What format to format a USB 3.0 flash drive into. Formatting a flash drive using the HDD Low Level Format Tool. What is a file system and what problems can be associated with it

A USB flash drive, much more often called simply a flash drive, is a very convenient and currently popular way to store and transfer data. As a rule, flash drives sold in stores are formatted in the FAT32 file system. The explanation for this is simple: all operating systems support FAT32. If for some reason you need to format the flash drive again, you can decide for yourself what format to format the flash drive in: ext4, FAT32 or NTFS. In this review, we'll look at the pros and cons of each file system.


This format is not supported by Windows, so you should only use ext4 if your computer is running Linux and you do not need to transfer data to Windows computers. In my opinion, the coincidence of these two conditions does not happen too often.


The advantages of FAT32 include not only compatibility with all operating systems, but also high data transfer speeds for relatively small files. However, this file system does not work with files larger than 4Gb and loses its performance when files are highly fragmented, as well as when large quantities files in the directory. Another limitation: a FAT32 directory cannot contain more than 65,534 files (although how often do you have to deal with that many files?). In general, if you are in doubt about what format to format the flash drive in, choose FAT32.


The NTFS file system provides enough high performance when working with both large and small files, however, average speed Its data transfer rate is lower than that of FAT32. The main advantage of NTFS is the high reliability of data storage against failures. Unfortunately, this system is not supported by Windows95, Windows98 and WindowsME.

Let's look at the types of file systems for a flash drive, which one is better. One user sent me a photo with the error “The file is too large for the target file system” and decided to write an article in which cases it is necessary to use FAT systems 32, NTFS and exFAT. It was moving a file over 4 GB in size to an 8 GB flash drive. The fact is that the FAT32 system cannot process information larger than 4 GB; if you have a flash drive with a capacity of 32 GB and its file system is FAT32, then you will not be able to write a file larger than 4 GB to it. Let's look at all three file systems in Windows, and look at their pros and cons.


The old file system mode, which is usually used when buying a flash drive from a store and the reason for this is compatibility. Compatibility means that FAT32 can be used on any computer running MAC control, Windows, Linux, old PCs. The biggest limitation is that it has a 4GB file size limit, which has problems with formats like 4K video and Blu-ray these days. In a word, if you are going to work with files whose size is less than 4 GB and the flash drive is used on different computers, with different operating systems, then the FAT32 file system is very suitable.


Updated file system created by microsoft to replace FAT32. Began to be used in Windows Vista SP1 and has maximum size file is 16 exabytes (EB), which is equal to 1 EB = 10 18 bytes. Compatible with Mac OS and Windows, it is a very good system for sharing large files.


  • It does not have any logging functionality, in which all changes to files on disk are logged before they are actually made.
  • Not supported Time Machine at Apple. In a word, you can't do backup copy from Apple using software Time Machine.
  • A very complex structure that requires more computing power.


  • Rewrites the same sector fewer times, which is important for flash drives, extending the life of memory cells. As you know, flash drives have N-numbers of rewrites, then they fail.
  • Large file size limit of 16 exabytes.
  • The cluster size is 32 megabytes.
  • Improved distribution free space, which reduces disk defragmentation.


The latest file system created by Microsoft is modern structure today for almost any modern interior hard drive, flash drive or ssd drive. NTFS is a new file system technology. The windows system can only be installed on NTFS. Is the default for drives with operating system, due to its versatility. It has all Microsoft technologies: logging, no file size restrictions, support for file compression, long names, access control file for server administrators and much more. At home this is the most the best option using this system on disks and flash drives. There is one catch, when you insert a flash drive into Mac OS, you can copy information from the flash drive, but you cannot change it.


For USB flash drives you should use exFAT if you are constantly in Mac environment OS, Windows, moving a flash drive from one operating system to another. If you only use Windows, then NTSF is a great solution.

Flash drives (flash drives) have simply become an indispensable part digital world. Now every user has a flash drive instead of a key fob on their keys. From year to year, USB drives change shapes and sizes, properties and volumes, and it’s hard to surprise anyone with a 32 GB flash drive when 128 GB models are available for free in stores!

Like any electronic device A flash drive has a “main” function: it fails. Most often, flash drive failures are associated with file system into which the devices are formatted. There are frequent cases in which a USB drive, when connected to a computer, issues a critical notification that this disk requires formatting! This problem is very difficult to fix and all that remains is to format the flash drive.

