Shockproof case: will it save your smartphone better than others? How to protect your phone from falls

Having bought a new smartphone, I immediately buy a protective glass for it. It is glued to the screen like a regular film, but unlike film, it protects not only from scratches, but also from broken screens. Naturally, the protection is not 100%, but if you don’t play football with your phone or drop it from the roof of Moscow City, then the “armored glass” can protect, in most cases, from falls on tiles or asphalt. Glass does not reduce screen sensitivity! I can’t tell you about glass manufacturers; I always choose by eye so that it’s thick.

In addition to the glass, I definitely buy a case. In my opinion, silicone and plastic cases do not provide sufficient protection. They have beautiful designs, but I'm willing to sacrifice design to protect my precious gadget. I like speck cases, they have a hefty price, but they are made using rubber (there was a rubber one on the iPhone 5s), now the iPhone 7 has a rubber and plastic case. Naturally, rubber absorbs vibrations well, and as already mentioned, vibrations are destructive to the internal parts of the phone. This rubber or rubber-plastic case lasts a long time, has a classic black color, there are probably other colors, I haven’t studied this issue. The only negative is that the case is quite large, but you can quickly get used to it. But the advantages, in addition to protection from impacts of the back of the phone and the sides, include the following:

Protection of the side buttons and speakers (the buttons are covered with rubber inserts, they do not interfere with use, they do not reduce sensitivity, and the speaker and microphone are also covered with rubber, leaving the sound holes directly open). Thus, the case does not cover only the screen, the silent mode switch and the charging/headphone jack, everything else is under reliable protection;

And the most important and priceless thing: a rubber edge around the screen! The cover is made in such a way that the cover does not end flush with the screen, but protrudes slightly above it, literally half a millimeter, this is not felt during use, but when dropped, the screen does not come into contact with the floor!

Surely Speck cases have more affordable analogues; they can be found in online stores. In any case, when choosing a case, you should pay attention to the following aspects:

Made of rubber entirely or at least partially;

Covers the volume and lock buttons;

It has a “side” protruding above the screen.

As for the ring that the previous commentator mentioned, it's also a good thing. Firstly, it really will prevent the phone from “slipping” out of your hands. Secondly, when you hold your phone by the ring, it is unlikely that robbers will snatch it from your hands. It really doesn’t interfere with use and can be glued either directly to the phone or on top of the case (one drawback is that the rings are attached only to smooth cases. In my case, the case has rubber “ribs” on the back, and the ring does not hold ).

Since ancient times, films have been the most popular means of protecting the phone display. At a time when touch screens were still resistive, the plastic top layer was quickly wiped, scratches collected on it, and if dropped, the sensor could be damaged and become unusable. However, the film is scratched, is not 100% transparent, impairing visibility, and the finger does not always glide over it well. With the advent of thin and transparent tempered glasses, as well as the development of oleophobic coating technology, protective glass began to be offered as an alternative to films. As their manufacturers assure, such coatings save the screen from scratches and impacts. But do you need a protective glass on your phone? This material will help you find out.

Tempered glass is ordinary glass that has undergone physical and chemical treatment. During the manufacturing process, it is subjected to high-temperature heating and is also etched in special reagents. During processing, the structure of the substance in the glass changes, and some ions (weak) are replaced by stronger ones. Due to this, the mechanical strength of the glass increases, its hardness increases, and it becomes resistant to scratches and impacts.

Do you need a protective glass on your phone?

Despite all the advantages, tempered glass has one important drawback. As resistance to impacts to the plane increases, it loses the ability to withstand impacts to the end. Therefore, the touch screen of a smartphone that can withstand being dropped flat on asphalt can crack if hit at an angle. The author of the article remembers only one case when the phone’s sensor broke when hit in the central part. The illustration shows a Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 phablet that fell from a height onto rocks. After damage, the touchscreen remained operational.

Dozens of broken touchscreens that came into our hands had cracks extending from the edges into the depths (as in the photo below). This indicates the unprecedented strength of tempered glass and resistance to plane impacts. It's durable enough to withstand normal accidental drops. It is on this basis that a logical question arises: do you need protective glass on your phone? After all, the touchscreen itself can withstand impacts.

