The best email apps for iOS. Who will win. Choosing the best email client for iPhone and Mac

The site's laboratory site is finally finishing testing email clients for Apple iOS devices. The only thing left is to consider the beautiful Alto service and the very advanced TypeApp. We hope that it was not in vain that we left these applications for dessert and that they will be able to please us.

Well, at the end of the article we will compare all the email clients reviewed according to key parameters and try to determine the best. Perhaps these results will give you new material to think about. And before reading the new review, we recommend that you read the article on choosing an email client for iPhone and iPad.

The following devices were used as test equipment:

  • Smartphone Apple iPhone 6 (operating system iOS 11 installed);
  • Smartphone Apple iPhone 5S (operating system iOS 10.3.2 installed).



There are so many email clients for the Apple iPhone and iPad... I think that from such a long series of reviews you have already understood this. But there is another quite interesting email application that you can’t miss. Meet Alto for iOS.

Beginning of work

Alto greets its users with colorful banners and inserts with explanatory descriptions of the application’s functionality. Fortunately, you can quickly skip all of the above and move on to adding your email account, but there is something to add.

The program supports the following email services: Aol., Google, Yahoo, Outlook, iCloud, Exchange, and no one would hurt to add other email services. And that's cool!

Next, after logging into any mail account, you will be taken to the main screen of the mail application. But personally, I have the opinion that I ended up in the interface of an Android device, since the design is very similar, and the location of the elements and controls immediately suggests such thoughts.

The ergonomics of the email client are similar to similar applications; for example, it differs little from the same Gmail. All keys, buttons and elements are similar, there is nothing unusual. The main screen simply presents all incoming messages with detailed information, as well as a search bar and some other little things. They can be controlled using swipes, moved, deleted, and so on. I think you already understand what functionality we are talking about.

The only thing I would like to point out is the sidebar. Here it is made cool and truly unusual! The black background, thin white fonts and colored category icons are beautiful. True, some sections cannot be configured for proper filtering of letters.

Alto supports simultaneous work with multiple email accounts. Then a separate screen appears for each account and, in addition to them, one general section, in which all incoming letters are accumulated. A necessary thing and I’m glad that it is here, since some developers ignore such important “little things” that simplify our lives.

Everything related to letters is done in the most classic way, no support for attaching files from cloud storage, delayed sending of messages and all that.

Something unusual in this email client is a built-in calendar with weather and various goodies. In it our plans for the days to come are formed and assembled. This is a convenient thing, especially if you are used to simple diaries. Alto even has a widget specifically for this.


In the meantime, we move on to the settings, of which again there are not so many. For each existing account, and there can be an unlimited number of them, you can set a separate name, select the color of the icons, specify a signature, customize the display of certain categories, and even allow/disable notifications.

Now every self-respecting and self-respecting person has an email. Absolutely everyone, be it the director of an old Soviet enterprise with one computer for everyone, calling it “electric mail” or a fifth grader with the nickname ︻デ┳=ー Plaidik or 78-year-old Afanastya Ibragimovna, a music teacher for an eighth-grader with the nickname Hottie54.
Who uses which email service is a matter of choice, but what email clients should you pay attention to if you have a device with iOS on board? This is what we will talk about today.

What do you need to comfortably use the email mobile application?

  • Fast Sync
  • It is possible to attach several files (in my case, usually screenshots) to the letter
  • Quickly delete, archive and send emails to spam
  • Cute design
The appstore offers us many clients, but I offer you a small list of the best of the best, the choice, as always, will be yours. As well as the right to write in the comments “What about client N? He's the coolest!"


A pre-installed iOS application, which has its own advantages in this regard: sending images directly from the photo application and mandatory presence when pressing any sharing button in any other application.

It's worth noting that Mail is even faster than Gmail. The letter arrives almost instantly.
In order to archive a letter, you just need to swipe left. To send to spam, click the “more” button and select the appropriate item.

