Restoring a dead iPad. Step-by-step iPhone recovery

Users of iOS devices sometimes face the need to restore the system. This process helps radically fix errors when other methods fail and return the iPad to its original factory settings. It is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. You can restore your iPad or other device using the simple instructions below.

Restore and update - what's the difference?

First of all, you need to understand that restoring a device is different from a regular update. When restoring, all settings are reset to their original position. In addition, during this process, all content on the iPad will be deleted: photos, videos, audio files and personal data. During a normal update, content is not removed, only a new version of the operating system is installed.

Preparing the device for restoration

So, how to restore an iPad and where does this process begin? Before starting installation, you should take care of two important nuances:

  • you need to install the latest version of the iTunes client on your computer, which can be downloaded on the official website;
  • download the latest version of iOS and save it on your PC.

Note! To save the files you need on your iPad, you can back them up before you start restoring. To do this, in iTunes you need to go to “Backup Files” and synchronize the device. After reinstalling the operating system, they need to be copied back to the iPad. This can also be done manually, selectively saving the necessary information.

Recovery process

Now we will tell you how to restore your iPad in just a few simple steps:

  1. connect the device to the computer via a USB port;
  2. if iTunes does not start automatically (which can be set in its settings), launch the program;
  3. Click on the button for the identified device, located in the upper right corner;
  4. Hold down the “Shift” key and click on the “Restore” option, after which the option to select a previously downloaded file will appear;
  5. in this window we indicate the path to the saved firmware file in the “.ipsw” format;
  6. Click on the “Open” button and confirm the selection on the device itself.

Important! If you are using a Mac, you must enter your administrator password to begin the process.

After this, recovery will begin. Do not turn off the device during this process. iTunes will automatically delete all files and install the latest firmware. Once the process is complete, the iPad will be put into Recovery Mode and its factory settings will be restored.

This is the easiest way to restore iPad via iTunes. We hope that these instructions will help you quickly complete this task. Restoring an iPad via iTunes is not a difficult task, and every user can figure it out.

iPhone – the most popular device from Apple, which is loved by millions of users around the world. First of all, this smartphone is famous for its stability, which other manufacturers still have a long way to go. But in rare situations, the system may malfunction, which can be easily resolved if you restore your iPhone through iTunes.

Restoring an iPhone means returning the device to factory settings. After the recovery procedure, there will be no photos, contacts, notes or other personal files and settings left on your device. iPhone restoration is carried out both to prepare the smartphone for sale and to eliminate various problems associated with long-term use of the device.

To restore an iPhone, you will, of course, need the iPhone itself and a computer with iTunes preinstalled. You can download iTunes for free using the link at the end of the article. If you already have iTunes installed on your computer, check it for updates and update if necessary.

However, if you want to restore the device without updating the firmware, then you must additionally download the current version of the firmware that you are using on your iPhone to your computer. You can find out the iOS version as follows: “Settings” – “General” – “About device”.

Next, you need to disable the “Find iPhone” mode on your device, because This mode protects against the deletion of information from the smartphone. To do this, go to the “Settings” - “iCloud” menu and turn the switch to inactive next to the “Find iPhone” item.

Now you can proceed directly to the recovery process. To do this, connect your iPhone to your computer using a USB cable and wait for iTunes to launch automatically.

In iTunes, open your iPhone's menu in the upper right corner of the program and back up your device data. If you previously downloaded the firmware for your device, hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and click the “Restore” button. An explorer will open in which you need to specify the path to the firmware.

iTunes will ask you to confirm your intention to restore your iPhone and begin the restoration process. This process is automatic and no further action is required from you.

Important! When performing the recovery process, do not disconnect the device from the computer under any circumstances.

Once the recovery is complete, you will see a familiar greeting on your apple that you have already encountered after purchasing the device. If you are not selling your device, then all you have to do is restore all data from a backup copy. Ready!

Many owners of Apple products found themselves in a situation where, as a result of a system failure, unsuccessful installation, or problems caused by execution, they were unable to load the gadget in normal mode. Of course, the first thought is to run to the service center for professional help. However, successful restoration of an iPad or iPhone is also possible at home, but only if the cause of the malfunction is software. If your iPad hits a hard surface or falls into water, you won't be able to save it on your own.

Recovery Mode

If the error when loading the iPad is caused by a software glitch, then the first thing you should resort to to correct the situation is the emergency recovery mode Recovery Mode. It is used to restore the functionality of any Apple device controlled by iOS. This mode is provided by the manufacturer, so you can use it without fear of losing your warranty.

So, if the iPad shows no signs of life, you need to use Recovery Mode:

  1. Turn off iPad any way possible
  2. Press and hold the Home button
  3. While holding down the Home button, connect the iPad to the computer using a USB cable
  4. If everything is done correctly, an icon and a standard USB cable will be displayed on the tablet computer screen
  5. Launch iTunes and wait for the gadget to finish loading in Recovery Mode.
    After successfully restoring the device to normal, you need to restart your iPad.

If you cannot exit the emergency mode, you should perform the following steps:

  1. Disable the gadget.
  2. Disconnect the USB cable from the iPad.
  3. Press and hold the Home button while simultaneously pressing the Power button. The Apple logo should appear on the screen.

It is not uncommon for jailbroken devices to remain stuck in recovery mode for a long time, signaling a software failure. However, attempts to get the iPad out of this state by rebooting do not help. The RedSn0w utility and the TinyUmbrella program were created especially for such cases, which can be found on the developers’ websites.