To answer the question, it is worth considering other features of modern mobile technology. It is impossible to give a universal answer for everyone, since modern smartphone displays are produced using different technologies, and their mounting methods also differ.

The only 100% effect of protective glass is protection from scratches and abrasions. It also (if there is an oleophobic layer) makes using the smartphone more pleasant. However, this applies more to inexpensive phones, since flagships resist scratches well and have excellent oleophobic coating.

Does safety glass help in case of a fall?

It is impossible to say unequivocally whether protective glass for a phone helps if it falls. Here, too, everything depends on the type and method of installing the sensor. Read more about each of the popular types below.

OGS displays with 2.5D touchscreen

OGS displays are touch screens whose matrix does not have its own thick protective coating. Its role is played by the touch glass, tightly glued to the screen module with transparent glue. 2.5D is a type of touchscreen whose glass does not have the usual edges, since its edges are chamfered and ground. Apple was one of the first to implement OGS and 2.5D technologies in its iPhone.

Such sensors are not framed by the body and smoothly flow into the side frame of the smartphone. For this reason, it is impossible to glue the protective glass beautifully: it will either hang over the beveled edges, forming an air gap there, or it will not cover the entire area of ​​the screen, leaving the edges (the most vulnerable part of the sensor) without protection.

The behavior of protective glass glued to a 2.5D screen depends on its quality, as well as the impact characteristics. If a fall occurs from a great height and the phone hits the display plane, the low-quality protective glass (less durable than the “original” glass) will burst, leaving the touchscreen unharmed. Without it, a blow of such force would not have had destructive consequences for the parts.

A high-quality protective glass may remain intact if dropped, but the sensor underneath will burst. This is due to the fact that it fits closely, has higher strength than a touchscreen, and its high rigidity does not allow it to absorb the shock impulse, which is fully transmitted to the screen.

Example: If you put a sheet of iron on a piece of glass and hit it (the sheet) with a hammer, the glass will burst, leaving the steel sheet unharmed, since it is stronger.

Two glasses and plastic film:

The 2.5D sensor remains vulnerable to an end impact (the most dangerous) even when protected, since the edges of the glued glass do not cover the ends. In the event of a destructive blow to the edge, the touchscreen will burst, regardless of the presence/absence of a protective coating.

Based on the above, the conclusion suggests itself: a 2.5D display does not need protective glass. It is worth gluing it only to protect it from scratches, since it will not be able to save you from a destructive blow.

OGS displays without 2.5D

In the case of regular sensor glass (without polished edges), the answer to the question “Do you need glass for your phone?” will be almost the same as in the previous case. The only difference is that the coating also protects the edges of the sensor. Thanks to this, there is little use for it, since when hit in a corner, the protection may simply shift or burst, but the screen itself will remain intact. Therefore, protective glass can be glued to such a screen. Although it is of little use, it does provide protection against some blows. And this coating also saves you from scratches and abrasions.

Air gap displays

For screens with an air gap, the sensor and matrix are separate parts. They are connected around the perimeter with glue or double-sided tape, but between the surface of the display and the touchscreen there is a layer of air, 0.1-1 mm thick. This design makes the sensor more vulnerable, since it has room to bend when hit. Although modern glass can withstand slight bending, in this position its strength decreases significantly.

A flat impact, which does not pose a serious danger to OGS screens, can cause significant damage to a smartphone. When falling on a stone, a local deflection of the glass occurs towards the matrix. It cracks, and if the shock impulse is sufficient, the matrix will also suffer and receive a pinpoint blow. In the case of OGS, the risk of this is reduced, since the sensor distributes the impact over the entire plane of the matrix, reducing the destructive impact.

If you glue protective glass onto the screen with an air gap, it sticks tightly to the sensor, forming a kind of sandwich. Thanks to this, the sensor turns into a kind of triplex (composite laminated glass), more resistant to shock than single-layer glass. Its flexibility is reduced, and even if a destructive blow can damage the sensor, the matrix will survive. And replacing just the touchscreen will cost about half as much as the entire screen.

