Mac OS: Apple Macintosh versus Microsoft Windows, advantages and disadvantages of the Apple operating system. Pros and cons of Mac OS. The Windows system is more demanding in such cases

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  • Everything you wanted to know about the Macintosh operating system

    MacOS designed for computers of a single platform - Apple Macintosh. Despite this limitation, the system is developing successfully; a lot of different utilities and applications have been written for it. Everything that a Windows user can do - prepare documents, surf the web, process media data, use Internet paging services, communicate via IP telephony, etc. - is also available to a Mac OS user. Most popular applications are Microsoft Office, Open Office, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Adobe Photoshop, Skype, ICQ, etc. - available in versions for both platforms:
    Mac OS and Windows. Of course, there are many programs for Mac OS that do not have versions for working on the “neighboring platform”, but there are functional analogues.

    Advantages and disadvantages of Mac OS

    Mac OS was released along with the first Apple Macintosh computer (the brand name was given in honor of the favorite apple variety of Jeff Raskin, Apple's chief developer at that time) in 1984 and was then simply called Macintosh System Software. At the time of exit the operating room Apple system in terms of ease of use, it was far ahead of its competitors for the PC platform: it already had a graphical interface (remember that PC users in those days were content with the command line, and file managers were just beginning to appear). Apple users didn't have to bother with manual input text commands, instead they used the now familiar mouse. In addition, thanks to the graphical interface, texts were displayed on the screen in the same form in which they were later printed. Similar conveniences on the PC platform appeared only with Windows release 3.0 in 1990.
    Since then, Mac OS has always been ahead of the competition in terms of 2D graphics and visual design interface. And if today the difference is graphic capabilities Mac OS and Windows are not obvious, but in those early years the advantages of the Apple operating system allowed Apple Macintosh computers to become the main working tool for designers and layout designers. Over time, Windows also made its way into this area, but even now, due to both tradition and continuity of software products, a significant part professional work with graphics is performed in Mac environment OS.
    The Apple operating system is relevant for both professionals and mass users. Mac OS offers whole line advantages:

    1. Beautiful and comfortable user interface. The graphical shell of Mac OS is pleasing to the eye and at the same time not overloaded with special effects. In stock - a lot of those not sold in standard versions Windows original functions that make working with your computer very easy.
    2. High standards The design of the operating system interface and its key applications encourage third-party software developers to care about its appearance. Majority popular programs for Mac OS - even ported from Windows - fit well into the corporate style of the system.
    3. Extended set standard applications supplied with the operating system. Examples include the iLife multimedia software package, QuickTime media player, etc.
    4. Increased security. Although, as practice shows, Mac OS is no more difficult to hack than Windows, this factor is influenced by the relatively small distribution of the “Apple” operating system, which leads to the fact that there are several orders of magnitude fewer viruses and other malicious applications optimized for Macintosh than those existing under Windows. However, you should not do without an antivirus - there are free ones for Mac OS security solutions, and, for example, paid ones from free ones I would like to highlight Avira Free Mac Security. But you don’t have to worry about the firewall - it’s already integrated into Mac OS, unless of course you have more serious requirements than basic network protection, then of course you can install others firewalls third party manufacturers.
    High stability. Mac OS is designed specifically for Macintosh computer hardware, and even most third-party hardware works with drivers integrated into the operating system. In Windows, due to its compatibility with a huge array of different hardware and drivers, which cannot be tested and certified in its entirety, failures occur much more often. In addition, Apple computers are not produced third party manufacturers, excluding “basement companies” and “craftsmen” who assemble PCs “on their knees”, as a result, there are no problems with component compatibility, there is practically no “overclocking”, and difficulties with cooling are minimal. All this also leads to increased stability.

    1. Easy to install and uninstall applications. Installing most programs under Mac OS X is much easier than under Windows. The program appears to the user in the form the only object- the so-called “package” (bundle). To install, you just need to drag the “package” icon into any folder or run it directly from the disk, and when you get tired of it, just throw it in the Recycle Bin. With this installation method, the program leaves no traces in the system registry (since Mac OS does not have it) and folders common use. Only a few programs (mostly “monsters” such as Adobe Creative Suite or Microsoft Office) use installers familiar to Windows users.
    2. Wide use disk images. Application distributions are usually supplied as a disk image. A double click on the file is enough for the OS to mount the image and you can use it as usual hard section disk. Similar Microsoft feature implements in the new Windows 7 OS.
    Despite all the advantages and the aura of elitism, Mac OS is still an imperfect operating system. Moreover, in a number of functions it is noticeably inferior to the “pop” Windows. Some shortcomings of Mac OS are the flip side of its advantages, others are simply Apple's shortcomings.
    3. Limited selection of Macintosh computers. While personal computers running Windows are offered by many manufacturers in countless variants, Mac computers are produced exclusively by one by Apple. Therefore, the choice turns out to be significantly smaller. Model Apple series peculiar. It lacks the usual average performance desktops. Between compact but weak Mac Mini and the mighty but extremely expensive Mac Pro lies an unfilled abyss. For those who want to buy a Macintosh with decent performance and at an affordable price, the only option left is the iMac. But what to do if a person already has a high-quality monitor and a candy bar is an excessive purchase for him?

