocol settings.
  • Changes to the browser proxy server (connecting a specific browser to the Internet).

Hosts file changes

This can happen, for example, as a result of visiting Internet pages, during which some files are temporarily stored on the computer, used to save data from sites to speed up their next opening, as well as simply for the convenience of later searching from the history. Together with the necessary files, some dishonest sites save and run malicious commands that can cause Big changes in files (including Hosts) responsible for connecting the computer to the site (with its IP address).

Most often, under this threat viral changes affect popular social sites such as Odnoklassniki (in the article) and VKontakte (in the article), and popular ones may also be blocked search engines Google and Yandex.

  • The Hosts file is located in the folder C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc- You can open it yourself using a notepad. It looks like this.

  • This picture shows the data of the specified file, where the virus made changes to the IP addresses of Internet sites, resulting in the listed sites not opening in the browser.
  • This is what the file should look like hosts without any changes made, by third-party virus programs.

Accordingly, if you open this file come across recordings of this kind, after recording Localhost(or # ::1 localhost) you can safely delete them. Then restart your computer and try again to access the site that did not open.

Registry problems

  • We go into the operating system registry by pressing the keys “ Win+R"(for windows xp, 7, 8, 10) and in the window that opens Execute enter the command “ regedit" and click " OK" (or input).
  • And we follow sequentially in sections HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ->SOFTWARE ->Microsoft ->Windows NT ->CurrentVersion ->Windows. Here you need to pay attention to the contents of the parameter “ AppInit_DLLs“, shown to the right (in the third column “Value”) - its value should be empty.

  • If there are any entries there, they must be deleted (remembering the recorded location path) by clicking right click on this parameter and selecting " Change". If the folder location path was indicated there, then you need to open it and delete the specified file.

Presence of a virus

Currently, there are more and more viruses that specialize in infecting browser pages, substituting or inserting advertisements in the browser. Most often, such smart viruses are disguised as browser add-ons or extensions, or the action of the shortcut is changed to launch another file (in properties), etc. and antiviruses cannot recognize harmful actions in them, but only notice how ad virus on open page site and may even block it.

  • In this case, we recommend that you check your computer special utilities(details in the article).
  • Social networks and other popular resources primarily fall under their influence, since due to their popularity they are developed for them.

The site does not open due to the TCP/IP protocol being damaged by a virus

Another common reason why sites may not open. Since as a result of the action malware, important areas of the computer responsible for correct connection with the Internet.

Fixing TCP/IP protocol settings is not that difficult. For this:

  • Open " Start", we find " Execute"(you can use the search) or simply press the key combination " Win+R«.

  • In the window that opens, enter the command “ CMD" and click " OK«.
  • Enter the command “ route-f" and press " again Enter«.
  • Now you need to enter " netsh winsock reset " and then press " OK«.

After completing these steps, you need to restart your computer and after that you can try to check whether the site opens or not.

Infidels proxy server settings browser

These settings are at risk of being damaged by viruses. This is used by the creators of these virus programs to change the browser connection data to the Internet and, as a result, replace the resource pages that open.

Let's look at setting up a proxy server using an example Chrome browser(in other browsers the principle is similar, you just need to look in the settings):

  • Go to the browser menu and click settings “ Settings«.

  • Find below " Show advanced settings«.

  • Next, below there will be a tab “ Change proxy settings"Click on it.

  • After that, click on “ Network configuration«

  • Here the checkbox should be set to " Automatic parameter detection". If other parameters are set and the checkbox " Use a proxy server for..."(below), remove this checkbox and put automatic detection and click " OK«

If your computer ran harmful viruses and the browser has been damaged, then be sure to check your computer not only installed antivirus but with special utilities (for example, free ones created as additional remedy virus cleaning), since the cause may not yet be resolved.

On this page I will try to collect all the solutions known to me for the problem when pages in the browser do not load completely. Sites do not open completely. For example, some images or scripts on sites do not load. Pages in the browser are displayed crookedly, or only part of the site loads. And some sites don't open at all. Or they open, but not the first time, but the second or third time. We will look at solutions for Windows 10, 8, 7. Simply put, for computers. If you encounter this problem on mobile device, then most likely the reason is in the router (if you are connected through it). I will write more about this in the article. This is roughly what it all looks like.

