Is Iphone 7 waterproof or not? Why iPhone water protection doesn't protect them from water. Flooded iPhones are not covered by warranty

Despite the vaunted water resistance of the latest iPhone models, they are often die after contact with liquid. Try typing “iPhone 7 fell into water” into Google; the search engine will tell you what happens next.

Remember, the 7 (and the new 8 and 10) is not an action camera. You can forget about beautiful underwater shots taken on your iPhone.

And that's why:

1. IP67 is not a panacea

All iPhones, starting from 7, received a body protection rating of IP67. Don't get me wrong, smartphones haven't become sealed, and they don't come in a water bottle. iPhone can still be damaged by moisture.

Here's how to decipher the abbreviation IP67:
IP- Ingress Protection
6 - Dustproof
7 - Short-term immersion to a depth of up to 1 m

It turns out that the smartphone is completely protected from dust, but this should not surprise anyone. But the iPhone floats in water for up to 30 minutes, and even then it’s shallow. However, it cannot be used.

2. Laboratory tests are far from real conditions

IP67, like other standards, has been verified under controlled experimental conditions. In real life this won't work.

There is a 99% chance that the smartphone will be affected by other forces that will increase the pressure under water. You don’t have to jump into the pool from a tower; everything will change even if you just drop your iPhone from a sufficient height. Counter flows of water can “break through” the water protection of the device.

The composition of the water also affects the degree of waterproofness. Sea salt accelerates the oxidation process, and chlorinated liquid is not the best environment for an electronic device.

By the way, smartphones are tested in standby mode - read “in reduced power consumption mode.” Once you start the Camera or some complex process, power consumption will increase, which means that if moisture gets in, the contacts will oxidize faster.

3. Smartphone wear and tear reduces water resistance

Fact: If you strap your iPhone to your hand, it will still fall someday. And any careless impact on the device can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the water protection elements. This is what Apple says:

Resistance to splashes, water and dust is not permanent and may decrease due to normal wear and tear.

It’s not for nothing that “flooded” iPhones are not repaired under warranty. And here one inconvenient conclusion arises:

iPhone 7, 8, X are afraid of water, just like the old ones

Yes, a smartphone out of the box can be carefully placed in water for a couple of hours, it will dry out and continue working. But how can you find out the water resistance status of your iPhone? How to take into account all the factors affecting pressure under water? No way.

Water resistance is just an additional layer of protection in case of emergency. This is not a feature of the new iPhones. You should not specifically wash it under running water or dive into the pool with your smartphone. But you don’t have to worry about using the iPhone in the rain or snow. But even with the old 3GS I didn’t think much about it.

And for this reason the minijack fell.

P.S. iPhone 7 and older can be safely placed in a bag of rice. Dust protection is still complete. The truth is in this absolutely no point.

Just to make the service guys laugh.

iPhone 7 has become not only the most popular mobile phone with a high degree of technological excellence. It has also become the most discussed gadget on the Internet. In addition to carefully studying this smartphone, users began to actively experiment with it, trying to prove or disprove this or that fact. They dropped him from a height, tried to burn him and freeze him, but the most frequent and popular experiment was immersion in water. IPhone 7, waterproof or not, at what depth, under what pressure, etc. All these experiments forced the iPhone 7 to remain in water for a long time, and the most surprising thing is that all the experiments ended quite unexpectedly for users.

What were the results during the experiments?

The iPhone 7 Plus and its original model have been the subject of hundreds of different experiments. In 90% of cases, the experiments ended positively; the remaining 10% included complicated experiments that exceeded the norm several times, which is why some unfavorable results of the experimenters’ activities arose. But it doesn’t matter, Model 7 spent a lot of time underwater and in almost every case proved that the technological basis of the model is in order and the developers are not deceiving users by offering a special IP67 protection system for review, which provides maximum protection in terms of water resistance, dust ingress and some damage.

The iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus turned out to be surprisingly quite waterproof, water permeability was reduced to almost zero, and even the ability to shoot video and the ability to take photos under water remained unchanged, which greatly surprised the users who conducted the experiments. But still, in a comparative analysis, the iPhone 7 Plus showed itself to be much better, which means that in technological terms this model is much better.

Marketing ploy or technical excellence?

After the developers of the new technical model announced that their iPhone 7 Plus and the standard model would have improved protection, users began to perceive such statements as some kind of marketing ploy. Nothing can stop water from getting inside and breaking the phone, even if it is at least as protected as possible. However, after conducting a series of experiments, it turned out that the developers respect their reputation and the phone really can withstand water pressure.