    1. Higher cost. Apple computers are more expensive than PCs of a similar configuration. " Admission ticket"in the Macintosh world will cost at least $770 (that's what the cheapest Mac Mini "desktop" costs) or $1270 (the cheapest cheap laptop- MasBook).
    2. Fewer programs. Among the “software” for Mac OS X, as noted above, there are programs to solve any problem, but their choice is still not as wide as for Windows. Migrating from Windows to Macintosh can be difficult if your favorite applications are not ported to Mac OS. Although it makes no difference how many calculators there are, for example - a thousand or ten thousand: the user still works with one or two applications, which he chooses from the hundreds of most popular ones.
    3. Fewer games. The vast majority of games are developed for Windows and game consoles. Rare games are ported to Mac OS. Therefore even top computers Apple is not equipped with powerful video cards.
    4. Inflexible user interface. Mac OS does not give the user as much flexibility in controlling the size and placement of interface panels as is possible in Windows. The style of system fonts can be changed within limited limits, and even then only with the help of additional programs. And this a big problem for owners of monitors with fine grain. Mac OS graphics are tuned to a resolution of 72 dpi, while even the 17-inch MacBook models Pro (resolution - 1920x1200 pixels) it is noticeably higher. Between Windows themes Vista makes it easy to scale not only fonts and interface elements, but even the content of web pages. The conversation about resolution independence has been going on since Mac OS X 10.4, but things are still there. Interested users can, in principle, change the interface scale in Tiger and Leopard using the Quartz Debug utility included in the XCode developer tools package (it can be downloaded from the official Apple website), but the result will greatly disappoint them.

    For those who are thinking about buying a new computer or laptop, the question sometimes comes to mind: isn’t it better to buy a Mac? What are the pros and cons of Mac OS compared to Windows? Which operating system is better? In this article I will compare these two operating systems. I will not delve into the technical jungle, but will analyze everything from the point of view of a simple user.

    I'll probably start with advantages of Mac OS over Windows.

    Reliability and stability. These are not empty words. Mac OS X is really noticeable more stable than Windows. In the two and a half years I've owned my MacBook, I've only had to reboot it once! Windows laptops freeze much more often. Applications also freeze much less often. Safari behaves much better than Internet Explorer, although, in my opinion, Firefox is still better.

    Speed. Mac OS runs faster than Windows on computers with the same specifications. The thing is that Mac OS is tailored for a specific board, processor, and memory. Everything is really extremely compatible with each other. Windows is designed to be installed on computers with the most different boards, processors, and such extended compatibility negatively affects overall speed work (and for stability, by the way, too).

    What’s especially nice is that the speed does not drop even after prolonged use of the computer. Windows, after a couple of years without reinstallation, usually starts to slow down and glitch. In addition, Macs turn on very quickly and turn off almost instantly. The almost instant wake-up from sleep mode is also very pleasant.

    No viruses. Viruses are practically not written under Mac OS X - thanks to the low prevalence of this system, as well as its better protection, better mechanisms security. There are fewer “holes” in Mac OS than in Windows. In general, antivirus is not required, which is very nice. Firstly, you are not worried about viruses and thoughts about them; secondly, the antivirus does not consume valuable resources and memory, and does not go to the Internet for updates.

    Cleanliness. Mac OS does not have the habit of fragmenting files, leaving behind a lot of garbage and temporary files and so on. You don't need to defragment the disk or clean up the disk (although you should clean the disk occasionally - but not every week, like in Windows). Disk scanning is usually much faster than on Windows; you can work on your computer during the scan.

    Interface: beauty and conciseness. The interface of Mac OS is really sleek and beautiful. It is not overloaded, and at the same time it has everything the average user needs. On the other hand, there are also disadvantages, we will talk about them in the next section.

