Is it possible to change the motherboard on an iPhone? It works - don't touch it! Self-replacement of the motherboard in iPhone

Most expensive component Apple smartphones- this is the system board. For iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S, the new board will cost from 13 to 24 thousand rubles. You can save money if you purchase a component that has already been used - taken out of a phone that was sent for disassembly.

How much does a new motherboard cost?

The cost of a new motherboard for iPhone 5 and 5S smartphones depends on several factors. First of all, of course, the price depends on the generation of the device and the amount of installed permanent memory. In the case of 5 and 5S, prices are approximately as follows:

  • The motherboard for iPhone 5 with 16 gigabytes starts from 13 thousand and ends 18 thousand rubles.
  • For the fifth iPhone with 32 gigabytes of ROM - from 16 to 20 thousand.
  • For more modern model– 5S, but with a minimum amount of ROM, the motherboard costs 20-22 thousand rubles.
  • 5S with 32 gigabytes – 20-24 thousand.

It should be noted that the prices indicated in the list are applicable for motherboards of phones that are certified in the Russian Federation. Some companies order components from abroad, and they do not always have the required certificate. They are usually cheaper, but problems can arise with them. For example, after replacing the board, the device may stop working with SIM cards Russian operators. An unlocking will be required, and this will cost additional money.

The second thing the cost depends on is greed of component suppliers and sellers. Some may set an inflated price tag for products, especially if they do not have serious competitors.

Cost of a used motherboard for iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S

Of course the price is new component for fifth generation iPhones – quite high. However, fortunately, you can still save on repairs. So, for example, there is an option to install a motherboard that was previously in another smartphone.

For iPhone 5, price of boards at electronic boards advertisements start from 8 thousand rubles. This is much less than the cost of a new component. On the iPhone 5S, even for the version with 32 gigabytes of memory, you can purchase a motherboard for 10-12 thousand.

In large cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg you can find even more profitable offer. Up to 5-6 thousand rubles. Why so cheap? It's simple! For example, a person broke the screen and does not want to bother with repairs. Due to the fact that the device does not look quite appropriate, it is sold for almost nothing.

Why is the motherboard so expensive?

A motherboard for an iPhone is not a motherboard for a computer. Here are all the components (processor, RAM, permanent memory, various modules and sensors) are soldered. They are not officially shipped separately.

System board repair

If you want to save money, then instead of replacing the system board, you can use services for its repair. In 70-80% of cases, a malfunction in the device can be eliminated without replacing the entire board.

The cost of repairs varies depending on the type of repairs needed, as well as the firm's business strategy. However, on average, troubleshooting system board costs the amount from 1 to 5 thousand rubles. This is much less than the cost motherboard for iPhone or iPhone 5S, even one that was removed from an old phone. Therefore, before you buy new board, it is strongly recommended to consult and find out: it may be possible to restore the functionality of the smartphone by replacing any one component.

In the case of iPhone smartphone 5s motherboard repair is not always economically justified. Most often, replace it new board much easier, faster and more profitable than trying to repair it. But only a master with extensive experience can decide what is best to do. Only he can make a “diagnosis” of damage beyond repair.

Replacement of mother iPhone boards 5s is usually done if the device does not turn on (as is often said, “does not show any signs of life”), and also if there has been:

  • serious mechanical damage;
  • moisture entered the housing, causing corrosion processes to begin.

It is quite easy to understand that something is wrong with the board. Irregularities in its operation will be indicated by frequent, causeless reboots of the device, fast discharge, incorrect display of battery charge data, no sound and no phone IMEI.

If there is any problem with motherboard, then you don’t need to try to solve it yourself. The actions of an inexperienced phone owner can lead to even more serious damage to the device, which no technician can fix. It is better to immediately seek help from specialists who have extensive experience in iPhone repair. After conducting diagnostics, they will be able to determine the cause of the motherboard failure and make a decision regarding its repair or replacement.

