National Center for Children's Artistic Creativity. Opening hours and cost. Entrance fees

Educational institution

“National Center for Artistic Creativity

children and youth"

Pedagogical guidelines

To help teaching staff

institutions of additional education for children and youth

N.V. Vasilchenko, Director of the National Center for Artistic Creativity

children and youth

Compiled by:

I.P. Shevchenko, head of the educational and methodological department,

O.A. Kletsova, Deputy Head of the Educational and Methodological Department

(materials prepared by: Gnedenok S.M., Grishkevich N.V.,

Guchik A.S., Komzalova N.N., Krivko T.M., Lavrinovich E.S.,

Sidorevich T.A., Skvarnyuk S.L., Khotko Yu.V., Sheremet T.P.)

scientific and methodological council of the educational institution

“National Center for Artistic Creativity of Children and Youth”

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

The collection presents scientific, methodological, instructive and normative materials on the organization of educational activities of institutions of additional education for children and youth.

Addressed to managers, methodologists, teachers of institutions of additional education for children and youth.

© Educational Institution “National Center for Artistic Creativity of Children and Youth” of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

Part 1. Regulatory software and methodological support activities of institutions of additional education for children and youth

Methodological recommendations for organizing the activities of institutions of additional education for children and youth in the 2013/2014 academic year (art profile) (project)………..................... ...................................................

Calendar of republican events for the 2013/2014 academic year...................................................... ........................................................ ...........................................

On standard staffing levels and standards for the number of employees in institutions of additional education for children and youth (centers, palaces)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ..

Part 2. Results of republican methodological and public events in the 2012/2013 academic year

On the results of the XV Republican Exhibition of Scientific and Methodological Literature, Pedagogical Experience and Creativity of Students “I am a Citizen of Belarus”………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

On the results of the IV Republican competition of programs of associations for the interests of fine and arts and crafts of institutions of additional education for children and youth……………….........

On the results of the republican integrated seminar “Creation of an ethnocultural and educational environment as a condition for the education of spiritual and moral values ​​and the socialization of students in the system of additional education for children and youth”…………………………………………………………………….. .........

On the results of the republican training seminar “Theory and practice of organizing the educational process in associations of KVN interests”…….................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ .

On the results of the work of republican methodological associations of teachers of additional education………………………………………………………..

On the results of the XVI Republican exhibition-competition of arts and crafts “Kolyadnaya Zorka”……………………………………………………………..

On the results of the republican competition “Praz creativity in professional life”………………………………………………………………………………………...

On the results of the republican correspondence competition of story-game programs “Unboring Vacations”………………….................................... ........................

On the results of the open republican review-competition of Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens “Yolka-Fest 2012”………………………………………………………………

About the results of the II Republican competition of children's creativity “Hello, world!”…………………………………………………………………………………………..

On the results of the XX Republican Championship in Intellectual Games among schoolchildren…………………………………………………………………………………………

On the results of the II open tournament of NCCHTDM among school KVN teams “Into the Future with a Smile”…………………………………………………………………………………….

About the results of the II Republican gathering “I am a pioneer of my country”, dedicated to Pioneer Friendship Day, with the participation of the winners of the game “”……………………………………………………………… …………

On the results of the republican festival of artistic creativity of students and students “ART-vacations”………………………

On the occasion of the rightful republican exhibition “ART_ACADEMY”………

About the results of the XXII Republican festival-competition of fashion and photos “Fashion Mill -2013”………………………………………………………………………………….

Part 3. Regulations on republican events with the participation of children and youth in the 2013/2014 academic year (projects)

Regulations on the republican competition of methodological developments for classes of associations of interests “My best activity”………………………………….

Regulations on holding a regional exhibition of children's creativity “Vyaselka nad Sozham i Dnyaprom” of institutions of additional education for children and youth of the Gomel region……………………………………………………..

Regulations on holding the republican competition of children's creativity “ArchNovation - 2013”……………………………………………………………………………….........

Regulations on the IV International Children's Drawing Competition “Children on the Planet Are Friends”………………………………………………………………

Regulations on the III Republican Exhibition of Children's Art “From the Horns of the Many” of arts and crafts groups of institutions of additional education for children and youth of the Republic of Belarus, which have the title “national”……………………………………………………………… ………………..

Regulations on the holding of the XVII Republican exhibition-competition of arts and crafts of students “Kaladnaya Zorka”………………..

Regulations on holding the republican competition of children’s and youth initiatives “You’re on air!”………………………………………………………………………………….

Regulations on holding the republican festival of artistic creativity of students and students “ART-vakatsi”………………………

Regulations on the holding of the XXIII Republican Festival-Competition of Fashion and Photo “Fashion Mill - 2014”…………………………………………………………

Regulations on holding the XXI Republican Championship in Intellectual Games…………………………………………………………………………………

Regulations on the holding of the open tournament of the NCCHTDM among school KVN teams “Into the Future with a Smile”…………………………………………………………………….