    Very convenient search - Spotlight. It's really instant search, search everything - documents, media files, programs, messages, recordings and so on. Finding a file takes me a few seconds. On Windows - noticeably more.

    Preview (quick) view. An invaluable thing, one of the most important advantages Mac OS. You can view any file (document, photo, video, song, etc.) without opening it, simply by highlighting it and pressing the spacebar. It will open in a pop-up window almost instantly. Very convenient when selecting a document to open from programs (Word, for example), when inserting a document into a message Email, sending it via ICQ and so on.

    A large number of useful programs . For Mac, you don't need to look for programs: most of what you need is already installed. It's simple text editor- TextEdit (something between Word and WordPad), a program for DVD recording, photo editor, video editor, convenient PDF viewer, music editor, music player, media library, web editor, organizer, email client, dictionary and much more. All these programs, moreover, interact perfectly with each other, forming a very convenient single complex.

    Great experience with iPhone and iPad. Synchronization of everything possible is fast and convenient: mail, notes, calendar entries, photos, videos, music and programs.

    Additional office programs: Keynote. This program is really much better for creating presentations than PowerPoint. It is both more convenient and functional - in my humble opinion, of course. True, you have to pay for it, but it’s a small amount and you really don’t mind it.

    TimeMachine. Version history of your documents. Sometimes it comes in handy.

    Well, now it’s time to add a fly in the ointment. But for some, perhaps this spoon will seem like a giant saucepan. So let's talk about the disadvantages of Mac OS X compared to Windows.

    A small number of additional programs compared to Windows. Yes, Macs already have a bunch of them installed. useful software, but there are not many additional programs. Some simply don’t exist; versions of others can be installed on Mac, but they are cut down. It is especially bad for those who work with specialized programs - engineering, mathematics, statistics, and so on. It may very well be that your professional tool has not yet been ported to Mac.

    A small number of games for Macs. For me this is completely insignificant, but for some it can be a significant minus.

    Possible compatibility issues with Windows. The programs, of course, are completely incompatible. But even in the case of documents - texts, tables, presentations - unpleasant surprises are possible. Such surprises especially like to appear when processing documents with a complex structure and complex formatting. And even installing MS Office for Mac is not a panacea - this office is not fully compatible with its brother designed for Windows. As a rule, this can be survived. In any case, when buying a Mac, be prepared for these kinds of surprises.

    Various little things. It would seem like trifles - but they are annoying. For example, sometimes a window does not open to full screen and you have to stretch it manually. Hidden files are not displayed in Finder (this is Explorer). While creating Mac archives The OS shoves its service files into them. They are not visible on Macs, but on Windows they are. Spotlight (search) creates a hidden information file (.filename) for each file. These files are not visible on Macs, but, again, they are visible on Windows and cause some confusion.

    There are also some little things related to uninstalling programs: a serious program must be removed using an additional program - an uninstaller. Maybe, of course, this is not necessary, and its remains will not interfere with the system, but Windows taught me to delete all garbage immediately and forever.

    The difficulty of the transition is small, but significant. Mac OS X has many differences from Windows - the interface, the control panel, some keyboard shortcuts. You get used to everything quite quickly, but it’s still uncomfortable at first. And then, when you get used to it, it becomes uncomfortable to work with Windows.

    I did not find any problems with device incompatibility. Mac OS already contains a whole sea of ​​drivers, and everything I connected connected fine. Although yes, sometimes there are devices that are incompatible with Mac OS. Check to see if your favorite video camera and old but familiar player are among them.

    Finally, let's look at how to deal with the shortcomings of Mac OS.

    The best way out is to install the Windows operating system on your Mac using a very useful thing called Parallels and allows you to switch between operating systems in real time. This way, most of the shortcomings will be eliminated. But buying Parallels means a few extra thousand rubles to the cost of already expensive Apple computers...

    Another way out is installation virtual machine Windows (VirtualBox, for example). But this is a less elegant and less reliable solution - according to many users.

    What's the end result?

    I leave it to you to draw your own conclusions. Personally, I think Mac OS the best system. But I respect the opinion of those who think differently. Indeed, not all programs are available for Macs. Indeed, computers with this system are downright expensive.

    If you are in doubt or want to try Mac OS live, come to stores like Re:store, where you can try out computers in action with virtually no restrictions.

    In our age of rapidly developing technologies, as well as the computer industry, it is sometimes difficult to see behind the emerging new products that developers delight us with. The available variety of programs, operating systems, and utilities offered is such that it just happens that your eyes run wild. However, most often the user has one, basic question - which operating system should he choose? Let's try to answer this question by comparing Windows and Mac OS X systems.