According to the technical indicator, the standard model and the plus model can withstand water pressure from the tap and function normally at a depth of 3 meters. That is, if you take a bath, get caught in the rain, or fall into a puddle, the phone will remain unharmed. Yes, scratches may remain on the case, but the phone itself will definitely survive such a nuisance. Even after carrying out complicated experiments, it turned out that the phone can remain operational until it sinks to a depth of 10 meters, but the likelihood of such a situation is extremely low. But you can safely use the phone in the pouring rain and nothing will happen to it.

IPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus are the legendary new generation phones. In addition to technological excellence, they allow you to use their functionality at any time without any problems, without fear of breakdowns and simply enjoy the quality. But we immediately warn you that it is better not to conduct experiments personally; the fact is that the agreement contains a clause stating that if the phone is damaged as a result of water, then the phone is not subject to warranty service.

Drowning an iPhone seven costs 70 thousand rubles. Being smarter is priceless.

The other day YouTube slipped me idiotic iPhone 7 ad, in which Apple is almost lying.

Old hut. A sporty dark-skinned hipster takes out an iPhone 7, attaches it to a bicycle holder, and, despite the pouring rain outside, goes out to knead the mud.

The idea of ​​the video is to demonstrate that the iPhone 7 is protected from water. Same Amazing, Yes?…

In fact as if No. There is no real protection.

How Apple is scamming everyone with its fine print

The impudence of Apple's marketing is amazing: it boasts of a completely ordinary function for a modern smartphone and at the same time actually deny its existence.

The iPhone 7 has water protection. However, use it as if it is forbidden.

When a manufacturer releases a flagship smartphone with water protection and openly advertises it, he must be held accountable for his words. Sony, by the way, responded repeatedly, for which it earned the respect of its users.

But what is Apple doing? First adds water protection to iPhone 7, then officially refuses for repairs when water gets inside the housing:

Okay, we're no strangers to useless bells and whistles on our iPhones. But why do we allow a company to openly advertise the smartphone “feature” for which it doesn't want to answer?

Why iPhone 7 doesn't need to be drowned

The holiday season has begun, people will cheerfully leave the cities closer to the beaches and water. Many iPhone 7 owners finally drown your iPhone in the pool or sea: some for fun, others by chance.

Most likely, this will pass without consequences. But! I warn you: don't relax.

If suddenly your iPhone was assembled crookedly; if you dropped it and thereby broke the seal of the case; if you are just unlucky - water will get inside, a smartphone for 70 thousand. will die on the spot or will die painfully over the next two months.

If your iPhone breaks due to contact with water Apple will 100% refuse your warranty, and you won't prove anything.

After all, in the fine print on the website, the company actually abandoned its own words, protecting itself from those who wanted to test a long-awaited and truly necessary feature.

Every time you go into the sea with an iPhone, remember: if something goes wrong, you're on your own.

By the way, the repairability of iPhones damaged by moisture is generally roulette. Some can be restored by replacing small components, others simply require a total cleaning, and others cannot be repaired at all.

It depends on your luck. According to the law of meanness, you may not be lucky.

P.S. Why This iPhone 7 Ad Is Impossibly Dumb

In the video, he launches the navigator on his iPhone and goes out for a ride in the rain. When drops of water begin to fall on the screen (and there will be a lot of them), every Of these, the iPhone will count as a press.

It turns out that the guy is driving with a navigator, who will go crazy from the water on the screen. The drops will spin the map, press all the buttons and disrupt the route. At best, the guy will curse at his iPhone, the weather and his life.

Apple's iPhone 7 has received such quality as water resistance. The manufacturer has taken care of reliable protection of the phone according to a certain IP67 standard. This class designates protection against water ingress and contamination by sand and dust. The abbreviation IP stands for protection against intrusion by foreign agents. This designation is applied to various electrical devices (lamps, electrical installations). In our case, the first digit designates the safety class against the ingress of solid particles into the devices. The second means the degree of protection from exposure to liquids.

During testing, the iPhone 7 was immersed under water to a depth of about 1 meter and it was found that the iPhone 7 could withstand water for about 30 minutes. At the same time, Apple does not provide a guarantee for repairs in the event of a breakdown, which is clearly stated in the instructions for use. Here is a set of actions for drying and cleaning from damaging environmental factors. After liquid gets on your phone, dry it thoroughly and wipe it with a dry cloth. There is another method - using rice as an absorbent for liquid. Let's look at everything in order:

  • Remove the phone from the container;
  • Turn it off by pressing the “Power” button;
  • Remove the screen protective film;
  • Remove the SIM card;
  • Wipe with a cloth, paying special attention to the headphone jack and USB cable.