For displays with an air gap, protective glass can and should be installed, as it will actually protect against plane impacts. And considering that only budget smartphone screens are now made without OGS, normal glass will protect from scratches and your finger will glide over it more easily.


Under no circumstances should you rely on protective glass as a panacea for broken screens. In the event of a slight impact, the strength of the touchscreen is quite enough to survive a fall from a meter height. But a blow to the end will most likely cause serious damage to the screen module, regardless of the presence/absence of glass. In this regard, flagships and simply good smartphones equipped with an OGS panel with 2.5D edges (or 3D, like the top-end Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge) are the most vulnerable. For them, protective glass is just a way to protect the phone from scratches.

Imagine this situation: you are talking on the phone at a bus stop, and then a passer-by accidentally brushes your shoulder, causing the phone to fly onto the asphalt and receive further damage, or even break. Not the best deal? Now imagine that you decide to throw your smartphone along with the keys to your apartment in one pocket, and then you discover new scratches on the “back” and “sides”. Few people will be happy with such “surprises,” so let’s try to protect ourselves from such disastrous outcomes. This article will help you reliably protect your device with the help of special accessories. Let's figure it out: which case is better - silicone or plastic?

Choosing the best model - basic criteria and characteristics

Any owner of a modern smartphone often puzzles himself with the question of which case is better - plastic or silicone? Let's try to understand what their differences are, and which case is still better to choose to protect your mobile device.

The case should have a list of useful properties:

  • Protecting your smartphone from mechanical influences;
  • Complete exclusion of contamination;
  • Reliable phone screen protection;
  • Providing easy access to control buttons and connectors;
  • Design.


Both plastic and silicone cases provide excellent protection, as they perfectly absorb and soften shocks, while reliably protecting the display of your mobile device.

What is more resistant to mechanical damage?

  • Plastic is stronger and tougher than silicone. It is not prone to cracks and tolerates temperature effects well. Plastic tolerates paint well and holds it for a long time. Cases made of this material fit perfectly in the hand, practically without increasing the size of the device. The soft coating will prevent the smartphone from sliding inside the case, which will save it from scratches and abrasions.
  • Silicone is a soft and flexible material. Cases made of this material are easy to put on your smartphone and do not scratch the surface. Such covers do not tear, do not fade, and withstand even greater temperature changes compared to plastic. The phone inside will not slide.

Important! If you tried to stick the film on the screen yourself and it didn’t work out very well, use our tips.


The thickness of the cover can be determined based on individual preferences. It is not difficult to find ultra-thin plastic and silicone cases on the market, made in a large number of variations:

  • Plastic covers will not be difficult to decorate with anything.
  • The design and color options for silicone cases are less extensive.

Important! Based on the properties of the material, it can be understood that silicone cases are slightly inferior to plastic ones in strength, durability and design solutions. But still, when choosing, it is better to rely on individual preferences.

Have you already decided? There's no need to rush. You need to know absolutely all the advantages and disadvantages in order to make the most intelligent choice about which case is better - silicone or plastic.

Silicone cases

They are made of impact-resistant material that absorbs drops and protects the insides and outer casing of the smartphone from mechanical damage.


  • Budgeting. Models made from this material are very popular due to their low price. No one forbids you to buy several different shells and change them at least every day, because this will not hit your pocket so hard.
  • Silicone perfectly protects the device from shock.
  • Big choice. You can find an overlay with almost any image or order a model with your own image.
  • Environmentally friendly. Before production, hundreds of raw materials are tested for toxicity and safety.


  • Sometimes they tend to stretch and deform.
  • Such cases will not protect the screen itself.
  • The tenacity of the material will make it difficult to remove the phone from your pocket.

Important! If you have chosen a transparent version of the protective case, you first need to put your gadget in order. We will show you some simple ways...

Plastic case

Polycarbonate has good resistance to impacts, premature wear and scratches. Cases are often made in a wide variety of shapes, which adds “interest” to the design. Let's consider other properties to understand which case is better - silicone or plastic.