    Mac vs Windows

    The main feature of the Windows system

    Its wide distribution. This is due to the fact that this operating system was created for the users themselves; it does not force the user to adapt to the existing system; on the contrary, it adapts to the existing needs of the user. This is the most widespread operating system all over the world, despite the fact that, according to prevailing public opinion, it is the most “buggy”, “unstable”, unreliable”, etc. In addition, it is paid.

    From a user's point of view, Windows works something like this:

    1. Core. Works with various devices, manages processes and memory, and manages the existing graphics subsystem.
    2. Herself graphics subsystem . Provides interaction with users.
    3. Text subsystem. Provides text-based interaction with users.
    4. Implementation system remote access.

    Advantages: Guaranteed 100% support for any type of equipment, for this operating system you can find a driver for any device, and it itself contains many pre-installed drivers for quick recognition of various equipment. There are a large number of professional applications, the full-featured analogues of which are not available in other operating systems, for example, Photoshop and Promt.

    The interface is clear and simple, which makes it completely accessible for use by anyone, even those who do not have basic computer skills. And the applications of the package are under named Microsoft Office have already become standards for office workers. The user can at any time receive qualified support or advice on his licensed Windows operating system.

    Flaws: This operating system is very demanding on the necessary hardware resources of a personal computer, especially on the required volume random access memory. The graphical interface used, although beautiful and convenient, is also cumbersome and clumsy. As a result, many users disable its many graphical bells and whistles.

    This system is considered much more vulnerable than the others. This is due to the existing security structure itself, for example, the ability to work constantly with administrator rights (which was partially solved in the version of the operating system called Vista). At the same time, the system must run many thousands of old computer applications that were written for XP and other versions of Windows.

    To run any such “old” program, the user must be given permission. In addition, the existing dialog box itself with a request to launch a particular program provides the user with too little information to accept necessary solution. Another important inconvenience is: even to remove a shortcut on the desktop, you need to confirm your intentions three times. This can be annoying and lead to the fact that the “Allow” and other keys are simply pressed thoughtlessly - the effectiveness of the entire intended protection mechanism is reduced to almost nothing.

    As a result, you often have to deal with big amount viruses that use the vulnerabilities of this operating system to penetrate, including possible user errors that it itself provokes. The operating system is paid, its cost exceeds the cost of purchasing or downloading a freely distributed operating system.

    Operating system Mac OS X

    As is widely known, Linux and Mac OS X share UNIX roots. However, there are also very important differences between them; unlike the open UNIX system, Mac OS X acts as proprietary software, that is, there is a ban on free distribution, making various changes, and so on. The very first Mac OS appeared in 1984, which is much earlier than the emergence of Windows. The Mac OS X system itself is a significantly redesigned BSD-UNIX system with its own kernel (XNU).

    Advantages Mac systems OS. An advantageous aspect of the Mac OS system is the almost complete absence of computer viruses for the Macintosh system. And the point is not only that the Mac OS X system is not very widespread in comparison with the Windows system, but also that all traditional computer viruses simply do not work in a UNIX environment. In theory, of course, there are samples of viruses that can work with some computer applications for Mac OS, however, their number in comparison with malicious software written for Windows is simply insignificant.

    Viruses can cause harm only in cases where the user launches them double click mouse key. Programs that infect mail when reading letters or opening an Internet page are still unknown. Availability of simple safety confirmations. To deposit necessary changes in a Mac OS system, for example, to update an installed operating system or install a new program, the user usually only needs to enter a password.

    The Windows system is more demanding in such cases

    she suggests taking several different affirmative actions. Even remotely hacking a computer running Mac OS is much more difficult than hacking a machine running Windows, and various anti-virus programs may only be needed to prevent inadvertently sending an infected file to a computer running Windows, it won’t do any harm to you.

    Ergonomic design of all applications, beauty of execution of both the operating system itself and the available hardware. Extremely easy for everyday use. Unfortunately, this excellent example still has a reputation in our country as an elite product, and therefore is valued many times more expensive than, for example, Windows.

    Very simple controls. Mac software is generally easier to work with than Windows software. One striking example is a package called iLife, which is installed on any computer Macintosh systems. It makes it possible to easily manage music and photos, process videos, and burn the results to discs. Anyone who can master one of the programs for the Mac OS X system can easily cope with other software - applications for this operating system are much more similar to each other than programs for the Windows system.

