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If you have an iPhone 6s or more new model Apple smartphone, you probably know about such a function as 3D Touch. If not, this is when you press the screen with force and it appears context menu With additional functions. But we bet you don't use all the features of 3D Touch! This article will help you learn more about the function and make your life easier.

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What is the 3D Touch function (3D touch)?

3D Touch - Apple technology allowing you to determine the force of pressing the display. Thanks to this function, you can (by clicking on iPhone screen with effort) call some functions of the application without launching it. The 3D touch first appeared in iPhone smartphones 6s and iPhone 6s Plus. The technology is based on another Apple development called Force Touch, used in Apple watch Watch and on the trackpads of Macbook laptops.

Which iPhones work with 3D Touch?

3D Touch is supported on iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X.

How to use 3D Touch (3D touch) on iPhone?

Below you will find a comprehensive list of scenarios for using 3D Touch.

1. Application icons

The simplest action. Just tap the app icon harder than you normally would. Useful shortcuts (buttons) will open in front of you quick access) to useful and frequently used functions. Some applications also display a mini version of their widget.

Information on what 3D Touch provides for individual applications:

App Store — quick access to store search, entering iTunes code, button "Update All" and transition to Shopping.

Music— a widget with recently played songs and a search field.

Safari- opening a new tab, “private” tab, launching the bookmarks bar and ;

Telephone— quick access to 4 contacts, search and create a new contact.

Photo- widget for the tab " Memories”, and sections for recently viewed photos, favorites and search.

iBooks- recently open documents, books and audiobooks.

Weather- widget with your current location, shortcuts for adding three favorite cities.

Camera— a shortcut for quick access to taking selfies, recording videos, slo-mo and creating a simple photo.

Calendar— a widget with upcoming events and a shortcut for adding new events.

Watch- shortcuts for quick creation alarm, start a timer or stopwatch.

Notes— recently opened notes, shortcuts for creating notes, to-do lists and sketches.

2. Open the multitasking menu

This works best when your iPhone doesn't have a case. Make a 3D Touch gesture in the left corner of the screen, wait for the haptic feedback and swipe right. This will open the multitasking menu with running applications. If you continue to swipe to the right, you will be taken to the last open app.

3. Notifications

Starting with iOS 10, notifications in the mobile operating system Apple steel interactive. Some programs - for example, Viber or Messages - after a 3D Touch gesture, display a large preview of the incoming message on the locked screen. 3D Touch also brings up a context menu with additional options for use - for example, retweeting in the Twitter application.

3D Touch also lets you quickly clear all notifications from the Notification Center by swiping and tapping the “x” icon in the Center.

4. Safari

If you 3D Touch a link, a pop-up window will appear with the information available on that page (meaning you don't even have to go to another site). If you still want to switch, just press harder on the screen or remove your finger from the screen. Apple calls this Peek function and Pop. The name, of course, is funny - but you will appreciate the convenience very quickly. And in instant messengers, this function displays a preview of the dialogue.

5. Control room

3D Touch-clicking on the sound adjustment opens a window for more precise adjustments:

Clicking on the mini-player opens it in a new window in more detail:

The flashlight changes the light intensity:

The Brightness button allows you to change the intensity of the screen brightness, and also displays function controls and:

Clicking on the Calculator allows you to copy last result:

Clicking the Camera button allows you to quickly take a selfie, record a video, or take a portrait:

Clicking on the card with wireless modules reveals large quantity possibilities:

6. The keyboard turns into a trackpad

This is one of the most valuable features of 3D Touch. If you need to work with the cursor, just touch the virtual iPhone keyboards with force - and it will turn into a touchpad-trackpad! Move the cursor across the screen in any direction - the newly-made “trackpad” will understand everything.

7. Notification folder

Let's say you have a folder of dozens of apps on your iPhone - and several of them have at least one notification. 3D Touch gesture on a folder - and all programs will be lined up on the screen with a red circle above them. Point your finger at the desired name and release it - the application will launch immediately.

8. Downloading applications

3D Touch - touching an application that is this moment downloads the update from the Internet, will give access to additional options— pausing downloads or prioritizing (useful when the App Store is updating 30 applications at once, and you want to launch one of them as soon as possible).

9. Phone app

Clicking on any contact brings up a context menu with useful options- call via FaceTime, sending email or SMS. Convenient - no need to go through menus again.

You're probably already familiar with 3D Touch, a technology that senses how hard you press on the screen of iPhone 6s and newer models. Thanks to it, you can control your smartphone using convenient, previously unavailable gestures.

We use some of its capabilities without thinking. Purely intuitive. But many useful features 3D Touch remains hidden to most of us.

If you suddenly want to see a list of installed and remote programs, for example, to return one of them to the device, this can be done in the “Purchases” list. 3D Touch allows you to open this list with a single gesture. Just press on the App Store icon and, without lifting your finger, swipe down to the “Purchases” item in the context menu.

These features are not used often. But they can be very useful during a mass update or reinstallation of programs after an iPhone. IN similar cases the system automatically downloads dozens or even hundreds of applications in a row, which can take a lot of time to download.