Introduce youreself:

Your device: (brand and model)

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Your question:

Enter the numbers in the picture and click “Submit”:

Short circuit diagnostics, board repair

Hello Maya. Bring it to us for inspection, the cost of repair depends on what exactly is in the short circuit.

Replacing the motherboard

Good afternoon, Victor. approximate cost replacement of the motherboard - 6000.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

Hello, I want to know the cost of replacing the board

Good afternoon, Mikhail. Replacement board for iPhone 5s from 5000.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

How much does it cost to replace the motherboard and the motherboard itself?

Good day, Smirnov Alexey Nikolaevich. Replacing the board costs from 4500 (if without a fingerprint scanner) and higher, depending on the amount of memory.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

Good evening, what will be your price for a new fingerprint board for iPhone 5s?

Good afternoon, Maxim. Replacing the board costs 4800.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

After the phone got wet, the repair center said that the motherboard needed to be replaced. How much?

Good afternoon, Zhanna. Replacing the board costs 3-4 thousand.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

I changed the lock button, touched and damaged the motherboard contacts when disassembling the phone. As a result, the right edge of the touchscreen does not work. How much will the repair cost?

Hello Arthur. Approximate cost 1300-1500.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

How much will it cost to replace the motherboard (if there is a donor phone, where will the motherboard from the scratched (dead) copy be installed).

Good afternoon, Victor. Moving boards from one device to another costs 1000.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

Recently I sat on the phone with a heavy bag and a small dent appeared on the phone. But after that the sound stopped working and does not see the SIM card. They say the motherboard needs to be replaced.

Good afternoon, Maria. Yes, most likely you will have to change the entire board.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

When you turn on the phone, the apple lights up and nothing else happens.
I want to know if this can be fixed and how much it will cost

Good afternoon, Egor. This can be either hardware or software problem. Our diagnostics are free, bring your smartphone and we’ll figure out what the problem is.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

How much will it cost:
Repair of elements responsible for the sensor (tried to change the screen, did not help, the problem is with the board)
Transfer new memory from 16 to 32

Good afternoon, Vladislav. Repairing the sensor costs about 2000.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

Cost of replacing the motherboard for iPhone 5s.

Good day, Valeria. Replacing the board costs about 5-6 thousand, depending on the amount of memory.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

The power of the iPhone 5S is confirmed by the amount of built-in memory placed inside these devices. New line iPhones came out with built-in memory of 8, 16, 32 and 64 Gb. Standalone memory cards for phones are a thing of the past. This a large number of memory contained in such small device, requires good performance of the motherboard.

Reasons for motherboard failure

You only have to take the extreme measure of replacing the motherboard if there are serious breakdowns in the circuits and chips. This leads to the fact that the phone simply stops working as a whole, or one device after another fails in parts.

  • Careless handling of the phone, as a result - its fall, impact and other damage;
  • If any moisture gets inside, onto the motherboard, the gradual formation of corrosion;
  • Due to prolonged use of the smartphone;
  • Manufacturing defects.

To determine the type and characteristics of the breakdown, our specialists as soon as possible They will conduct a free diagnosis of your iPhone. Based on the diagnostic results, the cause and source of the malfunction will become clear.

Clear signs of a broken iPhone 5S motherboard

  • The iPhone was damaged as a result of a fall or impact, does not respond to the power-on command, does not respond to your actions;
  • If it comes into contact with water, your iPhone may malfunction.

Hidden signs of a broken iPhone 5S motherboard

  • From the outside, the phone looks the same as before, even after a fall, but there are malfunctions;
  • Other devices fail - headphone jack, Home button, screen.

To determine the type of failure, diagnostics are first necessary. If the board fails, replace other spare parts. parts will not help; rather, it will only complicate further repairs.

Need a replacement iPhone 5S motherboard? Contact us!

Exist objective reasons contact the service, for example, to save your time. You just have to imagine how many hours you will spend on microscopic work, and the choice will be obvious.