    From the point of view of users, Mac OS is structured something like this:

    1. Core. Provides work with various devices, manages processes and memory.
    2. Text subsystem, working with the system via a terminal.
    3. System for remote access when working in text mode.
    4. System for remote access when working in graphical mode.
    5. A system for transferring a graphical application window to another computer.

    Disadvantages of the Mac OS system

    The very first thing is that Mac OS can only be installed on Macintosh computers manufactured by Apple. These computers, unlike the personal computers that have become familiar to us, have closed architecture, that is, these computers are collected exclusively by Apple. This is good, on the one hand, since it ensures 100% integration of everything computer equipment and software plus the excellent quality of the components used and the assembly process.

    However, there is also back side medals. Since there is only one manufacturer of Macs, there is no competition here in principle. Which is not very good from a consumer point of view. In addition, there is some problem with the driver installation process. Drivers for the Mac OS system are not released for all available devices, and the system itself does not recognize all, even very frequently used equipment.

    Almost complete absence of games. They are developed primarily for game consoles and personal computers with Windows. Although the choice available games for Mac is very modest, among them there are real gems, for example, a flight simulator called X-Plane 9 or a music game called Guitar Hero 3.


    The main feature that immediately catches your eye is the graphical interface of the system. For example, if in Windows each running program corresponds, as a rule, to one window with tabs that open in it, as well as toolbars, then in the Mac OS system “floating” panels and windows are used that are not tied to common window, and are located on the desktop. Another distinctive feature of the Mac interface is the dock panel.

    It is a panel located at the very bottom of the desktop, where icons for applications and files that need quick access are located, as well as all running computer applications. It is possible to edit the panel, change its size, add and remove application icons. The following are the available features of the software. The list of programs for the Mac OS system is not as impressive as for the Windows system, however, nevertheless, it is not too small, in any case, all the main necessary applications for entertainment and work are there, in addition, the very concept of the software creation process from Apple implies that only one program will be enough to solve one problem, the most important thing is that it works flawlessly.

    The developers of the Mac OS graphical interface believe that this way it will be much more convenient for users who will not get confused in the endless variety of possible options, and the computer itself will not turn into a dump of very dubious programs that threaten the performance of the entire working system. The number of available applications for Mac has increased significantly in recent years, however, the selection is still not as large as, for example, for a Windows system.

    However, for almost any necessary task you can choose the appropriate one software. All you need is broadband Internet access, since it is very difficult to find and purchase software for Mac OS on disks (especially legal ones).


    So, we can summarize. If you need a very comfortable, functional, fast system for creativity and work and you don’t have money problems - your choice will be Mac. You can achieve excellent results with it.

    Do you want to play something of high quality, and you need to do paperwork, but you don’t want to bother with various computer complications, and you don’t have too much money? Then – Windows, and only him. An excellent tool, not too complicated and convenient in moderation. There are some problems here and there, but overall it's a very decent tool.

    The stumbling block for many PC users (both beginners and advanced users) is the choice of operating system. The main competitors are undoubtedly Mac OS and Windows, each of which has something attractive, so making a final decision can be difficult. Despite the “promotion” of the product from Microsoft, the development Apple is gaining more and more fans, gradually transforming into an OS that meets absolutely all needs.

    To fully appreciate the appeal of Mac OS for modern users, let's look at the features that set it apart from its rivals.

    Thoughtfulness of all details

    It's no secret that the main difference from other software is creation of Mac OS for specific Apple computers. Some may think that this limits consumers, but in practice it’s completely the opposite - owners of tablets, laptops, etc. can be one hundred percent sure that installed utilities and the system itself will not “fail”. In addition, if a problem suddenly arises, it is much more convenient to contact a single service center, where both hardware and software will be checked.

    The creators also thought about such a very relevant issue in our time as energy saving. If we compare, then the device with latest version Mac OS requires much less power than a Windows computer, and you don't have to limit yourself in any way, such as turning off video or graphics editor. Moreover, if the user cannot part with another OS or needs two systems to perform work tasks, then it can be easily installed as an additional one, without fear of slow action and difficulties in use.

    A very significant advantage is that Mac OS belongs to the category of Unix-like operating systems, that is, it pleases with its stable operation and efficient use of the internal resources of computer equipment. To put it simply, this system has high performance and is easy to learn even for new PC users. As a bonus, those who choose Apple development can count on the ease of use of the desktop - the graphical interface clearly matches the type of device, so you can constantly switch from classic look There is no screen on Metro. Especially loved by owners of Macintosh computers single menu with the settings of all software at the top of the screen - you can make the necessary adjustments at any time.