  • Variety of design styles. A huge selection of different cases with interesting designs and brands.
  • Scratches are not a problem for this material. Sharp objects will not be able to damage the back panel and side walls of the phone.
  • Acceptable price. The ratio of quality and price makes such pads a desirable purchase.
  • Exploitation. They are easy to use because they have all the necessary holes and do not interfere with the functionality of the mobile device. Does not require the purchase of expensive care products.


  • Mediocre fall protection. The plastic shell itself can crack if dropped, without protecting your device.
  • Does not provide full screen protection.
  • Makes the phone bulky.

TPU silicone is something new

The abbreviation “TPU” in the name of a silicone model means that this is a case made of thermoplastic polyurethane.

This material combines the best properties of silicone and plastic:

  • The high strength of the material of the protective cover eliminates the risk of acquiring new abrasions and scratches.
  • It is indifferent to the sharpest temperature changes and does not fade when exposed to sunlight.
  • Cases made of TPU silicone are resistant to any kind of deformation and fit onto the device without any problems. This cover can last at least 5 years.
  • The phone will not end badly due to the damping properties of the material.
  • Does not accumulate dust.

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It is impossible to choose the best option

Which is better - a silicone case or a plastic one? It cannot be denied that plastic and silicone cases have their pros and cons, which we discussed above. It is impossible to objectively say that plastic is better than silicone, or vice versa. But to ensure that your gadget has a design that pleases you, even the simplest model can be decorated. Find out,

Smartphones have become an integral part of our lives and we invest a lot of money in a new phone, thinking that it will last for at least a few years. But what if your phone breaks or crashes just a day after you buy it? This can happen due to several reasons and that is why you should read this guide to protect your phone from accidental drops because prevention is better than cure...

If it turns out that it is too late and your smartphone has fallen, then inspect its condition; any external damage will be visible immediately. In most cases, they are represented by a broken screen and cracks in the case. It happens that they are insignificant and practically do not interfere with the normal operation of the phone. It may also be that the fall turned out to be fatal for the device, and it can no longer be repaired. In any case, if you were unable to resuscitate your fallen phone yourself, do not rush to throw it away. First, go to a service center and find out how much it will cost to fix it, if possible. In the meantime, read this list of several measures you should take to protect your phone from unwanted falls from great heights:

Use belts or armbands

Phones suffer maximum number of accidents due to our negligence. You might miss your phone when you take it out of your trouser and shirt pockets. Sometimes you can sit on it and crush it. It will be safer to invest some money in purchasing high-quality belts and armbands. The latter are especially useful while jogging, hiking, etc.

Don't take your phone into the bathroom or toilet

You've probably laughed at the number of people who have dropped their phones in toilets. This can easily happen to you if you are careless. Don't take your phone into the toilet because you never know when you'll lose control and drop it in the toilet.

Don't engage in dangerous sports with your phone in your pocket

Please do not play football, baseball, cricket, basketball etc. with your phone in your pocket. Just imagine what a speedy ball can do when it hits your precious phone. In addition, you just might accidentally bump into someone and damage or even completely disable your smartphone.

Choose a separate pocket to store your phone

It is best to keep your phone in a separate pocket. But put all other things, especially such as coins and keys, in other pockets. This will not only help protect the screen and body from scratches, but will also prevent your phone from accidentally falling when you take something out of your pocket.

Don't leave your phone anywhere

Do not place your smartphone near windows or on narrow, tall objects. Even if you are careful, the device may vibrate and fall down during a call.

Here are some tools that will help further protect your phone

Even if you take the above measures seriously and stick to them, although the risk of your phone falling will be reduced, it will still be real. To keep your device as safe as possible and help it not break if dropped, we recommend the following:

  • choose models with a reliable body;
  • buy a high-quality case for the case;
  • purchase protective glass that will help the display survive.

These preventative and protective measures will take care of your phone and help it survive even if it accidentally falls from a great height. Of course, the damage may still be so serious that nothing can save you, but at least you will have a chance, and a very good one at that.