  • High-class professional craftsmen;
  • Conveniently located offices;
  • Repairs will happen quickly and inexpensively;
  • A warranty is provided for repairs.

It is not recommended to change the motherboard of the iPhone 5S yourself. The system (motherboard) is a collection of many tiny chips, each of which is responsible for the operation of other devices. It is very difficult to replace them.

In service this type the work is performed using specialized equipment and reduces the risk of additional damage to a minimum. Whereas at home they are very likely.

In order not to spend a lot in the future, it is better to immediately contact the service and fix the problem, receiving a guarantee. We are waiting for you in our comfortable offices!

A huge number of signs can indicate that there are problems with the board:

  • ● the device does not turn on;
  • ● permanent independent reboots;
  • ● problems in the operation of any element of the phone from charging to the screen.

Most often, replacing the motherboard on iPhone 6 | 6S occurs due to:

Replacing the motherboard on iPhone 10

When the device falls or hits, the processor itself may be damaged if the impact is quite strong, or an element may become detached, which indirectly damages the board. iPhone 7 motherboard replacement | 7 Plus for this reason may affect both old and new models. To reduce the likelihood of processor failure due to this reason, it is recommended to use shockproof cases.

Even a small amount of moisture when using the phone in damp weather can reach the board and damage it, not to mention cases of drowning of the devices. If water is the cause of the breakdown, simply replacing the iPhone 5S motherboard may not save you, and a comprehensive repair or repair will be required.

Avoid using the phone in wet weather and snow, in bathrooms, in the kitchen, near swimming pools and bodies of water. This will reduce the chance of water damage to your unit.

Processor wear, as a cause of its breakdown, is typical for older iPhone models of generation 5 and below. Replacing the motherboard of iPhone 6s and higher is not yet relevant for this reason.

In modern ultra-thin phones, many elements are microscopic and fit tightly together, therefore, if the technician does not have sufficient skills and necessary equipment, it is very easy to damage the processor. Replacing the motherboard of iPhone 6 and 6s as a result of poorly performed earlier repairs is now quite common.

Most often, replacing the iPhone 7 motherboard occurs due to a strong fall or flooding with water. Since the model is quite new, mechanical wear is not yet relevant for it. However, iPhone 7 board replacement due to manufacturing defects, although extremely rare, still occurs among all cases of contacting service centers.

We carry out the entire complex repair work on iPhone filled with water and liquids. We carry out complex repairs including replacing chips, discrete elements, power circuits, and restoring conductive paths.

The procedure for performing repair work on an iPhone filled with liquid:

  • We diagnose a flooded iPhone. Diagnostics are carried out within 24 hours. So long term is determined by identifying all faulty components, as well as assessing the nature of the damage.
  • We contact the client and fully describe the necessary repair work. After diagnostics, managers contact the client in a way convenient for the client: telephone, e-mail, provide the entire fault map, and also name the exact amount of repairs.
  • Repairing a flooded iPhone. Repair work on iPhones filled with liquid is usually carried out within 1 to 4 working days. After the repair, the iPhone is tested for 12 hours; if the testing does not reveal any faults, the iPhone is sent back for delivery.
  • Payment for repair work. Payment is made after verification iPhone client. You can pay as follows: by bank card, in cash and by bank transfer.

The most common types of damage to flooded iPhones

  • Filled iPhone by water. Most common when using iPhone in the rain or in countries with a humid climate. Moisture gets inside the device, which leads to a short circuit; as a result of the short circuit, discrete elements, controllers, and power circuits on the motherboard fail.
  • I filled the iPhone with liquid (alcoholic drinks). Malfunctions in in this case the same as in the case of flooding with water.
  • iPhone is filled with viscous liquid. It occurs less frequently; viscous liquids are usually very difficult to clean; contact with a microphone, auditory speakers, or polyphonic speakers with viscous liquid leads to failure of these components. If a viscous liquid gets in, failure of the iPhone motherboard is less common.