    Finally, in Mac OS the problem of rebooting when updating software is not so acute, since almost all processes are performed in background without distracting the user and practically without slowing down the system.

    Innovative and inexpensive software

    The followers of Steve Jobs tried to ensure that those who use their OS did not experience any problems with the software, including basic set maximum required utilities, including Garage Band, iMovie, etc. This way you don't need to understand configuration files and install patches, or you can concentrate on work, study or entertainment.

    Mac OS also has unique features that make it as convenient and advanced as possible. Among them:

    • option quick view files with any content;
    • the ability to view the history of file changes even without first activating autosave;
    • capture video from the screen without installing additional applications;
    • Instantly transfer files to a nearby Mac OS computer;
    • integrated option to search for words in dictionaries;
    • synchronization with iPad and iPhone (messaging, calls);
    • Creation PDF files in one click;
    • quickly add text and graphic comments to documents and images.

    In front of you, a man who worked at Doc, went through a thorny path to Vista and realized that it was time to turn to another road...

    To put it bluntly, the computer world has long been divided into two camps: Mac OS and Windows users. And it is not uncommon for former Microsoft adherents to discover the world of computers and software from Apple. But we all know what it’s like to take a step towards something new. Especially when this “new” will require significant financial investments. This article was written for doubters, for people who have already thought about switching to Mac OS, but for some situational or personal reasons have not yet taken this step. We will cover most of the advantages of Mac over PC.

    1. Recent trends in software development for Windows clearly indicate that a reorientation towards the corporate consumer is slowly but surely taking place. This is indicated not only by the rapid increase in the cost of products, but also by the inclusion in the system huge amount collective working tools. While Apple manages to maintain a thin the line between the needs of corporate clients and personal users . A striking example is the Mac Pro, whose gigantic production capacity is more aimed at professional teams than at home. But if you look at the line of MacBook laptops or iMac all-in-one PCs, you immediately see the potential for a wide consumer sector.

    2. Automated control food . Just close the lid of your MacBook and it goes into sleep mode. The iMac does the same after pressing the “power” button or after a short period of time. The transition from the sleep state to the working mode always takes place without brakes or unnecessary manipulations on the part of the user.

    3. Mac OS X is certainly not perfect, but you can forgive it for minor disappointments, at least it is unsurpassed system stability . And if we think globally, then an “exploding bomb” looks much nicer than a “blue screen of death.” And eliminating the consequences is much easier than with a competitor. Actually, as well as the chances of saving valuable information(especially if there is Time Machine and connected external hard disk). To be completely honest, OS X still needs to be thoroughly “finished” so that it loses ground. The system is so protected from external interference that only very crooked hands can “kill” it.

    4. It's hard to get around the topic updates . Experience shows that it is much more pleasant to receive patches and small system updates throughout the year, which in 99% of cases will be installed in the background, than to wait for a mega-super-duper new one Windows version, then wait another six months until millions of holes are closed, download lengthy updates and puzzle over how soon you will have to pay again for a new OS from Microsoft. OS X also has errors and bugs, but it’s always nicer to know that they will be fixed as soon as possible.

    5. For Mac OS X, many beautiful, interesting, accessible and useful programs . The expression: “You can’t find software on Mac” has long been outdated. Those who remain in twilight ignorance can only be advised to study the guide to using search engines.

    6. VMware Fusion And Boot Camp - real finds for those who cannot or are afraid of losing some features from Microsoft. The two operating systems get along well with each other on one device and provide the user with a cross-platform software paradise. Of course, I don’t want to offend Windows, but seeing the development of technology, you begin to realize that most likely this system will feel better in the role of a virtual machine, a unique addition, and not an independent operating system.

    7. Official applications from Apple cannot be called the pinnacle of standard and comfort. They also have their shortcomings, but in any case, when using them, the impression of unity is created. Unity of management and diagnostics, problem setting and solutions. When it comes to Windows, the world becomes unpredictable. How many times have you lost your notes due to Microsoft Word glitches? C Pages you forget about the problem of data loss as a class. You can compare office packages from different operating systems endlessly. But I can say one thing with confidence - Office on Mac OS is in no way inferior to its counterpart on Windows. Most of the online hate speech is about the “lack of important functions"are usually associated with the fact that users are not yet accustomed to the features of the arrangement of tools in the new software and begin to panic even before the onset of the cataclysm.