Regulations on holding the National Children's Forum “Children of Belarus for a strong and prosperous Belarus” and the final stage of the III Republican review-competition “Leader of the Year 2014”

Part 4. List of scientific and methodological literature and materials of pedagogical experience of the National Center for Artistic Creativity of Children and Youth

Part 1.

Regulatory software and methodological support activities of institutions of additional education for children and youth

on organizing the activities of additional education institutions

children and youth in the 2013/2014 academic year

(art profile) (project)

The system of additional education for children and youth today is rightfully considered as the most important component of the educational space necessary for the full personal and individual development of each child. One of the main features of additional education, associated with the idea of ​​freedom of choice, is the creation of a favorable environment for personal, social and professional self-determination of children and youth. Due to less regulation, additional education has objectively greater opportunities for creating conditions for self-knowledge and self-determination of young people, which is extremely important for adolescents and youth. A developing society needs modernly educated, moral, enterprising people who can independently make responsible decisions in a situation of choice, predict their possible consequences, cooperate, be distinguished by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, and have a developed sense of responsibility for the fate of the country.

Additional education organically combines education, training and development of the student’s personality; it is a motivated education that allows the student to acquire a sustainable need for knowledge and creativity, to realize himself to the maximum, and to self-determinate professionally and personally. When forming and organizing the activities of interest associations, it is necessary to study the requests of students and parents in order to take into account the needs and interests of modern youth. Teaching staff of institutions of additional education for children and youth, using the accumulated professional and pedagogical potential, focusing on the achievements of science, culture and art, today need to work at a high professional level, relying on traditions, leaving room for experimentation, search, and innovation. It is recommended to actively use technologies inherent in the system of additional education: complex classes, educational projects, discussion technologies, games, subject technologies, as well as introduce into the program the latest pedagogical scientific technologies that help improve the quality of the educational process.

When organizing activities in the 2013/2014 academic year, institutions of additional education for children and youth are recommended to be guided by the regulatory documents indicated in the “List of regulatory documents on additional education” (website of the National Center for Artistic Creativity for Children and Youth).

For stable functioning, high-quality promotion and development of additional education, special attention is required to the issues of retraining and advanced training of teaching staff. In this regard, scientific and methodological support of the pedagogical process carried out at a professional level is of particular importance, since methodological equipment is both a condition for effectiveness and one of the means of achieving the quality of activity and its results. In order to solve this problem, teachers of additional education are recommended to actively participate in the work of republican methodological events: conferences, methodological associations, seminars, master classes held by the National Center for Artistic Creativity of Children and Youth in all areas of artistic creativity (music, choreography, theater, fine arts and DBT, intellectual creativity, etc.), during which current issues of additional education of children and youth are discussed, advanced pedagogical technologies are presented, and the best pedagogical experience is disseminated (see “Calendar of Republican Events” on the website). Materials based on the results of the republican methodological events are presented in the collections “Traditions and innovation in the art of Belarusian straw”, “Cultural ethnacultural - educational prastory as a mental cultivation of the spirit of the Kashtouna people and socialization of teaching in the system of educational sciences” i modadzi”, “Scientific and methodological activities as a factor in increasing the efficiency of the educational process in institutions of additional education for children and youth”, etc.

The activities of methodological services of institutions of additional education for children and youth are aimed at constantly meeting the educational needs of teaching staff, providing methodological and practical assistance in solving professional difficulties, and providing conditions for self-education and self-development. This activity can be properly planned and implemented on the basis of diagnostics and monitoring studies of the level of professional competencies of teaching staff. In the 2013/2014 academic year, taking into account the requests of institutions of additional education for children and youth, it is planned to organize the work of a methodological room within the “Methodological Lounge” section on the website, which involves organizing remote interaction with teachers, presenting methodological recommendations for organizing the educational process during the implementation of the educational program additional education for children and youth.

The practice of leading institutions of additional education for children and youth shows that the skills of a teacher are most successfully formed through constant and systematic targeted study on site. Methodological work with teaching staff to improve their professional competence should become an organizational and educational structure within the institution that would unite the entire team. Methodological services for additional education of children and youth should reconsider the forms and methods, the content of work to provide methodological and practical assistance to teachers of additional education. Effective forms of such cooperation include:

    workshops on the development and implementation of programs for associations of interests, including programs integrated with subject educational areas;

    studying requests for certain additional educational services;

    joint design of cultural and leisure programs;

    consultation and provision of methodological and practical assistance on site.