A little about how we repair a flooded iPhone

After iPhone arrives technical department specialist, specialist produces complete cleaning iPhone from liquids and moisture in an ultrasonic chamber. After the ultrasonic chamber, all components of the iPhone are completely dried. After the iPhone has dried, motherboard faults are identified on a hardware bench. After identifying a malfunction, the specialist does full map faults and transmits information to managers. After confirming the customer's repair, the specialist begins repair work. Repairs are carried out at a highly qualified level using original components, as well as professional equipment with factory soldering quality. After the iPhone motherboard repair is completed, full testing, if malfunctions are identified during the testing process, the specialist eliminates them. After passing the quality control department, the specialist places the iPhone for delivery.


20.12.2016, 23:26

Answer: Good morning, Alexander. After liquid gets into the iPhone, the first thing you need to do is turn off the power to the device and remove any remaining liquid to avoid the formation of oxides on the system board and connectors. By visible work diagnostics of the device is necessary, since the range of the problem is quite wide, it’s like an error in the operation of the controllers, short circuit, damage to discrete elements, a malfunction in the circuit is also possible iphone power supply. Diagnostics are carried out free of charge, it will show whether intervention in the device is required or not, but in any case, no repair work is carried out without approval and agreement with you. According to experience, the cost of repairs is from 1000 rubles. Thank you for your request.

18.12.2016, 10:22

Answer: Good day, Elena. After moisture gets on the device, you must first turn off the power to the device and remove any remaining liquid to avoid the formation of oxides on the system board and connectors. For visible work, diagnostics of the device is necessary, since the range of the problem is quite wide: it can be either a short circuit or one of the controllers can be flooded, since the semiconductor elements that make up the iPhone 6s Plus are quite sensitive to moisture. Based on experience, chemical cleaning of the device will be required, in most cases it is sufficient. Cost 1800. Thank you for contacting.

Answer: Good morning, Dmitriy. After moisture has penetrated, you should first turn off the power to the device and remove the moisture before oxides form on the system board and connectors. The device heats up due to incorrect current distribution in iPhone system, on technical language short circuit. The system overheats and the device shuts down urgently. This threatens the loss of working capacity as a whole. In this case, chemical cleaning of the device is required, which is performed using specialized equipment, namely ultrasonic bath, in most cases it is enough. For visible work, it is necessary to diagnose the device, since it is important to determine in which component of the phone the problem occurs. this error. Diagnostics are performed free of charge. It will show whether intervention in the device is required or not. But in any case, no repair work is carried out without approval and agreement with you. Thank you for your request.

Answer: Good afternoon, Vadim. In this case, you should first turn off the device and disconnect the power until the liquid is eliminated, in order to avoid the formation of oxides on the system board and connectors. The device contains several speakers, these are polyphonic and voice, an error in this case is possible specifically in polyphonic, and errors can also be associated with problems in the audio codec chip. Visible work requires diagnostics of the device. Diagnostics are free, please contact us.

Answer: Good afternoon, Denis. The problem is in the modem node. If the modem chip itself fails, the device cannot be repaired; there are a lot of elements responsible for the operation of the modem: the modem power controller, discrete elements, conductive paths, accompanying microcircuits, or if the modem chip has physically moved away from the base of the board. In these cases, repairs can be made. In 98% of cases, our specialists can fix any problem. Come for a free hardware diagnostic, after which we will be able to clearly determine the reason for this behavior of your device and guide you possible options its restoration.

Answer: Hello. Approximately, the liquid could penetrate into the PCB layers of your device. It is necessary to diagnose your device as the range of variations of the problem may vary. Our service center has specialized hardware stands to solve this problem, please contact us, we will be happy to help you.

Answer: Good afternoon, Vladimir. In case of moisture penetration, comprehensive chemical cleaning of the device is necessary, since corrosion spreads extremely quickly. As a rule, cleaning helps eliminate the problem. In such cases, you must turn off your device to avoid a short circuit. Bring your device to our service center for cleaning.