I myself have encountered a problem several times when my browser did not open sites completely. For example, pictures were uploaded to VKontakte. In Odnoklassniki and others in social networks this also happens. I don’t remember exactly, but my solution was simple: clear the cache, restart the browser. There are also more serious reasons. For example, incorrect value MTU. This parameter can be changed in the router settings, or in Windows itself.

The most common reasons:

  1. Browser glitch. As a rule, restarting the browser, restarting the computer, or clearing the browser cache helps.
  2. Problem with browser add-ons. Sometimes, some add-ons installed in the browser prevent the page from loading completely. Most often, add-ons that block advertising on websites are to blame for this.
  3. Incorrect MTU value. We will not understand what this is and how it affects the loading of sites, but very often because of it, sites either do not load at all or do not load completely. As I wrote above, MTU can be changed in the router settings (if the Internet is connected directly, then Windows settings) . Usually the value there is 1500. After setting 1460, everything starts to open normally. But there is no guarantee that in your case the problem is with the MTU.
  4. Viruses and malware. I am sure that some viruses can prevent browsers from displaying pages normally.

I would like to note that such problems with “crooked” display of sites can be observed in all browsers: Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Yandex Browser, Microsoft Edge and even Internet Explorer. Which, even without any problems, can load sites incompletely or crookedly :)

Sites do not open completely: the first solution and search for the reason

To begin with, I recommend close the browser and restart the computer, or laptop. Perhaps everything will work great. If your Internet connection is via a router or modem, you can also reboot it. It definitely won't hurt.

Since nowadays a router is almost always installed, and all devices connect to the Internet through it, check how sites open on other devices. You can even check on Android, or iOS smartphones and tablets. But it’s better, of course, on a computer. If possible, connect your computer to another Internet. For example, to another Wi-Fi networks, which you can even distribute from your phone.

Check how everything works through another browser. Even standard. Remember, maybe you installed some add-ons or programs before this.

This way we can understand the cause of our problem and where to move next. You can describe the results of these checks and reflections in the comments. I will try to help.

Clearing the browser cache

This is one of the first solutions to try when you see this kind problems. I am planning a separate article on this topic, but here I will briefly show how to clear the cache in the most popular browsers.

If you have some other browser, then I think that you can easily find the cache clearing function in the settings. Or ask in the comments.

Checking browser add-ons installed

If clearing the cache did not help, and the page in the browser still does not open completely, then I recommend checking installed add-ons and temporarily disable them (if they exist).

You can also do this in the browser settings, somewhere in the “Extensions”, “Add-ons” section. For example, in the Opera browser:

Disable all installed extensions for a while.

If you don’t know where these settings are located in your browser, then look at the article. In it I showed how to manage extensions in popular browsers.

Also look at what programs you have installed and running on your computer. Maybe you'll find something suspicious.

MTU and problems with incomplete loading of sites

I already talked about this parameter above in the article. As a rule, it is changed in the router settings. Very often due to incorrect MTU values There are problems with displaying pages when connecting to the Internet via 3G/4G modems. When the modem is connected to the router. But also with cable connection This happens.

You can change the MTU in the router settings, in the section with Internet connection settings: “WAN”, “Internet”.

I'll show you how to change MTU on some routers.

In the WAN section there is an item "MTU Size". By default there is 1500. You can register 1460, or even 1400.

If you have PPPoE, then you need to click on the "Advanced" button and change the value there.

Save the settings and reboot the router.

In the "Internet" section. "MTU" field.

I can't show in detail how to do this on routers different manufacturers. Therefore, if you don’t find these settings, write in the comments.

Virus checking and more...

If all else fails, then it would be a good idea to check your computer for viruses. You can run a scan in your antivirus (if installed), or check the system of one of the free antivirus utilities. For example, Dr.Web CureIt!.

If, when connecting to another Internet (Wi-Fi network), sites load the first time and completely, then it makes sense to call the provider’s support and explain the problem. Maybe they have some kind of problem.

You can also try on Google Public DNS.

I told everything I know about this topic on this moment. If it will be new information I'll definitely add it. You can also share your observations and advice. Best wishes!