Correcting the consequences of jailbreak

Often an error when loading an iPad is a consequence of jailbreak abuse. If because of this the device constantly reboots and applications begin to crash, you will have to use one of the methods to restore the normal functioning of the tablet. An error that appears due to jailbreak can be resolved by returning the iPad to factory settings. The main thing is not to forget to reserve everything you can before doing this, because after the procedure is completed, the device will be absolutely clean, all information will disappear from it. In order for a boot error caused by a jailbreak in the iOS operating system to be resolved without affecting the iPad, you must do the following:

  1. Turn off the device.
  2. Launch iTunes on your computer.
  3. Press and hold the on-screen button and connect the device to the PC using a USB cable.
  4. Wait until the image of the iPad with the cable connected appears on the screen.
  5. Click the “Restore” button in iTunes. During the recovery process, the iPad will be updated with new firmware, the error will be corrected, and the device will start working as usual again.

Backing up your data

Successful restoration of the gadget can be carried out using a backup copy, which will require iCloud or iTunes to create. If necessary, you can restore the device firmware or limit yourself to data recovery.

When using iTunes to restore software, you should perform the following operations:

  1. Create a backup copy of your gadget and transfer all data from it to your computer, making sure to synchronize it.
  2. With the device connected via a USB cable, open iTunes.
  3. Select the iPad in the “Devices” list, open the “Browse” tab and click the “Restore iPad” button.

A simple restore or a restore with an update is possible. Once the process is complete, you can refill your tablet with the music, videos, and other files you saved in your backup. If this method fails to restore the device’s functionality, you should look at the Apple website, where you can find information on how to fix such an error.

An error that interferes with the operation of the iPad can also be easily resolved using iCloud. This method requires the following steps:

  1. Reset all settings.
  2. Launch the setup assistant, select “Recover from iCloud copy.”
  3. Enter your password and Apple ID.
  4. Select one of the proposed backups (there are three in total) and click the “Restore” button.

After the gadget is restarted, all its settings and accounts will be restored. Music, movies, books and various programs purchased earlier will be downloaded to the iPad again. To ensure that no error occurs at this stage, you may need to enter passwords for all accounts. Each restored program has its own progress bar. If you need to restore a program first, you need to click on its icon. Previously downloaded or latest versions of programs will be installed on the device.
Unfortunately, it happens that the iPad owner does everything possible to ensure that the tablet boots up or stops freezing and rebooting, but the error still remains. If the above methods did not help revive the device, it is possible that the reason for the loss of functionality of the gadget lies in the malfunction of some parts.

Then you will have to contact a service center, whose specialists will diagnose the device and determine which part caused the loading problems. As a rule, everything is resolved by replacing the battery or processor.

The iOS system on iPad devices sometimes experiences glitches. If this happens, don’t rush to panic, you can restore the tablet’s operation and troubleshoot software problems using iTunes.

Some users are seeing an error message on their iPad monitor when performing a restore. In all likelihood, the computer was unable to connect to the server or has old software installed. To avoid such an oversight, download and install the latest versions of iTunes, Mac OS x or Windows in advance. Check your new software for security. Disconnect all unnecessary devices and restart your computer and tablet. Only then begin the recovery procedure. Some users complain that the iPad freezes when turned on or reboots. If the recovery procedure does not help, then the problem lies in a malfunction of any of the parts. In this case, you should contact an Apple service center so that specialists can diagnose and find out what exactly the problem is. Most likely you will be told that you need to replace the processor or battery.

If the iPad malfunctions due to a fall or moisture, it means that one of the parts is definitely damaged and the recovery procedure will not help you. Take your tablet to the nearest Apple service center as soon as possible.

Apple is famous for its meticulous work on its products and attention to every smallest detail. All this undoubtedly affects the quality, which is considered to be the standard. One of the main advantages of Apple devices is the iOS operating system, which is simple and reliable to use. However, even despite all of the above, technology is technology, and sometimes things start to not work as they should. Most often, any problems in iOS begin after installing an update, which for some reason does not work with your device as the developers expected. In this regard, you may need to restore your iPad or iPhone. We'll talk about how to do this in this article. Let's figure it out. Go!

Sometimes you have to return to the previous version of the software on the device

There are several ways to restore an iPad or iPhone (tablet or phone - it doesn’t matter, both devices have the same operating system, which means the recovery procedure will be the same). Later in the article we will consider each of them in order.

To restore your iPad via iTunes, connect your tablet to your PC and launch the program if it doesn't open automatically. Next, you need to go to the synchronization settings. Now all that remains is to click “Restore”. The program will download the operating system on its own, and the iPad will install it itself. If you have a file with the firmware, then hold down the Shift key while clicking on “Restore”. After this, a window will appear in front of you in which you need to select your firmware file.

The next option will be useful if the iPad does not turn on. To do this, you will definitely need to download the firmware separately on your computer. Now let's look at the algorithm of actions:

  1. Connect your device to your PC while holding down the Home button. You must hold it until the iTunes logo appears on the screen of your tablet or phone;
  2. Open the synchronization options and click on “Restore” while pressing Shift;
  3. Select the file from which the installation will be performed.

There is another way that allows you to do without iTunes. All you need is the Internet and a working iPhone or iPad that you want to reflash. This is done as follows:

  1. In the menu of your gadget, find and open “Settings”;
  2. Next, go to “Basic”;
  3. In the window that opens, go to the “Software Update” section;
  4. Click the “Download and Install” button, after which the tablet will flash the firmware on its own.

Please note that this procedure may take some time, so it is better that the gadget is fully charged.

You should also understand that restoring a device implies that all data stored on it will be erased. Therefore, before flashing your iPad or iPhone, transfer all your information and data to the iCloud cloud service or to other convenient ones so as not to lose, for example, your favorite photos and videos.