If you urgently need a specific program, you can have it installed without waiting. First, you need to wait until the icon with the installation status of this program appears on the desktop, and then click on it and select “Prioritize downloads.”

Many icons in Control Center bring up options when pressed harder than usual. So, by pressing on the brightness scale, you will see a button to switch the screen to night mode. And if you click on the calculator, you can quickly copy the latest calculation result.

With 3D Touch you can easily zoom in on selected areas on the screen. This feature can be very useful for people with weak graphics who do not always understand small font or other interface details.

To set the zoom mode, go to Settings → General → Universal access» → “Increase”. In the menu that opens, enable the “Zoom” and “Show controller” options. A floating joystick will appear on the display, by pressing it you can change the scale of the interface. To hide the controller, you need to lightly click on it and select “Hide Controller”.

If you tap on a conversation in the Messages app and swipe up without lifting your finger, you will see a list of quick replies: “Ok,” “Thanks,” “Yes,” “No,” and similar options. The list may vary depending on the context of the correspondence. You can use these templates to save time on manual dialing words

7. Quickly view your list of favorite contacts

As you know, the “” application allows you to add numbers to “Favorites”. This way you can make a list of the people you call most often, so you can quickly find them in phone book. 3D Touch allows you to get to this list even faster: just tap on the phone icon.

Bonus: adjusting 3D Touch sensitivity

If you often activate 3D Touch by accident or, conversely, you have to press too hard on the screen to activate the function, select the optimal sensitivity. This can be done in the Settings → General → Accessibility → 3D Touch menu. In the same section, if necessary, you can completely disable the function.

The 3D touch on iPhone 7 has been significantly improved. With it, you can control the launch of applications, respond to messages or other notifications, view messages and links, switch keyboard layouts, switch between applications, manage animated live images []. In iOS 10, 3D Touch lets you do more than ever before. We invite you to familiarize yourself with protective glass on iPhone 7, which do not affect the operation of the 3D Touch function. Thanks to quality materials and a composite adhesive base, the 3D touch on an iPhone will work without interference. Read more protective glass for iPhone 7 3D you can in the review article.

What features are available when using 3D Touch from the home screen?

Basic set of 3D touch functions:

1. Press with the force you have calibrated to iPhone settings 7, to the application of your choice. For example, we chose Instagram.

2. Without releasing your finger from the screen, select the function that interests you.

Dynamic pop-up windows work this way for all applications on the iPhone 7, only for each of them, the shape of the window and its content will change.

1. Consider the iMessages application. Press lightly to bring up the 3D Touch function on the main screen of your smartphone.

2. One of the functions that will appear in the pop-up window is to write a message to the last interlocutors, with the ability to select each of them.

Using the 3D touch function, widgets can appear in a pop-up window. These widgets are also available when you swipe the curtain from top to bottom.

1. Using the Weather application as an example, we will consider using the 3D Touch function. Press lightly to bring up the pop-up menu.

2. Select the menu item you are interested in. Let's say this is the city closest to you.

While downloading an application, the 3D Touch feature will allow you to control whether it can be downloaded, such as pausing or canceling.

1 - 2. To call the function, use the standard course of action, which begins with a weak press on the smartphone screen and ends with a strong tap.

Folders also have the ability to use a 3D touch. By default, you are prompted to rename the folder, then select the most popular applications from the folder menu.

1 – 2. Select the folder you are interested in and use a light touch to call up the touch function. Without lifting your finger from the pop-up menu, you can rename the folder.

How to quickly switch between apps on iPhone 7 (6S/6S Plus) with 3D Touch?

You can use this function to fast switching between running applications.

1. Press your finger firmly against the left edge of the screen.

2. Swipe from left to right (swipe) to return to the previous running application.

3. A small swipe from the left edge to half the screen will allow you to call up the menu for selecting running applications.

4. Swipe to the app you'd like to switch to (They're listed in chronological order of use).

5. Touch the screen to select an application.

It is important to know! There is no 3d Touch on the iPhone 6.
Interact with notifications using 3D Touch

The feature allows you to manage notifications in advanced mode. For example, from the lock screen, in the notification center, without going to applications.

1. Press your finger on the screen to call the 3D touch.

2. Interact with the notification.

3. Tap the cross button or swipe down to close the notification.

If your iPhone has 3D Touch, you can easily clear all notifications from the notification center.

1. Having called the 3D touch function, press the close button at the level of all notifications.

2. This will allow you to delete all alerts, for example, for today.

How to set up 3D Touch on iPhone 7?

If you accidentally disabled the 3D touch function, there is nothing to worry about. As a rule, most users disable it, because... cannot get used to such innovations. To activate and calibrate this function, go to “Settings – General – 3D Touch”.

Exists great amount options for using the 3D Touch function, which we could not reflect in this article, but we have clearly presented the most interesting of them. It is also possible to enable this function on the 3d touch iPhone 6. How to enable it.

Details Created: January 25, 2017

In reviews of Apple mobile devices, you can often come across the term 3D Touch. But, at the same time, it is always far from explained what 3D Touch is, why this technology is used in the iPhone and how it works.