Answer: Good afternoon Olesya. Remotely, it is difficult to understand exactly what the problem is. Come to our service center for a free diagnosis, let's see what's wrong with your device.

27.03.2016, 21:43

Answer: Good afternoon Maria. If it gets into the device, the board begins to oxidize; in your case, the touchscreen controllers or the display itself were most likely damaged. Come to our service center, we’ll conduct a free diagnosis and see what your problem is.

19.02.2016, 23:09

Answer: Good afternoon Irina. Replacing the motherboard is not practical; the cost is 70% of the device. In most cases, the board can be repaired, come for diagnostics and we’ll see what can be done. We will be happy to help you.

11.02.2016, 06:32

Answer: Good morning. After pouring it is necessary to carry out dry cleaning. Bring it in for free diagnostics, we will remove your drive and give it to you. We also remind you that Mac OS has disk encryption, in which the data in any case will not be available when diagnosing and repairing your MacBook Air. We cannot let you into the technical department; the technical department contains quite expensive equipment, customer devices, and components. Only financially responsible employees are allowed into the technical department; therefore, specialists do not perform diagnostics in front of the client.

Answer: Good day, Sergey. When moisture gets into the device, the board begins to oxidize; it is necessary to do dry cleaning. Come to our center, we will conduct a free diagnosis, and see what can be done.

04.01.2016, 23:51

Answer: Hello, the speaker will need to be either replaced or cleaned. Chemical cleaning of the device itself, since if moisture gets in, it remains inside, which causes corrosion and possible rotting of the board in the future. Bring it in for a free diagnosis, we will be able to more accurately guide you on this problem.

Answer: Hello. Unfortunately, it is not possible to predict the further state of the device after moisture has been introduced. We advise you to contact the service center. At a minimum, the device must be chemically cleaned to remove any remaining liquid to avoid a short circuit on the system board.

24.08.2015, 20:58

Answer: Hello. Most likely the problem is on the system board. Replace the system board only if the device is technically beyond repair. Bring your device and we will perform a free hardware diagnostic. We can tell you exactly what is faulty and determine the timing and cost of repairs. We carry out repairs of any complexity.

Answer: Hello, Anastasia! Fogged glass indicates residual liquid in the device, a burning chamber indicates a short circuit in the power circuits. IN similar situations You should immediately turn off the device and disconnect the battery. Next, remove any remaining liquid and corrosion from the motherboard by dry cleaning. Afterwards it is possible to determine probable problems in the device itself. Come, it will be possible to do this as part of the diagnostics.

21.08.2015, 15:35

Answer: Good afternoon, Marina! In this case, you can come to our service center to conduct a free hardware diagnostic, after which we will tell you exactly whether there is moisture inside or not. Come, we will be glad to help you!


15.08.2015, 01:08

Answer: Hello. Unfortunately, it is difficult to determine the extent of damage remotely. It is necessary to perform hardware diagnostics. Bring the device to our service center, diagnostics are absolutely free, within a period of 2 hours to 24 hours. After diagnostics, it will be clear whether restoration of functionality is possible. We repair motherboards of any category.

14.08.2015, 09:18

Answer: Hello. We advise you to contact the service center for free hardware diagnostics. It is necessary to disconnect the battery as soon as possible to prevent further rotting of the system board and the spread of corrosion. At a minimum, dry cleaning is necessary to remove any remaining liquid and remove any oxide that has formed. The problem may be in the display module or on the system board.


18.07.2015, 22:50

Answer: Good afternoon Restoring functionality is possible, if possible, the device will work without any “glitches”; if repair is impossible, then replacing the board seems irrational due to the cost of repair work and components.