Of the minuses: the ability to attach no more than five images at once, the rest only manually, which is very inconvenient.
And in order to delete a letter, you must first select the “move” option, and then “trash”. It is not clear why there are such obstacles. Perhaps, while you are deciding on the points, you may discover that the wrong letter has been selected.

The key and obvious advantage: the ability to delete, archive and send a large number of letters to spam by tapping on the screen and selecting the required item.
Either because of the small number of disadvantages and advantages, or because of the speed of synchronization with your account, Mail remains the most popular email client for iOS, but I don’t like it because of its appearance.


The main advantage is the ability to connect up to five accounts that contain all their data: letters, labels, contacts. The laconic style and ease of use also leave a pleasant impression.
But speed is no good. Synchronization occurs very slowly, with a noticeable lag, especially when using the mobile Internet and downloads letters in order. I'm interested in the latter, but the program loads from the very beginning.

As for sending the letter to trash/spam/archive.
It is possible to delete a letter only after viewing it in full. To send it to the archive, you need to open the viewing mode for all letters, swipe to the right on the letter, and, ta-dam, here is the treasured “archive” button.
Well, in order to send a letter to spam, you need to open another menu.

And yet there are advantages, and they outweigh even such an obvious disadvantage as speed. In Gmail, you can not only add an unlimited number of images (albeit one at a time), but also add files from Google Drive, and even make a drawing.


A fabulous name for a magical app. CloudMagic is perhaps the most laconic and beautiful email client.

It supports all popular services, shortcuts and filters; it is convenient to use - a letter can be added to favorites, deleted or archived in just one click.

It is clear that the design was thought out - a convenient switch between read and unread letters is worth it. And if you click on the “Why do I need a PRO account” button, you will see wonderful funny slides - it seems like a trifle, but it’s beautiful.

Moreover, you can save and read any letter later.
There is support for OneNote, Pocket and Evernote in the form of special add-ons.
It's really strange if you haven't tried and settled on CloudMagiC yet.


A minimalist application from’s subsidiary with a slightly girly design. But this speaks to my bias towards the bright pink color: in the application, on a white background, the icons and menus are made in red-pink.

In the settings, you can select a specific time during which notifications about new letters can be received; you can create your own filters for notifications; you can save letters up to a threshold of 300 MB, but do not forget that this affects the speed of the client itself.

You can also add your signature, manage the display of the author in the inbox, and you can search for letters by choosing from four search options: by all letters, by subject, by author, or by recipient.

And that is not all! myMail supports both vertical and horizontal orientation, you can add files up to 25 MB in size, the resulting photos can be reposted to various networks or even edited without saving.
Nothing but advantages.


When Dropbox's Mailbox was announced, most users' eyes began to sparkle feverishly and their hands began to tremble.

Customers were received by “staying” in line, making a pre-order and waiting several weeks.
This move provided Mailbox with a large user base, but why?

The application developers took a completely new approach to archiving/deleting letters and improved features such as scheduling responses.
Mailbox has no shortcuts and only folders:

  • Mailbox – Inbox
  • Later – emails that you want to respond to after some time
  • Lists – to-do lists whose names can be changed and edited
  • Archive – all emails that bother you but you don’t want to delete are sent there
  • Trash – for deleted emails.
Almost all controls come down to simple swipes. This approach can be compared to the new application from Google - Inbox.
The only downside is the lack of shortcuts and filters.

Mailbox died there. But nothing. There are alternatives.

In this collection we have collected best email clients.

Mail client myMail can rightfully be called one of the most functional and productive for the iOS platform. myMail can not only become a worthy alternative to the standard Mail application, but also turn working with letters from routine work into an exciting activity. The application allows you to work with several email accounts at once, distribute letters into categories and folders, and use custom filters to get rid of unwanted messages.

    Features of the myMail application:

    • support for any IMAP mail service;
    • user-friendly interface;
    • quick deletion of letters;
    • speed of work;
    • Avatar support has been implemented.