What file system should I format the flash drive with?

Let's start by deciding on the type of file system. The priority choice today can be considered: NTFS and FAT 32.

The main thing to understand here is positive traits each of these systems. So if you need to format a flash drive with a capacity of more than 16 Gigabytes, then the choice will most likely fall on NTFS. Let me explain why, this file system has some advantages over FAT 32, it allows you to load files onto the drive large size. It will be useful for users who use the transfer of media content, in particular video files big size(movies in HD quality).

A small disadvantage is the mandatory use of the “ safe removal devices”, since the NTFS file system has a caching property and if it is abruptly disconnected, a failure or damage to the stored data may occur. This is why users are afraid of turning off the lights in their homes, since hard disks computers are formatted in NTFS, which can make it difficult to restart the operating system, even leading to the loss of personal data!

If you are using a small flash drive for transferring office documents or graphic information, then it will be sufficient to format the USB drive in standard system FAT 32 (FAT, exFAT).

Either of the two systems can be installed using standard operating system tools Windows systems. Thanks to modifications in Windows 7, the NTFS file system has become available!

Note! It is worth remembering that in the process of formatting a flash drive, all existing information will be deleted permanently! First, make sure that important data will not be lost!

How to format a USB flash drive?

  1. Connect the USB drive to the computer port. Allow time for the operating system to detect the device.
  2. Afterwards, an “Autorun” window or a notification about the impossibility of access may appear, it all depends on the individual case that led to the need for formatting!
  3. Close the windows that appear, go to the “Computer” directory (combination Win keys+ E or Desktop icon).
  4. Find your flash drive in the “removable drives” section, but don’t open it!

  5. Click on the flash drive shortcut with the right mouse button and find the “Format” context menu item, activate it by clicking the left button.
  6. A formatting window will appear (as shown in the image below).
  7. In order from top to bottom, let's check set parameters formatting
    • Capacity – value indicating the full amount selected flash drive.
    • File system – select the file system type for the selected device (FAT 32 is the default).
    • Cluster size – the value is set either automatically or from the list (Preferably – “ Standard size cluster").
    • Restore default settings - reset button set values higher.
    • Volume label - name - a symbolic value, intended to indicate the individual name you use for the device in addition to the specified drive letter.
    • Quickly clearing the table of contents is an optional item, but preferable when formatting flash drives with a capacity of more than 16 GB; this item makes formatting go through much faster - “Quick formatting”.
    • Start – The button at the bottom of the window is intended to start the formatting process using the values ​​​​set above.
  8. Once the value items are selected, click the “Start” button.
  9. Confirm to continue formatting in the notification that appears and wait a few seconds.

  10. Afterwards a notification will appear indicating that formatting has been successfully completed!

Instead of an afterword

The formatting process is not complicated and is done standard means operating systems." As mentioned above, changing the file system is not only a simple process, but also increases functionality.
And if you change the “Volume Label”, then your device will acquire a personal, unique character. But despite the simplicity and entertainment of the process of formatting a flash drive, I want to wish you not to have any problems in operating your little computer assistant!

Everyone, one way or another, has at least once encountered the need to format a flash drive. Standard procedure, but not everyone pays due attention to it, especially to the format itself. This is exactly what I would like to talk about in more detail in this material. So let's discuss what format to format everything in.

Why formatting is needed

Before we get to the point, it’s worth understanding a little about why formatting is needed in the first place. Many people mistakenly believe that by formatting a flash drive, they simply delete all necessary information from her, but that's not true. The drive has a certain digital structure, similar to the same hard drives. The structure consists of clusters that have a certain volume for storing information.

Over time, clusters can become overwritten, overwritten, or even become broken. As a result, this all leads to not quite correct operation the drive itself, and the only thing that can help in this situation is formatting.

During this process, the entire structure (clusters) is updated anew, which brings it, so to speak, to normal, old look. It is also possible to completely overwrite clusters by changing the format. Let's figure out which format is best to format a flash drive.


The first format is Ext4. It is extremely rare to find flash drives with such a file system, and all for one simple reason - such drives can only work in the operating room Linux system. If you insert such a flash drive into a PC running Windows, nothing will happen, because the system is not designed to work with this format.