13.07.2015, 10:49

Answer: Good day, Andrey! After the iPhone is flooded with water and liquids, as a rule, oxides of the elements begin, which leads to a complete release from building an iPhone. In this case, we recommend preventive cleaning and iPhone diagnostics for malfunctions.

06.07.2015, 10:36

Answer: Hello. This problem may be associated either with a malfunction of the display itself or with the failure of elements on the system board. Unfortunately, it is not possible to diagnose this malfunction remotely. We advise you to contact the service center for free hardware diagnostics.

Answer: Hello. The problem may be associated with a failure of the battery, a malfunction of the power controller, or discrete elements. Unfortunately, it is not possible to diagnose this malfunction remotely. After pouring, at a minimum, dry cleaning is necessary. We advise you to contact the service center for free hardware diagnostics.

Answer: Good afternoon, Yulia! Do not connect power and, if possible, do not turn it on. When you come to Moscow, hardware diagnostics are carried out free of charge.


27.04.2015, 09:10

Answer: Good morning, Elizabeth. Unfortunately, you don't have warranty case and there will be no repairs under warranty. In this case, I recommend carrying out free diagnostics and cleaning after flooding. Come and tell us what work is needed after free testing.

24.04.2015, 18:16

Answer: Hello! Most likely the problem is in the display module. However, if replacing the camera did not help and the device was flooded, then most likely there is a malfunction on the system board. We will be able to say more accurately after carrying out free hardware diagnostics.

21.04.2015, 15:49

Answer: Good afternoon, Adam! In this case, it is necessary to carry out hardware diagnostics of the device. The problem in this case may be battery or power supply elements on the system board. Come and let us tell you exactly what happened after testing the device for free.

Answer: Good morning, Olga! The reason may be discrete elements or loops. We will definitely be able to answer your question after performing a free hardware diagnostic.

Answer: Hello! If moisture gets in, at a minimum, dry cleaning is necessary to prevent corrosion. The earpiece may also need to be replaced. Dry cleaning 1500 rubles. Bring your device, we will perform free hardware diagnostics, identify faults and how to eliminate them.

30.01.2015, 18:53

Answer: Most likely faulty display module. Unfortunately, we will not be able to determine the problem remotely. Bring your device and we will perform a free hardware diagnostic.

24.01.2015, 08:29

Answer: Hello! As a result of the flood, corrosion and rotting of the board could begin. Short circuits on the system board and in the power supply circuits are also possible. Unfortunately, it is not possible to diagnose this malfunction remotely. Bring your device and we will perform a free hardware diagnostic. We will accurately identify the fault and determine the time and cost of repairs. At a minimum, your device must be chemically cleaned to remove any remaining liquid. It is advisable not to turn on your device.

14.01.2015, 18:33

Answer: Most likely the problem is in the power circuits, the power controller (failure), discrete elements. The chance of recovery is 70%, taking into account that the device will arrive at the service center in the next 2 days, then oxidation begins. Naturally, if the iPhone motherboard cannot be repaired, you will have to replace it.

14.01.2015, 08:47

Answer: Yes, you can sync your iPhone by connecting it to iTunes DFU mode. We can also offer you repairs for your iPhone, if it turns on, there is a high probability that the repair will be feasible.

Answer: The problem is a short circuit; after moisture enters, the power circuits and key components of the iPhone oxidize. If you do not clean it from moisture, the iPhone is more likely to fail.

Answer: Most likely the problem is in the power circuits, namely a short circuit. It is also possible that the power controller has failed. You can accurately identify the fault in our service center after conducting a free diagnosis of your iPhone.


21.12.2014, 17:46

Answer: Bring the device to our service center, we will carry out free diagnostics and identify the cause of the malfunction. After diagnostics, we will tell you exactly whether the device can be restored, and if so, the exact cost and time frame for repairs.

Answer: Most common problem after flooding liquid iPhone- oxidation of conductive paths and elements of the iPhone. When oxidized, the device begins to quickly discharge and fails. various components, as a result - complete failure of the motherboard and the impossibility of repair. It is not possible to say remotely what exactly went wrong in your case. Bring the device to the service center, we will carry out free hardware diagnostics and identify the fault.