The tasks of advanced training should include the study and analysis of new regulatory documents, updating theoretical and practical knowledge in connection with increased requirements for the level of qualifications of teachers, preparation for certification and the introduction of innovations in the educational process. It is necessary to develop and implement programs for intra-institutional advanced training of teaching staff, using various forms of study: thematic pedagogical councils, methodological associations, master classes, theoretical and practical seminars, business games, schools for young teachers and pedagogical skills, internships, consulting, etc. It is recommended to use methodological materials of the National Center for Artistic Creativity of Children and Youth from the series “To help the methodologist”, “To help the teacher of additional education”, “To help organizers of leisure” (a complete annotated list of materials is presented on the website). It is necessary to broadcast more widely the results of the activities of institutions of additional education for children and youth, which are innovative platforms. Their experience should be known, accessible and disseminated, especially the experience of creating a professional environment for a particular institution, in which scientific and methodological work is purposefully organized to develop the professionalism and competence of its employees. It is in such a system of intra-institutional professional development that it is possible to integrate already established pedagogical experience with innovative ones. It is recommended to widely use the materials of the XV Republican exhibition of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical experience and children's creativity “I am a citizen of Belarus”.

Working with young specialists – teachers of additional education – requires special attention. Among the significant tasks of the institution is to help a novice teacher realize that he has made the right professional choice, a specialist, capable of showing high results of work and demonstrating the best professional qualities. It is recommended to use the most effective forms of professional adaptation, such as mentoring, internship, consulting, as well as attending workshops, master classes, psychological trainings, etc.

The processes of development of the system of additional education for children and youth require continuous professional growth from teaching staff, which is achieved as a result of self-education and advanced training. Continuity of professional education of teachers is a necessary prerequisite for the development of their creative abilities, an integrative element of life and a condition for the constant development of pedagogical skills and continues throughout the entire period of professional activity.

Director National ... Vasilchenko Alyona... ARTISTIC EXHIBITIONS 10.00–18.00 Artistic ...

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    Main educational program

    D. Compositional center(visual center compositions). Main... national values, values national ... artistic creativity(on lessons artistic... fairy tales" 2 "A" Vasilchenko A.P. Social "... Director schools 15 Kryakova N.B. Deputy directors ...

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    ... director– 1 deputy directors for water management - 3rd deputy directors for VR - 1st deputy directors for informatization - 1 deputy directors... essays." National center innovation... Regional Vasilchenko L.P. ... And artistically- aesthetic... creativity ...


    Tue, Wed, VSKR 12:00 - 20:00

    Thu, Fri, Sat - 12:00-21:00

    Mon - day off


    200 rub.— ticket to the exhibition for adults, including foreigners

    100 rub.
    1. Student of higher educational institutions of Russia, including foreign ones
    citizens - a student of Russian universities (except for student interns);
    2. Pensioner;
    3. Students in primary general, basic general and
    secondary general education (persons under 18 years of age
    age), except every third Sunday of the month;
    4. Students of secondary and secondary special educational institutions (persons
    over 18 years of age)

    For free— ticket to the exhibition for the following categories of citizens:
    1. Preschool children;
    2. Students in primary general, basic general and secondary institutions
    general education (persons under 18 years of age) every third
    Sunday of the month;
    3.Disabled children;
    4. Orphans and children left without parental care, who are in
    orphanages and boarding schools;
    5. WWII veterans and combatants;
    6.Disabled people of groups 1 and 2;
    7. Military personnel undergoing military service;
    8.Heroes of the Soviet Union;
    9.Heroes of the Russian Federation;
    10. Full holders of the “Order of Glory”;
    11.Museum employees of the Russian Ministry of Culture;
    12. Former retired employees of museums of the Ministry of Culture of Russia;
    13.Students of faculties/departments/departments specializing in the areas
    fine arts, art history, museum studies, history and
    theory of culture of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions of Russia,

    regardless of the form of study, including foreign citizens -
    students of Russian universities (except for student interns);
    14.Members of the following creative unions -
    Union of Artists of Russia
    Moscow Union of Artists
    St. Petersburg Union of Artists
    Union of Designers of Russia
    Union of Architects of Russia.
    15. Members and staff of the Russian Academy of Arts;
    16.Art historians - members of the Association of Art Critics of Russia and its
    17.Members of the International Council of Museums (ICOM);
    18.Members of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA);
    19. Guides-translators who have an accreditation card of the Association
    guides-translators and tour managers of Russia accompanying the group
    20. One teacher-leader and one accompanying group of students
    secondary and secondary specialized educational institutions;
    21. One accompanying a group of students or military personnel
    22. One accompanying person with a group I disability or a disabled child
    (citizens of Russia and CIS countries);
    23. Large families (once a month, according to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated
    05/05/1992 No. 431 “on measures for social support of large families”).