    8. Let's talk about installing and uninstalling programs . One of Windows problems– accumulation of “garbage” in system, software and user folders and further problems with its extraction. Mac OS X couldn't be easier. The user's participation in the process is reduced to double-clicking on the installation icon and then dragging it to the desired directory (which is also determined automatically).

    9. Most programs and multimedia libraries merged into one file . They are not divided into thousands of folders within the system and do not confuse the user. For example, the iPhoto library.

    10. Windows Desktop Search definitely loses Spotlight on all counts. Interface, controls and most importantly a normal logical search algorithm.

    11. Over the years of its unconditional leadership in the Russian Federation, Microsoft Corporation has so firmly established its position that many cannot even imagine themselves without Windows. They are literally fixated on the idea that no operating system can solve their problems except old Bill's brainchild. Believe me, it's not like that .

    12. Limited access to system files and the unusual software component of Mac OS X makes it practically invulnerable to various types of viruses, espionage and computer sabotage. It gives me a feeling of confidence and security when I install new program on OS X.

    13. Many free programs for OS X work much better than expensive shareware software monsters for Windows. Moreover, there are programs that have versions for both systems. But on Mac OS they look more harmonious and receive more

    14. One box of OS X running with 32-bit And with 64-bit versions simultaneously. Believe me, the average user doesn’t really want to understand the internals of modern operating systems. They need problem solving and nothing more. Apple gave them the opportunity not to worry about technical data, but simply enjoy the pleasant interaction of a person and a highly intelligent machine.

    15. Time Machine. Protecting your data has never been so easy. This is by far the simplest and most useful utility for Reserve copy data. And yes, it cannot be compared with Windows Shadow Volume Copy. Just try it once and you will feel the difference.

    16. Finder And Conductor – again not an equal fight. Finder's simple, intuitive layout is user-friendly. Search by network drives implemented at the highest level. There are several gradations of search: Mac drives and iCloud.

    17. HDD Mac doesn't need defragmentation . When you switch to Mac OS X, you feel as if you are throwing off the shackles of unnecessary software and quickly forget that you periodically need to reinstall systems and perform dozens of other software manipulations.

    18. Adium - ICQ, only cooler. Exchange service instant messages, which helps bring Google Takl, Yahoo, AIM and other similar services under one roof. Don't worry! Skype on Mac also works great.

    19. Quick access to wireless networks And Bluetooth , as well as their instant setup will also certainly be appreciated by users.

    20. Settings public access to files, web pages and FTP done after a couple of mouse clicks. Everything is simple, clear and without unnecessary movements. Are there any brave souls here who will say that FTP in Windows is a 3-minute task?

    21. Almost all currently known video formats are available for playback. Just download VLC Player or MPlayerX and the world of multimedia no longer has boundaries.

    22. Works on Mac most popular internet browsers (SeaMonkey, Opera, Flock, Firefox). There is one exception: Internet Explorer. And of course, don’t forget about Mac Safari, which can satisfy the needs home user over and above.

    23. Mac OS already has this feature permanent deletion files from the "Trash" . After deleting a file, the system re-writes the location where the file was located, which eliminates the possibility of its recovery.

    24. You don't have to give up your usual management skills. Apple supports right button mice . But honestly, the Apple trackpad is something you need to try, since controlling the computer with two fingers turned out to be more intuitive and comfortable than the usual methods from Microsoft.

    25. NNC servers are part of the operating system and are found in the Finder. If my memory serves me right, then to get to them in Windows you need to wade through more than one layer of the software pie.

    26. Mac has iLife . And for some time now it has been free. What is iLife - a collection of multimedia applications that are interconnected and have excellent functionality. Microsoft never dreamed of such proprietary software. Of course, there are similar programs in the public domain, but they are rarely related to each other.

    27. In case of a breakdown, you know who to contact. Company Apple releases hardware and operating system and they are always ready to advise on problems that may arise. And the most important thing is that they can solve them! The situation with Windows is much sadder: the development of the OS and “details” is carried out different enterprises. When your computer suffers another breakdown, the parties can send the user to each other for a long time, putting forward dozens of assumptions about possible reasons malfunctions.

    28. Apple's opponents are often often placed in their corner of the ring - high price of Mac computers. But if you take a closer look at the purchase of Mac computers and Windows PCs, it becomes clear that in the end it is equivalent. By purchasing Mac computers, you get reliable hardware that will last for years. All Mac computers are equivalent to good gaming computer. As you know, their final price is comparable to a modern MacBook and iMac. To the price of a Windows PC, you must add the price of proprietary software.