14.12.2014, 14:01

Answer: The problem you described may be caused by the power controller, power circuits, or discrete elements. Unfortunately, it is not possible to determine the fault remotely. It is possible to accurately identify the cause of the malfunction in our service center after conducting a free diagnosis of your iPhone.

02.12.2014, 20:29

Answer: After salt water, without dry cleaning, all elements of the iPhone begin to rot. In your case the problem may be entirely different components motherboard. It is possible to accurately identify the fault in our service center after conducting a free diagnosis of your iPhone. After the diagnosis, you will know the exact cost and timing of repairs.

30.11.2014, 19:51

Answer: Most likely, after the iPhone was flooded, a short circuit occurred after the motherboard dried out. It is not possible to accurately identify the fault remotely. Bring the device to the service center, we will carry out free diagnostics, identify the fault and accurately estimate the cost of repair.

Answer: Most likely the problem is in the power circuits, or the touchscreen cable has come loose. You can accurately determine the cause of the malfunction in our service center after conducting a free diagnosis of your iPhone.

Answer: To estimate the cost of repairs, you need to bring your iPhone to a service center, we will carry out free diagnostics, identify faults and accurately estimate the time and cost of repairs.

09.10.2014, 18:00

Answer: Hello Olga. We restore flooded iPhones 80% of the time. Rice is an epic fail that is common on the Internet and does not provide any benefit for drying the iPhone. Bring your device to the service center, we will carry out dry cleaning, identify faults, if any, after carrying out free diagnostics and, if necessary, make repairs.

24.09.2014, 13:32

Answer: It is possible to assess the nature of the damage only in the service center after conducting a free hardware diagnostic of your iPhone. Chance of recovery is 40%. It is possible to tell the exact cost after we understand what is faulty.

Answer: Good afternoon, Christina! In this case, it is necessary to carry out dry cleaning, since oxidation occurs on the motherboard. Hardware diagnostics are carried out absolutely free, come!

26.08.2014, 09:23

Answer: Good afternoon, Azha! Most likely there is a problem with the touchscreen controller. Contact a specialized service center in your city to diagnose the device.

Answer: Hello. I think the problem is in the power circuits or controllers; it is not possible to remotely determine the cause of the malfunction. It is possible to say for sure after a free diagnosis at our service center.

03.08.2014, 18:15

Answer: Good afternoon, Ksenia! In this case, there may be a problem in the upper loop, as well as in chips, discrete elements, and power circuits. We will definitely be able to answer your question after conducting free hardware diagnostics at the service center.


27.07.2014, 02:03

Answer: Anatoly, hello! Micro cracks on the board occur from impacts; the problem may not immediately appear; it is enough to remove the board from the mounting unit on the case; a hidden defect may make itself felt. Micro cracks and damage to the processor cannot be cured. As a rule, in such situations, we recommend purchasing a new device.

Answer: There may be a problem with the power controller, battery, or power circuits. In this case, it is not possible to determine the fault remotely. If you want to find out the exact cause of the malfunction, you must submit your device for hardware diagnostics. Come - this procedure is free.

Answer: Anastasia, hello. Repair is possible, but it is necessary to determine the fault points. Come and after hardware diagnostics we can advise you on the cost and timing of repair work

17.07.2014, 09:37

Answer: Good afternoon, Boris! In this case the error central processor or device flash memory. We will be able to tell you the possibility of restoration and the cost of repairs after a free diagnosis.

29.06.2014, 11:06

Answer: Stanislav, increased consumption can be calculated and eliminated, it is necessary to measure the power consumption of main power controllers, as well as test the power circuits, come, this procedure produced free of charge.

Answer: Good day, Sergey! The problem is most likely in the battery or power circuits. Come and let us tell you exactly what happened after a free diagnosis.