3D Touch is a technology Apple, which allows you to track different levels of pressure on the . 3D Touch was introduced in the fall of 2015 and has been used in all iPhone models since then.

The technology works based on sensors that are built directly into the screen of the mobile device itself. Pressure force is determined by measuring the slightest changes in the distance between the screen glass and the backlight level. 3D Touch technology also uses an accelerometer and other sensors. Using all this information, the device can determine the user's pressure level and intent.

Using 3D Touch greatly expands the possibilities touch control mobile device. Thanks to this technology, in addition to classic gestures (touching, swiping, pinch-and-spread, etc.), you can use gestures with different levels taps on the screen, this allows the user to interact with the content without leaving the current application. For example, you can click on a page and see its preview, then you can press harder and go to the full view.

In addition, using 3D Touch allows you to speed up interaction with applications. The user can click on the application icon and, using forceful pressing, immediately select one of the proposed actions. This way you can call a person from the list favorite contacts without even opening the Phone app.

How to use 3D Touch

3D Touch can be used in different situations. Now we will look at some of the most representative scenarios in which using 3D Touch can be really very useful.

Using 3D Touch, you can quickly enable some application function without wasting time launching the application itself. So, if you press hard on the “Messages” application, a list of users with whom you communicate will appear. Clicking on any of these users will take you directly to a chat with that user. Similar " quick action» are available for many other applications.

In some cases, along with a list of quick actions, a small widget with information from the application appears on the screen. For example, if you press hard on the Weather application icon, a weather widget and a list of quick actions will appear.

Quick actions are also available for application folders. If you press hard on such a folder, a menu will appear with which you can rename the folder or launch one of the applications.

You can open Notification Center and use 3D Touch on the button with the "X" sign. As a result, a button will appear with which you can delete all notifications at once. You can also use 3D Touch to preview content that is mentioned in the notification.

3D Touch also works in Control Center. For example, you can open Control Center and force-click on the flashlight icon. As a result, a menu will appear in which you can select the operating mode. In addition, in the Control Center, 3D Touch can be used on the timer, calculator and camera icons.

As you can see, 3D Touch opens up many additional features on management iPhone interface and saves a lot of time.

More recently, the new iPhone models 6S features 3D Touch. What is it and how to use it?


3D Touch is a technology available in iPhone displays 6S. It allows you to work with the screen not only on a plane, but also in space. That is, the system recognizes clicks with different levels of pressure.

How does the function work?

A display that supports 3D Touch for the iPhone 6S is created like this:

  • It is covered on top with a protective glass that is resistant to damage and flexible to recognize all clicks
  • Below the display there is a vibration motor responsible for vibration feedback.
  • In general, 3D Touch has 96 sensors arranged in a lattice. It is located between the glass for protection and the panel to illuminate the display. Sensors measure the distance from the top point of glass deflection during pressing to the sensor itself. This segment is equal to a certain contact force
  • There are two main pressure forces - Peek (light pressure) and Pop (strong pressure)

For example, if you tap on a message with a light touch of Peek, you will start a preview, and until you remove your finger, it will remain lit. If you remove your finger, the message will close and remain unread because you did not open it. If you press harder, the letter will open.

Enabling and configuring the option

  • Go to main settings - Accessibility - 3D Touch
  • As you already understand, there are several degrees of pressure on the screen that you can adjust yourself, that is, how hard to press for the function to work

What apps work with 3D Touch?

The option can work with many standard applications and some outsiders, although the number of the latter is growing noticeably every day. This technology It’s still new and promising, so its popularity is growing gradually, and accordingly, over time it will be needed for games and programs. Today, all developers are actively integrating 3D Touch into applications, and some even create programs just for the sake of it.

Particularly interesting this function for iOS gamers. Those who like to play from their iPhone will appreciate this feature.

Where can I immediately try out the new feature?

  • Open Safari and press Peek on any bookmark and the site will launch in preview mode. If you remove your finger, it will end. If you press harder, the tab will close
  • To start multitasking mode, click on left side display and pull to right side. Now you don’t have to press “Home” twice
  • Open the photos section and press Peek on the photo to activate the preview. If you press to Pop, the photo will open. And if you remove your finger, all the Photos will be displayed back
  • All icons available on desktops can be used with 3D Touch


If you don’t have a new iPhone, but you want to try 3D Touch, then you can install a jailbreak and use a tweak that imitates this technology. It's called Force Touch Activator.

After installing it you will get a similar function. To activate the work, you need to turn on Force Touch in the parameters in the Activator section.

This tweak has a fairly simple principle of operation - the area where you press on the display is recognized. If you just quickly click your finger, you will get a tap, and if you press harder, then 3D Touch will work.

This is much better than a long press, since in the iPhone this will activate deleting and moving icons. This won't happen with this feature.

By the way, Tweek does not have a tactile response, which in the iPhone 6S is generated by the built-in Taptic Engine.

Video: iPhone 6S 3D touch technology. iPhone 6S 3D Touch