When choosing which format to format the flash drive for, you can choose the standard one, which is offered by default by the operating system - FAT32. It already exists quite for a long time and remains one of the most popular on this moment. Almost all flash drives and drives that leave the factory (up to 8 GB in capacity) are formatted in the FAT32 file system. Previously, there were 2 more formats - FAT and FAT16, but they were quite outdated, so they were abandoned.

FAT32 is easily recognized by any operating system, which makes this format universal. Another advantage can be called high speed transferring data when copying. However, there were some downsides. Most main drawback format is a limitation on the maximum size of one file: it should not exceed 4 GB. Also, the disadvantages include not very high reliability. As a rule, flash drives running FAT32 fail quite quickly, as a result of which the user may lose some important information at the most inopportune moment.


Very often the question: “In what format should I format the flash drive?” you can hear a very common answer: “Well, of course, in NTFS!” And this is not surprising, because NTFS is devoid of almost all the disadvantages that the FAT file system has. For example, there are no file size restrictions, which is a big plus. In addition, drives with file NTFS system have very high reliability and durability, which allows them not to be afraid of system failures or incorrect extractions.

TO disadvantages of NTFS may not be the highest data transfer speed. In fact, it is much less than that of FAT32, but, as they say, As for compatibility, drives with the NTFS file system work with almost all operating systems, except perhaps very old Windows ME, 98 and 95.


exFAT is a format that replaced FAT32. Its main difference from its predecessor is that it has no restrictions regarding file sizes. In other words, it is practically the same NTFS, but with some differences. Firstly, the cluster volume has been increased to 32 KB, secondly, the data transfer speed is much higher, and thirdly, exFAT uses space more economically.

The main disadvantage of this format is that it is not yet very widespread and has poor compatibility with other operating systems. Drives with such a file system work correctly only on Windows 7 and higher operating systems. Performance on devices other than computers is also low.

If you choose which format to format the flash drive in from the three presented above, then perhaps you should opt for NTFS if your drive has a capacity of more than 8 GB. If less, then the choice is obvious - FAT32. For those who like experimenting, we can recommend exFAT, but you need to be extremely careful with it.

What format should I format a flash drive for Android?

When formatting microSD cards For Android smartphones, it is recommended to use the FAT32 file system, which is the default. Why not NTFS? Because the Android OS is based on Linux, which is not friendly with this system from birth. On the Internet, of course, there is a lot of information about how, with the help of various manipulations and programs, you can still make NTFS work on Android, but inexperienced users It is better to refrain from such experiments.

So, when choosing which format to format a flash drive for Android in, it’s best to stick with the usual FAT32.


If you need to clear a flash drive of all information in order to prepare it for new entry and free up space as much as possible, we will tell you several ways. But for starters it’s banal, but important advice - Don't forget to copy the necessary information to your computer! Absolutely everything will be deleted from the flash drive and almost irrevocably.

Open " My computer"When the flash drive is inserted, wait until the flash drive is recognized. If the flash drive is not named in any way, it will be assigned automatic name, For example, " Removable drive(N:).”

We right-click on it, we see context menu, in which you need to select the line “ Format».

Where " cluster size"we don't write anything, but where" label"You can write your name or whatever you want the flash drive to be called. Now click the button Begin» and confirm your decision.

In a couple of seconds the flash drive will be formatted.

Programs for flash drive format

For this purpose, you can use formatting programs. The most popular and free: HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool And HDD Low Level Format Tool. Look for these names in Yandex.

The first one does not require installation and is almost the same standard tool Windows. With its help you can create boot disk.

The second program is intended for low level formatting, i.e. for permanent deletion data. In case of normal quick formatting It is possible to return files. That is why it is used if you need to erase very important files eg passwords or databases.

Which file system should I format the flash drive into?

Windows uses two main file systems: NTFS and FAT32. And although during formatting you will be offered three options (also exFAT), for your convenience, choose NTFS. Read more about it

In short: FAT32 is an outdated system that does not allow you to upload files larger than 4 GB. For this reason, you will not be able to upload large movies or game images to a flash drive - the system will simply throw an error without explaining the reason. Format to NTFS and don't forget to save important documents before you start formatting.