    29. Notifications – another feature that makes it worth buying a Mac. Just click on the right top corner and all notifications, reminders, messages and events before your eyes.

    30. Dashboard And Dashcode - two things that do using mac even more comfortable and exciting. Widgets – great way personalizing your computer.

    31. Mac also impresses with its incredible software capabilities. data synchronization . With a Mac subscription, you can customize the Doc taskbar and system settings once on your computer, and the changes will be identical on all computers. Thanks to iCloud, it is also easy to synchronize information between your i-gadgets.

    32. OS X can activate fonts , when the user has a need. Unused fonts are simply not loaded into the computer's memory until needed.

    33. Automator has functionality accessible even to the most ordinary users. For the first time, you don’t need to be a techie to master the technically complex capabilities of a computer. Creating macros has never been easier.

    34. Smart folders also worthy of respect. When you transfer documents into them, they open automatically. It's a small thing, but it's very nice.

    35. Apple opens access to Wikipedia straight from the built-in help. At the same time, the help itself works correctly and actually finds the answer to relevant question. No! It not only finds answers, but takes the user directly to the desired window or opens the required application.

    36. Mail client Mail equipped with built-in data qualifiers. which highlight phone numbers, email addresses and other contact information. The user can decide what to do with this information: add it to the phone book, add meeting information to the calendar, and even add it to a map.

    37. Program "View "has excellent capabilities: editing GPS metadata and images, zooming, scrolling, group operations, etc. Sometimes I think this is the most frequently used program on my computer.

    38. Expose allows you to view everything open windows and optimize your work like never before. Not many people know that if you tune it well, it becomes powerful tool computer control.

    39. Guest Posts users are reset to zero after each session. It's definitely very convenient.

    40. Screen enlargement – a feature that you can live without until you try it for the first time. In addition to the fact that it is possible to see little things with the help of one gesture, it is now possible to show something to a person who is at the other end of the room.

    41. Compatible with external devices and gadgets also not a problem for a long time. Moreover, more and more manufacturers of equipment and accessories are taking the right step towards meeting Apple and introducing chips to ensure perfect compatibility with the products of the Apple empire.

    42. Surprisingly, but true - many Windows users are looking for an opportunity to install Apple apps . While Mac users, having said goodbye to Windows, never look back.

    43. From the moment you buy your Mac, you'll feel... member of the select club . Windows users are not inclined to discuss their OS, while if you meet a Mac user, you will always find something to talk about. You may or may not like it, but you'll be part of a small community that embraces unconventional choices.

    44. Mac can just make you smile because of little things . Its completeness and smooth integration cannot but cause delight. For the most part, these are little things: design, keyboard, multi-touch, smooth forms, clean pictures, conciseness of icons, dock panel and even dashboard. Apple computers consist of little things, little things without which you soon don’t know how to live.

    45. You will probably have a hard time holding back your swearing at first. Some seemingly simple things will become inaccessible simply because you think like a former Windows user. You'll have to relearn them and learn interact with the computer “Makovsky style” . But, believe me, adaptation does not last long and soon you will be stuck on Windows PC, puzzling over how to change the language.

    46. But most often the poppy will be you nice to surprise . Mac will do things that will pleasantly surprise, amaze and delight. For example, you add a photo to a notebook and it starts showing up in messages, emails, and even on your iPhone.

    47 . You will be surprised, but Mac is almost does not require settings . Many people spend years adapting Windows to their needs: toolbars, options, registry and folders. But the Mac has already done most of the work for you, all the decisions are made, the categories are arranged and the settings are minimalistic. Some may not like this amount of restrictions, but think about it - now you will have a lot more time for what really matters.

    Most people cite the "openness" of Windows as an argument against Mac. But you should understand that we are talking about the value of the Mac for home users - people who are far from system files and developments in principle. They want to enjoy using the system in which they work. And of course, achieve your goals as quickly and efficiently as possible.

    48. Sell ​​used Mac always manages to be more expensive than Windows PC. Company image and versatility Apple products make them in demand on used markets. While Windows computers PCs lose significant value immediately after the release of more advanced hardware.

    Conclusion: We tried to collect all the reasons that push Windows users to change their habits and switch to the “Apple side”. The article was not written to cause holivar among supporters and opponents of the two barricades. Its goal is to dispel the doubts of those who have already thought about the possibility of purchasing Mac computers, but have not yet realized all the advantages of all-in-one PCs and Apple laptops.