Verdict: If you need a functional replacement for standard Mail, get started with myMail.

If your mailbox is hosted within the service Gmail, the functionality of the standard client of the same name is enough for the eyes. The Gmail client is ready to work with several accounts (within Google mail up to 5 accounts), but organizing the work of such a “multibox” is somewhat inconvenient. To check your mail, you will need to constantly switch accounts from the application menu. Google has reduced the number of settings to a minimum. Among the interesting features of the Gmail client, we should note the built-in Autoresponder: by selecting its validity period, you can set a letter template that will be sent to all recipients automatically.

    Gmail app features:

    • work exclusively with mailboxes in the zone;
    • minimum required functionality;
    • presence of an answering machine;
    • Slowness on mobile internet.

Verdict: A good solution with a minimum of settings, but exclusively for owners of email accounts in the Gmail service.

Good artists draw, and brilliant ones borrow good ideas, refracting them into their creativity. Reflect on the genius of the holding Mail.Ru We won’t, but the mobile email client developed by the company really deserves praise. However, the secret of success turned out to be very simple - the functionality of the Mail.Ru client repeats the foreign analogue of myMail. But since still belongs to Mail.Ru, no one forbids borrowing from itself. The same support for multiple mailboxes, a similar principle of organizing and working with letters. As an addition, in the Mail.Ru client menu you will find a list of applications that are distributed as part of the holding’s PR campaign ( My World, Agent, News and More). You can disable it from the settings menu.

    Features of the Mail.Ru application:

    • convenient organization of letters;
    • working with multiple mailboxes;
    • fast delivery of letters for any type of connection;
    • schedule for delivery of letters.

Verdict: The Mail.Ru client is the same as myMail, but with a Russian PR soul.

Yandex Mail[Download on App Store] Developer: Yandex LLC Rating: 4(5)Price: Free

Russian search giant Yandex adheres to the policy of Google's foreign counterpart: in the client Yandex Mail you can use several mailboxes and manage letters, but provided that they belong to the Yandex domain. The application itself is practically devoid of any settings and the most that the user can do is configure the sorting of letters by topic and change the signature.

    Features of the Yandex.Mail application:

    • lack of settings;
    • good design;
    • nothing extra – just a client.

Verdict: Simple and tasteful, but only for your own people.

Mobile email client CloudMagic designed in a minimalist style, which, along with convenience and displaying the maximum amount of information on the screen, can become a real problem for people with poor vision (font size is about 5-6 pt). However, you can get full access to the interface settings by using a paid subscription of 2690 rubles per year. To set up mail with all Russian-language mail services, you will have to remember the IMAP and SMTP settings.

    Features of the CloudMail application:

    • laconic design;
    • working with multiple mailboxes;
    • economical consumption of mobile traffic.

Verdict: CloudMagic is ideal for people tired of bright and colorful email clients. An ascetic but functional application.

Client Boxer can be called a full-fledged competitor of myMail: it organizes work with swipes, provides instant addition of letters to the task list, sorting, and management of attachments. When setting up, Boxer requires a minimum of steps: enter your email address, enter your password and display name. The client will pick up the protocol values ​​on its own. You will have to pay for the ability to work with multiple accounts. 279 rubles.

    Boxer App Features:

    • working with letters using swipes;
    • support for any protocols of mail services;
    • advanced sorting settings;
    • support for multiple accounts (Pro version).

Verdict: Multifunctional client that supports any email services. If you are interested in working with several mailboxes, you will have to purchase the paid Pro version.

LightMail– an ideal solution both in terms of minimalistic design and functionality. Displaying letters in dialogue mode (in this case, the entire history of messages is tied to one recipient), the ability to add audio recordings (voice recorder), work with multiple accounts and simple setup (login and password). LightMail is truly capable of ridding your email correspondence of unnecessary fluff.