Place the phone in the bag of rice and close it. After 30-60 hours you can remove it. Remember that no service will repair the device for free.

Despite the waterproofness of the iPhone 7, after a year of use, its materials and mechanisms, like any other type of equipment, wear out and will not pass such a test. Of course, nothing will happen to it if the effect of moisture is insignificant and short-term, for example, seasonal precipitation or an accidental fall into a container with liquid.

What technical characteristics make the phone resistant to moisture?

When the S7 and GalaxyS7 were immersed to a depth of about 1.5 meters, they worked properly. As soon as they were lowered just below the 9-meter depth, interruptions in work began. Samsung rebooted, and the phone's seventh model stopped responding to touch. Despite all the experiments, both models remained in full working order. The trials didn't end there. Having immersed both phones to a depth of 10 meters, the Samsung did not turn on, although the LED indicator continued to work, but the water protection of the Apple smartphone turned out to be much better; the touchscreen and the Home button still turned on. The long-term presence of the iPhone 7 under water is ensured by the buttons, housing and SIM card slot with a rubber seal. Additional protection against water is achieved using a special gasket located inside the communicator body. The chips on the board are coated with silicone, which protects against short circuits. For now, the spaces with the power buttons, speaker, audio jacks, and volume control buttons remain in the danger zone. The creators of Apple are already working on this problem.

How to protect your gadget from exposure to liquid yourself?

The process of applying Broad HI-Tech NANO liquid film to a phone screen

  • Open package No. 1;
  • Wipe the display;
  • Apply the product to the screen;
  • Open package No. 2;
  • Rub the liquid evenly;
  • We wait 5 minutes;
  • Open package No. 3;
  • Polishing the screen.

The process is over. With this coating, sand and hard debris will not scratch the screen, and the liquid will simply roll off in large drops, without even having time to seep inside the device.

How to make a protective case for underwater photography

When planning a walk along the sea or a country beach, you need to think in advance about how your gadget can handle this little adventure. The simplest and least expensive method is to pack it in a plastic bag. You will still be able to work with the touch screen as before. In addition, it will help protect against the entry of fine sand, which can cause quite a few problems. The advantage of this method is the low cost of packaging.

Developers of equipment accessories came up with protective cases. They greatly increase the shock resistance and moisture resistance of even thin phone models. The disadvantage is the high cost of the covers. If you are planning active recreation on the water, you can make a case for protection yourself. To make it, you only need to purchase a plastic bottle or jar with a screw cap.

Now, in stores you can find a product that resembles a bottle of Flash Flood nail polish in appearance, which can make equipment water-repellent.

It is necessary to treat the device’s display, battery, and sometimes the entire phone body, and when the product dries, confidently go to the beach or demonstratively try to drown it in a container of water and shoot videos.

When you buy a new smartphone, it is advisable to know everything you need about it so that very unpleasant moments do not happen later. Starting with the iPhone 7, devices began to receive protection from moisture and dust according to the IP67 standard.

Does this mean the iPhone 7 is waterproof? Let's figure it out, because you want to know for sure whether you can swim with your favorite smartphone or not.

Is it true that iPhone 7 is waterproof?

Let's figure it out in the simplest way. To begin with, go to the official Apple website and read in the characteristics of the iPhone 7 what is said on this topic.

We immediately find information that is Splash, water and dust resistant - IP67 rated according to IEC 60529. It remains to be seen what this standard gives us.

There are a lot of resources on this topic, and in simple terms, you can immerse a device with this standard to a depth of up to 1 m for as long as 30 minutes.

On paper it says one thing, but in practice it is not recommended to swim with a smartphone. Of course, if you get caught in the rain or your phone falls into the pool for a while, the likelihood that it will survive increases significantly.

Of course, you can find many different tests on YouTube and, as it turns out, it is quite possible to take a photo underwater. But only using the volume buttons, because the sensor does not work.

Can iPhone 7 be called waterproof?

There is protection against water, but the iPhone 7 can only be called partially waterproof. It’s better not to experiment with this, otherwise by immersing it under water, you can simply drown it.

Even if you have an official warranty from Apple, this will not save you. Everything is on the same page (at the very bottom) about the characteristics of the device, in small letters it is written that “Damage resulting from contact with liquid is not covered by the warranty.”

So it’s better not to take risks and not take cool pictures under water, which will then cost you quite a lot of money, that is, a new smartphone.